General description of the mark. The meaning of the zodiac sign Gemini is their character.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign, man, woman and child Gemini

Twins(May 22 - June 21), Mercury rule. Their metals are gold and silver amalgam, their talisman is a mask, their colors are gray-blue, orange, violet, light yellow.

Element - Air: changeability, freshness of perception, freedom, elusiveness.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini: mobile, friendly, witty, intellectual, resourceful, sociable, talkative, good memory, adaptability to change, analytical mind, paradoxical thinking.

Gemini tend to know a lot, they are capable, inventive, education is extremely important for them. They are fluent in speech, writing and speaking. Great power of imagination. They are characterized by bright unexpected insights.

The twins are especially dual, unstable in all areas, able to assess the situation from 2 sides, love and hate at the same time, not understanding their feelings. Therefore, they are often suspected of hypocrisy.

There are many friends, but due to the inconstancy of Gemini, at any moment everyone can become an enemy. They would be considered completely unbearable, if not for the amazing charm.

Zodiac sign Gemini man intellectual, but a man of moods. In a bad mood, he can do stupid things that he will later regret. The main characteristic is the versatility of interests.

Extremely versatile, but it is worth learning not to scatter forces and focus on one thing. Curious, which makes him analyze everything. Versatile, talented, easy-going, courteous, diplomatic, shrewd. It is worth using these qualities correctly, for lofty purposes. Zodiac sign Gemini man is not emotional as it seems, a quick change of mood is a deceptive depth.

Adapts well to change. Conscious of mental strength, sometimes becomes self-satisfied, indulges his desires in a pose of superiority, which usually ends in fatigue, intellectual exhaustion. Democratic in views, loves to travel. Chooses professions where versatility is required. Cheerful and seems forever young. The circle of interests usually develops throughout life, but it does not go to the goal in a direct, but in a simpler way, it turns out for him by itself. Can be interested in a lot of things without really getting carried away with anything. Able to take risks without fear.

Gemini woman zodiac sign all his life with a feeling of incompleteness of life looking for an ideal partner. If she finds, her life becomes a paradise, which is rare. If it finds close to the ideal of a lover, then she will probably be happy. An ordinary person, with whom he has a connection, is not able to understand it. Sometimes she falls into depression, longing.

Talented, sensitive, smart, erudite, easy to learn, has practical ingenuity. But she gives the impression of being abandoned, seems distracted, rarely distinguishes between the important and the secondary. Before a jerk, a new one is able to assemble instantly without tension. Gemini is a sign of the zodiac, a woman is always successful, attractive.

Sex is not indifferent, but she is interested in a meaningful partner, physical pleasure alone will not give her complete satisfaction. For self-persuasion in his irresistibility, he changes partners. The embodiment of the soul of Gemini women is bluebell flowers.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini - children

baby twins extremely active, hard to follow. Ideally, if twins are born in this sign, one Gemini-child brings more trouble than a couple. There is no end to questions, curious, researcher.

Most characteristics- impatience, inconsistency, duality. Hates to feel within, interested in everything at all, parents - best encyclopedia. Adults are required to know political news, musical trends, new technologies and discoveries in order to answer him. It is necessary to provide him with tons of toys, mechanisms, books, so that he does not grow up emotionally and in the grip of introspection.

If he sings - that is urine, listens to music - the same thing. Restless, can do 2 things at once, being able to concentrate on both. Friendly and inquisitive, has completely different friends, breaks up without regret: fickle. You should patiently teach him to reckon with people, to treat them with respect.

Witty, endowed with a vivid imagination, lives in the worlds of reality and fantasy at the same time. You should be encouraged and tell the truth, otherwise you will get confused in your worlds, start receiving accusations of deceit, insincerity. Young Geminis rarely deceive on purpose - they just deceive themselves by fantasizing. Attentive only to what is curious to him, impatient, a problem for teachers, but charming, gets away with everything. Gemini better than other children solve problems that require a non-standard approach.

Health. Geminis are prone to accidents. Characterized by bronchitis, asthma, lung disease, stuttering, nervous disorders, hand diseases. Physically, the Gemini are hardy, but emotionally weak: boredom, as well as overwork, sharply causes deterioration in health. Variability of habits, and in food too, harms the digestive tract, especially the intestines.

Showing communication, yoga, hiking, tennis, bicycle, sunshine. Short trips, walks are very useful for Gemini because of the unpredictable reaction to medications and therapy. The duality of character is often not maintained by the nervous system of Gemini, it has a detrimental effect on health, and provokes conflicts.

Due to haunting insomnia, it is difficult for Gemini to have a good rest. Good sleep is vital. At night it is worth drinking a little valerian, good walks. Coffee and similar drinks are contraindicated.

Amulet Stones:

Mountain crystal (a symbol of purity, modesty; “clairvoyant stone”, speech improves, sharpens attention, thoughts; attracts cheerfulness, love, sympathy, luck, prosperity, spiritual comfort; saves from insomnia, from fears, from nightmares; powerful talisman of hunters; heals many human ailments; affects the amount of milk of nursing mothers positively; also heals diseases of livestock).

Jasper (a symbol of power, the secrets of being; “stone of life”, the body strengthens, prolongs life; a talisman of travelers, scientists; protects from aggressive animals; attracts good luck, prosperity, happiness, nourishes with good energy; prevents dark witchcraft, evil eye, curiosity, trouble; improves relationships at work, develops eloquence, strengthens a sense of duty, honor; gives wisdom, fortitude; heals women's diseases, improves eyesight, relieves epilepsy, mental illness, relieves toothache).

Horoscope druids:

15.05. – 24.05. - Chestnut (about him - in the article about Taurus). 25.05. – 03.06. - Ash (features: beautiful, powerful, elegant, free in movements; likes himself, demanding, with a lively character; gravitates towards independence and independence; laughs at difficulties, which gives the impression of lack of will and irresponsibility, but this is only an appearance; selfish in striving for fortunately, able to trample on obstacles; generous; prudent in love, sometimes constant, prudent.

Able to choose; a lot of effort to organize family life, often everything works out; the mind is intuitive, perceptive; original, full of fantasy, amused by playing the prophet, usually predictions come true; reliable, although sometimes plays with fate).

04.06. – 13.06. - Grab (features: handsome, but without charm, esthete, interested in his own superiority; inclined to discipline and obedience to the established order, rarely takes the initiative, fearing to make a mistake; dreams of the admiration of others, of awards, honors; responsible, fair, cautious towards new ideas; in love, a decent, sweet, pleasant partner; when choosing between duty and love, he will rather choose duty).

14.06. – 23.06. - Fig (features: impulsiveness, observation, practical mind; delicate, expressive, impressionable, with complexes; requires warmth, living space; does not tolerate difficulties well, dries out of sadness and bitterness; family feelings are very developed, needs the support of loved ones, stability, although he himself is not always constant, emotional and indulgent, resists temptations, diligent in performing daily duties, reliable, although lazy, kind in intentions, enterprising, good for marriage, but not romantic, very touchy).

Personalities: Edvard Grieg, Alexander Nevsky, Peter I, Robert Schumann, Alexander Pushkin, Richard Strauss, Carl Faberge, Arthur Conan Doyle, Isadora Duncan, Ernesto (Che) Guevara, Mikhail Sholokhov, Joseph Brodsky, Lyudmila Zykina, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Marilyn Monroe, Paul Gauguin, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Paul McCartney, Malcolm McDowell, Naomi Campbell, Maxim Galkin, Ilya Glazunov, Nicole Kidman, Kylie Minogue, Rinat Dasaev, Anna Kournikova, Alexander Strizhenov, Vyacheslav Polunin. Names according to the Orthodox calendar: Cyril, Rostislav, Joseph, German, Dionysius, Nikita, Maxim, Leonty, Dimitri, Theodore, Lawrence, George, Stefan, Peter, Andrei, Pavel, Simeon, Sergius, Alexander, Constantine, Michael, John, Karp, Ignatius, Valerian, David; Taisia, Muse, Euphrosyne, Alexandra, Claudia, Faina, Julia, Christina, Sosanna, Elena.

It's only General characteristics Gemini sign,not something specificFor people of this sign, everything is individual.

Zodiac sign Gemini - characteristics

If you, when looking at a person, it seems that you have double vision, do not rush to put on glasses; most likely you have a representative one of the most elusive and volatile zodiac signs Twins. On his face you can simultaneously read delight and despondency, love and hate, joy and sadness. Moods, like lights in a disco, constantly change each other with the speed of lightning.

Twins are hard to catch on the spot. They are in constant motion, changing clothes, jobs, friends and places of residence. People under the influence of Mercury have a disgusting habit: picking up a book, looking at the last page. It is rare that a Gemini reads a book from beginning to end, and if you come across such a unique copy, be sure that there was certainly some kind of Taurus or Capricorn in his family. The impatience of Gemini is manifested not only when reading books, but also in all other activities.

Gemini prefer this kind of work, which is associated with a continuous change of impressions and activities: advertising service agents, managers, television and radio reporters, etc. A zone of high tension forms around these people: they radiate so much nervous energy that it seems to be from them sparks fly in all directions. Among the Gemini, you will almost never meet people who speak measuredly and calmly. Usually they chatter so much that it is impossible to insert a word.

With a sharp, caustic mind, Gemini most often emerge victorious from any verbal battles, but, being friendly by nature, they rarely use this gift to harm others.

Geminis have the ability to do several things at once without any apparent effort. For example, a Gemini woman can simultaneously iron her husband's shirt, feed a child and talk on the phone (a favorite pastime). Some even think that Gemini is born holding a handset in each hand.

Everything everyday, routine, obligatory kills Gemini, makes him feel like he is in a cage. For example, punctuality is not hallmark a real Gemini (of course, if there were no Virgos in his family). Going on a date, whether it be love or business, Gemini will certainly be late, but not because he left the house late, but because something will surely distract him along the way, and he will forget for a while about where he was going .

If among your friends there is a sign of the Zodiac Gemini, then thanks to them you have obviously found yourself in this kind of situation more than once. You are tired and hurry home. A Gemini friend, having swiftly swooped down on you, invites you to run (not go) to him, drink a glass of whiskey and watch a great action movie. You are trying to refuse. But he turns on all his charm and finally persuades you. Having agreed, you go to him and suddenly, right in front of the house, he remembers that he has an important, urgent matter for only five to ten minutes.

He persuades you to wait for him at the corner. Naturally, he does not appear in five, or ten, or even twenty minutes later. Finally, after half an hour, when you are ready to send him to hell, he comes up to you with a guilty smile and says that, unfortunately, nothing will come of it, the movie will have to be postponed, but it’s really not his fault at all, it’s just everything turned out that way. And how do you think this story ends? I assure you that if Gemini was the culprit of everything, then nothing bad for him. (Anyone else in his place would have been thrown down the stairs.) Moreover, if the Gemini next time again offers you a similar scam, you will not be able to refuse him and most likely will agree.

Although Gemini does not like to go against their desires, for the sake of their goal, they are able to pretend to hide the true motives of their behavior. This feature is characteristic, along with phenomenal abilities in the field of oratory, makes them unsurpassed politicians and excellent connoisseurs of human relationships. He will speak to you in such a way that you will not only admit that you were wrong, but will be grateful to him for opening your eyes.

There is a close relationship between belonging to the Gemini zodiac sign and literary abilities. Almost all of them have the gift of syllables and the ability to build phrases. Gemini skillfully compose reports, reports, documents and textbooks, compose plays and write books, and most often these are novels, biographies or non-fiction literature. Very rarely, Geminis keep their own diary or write memoirs, they do not like to write letters either.

At first glance, this may seem strange, but if you think about it, you understand that in this reluctance lies the eternal dislike of Gemini for the approved, rooted constant. Gemini cannot have anything eternal: what is undeniable today, tomorrow turns out to be meaningless.

Gemini is capable of languages, so among them there are often polyglots. Favorite language is usually French. Gemini's speech abilities are so great and varied that they can convince anyone and anything. In the mouth of Gemini, the most absurd ideas sound reasonable, and lies seem to be true. A talent of this nature pushes some Gemini to a dishonest path, but this does not happen so often, because the Gemini is an idealist at heart. And yet, it must be admitted that these abilities, along with incredible manual dexterity, can make him an unsurpassed master of criminal sciences.

Despite all of the above, the Gemini are unusually, sometimes absurdly honest, although rarely one of them does not succumb to the temptation to embellish something or simply boast. But this cannot be called a lie. Rather, it is an overdeveloped imagination.

Restless, tireless Gemini is in constant search, none of the goals - whether it be money, love, power, fame or success is not able to satisfy them. As soon as they achieve one, they immediately rush in pursuit of something else. Mercury is always teasing Gemini, promising all the best is yet to come.

Possessing such invaluable qualities as a quick, sharp mind, an excellent sense of humor, tact and dexterity, Gemini at the same time have neither perseverance nor patience. For the sake of the unknown new, they are able to instantly abandon the past; True, then they often regret their rash act. Despite the abundance of friends, buddies and acquaintances, Gemini will not trust anyone with his innermost thoughts. His element is Air; The earth is not close to him, he does not feel very comfortable on it.

The charm of Gemini is boundless, it is difficult to resist it. The Gemini himself, being aspiring into the distance, being in the eternal search for the ideal, often does not see what is next to him and misses his happiness

Gemini go bright yellow, blue, green, silver and gray. Their stone is a radiant aquamarine, as if combining the frozen aroma of lilies of the valley with the light green color of ferns, dispersing the dusk of a coniferous forest. Liquid metal mercury contributes to the dual nature and desires of Gemini. Therefore, before deciding on something, they should stop and listen to the beating of their own heart.

Gemini in work, business and finance

An area in which it is difficult to compete with Gemini is entrepreneurship. Even the ubiquitous Aries in comparison with them lose a lot. And who can resist the tandem of a bright, brilliant mind and rare charm? In my opinion, there are no such people.

A nervous person, in communication - free, "light", always in pursuit of something elusive, he consistently and thoroughly deals only with what interests him.

He is interested, in particular, in politics; he talks well about political and generally abstract matters, but in practical terms he rarely succeeds: either he directs his efforts in a direction that is obviously unpromising, or he chases two hares at the same time.

Willingly indulges in various speculations; however, for him this is a game of the mind, and not a way to get money (which he rarely succeeds in).

Gemini achieve success in cases that require movement and mobility of the mind (journalists, translators); usually combines several types of such activities.

Gemini Health

The intense mental work of Gemini requires a long rest. Unfortunately, Geminis are often prone to insomnia, so they don't rest well at night. But, despite all the objective reasons, Gemini must be able to relax in order to prevent nervous tension and possible nervous breakdowns. To prevent diseases, Gemini must monitor their health, spend more time in the fresh air and take air and sunbaths.

If the Twins neglect such advice, it may be bad for their fragile health. More often than others, they have accidents; they are subject to diseases of the lungs and intestines, as well as arthritis, rheumatism and headaches. Interestingly, Geminis get sick mainly not from overwork, but rather from boredom and loneliness.

Geminis are physically hardy, "double-stranded", but emotionally labile: both boredom and overwork cause a sharp deterioration in their physical condition. In such cases, yoga, tennis, walking or cycling are indicated.

Full sleep is absolutely essential. Coffee and other doping are contraindicated. At night it is good to take a few drops of valerian. Walking before bed is also good. In general, walks and short trips are all the more useful because Gemini often has an unpredictable reaction to medications and therapy.

Homeopathic and natural phosphorus is also useful, from herbs - thyme.

Horoscopes of the zodiac sign Gemini

- the world without Gemini women would be like a festive dough without yeast and sabza, like a bed of love without a down jacket, like a girl without charm. They are excellent interlocutors - intelligent, lively, witty. With them, as they say, you will not get bored. They quickly and easily converge with people, they can talk and talk on any topic that you suggest to them, prompt. But another feature of their nature is to "collect" men, their admirers... >> read farther

Gemini Man - Love brings with it a sense of security from the outside world. You stop being alone. Next to you - a close person, ready to help always and in everything. But almost every rule has an exception. And this exception is the beloved - Gemini. There is no need to talk about any reliability. He can go to the neighboring bakery for bread, and return in three days. If you try to find out where he was and what he did, your romance will most likely end there. Therefore, if your Twin is very dear to you... >> read more

Gemini (in Latin Gemini) is the third sign of the zodiac cycle. The Gemini Period runs from May 22nd to June 21st. The astrologer tells about the main features and character traits of people born under this sign

Background information about the sign of Gemini

  • ruling planet -
  • Planet in fall
  • Element - Air
  • Symbol - twins

Character Gemini

When it comes to Gemini, the first thing that comes to mind is the song: "Well, friendship begins with a smile." It doesn't cost anything for the twins to smile at a stranger on the bus or talk to another reader in the library, which leads to further interesting acquaintances. Gemini easily converge with people, unobtrusive and pleasant in communication.

Despite their extensive friendship ties, they have few close friends. Therefore, few people know their true nature well. Because of this, they often remain underestimated: people perceive their mobility, intelligence and cheerful disposition, and do not see other wonderful qualities of this Sign behind them. What other traits are endowed with Gemini?

Gemini man. Characteristic

Intellectuals do not give free rein to animal instincts. They equally respect men and women and are ardent supporters of equality, which does not prevent them from recklessly flirting with the fair sex, because they love to charm. They work in a variety of jobs, but if you dig deeper, then each will reveal some kind of talent in the arts, which they did not give way to due to pragmatism.

Gemini woman. Characteristic

Gemini women combine an easy attitude to life with erudition and excellent knowledge in many areas. These are interesting and smart women, who, however, do not always know what they want, but if they already want something, they will certainly achieve it.

Which celebrities were born under the sign of Gemini?

Lifestyle and psychological portrait of Gemini

Geminis feel good wherever there is movement. They gain strength in companies, on excursions, on walks, shopping and doing those things that can be done quickly and that do not require an in-depth approach.

Geminis love information, and they don't care where it comes from - from conversation, letters, media, the Internet. They are equally dexterous both in communication and in the "processing" of texts. Their favorite places are crowded streets, post offices, libraries, editorial offices of newspapers and news broadcasts.

There are many interesting things in the house of Gemini. But their house is not like a museum. You will rarely find things in it that cannot be touched. All things have a practical use. Exception - collections: Gemini is not indifferent to collecting and achieve great skill in picking up intellectual collections - books, autographs, stamps.

Pets do not cause tenderness in Gemini. But they can get a cheerful dog companion, a cat that can easily endure the absence of the owner, or something that is curious to watch, such as an ant colony.

Easy to communicate, friendly and charming Gemini enjoy great success with the opposite sex. Their novels are successful. Even if they do not end with a wedding, people part as good friends.

During an affair, Gemini's partner gets a lot of headaches from Gemini's desire to flirt and flirt with others. The twins do not understand that this hurts the partner. If you explain this to them, they will stop behaving like this, because in general they are not amorous, flirting for them is like that, flick your tongue, and if this is not done, they will switch to “safe” communication with people of their gender on the topic of books, politics , history and other interesting things.

In love, Gemini is rational and somewhat superficial. African passions seem absurd to them. They are suitable for simple and clear relationships based on common interests and equality.

It is easiest for them to build relationships with Libra and Aquarius. But they are more often drawn to the more temperamental Fire signs - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, and with Sagittarius there can be both the strongest sympathy and complete rejection. Curiosity will pull them towards Capricorn, Pisces and Scorpio, but there will be little in common between them. Gemini and Virgo feel great interest and attraction to each other, but there is almost no passion in these couples. It is difficult for Gemini and Taurus with Cancer to notice each other. But if interest does wake up, it will be a very curious and definitely not boring relationship.

Sociability and erudition of Gemini are in demand in schools and courses, in editorial offices, on trading floors. The twins are successful in the role of realtors, logisticians, guides, intermediaries. The ability to perceive money as abstract quantities makes them excellent economists. Many Geminis work in banks and financial institutions. Enough among them and managers of those areas where you need to negotiate: suppliers, sales specialists, consultants for working with clients.

And what do the Gemini themselves want? They do not aspire to a big career. Money is not the main thing for them either. But you can’t call them silver-bearers or people with a complete lack of ambition. They want the authorities to pay tribute to their professional skills, which means they praise them, raise them, and pay a decent salary. They themselves could become big bosses, but they are let down by a long tongue and excessive democratic behavior. And responsibility for other people is not what attracts them.

Gemini and money

Gemini know how to make money. They know a lot in the area where they work, and besides, they know how to find a side job or a temporary source of income. Most often, this is associated with movement and information: to transfer a package, give a ride to a colleague, act as an intermediary, write an article or take up tutoring.

They have many acquaintances and friends who are ready to help them out with money. Geminis are reluctant to take large loans, because they do not like long-term obligations. But the loans themselves do not frighten them, they easily understand the terms of loan agreements and are able to find a profitable option for themselves. Therefore, Geminis with a few small loans for gadgets, small appliances and training courses are quite common.

Gemini could be rich if they knew how to save and take the financial side of life more seriously. But they do not make material well-being the goal of life, although they are smart, they know that without money they are nowhere and they know how to provide for everyday needs.

The third sign of the zodiac is Gemini ( May 21 — June 20) and its bright constellation got their name from the beautiful myth of the hero brothers. Pollux was endowed by Zeus with immortality from birth and could not bear the separation from the deceased Castor. Then the Gods gave the twins eternal life, surrounded by the glow of the night sky, uniting them forever. Two bright stars now bear the names of immortal brothers, the constellation is easy to find precisely by their brilliance.

Gemini includes 14 stars visible to the naked eye, two nebulae - Medusa and Eskimo, and a rather interesting object - Zeta, a star that constantly changes the intensity of its radiance. The constellation attracts scientists with this mystery. It is highly valued by aesthete astronomers. A beautiful sight for which the constellation is famous - a huge cluster of stars, which seem to be innumerable in a small part of Gemini, can be observed through a fairly powerful telescope.

Gemini in the Zodiac

The beautiful constellation Gemini has a symbol - two vertical lines, representing the gates of knowledge, the union of dualities. This zodiac sign is designed to keep the connection between opposites, resolving duality. In astrology, the constellation Gemini governs pairs of antagonistic signs, maintaining a powerful attraction between them, maintains a lively relationship.

The invisible presence of Gemini throughout the Zodiac helps representatives of each sign to establish contacts, gives development through the knowledge of diversity.

The planet, located at the time of the birth of the child or the date of the alleged event in Gemini, changes its characteristic. You can judge the qualities of a person or determine possible further actions by combining the description of the sign of the Zodiac and the properties of the planet.


The planet of beauty, pleasures, arts Venus in Gemini means a special desire for perfection, harmony of thoughts. Peacefulness, the ability to negotiate, a sense of humor - the main description of people who have Venus in Gemini at the time of birth. Their characteristic is tact, a beautiful presentation of their thoughts. They like to give names to events around. Venus in Gemini gives the owner a good sense of the word. Happy, like children, enthusiastically perceive poetry, often write them themselves. They have a clear literary talent.

Quite often there is a description of some inconstancy of love relationships, when Venus in Gemini is in a man. Temporary women, fleeting hobbies, casual relationships are typical for such events and people. This horoscope factor sometimes determines romance, the ability to charm, earn the favor of a woman with beautiful speeches.

The affected planet is laziness, slovenliness, vanity. Evil Venus in Gemini often indicates some financial confusion, extravagance combined with commercialism.

Characteristics of Mars in Gemini

The air element of the zodiac sign has a beneficial effect on the fiery Mars, softening some rudeness. Main characteristic people, at the time of whose birth Mars falls into Gemini, is the ability to highlight the main thing from the huge amount of incoming information. They easily grasp the essence of the event. Aggressive Mars gives confidence to the character, but greatly reduces the diplomacy inherent in the sign of the Zodiac. Such people are avid debaters, making enemies because of their own wit and careless words.

Mars easily turns their frankness into rudeness, the desire to give humiliating names, nicknames to the interlocutor.

The position of the planet indicates frankness, energy, a quick search for some way, a solution.

In a woman, Mars in the zodiac sign Gemini adorns relationships with a halo of romance. Her love interests are more platonic, filled with beautiful speeches, lightness. Such women do not associate happy romances with sexuality - a sign dominated by the element of Air, suppresses physical attraction, the legacy of passionate Mars.

Moon in Gemini

The emotional Moon and volatile Gemini make for an interesting combination. When the air element makes events filled with unrest, an obvious passion for change, instability increases. In the male horoscope, the Moon, which is responsible for sexual sensuality, in Gemini gives relationships not in words, but rather in plans. It reduces the need for physical contact and replaces it with conversation and light flirting.

People who have the Moon in Gemini are very attentive, observant, diplomatic. Women are somewhat prone to anxiety. They easily bypass difficulties, get new impressions through spiritual communication. The element of the sign supports constant movement, and changes develop emotionality. The moon helps to intuitively feel the mood of the interlocutor during important negotiations.

The qualities that the Moon in Gemini gives are very helpful in the profession of a psychologist, lawyer, consultant.

When the Moon in Gemini is present in the horoscope of parents, their children are happy owners of an unobtrusive caring father or mother. They really understand their child, becoming their best friend. Their names are often cited as an example of exemplary relationships filled with sincerity, soft connection.

The Evil Moon and its characteristic, guided by the qualities of a fairly windy sign of the Zodiac, gives thoughtless lies, cunning, emotional distress, excessive resentment. Such writing is often caused by mood swings, a changeable sense of the world, which are determined by the element of the sign.

The main characteristic of Gemini

The sun is in Gemini for a month - between May 21 and June 21, the characteristics of people whose date of birth falls in this period often coincide with the main qualities of a bright zodiac sign.

The changeable element of Air is the main one for the sign. It allows you to easily adapt to any conditions, find friends, communicate. This element is responsible for the ability to quickly process and transmit information, which greatly helps in obtaining an excellent education. Happy Gemini have a light, somewhat superficial character.

The patron planet of sociable Gemini is Mercury. The main characteristic is determined by him. It gives the personality of the representatives of the zodiac sign incredible erudition, sociability, curiosity, a sharp light mind. Often the names of typical Geminis can be seen in popular magazines, blogs, or on the cover of a fascinating book.

Proserpine in exaltation of Gemini helps them clearly structure a huge amount of information. Chiron in the fall of the sign of the Zodiac speaks of a harmful desire to generalize everything, which leads to some superficiality of judgments.

The weak position, in exile, of Neptune and Jupiter, gives a negative description of the Gemini's organizational abilities and aspirations for spiritual quest. The air element of the sign is too changeable for religiosity or serious work that requires monotonous concentration. They, like some children, often cannot stay in one place for a long time.

Determining the lucky numbers of the ubiquitous Gemini, astrologers have not come to a consensus. Some recommend using four, the number of Mercury, others 5, 7 and those whose sum of digits is 7. Trying to embrace the immense, Gemini here also has a rather extensive list.

Professions, career, money

The ability to easily adapt to rapidly changing circumstances makes Gemini valuable workers where speed of decision making is needed. Activities related to live communication, travel, knowledge will be the best for them. Gemini makes excellent reporters, psychologists, critics, announcers.

Often representatives of an intellectual sign choose professions related to information and science, as well as commerce and art, especially literature.

Monotonous work with a rigid measured schedule is contraindicated for freedom-loving Gemini, any limits scare them. A clear lack of perseverance, patience sometimes leads to conflicts with superiors or colleagues. Such bright personalities are simply not able to constantly engage in routine activities. It happens that this makes the representatives of the Air sign not stay in one place of work for a long time. The best way out is freelancing or a free schedule.

Gemini is pretty easy on money. Financial freedom is essential to their independent nature. They can earn at a tremendous rate and spend just as quickly. It happens that they find short-term bouts of special frugality.


Gemini can be conditionally divided into 3 decades, the characteristics of which will be slightly different:

  1. Those born in May often have the description of the classic Gemini. These are experimenters, they are in constant search for new information, unexplored sensations, both in love and in social and professional activities. Such people are immensely talkative, prone to intellectual disputes.
  2. Until June 11, Gemini is more often endowed with a craving for creativity, an aesthetic sense, they endlessly appreciate harmony. They are friendly, witty, brave, sometimes reckless. Such Geminis are incredibly romantic, love people, sincere, often despise conventions.
  3. The twins of the last decade acquire pragmatic features unusual for the air sign. They have developed willpower, prudence, discipline. They are distinguished by the desire for power, careerism. Observation, intelligence, craving for knowledge allow them to achieve true professionalism.

All people are different, this fact is not disputed by anyone. Their features, many believe in this, are somewhat determined by the date of birth. There is something in common with Aries or Leo, Scorpio or Taurus. Let's look at the nature of Gemini. How do people born under this sign differ from others, what are their traits that affect behavior and fate? Interesting?

General information

Describing the character of Gemini is extremely difficult. It's hard to even pick them out from the crowd. The fact is that their distinguishing feature is versatility. Yes, and a pair, in fact, the constellation endows them with a permanent one. This, of course, is not, but something like that. In view of the constant dispute, a person born during the reign of Gemini calmly refuses some qualities or fundamental postulates and accepts others, often opposite ones. These personalities change beyond recognition. In general, it is generally accepted that they are smart and resourceful, inquisitive and mobile. From this set grow their inconstancy and irresponsibility, which cannot be considered good qualities. However, it should be understood that the year of birth leaves a certain imprint on a person. For example, Gemini Dragons are stubborn and quick-tempered people. They care about the external effect of their actions. They don't particularly care about lifeline logic. Nevertheless, all Geminis are united by quick thinking, the ability to develop their own approach to understanding the world around them, the ability to maneuver and find unexpected solutions.

Principles of communication and positioning

When considering the nature of Gemini, it is necessary not only to look inside, but also to look at how a person wants to appear to others. We all live in individual patterns. Gemini differ from other signs in that they can change them depending on the circumstances. Astrologers say that communication with these personalities is not always pleasant. The nature of Gemini does not have to radiate heat. They are often cold and unapproachable. Naturally, such behavior for no apparent reason discourages others. Relatives get used to these nuances. After all, coldness does not mean a negative attitude. So people of this sign defend their own independence. Simply put, they are afraid to get too close to another person. It should be understood that Gemini is not bored anyway, they are a couple (inside). Why else and external load on the brain? The described feature is perfectly demonstrated by the Gemini guy. A young man can wrap the girl he likes in such ice that she will turn into the Snow Queen at once. And the bottom line is that the young man still does not know how to manage his complex features, to control them. The nature of Gemini is difficult not only for others. They themselves are not easy. You need to work on yourself more than other signs.