How to choose the time for magic. The magical meaning of time

Let’s get back to the average person’s ideas about magic, back to these pink unicorns, magic wands... with your permission, I’ll add more elements of “fairy tales” - magic mirrors - “tell my light mirror...”, namely about the direction in fantastic literature of the 19th century - ideas about time travel - about a time machine. But it was, of course, not the 19th century that gave birth to these ideas; for example, the description of the Hippogriff creature dates back to 170 AD. e. A hippogriff is a (biological) creature capable of being transported through time. Somewhere, the idea of ​​time travel is transformed into ideas about mythical ships whose sails are inflated by the winds of time.

So, take a read of Gödel, his solution to Einstein’s gravitational field equations, the result obtained by Gödel showed that the theory of relativity does not exclude movement back in time. But I’ll tell you everything with one huge caveat - these are attempts of traditional science - only it, which cannot be correct! That is, the chosen path of development of our civilization is not enough to bring everything to life. This concerns moving backwards, but as for moving forward: I’ll go back a little and repeat what I wrote about a love spell: a magician can influence the pattern of energies. The magician uses this data in a love spell, changes the environment, moves to the level of chemistry and thereby changes the future. That is! Any future can be simulated. After all, that’s what a love spell does, it changes the future, it gives! So magic, with the right and deep approach to it, can construct the world, namely, change it, and, to be very precise, build a world that is necessary for existence. Now the question is in what hands this knowledge can fall and what kind of world will this or that owner of the information need. This transition to chemistry after energy is the embodiment of what you want into reality.

The same diagram as before, for clarity, this is what I mean in construction and adjustment, design:

Working with energies in the present, we know what we will receive in the future (everything is the same as in a love spell - working on relationships now, with energies, we know that people will be together, we know the future). Based on this, you can get a complete model of the future, and therefore see it. How to project it in order to see it with your own eyes is a completely different question; in books it’s a mirror, or when a witch looks into her vat with a witch’s decoction. All this is described, you just need to know where to “dig”. In order for the magic of time to be embodied in something tangible, something that today’s scientists will look at and say that they were wrong, it is necessary to change the path of development of civilization, so that such work requires thousands of years of titanic work, mainly titanic philosophical work. This work must be challenged, rewritten, and refined over time, only then can a basis for this be obtained. Alas, as I wrote, the development of our civilization has gone into “mechanisms”, exact sciences,...

One magician will not be able to change the whole world, will not be able to control it, design the future for the whole world, one person “in the world of thought” is a “drop”, a “particle” of a huge “civilizational turn”.

Civilization made a mistake in choosing the path, our days will soon disappear into oblivion. We are already seeing this. As in the experiment with mushrooms, our planet’s “glow” changes, its energy changes. But everything is much more terrible - as I wrote - at the beginning there is a change in energy - then chemistry and, as a result, a change in reality.

Traditionally, the calendar year in magic is divided into seven parts, each of which is intended for a specific type of magic. So:

Magic has begun dedicated to the period from March 22 to April 30. This is the time when all nature awakens to life and most of all contributes to the emergence of something new in life. At this time, it is good to enter into marriage, get a new job, or do something else that we have not tried in our lives before this time. This is an equally good time for any cleansing rituals, especially since it naturally correlates with the spring cleaning that is carried out in every home before Easter.

Abundance Magic serves from May 1st to June 21st. Rituals that correspond to this period are associated with conceiving a child, increasing property, ensuring success in a chosen area of ​​​​life, or the successful development of the situation as a whole.

It can be naturally correlated with the abundance that reigns everywhere in nature at this time of year, as well as the intensive growth of plants and animals that occurs all around during this period.

Magic powers corresponds to the period from June 22 to August 1. During this period, from time immemorial, ceremonial ceremonies dedicated to success, strength, endurance and health were held. This was associated with the longest day length and large flow of sunlight, which was perceived as a source of life. On the night of Ivan Kupala (now called St. John), the ancient Slavs had fun all night and celebrated the onset of summer, and also gave vent to physical stress through various kinds of games and fun, such as jumping over a fire. Many rituals related to maintaining health and vitality are associated with this period of time.

Magic of justice and harvest dedicated time from August 2 to September 21. At this time, we rejoice at the harvest, either as our ancestors did, collecting full barns and granaries, or, in accordance with the spirit of our time, rejoicing at the results of our labors and worries. This is also an excellent period for practicing magic, the purpose of which is to achieve justice in those areas of life where we have been treated unfairly.

Magic ending dedicated to the period from September 22 to October 31. Through its symbolism, it is also closely connected with nature, in which, at this time, everything also comes to an end. This is the right time to finish old things that drag on for too long and slow down our development, to put an end to unsuccessful alliances. This is also a time when it is easier than ever to regain your health and achieve full recovery.

The magic of parting dedicated to the period from November 1 to December 22. At this time of year, nature freezes, gathering strength for a new cycle.

All life seems to freeze, gathering strength for a new cycle. And it is not surprising that this period is intended for the magic of parting, when we say goodbye to what has died, gone irrevocably or has undergone a radical transformation.

Money magic dedicated to the period from December 23 to January 31. This is the time when the day begins to get longer. The Sun begins to gain power over the Earth again; people gain more energy, new thoughts and hopes arise, and their income can increase significantly like a day. This is also a good time to give up bad habits and acquire new, positive ones instead.

Love magic corresponds to the period from February 1 to March 21, at this time it is best to practice the magic of love relationships, because it is not without reason that Valentine's Day is celebrated during this period (Valentine's Day, February 14). If you want to become more attractive to your partner (partner), if you want to awaken someone’s interest in you or strengthen an existing relationship, then it is at this time of year that the energies of Nature will accompany you in this area of ​​life. Obviously, you cannot force anyone to love. However, there is an opportunity to strengthen your attractiveness and fill your existing love energy.

Days of the week for magic

Magical actions related to intuition are best performed on Monday - this day is ruled by the Moon. Magic for activity will best take place on Tuesday - the day of the warrior god Tew. For all kinds of communications - on Wednesday, which was named in honor of Wodan or Odin. Protective and travel rituals fall under the auspices of the Thor on Thursday. And love rituals on Friday will be facilitated by Freya.

Activation of rituals

The way you activate your spell or ritual will also affect its duration and final outcome: a fast burning candle will result in a quick execution, a slow burning candle will keep the spell alive for a long time, even after it has gone out. If you burn your wishes, it will release their energy immediately, and if you bury it, the energy will flow slowly and gradually.

Magic rituals according to the moon

On the waxing moon perform rituals related to:
making a profit,
return of luck, health,
infertility treatment,
purchasing real estate, jewelry,
acquire new knowledge and skills,
do work related to painting, wallpapering rooms and whitewashing ceilings, walls,
successful hunting and fishing,
planting plants, replanting trees, shrubs, flowers, harvesting, planting seedlings in the garden that should grow upward (tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, eggplants, etc.)
water the garden and vegetable garden.

On the waning moon carry out rituals and manipulations related to getting rid of:
negative signs of fate (bad luck, loneliness, celibacy, trouble, etc.),
get rid of damage and the evil eye, curses,
begin treatment of chronic ailments of various origins,
forget unsuccessful love, negative situations,
cleaning the house
carry out the preparatory stages of repairs,
clean out garbage pits and landfills,
weeding the garden,
remove pests from the home, garden and vegetable garden,
engaged in weeding,
fight various garden pests,
get rid of old furniture,
get divorced (in this case, reconciliation is almost impossible)
plant vegetables that grow downwards (radishes, radishes, turnips, potatoes, carrots and others)
and other things you want to get rid of

Full moon (full moon) - the mistress of sudden changes. Now is the time for rituals that will cause a radical change in your career or money affairs, also symbolizing completeness and sufficiency, success and completion of the spell.

Time of day for magical rituals

The time of day can also affect the rituals you perform.
Rising powers spells for inspiration aimed at new beginnings.
Noon is a time of strength and passion, a time of spells for strength of spirit, for health and sexuality.
As the sun sets in the west, it is time for love spells that balance the emotional and intuitive.
At night - you should focus on what worries you, this is the time for rituals that drive out fears.

Seasons for magical rituals

The change of seasons coincides with the ebb and flow of the powerful forces of nature.
Spring is the time to sow magical seeds that will sprout with the fulfillment of desires.
Summer is the time of solar power. This power will help you in matters related to success, prosperity and health.
Autumn is the time of harvest in the magical cycle. This is a time for rituals, resolving situations and summing up.
Winter provides an opportunity to correct or neutralize harmful effects.

Hour of day for magical rituals

Hours of Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Moon Should be chosen for invocations
Sun, Venus - For love spells
Saturn, Mars - For plots of hatred
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus - For composing pentacles, for large ceremonies

The magical meaning of time

The time on the clock is 11:11, 12:12 - this is a signal from your angel

The time on the clock is 11:11, 12:12 - this is a signal from your guardian angel
Table for the benefit of yourself and others
Meaning of numbers:

00.00 - any wish made with a pure heart will come true
01.01 - wait for good news from the man
01.10 - alas, the business you started will not bring the expected result
01.11 - do not refuse any offers today
02.02 - expect an invitation to a guest or restaurant
02.20 - suppress irritation, watch your words
02.22 — A secret will be revealed to you
03.03 — love is knocking on your doors
03.30 - Your feeling will remain unrequited
03.33 - meet happiness and good luck

04.04 - look at the situation from the other side
04.40 - today is clearly not your day - Fortune is not in your favor
04.44 - get a scolding from your boss
05.05 - secret enemies are planning a dishonest game against you
05.50 - beware of water and fire
05.55 - a meeting with a wise man is just around the corner
06.06 - imminent marriage (marriage)
07.07 - beware of people in military uniform
08.08 — career takeoff
09.09 - take care of your wallets and handbags
10.01 - meeting an influential man
10.10 - the time comes
11.11 - you will become dependent on someone (or something)
12.12 - success on the love front
12.21 - meeting a new person
13.13 - beware of rivals
13.31 - get what you've been dreaming about for a long time
14.14 - love will rule the roost today
14.41 - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation
15.15 - follow the advice of a wise man
15.51 - get ready for a stormy but short romance
16.16 - be careful on the road
17.17 - beware of street hooligans
18.18 - be careful on the road
19.19 - success in business
20.02 - quarrel with a loved one
20.20 - scandal in the family
21.12 - birth of a child or new project
21.21 - whirlwind romance
22.22 - new acquaintance
23.23 - dangerous connection
23.32 - health problems

Every person has a Guardian Angel, he is given to us at birth and accompanies us throughout our lives. The Guardian Angel drives away all misfortunes from us and in difficult moments calls on other angels to help us. He communicates with us every day, but for some reason we believe that this is our inner voice, intuition, instinct, etc. although in fact these are tips from the Guardian Angel.

How can you get your Guardian Angel to help you? Yes, very simple. It's enough just to ask him about it. The Guardian Angel is waiting for us to give him a task. They themselves never interfere in our affairs until we ourselves ask to do something.

Therefore, if you are in dire need of something or need help, ask for it from the Guardian Angel, just remember, the Guardian Angel carries out only good deeds, he cannot harm or cause evil. Don’t expect that your wish will come true instantly, the Guardian Angel may have his own opinion on this matter and he himself decides when your wish should come true, be patient and your wish will definitely come true, unless, of course, you change your mind and wish that something the opposite.

Guardian Angels are endowed with limitless possibilities and if you want your Guardian Angel to become even stronger and help you as often as possible, for this you need to communicate with your Guardian Angel more often, thank him for his help, you don’t have to do it out loud, just contact to him mentally.
If you have something very important for you, turn to your Guardian Angel, ask him for help, ask him to be with you and guide you.
Take care of your Guardian Angel, they are gentle and vulnerable creatures. Angels do not like swear words, they generally do not like it when they swear, they do not like tobacco smoke and cannot stand the smell of alcohol. They get sick from negative energy.

And of course, the Guardian Angel has a gender, if you are wondering what it is, your Guardian Angel, you can calculate it.

To determine the age of your Guardian Angel, you need to add the number of your birth + month, i.e., if my birthday is October 30, then my Guardian Angel is 40 years old and it will always be like that, angels do not age.

To determine the gender of your Guardian Angel you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth, for example, your date of birth is 10/30/1998, so we add 3+0+1+0+1+9+9+8=31 now we add the resulting numbers 3+ 1=4 If the number is even, then your Guardian Angel is a boy, if it’s odd, it’s a girl, in our case it’s a boy, albeit forty years old.

The Guardian Angel, like you, has its own element. The element of your Guardian Angel is the second digit in your date of birth. That is, if the date of birth is the 30th, then the element number is 0, if it were just the 3rd number, then the number is 3. And then we look at the number we need below and use it to determine the element.

1 - Holiness. Beautiful face. Light halo. They say that the angels in most paintings were copied from them. Their invisible wings cover the whole world like a blanket. These are the kindest angels. They will never calmly watch how bad a person is. Be it their charges or other people. The “owners” of such angels are usually also very kind.

2 - Light. Light sunny angels with large white wings. If this angel kisses you on the cheek, then a freckle appears on that spot. Every freckle on your face is a kiss from a solar angel. He constantly wants to contact you: dream, appear in the mirror, send a sign.

3 - Air. An angel woven from air and wind, of vague outlines. The wings are large, but invisible. He is very carefree, often goes away, but if you ask him, he will smash himself into a cake to please the “master”!

4 - Wisdom. Angels of rare wisdom and intuition. This is often passed on to their owners. Typically, the “owners” of such angels succeed in their studies and careers. It is also important that these angels always manage to suggest the right decision or way out!

5 - Metal. Brave protective angels. Cold and strong wings. It usually comes when you're crying. The more tears you shed, the more painful it is for him, and the stronger he becomes. But this does not mean that he leaves you when you laugh, if you feel good, then he feels good too. Owners of such angels live a very long time.

6 - Rainbow. Bright angels with colorful wings like a butterfly. A real treasure. They play a wonderful flute and violin, dispelling any melancholy and boredom with their melody. Their students are bright, creative personalities.

7 - Energy. Change shapes and colors. The wings are the same. Clumps of energy depending on mood. Therefore, these are the most touchy angels. At the same time, they are loyal and always warn us through prophetic dreams.

8 - Man. They are no different in appearance from ordinary people. There are no wings. Usually, these angels are the souls of deceased relatives or acquaintances who loved you during life. Very caring angels. They follow their owner's heels and never leave them unattended.

9 - Warm. Angels are optimists. Warm wings, fluffy and soft like a kitten’s paw. These angels usually take the form of our friends or animals in order to be closer. They give their owners harmony and agreement.

0 - Fire. They are reborn like phoenixes, therefore invincible. Fire wings. They always want to help, in every little way. Nothing is impossible for them. The “owners” of such angels are always called lucky.

People who believe in fortune telling and sorcery perform magical rituals at a time specially designated for this sacrament, guided by the phases of the moon. After all, taking care that magic becomes successful, it is necessary, undoubtedly, to coordinate it with the cosmic clock. It has long been the custom that varieties of white magic are performed during the waxing phase of the Moon. And black, on the contrary, is on a decreasing scale.

First you need to understand which phases of the moon correspond to a certain sphere of magic.

New Moon: The perfect magical time for new beginnings. New relationships, marriage, new work, and, accordingly, for magic aimed at these goals.

The waxing Moon is a great time to create plans and begin moving towards their implementation. A great time for magic aimed at increasing well-being, health, and fertility.

During the full moon, the Moon is at the peak of its power; this is the time most suitable for magic. You can use any area of ​​magic for your own purposes. This is also the most favorable time for a close connection with otherworldly forces, spiritualism and extrasensory perception.

It is believed that the power of the full moon should be used three days before the full moon and three days after.

Waning Moon: a time of destructive magic. It's time to get rid of negativity, bad and unnecessary relationships, bad habits, etc.

Magic holidays

Every year on the days of the full moon there are 13 magical holidays and 8 Sabbats. Such days are usually called days of strength. During such days, contact is established with certain spirits. They give strength and energy to sorcerers, and also help in achieving magical goals.

Magic rituals for birthdays

On your birthday, there is a wonderful occasion not only to celebrate the holiday, but also to perform a witchcraft ritual. On this day, all the forces of the universe and the energy of the cosmos are aimed at helping the birthday boy. All rituals performed on this day help you become happier, luckier and achieve your goals. There are several such rituals. This is a protective ritual, a ritual for love and a ritual of magical amulet.

Protection ritual for next year

You will need a trinket donated by someone close (you need clear confidence that the person wishes only the best for you), namely: a pendant, chain or ring. It is important that this item comes into frequent contact with the owner. This item must be cleaned by placing it in a glass of water overnight. In the morning you need to take and wipe this thing with a clean towel, mentally imagining what kind of protection, from whom and for what period of time the birthday person wants to provide it. The main thing is not to ask for the impossible and not to set too long a deadline. The procedure can be repeated next year. The ritual is performed the day after the birthday.

Ritual to attract wealth

This simple ritual can be performed almost anywhere. You need to take a regular candle and pull out its wick. Then, setting it on fire on both sides, pronounce the spell: “Eternal fire, gold and silver, my spirit is sprinkled. Amen, Amen, Amen! »

Ritual of wish fulfillment

This ritual is familiar to everyone. Candles are lit on the birthday cake according to the number of years the person has lived. At that magical time when he blows out these candles, you need to make a wish. Such wishes tend to come true.

Magic rituals on the full moon

The full moon is the brightest magical time. All magical rituals and ceremonies have enormous power. After all, everything in the universe is filled with powerful energy, which is designed to help achieve goals.

Such rituals will be more effective when a person correctly uses the position of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac.

If the full moon is in Aries, the ruling planet is Mars.

A magical time for actions aimed at quick success.

If the full moon is in Taurus, then the planet is Venus.

Witchcraft time for actions aimed at increasing wealth, well-being and various types of growth. This also applies to love rituals.

If the full moon is in Gemini, then the planet is Mercury.

Time for magical rituals aimed at your career. By concluding agreements and contracts at this time, you can safely hope for a successful outcome. This is also a good time to resolve related problems.

If the full moon is in Cancer, then the planet is Moon.

A good time for magical rituals aimed at helping and supporting.

If the full moon is in Leo, then the planet is the Sun.

A magical time aimed at masculine strength.

If the full moon is in Virgo, then the planet is Mercury.

An ideal time for rituals aimed at health and healing.

If the full moon is in Libra, then the planet is Venus.

A magical time for rituals aimed at finding a life partner and harmonizing relationships.

If the full moon is in Scorpio, then the planet is Pluto, and Mars helps him.

At this time, it is good to direct magical rituals to cure diseases of the nervous system.

And also for love rituals.

If the full moon is in Sagittarius, then the planet is Jupiter.

It's a good time to get protection while traveling.

If the full moon is in Capricorn, then the planet is Saturn.

The ideal magical time for career growth.

If the full moon is in Aquarius, then the planet is Uranus, and Saturn helps it.

Time for rituals aimed at study and science.

If the full moon is in Pisces, then the planet Neptune helps him.

An excellent time for self-realization and self-knowledge. Prayers, meditations.

The magic of time

Great success in magical matters occurs within a certain period of time.

There is also the interaction of planets with certain days of the week.

Monday is considered the day of the Moon; at this time it is good to practice spiritualism, clairvoyance and extrasensory perception. In addition, since the Moon is considered a female planet, certain rituals can be performed aimed at healing female diseases and fertility.

Mars rules on Tuesday. A magical time for various rituals that require determination and perseverance.

Wednesday is considered Mercury day. An excellent time to conduct rituals aimed at business and career development.

Thursday is the day of Jupiter, it is considered an intellectual planet. Therefore, on this day rituals are performed that relate to all areas of life.

Venus rules on Friday and is considered the day of love. It's the best time for love magic.

Saturday is considered the day of Saturn. Time for dark magical rituals and mystical powers.

Sunday belongs to the Sun. During this magical time, you can perform any rituals.

Knowing the principles of magical time, you can successfully perform magical rites and rituals, and the forces of the universe will help.

Aristotle distinguished the two concepts of time and becoming as different phenomena and gave the following explanation:
Formation goes through three main levels:
1. Potency.
2. Energy.
3. Entelechy.

Potency-energy is the beginning of the process of formation, which gives ontological ambiguity (multivariance).
Energy-entelechy is the end of the process of formation, expressed in fulfillment (univariance).
Moreover, if we place primacy on the end of the process of becoming (essentiality), then this leads to the image of time CHRONOS, expressing the idea of ​​law in a variety of events.
The primacy of “free” energy excludes time as extension and stay and brings it closer to the image of becoming, i.e. KAIROS.

Plato, on the contrary, equates becoming and time:
Time is the becoming of something relative to something.

McTaggart introduced a completely different understanding of formation and time: “Becoming turns out to be non-existent, due to the static nature of time, and when defined through the relationship “past-present-future”, time itself becomes something contradictory, and therefore something unreal. "

Thus, formation is the result of the self-motion of matter, which is the process of the emergence of fundamentally new objects, processes, and phenomena that cannot be directly derived from the source materials.
On the one hand, we get time that builds knowledge, clearly measured time, such that it can be divided, analyzed and which, therefore, can be controlled.
On the other hand, there is time open to action, which is formed by chance, time that is risky, chaotic, and therefore uncontrollable, “irrepressible.”

As for Eastern philosophy, in China, for example, time is a process, not an object of knowledge or a subject of action (Aristotle: the goal (telos) corresponds to the opportunity - Kairos). This is not the time for which it is enough to take measurements while remaining dispassionate; This is especially not a time in which one can intervene by force, for “that’s how I want it”, when I am going to benefit from the current confusion; it is rather a progressive process consisting of constant self-measurement, which occurs differently at each of its stages. The strategist and sage in Chinese philosophy can wait for the right moment (Kairos) to take action. And the main thing for this is to grasp the potency, reflected in dizzying tension and awareness (akin to the cry of “eureka”). Then Kairos merges with the concept of Luck or Failure.

Medieval philosophy explained the eternity and finitude of time. Augustine the Blessed noted in his writings that there is no time without creation. Moreover, time was created by God once and for all. And Basil the Great, developing this concept, leads us to the fact that the connection Present-Past-Future was created simultaneously at the moment of Creation. Moreover, the beginning of time is something not consisting of parts and not extended. The beginning of time is not yet time.
Time does not exist on its own, without material changes; in the same way, the existence of material systems that do not have duration and do not change from the past to the future is impossible.

Eternity is stopped time, and time is moving eternity.

In modern times, time is a mandatory attribute of consistency. Moreover, for the Universe (Ordered), as a megasystem, its very existence is important, and not its appearance (Chronos, Kairos).

Now let’s finally move away from the philosophy of time and delve into the magic of time, temporal magic.

So let's start with Chronos.
Chronos is an already existing static time - Eternity (created eternity), it is an inseparable attribute of the megasystem (Ordered). Chronos is static, measurable and is located in three categories at once: Present-Past-Future.
In this way, it becomes possible to move from the past to the future, etc. relative to the present. Chronos is also capable of stopping actions, or rather freezing himself at a certain moment, because... it is static (you can stop at any frame of the film). Therefore, stopping time by the forces of Chronos is possible, but this requires complete entry into Chronos.
Chronos has the properties of elementality, like fire, water, wind and earth, but has no intelligence and binds all four as a single whole. This is a mega element, the basis of which is the law (which one, see below). Chronos has a predominantly smooth gray color. But this energy, like the complex energy of any element, can be decomposed into components: Darkness and Light, Cold and Heat, and simultaneously. And since all of the above are turners in relation to each other, Chronos exists both in life (all the colors of life are inherent in it) and in the afterlife (the colors of death). Thus, it embraces all the energy flows that exist in Being (Ordered).
Chronos is objective, not rational and consists of only one law, the violation of which leads to the disappearance of Beingness. Therefore, it is impossible to use the powers of Chronos (it only provides the ability to observe, but not use (according to Chronos, the past, present and future can only be looked at, but not changed)).

However, there is one BUT that is dangerous for the existence of everything Ordered: Chronos consists of Kairos - accidents. Chronos is the law of a single choice from an infinity of alternatives (while the choice itself from orderly alternatives is free), the only important thing is that it is the same for all Chaos alternatives. Chaos is the outer shell of the Megasystem (ordered), which is impossible to think, because any mind will be limited by Chronos.
The infinity of manifesting alternatives is Kairos, and it consists of potency (forces from Chaos). Kairos is primordial. He came from Chaos, and was subdued by Chronos.
The Creator created Chronos above Kairos - this became the beginning of time. At the same time, all accidents became patterns, because their range has become limited. All other accidents, except those determined by the creator, are constantly eliminated by Chronos.

But what is the danger, you ask? But there is no such danger. Mages use forces that have already been eliminated by the law of Chronos, so any randomness introduced by them is not an element of Chaos. You can reshape your whole life as you want, and at the same time you will not break the law of Chronos. All the same, everything will be balanced, and all elements of the megasystem will take the necessary places in the present, past and future. To establish balance, other mechanisms of the Megasystem are used at a different, more ordinary and understandable level. For example, Balancing Light and Darkness, as well as Life and Death.

Thus, there is no temporal magic in the usual sense. It is akin to philosophy, which you should know and rely on, but nothing more. In a practical sense it is useless to knowledgeable people and harmful to fools.
I call myself a time magician not because I use the powers of Chronos or Kairos, but because I am the element of time, the very case that brings other elements to balance, regardless of their positions in the Ordered.

Time stretching. Technique.

We present to your attention a nice and quite affordable technique that allows you to pack a few more things into 24 hours than is usually packed there.

Here, in general, several preliminary meditations are required, introducing an isolated and detached sense of time, but it is useless to describe them, it is necessary to “guide” them there. So I'll try it on my fingers. Moreover, some did well even without prior preparation.

A good place to start is to train on public transport. (driving is dangerous, attention is dispersed).

So there is a way. Physical. Do you know him. Do you know how long it takes? First, “actions” with a known time consumption are used). Get into the transport and visualize (in the form of a diagram, simply a line) the physical path. His starting point, his ending point. It turns out a certain straight segment. Then draw a vague, as if blurred line next to it - the time for this path. At first the two segments are equal. Then the one that “time” you pull out like an elastic band. As long as it stretches, although it has its limitations, and a timeline that is too long will still have a limited effect. The “path” segment turns out to be much shorter than the “time” segment. And you combine them. Don't try to draw marks on the timeline first - you'll get confused. This will happen later, when you confidently begin to spend noticeably less time on the road than you should.

Don't be surprised when other passengers stare at their watches as they get off the train/bus. In the metro it was possible to reduce the journey along one line from 40 minutes to fifteen. At crossings, you lose concentration because you are shuffling your feet and still looking for a way in the crowd. If experiments are carried out in ground transport, it is necessary to close your eyes, because observing the path in real life ties you to the flow of time common to everyone. In ground transport, time is generally worse than in the subway or night train.

With ordinary things, when you learn, it will be the same. You calculate the time, draw a “action” line next to it, and draw out the “time”. Again, it is not recommended to have a working TV or radio during these experiments.

Having carried out the described manipulations with the visualized straight lines, they need to be “put aside”, i.e. do not drag it further in consciousness, but keep it in the field of internal “lateral vision”.