The adventures of Kalle Blumkvist. Supersleuth Kalle Blomkvist risks his life Impenetrable light metal - a revolution in the military industry

Astrid Lindgren

Famous detective Kalle Blumkvist takes risks

“...and death will devour thousands of thousands of souls and take them to its black kingdom,” Eva-Lotta muttered to herself and twisted the stone so diligently that beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and the blond hair at her temples curled into ringlets.

- What did you say? – asked the baker, looking up from his knives.

- Nothing.

- Nothing, you say? “He tried the blade with his finger. - Well, run then!

And Eva-Lotta ran. She easily slipped through the gap in the fence that separated her garden from Calle's garden.

Since time immemorial, one board has been missing there, and there is no doubt that, as long as it depends on Kalle and Eva-Lotte, it will not be inserted.

It happened that the grocer Blumkvist, a very neat man, said to the baker when they were sitting in the gazebo on a summer evening:

- Listen, friend, the fence needs to be fixed, otherwise it’s somehow sloppy.

“Okay, let’s wait until the guys grow up enough that they start getting stuck in this hole,” answered the baker.

Despite her love for buns, Eva-Lotta still remained as thin as a sliver and could easily crawl through a narrow gap in the fence...

A whistle was heard from the street. It was Anders, the leader of the White Rose, who returned from reconnaissance.

- They are at their headquarters! - he shouted. - Forward to the battle, victory is ours!

When Eva-Lotta went to sharpen her daggers, and Anders went on reconnaissance, Kalle again took his previous position under the pear. He used the brief lull before the War of the Roses broke out for an important conversation.

Yes, yes, he carried on a conversation, although there was not a single living creature nearby. The famous detective Blumkvist was talking with his imaginary interlocutor, a faithful companion who had accompanied him for many years. Oh, he was a wonderful man! He treated the distinguished detective with the deep respect that he so deserved and that others so rarely showed him, least of all Anders and Eva-Lotta. Now he sat at the feet of his mentor, reverently listening to his every word.

“The disregard for crime in our society that Mr. Bengtson and Miss Lysander show is regrettable,” Mr. Blumkvist assured his interlocutor, looking him seriously in the eyes. – As soon as there is the slightest lull, they immediately lose all vigilance. They don’t understand how deceptive such calm is.”

"Deceptively?" – exclaimed the imaginary interlocutor, shocked to the core.

“Exactly,” the famous detective emphasized. – The charming peaceful town, the shining summer sun, this idyllic peace - all this can change in an instant. At any moment, crime can poison everything with its poisonous breath.”

The imaginary interlocutor gasped.

"Mr. Blumkvist, you're scaring me!" – he stammered and looked around timidly, as if a crime might already be lurking around the corner.

“Rely on me,” the famous detective said importantly. - Don't be afraid. I'll be on the lookout."

The interlocutor could hardly speak - he was so touched and grateful. Moreover, his muffled expressions of gratitude were interrupted by Anders’ warlike cry:

- Forward to the battle, victory is ours!

The famous detective Blumkvist jumped up as if he had been stung by a wasp. He didn’t want to be discovered under the pear tree again.

“Goodbye,” he said to his imaginary interlocutor, feeling as if he was parting with him for a long time.

The war has begun! Now Calla will have no time to lie on the grass and talk about forensic topics. Oh well. To tell the truth, it’s a hell of a job to find a criminal in this town. Just think, a whole year has passed since those three were caught! If it were not for the War of the Roses, then at least die of boredom!

The imaginary interlocutor looked after him sadly and anxiously.

“Farewell,” said the famous detective again. - I am being called up for military service. But don't worry! I don’t think anything serious could happen right now.”

Don't think! I don’t think so!.. There runs the famous detective, called upon to guard public safety. He rushes along the garden path towards Anders and Eva-Lotte, flashing his tanned legs and whistling cheerfully.

I don’t think so... This time your insight has betrayed you, Mr. famous detective!

“We have only two streets in our city,” the baker usually explained to passers-by.

And indeed, in the city there was only Bolshaya Street and Malaya Street, and even a Big Square. And the rest is lumpy streets and alleys paved with cobblestones, leading down to the river or suddenly ending at some dilapidated house, which, like an old man, stubbornly resisted any improvement. In some places on the outskirts one could, of course, find fashionable one-story villas immersed in luxurious gardens, but they were an exception. Most of the gardens are like the baker's: rather neglected, with old, gnarled apple and pear trees, with unkempt, bald lawns. The houses were also mostly like those of a baker - bulky and made of wood. Once upon a time, a certain builder, giving free rein to his wild imagination, decorated them with the most incredible projections, battlements and turrets.

Generally speaking, this town could hardly be called beautiful, but it exuded ancient peace and comfort. It had its own charm, at least on a sunny July day, when roses, gillyflowers and peonies were blooming in all the gardens and the linden trees on Malaya Street quietly looked into the slowly and thoughtfully flowing river.

As Kalle, Anders and Eva-Lotte skipped towards the headquarters of the Scarlet Roses, the last thing they thought about was whether their town was beautiful. All they knew was that he was perfect for the War of the Roses. There are so many nooks and crannies where you can hide, fences you can climb over, crooked alleys to get rid of your pursuers, roofs to climb on, sheds and booths where you can barricade yourself... A city with such invaluable advantages has no need for beauty. It is enough that the sun is shining and a pleasant feeling of summer spreads through your bare heels from the warm stones of the pavement throughout your entire body. The slightly musty smell from the river, sometimes mixed with the wild aroma of roses from some garden nearby, also spoke of summer. And as for beauty, the Ice Cream kiosk on the corner quite beautified the city, at least in the opinion of Calle, Anders and Eva-Lotta. What other beauty do you need?

They bought themselves a portion of ice cream and continued on their way. Near the bridge they met policeman Bjork. His uniform buttons glistened in the sun.

- Hello, Uncle Bjork! – Eva-Lotte shouted.

- Hello! - said the policeman. “Hello, famous detective,” he added friendly and patted Kalle on the back of the head. – Any new incidents today?

Calle pouted. Uncle Bjork also reaped the rewards last summer when Kalle tracked down the criminals. Why is he laughing now?

“No, no new incidents,” Anders answered for Kalle. “The thieves and murderers were ordered to stop their activities until tomorrow, because Kalle has no time for them now.

“Yes, today we will trim Scarlet Rose’s ears,” said Eva-Lotte and smiled sweetly at Björk. She really liked him.

“Eva-Lotte, sometimes it seems to me that it wouldn’t hurt for you to be a little more feminine,” Bjork remarked, looking worriedly at the thin, tanned Amazon.

She stood in a ditch and tried to pick up a cigarette box with her big toe. She succeeded, and the box flew into the river.

“Feminine, please, but only on Mondays,” agreed Eva-Lotta, still smiling sweetly. - For now, Uncle Bjork, we don’t have time.

When you cross the bridge, every time you experience a strong temptation. You can, of course, cross the bridge in the most ordinary way. But there is also a railing, and a rather narrow one at that. And if you walk along them, you can experience a pleasant tickling in the pit of your stomach. Just look, you’ll stumble and splash into the water. True, this has never happened before, although they often crossed the bridge in this manner. But you can’t vouch for anything. And, despite the fact that the operation to trim Scarlet Rose's ears was very rushed, Calle, Anders and Eva-Lotta believed that they could take a few minutes to exercise their balance. This, of course, was strictly prohibited, but Björk had left and no one else was around.

No, there was someone! Just when they resolutely climbed onto the railing and actually felt a sweet sinking feeling in their stomachs, old Gren appeared hobbling at the opposite end of the bridge. But who paid attention to Gren!

The old man stopped in front of the guys, sighed and said, addressing someone unknown:

- Well, well, fun children's games! Fun, innocent children's fun!

Old Man Gren always said that, and they sometimes imitated him. Of course, so that he doesn't hear. When Kalle hit a soccer ball right into his father’s window, or when Anders somehow flew off his bicycle and landed face first in a nettle, Eva Lotte would sigh and say: “Well, well, fun children’s games, well, well!”

They crossed the bridge safely. And this time no one fell. Anders looked back just in case to make sure that no one had seen them. The small street remained deserted, only old Gren walked in the distance. He could always be recognized by his hobbling gait.

In the hawthorn behind the ruins of the castle - there they will look first of all, - Calle convinced his friends and, very pleased with his guess, cheerfully jumped to the side.

Exactly,” confirmed Eva Lotta. “You couldn’t imagine a better place for a magpie’s nest.”

That’s why I left a small letter there for Scarlet,” Anders said. “They’ll be terribly angry when they read it.” In my opinion, it is worth stopping here and waiting for them to appear.

Directly in front of them, on the top of the hill, an old castle rose up into the pale blue summer sky with its ruined arches. He lay there, abandoned by everyone, an unfriendly old castle, consigned to oblivion and decay for centuries.

The city's buildings lay below him directly in front of him. And only a few of them hesitantly climbed up, approaching their powerful neighbor, who stood at the very top of a steep cliff. Like an outpost, an old house was located halfway to the ruins, half hidden by lush thickets of hawthorn, lilac and cherry. A dilapidated fence made of slats surrounded this idyllic picture, and, leaning his back against this fence, Anders decided to wait here for the Scarlet retreat.

“At the abandoned castle,” said Kalle and threw himself into the grass next to Anders. - It depends on where to count and what to compare with. If it's a long way from here to the South Pole. And if, for example, you hide the Great Mumrik in the vicinity of Hasleholm, you can still say that it is “near an abandoned castle.”

“You’re right,” said Eva Lotta. - Did we say that the magpie’s nest is right around the corner of the old castle? But the Scarlet Ones are too stupid to understand this.

“They should be on their knees thanking us,” Anders muttered gloomily. - Instead of hiding the Great Mumrik in the vicinity of Hasleholm, about which you can’t say that he is close, we hid Mumrik very close, not far from Eklund’s house. This is very kind of us.

Exactly, very kindly,” laughed a pleased Eva Lotta. And then she unexpectedly added: “Look, a little boy is sitting on the porch of the veranda.”

They looked. There was indeed a little boy sitting on the veranda porch. And this was enough for Eva Lotta to immediately forget about the Great Mumrik. The lively and spontaneous Eva Lotte, this experienced and brave warrior, had moments of feminine weakness. Then it didn’t even help that the leader of the White Roses tried to make her understand that this was simply inappropriate during the war. Anders and Kalle were always a little confused and puzzled by Eva Lotte's behavior whenever she came into contact with small children. As far as Anders and Kalle could understand, all the kids were equally persistent, annoying, always wet and snotty. But to Eva Lotte they seemed like small, charming light elves. As soon as she got into the magic circle of such light elves, the heart of this small, boy-like Amazon softened. And she behaved in a way that, in Anders’ opinion, was a manifestation of unacceptable weakness: she stretched out her hands to the baby, and the most amazing, tender notes appeared in her voice, making Kalle and Anders shudder with indignation. At such moments, the daring, perky, hyper-masculine Eva Lotte, the Knight of the White Rose, was gone! It was as if she was being blown away by the wind. The only thing missing was for the Scarlet Ones to take her by surprise in a moment of such feminine weakness. Then a shameful stain would appear on the White Roses’ battle shield, which would be difficult to wash off. That's what Kalle and Anders thought.

The kid, sitting on the porch, of course, noticed that something unusual was happening at the gate, and slowly walked along the garden path. And when he saw Eva Lotte, he stopped.

Hello! - he said a little hesitantly.

Eva Lotta stood at the gate, and a “stupid” smile, as Anders said, wandered across her face.

Hello! - she answered. - What is your name?

The baby looked at her with his serious dark blue eyes and seemed not to pay attention to her “stupid” smile.

“My name is Rasmus,” he said, drawing patterns with his big toe in the sand of the garden path.

Then he came closer, stuck his small, snub-nosed, freckled muzzle through the slats of the gate and suddenly saw Kalle and Anders sitting on the grass. His serious face broke into a wide, delighted smile.

Hello! - he said. - My name is Rasmus.

Yes, we’ve already heard that,” Calle responded condescendingly.

How old are you? - Eva asked Lotta.

Five,” Rasmus answered. - And next year I will turn six. How old will you be next year?

Eva Lotte laughed.

“Next year I will be an old, old auntie,” she said. - What are you doing here, are you living with Eklund?

No,” Rasmus answered. - I live with my dad.

Does he live here, in this house?

Of course, he lives here,” Rasmus was offended. “Otherwise I couldn’t live with him, do you understand?”

“Iron logic, Eva Lotta,” Anders said.

Is her name Eva Lotta? - Rasmus asked, pointing his big toe at Eva Lotte.

Yes, her name is Eva Lotta,” Eva Lotta herself answered. - And she thinks you’re cute.

Since the Scarlet Ones had not yet shown themselves, the girl quickly climbed over the gate to the cute child from Eklund's garden.

Rasmus couldn't help but notice that at least one person out of three was very interested in him, and decided to return courtesy with courtesy. All I had to do was find a suitable topic for conversation.

“My dad makes sheet iron,” he said after thinking.

Is he doing something tough? - asked Eva Lotta. - So he is a tinsmith?

“He’s not a tinsmith,” Rasmus got angry. - He is a professor who makes sheet iron.

Oh, how great! If so, he will make a tin pan for my dad,” Eva Lotta was delighted. - You see, he's a baker, and he needs a whole lot of baking sheets.

“I’ll ask dad to make a baking sheet for your dad,” Rasmus promised affably, putting his little hand in Eva Lotta’s hand.

Ew, Eva Lotta, what nonsense! - Anders shamed her. - Spit on this boy, because the Scarlet Ones could appear at any moment.

Calm down! - said Eva Lotta. “I’ll be the first to crack the skulls of all of them.”

Rasmus stared at Eva Lotte with deep admiration.

Whose skulls will you crack? - he asked.

And Eva Lotta began to talk. About the War of the Scarlet and White Roses. About wild pursuits of the enemy through the streets and alleys of the town, about dangerous missions, mysterious orders and exciting adventures when they secretly ran away from home on dark nights. About the venerable Great Mumrik and how soon the Scarlet Ones, angry as hornets, will fly here and a magnificent battle will begin.

Rasmus understood everything. He finally realized that the meaning of life is to become a White Rose. There is nothing more beautiful in the world. In the very depths of his five-year-old soul, at that moment arose an insane desire to be like Eva Lotte, like Anders, and also like this - well, what is the name of the other boy, well, what's his name - Kalle! To be as tall and strong, to cut skulls Scarlet, to utter a war cry and sneak in the night... He looked up at Eva Lotte with wide-open eyes, in which this passionate desire of his was read, and asked uncertainly:

Eva Lotta, can’t I become a White Rose?

Eva Lotta lightly flicked his freckled nose as a joke and said:

No, Rasmus, you are still too young.

Well, Rasmus got angry! He was seized with righteous anger when he heard these contemptuous words: “You are still too small.” This is all you always hear! He looked angrily at Eva Lotte.

Then, in my opinion, you are a fool,” he stated.

And after these words I decided to leave her to the mercy of fate. He'd better ask these boys if he could become White Rose.

They stood at the gate and looked with interest at the woodshed.

“Hey, Rasmus,” asked the one called Kalle. - Whose motorcycle is this?

“Of course, daddy,” Rasmus answered.

Tell me, please,” Kalle was surprised. - Wow, looks like a professor who rides a motorcycle! His beard is probably getting tangled in the wheels.

“What kind of beard?” Rasmus said angrily. - My dad doesn't have a beard.

Really? - Anders doubted. - After all, all professors have a beard.

But he doesn’t! - Rasmus repeated and with a sense of self-esteem he walked back to the veranda. These guys are fools and he's not going to talk to them anymore.

Finding himself safe on the veranda, he turned around and shouted to the whole trio at the gate:

You are all fools! My dad makes sheet metal and he is a professor without a beard!

Kalle, Anders and Eva Lotta looked in amusement at the angry little figure on the veranda. They didn't mean to tease him at all. Eva Lotta took a few quick steps to rush after him and calm him down a little, but then stopped. Because at that very moment the door behind Rasmus opened and someone came out onto the veranda.

He was a tanned young man of about thirty. He grabbed Rasmus tightly and threw him over his shoulder.

“You’re absolutely right, Rasmus,” he said. - Your dad makes sheet iron, and he is a professor without a beard.

With Rasmus on his shoulders, he walked along the sandy path, and Eva Lotta was a little scared: after all, she had crossed the threshold of a private property.

Now you can see for yourself that he has no beard! - Rasmus shouted triumphantly, turning to Kalle, who was hesitantly stomping around the gate. - And he, of course, knows how to ride a motorcycle! - continued Rasmus.

Because he was already mentally imagining dad with a long wavy beard that would get tangled in the wheels, and the sight was simply unbearable.

Kalle and Anders bowed politely.

Rasmus says that you make sheet metal,” said Kalle, wanting to hush up the conversation about the ill-fated beard.

Yes, perhaps you can call it that,” the professor laughed. - Sheet iron... light metal... you see, I made a small invention.

What invention? - Kalle became interested.

“I found a way to make light, impenetrable metal,” the professor began to tell.

And this is what Rasmus calls “making sheet metal”!

Yes, I read about it in the newspaper,” Anders perked up. - Then it turns out that you are a celebrity, wow!

Yes, he is a celebrity,” Rasmus confirmed from above his father’s shoulder. - And he doesn’t have a beard either. It's clear?

The professor did not dwell on his fame.

“Now, Rasmus, let’s go have breakfast,” he said. - I'll fry you some ham.

“I didn’t even know that you live in our city,” Eva Lotta was surprised.

Only in the summer,” the professor explained. - I rented this wreck for the summer.

Because dad and I will swim and sunbathe here while mom is in the hospital,” Rasmus said. - We are together, completely alone. Clear?

Lindgren A.

“That’s it,” he suggested. - You were at the crime scene... weren't you in the Prairies yesterday afternoon? How did it happen that you went there all alone?

Eva-Lotte pursed her lips.

This... this I cannot say. It's a secret. I was on a secret mission.

“My dear child,” the commissioner objected. - We are investigating a murder and do not admit any secrets. So why did you go to the Manor yesterday?

“Take Mumrik,” answered Eva-Lotta, pouting.

It took a rather detailed explanation for the commissioner to fully understand what kind of thing Mumrik was. And in the protocol drawn up after the interrogation, it was stated very briefly: “Lysander said about herself that on July 28 in the afternoon she went to a vacant lot located to the west of the city to pick up the so-called Mumrik.”

Did you see anyone there? - asked the commissioner when Mumrik’s secret became clear.

Yes,” Eva-Lotta nodded, “Gren... and one more... The Commissioner perked up.

Tell us in more detail how and where you saw them. And Eva-Lotta told. She saw Gren from behind, about a hundred meters away.

Stop,” the commissioner objected. - How could you recognize Gren at such a great distance?

It’s immediately obvious that you don’t belong here,” said Eva-Lotta. - Yes, everyone here would recognize Gren by his gait. Isn't that right, Uncle Bjork?

Björk confirmed that this was the case. Eva-Lotte continued her story about how Gren turned onto the path and disappeared into the bushes, how then that guy in dark green trousers appeared from the other side and disappeared in the same direction...

Do you remember what time it was? - asked the commissioner, although he knew very well that children rarely indicate the exact time.

“At half past two,” Eva-Lotta answered.

How do you know you were looking at your watch?

“No,” said Eva-Lotte and turned pale. - I asked the murderer about fifteen minutes later.

The Commissioner looked at his colleagues. Have you heard anything like this? Perhaps the interrogation will reveal more than he expected!

He leaned down and looked carefully into Eva-Lotte's eyes.

You say you asked the killer. And you take it upon yourself to decide who killed Gren? Maybe you saw how it happened?

No. But if I see a person hiding in the bushes, and another person rushes after him, and then after a few minutes I find the first one man dead, then, naturally, I suspect the second one, who else? Of course, Gren could have tripped, fallen and broken himself, but let them prove it to me.

Yes, Björk is indeed right, a very efficient child!

And Eva-Lotta was already telling how she went into the Manor to wait, when those two headed along the path where Mumrik lay. And that she stayed there for fifteen minutes at most.

And then? - asked the commissioner.

Eva-Lotte's eyes darkened, she was in pain. What happened next was the hardest thing to talk about.

“I ran right into him on the path,” she said quietly. - I asked what time it was, he answered: “A quarter to two.”

The Commissioner was pleased. The forensic doctor was able to establish that the murder occurred sometime between twelve and three, and the testimony of this girl made it possible to determine the time much more accurately - between half past two and a quarter to two. It is very important to know when exactly the crime was committed. Eva-Lotta turned out to be a truly invaluable witness!

He continued to ask:

What did this man look like? Tell me everything you remember, all the details.

Eva-Lotta again named dark green gabardine trousers. Then I began to remember more. White shirt... Dark red tie... Wrist watch... Yes, and lots and lots of black hair on my arms.

What is his face like? - The Commissioner even stood up with excitement.

He has a mustache and long dark hair that falls on his forehead. He's not that old. The face is quite nice. Only he was very scared and angry. And he started running away from me. He was in such a hurry that he dropped one bill and didn’t notice.

The investigator was breathless.

What, what are you saying? What did he drop?

A bill of exchange,” Eva-Lotta repeated importantly. - Don’t you know what it is? It’s just such a small piece of paper, and “Bill of Exchange” is written on it. I assure you, it’s just an ordinary piece of paper. And because of these bills, you know, there is such a fuss!

The Commissioner looked again at his colleagues. Yesterday's interrogation of Gren's neighbors on Plutovskaya Hill showed that the old man made good money by lending money at interest. Many noticed that in the evenings some mysterious personalities came to him, although not so often. Obviously, Gren preferred to meet his clients outside the city. During a search of his home, they found many bills of exchange in different names. The police wrote down all the names to find his mysterious clients. After all, one of them could be a murderer! From the very beginning, the commissioner guessed the reason for the murder: someone, confused in his financial affairs, decided to end all complications at once. Yes, most likely it was. And, of course, when undertaking such a task, the criminal was confident that he would be able to destroy all the papers that were dangerous to him.
And now the girl says that the killer lost one bill. A bill of exchange with his name on it, the murderer's name! The Commissioner was so worried that his voice involuntarily trembled when he asked the following question:

Did you raise the bill?


What did you do with him? - the commissioner asked with bated breath.

Eva Lotte thought about it. It became completely quiet. Only the finch on the apple tree continued to chirp.

“I don’t remember,” Eva-Lotta finally said.

The Commissioner let out a quiet groan.

Honestly, it was just a little piece of paper,” Eva-Lotte repeated again to console him.

Then the commissioner took her hand and with feeling, sensibly, and carefully explained: a bill of exchange is a rather important document, in which a person confirms that he has borrowed money from someone and undertakes to return it. He seals the obligation with his signature. The one who killed Gren obviously did so because he did not have the money to pay. He shot a man in cold blood in order to take away from him those very bills that Eva-Lotta considered such trifles. And on the piece of paper that he dropped, his last name was written. Now Eva-Lotta understands that she must definitely try to remember where the bill went.

Eva-Lotta understood and tried her best. She remembered standing there with the bill in her hand. I remembered that it was at that moment that the terrible blow thunder But then she didn’t remember anything... Except, of course, the most terrible thing that happened after. No, she doesn’t remember where the bill went. With a fallen voice, Eva-Lotta admitted this to the commissioner.

Did you happen to read the name on the bill of exchange?

The Commissioner sighed, but then thought that he couldn’t wait for everything to fall into place on its own. The interrogation of the girl already yielded a lot. You can’t demand that the killer’s name be brought to him on a plate. Nevertheless, before continuing the conversation with Eva-Lotta, he called the station and ordered a thorough search of all Prairies. The crime scene, of course, had already been examined most thoroughly, but the piece of paper could have been blown away by the wind. And she must be found, at all costs!

Then Eva-Lotte had to tell how she discovered Gren. She spoke very quietly now and from time to time swallowed the lump in her throat. And her dad lowered his head so as not to see his daughter’s sad eyes. However, it probably won’t be long now. The Commissioner only had a few more questions.

Eva-Lotta assured that the criminal could not be a resident of their town, otherwise she would have recognized him. And now the commissioner asked her:

Will you recognize him if you see him again?

“Yes,” Eva-Lotte said quietly. - I would recognize him from a thousand others.

Have you never seen him before?

The Commissioner's eyes widened. Another surprise!

How is this "partly"?

“I only saw his trousers,” Eva-Lotta explained reluctantly.

Please explain more clearly.

Eva-Lotte shivered in confusion.

Is this necessary? - she asked.

You know very well what is required. So where were his trousers hanging?

They didn't hang. They stuck out from under the curtains. And there was a killer in them.

The Commissioner quickly grabbed the remaining bun. He felt that the moment had come to refresh himself. And he also thought that Eva-Lotta was perhaps not as efficient as he thought. Is she fantasizing?

So, he said, the killer's trousers were sticking out from under the curtains. Whose curtains?

Gren, whose else?

Where have you been?

On the stairs outside. Kalle and I climbed it. At ten o'clock on Monday evening.

The commissar had no children, and now he thanked God for that.

What were you doing on the Gren stairs on Monday evening?!

Ah, I understand! You were chasing some other Mumrik, right?

Eva Lotte looked at him almost contemptuously.

Well, according to you. Do the great Mumriks grow on trees? There is only one Mumrik in the world, forever and ever, amen!

And Eva-Lotte told about the night crossing over Gren's roof. The poor baker shook his head worriedly. They also say that having girls is calmer!

How did you know that these were the killer's pants?

But I didn’t know. If I had known, I would have arrested him.

But you said... - the commissioner objected irritably.

No, I only realized it later. After all, these were the same dark green gabardine trousers as the ones I met on the path.

It could have been an accident. There is no need to make hasty conclusions.

But I don’t. I heard how they were making noise in the room about bills, and the one in trousers said: “We will meet on Wednesday at the usual place! Take all my bills!” So how many green trousers can Gren encounter in one miserable Wednesday?

The Commissioner was convinced that Eva-Lotta was right. Now everything is clear: motives, place, time. There was only one thing to do - catch the criminal.

The Commissioner stood up and patted Eva-Lotta on the cheek.

Thank you very much,” he said. - You're smart. You don't even understand how much you helped us. Now forget about everything!

Will try! - Eva-Lotta promised.

The Commissioner turned to Björk.

Now we just need to find this Kalle so that he can confirm Eva-Lotta’s testimony. Where can I find it?

The Knights of the White Rose do not leave their comrade in difficult moments of police interrogations and other trials. Like the baker, Kalle and Anders wanted to be present at the interrogation. But they preferred, just in case, not to ask permission. 10

All the country's newspapers published a report about the murder on the front pages and wrote a lot about Eva-Lotta's testimony. True, they did not mention her name, but they talked a lot about the “observant thirteen-year-old child” who “kept up a good job” and told the police “extraordinarily valuable information.”

The local newspaper turned out to be less restrained regarding names. After all, absolutely everyone in the town knew that the “observant thirteen-year-old child” was none other than Eva-Lotta Lysander, and the editor saw no reason why not write about it in the newspaper. He hadn't had such a great theme for a long time, and he squeezed everything he could out of it. In a long and mawkish article, he wrote that “lovely little Eva Lotte is playing today among the flowers in her parents’ garden as carefree as if she had completely forgotten what she had to endure on Wednesday on the windy Prairies.”

And the editor continued in ecstasy: “Where else could she forget, where else could she feel safe, if not here, with her dad and mom, in the well-known environment of her childhood, where the smell of freshly baked bread from her dad’s bakery seems to be a guarantee that “that there is still a world of peace and comfort that cannot be shaken by any intrusions from the world of crime.”

The editor really liked this beginning. Then he went on about how smart Eva-Lota was and what an exhaustive description of the killer she gave. True, he did not directly write “murderer,” but “a person who is believed to have the answer to the mystery.” He also quoted Eva-Lotta's words that she would recognize this man if she met him again, and especially emphasized that little Eva-Lotta Lysander might in the end prove to be the instrument that would bring the inhuman criminal to the punishment he deserved.

And thus, he wrote exactly everything that should not have been written.

Policeman Bjork was very alarmed when he handed the newspaper, still smelling of paint, to the commissioner. He read the article and roared:

To write something like this is outrageous! It's a disgrace, and that's all!

The baker used an even stronger expression when he rushed to the editorial office a little later. The veins in his temples bulged with rage, and he slammed his fist on the table in front of the editor.

Don't you understand that this is a crime? - he exclaimed. - Don’t you realize that this could be dangerous for my daughter?

Astrid Lindgren

Supersleuth Kalle Blomkvist

III. Kalle Blomkvist and Rasmus

Hey Kalle! Anders! Eva Lotta! Are you in the attic?

Sixten raised his head to see if any of the White Roses would lean out of the attic window.

I wonder where they went? - Yunte exclaimed, making sure that no signs of life were noticed at the White Roses headquarters.

Are they really not there? - Sixten was impatiently surprised.

The blond head of Kalle Blomkvist appeared in the attic window.

Sixten did not pay attention to his caustic remark.

What are you doing, I would like to know.

Hm! What do you think? - asked Calle. - Do you think we're playing mother and daughter?

It will happen to you. Are Eva Lotta and Anders upstairs too? - Sixten asked.

Next to Kalle, two more heads loomed in the attic window.

“Just give you a little hit on the neck,” Sixten answered affectionately.

And find out what will happen to the Great Mumrik,” Benka picked up.

Maybe until the end summer holidays you still won't decide on anything? - Yunte asked. - So did you hide it or not?

Anders nimbly slid down the rope that allowed the White Roses to quickly descend from their headquarters in the bakery attic.

What if we really hid the Great Mumrik? - he asked.

Anders approached the leader of the Scarlet Roses, looked seriously into his eyes and, emphasizing every word, said:

A black and white bird builds a nest near an abandoned castle. Search at night!

I sneezed... - this was the only thing that the leader of the Scarlet Roses could answer the call.

However, he immediately, along with his loyal warriors, retired to a secluded place behind the currant bushes to discuss Anders’ words about the “black and white bird.”

Nonsense! It's definitely a magpie! - Yunte said. - The Great Mumrik lies in a magpie’s nest. Even a small child can figure this out.

Yes, yes, dear Yunte, even a small child can figure this out,” Eva Lotta shouted from the attic of the bakery. - Just think, even a little kid like you can figure things out. You are probably glad about this, dear Yunte.

Can I beat her up? - Yunte asked his leader.

But Sixten considered that the Great Mumrik was most important, and Yunte abandoned the punitive expedition.

“At an abandoned castle,” Benka repeated, and carefully, so that Eva Lotta would not hear, he whispered: “This can only be at the ruins of a castle.”

“In the magpie’s nest near the ruins of the castle,” Sixten said with satisfaction. - Let's run.

The garden gate of the bakery slammed shut behind the three Knights of the Scarlet Rose with a deafening crash that caused Eva Lotte's cat to wake up, trembling with fear, from her afternoon nap on the veranda. And baker Lysander, sticking his good-natured face out of the bakery window, shouted to his daughter:

When do you think you'll turn the bakery upside down?

What do we have to do with it? - Eva Lotta objected offendedly. “It’s the Scarlet Ones who are running headlong like a herd of bison.” We don't clap like that.

Okay, so be it,” the baker agreed, handing out a whole baking sheet with tempting Viennese buns to the polite and helpful knights of the White Rose who do not slam the gates.

A little later, three White Roses fluttered out of the gate, slamming it again with such a noise that the peonies that had almost bloomed in the flower bed shed their last petals with a slight melancholy sigh. What did Eva Lotta say: a herd of bison?!

The War of the Scarlet and White Roses broke out two years ago, on a quiet summer evening, and neither side was willing to concede. The war had been raging for three years, and Anders considered the real War of the Scarlet and White Roses, which lasted for thirty years, to be an example worthy of imitation. “If in the old days they could hold out for so long, then we can do it even more so,” he passionately assured.

Eva Lotta was more sober.

Just imagine, if you fight for thirty years, by the end of the war you will become a fat old man of about forty. And if you continue to wallow in ditches and hunt for the Great Mumrik, then the kids will be happy! They giggle to their heart's content.

Yes, there was something to think about! It’s not fun if they start making fun of you, and even worse if you turn forty, and the other lucky ones will be no more than thirteen or fourteen.

Anders had a clear dislike for these future youths who would one day take over all the places where they played, the secluded corners where they hid, and would also begin to wage the War of the Scarlet and White Roses. Besides, they might have the nerve to mock over it, above him, who was the leader of the White Roses back in those distant times when this daring little girl was not even in the world!

Anders was very upset. Eva Lotte's words made him think that life is short and that he must play before it is too late.

In any case, no one will ever have as much fun as we do,” Kalle consoled his leader. - And as for the War of the Scarlet and White Roses, those future brats will never come up with it.

Eva Lotta completely agreed with this. Nothing could compare to the War of the Roses. And when in the future they become, as she predicted, pitiful old men of forty, they will always remember their wonderful summer games, And feel how wonderful it is to rush barefoot through the soft grass of the Prairie (as the Scarlet and White Roses called the large meadow near the castle) in the evenings , at the very beginning of summer. They will also remember how warmly and gently the water gurgled under their feet when, on the way to some decisive battle, they made their way along the path made of brushwood laid in the swamp by Eva Lotta. And how brightly the sun shone through the open attic windows, when even the wooden floor in the White Roses headquarters smelled of summer.

Yes, the War of the Roses was undoubtedly a game forever associated with the summer holidays, fanned by warm winds and illuminated by the clear rays of the sun. Autumn darkness and winter cold meant a decisive truce in the struggle for Great Mumrik. As soon as school began, hostile actions stopped and began only when the chestnut trees bloomed on Sturgatan Street, and school grades received in the spring semester were not subject to the meticulous assessment of strict parental eyes.

Now it was summer, and the War of the Roses was blooming along with real living roses in the baker's garden. Policeman Björk, who was patrolling Lilgatan Street, realized that the war was flaring up when first the Scarlet Roses rushed past him towards the ruins of the castle, and a few minutes later the White Roses rushed at the same wild speed. Eva Lotte only had time to shout: “Hello, Uncle Björk!” - and her blond head of hair disappeared around the nearest corner. Policeman Bjork smiled to himself. Just think, this Great Mumrik was given to them! How little such suckers need for entertainment! After all, the Great Mumrik was a pebble, just a quaint little pebble. However, this pebble was enough to fuel the War of the Roses! Yes, yes, because often so little is needed for a war to break out! Policeman Björk sighed. Then he thoughtfully crossed the bridge to look at the car parked on the other side of the river, where parking was prohibited. But halfway there he stopped and looked thoughtfully into the water that was calmly splashing under the arch of the bridge. There was an old newspaper floating downstream. She swayed quietly on the waves, announcing in large letters sensational news that was fresh yesterday or the day before, or maybe last week. Policeman Bjork read absently:


A Swedish scientist has solved a problem that has occupied researchers around the world.

Bjork sighed again. Just think if people fought only because of the great mumriks! Then the military industry would not be needed!

But he had to look at the car parked in the wrong place.

* * *

In the hawthorn behind the ruins of the castle - there they will look first of all, - Calle convinced his friends and, very pleased with his guess, cheerfully jumped to the side.

Exactly,” confirmed Eva Lotta. “You couldn’t imagine a better place for a magpie’s nest.”

Directly in front of them, on the top of the hill, an old castle rose up into the pale blue summer sky with its ruined arches. He lay there, abandoned by everyone, an unfriendly old castle, consigned to oblivion and decay for centuries.

The city's buildings lay below him directly in front of him. And only a few of them hesitantly climbed up, approaching their powerful neighbor, who stood at the very top of a steep cliff. Like an outpost, an old house was located halfway to the ruins, half hidden by lush thickets of hawthorn, lilac and cherry. A dilapidated fence made of slats surrounded this idyllic picture, and, leaning his back against this fence, Anders decided to wait here for the Scarlet retreat.

“At the abandoned castle,” said Kalle and threw himself into the grass next to Anders. - It depends on where to count and what to compare with. If it's a long way from here to the South Pole. And if, for example, you hide the Great Mumrik in the vicinity of Hasleholm, you can still say that it is “near an abandoned castle.”

“You’re right,” said Eva Lotta. - Did we say that the magpie’s nest is right around the corner of the old castle? But the Scarlet Ones are too stupid to understand this.

“They should be on their knees thanking us,” Anders muttered gloomily. - Instead of hiding the Great Mumrik in the vicinity of Hasleholm, about which you can’t say that he is close, we hid Mumrik very close, not far from Eklund’s house. This is very kind of us.

Exactly, very kindly,” laughed a pleased Eva Lotta. And then she unexpectedly added: “Look, a little boy is sitting on the porch of the veranda.”

They looked. There was indeed a little boy sitting on the veranda porch. And this was enough for Eva Lotta to immediately forget about the Great Mumrik. The lively and spontaneous Eva Lotte, this experienced and brave warrior, had moments of feminine weakness. Then it didn’t even help that the leader of the White Roses tried to make her understand that this was simply inappropriate during the war. Anders and Kalle were always a little confused and puzzled by Eva Lotte's behavior whenever she came into contact with small children. As far as Anders and Kalle could understand, all the kids were equally persistent, annoying, always wet and snotty. But to Eva Lotte they seemed like small, charming light elves. As soon as she got into the magic circle of such light elves, the heart of this small, boy-like Amazon softened. And she behaved in a way that, in Anders’ opinion, was a manifestation of unacceptable weakness: she stretched out her hands to the baby, and the most amazing, tender notes appeared in her voice, making Kalle and Anders shudder with indignation. At such moments, the daring, perky, hyper-masculine Eva Lotte, the Knight of the White Rose, was gone! It was as if she was being blown away by the wind. The only thing missing was for the Scarlet Ones to take her by surprise in a moment of such feminine weakness. Then a shameful stain would appear on the White Roses’ battle shield, which would be difficult to wash off. That's what Kalle and Anders thought.

The kid, sitting on the porch, of course, noticed that something unusual was happening at the gate, and slowly walked along the garden path. And when he saw Eva Lotte, he stopped.

Hello! - he said a little hesitantly.

Eva Lotta stood at the gate, and a “stupid” smile, as Anders said, wandered across her face.

Hello! - she answered. - What is your name?

The baby looked at her with his serious dark blue eyes and seemed not to pay attention to her “stupid” smile.

“My name is Rasmus,” he said, drawing patterns with his big toe in the sand of the garden path.

Then he came closer, stuck his small, snub-nosed, freckled muzzle through the slats of the gate and suddenly saw Kalle and Anders sitting on the grass. His serious face broke into a wide, delighted smile.

Hello! - he said. - My name is Rasmus.

Yes, we’ve already heard that,” Calle responded condescendingly.

How old are you? - Eva asked Lotta.

Five,” Rasmus answered. - And next year I will turn six. How old will you be next year?

Eva Lotte laughed.

“Next year I will be an old, old auntie,” she said. - What are you doing here, are you living with Eklund?

No,” Rasmus answered. - I live with my dad.

“Iron logic, Eva Lotta,” Anders said.

Is her name Eva Lotta? - Rasmus asked, pointing his big toe at Eva Lotte.

Yes, her name is Eva Lotta,” Eva Lotta herself answered. - And she thinks you’re cute.

Since the Scarlet Ones had not yet shown themselves, the girl quickly climbed over the gate to the cute child from Eklund's garden.

Rasmus couldn't help but notice that at least one person out of three was very interested in him, and decided to return courtesy with courtesy. All I had to do was find a suitable topic for conversation.

“My dad makes sheet iron,” he said after thinking.

Is he doing something tough? - asked Eva Lotta. - So he is a tinsmith?

“He’s not a tinsmith,” Rasmus got angry. - He is a professor who makes sheet iron.

Oh, how great! If so, he will make a tin pan for my dad,” Eva Lotta was delighted. - You see, he's a baker, and he needs a whole lot of baking sheets.

“I’ll ask dad to make a baking sheet for your dad,” Rasmus promised affably, putting his little hand in Eva Lotta’s hand.

Ew, Eva Lotta, what nonsense! - Anders shamed her. - Spit on this boy, because the Scarlet Ones could appear at any moment.

Calm down! - said Eva Lotta. “I’ll be the first to crack the skulls of all of them.”

Rasmus stared at Eva Lotte with deep admiration.

Whose skulls will you crack? - he asked.

And Eva Lotta began to talk. About the War of the Scarlet and White Roses. About wild pursuits of the enemy through the streets and alleys of the town, about dangerous missions, mysterious orders and exciting adventures when they secretly ran away from home on dark nights. About the venerable Great Mumrik and how soon the Scarlet Ones, angry as hornets, will fly here and a magnificent battle will begin.

Rasmus understood everything. He finally realized that the meaning of life is to become a White Rose. There is nothing more beautiful in the world. In the very depths of his five-year-old soul, at that moment arose an insane desire to be like Eva Lotte, like Anders, and also like this - well, what is the name of the other boy, well, what's his name - Kalle! To be as tall and strong, to cut skulls Scarlet, to utter a war cry and sneak in the night... He looked up at Eva Lotte with wide-open eyes, in which this passionate desire of his was read, and asked uncertainly:

Eva Lotta, can’t I become a White Rose?

Eva Lotta lightly flicked his freckled nose as a joke and said:

No, Rasmus, you are still too young.

Well, Rasmus got angry! He was seized with righteous anger when he heard these contemptuous words: “You are still too small.” This is all you always hear! He looked angrily at Eva Lotte.

Then, in my opinion, you are a fool,” he stated.

And after these words I decided to leave her to the mercy of fate. He'd better ask these boys if he could become White Rose.

They stood at the gate and looked with interest at the woodshed.

“Hey, Rasmus,” asked the one called Kalle. - Whose motorcycle is this?

“Of course, daddy,” Rasmus answered.

Tell me, please,” Kalle was surprised. - Wow, looks like a professor who rides a motorcycle! His beard is probably getting tangled in the wheels.

“What kind of beard?” Rasmus said angrily. - My dad doesn't have a beard.

Really? - Anders doubted. - After all, all professors have a beard.

But he doesn’t! - Rasmus repeated and with a sense of self-esteem he walked back to the veranda. These guys are fools and he's not going to talk to them anymore.

Finding himself safe on the veranda, he turned around and shouted to the whole trio at the gate:

You are all fools! My dad makes sheet metal and he is a professor without a beard!

Kalle, Anders and Eva Lotta looked in amusement at the angry little figure on the veranda. They didn't mean to tease him at all. Eva Lotta took a few quick steps to rush after him and calm him down a little, but then stopped. Because at that very moment the door behind Rasmus opened and someone came out onto the veranda.

“You’re absolutely right, Rasmus,” he said. - Your dad makes sheet iron, and he is a professor without a beard.

With Rasmus on his shoulders, he walked along the sandy path, and Eva Lotta was a little scared: after all, she had crossed the threshold of a private property.

Now you can see for yourself that he has no beard! - Rasmus shouted triumphantly, turning to Kalle, who was hesitantly stomping around the gate. - And he, of course, knows how to ride a motorcycle! - continued Rasmus.

Because he was already mentally imagining dad with a long wavy beard that would get tangled in the wheels, and the sight was simply unbearable.

Kalle and Anders bowed politely.

Rasmus says that you make sheet metal,” said Kalle, wanting to hush up the conversation about the ill-fated beard.

Yes, perhaps you can call it that,” the professor laughed. - Sheet iron... light metal... you see, I made a small invention.

What invention? - Kalle became interested.

“I found a way to make light, impenetrable metal,” the professor began to tell.

And this is what Rasmus calls “making sheet metal”!

Yes, I read about it in the newspaper,” Anders perked up. - Then it turns out that you are a celebrity, wow!

Yes, he is a celebrity,” Rasmus confirmed from above his father’s shoulder. - And he doesn’t have a beard either. It's clear?

The professor did not dwell on his fame.

“Now, Rasmus, let’s go have breakfast,” he said. - I'll fry you some ham.

“I didn’t even know that you live in our city,” Eva Lotta was surprised.

Only in the summer,” the professor explained. - I rented this wreck for the summer.

Parents often interfere when there is a need to fight. They interfere in the course of events in a variety of ways. Sometimes it occurred to the grocery merchant Blomkvist that his son could help him in the store during rush hours. And the postmaster often pestered him with stupid suggestions that Sixten should remove the rubbish from the garden paths and cut the grass on the lawns. Sixten tried in vain to convince his father that an overgrown garden looked much more romantic. The postmaster just shook his head in disbelief and silently pointed to the machine that was being used to trim the garden grass.

Shoemaker Bengtsson was even more stubborn and demanding. He had to earn his own bread from the age of thirteen, and the son should follow in his father’s footsteps, the shoemaker believed. Therefore, he tried with an iron hand to put Anders at the shoemaker’s workbench during the summer holidays. But Anders over time learned to masterfully avoid any attacks on his golden freedom.

That is why, when the shoemaker went down to his workshop to initiate his eldest son into the secrets of shoemaking, the bench on which Anders was supposed to sit was mostly empty.

Only Eva Lotte's dad remained truly human.

If only you were cheerful and kind and not very naughty, and I’ll leave you alone,” said the baker, tenderly placing his fatherly hand on the blond crown of Eva Lotta.

Yes, that’s dad, that’s dad,” Sixten complained bitterly, deliberately loudly to drown out the chirping of the machine that was used to trim the garden grass.

For the second time in a short time, a ruthless father forced his son to devote himself to gardening.

Benka and Yunte, hanging on the fence, looked with sympathy at Sixten’s torment. They tried to console him by painting their own misfortunes in vivid colors. Benka spent at least the whole morning picking currants, and Yunte tended his little brothers and sisters.

Yes, if things go like this,” Sixten was indignant, “we’ll have to fight the White Roses at night.” During the whole day there is not a free minute to do even the most necessary things.

Yunte nodded his head in agreement:

These are the words of a real man! Shouldn't we teach the White Roses a lesson tonight?

Sixten immediately threw aside the clipper he was using to cut the grass.

You are not a fool, Yunte, dear! Let's go and gather at headquarters for a military council.

And at the headquarters of the Scarlet Roses, which was located in Sixten’s garage, a plan for a night attack was developed. After which Benka was sent to the White Roses with an ultimatum from the leader of the Scarlet Roses.

Anders and Eva Lotta sat in the baker's garden gazebo and waited for Blomkvist's grocery store to close and Kalle to be free. To pass the time, they played chess and ate plums. Warmed by the warm rays of the July sun, the leader of the White Roses relaxed a little, and he did not look very warlike. But when he saw that Benka was rushing along the path made of brushwood laid in the swamp by Eva Lotta, and the water was splashing from under his bare feet, he perked up. Benka held a paper in his hands, and he, bowing coldly, handed this paper over to the leader of the White Roses, after which he quickly disappeared the same way he had appeared.

Spitting out plum pits, Anders began to read loudly:

This night, by moonlight, a feast will be held in the castle of my ancestors. The Scarlet Roses are going to celebrate the return of the glorious and venerable Great Mumrik, which they will conquer from the pagans. We warn you!!! Don't bother us!!! The insignificant imaginaries from the White Roses gang who try to sneak in on us secretly will be mercilessly wiped out from the face of the earth. Every single one!

Sixten, nobleman and leader of the Scarlet Roses.

Attention! At 12 o'clock at night in the ruins of the castle.

Anders and Eva Lotta looked at each other and grinned with satisfaction.

Let’s go let’s warn Kalle,” Anders said, putting the piece of paper in his trouser pocket. - Remember my words - the Night of Long Swords is coming.

By the light of the moon, the small town slept in a deep and carefree sleep, not at all suspecting the Night of the Long Swords. Policeman Bjork slowly walked along the deserted streets and also did not suspect anything. There was silence. The only thing he heard was the click of his own heels on the cobblestones. The city slept, flooded with streams of moonlight, and the clear radiance that illuminated the streets and square did not reveal the secret of the Night of the Long Swords. But there were deep shadows around the sleeping houses and gardens; If policeman Björk had been a little more attentive, he would have noticed that there was excitement there in the darkness. He would have noticed someone creeping with silent steps, sneaking in secretly. He would have heard a whisper, heard the window carefully opening in the baker Lysander's house; and would have seen Eva Lotta climb out of the window and climb down the rope. He would have heard Kalle quietly whistling the White Roses war signal around the corner of the Blomkvist house, and would have seen Anders flash next to him and disappear into the saving shadow of the lilac hedge.

But policeman Bjork really wanted to sleep and only dreamed that his rounds would end as soon as possible. Therefore, it never occurred to him that it was the Night of the Long Swords.

The poor, unsuspecting parents of the White and Scarlet Roses slept peacefully in their beds. No one thought to ask the children if they intended to continue hostilities at night. However, Eva Lotta left a note on the pillow just in case. Suddenly someone notices that she has disappeared. After reading the note, the parents should have completely calmed down.

Hello! Don't make a fuss!

I only went out for a while; I’ll fight a little and I think I’ll be back home soon.


Eva Lotta.

“Just in case,” she explained to Calla and Anders as they climbed the steep hillside to the ruins of the castle.

The clock on the town hall had just struck twelve - they were on time.

“The Castle of My Ancestors is flooding,” said Calle. - What does Sixten mean by this? As far as I know, no postmaster has ever lived in the castle.

The ruins of the castle lay before them, bathed in moonlight, and indeed did not particularly resemble a post office.

The usual boasting of the Scarlets, isn’t it clear,” Anders noted. - They need to be taught a lesson. And besides, the Great Mumrik is probably in their hands.

Deep down, Anders was not at all upset that the Scarlet Ones eventually found the magpie's nest where the Great Mumrik was hidden and captured it. After all, the main condition of the War of the Roses was that the treasure changed its owner from time to time.

Out of breath from the difficult climb to the top of the hill, Kalle, Eva Lotta and Anders paused briefly at the entrance to the ruins. They stood silently, listening to the silence, and thought about how dangerous it was to step under the high, dark arches of the castle. And suddenly a terrible voice came from the darkness, which announced:

The hour of battle has come between the Scarlet and White Roses, and thousands of thousands of souls will go to their deaths in the darkness of the night!

An eerie, piercing laugh echoed in the stone walls of the castle. And again there was silence, terrible, frightening silence. It seemed that those laughing were themselves taken by surprise by their own fear of some unknown danger lurking in the darkness.

Fight and win! - Anders exclaimed decisively and rushed headlong into the ruins of the castle. Kalle and Eva Lotta followed him.

They had been here countless times in daylight. But they had never come here at night before. Once - it was a memorable incident - they were even locked in the dungeon of the castle. It was quite unpleasant then, but I remember not as bad as it is now. At midnight, enter the treacherous darkness, where anything could lie in wait for them among the ghostly shadows! And not only Scarlet. No, most likely not Scarlet at all, but souls and ghosts, who, perhaps wanting to take revenge for the disturbed peace of the night, stick out of some hole in the wall, where you least expect, the bony hand of a skeleton and strangle you.

Fight and win! - Anders exclaimed again to cheer up his comrades.

Kalle patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, and they carefully began to move forward, stopping at every step and listening. Somewhere in this darkness the Scarlet Ones lurked, it must have been their sneaking mysterious steps that were heard in the night - at least, I wanted to hope that this was so. Here and there the clear moon shone through the gaps in the vault, and then everything was visible almost as if it were daytime - rough stone walls, uneven floors, where you had to watch your every step so as not to stumble. There, where the moonlight could not penetrate, there were only threatening shadows, frightening darkness and deaf silence. But in this silence, if you listened carefully, you could catch a faint whisper, a fluttering light whisper that crawled into your ears and made you freeze with fear.

Eva Lotte felt terrified. She slowed down. Who is that whispering? Is it the Scarlet Ones, or is it the faint echo of long-silenced voices preserved in these stone walls? Eva Lotte extended her hand, wanting to make sure she was not alone. She needed to touch Kalle's windbreaker with her fingertips as the only protection against the fear that gripped her. But Kalle didn’t have a rain jacket; there was only black emptiness. Eva Lotte began to cry in horror. Then a hand stuck out from a deep niche in the wall and grabbed her tightly. Eva Lotte screamed. She screamed as if it was her last hour.

Shut up! - said Yunte. - You howl like a siren.

Dear Yunte! - Eva Lotta was delighted. Suddenly he seemed so nice to her. And they silently, selflessly began to fight in the dark.

In the depths of her soul, she resentfully asked herself where Anders and Kalle had disappeared to. But then in the distance the voice of the leader of the White Roses was heard:

Why are you shouting, Eva Lotta? And where, in fact, do the Scarlets hold this feast?

Yunte was not too strong, and Eva Lotte’s strong fists helped her soon free herself. She ran as fast as she could along the dark gallery, with Yunte closely following on her heels. Someone grabbed her from the other side, and Eva Lotta began to fight furiously to break free and make her way. But this enemy was stronger. Eva Lotte felt that her hands were clenched like shackles. It was, of course, Sixten, but Eva Lotte was not going to give in to him easily, no way!

Tensing every muscle, she pushed her head against his chin with all her might.

Ai! - said her opponent. And he said it in Kalle’s voice.

What's wrong with you? - Eva asked Lotta. - Why are you fighting?

Why do you fight yourself when they come to your aid? - asked Calle.

Yunte giggled in delight and hurried away, because he did not want to be left in the dark gallery alone with the two White Roses. He rushed with all his might towards the exit from the ruins, brightening in the darkness, to get out into the castle courtyard, and shouted goodbye:

That's great! Hit each other well, and we'll hold off for now.

Go ahead, Eva Lotta! - Kalle exclaimed, and both of them rushed along the gallery after Yunte.

And in the courtyard of the castle, the leaders of the Scarlet and White Roses met and fought. Illuminated by moonlight, they swung at each other with long wooden swords. Eva Lotta and Kalle trembled with anticipation as they saw two black shadows chasing each other along the walls surrounding the courtyard. Oh, it was a real War of the Roses! It was among such medieval walls that warriors were supposed to go out for single combat at night. Of course it was so, when a real war raged between the real Scarlet and White Roses and thousands upon thousands of souls entered the fateful night and went to their deaths! Like a light breath of a cold, unpleasant breeze, a vague feeling flashed through their minds of how it had happened in those days when the War of the Roses was not just fun game. And martial arts in the light of the moon did not seem to them more of a game. It was a struggle for life and death, a struggle that could only end in the fact that one of the black shadows that they saw rushing back and forth along the castle walls would eventually fall silent and never move again...

Thousands of thousands of souls... - Kalle whispered quietly.

Shut up! - said Eva Lotta.

Her eyes were glued to the fighting shadows, and she was simply trembling with excitement. Not far from her stood Benka and Yunte, watching with bated breath the changing course of the battle. The shadows made lunges, parried blows and switched to hand-to-hand combat - they retreated, then went on the attack again. Everything happened in deep silence, and only when swords crossed was a terrible crash heard.

Bring them to eternal peace with the lullaby of the sword,” Benka recited. “And give him so much that his head will burst,” he advised, wanting to destroy the eerie charm that the sliding shadows had on him.

Ugh, it's just Anders and Sixten fighting each other!

Drive the Scarlet leader out of the castle of his ancestors! - Calle shouted, encouraging his friend.

Anders tried his best. True, he failed to drive Sixten out of the ancestral castle, but he drove him back to the pump that stood in the middle of the Courtyard. Next to the pump there was a shallow fountain filled with muddy water. And it did not become any clearer because the Scarlet leader, thanks to a careless step back, fell into the fountain.

The jubilant cry of Eva Lotte and Kalle drowned out the indignant cries of the Scarlet Ones. But Sixten had already risen from his bath. Well, he got angry! He charged at Anders like an angry bull, and for the sake of variety Anders decided to run away. Hiccupping with laughter, he rushed to the wall enclosing the castle courtyard and began to climb up. But before he had time to rise, Sixten ran up and began to climb after him.

Where are you going? - Anders got angry, looking down at his pursuer. - Perhaps it’s time for you to go to a feast in the castle of your ancestors?

“I’ll kick your ears first,” Sixten promised him.

Anders quickly ran along the common roof of the buildings that made up the castle wall, wondering what would have happened if Sixten had managed to grab him. Fighting up here was life-threatening, because in one place below, on the other side of the walls, there was an abyss. As soon as Sixten drives Anders about twenty meters away, instead of a small lawn overgrown with soft grass, a frightening abyss opens up under his feet. And its depth is at least thirty meters. True, nothing now prevented Anders from going down from this wall, while there was still a lawn below. But he didn't even think about it. What is dangerous is interesting, and this night was created for risk. Maybe Anders was simply attacked by a kind of moon fever, because he was overcome by a wild desire to perform extraordinary feats. He wanted to do something that would make the Scarlet Ones simply choke with anger and delight.

“Come on, come here, Sixten, my dear,” he beckoned. - Shall we take a walk together under the moon?

I’m coming, I’m coming, be calm,” Sixten grumbled in response.

He understood what Anders intended to do, but Sixten was not one of those who immediately gasped with delight.

The wall was about twenty centimeters wide - a real path for someone who was used to balancing on a narrow gymnastic beam at school.

Anders took a few slow steps. At that moment, the voice of reason was heard in his soul, and it was not too late to listen to him.

Sixten got frighteningly close and, noticing Anders’s hesitation, smiled sarcastically with delight:

Here comes the one who sees right through you; He also sees the blood of your heart. You're not afraid, are you?

Afraid?! - Anders was indignant, no longer experiencing the slightest doubt. A few quick steps - and he is moving along the wall again. The escape route is closed. Fifty meters, at least, he should be balancing above this abyss. He tried not to look down, to look only straight ahead at the wall, a silver ribbon stretching out in front of him in the moonlight... A very long silver ribbon and so narrow! Suddenly became frighteningly narrow! Is this why his legs suddenly became so weak? He wanted to turn around to see where Sixten was now. But he didn’t dare, and it wasn’t necessary. Because literally behind him he heard Sixten’s heavy breathing. And the breathing was quite uneven. Sixten was definitely afraid... and Sixten too... And Anders himself was now mortally afraid. What is true is true... And there, at the guard shooting area, all the other Roses climbed onto the wall. They stood and looked with the greatest horror at the madness of their leaders.

Here comes the one... who sees... the blood of your heart,” Sixten muttered.

But his bloodthirstiness no longer seemed so convincing.

Anders thought indecisively. Of course, you could jump off the wall into the castle courtyard. But it would be a jump from a height of three meters onto solid masonry. But there was no way to go down slowly and carefully. Because before you started going down, you had to get on your knees. And Anders did not have the slightest desire to kneel even next to the menacing abyss. No, the only thing that could be done was to continue walking forward, without taking your sore eyes off the guard shooting platform on the other, opposite, saving corner of the wall.

Perhaps Sixten was a little less afraid. In any case, he still has remnants of his characteristic dark humor. Anders heard his voice behind him:

“I’m getting closer and closer,” he said. “I’m getting closer and closer and will soon trip you up.” This will be fun!

He did not at all seriously think of threatening the leader of the White Roses. But for Anders this threat turned out to be fatal. Just the hint that someone from behind could trip him up scared him to death. He half turned to Sixten and staggered.

Beware! - Sixten shouted desperately.

Eva Lotta closed her eyes. Desperate thoughts flashed through her head... Isn’t there at least someone who could help them?... And who will go and tell Mrs. Bengtsson: “Anders fell to his death”?... And what will mom and dad tell her?

Look, he's hanging on a bush!

Eva Lotte opened her eyes and looked warily down into the abyss. And in fact, Anders was hanging there on a bush. A small bush took root on the hillside, just below the wall, and this bush prudently caught the leader of the White Roses as he flew towards certain death.

Eva Lotta didn’t see Sixten either. He fell off the wall out of fear.

But he managed to fall into the castle courtyard, where he probably bloodied his knees and hands, but still survived.

But will it be possible to save Anders' life? That's another question. The bush was so small and pathetic, and it bent so frighteningly under the weight of the leader of the White Roses! How long can he hold out before he falls into the abyss, taking Anders with him as a passenger?

Eva Lotte lamented pitifully.

What should we do, what should we do? - she repeated, looking at Kalle with her eyes black with despair.

As always, when danger threatened, the famous detective Kalle Blomkvist had to take charge.

Hang in there, Anders! - he shouted. - I'll bring the rope!

Hurry up, Kalle! - Yunte shouted as Kalle rushed headlong out of the castle gates.

Faster, faster! - they all shouted, although it was unnecessary. Kalle was already in a hurry as best he could.

They tried to maintain courage in Anders.

Just don't worry! - Eva Lotta screamed. - Kalle will be back soon with a rope!

Anders really needed consolation, because his situation was sad. He slowly, carefully climbed onto the bush and was now sitting astride it, like a witch on a broom. He did not dare to look down into the abyss, did not dare to scream, did not dare to move. He didn't dare anything. He could only wait, looking at the bush in despair. The bush bent under his weight at the very root, the bark cracked and turned into small strips, and he saw white fibers that bent and cracked. If Calle doesn't hurry, the rope won't be needed anymore.

Why doesn't he come back? - Eva Lotta sobbed. - Why is he in no hurry?

If only she knew how in a hurry Calle was! He flew around like a wasp and searched. I searched, searched, searched... but there was no rope.

Help! - Kalle whispered in fear.

Help! - Anders whispered with white lips, sitting on a bush that had so little time left to grow and turn green.

Oh, oh, oh! - repeated Sixten, who had risen to the guard shooting platform. - Oh, oh, oh!

But then - finally - Kalle appeared, and he was holding a rope in his hands.

We had to hurry. Kalle knew what to do. Find a stone and tie it tightly to one end of the rope. Throw the stone over the wall, preferably without hitting Anders on the head. Hoping Anders grabs the end of the rope before it's too late.

When you are in a hurry, when every second counts, your hands become so awkward!…

And Anders is waiting below, looking up at the castle wall with burning eyes. Will salvation never come? No, it's coming. A rope flies over the wall. But she falls too far for his impatient hands to reach her.

More to the right! - Eva Lotta shouts from her observation post.

Kalle and everyone else standing under the wall pull and yank on the rope with all their might, trying to move it closer to Anders. But nothing works out. Apparently, the rope got stuck, caught on something, on some small ledge at the very edge of the wall.

“I can’t stand it,” Eva Lotta whispers, “I can’t stand it.”

She sees the boys pulling the rope unsuccessfully. She sees that Anders is almost losing consciousness from fear... and sees a bush, leaning lower and lower towards the abyss... “Oh Anders, the whitest of the White Roses, our leader!”

I can't stand it anymore! Not for a second!

She quickly and easily runs barefoot from the platform to the wall.

Hang in there, Eva Lotta! Don’t look down into the abyss, run, run to this rope, bend down, crouch down, although your legs are shaking, unhook the rope, move it, stand up, turn around on this narrow wall and run back to the guard platform!

Ready! She begins to cry uncontrollably.

But Calle is already lowering the rope. The stone dangles in front of Anders. Carefully, carefully, he stretches out his hands to him. The bush is leaning lower and lower. Eva Lotta covers her face with her hands. But she must observe, she must force herself to look... But now... here... now the bush breaks away from the hillside, its roots are no longer able to hold on to the crevice in the rock. Eva Lotta sees something green, slowly spinning, falling down and disappearing. But at the very last second Anders grabs the rope.

He caught her! - Eva Lotta shouts. - He caught her!

They crowded around Anders. How they love him, how glad they are that he did not fall into the abyss along with the bush! Kalle touches Anders' hand with an imperceptible, light Movement. He's so nice, Anders, it's great that he's alive!

The bush has gone to hell! - Eva Lotta seems to sum it up, and everyone laughs in admiration.

But the Scarlet leader is wrong. It will be a long time before the Scarlet and White Roses meet in battle again.

Three White Roses, cheerful and satisfied, went home. The night was not in vain, and the incident with Anders did not unsettle them. They had the enviable ability of youth to perceive life as it unfolded at that moment. While Anders was sitting astride the bush, they were beside themselves with fear, but what is the use of being afraid after everything ended well? And Anders wasn’t the least bit scared. He did not at all want to have nightmares about this minor nervous shock. He intended to go home and get a good night's sleep before heading out hopefully into a day full of new dangers.

But no one knew that none of the White Roses was destined to sleep that night.

They walked single file along the narrow path back to the city. They did not feel very tired, but Calle yawned widely and said that in some circles it is customary to sleep at night and that it would not hurt them to check for themselves whether this is good or bad.

Rasmus would probably like it,” Eva Lotta noted affectionately and stopped near Eklund’s house. - How cute he must be when he sleeps!

Well, well, don't, Eva Lotta! - Anders begged. - Don't start all over again.

Yes, of course, at this time both Rasmus and his dad were sleeping peacefully in their secluded home. On the top floor the window was open, and the breeze moved the white curtain, which seemed to welcome three night travelers walking past along the path. And she greeted her so quietly, so calmly that Anders involuntarily lowered his voice so as not to wake up the one who was sleeping behind this slightly fluttering curtain.

But someone was less polite and was not very worried that everyone was sleeping around; someone was riding in a car, the approaching snort of which broke the silence. You could already hear how this someone switches gears on the rise, how he brakes with an irritating grinding sound - and then silence fell again.

I wonder who drives so late,” Calle said.

What do you care! - Anders snapped. - Let's go, what are we waiting for here?

But in the depths of Calle’s soul, a super detective has already awakened.

There was a time when Kalle, strictly speaking, was not Kalle at all, but Mr. Blomkvist, the famous detective, insightful, invincible, protecting the safety of society and dividing his neighbors mainly into two groups: “already arrested” and “not yet arrested.” .

But over the years he became smarter and now only in certain cases did he feel like a super detective.

Now there was just such a case. This is exactly the case.

I wonder where the one who arrived in the car will go? There is only one house on the hill - Eklunda. It is located as an advanced guard post, far from the rest of the city's houses. But it does not seem that the professor living in this house was expecting guests - the house is sleeping. Maybe there are lovers sitting in the car who came here to dream? Then these are lovers who do not know these places at all. The real romantic spots are on the exact opposite side of town. And you have to be completely crazy with love to choose this road winding through the hills for your nightly dreams.

For the professor's guests, these people behaved rather strangely.

If you are a dear guest, you are unlikely to sneak around secretly, as if you are afraid of being caught. And you don’t walk around the house, checking if the doors and windows are open. The dear guest, having discovered that the house is locked, does not place the ladder against the open window on the second floor and does not climb there.

But that's exactly what the night visitors did.

Oh, I'm dying! - Eva Lotta gasped in horror. - Look, they are really climbing up!

And if you believe your eyes, the guests actually climbed the stairs.

The children lay in the ditch and looked fearfully at the open window with its quietly fluttering curtain. An eternity has passed. An eternity of waiting. An eternity of silence, broken only by their restless breathing and the faint rustle of the pre-dawn wind in the tops of the cherry trees.

Finally one of those two appeared on the stairs. He was carrying something in his hands. For heaven's sake, what was he talking about?

Rasmus,” Eva Lotta whispered, and her face turned white. - Look, they're kidnapping Rasmus.

When the stranger came out of the gate with his burden and disappeared, Eva Lotte burst into violent sobs. Turning her deathly pale face towards Kalla, she began to wail pitifully, just like when Anders was hanging on the bush.

What should we do, Kalle, what should we do?

But Calle was too shocked to give a clear answer. Running his hand nervously through his hair, he stammered:

I-I don’t know... w-we... w-we n-need to run for Uncle Björk... w-we n-need...

He tried his best to overcome this nasty numbness that prevented him from thinking clearly and distinctly. Something was about to happen here soon. But Calle could not guess what exactly. On reflection, he realized that they would not have time to call the police. These scoundrels will kidnap a dozen kids before the cop gets here, and besides...

In fact, you drive even better than your father,” Anders said.

They took the motorcycle out onto the road.

There were a few barely noticeable dents in the sand from car tires, but these were the only tracks that the kidnappers left behind. The black car was already far away.

Which road did she take?

Eva Lotta said she would do like Hansel and Gretel.

“They were throwing crumbs of bread,” Anders shouted, “and small pebbles!”

Yes, if Eva Lotta took small stones with her into the car, then this girl is even better than I thought,” Calle said. - Although it looks like her. She will always come up with something.

They approached the first fork, and Calle slowed down. Which road did they take? Which road?

There was a piece of paper stuck in the grass by the side of the road. It says "Dancing" on it. But there is always so much paper trash lying around by the side of the road, and they didn’t pay much attention to the paper. A little further away lay something else - a piece of wheat bun. Anders pointed at him with a shout of glee. After all, Eva Lotte acted exactly like Hansel and Gretel. And a few meters later lay another piece of red paper. Apparently these scraps meant something.

Having cheered up, Kalle and Anders turned onto the road that, winding, led to the sea. They forgot to even think about fatigue. Not that they were in good mood, but their anxiety and fear were mixed with a share of a kind of invigorating excitement. The motorcycle rumbled rhythmically, absorbing kilometer after kilometer of the road, which should lead them to an unknown goal, where unknown dangers awaited. The excitement of danger and fast driving caused this strange excitement in them.

They kept their eyes on the road. Here and there they saw a piece of red paper, like a little cheerful greeting from Eva Lotte.

Finally they reached the forest road. We got to it and almost drove past it. Because it was so insignificant, barely noticeable. But at the last minute, Anders discovered a familiar piece of red paper burning among the pine trees.

Stop! - he shouted. - We're going to the wrong place! They went into the forest.

What a narrow, beautiful road it was! The morning sun played between the trees, illuminating the dark green, mossy forest floor and delicate linnaea flowers. Not far from the road, on the top of a spruce tree, a blackbird sat and made such delightful trills, as if there was no evil in the world.

But when Kalle and Anders entered the pine forest, it became absolutely clear to them that the blackbird was mistaken. With every fiber of their soul they felt: something evil and dangerous was approaching, which had nothing to do with flowers and birdsong.

The road led down. Down and down. Something blue flashed among the trees. Sea! And an old ramshackle pier at the end of the road. And at the very edge of the pier - the last greeting from Eva Lotte: her red hair clip.

They stood, thoughtfully looking at the sea bay. The light morning fog had just begun to dissipate, and the sun's rays played on the water surface, slowly becoming rippled by the morning breeze. It was so quiet here! As deserted as on the first morning of the creation of the world, when there were no people in the world.

Green islands and bare skerries covered the horizon. It seemed that this narrow sea bay was a lake. A few hundred meters from the pier lay a large island, obscuring the exit channel to the open sea. The large, mountainous, forested island seemed completely uninhabited.

No, it was not uninhabited! A light, thin smoke reached towards him from the tops of the trees -

That’s where it is, it’s a hornet’s nest,” Calle said.

Atta them! - Anders shouted.

Do you think we have enough strength to swim that far?

Shhhh,” Anders hissed. - It's a nonsense matter. And since there is not a single boat here...

There was a barn right next to the pier. Calle walked up to him and touched the locked door. “Perhaps there is some kind of boat there? In any case, there will be a car there,” he suddenly thought, seeing the grass, wet with dew, crushed by wheels. The black car was hidden in the barn - this became clear to Calla now. And he felt deeply satisfied that they had managed to track the kidnappers, at least all the way to the pier. They had done the right thing by immediately starting to pursue them, he knew that now. The traces left by Eva Lotte, these scraps of paper and crumbs of bread, will soon be destroyed by the wind and birds, and who would then think of looking for kidnappers in these deserted, deserted skerries?

Calle cast a searching glance at the island. Yes, they will have to swim there, but that's not the worst thing. If only everything would be successful. But first you need to hide the motorcycle in the forest.

They felt like paratroopers who had landed on an enemy island when, after a long swim, blue from the cold, they barely made it to shore. And invading the enemy shore completely naked was also risky. Without clothes you feel even more helpless and defenseless.

But the enemy did not show up, and they sat down on a stone heated by the sun to dry out and warm up a little. Having untied their bundles of clothing, they made sure that their shirts and trousers were not so wet that they could not be worn.

I wonder what the Scarlet Ones would say if they found out about this,” Calle said, burying his head in his shirt.

““Super detective Blomkvist is in his repertoire,” they would say,” Anders assured him. - As soon as you go somewhere, you immediately run into scammers and bandits.

Finally, Calle pulled on his shirt. He stood in front of Anders, tilting his head to the side thoughtfully. His long tanned legs were visible from under his short little shirt, and he looked very childish - he didn't look like a super detective at all.

Yes, isn’t it amazing,” he said, “we always get into some kind of story, forever...

It’s true,” Anders agreed with him, “what happens to us only happens in books.”

Or maybe all this is actually written in the book,” Calle said.

Are you crazy? - Anders was surprised.

Maybe we don’t exist at all,” Calle continued dreamily. “Maybe we’re just guys in a book someone made up.”

Yes, maybe you really are from the book,” Anders got angry. “It wouldn’t surprise me if you ended up being a typo.” But not me, please remember.

“You just don’t know it,” Calle stood his ground. - Maybe you are the hero of the book I wrote...

“Screw you,” Anders got angry. “In that case, you are the hero of the book that I wrote, and I am beginning to regret that I once made you up.”

Actually, I’m hungry,” Calle admitted.

They knew that sitting here and questioning their own existence was a waste of time. Important and risky tasks awaited them. Somewhere there, behind these spruces and pines, there must be a house with a chimney releasing a thin stream of smoke. Somewhere there were Eva Lotta, Rasmus and the professor. It was necessary to find them.

We’ll go over there,” Calle said, pointing his finger towards the forest. - To where we saw the smoke.

A narrow path wound its way between thick fir trees, over moss-covered rocky boulders, through swamps with fragrant wild rosemary, through blueberry trees, past anthills and through thorny thickets of rose hips. They walked along it silently, warily, ready to flee at the first danger. They had the feeling that danger was lurking everywhere. When Kalle, who was walking ahead, suddenly rushed to a wide spruce tree and hid behind it, Anders turned pale with fear and, without wasting time on questions, followed his example with the speed of lightning.

“Over there,” Kalle whispered, pointing to the spruce. - Look there!

But the sight that met Anders’s gaze when he cautiously looked out from behind the spruce tree was not at all frightening, on the contrary!

He saw a country house, a real pretty dacha, and in front of it an open, sun-drenched clearing among the rocks, protected from harsh winds by thick spruce trees. A beautiful clearing overgrown with grass as soft as velvet. And on the green grass there are professors with Rasmus on their laps. Yes, indeed, they were sitting on the grass! Rasmus and the professor... and one other person.