Is it possible to cook pasties? Cooking frozen pasties in a frying pan

Fresh pasties fry in a large amount of vegetable oil (3 centimeters from the bottom of the pan) on each side. Deep fry the chebureki on each side.
Frozen Fry semi-finished pasties in a heated frying pan, lightly sprinkled with sunflower oil, on each side over medium heat without a lid.
In total, it takes 2.5 hours to prepare pasties from scratch.

How to fry pasties

Wheat flour - 4 cups for dough and 1/4 cup for dusting
Minced meat from pork and beef - half a kilo
Onions - 4 medium sized heads
Dill - 1 small bunch
Water for dough - 1.3 cups
Water for filling - 1 glass
Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon
Salt - 1 tablespoon
Vegetable oil (corn or sunflower) - 1.25 cups

How to fry pasties

Preparing the dough
Place the sieve on top of the bowl, pour 5 cups of flour into the sieve and shake the sieve so that all the flour gradually pours into the bowl. Add a third of a tablespoon of salt to the flour and mix well.
Add a quarter cup of vegetable oil, 1 cup of hot water to the mixture and mix well with a tablespoon. When the dough becomes too dense to stir, sprinkle the table with flour and knead (this is “knead”) the dough on all sides on the table.
When the dough becomes homogeneous (after 5 minutes of kneading), put it in a bowl, cover and leave at room temperature for half an hour so that the dough becomes even more homogeneous and elastic.

Preparing the filling
If the minced meat is frozen, defrost it, drain the liquid from it and put it in a bowl, mash it a little.
Peel and finely chop the onion (alternatively, you can chop it using a meat grinder). Wash the dill, dry and finely chop.
Add onion, two-thirds tablespoon salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper and 1 cup water.
Mix the minced meat well to fill the pasties.

Formation of chebureks
Knead the dough again, roll into a sausage and cut into equal circles. Place the circles in a bag so they don’t dry out.
Sprinkle the work surface with flour.
Roll out each circle using a rolling pin into a thin circle 2-3 millimeters thick.
Place 1 tablespoon of minced meat on one half of the dough, spread over the entire surface of half of the dough (not counting the ends, which will need to be pinched).
Brush the edges of the pastry dough with water to help them stick together better. Cover one half of the dough with the other and pinch with a fork - on one side and the other. Place the formed pasties on a work surface sprinkled with flour, at a short distance from each other. Because Chebureks take up quite a lot of space; it is recommended to use plastic bags as a spacer in a stack of raw pasties.

Frying pasties
Prepare a flat plate for fried pasties. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, pour in 1 cup of oil, and wait for the oil to boil. Place pasties (20 centimeters per frying pan - 2 pieces).
Fry the pasties for 3 minutes, then turn over and fry for another 3 minutes.
Place the fried pasties and place the next batch of raw ones in the frying pan.

Your fried pasties are ready!

How many pasties is this recipe for?
From the given amount of ingredients you will get 11 chebureks.


How much do products for chebureks cost?- according to the recipe we gave, a dozen chebureks cost from 250 rubles. (average for Moscow as of June 2016), the same amount of store-bought semi-finished products - from 400 rubles.

How many calories are in 1 cheburek?- 1 cheburek contains about 250 kcal.

How much oil do you need to fry chebureks?- for 10 pasties you need 1.25 cups of vegetable oil.

How long to fry chebureki in a deep fryer- 4 minutes, 2 minutes on each side.

Instead of water, in minced pasties you can use mineral water, broth, kefir or water mixed with mayonnaise or sour cream. For original pasties, green or black tea is suitable. If the minced meat is liquid, you should add less water/broth to it.

Instead of minced meat, you can use fresh pork or lamb. In this case, the meat must be finely chopped and then used as minced meat.

In order for the dough to fry chebureks didn't absorb too much oil, it is recommended to add 2 tablespoons of vodka to the dough when kneading.

If there is uncertainty about the quality of the minced meat, it can be fried for 5-7 minutes - and only then mixed with water and used in chebureks.

When preparing dough for chebureks, you can use: in addition to vegetable, butter, or peanut butter. It is important that the chebureks must be completely immersed in oil when frying, otherwise you will end up with giant fried dumplings: the golden bubbles and crispy structure of the cheburek appear precisely due to their complete immersion in oil.

So that the dough is softer, when preparing it, you can use 1 chicken egg. You can also partially or completely replace the water used in the dough and filling with milk.

Seasonings for pasties - cumin, ground black pepper, green onions, coriander.

Serve pasties for lunch with broth or tomato juice, sour cream, adjika. A salad of fresh vegetables and fresh herbs is perfect for chebureks. You can serve salted or pickled tomatoes as an appetizer for chebureks. You can serve white pasties with cheese.

How long should pasties be stored?- Store fried pasties for 12 hours at room temperature and 5 days in the refrigerator. Store fried pasties in the freezer for 3 months.

Fillings for chebureks

for the same amount of dough

Cheese filling for chebureks- Grate 300 grams of Maasdam cheese on a coarse grater.

Cheese filling "Suluguni"- 300 grams of Suluguni cheese and 100 grams of hard cheese like “Russian”. Grate the cheese and mix.

Pumpkin filling for pasties- 300 grams of pumpkin and 2 heads onions. Chop the onion, fry in oil, add grated pumpkin to the frying pan with the onion and fry for 10 minutes. Then use it as a filling for chebureks.

Chicken filling for chebureks- minced meat 500 grams, 2 onions, salt and seasonings to taste. Prepare in the same way as chebureks with meat filling. Less liquid should be added to the chicken filling because minced chicken more liquid compared to meat.

Potato filling for chebureks- Boil 500 grams of potatoes in their skins, peel, mash, salt and pepper, add seasonings and herbs to taste. Then use it as a filling.

Yeast dough for chebureks

Wheat flour - 4 cups
Water - 1 glass
Yeast - 1 teaspoon
Sugar - half a teaspoon
Salt - half a teaspoon
Vegetable oil or butter - 1 tablespoon

Preparation of yeast dough for chebureks
Heat the water and dissolve the yeast in it. Add butter, salt and sugar, mix. Add flour and knead the dough. Cover the dough and leave for 20 minutes. Then knead the dough again and start preparing the pasties.

The dish is prepared quickly - both the dough and the minced meat do not take much time, money and effort. It’s even easier, knowing how to fry frozen pasties, buy a high-quality semi-finished product in the supermarket and bring it to condition at home in 5 minutes. True, even in this case you will have to take into account some subtleties so as not to spoil the delicious pies.

First, let's talk about the choice of semi-finished products.

The whole truth about frozen convenience foods

Since we do not prepare the minced meat and dough ourselves, we need to take care of purchasing a decent product from the manufacturer. What for? attention should be paid?

  • Dough color. It should be snow-white, without any shades. This indicates that the semi-finished products are made from high-grade flour with a high gluten content - they will not fall apart in the pan.
  • Cracks on the surface of products. If an unscrupulous manufacturer dilutes the minced meat too much with water, when frozen, the filling swells and breaks the dough in places. It’s not hard to guess that pasties covered with a network of cracks will contain little meat and a lot of liquid; do we really need this?
  • Sticky products. In this case, we are dealing with semi-finished products that have been thawed several times. Their freshness and taste are highly questionable.
  • Compound. It is advisable that industrially prepared products do not contain vegetable proteins - this is not in the best possible way affects their taste. The list of necessary ingredients, in addition to flour and meat, includes onions, spices and herbs. It's good if it's in the test eggs present, it will be more elastic and will not crack during frying.

If you want to cook pasties yourself, we offer you.

So, we have purchased a product that is excellent by all criteria - all that remains is to prepare it properly.

How to fry in a frying pan

This seemingly simple oriental dish has its own secrets. One of them is right choice and preparing oil for frying. It is believed that pasties are made well with any vegetable fat. But the advantage still remains with sunflower oil.

It should be:

  • Refined. The unrefined product has a pronounced aroma that overpowers the real taste of the pasties and makes them bitter. In addition, when heated strongly, unrefined oil begins to “shoot” and burns faster.
  • Red-hot. Only in this case will we get the thin, crispy crust characteristic of chebureks with very juicy, watery minced meat.
  • Don't skimp on oil. Pour it into the frying pan in a layer of at least 2 centimeters, since the dish is cooked almost deep-fried.

Before frying pasties, you need to check the supply of vegetable oil. It will need to be topped up periodically when the dough will absorb some of the fat from the pan. If there is not enough oil, our baked goods will be hopelessly spoiled.

Some housewives, when encountering semi-finished products for the first time, first defrost them completely. Under no circumstances should you do this! The liquid from the minced meat will saturate the dough, causing it to spread and tear during frying. The same recommendation applies to any similar preparations: dumplings, dumplings, pancakes, and so on.

Some culinary recipes advise to slightly defrost the product, otherwise the meat may not be fully cooked. The line here is so thin that It’s better to put the pies in the pan not thawed at all than to keep them warm.

The frying algorithm is extremely simple:

  1. First, heat a dry frying pan over low heat - a thick-walled one, preferably made of cast iron (the best choice would be a saucepan or wok, if available). After a couple of minutes, pour in the oil and wait until it gets hot, producing an easily recognizable crackling sound. You can pinch off a tiny piece of dough and throw it into the fat; if it immediately floats, the base has been heated to the desired temperature. Attention: Add oil to a non-stick frying pan immediately. so as not to damage the dishes.
  2. We lay out the first batch of chebureks. It is undesirable to place them too close to each other - they may stick together and increase in size. We keep the remaining semi-finished products in the freezer for now.
  3. Fry the pies for about 5 minutes on one side, until a crispy golden crust appears, and then, turning them over, wait the same amount of time. The heat needs to be medium so that the oil does not boil too much. It is impossible to determine how long to fry chebureks with an accuracy of a second, because everyone has their own individual utensils. Here we focus on the crust of the product and our own experience. The pies are not covered with a lid during the frying process, but if there are concerns that the filling will be damp, you can do this at the end, turning down the heat a little.
  4. Remove the finished products not with a fork, but with kitchen tongs. Place in a deep plate lined with a paper towel and cover. In this way, we simultaneously get rid of excess fat and maintain the softness of the baked goods. The pies should be served hot.

To accompany the chebureks, you can add spicy sauces from oriental cuisine: adjika, Bazhe or Katyk. They will highlight the taste of the dish.

Cooking in the oven

Frying in a large amount of boiling oil is unlikely to seem attractive to adherents of a healthy diet and those who watch their figure. So why refuse a delicious dish?

The solution is to bake oriental pies in the oven. The advantage of this method is that the filling will definitely not remain raw, as sometimes happens with semi-finished products that are fried in a frying pan.

Chebureks are prepared as follows:

  1. Line a baking tray with baking paper and generously grease it with vegetable oil.
  2. We lay out our preparations (without defrosting) so that there is a small free space between them.
  3. Brush the surface of the pies with egg, otherwise they will not turn out golden brown and cover the baking sheet with foil so that it does not touch the baked goods. Preheat the oven to 200ºC.

You need to cook the frozen product for 15 minutes under foil, and then the same amount without it. You can, after the coating is removed, sprinkle the pasties with grated cheese and finely chopped herbs.

The taste of the dish is not quite familiar, but this does not make it any worse.

Multicooker instead of deep fryer

Modern kitchen assistants allow you to cook quickly and efficiently minimal costs energy. The multicooker will perfectly cope with the role of a stewpan or deep fryer, eliminating the need to wash off splashes of fat that fly away during frying and ensuring a delicious product at the end.

The crust of the “raw pies” will be crispy, and the filling will be tender and juicy.

Here's how to properly fry frozen pasties in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour refined oil (sunflower, corn, cottonseed oil) into the bowl to a height of approximately 1.5 cm. Turn on the “Frying” mode and wait until the fat warms up to the desired temperature.
  2. At the signal from the device, place frozen semi-finished products into the bowl: 2 or 4, depending on the volume of the multicooker.
  3. Fry with the lid closed for 5 - 7 minutes, then turn over and cook for the same amount without closing. The exact time depends on the brand of the device, so if we fry pasties for the first time, we need lift them with a silicone spatula to check if the crust is burning.

If the multicooker does not have a “Frying” mode, “Baking” can successfully replace it. The steps are the same: preheat a glass of oil poured into the bowl for about 10 minutes, then lower the pasties into it and fry with the lid open on both sides until cooked. When the multicooker is closed, the process takes longer, and the crust on the pasties is not as crispy.

When do you need a microwave?

If the product has been frozen and already fried, it is best to reheat it in a microwave oven.

To do this, the pasties are placed in a plastic bag with pre-pierced holes and sent to the microwave. At maximum power to completely “restore” frozen pies, we it will take no more than 5 minutes.
If you want to fry a product without a bag, you need to sprinkle it with water before heating, otherwise the baked goods will turn out dry and lose their “signature” taste.

When buying frozen chebureks, it is better to take semi-finished products rather than an already fried product. Industrially prepared pies contain a large amount of carcinogens, since the oil in deep fryers is changed extremely rarely.

Is it possible to freeze pasties at home and how to do it correctly

There's nothing better than completely homemade baked goods. We are responsible for the quality of each ingredient and cook with love and care for our loved ones. But there is not always time to deal with the dough and filling, if we are talking, for example, about pasties.

And you don’t need to, because these wonderful meat pies can be frozen for future use!
Home harvesting is no different from industrial harvesting. It is permissible to freeze both raw products and fried ones, which we could not “overcome” in one go.

First, the product is placed on a tray, which is covered with cling film or generously sprinkled with flour, and sent to the freezer for a while. When blast freezing, 1 hour is enough, so that our semi-finished products “set”. Only after this, the already hard and non-stick pasties are packaged in sealed plastic bags or containers.

Now we can put the workpiece back in the freezer until we need it.
Subsequently, homemade chebureks stored at low temperatures are treated in the same way as store-bought ones.

If possible, you should freeze raw rather than fried products - the resulting product will be more juicy and tasty.

For those who have not yet tried cooking chebureks, we recommend that you definitely pay attention to this magnificent dish, equally suitable for both a quick family snack and for luxurious holiday treat.

During the cooking process, many are faced with a serious question: “How and how much to fry pasties at home?” It would seem that there are no secrets or pitfalls here, however, the question is incredibly relevant. After all, the frying process is not easy to throw into a frying pan and forget. It's something more. To cook correctly, it is important to consider several factors.

To fry delicious pasties you need to make the dough correctly. For example, choux pastry for pasties.

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Calorie content: 210 kcal per 100 grams

The dough kneads incredibly quickly. Cooking speed is important here. Since we use boiling water, which we will use to brew the dough.

  • 3 cups flour;
  • 1.5 cups of hot water;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Cooking recipe

  1. Knead the dough very quickly. To do this, take the flour and sift it into a large bowl, then add a little salt and mix well
  2. After this, pour boiling water and brew the dough.
  3. Knead thoroughly and ensure that the dough becomes soft and elastic. This way the dough will be ready.

Choux pastry makes it easy to fry chebureki in a frying pan without fear that the dish will be spoiled or burst at the most inopportune moment. The big plus is that it can be frozen.

Factor 2 – filling

It is very important, because if you make it too liquid, it can simply leak out, no matter how much juice there is in it. And if we have a standard filling, then the pasties with it will be easy to fry, even frozen.

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Calorie content: 235 kcal per 100 grams

Set of products for cooking

  • 500 grams of ground beef;
  • 300 grams of onions;
  • ½ glass of water;
  • 2 pinches of salt.

Cooking recipe

  1. Mix the minced meat with finely chopped onion and begin to mix thoroughly.
  2. Now add salt to the minced meat and mix a little more, since the filling must be homogeneous, otherwise it will be difficult to fry.
  3. The next step is adding water and salt to the minced meat. In addition to these ingredients, you can add as many other seasonings as needed.

The filling is an integral part of the dish. With the right filling, pasties can not only be fried, but also frozen.

Factor 3 – sculpting

It would seem, how can this help to properly fry pasties? But in fact there is a connection. When preparing this dish, you need to remember that the flatbreads for pasties should not be made too thin so that they do not break through or burst when frying or freezing. Also, you don’t need to add too much filling, as it may not cook through. The edges must be secured tightly. If done correctly, frying is much easier.

Factor 4 – freezing

Sometimes, if you don’t have enough time, you can freeze the pasties. However, it is important not to overfreeze them, otherwise they will crumble in the pan. It is also not recommended to freeze pasties at home for a long time. No more than 15 days, then their taste will sharply decline.

Factor 5 – frying

Chebureks must be fried correctly, firstly, so that they do not burn and, secondly, so that they are completely fried. It is necessary to fry such a delicacy on each side for no more than 3-5 minutes, and then remove it to a plate without wasting time.

Thus, there are 5 factors that allow you to prepare delicious pasties. The main thing is to learn how to freeze, sculpt and what recipe to choose. In fact, everything in the process of preparing chebureks at home is interconnected. No matter how much we try, if we exclude one element, nothing will work.

Cook correctly and tasty and bon appetit!

Good day to you, my dears! My friend recently visited Crimea: she buzzed my ears about Tatar chebureks. She has so much delight about something like this a simple dish I haven't heard it yet. In general, she “infected” me with the desire to make them. Therefore, today we will cook them. I will tell you how to fry chebureki in a frying pan and share important secrets of preparing this dish.

In general, friends, pasties are a simple food. And she came to us from Central Asia. I would even call it oriental fast food. This dish is easy to prepare and inexpensive. It is deep-fried, so it is high in calories.

Deep fry fresh ones for 1-2 minutes on each side. Pay attention to the heat you cook at. If you fry on low, the dough will burn and the filling will be soggy. Therefore, set the fire flame to a little higher than medium.

If you prepare chebureks from lamb, their energy value will be approximately 280 kcal per 100 grams.

Frozen chebureks are prepared a little differently. Add a little oil to a heated frying pan, heat it and place the semi-finished products. Fry one side for 7 minutes over medium heat (do not cover the pan). And then the same amount for the second side. This method reminds me of cooking.

How to fry pasties in a frying pan - step-by-step recipe

Chebureks prepared according to my recipe will turn out crispy with a juicy filling inside.

We will make the dough without butter, eggs, kefir and other products that can often be added here. The composition will only contain flour + water + salt. The dough will be partially chouxed. For chebureks, my friends, this is the best.


Prepare 0.5 tbsp. water, a little salt and 1 cup flour.

  1. Take a small saucepan. Heat the water and add a little salt. As soon as the water boils, add 0.5 cups of flour. Using a wooden spoon or spatula, quickly mix the ingredients. You will get a homogeneous sticky ball.
  2. Transfer it to a deep bowl and spread it a little over the walls - this will allow the mass to cool faster. Then add 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and start mixing it into the choux part of the dough. You can do this with a mixer.
  3. Afterwards, knead the dough on the table, sprinkling the surface with flour. The dough should become elastic.
  4. Once kneaded, wrap the dough in cling film. It must ripen. This will make the dough more pliable when rolling out.

Ground meat

You need to take 200 grams of beef or lamb, water, half an onion and a mixture of peppers. Naturally, as the volume of dough increases, proportionally increase the amount of products used for filling.

The main thing in such minced meat is water. After all, the peculiarity of a delicious cheburek is that when you eat it, it is so juicy that you drink the juice

So, make the mince:

  1. Finely chop the onion . Transfer it to a plate, sprinkle with salt and rub with your hand - the onion will release juice.
  2. Take beef or lamb. Cut into pieces and grind in a meat grinder. You can even skip it twice to make the meat more tender.
  3. Combine onion with minced meat. Add 3-4 tbsp. water and salt to your taste, and pepper. The minced meat will be thin, but don’t be alarmed. Meat protein “absorbs” water well. Mix it well with a spoon.
  4. As the minced meat absorbs the liquid, add 3-4 tbsp again. l. water. The consistency of the filling should be weaker than that of cutlets.

This is the secret of a delicious broth. And don't be afraid to add water to the meat.

Modeling and frying

Dust the table with flour, take half the dough and start rolling out the flatbread. It should be thin, like parchment. Cut out an even circle from the dough. Repeat this with the rest of the dough. As I already said, this amount of dough will yield 3-4 chebureks.

Place the minced meat in a thin layer, spreading it over half the circle with a spoon. Leave a little space around the edge to seal the edges. Next, fold the cake in half and seal it. Then take a fork and go around the edge, pressing with the tines. This is necessary to better mold the cheburek and prevent the juice from leaking out during frying.

Fry the molded cheburek immediately. Heat the pan, add more oil. This is so that the pasties can float in it and not come into contact with the bottom of the dish. In boiling oil, food cooks quickly because it is deep fried.

After frying, place the fried “patties” on a paper napkin to remove excess fat. After 1-2 minutes you can eat them. The main thing is to eat carefully and not get burned by the hot filling.

And here is a detailed video instruction. Catch it, friends :)

How to fry frozen pasties in a frying pan

If you don’t have time to make such “pies”, but wow, how you want something so delicious. You can prepare store-bought semi-finished products. Of course, they won’t turn out as luxurious as homemade ones. But I think that occasionally these can also be prepared.

To make these pasties tasty, they need to be fried properly. And there are a couple of features here:

  • Firstly, under no circumstances place semi-finished products in cold oil. This way the dough will be saturated with fat, and you definitely won’t get a crispy crust. Wait until it is thoroughly heated, and only then put it on the frying pan.
  • Secondly, do not defrost semi-finished products before cooking them. They will lose their shape and turn into real “crocodiles” :) I think this is not your option.

And yet, do not rush to turn them over to the other side. Wait until they have a crispy crust. If you turn over too early, you will damage the dough and all the juice will leak out.

How to cook pasties with meat in a frying pan - valuable tips

Instead of water, you can add broth or mineral water to the minced meat. This will make it more tender and tastier. The filling will acquire an original taste if you add a little brewed green or black tea to the minced meat.

To fry this dish, in addition to vegetable food, you can use vegetable and butter in a 1:1 ratio. Fried “pies” will turn out simply awesome. Try this for sure!

I recommend serving this aromatic dish when it’s hot. fresh vegetables, garlic sauce or tomatoes. Some people prefer to eat chebureks with broth or wash them down with tomato juice. In general, the choice of “side dish” depends on your taste preferences.

By the way, my dear chefs, how do you cook pasties? Maybe there is some secret. So please tell me in the comments below. I wish you a pleasant pasty-eating and say: bye-bye!

Good day to you, my dears! My friend recently visited Crimea: she buzzed my ears about Tatar chebureks. I have never heard her so enthusiastic about such a seemingly simple dish. In general, she “infected” me with the desire to make them. Therefore, today we will cook them. I will tell you how to fry chebureki in a frying pan and share important secrets of preparing this dish.

In general, friends, pasties are a simple food. And she came to us from Central Asia. I would even call it oriental fast food. This dish is easy to prepare and inexpensive. It is deep-fried, so it is high in calories.

Deep fry fresh ones for 1-2 minutes on each side. Pay attention to the heat you cook at. If you fry on low, the dough will burn and the filling will be soggy. Therefore, set the fire flame to a little higher than medium.

If you prepare chebureks from lamb, their energy value will be approximately 280 kcal per 100 grams.

Frozen chebureks are prepared a little differently. Add a little oil to a heated frying pan, heat it and place the semi-finished products. Fry one side for 7 minutes over medium heat (do not cover the pan). And then the same amount for the second side. This method reminds me of cooking frozen dumplings in a frying pan.

How to fry pasties in a frying pan - step-by-step recipe

Chebureks prepared according to my recipe will turn out crispy with a juicy filling inside.

We will make the dough without butter, eggs, kefir and other products that can often be added here. The composition will only contain flour + water + salt. The dough will be partially chouxed. For chebureks, my friends, this is the best.


Prepare 0.5 tbsp. water, a little salt and 1 cup flour.

  1. Take a small saucepan. Heat the water and add a little salt. As soon as the water boils, add 0.5 cups of flour. Using a wooden spoon or spatula, quickly mix the ingredients. You will get a homogeneous sticky ball.
  2. Transfer it to a deep bowl and spread it a little over the walls - this will allow the mass to cool faster. Then add 2 tbsp. spoons of flour and start mixing it into the choux part of the dough. You can do this with a mixer.
  3. Afterwards, knead the dough on the table, sprinkling the surface with flour. The dough should become elastic.
  4. Once kneaded, wrap the dough in cling film. It must ripen. This will make the dough more pliable when rolling out.

Ground meat

You need to take 200 grams of beef or lamb, water, half an onion and a mixture of peppers. Naturally, as the volume of dough increases, proportionally increase the amount of products used for filling.

The main thing in such minced meat is water. After all, the peculiarity of a delicious cheburek is that when you eat it, it is so juicy that you drink the juice

So, make the mince:

  1. Finely chop the onion . Transfer it to a plate, sprinkle with salt and rub with your hand - the onion will release juice.
  2. Take beef or lamb. Cut into pieces and grind in a meat grinder. You can even skip it twice to make the meat more tender.
  3. Combine onion with minced meat. Add 3-4 tbsp. water and salt to your taste, and pepper. The minced meat will be thin, but don’t be alarmed. Meat protein “absorbs” water well. Mix it well with a spoon.
  4. As the minced meat absorbs the liquid, add 3-4 tbsp again. l. water. The consistency of the filling should be weaker than that of cutlets.

This is the secret of a delicious broth. And don't be afraid to add water to the meat.

Modeling and frying

Dust the table with flour, take half the dough and start rolling out the flatbread. It should be thin, like parchment. Cut out an even circle from the dough. Repeat this with the rest of the dough. As I already said, this amount of dough will yield 3-4 chebureks.

Place the minced meat in a thin layer, spreading it over half the circle with a spoon. Leave a little space around the edge to seal the edges. Next, fold the cake in half and seal it. Then take a fork and go around the edge, pressing with the tines. This is necessary to better mold the cheburek and prevent the juice from leaking out during frying.

Fry the molded cheburek immediately. Heat the pan, add more oil. This is so that the pasties can float in it and not come into contact with the bottom of the dish. In boiling oil, food cooks quickly because it is deep fried.

After frying, place the fried “patties” on a paper napkin to remove excess fat. After 1-2 minutes you can eat them. The main thing is to eat carefully and not get burned by the hot filling.

And here is a detailed video instruction. Catch it, friends :)

How to fry frozen pasties in a frying pan

If you don’t have time to make such “pies”, but wow, how you want something so delicious. You can prepare store-bought semi-finished products. Of course, they won’t turn out as luxurious as homemade ones. But I think that occasionally these can also be prepared.

To make these pasties tasty, they need to be fried properly. And there are a couple of features here:

  • Firstly, under no circumstances place semi-finished products in cold oil. This way the dough will be saturated with fat, and you definitely won’t get a crispy crust. Wait until it is thoroughly heated, and only then put it on the frying pan.
  • Secondly, do not defrost semi-finished products before cooking them. They will lose their shape and turn into real “crocodiles” :) I think this is not your option.

And yet, do not rush to turn them over to the other side. Wait until they have a crispy crust. If you turn over too early, you will damage the dough and all the juice will leak out.

How to cook pasties with meat in a frying pan - valuable tips

Instead of water, you can add broth or mineral water to the minced meat. This will make it more tender and tastier. The filling will acquire an original taste if you add a little brewed green or black tea to the minced meat.

To fry this dish, in addition to vegetable food, you can use vegetable and butter in a 1:1 ratio. Fried “pies” will turn out simply awesome. Try this for sure!

I recommend serving this aromatic dish piping hot with fresh vegetables, garlic sauce or tomatoes. Some people prefer to eat chebureks with broth or wash them down with tomato juice. In general, the choice of “side dish” depends on your taste preferences.

By the way, my dear chefs, how do you cook pasties? Maybe there is some secret. So please tell me in the comments below. I wish you a pleasant pasty-eating and say: bye-bye!