HR records management from scratch - step-by-step instructions. Personnel records management: how to effectively organize the company's activities Document flow from scratch step-by-step instructions

Studying HR administration from scratch, step by step instructions 2019 will help you figure out where to start. Read the article about which GOST standards to adhere to and what the HR officer should do.

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How to organize HR records from scratch: choosing the person in charge

Personnel records management is carried out in any organization that employs hired labor. In a newly created enterprise, the manager most often deals with the documents. As the company develops, responsibilities are assigned to a personnel officer or structural unit.

To simplify the work with documents, draw up instructions for personnel records management. Write down in it the rules for filling out personnel documents in accordance with the new GOST. The editors of the magazine "Personnel Affairs" have sorted it out for you. Transfer these rules to your instructions, and you will never make mistakes in office work.

Reference: at the initial stage, when the company is just beginning to exist, and there are no or few employees on its staff, there is no need to create a department or structural unit. One person can handle the organization of personnel records management.

When hiring an employee, choose people who have experience. Only they can organize HR records from scratch, without resorting to the help of outside experts. When staffing, assign novice HR specialists to more experienced mentors.

High qualifications and experience affect the efficiency of a specialist and the number of errors. But since laws are periodically reviewed and significant amendments are made, send personnel officers, regardless of their length of service. If an employee cannot be replaced for a while, choose distance learning.

When organizing HR records from scratch, step-by-step instructions will help you navigate how to prepare orders, job descriptions, and local company regulations. Stick to the basic rules.

Algorithm for organizing HR records management from scratch

In order to organize from scratch, use approved standards.

To understand the features of accounting and personnel document flow in an organization, you need to undergo training. Distance courses are suitable for both experienced and novice HR specialists.

HR records management from scratch: instructions

Pay attention! offers to take accelerated distance courses, including the basics of personnel records management. Upon completion, an official certificate is issued confirming qualifications. The information obtained during training allows you to systematize knowledge, learn about all changes in the regulatory framework, and avoid mistakes in subsequent work.

After studying the basic information, regulate HR administration from scratch, step-by-step instructions. Since there is no single step-by-step plan indicating the work of a personnel officer, draw up an individual algorithm of actions. Keep in mind that he should not contradict the points with which the employee was introduced during employment.

Practical case

How to draw up the HR Administration Instructions?

The law does not establish the employer’s obligation to draw up instructions if we start HR records from scratch. However, in practice, organizations and departments use it in their activities. The legislation does not provide for standard instructions for personnel records management, so a company can draw it up in any form (Part 1, Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When preparing a document, you can use standard instructions as a basis. The names and number of thematic sections of the document depend on what procedures are carried out by the personnel service. Typically, each section is devoted to a separate procedure, which is regulated by labor legislation...

Step #1. Creation of a regulatory framework

Determine which regulations are in demand in your work. Rely on the field of activity, working conditions, and other factors. Most often, HR officers use the following documents:

  • Labor Code - contains the main points on standardizing the working time of employees (chapters 15–16, 22). It indicates the duration and frequency of vacations (Chapter 19), and the features of payroll (Chapter 21). In addition, the rights and obligations of the parties to the labor relationship are described.
  • Resolution of the State Statistics Committee dated January 4, 2001, No. 1 - it presents unified forms of primary documents needed in personnel records. Their use is optional. But the forms take into account columns and details that facilitate the development of individual templates.
  • Government decree No. 225 dated April 16, 2003, which helps in working with work books.
  • Manual on maintaining military records, approved by the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces on April 11, 2008. The recommendations allow you to get comfortable with maintaining military records for employees.
  • Order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 No. 1185-st, Gosstandart resolution dated March 3, 2003 No. 65-st, order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 and resolution dated June 15, 2009 No. 477. They reflect office work standards that make everyday work easier.

For an employee who is undergoing training from scratch, provide access to these and other regulations. Explain to the personnel officer that he is obliged to monitor changes, updates and the release of new laws. Don’t forget to expand your knowledge on your own.

Pay attention! Manual monitoring of legislation is difficult. It takes a lot of time and effort. To make the task easier, subscribe to information portals. The electronic magazine "" and "" is constantly updated with informative articles, instructions, files and forms for downloading and much more.

Step #2. Drawing up personnel documents involved in office work

Prepare the documents or have the HR person do it. It is necessary to draw up internal labor regulations, vacation schedules and other acts regulating the work of the organization and the activities of employees.

The required documents that are filed as staffing progresses include the following documents:

  • employment contracts;
  • labor movement records book provided by employees;
  • book of accounting of forms of work books and inserts in them;
  • ;
  • personal cards of employees;
  • orders and documents supporting their issuance;
  • job descriptions.

In some cases, it is necessary to prepare a collective agreement, regulations on bonuses, trade secrets, certification and other acts. Review documents in a timely manner, make adjustments, and correct identified deficiencies. Write it down.

Advice from the editor:, observing all conditions. This will avoid fines. Keep in mind that even unintentional damage to papers leads to problems during checks.

Step #3. Approval of documents and their forms

If there are comments on the content or form of the documents on the forms, the personnel officer eliminates them and re-agrees them with the manager. After that, documents affecting personnel and accounting are reflected in the organization’s accounting policies.

If you organize HR records, it will help you avoid mistakes that lead to fines. Without taking courses, it is difficult to understand the basics and laws. Don’t forget to send the company’s HR staff for advanced training. Provide them with journals that inform you of changes in labor laws in a timely manner.

Amendments to the Labor Code adopted last year affected many personnel documents that should be in the organization in 2019. They concern changes in the conditions of employment, remuneration, determination of the qualification level of applicants for a number of positions, and the provision of some social guarantees.

A number of innovations make it easier and simpler to maintain personnel documents in 2019, which should have a positive impact on the state of small businesses. Let's look at what HR employees should prepare for.

Conducting personnel records in 2019

Personnel records management is a set of measures that include the development and maintenance of documents related to personnel. Most of the requirements for personnel documents remained unchanged in 2019. Keeping personnel records is mandatory for absolutely all employers, although some of them have the opportunity to do this in a somewhat truncated form.

The ban on agency labor introduced back in 2016 is still in effect. This means that an employment contract must be concluded with all employees performing a labor function on the employer’s territory. The only exception can be the outsourcing of a number of non-core functions, for which a civil law contract is concluded.

As for personnel records management itself, all documents that need to be maintained in relation to personnel are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code, a number of by-laws and departmental instructions. The person (or responsible) for performing such work is appointed by order of the organization.

Personnel records management in 2019: basic documents

In order to understand what documents on personnel records management an organization should have, we will analyze labor legislation and present the resulting result in the form of a table. For most of them, there are unified forms developed and approved by the State Statistics Committee. Their use is not mandatory, but it makes the work of HR employees much easier.

Personnel records management 2019: basic documents


Regulatory framework

Staffing table

Internal labor regulations

Art. 189 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Job Descriptions

Statement on the protection of personal data

Art. 86 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Regulations on remuneration and incentives for employees

Section 6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Labor safety instructions and training logs

Section 10 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Vacation schedule

Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Unified form was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 1 in 2004.

Employment contracts

Art. Art. 16, 56, 67 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Personal cards

The unified form was approved by State Statistics Committee Resolution No. 1 in 2004.

Personnel orders

Unified forms were approved by State Statistics Committee Resolution No. 1 in 2004.

Work records

Art. 66 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Book of accounting of work books and inserts

Ministry of Labor Regulation No. 69 of 2003

Time sheet

The unified form was approved by State Statistics Committee Resolution No. 1 in 2004.

Collective agreement

Section 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

List of positions for which irregular working hours are established

Art. 101 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Shift schedule for enterprises with continuous production

Art. 103 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Agreements on full mat. responsibility

Art. 244 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Regulations on commercial and other secrets

Relevant Federal Laws

Regulations on certification (if they are carried out)

Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Logs of orders, certificates, etc.

Changes in personnel records management in 2019

Russian labor legislation is a dynamic and constantly improving system. A number of provisions of this document, which came into force in 2018, also apply to mandatory documents for personnel records management. Let's consider what exactly needs to be changed in the work of the personnel service.

  1. Increasing the minimum wage. From July 1, it will be equal to 7,800 rubles, which is 4% higher than the previous value. For employers, this will mean reviewing the terms of remuneration and including provisions in employment contracts concluded with newly hired employees that take this change into account. Let us remind you that the employer does not have the right to pay less than the minimum wage for working a full day, shift or week.
  2. Simplifying HR records for small businesses that qualify as microenterprises. Below, using the example of an individual entrepreneur, we will look at this innovation in detail and name the necessary personnel documents, samples and forms for 2018.
  3. Independent assessment of qualifications. The federal law regulating its implementation was adopted in July 2016 and came into force on January 1, 2017. Applicants undergo it either at their own expense or at the direction of the employer. The assessment is carried out in the form of an examination, following which a certificate is issued. Negative results are reflected in the conclusion with recommendations for improving knowledge. The initiative to undergo an independent assessment may also come from the employer. But to send an employee for an exam, his written consent is required. During the exam, the employee retains his position and salary, and travel expenses are reimbursed.
  4. Salary payment deadlines have been tightened. If previously employers could install them themselves, now Art. 136 Labor Code sets deadlines - no later than the 15th day of the month following the worked month.
  1. The amount of employer liability for delays in payments due to employees has increased. The compensation that is due to employees for each day they miss the transfer or payment of wages, vacation pay or other funds has doubled and amounted to 1/150 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The accrual of such a fine begins from the payment day following the statutory or internal act and continues until the actual day of payment.
  2. Work records were allowed not to be certified with a round seal. The corresponding change to the instructions for filling them out was made by Order of the Ministry of Labor on October 31, 2016. To certify the records made about admission, transfer, etc., it is enough to use the seal of the personnel service, if available.
  3. The list of grounds for an unscheduled visit by labor inspectorate representatives has been added. Now, in order to check an employer’s compliance with labor legislation, State Labor Inspectorate inspectors only need information about existing delays in wages and other payments or whether their amount is below the minimum level provided for by law. In addition to the compensation due to employees, such an employer will pay a fine imposed on him by the labor inspectorate.
  4. In municipal and state organizations (institutions and enterprises), the salaries of directors and chief accountants are “tied” to the earnings of other employees. The maximum “fork” is assigned by the Government of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities or local governments.
  5. The list of documents required when concluding an employment contract includes another certificate - about the absence of administrative penalties for the use of substances related to narcotic or psychotropic substances. Such a document is not mandatory for everyone, but only in cases where such a requirement for an employee is established by law. The corresponding additions are included in Art. 65 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  6. The permissible share of attracting foreign workers in some industries has been reduced. Thus, in the field of transportation of passengers and goods by land transport, it has been cut to 30%. Foreign drivers are required to have a Russian license. The ban on the use of foreign driver's licenses for transport industry workers will take effect on June 1, 2017, so employers have time to prepare.
  1. The deadlines for claims in some labor disputes have changed. In particular, it is now possible to achieve justice in case of non-payment of wages or part thereof, especially upon dismissal, not within three months, as was previously the case, but within a year. This measure is intended to protect workers from the arbitrariness of unscrupulous employers who enjoyed a shortened statute of limitations for such claims.
  2. Changes in registration and payment of certificates of incapacity for work. Paper sick leave will replace the electronic document. This will reduce the time it takes for HR officers and accountants to process payments. In addition, it is almost impossible to falsify or lose such a document. At the same time, officials are increasing the length of service required to receive full disability benefits. In 201 7 his term will increase to 9 years. Gradually it is planned to increase it to 15 years. For those who have worked for 8-15 years, the benefit amount will be 80%, and up to 8 years - 60% of earnings.

Instructions for personnel records management

Personnel documents for individual entrepreneurs in 2019

For an individual entrepreneur, maintaining personnel documentation becomes necessary only when he acts as an employer. If he receives income only from his own business activities, then no documentation other than accounting and tax is necessary.

Some HR documents for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 are no longer mandatory. This innovation is provided for by Law No. 348-FZ dated July 3, 2016. According to its provisions, so-called micro-enterprises are exempt from the need to maintain personnel records. This category may include both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. The law calls the following criteria for classification as micro-enterprises:

  • number of employees up to 15 people;
  • total annual income does not exceed 120 million rubles;
  • For an LLC, the share of other legal entities among the founders does not exceed 49%.

Relaxations for small businesses do not mean the possibility of not maintaining personnel records at all. We are talking only about a number of local acts, such as PVTR, provisions on wages and bonuses, vacation and shift schedules, etc. However, all the conditions that are usually included in such documents must be specified in employment contracts concluded with employees. Their presence is still mandatory.

The following documents are still required:

  • staffing table;
  • personnel orders (on hiring, transfer, dismissal, granting leave, etc.);
  • time sheet;
  • personal cards;
  • work books.


All companies subject to the micro-enterprise regulations established in 2018 and later are required by order to consolidate the refusal to use HR records, list of documents which need not be cited. The same individual entrepreneurs that were registered earlier can also simplify their work. But the order will also have to indicate that previously accepted documents lose their validity.

To ensure that refusal to prepare personnel documentation in small businesses does not lead to a massive violation of the rights of employees of such enterprises, the Government expects to develop and approve a standard employment contract, which will take into account all the necessary nuances regarding working conditions, remuneration and social guarantees. Corresponding amendments regarding the specifics of employment in micro-enterprises will appear in the Labor Code in the form of a separate chapter.

When the staff grows or profits increase, that is, when moving into the category of a small or medium-sized enterprise, the relaxations in terms of personnel records become invalid. The entrepreneur is given four months to launch personnel records in in full practically from scratch.

The volume of changes that affected personnel records in 2018 is quite large. This indicates the desire of the state to reduce the number of abuses by employers and to protect as much as possible the rights of both parties to the labor relationship. Law enforcement practice will show how successful the innovations will be.

Construction of a personnel records management system from scratch must be carried out in strict accordance with labor legislation. Read about where to start as a HR manager and how to restore HR records

Read our article:

Why is HR records necessary?

Where to start building a personnel document management system is a pressing question for newly created companies. Despite the fact that organizations are essentially left with no choice whether to keep records or not, it remains a very convenient tool for monitoring personnel at all stages of their work. Legislation only unifies the form of its functioning and determines the standards that must be followed not only by the employee, but also by the employer.

Personnel records, first of all, help to understand who works in the company, determine the number of personnel, and the company's expenses on wages.

In addition, the system allows you to document all movements in the team, be it:

  • reception;
  • dismissal;
  • vacations;
  • personnel movements, etc.

Accounting for length of service helps the employer in determining the number of vacation days that each employee is entitled to. Maintaining a time sheet allows you to clearly control the presence of personnel at work and accurately calculate wages.

HR administration from scratch step by step

Conducting HR records from scratch in practice raises many questions not only among HR newcomers, but also among experienced specialists. First of all, the order of release of documents raises doubts.

When the company has already been registered and all supporting documents have been received, it is time to start preparing personnel documentation. The first thing to do is to sort out the future staffing of the legal entity and determine the need for personnel for the first time and for the future. To do this, the company needs to publish a staffing table in form T-3.

If an organization plans to use non-unified forms of personnel documents, they must first be approved by the appropriate order of the manager. It would be ideal to publish the Regulations “On the personnel policy of the enterprise” or “Instructions for personnel records management”. Such documents prescribe all the rules for maintaining records at a newly created enterprise in accordance with current legal norms.

It does not always make sense to hire a personnel officer immediately after opening if the number at first is small. Typically, his responsibilities are assigned to an accountant or other specialist.

Before hiring the first employee, it is also required to develop a standard form of employment contract. It can be the same for the entire team or vary by group of personnel.

Only after approval of the forms of primary personnel documents can you begin hiring employees.

Personnel records for LLC

HR records management for LLCs has not undergone significant changes. It is important to note that personnel records do not differ much depending on the legal form of the enterprise. The rules are the same in most cases.

Still, the bulk of companies are LLCs. The activities of an LLC provide for greater freedom of action than for municipal or budgetary institutions. Government organizations are more formalized and most decisions come down from ministries (for example, staffing for district administrations).

Whereas LLCs have greater freedom of action and are less limited in choosing a behavior scenario.

HR documents

The basis of personnel records in an organization are personnel records documents. All documents can be divided into 3 categories:

  • primary documents on personnel records;
  • primary documents for recording time worked and wages;
  • journals for recording the movement of personnel documentation.

Both the first and second groups have their own approved forms (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and its payment”). Recently, they are not mandatory for the use of legal entities. If necessary, the company can use them to develop and approve its own forms that comply with legal requirements. Those for whom the unified documents are convenient can continue to use them.

The Resolution under consideration provides the forms of the first and second groups. Most often used in practice:

  • T-3 - ;

Another important journal is the “Journal of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them.” It reflects the acceptance of labor from employees and their issuance upon dismissal.

All personnel logs, the maintenance of which is mandatory in 2018, must be properly completed. For most of them, there are ready-made printed forms that allow you to avoid design errors. Moreover, they are most often already laced, the pages are numbered and there is a sealing holographic sticker. All you have to do is put a stamp at the end, sign it with your manager and carefully keep the journal.

However, no one forbids you to make it yourself using a PC or completely manually. When creating it, you should adhere to established design rules. A simple printout of a list of orders from 1C is not the form of a book that can satisfy a GIT inspector.

Restoring HR records: step-by-step instructions

The restoration of personnel records management differs in its methodology from the procedure for its construction itself. The main emphasis here is on personnel audit. Personnel audit is a procedure for checking the entire personnel accounting system. This is a set of measures aimed at identifying shortcomings of the system or violations of the accepted procedure and legislation.

After a detailed audit and compilation of a list of violations, it is necessary to begin restoration. Depending on the degree of violations, the amount of work is determined.

The lack of necessary LNA leads not only to the need to develop the provisions themselves, but also to familiarize staff with the newly introduced document. And also, if necessary, drawing up additional agreements to contracts to change essential conditions.

The most harmless thing is the absence of journals or records in labor records. These violations do not lead to a chain of events that require coordination with personnel.

So it’s easier to initially set up an accounting system in accordance with the laws than to later coordinate every change in labor documents with staff or fight off inspection bodies and pay huge fines.

The changes in personnel records management in 2016 and those that will come into force in a few days are quite significant. These include new rules for hiring individual employees, simplified personnel records for micro-enterprises, and changes in the rules for assessing the skill level of employees. Let’s look at the main innovations that every HR manager needs to know about.

1 Simplified personnel records in micro-enterprises

Starting next year, thanks to Federal Law No. 348-FZ dated July 3, 2016, personnel records for micro-enterprises will be simplified. The management of such companies may completely or partially refuse to approve local regulations containing labor law standards. We are talking, in particular, about internal labor regulations, provisions on wages and bonuses, shift schedules and other local personnel regulations.

At the same time, entrepreneurs will have to include all the conditions regulated by the above documents directly in the employment contract, the standard form of which was approved by Government Decree No. 858 of August 27, 2016. The work books of micro-enterprise employees have been retained, therefore, for the persons responsible for their accounting and maintenance, in the following nothing will change this year.

Only companies with micro-enterprise status can forget about local regulations. This can be either a legal entity or an individual who has no more than 15 employees, and whose income for the past calendar year does not exceed 120 million rubles. If an individual entrepreneur or company loses the status of a micro-business entity, he/she will have to complete all “traditional” personnel documents within four months.

2 Independent assessment of qualifications

From January 1, 2017, regulations regarding independent qualification assessment will come into force. This is a kind of verification of the professional training of employees for compliance with established standards and qualification requirements. Personnel workers should remember that Federal Law No. 239-FZ of July 3, 2016 obliges the employer to provide an employee sent for a qualification assessment exam with all the guarantees established by labor legislation, collective agreements, agreements and other local regulations. That is, such an employee retains his place of work and average salary, and he is also reimbursed for travel expenses.

Since undergoing an independent qualification assessment requires a fee, the legislator has provided the opportunity to compensate for the costs incurred. If an employee pays for the trip and the cost of the exam on his own, then he has the right to a personal income tax deduction for the amount of expenses incurred, but not more than 120 thousand rubles. If the employer paid for the qualification assessment, he is allowed to include all costs associated with testing as other costs associated with the production and sale of goods (work, services).

Please note that next year the qualification exam will not be mandatory. At the same time, officials do not hide that they plan to develop a list of positions for which only persons who have the appropriate testing certificates will be able to apply.

3 Additional information for employment

Starting next year, the list of documents required to conclude an employment contract will be expanded. Following the requirements of Part 1 of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, personnel officers are now requesting from persons applying for work an identification document, a work book (if available), SNILS, military registration documents, and education data. In certain cases, a criminal record certificate and other documents established by federal law are required. From January 1, 2017, in accordance with Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 230-FZ, the list of additional documents is supplemented by a certificate stating whether the person was subjected to administrative punishment for the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription or new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances substances. Such paper will be needed when applying for a job related to activities that persons subject to administrative punishment for drug use are not allowed to perform.

4 Permissible proportion of foreign workers

Personnel officers should also be aware of the permissible share of foreign workers established for the next year. The relevant Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 2016 N 1315 states that it is allowed to attract up to half of foreigners from the total number of workers into the field of growing vegetables. This restriction does not apply to the Krasnodar, Stavropol and Khabarovsk territories, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Moscow, Rostov and Saratov regions.

The sports sector is allowed to attract up to 25% of foreign workers, and in a company that retails alcoholic beverages and tobacco products in specialized stores, foreigners should be no more than 15% of the total number of employees.

As in 2016, foreign workers are not allowed to work in pharmaceuticals, as well as in retail trade in non-stationary retail outlets, markets and other retail trade outside of stores, tents, and markets.

At the same time, the permissible share of foreign workers in the field of land passenger transport is reduced. Core companies that employ people from other countries must ensure that their number does not exceed 30% of the total number of employees, that is, 10% less than in 2016. Organizations in the field of road freight transport reduced the share of foreigners next year 35 to 30 percent.

Let us also remind you that from June 1, 2017, a ban on the admission of drivers with foreign licenses will come into effect. Organizations that have employees with driver's licenses issued in other states should take care in advance to ensure that they do not violate the law, starting next summer.

5 Increasing the minimum wage and regional minimums

The minimum wage, as is known, is used to pay wages and calculate benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for other purposes of compulsory social insurance. From July 1, 2016, the government increased this figure to 7,500 thousand rubles. In addition, Federal Law No. 460-FZ dated December 19, 2016 approved a parameter that will be in effect from July 1, 2017. It will be 7800 rubles.

At the same time, the increase in minimum wages in a particular region should be taken into account. If the salary at the enterprise is lower than that established for the subject, it is necessary to make an increase. Otherwise, according to the rules introduced by Federal Law No. 272-FZ of July 3, 2016, the company faces large fines, and its officials face monetary sanctions and even disqualification for up to 3 years.

6 New deadlines for filing claims in labor disputes

Federal Law No. 272-FZ also increased the deadlines for going to court in connection with non-payment or incomplete payment of wages and other payments due to an employee. From October 3, 2016, an “offended” employee has the right to go to court within one year from the date of payment of the specified amounts. Previously, it was possible to file a complaint with the court only within three months, which allowed unscrupulous employers to avoid making full payments to their subordinates, especially if they quit.

Let us remind you that the reason for filing a claim may be low compared to the regional minimum wages, violation of the terms of its payment, refusal to pay compensation in the amount of 1/150 of the key rate of the Bank of Russia for the delay in funds due.

7 Electronic sick leave

Officials insist that next year there will be new look documents confirming the temporary disability of citizens - electronic sick leave. The corresponding bill has already been approved in the first reading by deputies and after New Year's holidays the document may be accepted in its final form.

This does not mean that the authorities will abandon traditional paper hospital records: so far, not all medical institutions have the appropriate material resources to connect to an automated information system and use an electronic signature. However, since the introduction of a new type of sick leave, HR officers and accountants should have much less work. An electronic document is much more difficult to falsify and can always be verified. In addition, the new system will simplify interaction with the Social Insurance Fund, which, even after the transfer of rights to administer insurance premiums, will continue to monitor the correct calculation of social benefits.

8 Professional profile "HR and accounting" in Consultant Plus

In the fall of 2016, the developer of the Consultant Plus program released an update with which all HR employees were able to customize the program with one click. The new product is called “professional profile for accounting and personnel.” Its task is to simplify the work of specialists and optimize the time spent searching for materials on relevant topics. .

What changes approved by the authorities this year seem significant to you? Be sure to share with us and your colleagues in the comments to this material so that we can talk about it in detail.

The HR department is one of the most important links in any modern organization. Only thanks to the specialists of this service is it possible to effectively manage the activities of an enterprise.

HR administration from scratch, step-by-step instructions

But in order to properly organize its functioning it is necessary:

  • clearly define the job responsibilities of employees responsible for the development and preparation of the necessary documents; know the rules for the formation of executive bodies and appointment
  • managers;
  • correctly recruit new employees, transfer and dismiss them;
  • work on the basis current laws in the field of personnel records management;
  • create the necessary acts and regulations at the enterprise level.

In order to quickly and competently organize the effective activities of the HR department, it is recommended to develop and use a special algorithm for performing the necessary actions.

Who is responsible for office work at the enterprise?

Before you create a plan for organizing effective document flow, you need to decide who will perform the role of HR specialist. Even in a small enterprise, for intra-organizational document flow, the position of secretary or clerk is usually included in the staffing table.

There are two main reasons for this:

  • large volumes of documentary work that the responsible person handles daily;
  • the need for a narrow specialization in working with documents, it is desirable that the appointed employee has an education in the specialty of a secretary-assistant, HR manager or clerical worker.

Of course, in practice it is acceptable to assign additional responsibilities to someone who also works with documents, such as a lawyer or accountant. However, this can seriously reduce the efficiency of the employee’s main activities, since paperwork requires a lot of attention.

Possible overload responsible person and the appearance of fatal errors in its work. Therefore, most often preference is given to introducing a separate position.

Steps and walkthroughs

The organization of any personnel records management system will consist of the following stages:

Mandatory documents

To establish stable operation of the office work service, you will need to create the following documents:

  • Staffing schedule. Contains information about positions existing in the organization. To draw up a document, it is necessary to refer to the current legislation, since its form is completely unified for all enterprises in the Russian Federation;
  • Time is a valuable resource. In order not to waste it on manually drawing up a new contract or job description each time, you should prepare templates for each position from the staffing table;
  • Creating a list of cases or making changes. The nomenclature of files is usually called a list of all types of documents created in an organization and an indication of their place and storage period. Usually it contains many sections, one of which should be devoted to personnel records management;
  • Internal labor regulations, according to which the daily work procedure, rest time and much more will be organized.

Manager's registration

If the organization has not yet appointed a manager, then this will be done first. He will be the one:

  • form administrative staff;
  • register constituent documents;
  • sign organizational, administrative and other documents.

The registration of the director occurs in accordance with the decision that the founder makes collectively or individually. They issue an order in relation to the person appointed as the first person of the enterprise.

Regulatory acts

To properly organize the work of the personnel records management service, you will need to use the basic regulations of the current legislation:

Accounting documents

There are several main types of accounting documents, the maintenance of which ensures proper document flow:

  • Accounting sheet (or book) of enterprise personnel. It is entered into brief information on the number of employees;
  • Registration journal of employment contracts. Allows you to track the conclusion of all contracts with employees. Maintaining this journal ensures reliable storage of documents. Nothing will be lost without a trace; it can be used to track the presence or absence of labor agreements;
  • A registration log necessary for prompt tracking of personnel changes;
  • Logs of incoming and outgoing shipments. In them you can see the history of various business correspondence and clarify the sending or receipt of various letters;
  • A book of personal cards, which contains information about forms with personal data of employees. It is needed when there is a need to study the personal data of an employee.

Work books and their storage

Working with work books has two main features that must be taken into account.
An employee who is hired must provide his book to the employer. It will be kept by him until the termination of the employment contract.

If the work at the enterprise is part-time, then the book is not transferred for storage, but certified copies of it from the main place of work are provided.

In this document, the secretary makes a note that the employee has been hired by the organization, indicating its organizational form and name. This record is then certified by the head of the enterprise.

Registration of employees

In order to properly register an employee, it is enough to follow a simple algorithm:

  • Take an application from the employee in which he will indicate information about what position he is applying for, what salary he is interested in, and what date he will start working.
  • Receive from the employee the necessary copies of documents, such as passport, SNILS, INN, bank details for transferring wages.
  • Conclude an employment contract and issue it under personal signature job description. These documents establish a legal connection between the employee and the employer.
  • Create a personal file, which will include an application and copies of documents. Fill out the card in form T2, in which write down all the necessary information.
  • Issue an order according to which the employee is hired.


Thus, in order to create a personnel records service, it is enough to use the above instructions for organizing its work. The main thing when creating such a service is to rely on the provisions of the current legislation and take into account the needs of the enterprise, depending on its organizational characteristics.