Scenario “New Year of the Rooster” in the senior group. Children's scenarios New Year's riddles for kids

Today is script day! Let's aim for a fun holiday ahead! The New Year's holiday script sent by Yulia Belousova will help us with this. The fact is that on the last day of accepting works for the New Year's Trouble competition, two scripts were received from the young author. Yulia is 13 years old. Since the volume is quite large, I divided the sent material into three creative works, which will all be published on the same day one after another.

So, the first scenario for the New Year's holiday for children 4-8 years old, proposed by the author.

Country "Latupia" - New Year's holiday scenario

It smells like fresh tar again,
We gathered at the Christmas tree,
Our Christmas tree is dressed up,
The lights on it came on.
Games, jokes, songs, dances!
Masks flash here and there...
You are a bear and I am a fox.
What miracles!
Let's dance together,
Hello, hello, New Year!
Hello, girls and boys, mothers and fathers, grandparents!

You have found yourself on a Christmas tree, on a holiday, in a country called “Latupia”.

Monkeys live here and are usually very polite and obedient.

But that was before today, and today the monkeys there are completely disorderly - they walk upside down, scream, make noise and play pranks from morning to evening, they squeak not like humans, they scream not like animals, and just howl, yes, that residents of neighboring countries are clutching their heads... Monkeys are bored!

Guys, let's go to Latupia and try to calm down the naughty monkeys and teach them to play happily and not disturb anyone..

And Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka will help us with this.

(monkey runs out)

Well, well, why don’t we dance, play pranks, have fun, don’t walk upside down, but just sit!? (the monkey starts to disturb everyone, lifts them up, and then there’s a game)
Guys, let's play the game "Latupia haha"

Game "Latupia ha-ha"

The rules are as long as the music plays, everyone runs and dances, and as soon as the music stops, everyone freezes, with open eyes, and the monkey will make you laugh, whoever laughs goes into the refrigerator, and to get out of the refrigerator you need to dance or sing a song and recite a poem.

Are the rules clear? Then let's go!
Music (playing the game “Laputia ha-ha”)
(A rooster named “Petya” comes out)
Hello, where did I end up?!

Children together:

to Latupia)

Rooster: I came to you from far away, I haven’t been seen for a long time, I’m letting you in the New Year, the year of the Rooster!

Presenter: Petya-Petya Cockerel, have you seen Santa Claus?!

Rooster: No, I haven’t seen it, let’s call together?!

Children, Leader and Monkey:
Let's! (Scream Santa Claus, Grandfather Frost, Grandfather Frost,)

(Baba Yaga runs out)

Baba Yaga: Hello, everyone! Little ones, where did I end up?!

Presenter: Hello Baba Yaga, you have arrived in Latupia.

Baba Yaga: I heard that you are waiting for Santa Claus, (all: yes), no, I haven’t seen him.

Presenter: Come on, then let’s call the Snow Maiden (everyone: let’s)

All: Snegurochka, Snegurochka, Snegurochka.
(Snow Maiden comes out)

Snow Maiden: Hello, I’m glad to see you all, (and sad)

Presenter: Why are you sad as the New Year approaches, and where is Santa Claus?!

Snow Maiden: Oh, my glorious grandfather, named Frost. The evil evil spirits stole him and took him far away.

Presenter: Let's go look for him, and the monkey and Baba Yaga will stay here, in case Santa Claus comes here.
(Rooster, Presenter, Snow Maiden - leave)

Baba Yaga: Monkey, let's steal Santa Claus ourselves and take the gifts!

Monkey: Come on! Children, let's call Santa Claus again!

Children: Let's

All: Father Frost, Father Frost, Father Frost.
(Santa Claus comes out breathing heavily)

Santa Claus: Oh, he barely escaped from the evil spirits. Hello, girls and boys, mothers and fathers, grandparents. Where is everyone, where is the fun, where is my granddaughter?

Baba Yaga: They left to look for you.

Santa Claus: Well... Let's start having fun for now, and you'll see they'll come to us. Who will sing me a song about the Christmas tree, and who will tell me a poem?!
(They sing a song to the little Christmas tree, it’s cold in winter)

Father Frost:
And now poetry!

Poems for the New Year holiday

Where does Santa Claus live?
Amazing question!
Not in the lamp, not in the alarm clock,
Let's look in the refrigerator!


Santa Claus, no matter how old,
But he plays pranks like a little boy:
It stings your cheeks, it tickles your nose,
He wants to grab you by the ears.
Santa Claus, don't blow in my face,
Enough, do you hear?
Don't spoil!


The bunny washes himself
Going to the Christmas tree.
I washed my nose, I washed my tail,
I washed my ear and dried it.
I put on a bow,
He became a dandy.


The round dance began to spin,
The songs flow loudly.
This means New Year,
This means a Christmas tree!


Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,
Invite us to the holiday!
Fulfill all your wishes
Make all your dreams come true!

(While the children were reciting poems, the monkey hid the gifts)

come - Rooster, Presenter, Snow Maiden

Monkey: Santa Claus came, and you were looking for him.

Presenter: Well then, let’s play the game “patron of the year”

Several children come out and portray the symbol of 2017 - the Rooster (here you can organize a costume contest or a song and poem competition about the rooster)

Well done, the guys completed the task, and now the game “Toy of Wishes”

Game “Toy of Wishes”

For this competition you need to prepare a soft toy.

When music plays, children pass it around to each other. The music stops and the person who is holding the toy at that moment must say a wish.

Then the song begins to play again and the toy again begins to be passed from hand to hand.

And now let's play the game "Lunokhod" (TL note: description of the game “lunar rover”, you will find)

And now Santa Claus will give you gifts.

Santa Claus: (screams) Oh, oh, the bag is gone!

Children: It was the monkey and Baba Yaga who stole it!

Presenter: Come on, quickly give us the bag!

Monkey: We’ll give it back, but only if you guess our riddles, and the riddles are difficult, we’ve been preparing them for a whole year! Will you guess?!

Children: Yes!

New Year's riddles for kids

Baba Yaga:

Christmas tree with toys, Clowns with firecrackers.

All the people are having fun! What kind of holiday? (New Year)


Decorated with toys

Balloons and firecrackers -

Not a palm tree, not a pine tree,

And the festive one... (Christmas tree)

Baba Yaga:

He comes with gifts

He leads round dances with us.

Overgrown with a white beard

Good Grandfather... (Frost)


It sat on the shelf for a whole year,

And now it hangs on the tree.

This is not a flashlight

And the glass one... (ball)

Baba Yaga:

On the beauty of the forest

The rain is coming in waves

From a silver cord

Hanging down... (tinsel)


And now the most difficult riddle
All of it sparkles in gold,
Everything sparkles under the moon,
Decorates the Christmas tree with beads,
And draws on glass.
He's such a big prankster -
He'll pinch you right on the nose.
He came here for a holiday...
Who is he, children? …(Father Frost)

Baba Yaga: Okay, let's give away the gifts, we deserve it, we solved all the riddles, well done guys!

Presenter: And now grandfather will sing you a song, and (child’s name) will tell you a poem!

Children sing the song “while the clock strikes 12”


Santa Claus sits by the Christmas tree,
Hides his head in a bag.
Don't torment us too long -
Untie the bag quickly!

Father Frost:

I will give gifts to everyone!
(A song plays, everyone receives gifts)
I had a good time, it's time for me to join the other guys.
Bye Santa Claus!

The final part of the holiday


Guys, our holiday has come to an end, we completed the task, made us laugh and now in Latupia they don’t walk upside down - but walk on their feet, there are no more naughty monkeys there, and everyone here is obedient and dances every day. Finally, I want to wish you fulfillment of your desires, happiness, luck, love, listen to your parents, study well!

(narrates the poem)

This good winter holiday
enters every home like a fairy tale.
It's silver and beautiful
smells like Christmas tree and fire.
smells of snow and champagne,
more tangerines.
Congratulations on this holiday,
We are waiting for Frost to visit us.
New Year is a great occasion
make peace and forget
about everything that darkened
life for all people that year.
Let all the grievances and disputes
are left behind
well, in this new life
only happiness lies ahead!
Let the troubles be forgotten
and retreat into the darkness.
The New Year is just around the corner,
opens up a new path.
Goodbye friends, happy new year to you!
The script for the New Year's holiday 2017 was written by Yulia Belousova (13 years old)
From Samara region. Art. Klyavlino
Scenario for children aged (from 4 to 8 years)

I must say that such a New Year's holiday scenario is quite suitable for celebrating any new year. All you have to do is change the main characters - the monkey and the cockerel for animals, according to the eastern calendar

New Year is a holiday that all children look forward to. They rejoice and play, receive gifts and meet Santa Claus. This holiday is the most favorite among children, and they look forward to it more than anything else. New scenario for the New Year 2017 for children for the year of the rooster - these are interesting tasks, funny competitions, riddles and much more. Watch and play with your children.

Hello children!
Do you know what holiday we are celebrating today? Yes - New Year. Do you know who will be the symbol of the new year 2017? Yes - this is a colorful cockerel! And he came to us for a holiday. Let's welcome him.

The cockerel comes out.

Ku-ka-re-ku! Hurray - I'm with you again! I was gone for twelve years, and I missed you, I missed your happy faces and smiles. Did you miss me?

Of course we missed you. Cockerel, have you prepared gifts for us?

I prepared them, but I didn’t just give them away. I'll play with the children. Now I will ask riddles, and you will guess them. Whoever guesses correctly receives a sweet gift from me.

Well done! All the riddles have been solved! Now let's sing a New Year's song together with the cockerel.

Children sing a New Year's song.

Do you want to play more? Then listen to the rules of the game. I have a painting - my portrait. But it so happened that the artist forgot to draw my tail! Can you help me attach it?

Attach a drawing of a rooster without a tail to a stand or wall. And the tail is separately on adhesive tape. One by one, we blindfold all the children, give them a tail in their hands, and they must walk to the stand and attach the tail.
Those who can do it receive a gift.

Don't you think that someone is missing? Whom?

Wheat? And I love wheat so much!

No, what's missing is the one the children are looking forward to the most.

And who is this?

Children, tell the cockerel who it is.

Children shout Santa Claus.

Yes, it's Santa Claus! Let's call him all together!

The children shout in unison - Santa Claus!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

Father Frost:

Snow Maiden:
Hello boys and girls! The new year has finally arrived! I was so looking forward to this! Have you been waiting? Then quickly approach Santa Claus and tell him New Year's poems.

Children tell Santa Claus New Year's poems.

Father Frost:
What beautiful poems! I really liked it.

Do you want to play with the children? Then let's go.

Game with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden each take a hoop. Decorate the hoops in a New Year's style - hang tinsel and New Year's rain on them. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden put these hoops on themselves and move away in different directions.
Children are divided into two teams. Each team has paper snowballs. At the leader’s command, the children take turns throwing snowballs at the hoops. The assistants, the presenter and the cockerel, count how many paper snowballs each team got into their hoop.

Father Frost:
What clever children! Are you as agile and fast? Shall we play a game?

A game of skill.
Children move away from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Each child receives a basket, you can do without them. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden take paper snowflakes and scatter them on the floor. Then, on command, the children begin to collect snowflakes in their basket. When all the snowflakes have been collected, they count who collected how many.

We played great. Santa Claus - look how smart the children are today! They all tried to take a photo with you. So let's have a photo shoot.

Children take photos with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.


What are you, a cockerel?

This means that it’s time for us - other children are waiting for us in another place.

Father Frost:
Yes, kids, it’s time for us to get together with the other boys and girls who are waiting for us. But we will return to you in the next one - will you wait for us?

Snow Maiden:
We will miss you! And finally, let's sing a song with me.

Snow Maiden and children sing a song.


1. Cockerel.

2. Monkey Anfiska.

3. Crow Clarochka.

4. Penguin Sundae.

5. Snow Maiden.

6. Santa Claus.

Scenario progress:

Children stand in a round dance. The lights are burning on the Christmas tree. Solemn music sounds, voiceover.

Open your doors wider!

Come quickly!

We invite everyone to our holiday,

Adults, small children!

To make it more interesting,

Let's have fun together!

Hey guys, don't get lost

Everyone get ready for a round dance.

We will sing, play, dance,

Celebrate the New Year together!

Cheerful music sounds, the Cockerel and the Monkey run out onto the stage.


Snowflakes are flying to visit us,

Today is a holiday for the guys.

We've been waiting for him for a whole year,

And they got into a friendly round dance.


We'll sing and dance

Joking, laughing and playing.

And Santa Claus is already coming,

So hello, New Year holiday!

Cockerel: Hello guys, I'm a cheerful Cockerel, I've come to you for the whole year!

Monkey: And I am the monkey Anfiska! My year will end soon, so let's get to know each other quickly.

Cockerel: That's right, we need to find out what the guys' names are! What's your name, boy? (The cockerel runs between the children and asks their names.) What’s your name, girl? Vasya? And you, boy? Vetch? Oh, I'm completely confused!

Monkey: Take your time, Cockerel, let’s get to know the guys as follows.

Game "Dating"

Sasha and Masha should clap their hands,

Petya and Sveta stomp their feet,

Let Alina smile,

Andrey will laugh loudly.

Let Lena raise her hands,

And Misha’s hands are stuck in his trousers,

Let Tanya close her eyes,

Vanya will stretch out sweetly,

Vova pulled back his ears,

Showed Ksyusha's tongue

Let Kolya jump,

And Olya will sit down,

Natasha will wave her hand,

And Dashi stamps his foot.

And who I forgot to name,

Shout your name loudly. Three, four!

Cockerel: Great, so we met, and now it’s time to invite Grandfather Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka to our holiday!

Monkey: Cockerel, let's write a telegram to Grandfather Frost, and the guys will help us with this. Boys and girls, I have almost completed the text of the telegram, but I forgot to write a few adjectives. Tell me.

The monkey approaches the children, asks them for words, and writes them into the telegram. Then he reads it out.

Telegram text

“_______ Grandfather Frost! All ________ guys are _______ impatiently awaiting your ________ arrival. New Year- this is the most _______ holiday of the year. We will be happy to sing _______ songs with you, perform ________ dances, recite ______ poems. The _______ holidays have finally arrived, and I don’t want to talk about _______ school. But we promise that we will only receive _______ marks. Sincerely, __________ girls and _________ boys!

Cockerel: What a good telegram, can I take it to Santa Claus?

Monkey: No, Cockerel, you’d better sing something for the guys, you sing very well, and I’ll quickly run to grandpa and come back. Well, I ran! (The monkey runs away.)

Cockerel: That's true. I sing great, would you like to listen? Then get ready...

Cheerful music sounds, Clarochka the crow and Sundae the penguin enter. Penguin carries a suitcase.

Crow: (out of breath). Oh, we were in such a hurry, we were in such a hurry to come to you for the holiday! Hello, cockerel, hello, guys. I am Clarochka the crow, and this is my friend - a penguin named Ice Cream. Ice cream, say hello to the guys.

Penguin: Hello, guys, we were in a hurry to come to you for the holiday, I really want to ruin it as soon as possible...

Cockerel: What does it mean to spoil?

Crow: You heard it, Cockerel. Not to spoil, but to see, to see, the penguin wants to see the holiday (Threatens the penguin with his wing.) He even came to us especially for this occasion from Antarctica, just from the train, so to speak. (Penguin nods.)

Penguin: Yes, it’s great here in Antarctica. What can I say, I’d better show you how we penguins have fun there, repeat after me!

Game “In Antarctica”

Here in Antarctica

Always fun!

Here in Antarctica

It's winter all year round!

In the morning we bathe (Shows movements.)

And we wipe ourselves with snow,

We go skiing.

We play snowballs every day.

Let's catch a polar bear

And let's ride it.

Now we are floating on an ice floe.

Put on your skates quickly

And let's go play hockey.

Let's all make a snowman

And we dance until the morning.

Crow: Well done, Ice Cream! How do you guys know how to have fun?

Cockerel: I wanted to sing a song, and then you came.

Crow: So sing, sing, Cockerel, we won’t bother you! Guys, let's clap Rooster loudly and support his vocal endeavors. Sing!

The children clap, the Cockerel sings.

The song “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

The New Year is already upon us,

He will definitely come.

As soon as I sing for you

And I’ll shout “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Don't stand there, my friend, and don't yawn,

Make a wish quickly.

Everything will be accomplished in the New Year,

I just shout “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

I am a cockerel, my year is coming,

Let everyone here sing with me.

What I scream in the morning

Let's sing, friends - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Crow: Bravo, bravo, how sweet. And what, Cockerel, is it true that if you don’t shout “Koo-ka-re-ku”, the New Year won’t come?

Cockerel: Well, of course, crow, my year is coming! The most colorful, brightest, most vocal New Year is the Year of the Rooster! Ku-ka-re-ku!

Crow: Oh, how well you shout, and we brought you a gift for such a loud voice. Penguin, get it. (Penguin opens the suitcase and takes out a popsicle.) Here, eat it, cockerel, this is the most delicious popsicle in the world, try it.

Cockerel: No, no, thanks, I'm saving the neck.

Crow: Oh, how inconvenient! My poor friend the penguin Ice Cream was bringing him a gift from Antarctica itself! I didn’t sleep at night, I kept blowing on the ice cream so that it wouldn’t melt. (Penguin nods.) But he refuses!

Cockerel: Sorry, crow, I'll eat, thanks for the gift.

The cockerel takes the ice cream and eats it. Magic music sounds. The lights on the Christmas tree go out. The cockerel starts coughing.

Crow: Oh, what happened, you poor thing?

Cockerel: (speaks in a whisper). My throat hurts! I think I'm sick!

Penguin: Hurray, it worked!

Crow: (singing). Petya, Petya, cockerel,

He won’t sing “Ku-ka-re-ku”

The Year of the Rooster will not come to you!

That's it, now I will be the mistress of New Year's holiday! I announce to everyone that my New Year is coming soon - the Year of the Crow!

Cheerful music sounds and the Monkey comes running.

Monkey: Guys, I took a telegram to my grandfather, he was very happy, he said hello to you, he will soon come to us with his granddaughter for the holiday. (Approaches Cockerel.) Cockerel, why are you so sad?

Cockerel: My throat hurts!

Crow: Hello, thief monkey, do you want to be my friend? Forget about your Cockerel, because the New Year is coming soon - the Year of the Crow! This is great! All year long you will deceive everyone, be cunning and sneak, and most importantly - croak, croak, croak, as I do - Clarochka the crow! Kar-kar-kar!

Monkey: Don't croak! We don't need a New Year like this. The guys and I will figure out how to help Cockerel. You better fly away from here before it’s too late, otherwise Santa Claus will come soon and he’ll freeze you.

Penguin: So what, Santa Claus will come? I'm afraid of him!

Crow: (to the penguin). Be quiet! Okay, let's compete, let's see whose year is better, the Rooster or the Crow? If you complete all my tasks, then we will return Cockerel’s voice!

Monkey: Guys, do you think we can handle it? (Children answer “Yes!”) Of course, we can handle it. There are ten minutes left before Santa Claus arrives. Will you have time?

Penguin:(begging). No need for Santa Claus! Crow, maybe...

Crow:(interrupts). It can't! Quietly, don't panic. (To children.) Okay, okay, we'll make it! Let's see how you handle this game. I’ll ask you a few questions about Grandfather Frost: “What does he look like?”, “What does he do?” And you answer.

Game “Is this true, kids?”

Santa Claus loves fun

And he will come to us for the holiday.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together... (“Yes!”)

Santa Claus comes in May

He plays the drum

Give me an answer quickly

It's true, children... ("No!")

He brings us gifts

And he sings about the Christmas tree.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together... (“Yes!”)

That grandfather is as cunning as a fox

And it always bites.

Give me an answer quickly

It's true, children... ("No!")

Grandpa has a best friend

His name is Snowman.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together... (“Yes!”)

Santa Claus lives in a hollow,

Everyone is scared in the dark.

Give me an answer quickly

It's true, children... ("No!")

Grandpa loves to play

And dance at the Christmas tree.

Is this true, kids?

Answer together... (“Yes!”)

Penguin:(restless). Is Santa Claus really coming?

Monkey: It's still coming!

Crow:(to the penguin). What a coward you are, Ice Cream, I shouldn’t have contacted you. Stop crying, ours will take it anyway! (To children.) Okay, now I want to see how you can dance!


For the New Year to come,

We will dance well!

Let everyone help Cockerel,

And dances as best he can!

Guys, let's dance a fun and catchy dance - "Who dances at the holiday."

Game "Who's dancing at the party"

Santa Claus is dancing with us,

Red Nose is on fire!

Well, we'll dance now

Just like Grandfather Frost.

Music is playing. The monkey shows the movements of the dancing Santa Claus. The guys repeat after her.

Our snowman is dancing

He's not used to being sad.

Well, we'll dance now,

Like a cheerful Snowman.

Music is playing. The monkey shows the movements of the dancing Snowman. The guys repeat after her.

The Snow Maiden is dancing with us.

Laughs, as always.

Well, we'll dance now.

Like grandpa's granddaughter!

Music is playing. The monkey shows the movements of the dancing Snow Maiden. The guys repeat after her.

The children are dancing here.

The kids are having fun.

Turn up the music louder

Everyone dance like me!

Music is playing. The monkey shows movements. The children repeat after her.

Crow: You dance well, now I’ll come up with a more difficult task. I have some delicious riddles, now let's see if you can answer them!

Game "Tasty riddles"

Dads love, moms love

Very tasty...(Bananas)

It grows where there are no birches,

And his name is... (Coconut)

Sasha, Masha, Petit, Lily

They love to eat...(Kiwi)

I don't want to drink your kvass,

Better give...(Pineapple)

I'll go to the store soon,

And I’ll buy it there... (Orange)

The bear will pass through the nettles,

And, of course, he will eat all of it... (Raspberries)

Monkey: That's it, crow. You see how friendly the guys are. All your tests have passed, all your riddles have been answered. Now tell me, how can we get Cockerel’s voice back?

Crow: Well, since you are so friendly, we will definitely return Cockerel’s voice!

Penguin: When will Santa Claus come?

Crow: Come on, Ice Cream, take the milk out of the suitcase, now the Cockerel will drink the hot milk and his neck will go away.

Penguin: Or maybe it’s not necessary? Santa Claus will come! (Takes out milk.)

Crow: We must, we must, get it quickly.

Monkey: Again, you, crow, are you up to something?

Crow: You asked for it yourself. (Takes a carton of milk and approaches Cockerel.) Here, Petenka, drink the milk, the neck will go away right away.

The cockerel drinks milk, magic music sounds.

Cockerel: Oh, guys, I’m feeling sleepy, I’ll take a little nap here for now. (Lies under the Christmas tree.)


Sleep well, Cockerel,

You'll sleep through your New Year!

“Ku-ka-re-ku” you can’t sing,

And you will fall asleep, you will fall asleep, you will fall asleep!

That’s it, your Cockerel fell asleep soundly, now I’ll definitely be in charge!

Monkey: Guys, what is this going on, we need to urgently call Grandfather Frost here! Help me. Three, four! Grandfather Frost! (The monkey and the guys call Santa Claus.)

Solemn music sounds. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

Father Frost:

There are so many people in the hall,

A glorious holiday will be here.

They sent me a telegram

That they are really waiting for me here!

Snow Maiden:

We walked through snowy forests,

To get to a meeting with you.

My name is Snegurochka,

Glad to see you, friends!

Penguin: Santa Claus has arrived! (Freezes, looks at Santa Claus.)

Crow: Hello, Grandfather Frost! And I have good news for you, the New Year is coming - the Year of the Crow. And it will come only when I croak, but in order for me to croak, I must first be asked to do so. Well, ask me, ask me!

Monkey: Grandpa, freeze it!

Father Frost:

Okay my friends

I'll freeze it in earnest.

You are my staff, work hard,

And touch the crow!

Santa Claus touches Crow with his staff. The crow freezes.

Penguin: Santa Claus has arrived! (Stands in the same position as when Santa Claus appeared.)

Father Frost: (looks at the penguin.) Who else is this?

Monkey: And this is a penguin, he came from Antarctica, he helped the crow, although there is hope that he will improve.

Snow Maiden: Monkey, where is Cockerel? Somehow he is not visible here. I really want to hear his ringing “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Monkey: Here he is, Snow Maiden! As soon as he fell asleep, the crow gave him sleepy milk to drink so that his year would not come.

Father Frost:

It’s clear, we need to help out Cockerel, help me, guys!

Petya, Petya, Cockerel,

We will bring back your New Year.

Through the blizzard and blizzard,

You will shout - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

A miracle will happen here

And the New Year will come to us.

I will help you, friends,

Let's all shout “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

New Year will come to us soon.

And the Cockerel will sing for you.

And even a woodpecker on a bitch,

He will shout - “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

Magic music sounds. A loud sound is heard - “Ku-ka-re-ku!” The Cockerel arrives.

Cockerel: Thank you guys, thank you Santa Claus! My sore throat is gone, I’m healthy now! Friends, let's celebrate the holiday as soon as possible!

Penguin: What, Santa Claus has already left?

Cockerel: Here, here! Guys, what are we going to do with the crow and the penguin?

Penguin:(comes to his senses, runs around Santa Claus). Sorry guys, sorry Grandfather Frost. And you, it turns out, are not as evil and scary as the crow said about you. Can I stay with the guys at the holiday, and then I’ll tell everyone in Antarctica how much fun you have here?

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's leave Penguin at the party? (Children answer “Yes!”) Okay, get up with the guys in a round dance. But, friends, you will have to say goodbye to the crow; it has no place here at the holiday. (Approaches the crow.)

You, my staff, work hard,

And touch the crow.

Let her fly home

There will be one on New Year's Day.

Snow Maiden: I feel sorry for her, but, nevertheless,

Let him think about his behavior!

Santa Claus touches the crow with his staff. Magic music sounds, the crow comes to life and flies away, cawing.

Father Frost:

The snow is swirling outside the window,

And the frost gets stronger.

New Year is knocking on the door!

The holiday is coming!

Friends, let's sing my favorite song, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather, let the song ring loudly

It spilled in this room.

Make our Christmas tree

The fire quickly lit up!

Father Frost: Eh, I’m an old fool, my head has a hole, I completely forgot about the Christmas tree! Come on guys, help me!

Light up the lights bright

For dancing and fun,

Wake up quickly, beauty,

Make the Christmas tree happy for everyone.

Let's shout loudly

To make the tree hot:

“Burn, burn, Christmas tree,

Burn, burn brightly!”

Magical music sounds and the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Snow Maiden: And now it's time

Let's sing a song, friends!

Performance of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Snow Maiden: And now, guys, I want to play an interesting game with you, and it’s called “Happy New Year - Hurray.” Be careful, guys, if I put my hands down, the boys shout “Happy New...”. If I raise my hands up, the girls should shout “Year…”. Well, if I clap my hands, we all shout “Hurray!” in unison. Do you understand the task? Then let's start!

Game "Happy New Year - Hurray"

During the game, Santa Claus loses his mitten. The monkey picks it up.

Monkey: Grandfather Frost, look carefully, you’ve lost your mitten. Play with us! Guys, pass the mitten around, and you, grandpa, catch up!

Father Frost: Hey, mischievous people, well, let's play.

Game "Mitten"

Cheerful music sounds, the guys pass the mitten to each other in a circle. Santa Claus is trying to catch up with her. After unsuccessful attempts to pick up the mitten, grandfather sits down on a chair. Children return what is missing.

Santa Claus: (laughs). I'm tired, guys, oh, mischievous, mischievous. Do you like to dance? Now let's see, I'm announcing the start of the New Year's disco!

Disco program.

Cockerel: Goodbye! Don't get sick!

Have fun, laugh more often,

Be full of joy.

Both healthy and strong!

Father Frost: The past year is leaving the planet,

The New Year is in a hurry to replace it.

Grandfather wishes you to study well!

And have fun living the Year of the Rooster!

Snow Maiden:

Our New Year's holiday is coming to an end,

The moments of parting came.

Let's say it in simple words:

“See you friends, goodbye!”

Solemn music sounds, the heroes leave.

Scenario for New Year 2017 kindergarten.

Presenter 1:

Christmas tree and winter holiday!

All my friends today.

We invite you to visit!

Presenter 2:

We collect all the guys,

We invite you to our Christmas tree!

How beautiful it is in our hall -

It's like we're in a fairy tale!

Presenter 1:

Everything sparkles and sings -

Hello New Year holiday!

Hurry up, hurry up to the hall, kids.

Dancing and games are waiting for you at the Christmas tree!

Presenter 2:

For your holiday with us

It'll be fun now.

There will be music and singing,

There will be games and entertainment

Very interesting.

Simply wonderful!

Presenter 1:

We invite everyone to the hall today,

We give a performance,

Celebrate the holiday with joy,

Never be discouraged!


Hello, hello,

Hello, holiday!

The long-awaited New Year!

Let's decorate our Christmas tree,

Santa Claus will come!

We dance together with him

Let's sing and dance

And “Happy New Year” to all guests!

Let's congratulate everyone!

Winter will cover you with white snow

Houses, trees and bushes,

And then the holiday comes next,

You and I know this.

Behaved diligently

And he was obedient.

The whole bag is treasured

Honestly deserved it.

Christmas tree, we've been waiting for you

Many, many days, nights.

We counted the minutes

To see it quickly.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With a song, a Christmas tree, a round dance,

With beads, firecrackers,

With new toys.

It's going to be fun today

There will be no time to be bored.

Hello, New Year's holiday,

We have come to meet you!

Green, fluffy,

In a snow coat,

The Christmas tree has arrived for the holiday

Frosty winter.

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

With new joy for everyone,

Let them ring under this tree

Songs, music and laughter.

To Grandfather Frost

I'm writing a letter

And there are many gifts

I ask him.


Presenter 2:
Guys, today we are celebrating the New Year, and do you know who will be the symbol of the new 2017? Yes - this is a colorful cockerel! And he came to us for a holiday. Let's welcome him.


Ku-ka-re-ku! Hurray - I'm with you again! I was gone for twelve years, and I missed you, I missed your happy faces and smiles. Did you miss me?

Presenter 1:
Of course we missed you. Cockerel, have you prepared gifts for us?

I have prepared them, but I won’t just give them away. I'll play with the children. Now I will ask riddles, and you will guess them. Whoever guesses correctly receives a sweet gift from me.

Presenter 2:
Well done! All the riddles have been solved! Now let's sing a New Year's song together with the cockerel.


Presenter 1:
Don't you think that someone is missing? Whom?

Wheat? And I love wheat so much!

Presenter 2:
No, what's missing is the one the children are looking forward to the most.

And who is this?

Presenter 1:
Children, tell the cockerel who it is.


Presenter 2 :
Yes, it's Santa Claus! Let's call him all together!



Father Frost:

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
Your New Year's guest!
Don't hide your nose from me,
I'm good today!
I remember exactly a year ago
I saw these guys.
The year flew by like an hour.
I didn't even notice.
Here I am again among you,
Dear children!
They grew up and became big.
Did they even recognize me?
I'm still the same, gray-haired,
But just like young
And I'm ready to dance
Together with you even now!

Presenter 1:

Guys, we invite everyone to our Christmas tree!

Presenter 2:

Hear, on our Christmas tree
The needles suddenly began to ring.
Maybe they are ringing
So we can turn on the lights?

Move a little further away
Say it all in unison:
"Christmas tree, Christmas tree, wake up
And light up the lights!"
(Children repeat the request several times and the lights on the Christmas tree light up.)

Presenter 1:
It turned out, it turned out:
Our Christmas tree is lit up!
Let's go around the Christmas tree,
Let's sing a song to the Christmas tree.


Presenter 2:

And now there is a competition for our parents.

Come and join us here.

Father Frost:

Competition "Toy in a Circle"

We stand facing each other. Music begins to play, and the toy, passing from hand to hand, moves in a circle. The music stops, the transfer of the toy stops. The one who has the doll left is out of the game. The game continues until one person remains.

Snow Maiden:
The new year has finally arrived! I was so looking forward to this! Have you been waiting?

Then quickly come out and dance,

You need to stretch your legs.

DANCE OF THE JUNIOR GROUP to the song “Happy New Year”

Father Frost:
What a great fellow you are! And I also want to listen to poems about the New Year! Senior boys come join us!

May this year be good for everyone,

The cheerful laughter rings louder.

Guests came to us with an open soul,

Everyone has gathered for a big holiday!

A wonderful holiday - New Year!

Magical, fabulous and bright.

He gives a lot of kindness

And interesting gifts.

Our Christmas tree is covered in toys

And the balls hang on it.

Our tree Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the guys!

The snow is swirling outside the window,

We brought the Christmas tree into the house,

The balls were hung -

It immediately became fun!

So the Christmas tree is dressed up,

All lit up in lights,

And the toys sparkled

On its big branches.

Let's hold hands together,

Let's go around the Christmas tree.

Let us smile at our dear guest,

Let's sing the song joyfully.

The holiday is called New Year,

There is nothing more wonderful in the world,

He has been very dear to all of us since childhood,

He gives people happiness and light.

We drive near the Christmas tree

Merry round dance,

And together we dream a Christmas tree

Celebrating the New Year!

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather Frost, let's play with the guys? Guys, let's go play!

Game with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus and Snow Maiden each take a hoop. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden put these hoops on themselves and move away in different directions.
Children are divided into two teams. Each team has paper snowballs. At the leader’s command, the children take turns throwing snowballs at the hoops. The assistants, the presenter and the cockerel, count how many paper snowballs each team got into their hoop.

Father Frost:
What sharp guys, well done!


Winter itself has come to us,
Winter brought with it
Snow and ice, frost and frost,
And a cheerful winter dance!



What are you, a cockerel?


This means that it’s time for us - other children are waiting for us in another place.

Snow Maiden:
We will miss you very much, and in the end let’s sing a song with you.


Father Frost:
It's time to finish the fairy tale and give gifts to everyone!
Girls, run here and get gifts.
(Gives out gifts.)
The boys were here somewhere, did they forget about the gifts?

I gave out gifts to everyone, and the carnival is over!
I wish you to grow and not get bored, and not to upset your teachers too much.
And always ask for forgiveness for any upset.
Well, next year I will come to your holiday.