Find the most amazing people. The most amazing and mysterious people of our planet

An autistic person from the UK, Daniel Tammet, has difficulty speaking, does not distinguish between left and right, and does not know how to insert a plug into a socket, but at the same time he can easily carry out complex mathematical calculations in his head.

“I represent numbers in the form of visual images. They have color, structure, shape,” says Tammet. - Number sequences appear in my mind as landscapes. Like paintings. It’s as if the universe with its fourth dimension appears in my head.”

Daniel knows by heart 22,514 digits following the decimal point in pi and speaks eleven languages: English, French, Finnish, German, Estonian, Spanish, Romanian, Icelandic (learned in 7 days), Lithuanian (he gives his preference), Welsh and in Esperanto.


A young man from Sacramento (California) - Ben Underwood - was born a completely healthy child, but his eyes were surgically removed due to retinal cancer at the age of three. However, Ben continued to live a full life as a sighted person.

Doctors' studies have shown that the boy's hearing has not worsened as compensation for loss of vision - he has the hearing of an ordinary average person - Ben's brain has simply learned to translate sounds into visual information, which makes the young man look like a bat or a dolphin - he is able to capture echoes, and Based on this echo, determine the exact location of objects.

Gutta-percha boy

Daniel Smith, a gutta-percha man from the United States who is a five-time Guinness World Record holder, began twisting his body at the age of four, believing that he was not doing anything special. But Daniel soon realized what talent he had, and at the age of 18 he ran away from home with a circus troupe.

Since then, the “rubber man” has taken part in many circus and acrobatic performances, basketball and baseball matches, and has been a guest on most famous television shows and programs. Among them: Men in Black 2, HBO's Carnivale, CSI: NY, and others.

The most flexible man alive does incredible things with his body: he can easily fit through a hole in a tennis racket and through a toilet seat, and he can also curl himself into incredible knots and compositions, and move his heart across his chest. Doctors believe that Daniel was given incredible flexibility from birth, but he himself took it to the maximum possible limit.

Metal Eater

We have written about this man more than once.

Frenchman Michael Lotito, born in 1950, discovered his amazing abilities at the age of 9 - after scaring his parents to death, he ate the TV. From the age of 16, he began entertaining people for money, eating metal, glass, and rubber. Interestingly, Lotito’s body never showed any side effects, even when what was eaten contained toxic substances.

Usually the object is disassembled into parts, cut into pieces, and Lotito swallows them with water. The omnivorous Michael, nicknamed “Monsieur Eat It All,” was included in the Guinness Book of Records for eating a Cessna 150 airplane. He ate it for two whole years - from 1978 to 1980 - consuming about a kilogram of it a day.

The latest x-ray showed that there were still pieces of metal in Lotito's body. And he didn’t die only because the walls of his stomach are twice as thick as those of the average person.

Tooth King

Radhakrishnan Velu, known as the "Tooth King", also has a rare ability. This Malaysian practices pulling vehicles with his teeth.

On August 30, 2007, on the eve of Malaysia's 50th Independence Day, this man broke his own record by pulling a train with his own teeth.

This time the train consisted of 6 cars and weighed 297 tons. Harikrishnan managed to pull the train 2.8 meters.

Velcro Man

Liew Thow Lin is a magnetic person. At 70 years old, Harikrishnan's compatriot Velu managed to pull the car with the help of an iron chain attached to an iron plate on his stomach.

Liv Tou Lin considers the ability to attract metal objects to be hereditary, since besides him, his 3 sons and 2 grandsons are endowed with the same amazing and incredible gift.

Scientists, meanwhile, are trying to no avail to explain this phenomenon: there is no magnetic field around the Malaysian, and his skin is fine.

Sleepless man

Thai Ngoc, a 64-year-old Vietnamese man, forgot what sleep was after he suffered from a fever in 1973. It was from then on that Tai stopped sleeping. And at the moment he has not slept for 37 years, which is more than 13,500 sleepless nights.

“I don’t know how insomnia affects my health,” he says, “but I’m quite healthy and can run a household just as well as anyone else.” As proof, Ngoc mentions that he carries two 50-kilogram bags of fertilizer several kilometers from his home every day.

And during the medical examination, doctors did not find any diseases in the Vietnamese, except for minor abnormalities in the functioning of the liver.

King of Torture

Tim Cridland is a man who does not experience pain. Even at school, the “King of Torture” amazed his classmates when, without blinking an eye, he pierced his hands with needles and painlessly withstood any heat and cold.

And today Tim demonstrates terrifying things to numerous audiences across America. To do this, he had to study anatomy for a long time. After all, when the admiring eyes of spectators look at you, safety comes first.

Scientific research has shown that Tim has a much higher pain limit than the average person. Otherwise, he is no different from ordinary people. Including the degree of damage caused when piercing the body with stilettos, as well as the chance of death due to these injuries.

Cat Man

Kevin Richardson, relying on instinct, makes friends with a family of cats, but not domestic ones, but predatory ones. Without the slightest fear for his life, Kevin can spend the night with the lions.

Cheetahs and leopards, capable of tearing apart a person in a split second if desired, mistake the biologist for one of their own. Even the unpredictable hyenas are so accustomed to Kevin that the female hyena, for example, allows him to hold her newborn cubs.

“I rely on intuition when weighing my chances when dealing with animals. “I will never approach an animal if I feel that something is wrong,” says Richardson. – I don’t use sticks, whips or chains, just patience. It's dangerous, but for me it's a passion, not a job."


Claudio Pinto from Belo Horizonte is better known as the googly-eyed man because he can widen his eyes by 4cm, or 95% of his eye sockets.

Pinto has undergone numerous medical examinations, and doctors say they have never seen a person capable of doing this to his eyes before.

"It's a pretty easy way to make money. I can widen my eyes four centimeters - it's a gift from God and I feel happy," says Claudio.

The Amazing People program gives participants the opportunity to show their unique abilities, which are difficult for an ordinary person to believe! This is a project about the limitless capabilities of our brain, which are still little studied. The first two seasons of “Amazing People” have already shown how many extraordinary people with unique abilities there are in the world!

The most amazing people of Russia and the world - in the new season of the show "Amazing People"!

Each of them is a discovery! Each of them is a sensation! For several years in a row, amazing people have shocked viewers with their unique abilities, which are difficult for an ordinary person to believe!

“Amazing People” is a project about the limitless capabilities of the brain, which are still little studied. This means that the success of each performance has a scientific explanation!

"Amazing People" is a Russian adaptation of the world famous show The Brain. After the colossal success of the first season in Russia and the release of the project in the second season to the international level, the number of fans of the show has increased significantly! Contestants from all over the world, stars, record holders and winners of foreign analogues of the project dream of getting into the Russian show! The participants of both seasons had both direct students and inspired adepts who decided to master the same disciplines and try their hand at the show! "Amazing People" inspire more amazing people!

In the new season of the show, viewers will be amazed again unusual abilities, seemingly ordinary people - from all over the world! Unique memory, lightning-fast mental arithmetic skills, high-speed solving of mathematical problems, synesthesia, fluency in dozens of languages, speedcubing, imitation of bird voices, orientation by the stars - these are not all the talents of our superhumans!

You will see: outstanding mathematicians, whose lightning-fast calculations are difficult to check even on special calculators; world-class mnemonics masters, record holders of the Guinness Book of Records; a unique six-year-old girl with incredible physical strength and at the same time developed mental abilities; a polyglot who speaks more than 24 languages; the clock man (he doesn't need a watch to tell the time!) and the eagle vision man; the USSR record holder for high-speed bilingual typing, who is considered one of the best speed typists in the world and types in 16 languages; the best speedcuber in the country, creating artistic images from Rubik's cubes (the largest painting from Rubik's cubes in the CIS is his work). And many other unique, talented and amazing people of all ages from all over the world! And for the first time in the history of Russian television, a hypnotist dog will take part in the competition!

Contestants from Germany and Macedonia, the USA and India, China, Turkey and Mongolia, the CIS and Baltic countries will come to the show. Russia is represented by more than 30 cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, Kyzyl, Chelyabinsk, Sochi, Vologda, Orenburg, Belgorod, Dmitrov, Kislovodsk, Novosibirsk, Samara, Ulyanovsk, Yekaterinburg, Arzamas, Novosibirsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Omsk, Irkutsk , Samara, Voronezh and others.

In the new season, amazing people will have to go through new difficult and interesting tests. The rules remain the same: seven contestants take part in each episode. At the end of the program, the audience votes to select one winner who made the greatest impression. In the final episode of the show, the finalists of all previous editions will gather to compete for the main prize - the Winner's Cup and one million rubles!

Star guests in the hall help the audience choose the best participant: TV presenter Olga Shelest, choreographer and TV presenter Evgeniy Papunaishvili, Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports in boxing Natalya Ragozina and TV presenter Maria Sittel. They comment on speeches, but do not influence the voting process in any way. A professional assessment of the unique abilities of the contestants is given by the program expert - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Director of the Institute of Cognitive Neurosciences, Professor Vasily Klyucharyov.

Let's be surprised together!

Show host: TV presenter and producer Alexander Gurevich

There are a lot of talented people in the world with outstanding abilities. Some of them commit, others reach great heights in art and other fields. But there are also truly unique talents, whose incredible abilities are difficult for a reasonable person to believe.

However, their skills have been confirmed by representatives of official science, and modern scientists still cannot explain some of these abilities from a scientific point of view.

1. Dean Karnazes - a man with unusual endurance

American ultramarathoner Dean Karnazes has a unique talent - his muscles do not accumulate lactic acid during physical activity, and never get tired. The athlete discovered his unusual abilities while still on the school athletics team, when he was able to run 105 laps around the school stadium without stopping or resting.

Dean owns several world records, the most famous of which are: 50 marathons in 50 days in 50 states and a super marathon, when an athlete was able to run 560 km in three days, without interrupting for sleep and rest.

2. Natalya Demkina – a woman with x-ray vision

If you think that only superheroes have X-ray vision, that's not true. Russian Natalya Demina, thanks to her unusual gift, can look at the insides of a person and see diseased organs in patients.
She claims that she can even look at damaged areas of the body at a cellular level.

Scientists from New York conducted an interesting experiment: six volunteers with various diseases appeared before the girl’s eyes, and as a result, she made the correct diagnosis for four of them.

3. Thai Ngoc - the man who never sleeps

In 1973, Vietnamese Thai Ngoc caught a fever and was on the verge of life and death for several days. Fortunately, he was able to recover from this illness, but not without consequences. The man began to suffer from bouts of insomnia and eventually stopped sleeping completely.
More than four decades have passed, and he still hasn't slept a single night since 1973.

He was repeatedly examined by doctors and luminaries of world science, who did not find any abnormalities in his body, but also could not understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

Ngoc tried to sleep more than once, but all his attempts were to no avail. The only side effect of many years of insomnia was a change in the Vietnamese’s character; in his own words, he became too grumpy.

Some scientists suggest that the Vietnamese is constantly in a state of “micro-sleep”, when the brain turns off for a few seconds and thus receives short-term rest.

4. Chris Robinson has prophetic dreams

Scotsman Chris Robinson is the only person in the world who sees the future in his dreams. He discovered a unique ability when in one of his dreams he saw a terrible plane crash - two planes collided in the air. And since then, almost all of his dreams become reality. He keeps a diary of his dreams to note the events that he dreamed and happened in life.

Once during the experiment, he was asked to try to see in a dream the place where he would be taken tomorrow. The next morning after waking up, he wrote his destination on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. When he was brought to the given point, the experimenters opened the envelope and were very surprised; Chris absolutely correctly predicted the right place.

5. Sherpas are the owners of a unique gene

Sherpas live in the mountains of Nepal and Tibet - unique people who are able to live in the mountains at an altitude of up to 4 km without consequences for their health. Sherpas are guides for climbers and tourists who want to conquer Everest and for many of them, they have become “guardian angels” who saved their lives.

The thing is that Sherpas have the EPAS1 gene, which allows them to consume 40% less oxygen than an ordinary European requires. Scientists suggest that the Sherpas inherited this gene from the Denisovans, an extinct species of ancient people.

6. A woman immune to fear

SM is an anonymous nickname for a woman who feels absolutely no fear after suffering a brain disease, as a result of which the amygdala, which is responsible for the feeling of danger and fear, was almost completely destroyed.

Since then, she has completely stopped being afraid. In her life, SM found herself in many terrible circumstances, which she endured with complete calm.

One day, an inadequate drunk man put a knife to her throat, to which she said, with the equanimity of a nun, “that before he kills her, he will have to go through her guardian angel.” The criminal, taken aback by this behavior, quickly retreated.

7. Elizabeth Sulser sees sound and tastes music

Synesthesia is a condition in which the senses are mixed together. For example, a person might try a yellow candy and experience a strong lemon flavor, although the candy may have a completely different flavor.

Much more interesting are the feelings of Elizabeth Sulser, who can see sound and taste musical notes. At the same time, for a long time the girl considered herself an ordinary person and thought that all people feel music and sound the same way as she does.
Sulser has become a professional musician, her ability to create harmonious melodies. A side effect of synesthesia in a girl is severe headaches when she is in very noisy places.

8. Tibetan monks

In Tibet, not only Sherpas have amazing abilities, local monks have also become famous for their unusual talents. Many monks are able to control their body temperature through a meditation practice known as tum-mo. In this state, they are able to raise and lower their body temperature through willpower.

9. Eskil Ronningsbakken – a unique gymnast

Even as a five-year-old child, Ronningsbakken began to show interest in balancing on various objects. He is now one of the most famous gymnasts in the world. When Eskil turned 18, he began working in the circus, where he continues to amaze people with his tricks for more than 11 years. And his stunts are truly amazing and incredibly dangerous.

He rode upside down on his hands on a bicycle along a rope stretched over Norwegian cliffs at an altitude of 1000 meters, did handstands on parallel bars attached to hot air balloon, in flight and riding his bike backwards along the most dangerous mountain trail in Norway.

For this person, risk is necessary element his life.

10. Orlando Serell – a reluctant mathematician

Savant syndrome is a condition in which a person who has suffered a brain injury exhibits abilities that he did not have before, mainly mathematical gift and excellent visual memory.

In 1979, while playing basketball, Orlando Serrell was hit in the head with a ball. The guy stopped playing games, but over the course of a whole year he began to suffer from severe headaches, sometimes lasting several hours a day. He soon discovered that he could solve complex mathematical problems. He can also instantly calculate, for example, how many Fridays there were in 1990. Serell remembers every detail of the days since his injury and can easily say what he was doing at 12:30 on the afternoon of September 14, 1986.

Axel - for thinking about me,

Stuart for guiding me

and Joss for being amazing.

I'm alone. All alone.

I feel my heart beating in my chest, and in the depths of my soul I want to run away screaming home to my parents. I'm thirteen. Okay, thirteen and a half. And the worst thing is that at my age that “and a half” actually matters, as if you are six months closer to the age of consent, which will be in four years, and three years after that you will be able to drink alcohol, there is reason to be proud. Anyway, the point is that I'm thirteen. And a half. Those who are thirteen and a half shouldn't be forced to deal with such things. The parents couldn't do anything about it.

Well, what the hell am I going to tell them? “Mom, dad, the X-Men are captured. Any thoughts?

It’s a terrible thing to find yourself in a position that is so beyond a parent’s ability to explain anything, advise anything, or help in any way. This can’t be fixed over a plate of fresh homemade cookies and a glass of cold milk, while my father insists that the other girls are just jealous of me, and my mother says that I should be proud of my damn hair, which refuses to straighten despite the best efforts of the most diligent hairdressers. All these nice platitudes, all these assurances are worthless when... yes, that's right - when the X-MEN, THE GREATEST MUTANT HERO TEAM IN THE WORLD, ARE CAPTURED. And only I - only I can help with anything.

It's just not fair that all of this fell on my shoulders. Well, who am I? Katherine Pride, a big-headed thirteen-year-old girl with a magendavid around her neck and her soul wide open.

I am in the cargo hold of a small hovercraft speeding down some unfamiliar street in New York, so you can judge for yourself how dramatically my life has turned - when you last time Have you seen a hovercraft on the streets of Manhattan? The villains are in the front compartment of the ship. I can’t see them, I can only hear them discussing their plans - but even then in the most general terms. I can't understand the point.

Suddenly I hear my own name. Some thug is asking about me. Some woman answers. Her voice is familiar to me.

I decide to take a chance and see what happens. I hesitantly press my palm against the bulkhead, and the molecules of my body penetrate the metal. I can walk right through a bulkhead like a ghost. Just in case, I hold my breath - no one knows what will happen if you inhale while inside the wall. The skin tingles. I pass through the bulkhead and emerge on the other side...

And I see a woman. I see her from behind, but I recognize her.

It's the same woman, Miss Frost! The one who heads the academy where my parents wanted to send me before they decided to send me to another one, which is run by Professor Charles Xavier. Yes, this is the same woman, the same Emma Frost, who looked me straight into the eyes and said that we would be great friends.

But why the hell did she dress up like that? Briefs, thigh-high boots, a corset, a cape - and it's all white! Who is driving the boat? Hugh Hefner himself from Playboy?

Emma Frost and her goons are holding the X-Men captive. I have to help them out. But how? These types have weapons and superpowers, but I’m just me.

I am waiting. I wait for the moment and suddenly make my move. We are no longer on the boat. When did we manage to leave it? I don’t know, but suddenly - once, and I’m in some building. The X-Men are here, in cages. I pass through the wall and see how one of the X-Men, Storm, the weather charmer, is being dragged into a cage. I approach her, but she suddenly tells me to get out, and... My God, it's Emma Frost! She noticed me and is sending her thugs after me! I run, my heart is beating out of my chest, I dive through the floor head first.

- Shut down the complex! Frost squeals from behind. – Break into groups and search everything! Find Kitty Pryde immediately!

Never in my life have I encountered such pure anger, such an indomitable thirst for revenge. It becomes clear: she intends to do something terrible to me.

Once outside, I rush into the alley. It’s terribly cold, and I’m only wearing jeans, a tank top and a light vest. I'm shaking from cold and fear. Suddenly, a light illuminates the alley behind. Automobile! He rushes towards me, and I run, unable to see anything around me, unable to concentrate on anything. I'm too scared. I stumble. I'm falling. Thoughts are confused in my head. Instead of penetrating the ground, I hit it hard with my shoulder.

But there is no pain. I don't know why. By all accounts, it should be.

There is nothing in the field of vision except headlights darting from side to side. The headlights are shining brighter and brighter. I desperately want to scream. I open my mouth and I can’t. The squeal gets stuck in my chest, and I squeeze it out with force - through my throat outwards - at first it is quiet, strangled, and then, finally...

I jump up sharply and sit up in bed, as if my own squeal is jerking me out of sleep and up into the waking world. I immediately cover my mouth with my hands, terrified that my squeal could disturb my parents. They were kind enough to let me crash in my old room while I was moving, and the last thing I wanted was to wake them up in the middle of the night.

There is silence in the house. The bullet whistled past.

I turn on the lamp on the bedside table and squint into the light. Three in the morning. The room is a memorial to who I once was. There are whole garlands of boy band posters on the walls. Once upon a time, my whole world was contained in them. In the past when my world was calm. In the past, when my world was clear.

The letter still lies on the nightstand. A crisp white sheet of paper, neatly folded in three. A should be crushed into a tight ball or torn into shreds. Yes, that’s what should have been done with him. But no, the letter still lies on the nightstand, as if teasing me, mocking me. It needed to be torn apart, but here it is - an eyesore, like a pimple at the prom. Knowing the author, knowing her... If I had destroyed this letter, another would simply have appeared after it, and after that a third, and after that hundreds more, carried by the wind through the window, thrown into the chimney, like in Harry Potter, crowding the living room , leaving no room in it for anything other than her, except this witch.

I take a moment to think about my dreams. For most, nightmares are simply random thoughts and fears that sit deep in the subconscious, surfacing to the surface of the sleeping mind and throwing a person into the middle of the worst possible turn of events. But imagine what kind of life I have: everything that I just dreamed of actually happened to me - bar by bar, note by note. All these feelings, all these terrible encounters are as fresh and real as they were years ago when I experienced them for the first time. Unfiltered, unchanged, unfaded by time...

I thought all this was behind me. After all, there have been much, much worse nights in my “career.” There have been losses that have broken my heart.

In my life there was Jean Gray, the red-haired heroine, probably the strongest telekinetic on Earth... The woman who saved me that very night from those chasing me in the alley... The lover of Scott Summers, commander of the X-Men.

She's dead.

In my life there was Pyotr Rasputin - the Colossus, a metal-covered guy from a Russian village, impenetrable on the outside, so tender and vulnerable on the inside... my beloved.

And he's dead.

And not only them...

I remember when I was twelve, Joey Reisman was killed by a car while crossing the street on his way to the grocery store. At that time I was in love with him and cried for weeks. Literally. For weeks. Death seemed something unimaginable.

Now it is called “service costs”. I left the service. Left the X-Men. And yet the letter lies on the nightstand, teasing me, as if mocking me.

A letter from her. From Miss We'll be great friends.

I take the letter, intending to finally crumple it and free myself from her - once and for all. The standard form, printed in a simple, clean font, doesn't say a word about what "Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Children" actually means.

Wim Hof

Wim Hof, the famous Dutchman known as the “Ice Man,” is able to withstand extremely low temperatures. Holds nine world records. Vim first became clearly aware of his abilities at the age of seventeen, when he conducted several experiments on his body. Experts say that “The Ice Man” is definitely a phenomenon. However, the Dutchman does not agree with this conclusion and is convinced that the whole point is in round-the-clock training and his superpower is nothing more than the result of long work.

Junry Balwing

Junry Balwing is the most little man in the world. When he turned 18, that is, he became an adult, his height was just under 60 centimeters. This record is included in the Guinness Book of Records. Junri stopped growing when he was only a year old, although his entire family - parents, brother and sisters - are people of normal height. His short stature causes many problems; he is completely dependent on his parents and practically cannot walk, because... Almost any movement causes severe pain.

Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith, a man from the United States who is a five-time Guinness World Record holder, began twisting his body at the age of four, believing that he was not doing anything special. But Daniel soon realized what talent he had, and at the age of 18 he ran away from home with a circus troupe. The most flexible man alive does incredible things with his body: he can easily fit through a hole in a tennis racket and through a toilet seat, and he can also curl himself into incredible knots and compositions, and move his heart across his chest. Doctors believe that Daniel was given incredible flexibility from birth, but he himself took it to the maximum possible limit.

Mehran Nassari

Mehran Nassari is an Iranian refugee who lived in the waiting room of Terminal 1 at Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris for almost 18 years: from August 26, 1988 to July 2006. In Iran, he was imprisoned, tortured, and then expelled from the country. Since then, he has been unsuccessfully trying to obtain political asylum in France, Great Britain and other countries that constantly refuse the unfortunate man. In 2006, he was hospitalized due to an unspecified illness. By the end of January 2007, he left the hospital and lived in a hotel near the airport for several weeks, and was later sent to a Paris homeless shelter.


Stelarc is a Cypriot-Australian performance artist. He made three films about what happens inside his body. Used medical instruments, prosthetics, robotic devices, virtual reality systems, Internet and biotechnology to explore alternative interfaces with the body. Stelarc made people talk about himself the most in 2007, when he decided to grow a third ear on his hand. So, an implant was implanted under the artist’s skin, on which Stelarc planned to grow a lobe over time, using cells from his own regular ear. Ideally, his third ear should even hear - it was planned to implant a microphone equipped with Wi-Fi into it. The third ear must communicate with the brain via Bluetooth.