The best drinks in the bathhouse and sauna: what to prepare for the benefit of the body. Tea for a bath: which is better, recipes for herbal drinks What tea to brew in a bath

In the sauna, increased sweating occurs in the body. This physiological process is a normal reaction of the body to elevated temperature. Sweat evaporation from the skin protects the body in the steam room from overheating. With sweat, the body is cleansed of toxins, poisons, and decay products, and its healing occurs. In this case, a person is deprived of a certain amount of fluid, which leads to severe thirst. We will tell you how to properly get rid of thirst, restore water balance, how to prepare and use herbal diaphoretic teas for the sauna on our website

How to properly quench your thirst while in a sauna?

The most important rule: In order not to harm your health, never drink cold water or drinks in a bathhouse or sauna, as soon the feeling of thirst will reappear.

The best drink for a bath or sauna is well-brewed, aromatic fresh tea. Green tea is best suited, as well as vitamin infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs. You should drink such drinks, like tea, in the dressing room, after visiting the steam room, pouring them from a thermos or samovar.

While in the sauna, you can drink 3-4 servings of tea and a vitamin drink over the course of 2-3 hours. It is useful to brew tea with mint leaves, linden flowers, lemon balm, chamomile, black currant leaves, wild strawberry. These plants will help you sweat better, and therefore more effectively cleanse the skin and the entire body of accumulated harmful substances.

Just don't drink large amounts of liquid. This will increase the load on the heart and kidneys. Elderly people, as well as those with any chronic diseases, should know about this. They are contraindicated from drinking strong brewed tea or coffee in the sauna, not to mention alcohol. Beer is also contraindicated for such people.

If after visiting a bathhouse or sauna, thirst still torments you, drink a couple of hours after visiting it a glass of tea with lemon, or an infusion of rose hips, hawthorn, or barberry. Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices (without added sugar) quench your thirst well.

How to prepare diaphoretic teas for the sauna?

Herbal teas for sauna are drinks filled with vitamins, microelements, biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on our body, making it healthier.

Humanity has been using drinks from medicinal plants for a very long time. Ancient medicinal treatises that have survived to this day already contain recipes for preparing herbal mixtures for preparing such teas. We still use some of them today.

To make real diaphoretic tea that is healthy for your body, immediately throw away the purchased tea bags. This trash has nothing to do with the healing drink. We will cook only from dry aromatic herbs.

* Use this popular recipe for diaphoretic tea: Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed raspberries, linden flowers. Pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, cover with a towel or napkin, leave for 5-10 minutes. strain, drink the drink for increased sweating.

* Mix 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers, linden flowers, dried black elderberry berries, mint herb. Then 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the mixture, cover, and leave for half an hour. Strain, the drink is ready to drink.

* Mix 1 tbsp. l. linden blossom, black elderberry, peppermint leaf. Pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture 1 tbsp. boiling water, wrap, leave for half an hour, strain. The tea is also suitable for use in the sauna, steam bath, as well as for colds and flu.

*Here is another recipe healthy tea: Mix 4 tsp. dry coltsfoot herb, 3 tsp. dry plantain leaves, 3 tsp. crushed licorice root. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection 2 tbsp. boiling water, cover with a towel, leave for 30-40 minutes. Then strain and drink a small amount of the drink. It cleanses the bronchi and lungs well of phlegm, and promotes sweating.

* Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry lemon balm leaves, veronica herb. Add 3 tbsp. l. dried strawberries, crushed rose hips or hawthorn. 1 tbsp. l. mixture pour 1.5 tbsp. boiling water Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. strain and drink with honey.

Vitamin herbal teas that calm the nervous system

It is also good to drink such teas while visiting a bathhouse or sauna. They will calm you down, relieve irritability and insomnia.

* Try cooking them: Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry mint leaves, 1 tbsp. l. lemon balm, crushed valerian root, dry leaves, tartaricus flowers. Pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs 1 tbsp. boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for half an hour. Strain and drink 1-2 cups.

* Mix 1 tbsp. l. mint, motherwort herb, crushed valerian root, dry hop cones. Pour in 0.5 l. boiling water, wrap, leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink no more than 1-2 cups.

Follow the dosage of medicinal herbs carefully because different amounts of herbs cause different reactions. For example, large doses of valerian act as a stimulant rather than a calming one. This fully applies to other plants. Therefore, be careful.

When preparing herbal teas, use clean bottled or purified soft water. In order for them to benefit the body, drink them hot, after visiting the steam room. After drinking tea, relax and rest for 15-20 minutes. and only after that you can continue to steam. Be healthy!

There is no point in talking in detail about the meaning of the prepared tea for the bath. So much has been said about this and hardly anything important can be said. Who doesn’t know about the healing, thirst-quenching and tonic properties of herbal teas?

For example, a hot drink brewed from lingonberry leaves, and even seasoned with a teaspoon of natural bee honey, is useful for people suffering from urolithiasis, cystitis or diabetes. Or take the well-known valerian, from the rhizome of which boiled tea is prepared, useful for neuroses, insomnia and heart disease.

But going to the bathhouse in itself is already a special event, so perhaps there are useful recommendations for its use.

General description of bath tea

Properly prepared herbal tea enhances its already healing effect. Without a doubt, this is facilitated by visiting a steam room with hot steam, various massages, and the atmosphere itself, which has a calming effect on the human nervous system. Therefore, every steam bath lover should know how to properly prepare at least several tea recipes for a bath.

Many people wonder which is healthier to drink tea: cold or hot. Oddly enough, iced tea cools the body much less than hot tea. After drinking a cold drink, a person will feel the cooling effect only in the oral cavity, while hot tea will cool the entire body. True, not for long - only 15-20 minutes. But in the bathhouse this time is enough to feel relief after visiting a hot steam room.

Of the many types of herbal, berry or fruit teas, each is good in its own way. Firstly, this is a matter of taste preferences, and secondly, a lot depends on the goals that a person wants to achieve. One person will benefit from mint tea, while another will benefit from linden tea. And the third one simply wants to improve his health. Therefore, you can always choose the most suitable tea for yourself - herbal, berry or fruit. Here are some tea recipes:

Basic recipes for bath tea

It is impossible to talk about all the recipes for bath tea in one article. However, from those given above, it is quite possible to choose 2-3 worthwhile recipes that will benefit your health.

To the main article ""

Not all drinks are useful when visiting a bathhouse or sauna. In the comedy “Enjoy Your Bath or the Irony of Fate,” the characters drink beer first, and then increase the degree by adding vodka.

Beer without vodka is money down the drain!

Some avid steamers believe that alcohol and the Russian bath are two inseparable things, since they are components of the image of Russia “Bath, vodka, accordion and salmon.” Others believe that alcohol and sauna are incompatible. Who's right? Let's figure it out.

Alcohol in the bath

How does alcohol affect the human body? Alcohol dilates blood vessels, then they sharply narrow, which causes blood pressure to rise. Considering that the temperature in the steam room is high, and the pulse is increased, this leads to a very rapid heartbeat. As a result of the impact on the body of the two above factors, we get, at best, a headache. At worst, it could end in a stroke.

It is unsafe to plunge into cold water or fall into snow while intoxicated. Such events, while drunk, put too much strain on the heart. Conclusion - alcohol in a bathhouse only causes harm.

After the bath

Is it possible to “sip” after the heart has calmed down and the body has cooled down after the bath procedures? Let us remember what the great Russian commander Suvorov said about this: “After the bath, at least put down your trousers and drink a hundred grams.” Please note that we are talking about 100 grams, not a liter of vodka. Also, we must not forget that Suvorov spoke these words to soldiers who were in the field and could actually catch a cold after a bath without drinking a hundred grams. Since we, as a rule, take bath procedures in more comfortable conditions, you can easily do without alcohol, both in the bath and after it.


  1. Alcohol and steam rooms are incompatible;
  2. There should be fresh air in the steam room, so there is no need to add vodka to the heat.

What to drink in the bath

If you came to the bathhouse for health, then you need to drink healthy drinks. They are different for everyone. Firstly, we all have different needs and tastes, and secondly, our bodies are also different. But the choice is very large, so there is something for everyone to drink before, during, and after the bath.


Let's not be original and start with tea. In Russia, black tea is most popular; in the East, along with black, green tea is consumed. Green tea has more health benefits. Green tea has been proven to be good remedy cancer prevention. It contains significantly more antioxidants - these are precisely the substances that help protect the body from the appearance of malignant tumors. Scientists from the University of Cleveland (USA, Ohio) believe that four cups of green tea (200 grams) per day is enough to prevent cancer. Since the benefits of green tea have been proven by research, it is better to use it as a drink while taking a bath.

How to brew green tea

The methods for brewing green tea differ from the methods for brewing black tea. It is advisable to use water that has very little mineral salts. Typically this is spring water, but where can you find it? That's the question. Many people buy bottled water because, according to manufacturers, it is purified using the most modern equipment. Unfortunately, approximately 50% of bottled water comes from the tap. So this is not an option

To remove salts, we can recommend using household filters for water purification, for example from Aquaphor. When purchasing, you need to ask whether a specific filter model is designed for water softening. They work simply: water is poured into the upper part, which passes through filters. The filter is replaceable - the old, used one (its service life is calculated in liters of purified water) is removed and thrown away, a new one is installed. The operation is simple: pull it out, put it in. No problem.

AQUAPHOR filter with a capacity of 3 liters

Before brewing green (Chinese) tea, the brewing container must be rinsed with boiling water so that its walls warm up. The amount of brewing is determined individually. As a rule, pour one teaspoon per 150-200 ml. water. Tea is brewed with water that has not boiled over (pour in fresh water, immediately after boiling set aside/turn off). Use water not only boiled, but cooled to a temperature of 80-85 degrees.

Green tea can be brewed up to 3 to 5 times, depending on the variety. The first time the tea is infused for 1.5 - 2 minutes, and then completely poured into another container. This ensures that the strength of the tea in all cups is the same.

A mug of green tea will help you cheer up in the bath and after it.

The brewing time for green tea depends on what kind of tonic effect you want to get - fast or slow. The substance thein, which gives tea a tonic effect, is transferred into the drink in the very first minute of brewing tea. With further brewing, it is predominantly saturated with tannins, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Good varieties of green tea can be brewed up to 7 times, but it is still better to limit it to five. With each subsequent brew, the brewing time must be increased.

Just don’t put more leaves than normal. The fact is that green tea contains more caffeine than ground natural coffee. And its shape is such that it dissolves better in water. When brewing too much, or infusing for a long time, the amount of caffeine goes through the roof. And so much so that you can feel pain in the heart. But in relation to a bathhouse, this is generally not good. So be careful.

Herbal tea

In addition to green tea, in the bathhouse it is useful to drink teas infused with herbs, which are also called vitamin teas. If you have the opportunity to be in the forest, then it is better to collect all the components for herbal tea with your own hands. Strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, and stone fruit leaves are suitable.

Herbal tea

We should not forget about rosehip, which is a storehouse of vitamins. Rose hips can be used to brew not only fruits, but also flowers.

Attention! Judging by information from some Internet sources, rose hip tea is contraindicated for people prone to blood clots and thrombophlebitis. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases should also be careful when drinking rosehip tea.

How to brew herbal tea

The method of brewing herbal tea depends on what is being brewed - flowers, fruits, leaves, stems, roots or bark.

Herbal tea recipes for baths

In terms of dosage, it is better to follow the following recommendations: take one tablespoon of chopped herbs for one glass of water. The following herbs can be taken: leaves and fruits of wild strawberries, lemon balm, mint, knotweed, rose hips, thyme, oregano, nettle, chicory, linden flowers, hawthorn, chamomile, rose petals, calendula, white acacia, rowan flowers.

These herbs and flowers are combined 2-3, or only one type is taken. In any case, the volume per glass is 1 tablespoon. Then a teaspoon of St. John's wort herb is added to this mixture for each spoonful of the mixture. The effect of herbs is enhanced by the presence of St. John's wort, but it itself gives almost no taste or smell. Give it a try.

Vitamin collection

This drink must be brewed in a thermos. The calculation is the same: 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Take:

  • dry berries: rose hips, strawberries, rowan, currants, hyssop, blackberries, sea buckthorn, blueberries, raspberries, lemon balm.
  • herbs: mint, cornflower, linden, oregano, St. John's wort, stepmother, primrose,
  • green oats.

Grind it all and mix it. If you haven’t found or haven’t prepared any dry berries, you can replace them with leaves, buds, even young shoots. The taste is not the same, but the effect will be close. This collection is good to drink after a bath, especially closer to spring: there are a lot of vitamins here, and natural ones.

Vitamin collection - many components, proven recipe

Lemon with cinnamon and ginger

Very tasty and healthy (for the heart, as well as for improving well-being). Chop a piece of ginger about 5 cm long and half a lemon into fine crumbs with a knife. Place in a large porcelain teapot, add a little cinnamon (it’s better to grate it fresh from a stick). Fill all this with half a liter of hot water. The drink is infused for 5-10 minutes.

Tea after the bath

After the steam room, it's time to get a boost of vitamins and vigor. There is nothing better for this task than brewed rose hips. It just needs to infuse for at least 6-8 hours, or better yet, more. The dried berries are crushed (you can use a nut cracker, since they are hard, they are clamped in a narrow part so that the peel cracks), poured into a thermos and filled with boiled, but not boiled, water. You can take 2-3 tbsp of berries. spoons per glass of water. The infusion will be more sour and pleasant. It is better to drink it with honey, if available, with lingonberries or blueberries. Tasty, healthy, aromatic.

Hawthorn berries are added to rose hips. The proportions are equal, or whatever you like. The drink turns out no less aromatic.

We hope these recipes will help you and you will know what to drink in the bathhouse.

About safety precautions

Oddly enough, herbs can be harmful. You should not drink them a lot and often just like that, without need or prescription. Only a few, mild or restorative. Herbs and fruits are potent remedies used in the past for treatment. Today we have almost moved away from herbal treatment, but this has not changed their properties. Therefore, if you do not yet have your own experience, start with single-ingredient tea. Brew strictly according to the recipe and try it. Next time take another one. Use those that you like and do not cause any negative reactions as a basis.

In general, it is dangerous to combine herbs at random: you need to know their effect. Otherwise, some combinations can do such a thing that you will be treated for a long time. Therefore, either use ready-made recipes, or brew only one or two proven herbs.

Moreover, it is better not to drink the same composition for a long time. A large number of herbs contain substances that tend to accumulate in the body. Having accumulated, they provoke diseases or exacerbation of existing ones.

You will find homemade recipes for face and body scrubs that are used in the bath.


You can also drink juice in the bathhouse, but preferably not pasteurized or boiled, but natural, freshly squeezed juice. Only fresh raw juices retain all the vitamins beneficial to health.

Red juices are squeezed from beets, carrots, black currants, and dark grape varieties. Such juices have strong healing properties and are even prescribed to patients suffering from cancer.


It would be strange if, when talking about the bathhouse, we did not remember such an ancient Russian drink as kvass. In relation to the Russian bathhouse, three words are truly inseparable: banya, broom, kvass. It should be immediately clarified that we are talking about real Russian kvass, which can only be made with your own hands.

People have heard of rye kvass, but in fact, more than 150 recipes are known: bread, berry and honey. For the bath, it is bread kvass, which is prepared at home from rye bread, that is suitable. Basically, the following ingredients are needed:

  • Water;
  • Rye bread or crackers;
  • Sugar;
  • Baker's yeast.

To make the color of kvass more saturated, you can brown bread crusts in the oven, or melt sugar in a frying pan, bringing its color to brown.

For a three-liter jar, 60-70 grams of sugar and 15 grams of yeast are enough. You don’t need to add a lot of sugar, otherwise, instead of kvass, you can get mash, and this is a completely different drink :)

Herbal tea is an important attribute of relaxation in a bathhouse or sauna. During bath procedures, a lot of moisture leaves the body, and herbal teas are an effective means of restoring water balance.

Drinks based on natural ingredients cleanse, restore, heal, tone and strengthen.

Herbal teas during the bath

Our ancestors necessarily drank herbal drinks during the bath. At high temperatures, our body experiences significant stress, and we need to promptly replenish fluid loss.

In order for bath procedures to bring benefits and not harm, the selection of healthy drinks must be approached thoroughly.

Herbal teas replenish lost moisture, fill you with energy and health. Various herbs are used for brewing, and dried berries are added. Thyme, linden, oregano, chamomile, mint, currant, viburnum, lingonberry, lemongrass, rose hips and many others are popular.

Before visiting the bathhouse, take tonic drinks based on strawberries, lemongrass, thyme, jasmine. Tea with a diaphoretic effect is recommended immediately before and after visiting the steam room.
Sweatshop action possesses raspberries, linden and other herbs. They enhance sweating and the body's cleansing process.

Drink drinks between visits to the steam room, but you should adhere to the recommended dosages to avoid increased stress on the cardiovascular system and kidneys. A single dose is approximately 200 ml, but not more than 400 ml at a time.

Tea after the bath

In the bath, the body is cleansed, harmful substances leave it. At the same time, some useful components, vitamins, and minerals are lost, so after the procedures they take multivitamin drinks based on herbs and berries. A good solution is rose hips, leaves and dry berries of currants, lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, and sea buckthorn.

It is also recommended to take herbal teas with a sedative effect after the bath. To prepare drinks, various herbs are brewed individually and in complex mixtures. Popular:

  • raspberries and others.

Herbal teas are an excellent solution and invaluable benefits. Ingredients of plant origin have a healing effect, support and strengthen the body.

Recipes for preparing herbal teas for baths

There are many recipes for preparing herbal drinks for baths. Before visiting the steam room, it is recommended to drink diaphoretic, tonic tea, and after - with a diaphoretic and sedative effect. You can also take preparations with a medicinal effect, for example for colds. This drink is taken before and after visiting the steam room.

When choosing ingredients, you should consider your personal tastes and health status. For scent, it is recommended to add aromatic herbs - mint, black currant, lemon balm. However, you should not use more than 2-3 aromatic ingredients, as they can interrupt each other.

Preparation of herbal teas

There are many ways to prepare teas. To prepare a drink according to a standard recipe, you will need approximately 1 tsp. herbs and chopped berries for 1 serving of drink. If you plan to brew tea in a thermos, reduce the dose of herbs and berries so that the drink does not turn out to be overly strong.

The traditional recipe for preparing herbal teas is simple:

  • prepare the teapot, rinse it with boiling water;
  • put herbs and berries in the teapot;
  • pour boiling water over the mixture, but for maximum benefit it is not recommended to use boiling water - the temperature should be no more than 90-95 degrees;
  • withstand a certain time: for flowers, leaves - about 10 minutes, for picking with fruits - about 20 minutes;
  • strain, add sugar.

Tea recipes:

  1. Sweatshop tea. Consume before visiting the steam room. Ingredients - dry mixture of black currants, raspberries, linden (flowers), rose hips. Mix in equal parts and brew for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Diuretic tea. Consume before visiting the steam room. You will need strawberry leaves, lemon balm, one part strawberry fruit and two parts rose hips. Mix, pour boiling water, leave for half an hour.
  3. Tea for colds. Use before and after visiting the steam room. For 1 tbsp. l. linden blossom will require 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for a third of an hour.
  4. Immune tea. Consume after visiting the steam room. Taken in equal parts

The tea is fragrant. To improve your mood and quench your thirst.

2 spicy cloves, 2 bay leaves, several mint leaves, cumin and cinnamon on the tip of a spoon, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and let simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. At the end add 1-2 teaspoons of black tea. Let stand for 5 minutes. This tea is good to drink with honey.

Apple tea. For vigor and saturation with vitamins.

For our purposes, the Antonovka and Papirovka varieties are especially good. Peel the apples, chop and dry in the oven until brittle. Place 5 tablespoons of dry peel in an enamel or any other fireproof, but not metal, container, add 1 liter of cold water, cover with a lid and boil for 5 minutes. Then pour into a kettle or thermos and let sit for another 10 minutes. Serve with a cinnamon stick and honey.

The tea is special. To strengthen the cardiovascular system and immunity.

Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over a tablespoon of raisins, let it brew until it cools down and strain through a fine strainer. Pour 5 tablespoons of seeded rose hips into 1 liter of cold water, after 10 minutes put on the stove and boil for 8 minutes, strain. Mix both infusions and serve hot with sugar.

Tea is fun. To improve your mood.

Brew 150 ml of black tea of ​​medium strength, add 200 ml of orange juice at room temperature, lemon zest on the tip of a spoon, 3 tablespoons of cognac and a pinch of grated nutmeg. Mix and serve in tall glasses with a straw.

Mint tea. To relieve nervous tension and relieve pain.

Add a few mint leaves to a pinch of black tea, pour boiling water over it and let steep for 10 minutes. A light and refreshing tea is obtained by brewing only mint and adding a few drops of lemon and honey at the end, if desired.

V Turtsiand atWe are confident that if a woman drinks mint tea regularly, the unwanted hair on her body will turn pale and thinner.

Festive tea. To boost immunity and festive mood.

1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn berries, 4 tablespoons of seeded rose hips, 1 tablespoon of dried apples, 3 tablespoons of fresh viburnum berries, 5 walnuts and a sprig of lemon balm, mix and pour two liters of boiling water, leave for an hour in a warm place or in thermos. Before serving, strain or pour through a strainer.

Ginger tea with dried apricots. To relieve cold symptoms, for sadness and for weight loss.

2 tablespoons of green tea, finely chopped 4 dried apricots, 1-2 centimeters of ginger root cut into thin slices, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Before serving, add lemon and honey to taste.

Smart hibiscus tea. To reduce body temperature, eliminate chronic fatigue, reduce pain, improve brain metabolism and have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system.

Mix hibiscus inflorescences with a small amount of cinnamon, ginger, cloves and mint, pour boiling water over it and let stand for 10 minutes. To serve this tea, you must have sugar on the table.

Chocolate tea. To reduce appetite and improve mood.

Boil 600 ml of milk and 70 ml of heavy cream, remove from heat, add 15 grams of green tea with jasmine, let steep for 2-3 minutes. Strain and add 120 grams of milk chocolate and 15 grams of dark chocolate 70%, chopped into small pieces. Blend with a hand blender until light foam forms. You can drink it warm, but cold tastes better.

Carrot tea. To quench thirst and strengthen the immune system.

Wash fresh red-orange sweet carrots, cut into strips, spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet and leave for 3-4 hours, then put in the oven until completely dry. To prepare aromatic, sweetish, slightly greenish-golden tea, pour 2-3 teaspoons of dry carrots into a heated porcelain teapot, pour boiling water over it, cover with a napkin and leave for 5-7 minutes.

Rosehip and chamomile tea. For refreshment, removal of toxins and bile, and as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Grind 20 pieces of dried rose hips, add 2 teaspoons of chamomile, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes. Add lemon juice and honey to taste.

Super tea. To saturate the body with all vitamins and microelements.

Pour 3 tablespoons of nettle leaves, rose hips and lingonberries into two glasses of boiling water. Leave for 3 hours.

Tea is the hormone of joy. To quench thirst, relieve nervous tension and saturate with vitamins.

Mix rose hips, black currants, raisins and hibiscus tea in equal proportions and pour boiling water over them. Let sit for 10-15 minutes, strain and serve with sweets.

Rowan tea. To quench thirst and quickly increase immunity.

Place one tablespoon of dried rowan and rosehip fruits in a non-aluminum bowl, add 1 liter of boiling water, and let simmer for 10 minutes. Let it brew for 2-3 hours in a thermos. Strain and drink hot with sugar or honey.

Citrus tea. For cooling, feeling energized and regaining strength.

Using a sharp knife, zest the orange, lemon and lime. Twist it into a spiral on a wooden cocktail stick and place it in a mug of boiling water. If desired, you can add a little black tea. Let stand for 5-10 minutes. This tea should be drunk immediately after preparation, as it acquires a bitter taste after standing for an hour.

Sweatshop tea. For better removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body during colds.

Brew a tablespoon of dried raspberries and linden inflorescences with two glasses of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes. You can also add lemon, honey and black pepper to weak and not very hot black tea on the tip of a knife.

Viburnum tea. To quickly quench thirst, have a beneficial effect on the stomach, as a general strengthening and sedative for neuroses, vascular spasms, and hypertension.

Frost 300 grams of viburnum, grind with 100 grams of sugar, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes and strain.

Viburnum should not be consumed if there is increased blood clotting, a tendency to blood clots, or pregnancy.

Cranberry tea. To quench thirst, reduce fever and stimulate appetite.

For one serving of tea, take 1 teaspoon of fresh or frozen cranberries, mash in a mug with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Add water 90-95 degrees. Let stand for 10 minutes, strain.

Tea with dried apricots and spices. For youthful skin, blood formation, cleansing the body and improving mental activity.

Pour 2 cups of water into the pan. Add 4 pieces of dried apricots, 1 teaspoon of black tea, 2 pieces of cardamom (be sure to open the pods), 2 spicy cloves and 1 cinnamon stick. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Serve with sugar or jam.

Vanilla tea. To eliminate anxiety, create a joyful mood, peace and awaken sensuality.

Brew green or black tea in a teapot, add a vanilla stick. Cover with a towel and leave for 10 minutes. It is good to drink this tea with the addition of milk and honey according to your mood.