Jewish conspiracy. Arkady dyers: Jewish conspiracy World Jewish conspiracy

President Trump's declaration recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital and his mysterious plan for peace in the Middle East continue to be in the spotlight.

Israeli historians Yehuda Bauer and Moshe Fox published in Haaretz the results of their research into how Christian theology and gospel myths influence real world politics.

According to the authors, Trump made his statement recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel not because he cares about Jews, but because he cares about supporting the evangelical Christian movement. This movement is a powerful force in the United States, and according to various estimates, from 40 to 60 million of them voted for Trump.

Evangelists believe that it is necessary for the Jews to “reign” in the Holy Land until the decisive battle between good and evil occurs, at the end of which the Savior-Messiah will appear. Well, of course, without the Jews, Jesus Christ would not have appeared..

In their work, historians trace how a situation arose in which Jews are presented as some kind of powerful superpower that influential political leaders are forced to reckon with.

Actually, the current political reality in the Middle East has developed thanks to the Balfour Declaration, the centenary of which was recently widely celebrated. The standard explanation for this document, which contributed to the creation of a Jewish national home in the Land of Israel, is that it was facilitated by the political activities of Chaim Weizmann and the results of his work in the field of chemistry, which helped the British war industry.

Based on their Christian beliefs and Weizmann's merits, British leaders, led by Prime Minister Lloyd George and Foreign Secretary Balfour, allegedly recognized the historical connection of the Jews with the Land of Israel.

However, with all due respect to Weizmann and the influence of the Bible and the Christian faith on British leaders, it is doubtful that this was enough for Balfour to publish his declaration.

Archival evidence shows that in the United Kingdom in 1917, some of the political elite believed that Jews had great power and international influence in the world. This hypothesis was based on two main points.

The first is that the Jews of Russia influence the politics of their country, and therefore a British declaration in favor of the Zionists will help efforts to continue Russia's participation in the First World War. This belief was false. The Jews of Russia did not have a unified political leadership, and the tailors in Berdichev did not determine Kerensky's policies.

The second is that American Jews have a great influence on the politics of their country. The British Foreign Office sought to persuade American Jews to support America's entry into the war against Germany. These efforts turned out to be unnecessary. Jewish tailors on New York's East Side had no intention of rebelling against President Wilson when America entered the war.

British Prime Minister Lloyd George emphasized in his memoirs that the Zionist leaders promised that in exchange for the Balfour Declaration, “they would do everything possible to mobilize for the Allies the sympathy and support of Jews throughout the world.”

Didn't the British know that the Zionist movement was a minority movement among the Jews of the world, including in America and Russia?

What is the source of the exaggeration of Jewish power and influence, which is still a persistent stereotype in many Western countries?

One is the idea that Jews have influence because of their wealth. A classic example is the Rothschild family, one of whose members, by the way, was awarded the Balfour Declaration.

Another source, paradoxically, is anti-Semitism. It became especially widespread in 1903, when the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were published. Even those who believed it was a fake or an exaggeration were convinced that there was a Jewish conspiracy aimed at seizing power over the entire world.

Historically, the exaggeration of Jewish power and influence dates back to early Christianity. The fathers of the Christian Church identified Jews with the devil, claiming that only with his help were the Jews able to defeat the Savior.

Indeed, who could kill Christ? Only the Antichrist. Satan is perceived as evil who wants to take over the world, and the Jew as its carrier. For many years, the belief in the mythical omnipotence of the Jews persisted in Christian culture.

Thus, it can be said that the Balfour Declaration was, at least in part, based on an anti-Semitic approach that saw Jews as a powerful mythical force that needed to be won over to Britain's side.

Britain was not the only Western power with such stereotypes. Many American politicians accused US President Truman of receiving strong support from the Jewish lobby in the elections and therefore hastening to recognize the state of Israel.

The myth of Jewish power and influence persisted through other administrations, including Republican ones such as Eisenhower's. John Kennedy followed a similar approach. During a meeting with Ben-Gurion in May 1961, Kennedy thanked him for the fact that Jewish voters had “given” him victory in the presidential election.

There are many more examples of the influence of the power myth or the "Jewish international conspiracy" - a well-known anti-Semitic product that, as you can see, sometimes works in favor of the Jews.

Today there are about 13 million Jews in the world, compared with 1.8 billion Muslims and 2.38 billion Christians. However, Jews are considered an important factor for both the “forces of evil” and the “forces of good.” They are treated as a kind of superpower, a powerful force that should always be taken into account.

A myth based on faith is stronger than logic and facts. A legend, negative or positive, is stronger than reality.

The Israeli government, of course, benefits from such a demonstration of a kind of “positive anti-Semitism.” Positive for whom? For Jews? It would be worth thinking about all this carefully before rejoicing so much at such a myth

Yehuda Bauer, Moshe Fox, Haaretz

Artemy (Arthur) Ivanovich Cherep-Spiridovich, count, politician, major general of the Russian army, writer, one of the right-wing political figures of tsarist Russia, was an unconditional anti-Soviet.

The count died in 1926 and was unable to see Russia flourish under Stalin. Therefore, the general judged the Bolsheviks exclusively as Jews, the writer Cherep-Spiridovich quite accurately describes the balance of power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Mainly due to his exceptional reading and general erudition. Below are a couple of excerpts from his book "The Secret World Government".

Will Europe end up in Jewish hands?

In At the Dawn of Day, Nietzsche wrote:

“One of the performances to which the 20th century will invite us as eyewitnesses is the decision of the fate of the Jews. It is obvious that they "showed their cards" and crossed the Rubicon; the only thing that remains for them to do is either to become the masters of Europe or to lose it, as they already lost it once several centuries ago, when the Jews had the same alternative... Europe may one day “fall into their hands like a ripe fruit, unless they hurry to greedily grab onto it.”

The London British Guardian rightly notes:

“Today we have exactly what was made by the Jews. They were too impatient in taking Europe into their hands. First there was the Anglo-Boer War, as a result of which the world's main source of gold fell into their hands. The next stage was the First World War.

This was followed by the “Bolshevisation” of Russia, the Sovietization of Hungary with Bela Kun at its head, which lasted only 133 days, and the Soviet republic in Bavaria, which lasted only 3 weeks. By this time, the world begins to wake up, the White race issues a decree: “The Jews must lose Europe, just as they lost Egypt centuries ago.” They are again on the way to Zion, and today they are the same Zionists as when they left Egypt.”

When you read the prophecies of Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, the Jew Lehmann (who 30 years before the start of this war and the spread of Bolshevism published “The Devil’s Plan” and forestalled the “Funeral Procession”); as well as the recent recognition of the famous Jews Dr. Levy from London and Rene Gross from Paris, how absurd, if not criminal, these naive or hypocritical persons look.

In addition to all of the above, they want to fool their readers with the fact that the mentioned “Funeral Procession” can await us thanks to the “powerlessness of diplomats” or the “corruption of the tsarist regime,” as Lloyd George, Bernard Shaw, Ferrero and other Jewish “sycophants” are trying to prove.

No, everything that began in 1914 and continues to this day is the logical consequence of the thoroughly prepared Judeo-Mongol satanic “Plan of the Devil” outlined in the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”.

All attempts by the Jews and their lackeys to prove the forgery of the “Protocols” fail: we see them in action every day!

In his wise book “The Truth about the Protocols of Zion,” the eminent Slavic author Georgiy Bostunich depicted a symbolic satanic “serpent” entwining Europe, whose head protrudes from Odessa and looks hungrily towards Constantinople. The Ecumenical Patriarch was “thrown out” from Constantinople after a thousand-year stay. This action of the satanic “serpent” was successful not because Turkey is ruled by the Turks, but because the Judeo-Mongol Mustafa Kemal was the de facto dictator in this country.

“Alas, Satan cannot stand Europe.” (Lloyd George).

"America's prosperity depends on Europe." (Herbert Hoover).

Invisible world government.
Evidence of its existence

In order to show the reader how important this book is, and also to prove the existence of the Judeo-Mongol Invisible World Government, known as the “Hidden Hand,” I will cite the most significant statements of political figures.

Everything that once surprised the smartest representatives of humanity will become an “open secret” for my readers.

For a long time, it remained a mystery why France and Russia went to war in 1812.

It’s all because of the “Hidden Hand” that started this war.

Disraeli Lord Beaconsfield wrote (1844, Coningsbye, p.252):

“The world is ruled by characters who are “different” from those kings and ministers whom people who are not experienced in politics are accustomed to consider as rulers.” Disraeli used the word “different” and “not different”. “Different” are “not kings, ministers or the like”, they are completely “different” people, perhaps even belonging to a different race. First we must find out who these people are, and only then can we control their actions and restore peace! Not earlier.

Bismarck, the iron chancellor, intuited the existence of invisible forces, but he could not or did not want to clearly identify these forces and called them “immeasurable/incalculable” (Forces beyond human understanding).

Lamartine announced the existence of the Hidden Hand.

“We want to put an end to any yoke, but there is a force, invisible, but causing us concern. Where does this power come from? Where is she? Nobody knows, or at least nobody talks about it. Even for us, veterans of secret societies, this is a mystery.”

(Mazini to Dr. Breidenstine).

How weak-minded or criminal are the intentions of those non-Jews who, in order to serve the Jews, betray Christian monarchs.

“Independent of the Freemasons, secretly from them, although essentially composed of Freemasons, there existed a secret conclave that used and incited the Freemasons to destroy the world and themselves.”

(Mr. George Dillon in “The War of the Antichrist on Christian Civilization,” p. 72).

However, who leads and who makes up this secret conclave that controls the lost Freemasons? This is the Hidden Hand.

“The French in the provinces complained that they learned about the revolutions by mail from Paris.”

(Robert Mackenzie in The Nineteenth Century).

The “people's” revolution served as a camouflage for secret conspiracies from abroad.”

(Saint Just, Robespierre's comrade-in-arms, was the only one of the conspirators who had the courage to hold his head high until the executioner's hand rose above it).

Yes! All revolutions were prepared by the “Hidden Hand” with the help of criminals released from prison, bribed agents and adventurers led by foreign provocateurs who were interested in the destruction of the strongest powers at that time: France and Russia.

Today the leading places in the world are occupied by Great Britain and the United States.

Hundred historical
"hoax" exposed

“Casimir Perrier (chairman of the Council of Ministers and de facto dictator of France in 1832) ranted about the “mystical” troubles that filled his political life. He was often forced to bow to a power greater than himself." (Louis Blanc, History of Ten Years, 1830-1840, p. 611).

What is this “superior and mystical power”? Of course not the king, former friend Perrier. Was it not the notorious “Hidden Hand” that humiliated and overthrew his grandson 60 years later, when he in turn became President of France?

“History will not remember another such example of incomparable luck, such colossal success, won in such a short time solely by the efforts of the intellect, prevailing over all hostile circumstances. The (Rothschild) firm struck the world like a meteor flash... The more one thinks about the miraculous way in which this firm conquered its path to destiny and fortune, the more incredible this story seems. As numismatic dealers, the founder of the family and his sons rose to the position of “friends” of all governments in the world.” (John Reeves, The Rothschilds, pp. 2-3).

But he doesn't explain anything, just like anyone else except me.

“During a revolution, power remains in the hands of big scoundrels.” (Danton, leader of the most terrible of revolutions, “The French Revolution”, Nesta Webster, p. 390).

“That gigantic revolution (1848), the preparation of which is now taking place in Germany, and about which so little is still known, is moving thanks to the patronage of the Jews, who have completely monopolized all professorial positions in Germany.” (Disraeli, 1844 Coningsby, p.250).

“In the Viennese riots of March 1848, people played virtually no role.” (Blaise de Bury, “Germany as It Is”, p.122).

“Other than Gambetta, no man has less deserved the high role, that the HAZARD of the popular revolutions made him play, to the misfortune of France.”[His Majesty CHANCE did not allow any less insignificant person than Gambetta to play such a significant role during all the revolutions that unfortunately happened in France] (Henri Crozon in Defense National, see."L"Action Francaise", November 11, 1920).

Nothing is left to CHANCE in revolutions, and there are no “people’s” revolutions, but all revolutions of the past and future (including in the USA) were prepared and accelerated by the same “Hidden Hand”, which, unfortunately, is ignored here.

“Whatever revolution breaks out, it is carried out by the Jews.” (Wibley).

Hannotaux, the French foreign minister, admitted that "mystical forces" controlled politics and "tangled the cards for diplomats."(“L"Europe et les Balkans”).

Comte de Mun, a French academic and member of the Chamber of Deputies, after 50 years of research asked:

“What are these mystical unknown forces X that organize all events?”

Russian Foreign Minister Sazonov argued that many events (predicted by me) turned out to be completely “unexpected” for diplomats (such as the declaration of the first Balkan War).

"Mystery" of five great historians

“In the Middle Ages there was an Asefah or Synod that united Jews under the banner of Judaism. From the mid-16th century to the mid-18th century, the Vaad, or Council of the Four Lands, made its own laws." (Israel Zangwill “The Problem of the Jewish People”).

What happened in the mid-18th century that made the Vaad unnecessary or replaced it?

“The modern revolutionary movement dates back to the middle of the 18th century. Since then, a continuous stream of subversive agitation has flowed, taking different forms, but essentially the same, expanding and deepening, it has turned into a real stream that has swept over Russia and threatens to engulf our civilization,” Stoddard wrote in 1922. his wonderful book “The Conspiracy Against Civilization.” Yes. But who gave such an unexpected impetus to the “forces of disorder”?

“Since the end of the 18th century, revolution and war in Western civilization have turned into a kind of delightful sport for the ruling classes. Poets, philosophers, statesmen, journalists and political parties have glorified wars and revolutions, sometimes both together, thanks to an extraordinary (?) favorable confluence of circumstances.” (Ferrero, Italian historian, Chicago Herald, July 30, 1922).

Why did these figures plunge humanity into the ocean of blood like the Gadarene swine?

This is explained by the fact that murder as such has become a “drinking sport” since the Jews infiltrated Freemasonry and became the “ruling class.”

"The great revolutionary movement began at the end of the 18th century."

(Mrs. Webster, eminent British historian, in The World Revolution - A Conspiracy Against Civilization).

Wells noted that the mental and moral progress of mankind ceased at the end of the 18th century. (New York American, July 27, 1924)

Bernard Shaw, in a polemic with Belloc, suggested that “something” abnormal happened in 1790.

(New York Times).

That is why Roach Streton of New York rightly argued that “we are becoming stupider and stupider every day and in every way.”

But all the aforementioned brilliant American, Jewish, Italian and British historians are wrong in dating the events.

The great revolutionary movement began between the middle and end of the 18th century, when in 1770 Amschel Rothschild became the steward of the Land Count of Hesse Cassel. Amchel hired all these “Milyukovs”, “Kerenskys”, “Lenins”, etc. at the end of the 18th century to begin this subversive agitation, just as Edward Rothschild hired the same in the 20th century to unleash the bloodshed as predicted by the Savior.

"Mystical" forces of X, which
organize all events

The “Prophet” Abdu'l Baha explicitly said that one should stay away from “scorpions and wolves.” But he didn't say specifically who they were.

“Arms reduction does not mean peace. The causes of the war lie deeper." (Samuel Gompers, Chicago Journal, October 19, 1921).

Just one "of a number of sharply limited" bombs could blow up or poison New York or Chicago, as General Mitchell claimed.

The Bishop of Michigan, Senator LaFollette, the Bishop of New York, Mayor Heelan and the New York Times have all referred to the "Invisible Government" in ambiguity.

Miss Jane Adams, the “distinguished American,” simply refused to answer a specific question. She stated:

"Women will save the League of Nations."

“This League of Nations is an Israeli mission,” said Israel Zangwill. Wouldn't it be better for women to save Christian civilization and leave to Israel the task of "saving" its "kosher" League of Nations, which, according to the editor of Plain English, the talented Lord Alfred Douglas, was intended as a centralized Jewish government to seize power throughout the world.

“The League of Nations is a completely Jewish idea. We created it after 25 years of struggle.” (Nahum Sokolov, Zionist leader, Carlsbad Conference, August 27, 1922).

The facts confirm that the events that followed 1897 (the Zionist Congress in Bala) are the result of the “Jewish struggle” cited above.

“Abandon the misunderstandings caused by well-organized propaganda,” says Joseph Daniels, November 6, 1921. But he does not say where this misunderstanding comes from and why it is not exposed and prohibited!

“The improvement of Europe comes from below, not from above. Its leaders still regard their people as hostile tribes,” exclaims Lorimer, editor of the Network Evening Post, July 8, 1922. Indisputably! But who are these leaders who hate their people so much? There is no doubt - these are not Christian monarchs.

“Can a powder magazine such as Europe now be protected from the sparks of the Vienna Revolution? Can the fire threat be eliminated? new war? If Europe needs to be saved from this catastrophe (I hope this will happen immediately and inevitably), some kind of formula must be found." (Vanderlip, Chicago Daily News).

Yes! I have given this formula, which is as effective as it is simple.

This is the trial of Rothschild V and his 300 Jews.

Satan in combat with Christ

Satan promised “all the kingdoms of the world” to Christ so that He would stop spreading His teachings.

Having failed in his diabolical plan, Satan found Jews who wanted to kill Christ and, if this was not enough, destroy HIS TEACHING!

The attempts of the Jews to accomplish this, which can be traced step by step from the crucifixion of the Savior to the present day, have been and will be supported by Satan, his followers and their agents.

In order to more easily succeed and spread your influence in all its splendor, i.e. "Israel above all", the Jews have always kept their Government secret and "invisible".

In order to conceal their own intentions, they organized their countless executive committees called “Lodges of Free Masons” a thousand years ago. The Freemasons bribed or deceived the most influential and unscrupulous Christians and forced (some of them unknowingly) to support their satanic plans.

Vast libraries of books proving that Freemasonry is an entirely Jewish organization can be found in Paris at La Renaissance Francaise (3 Rue Solferino); at the “Revue Internationale des Societes Secretes” (96 Boul. Malesherbes); at “La Vieille France” (5 Rue du Pre-aux Cleres), their authors are Jouin, Gokhayer, Copin-Albanzelli, Daste and others. It is a pity that these books have not yet been translated into English.

“Facts of global significance are known to too small a circle of people, we need more evidence, only facts will help humanity find light.” (Editor, Chicago Daily News)

The main (and probably only) goal of the Free Masons (with the exception of a few "feigned Masonic" lodges) and especially the "Great Pearl of France" is the destruction of the Christian Church and every state (which is not already ruled by the Viceroy of the world Supreme Jewish Government), and also the implementation of anarchy. As the famous Russian philosopher Dostoevsky predicted (1880). This should make people recognize Israel First.

Mrs. Nesta Webster in her 3 wonderful books, the Morning Post in "The Source of World Disorder" and countless other authors have covered in detail the history of the creation of Free Masonry by the Jews and how the Jews later infiltrated or repurposed almost all Masonic lodges founded by Christians.

To be a Freemason means to be friends with the devil.

Almost all Masonic lodges turned into “amateur synagogues.”

From the time when the Jews united with Christian Freemasonry, the massacre began.

“Jews commit 50% of all crimes.” (Chief of Police General Bingan)

Devil's Plan

The Jew Abbe Joseph Lehmann wrote in 1886:

“There is a “hellish” plan to disorganize Christian society and the Jewish faith with one blow, then reduce the state of affairs to such, in religious language, where there will be neither Christians nor Jews, but only people devoid of faith, and where, in the language of politicians, Christians will turn, if not into slaves, then into people of a lower caste, compared to the Jews, the MASTERS. Ever since we learned to read and write, we have seen this plan unfolding on a gloomy horizon, against the backdrop of funeral processions.”

So, the Jews already in 1886 knew what would happen in 1914-18!

It is true that there is a "hellish" plan, i.e. Satan's plan, but it is not true that he must destroy the "Jewish faith." No! According to Christ, Jews are the children of Satan and will always be faithful to him.

Quoting the above words of a Jewish patriot, the author of The Source of World Disorder warns:

“A passage from the book suggests that there is some fearsome sect, directed by the Jews, to destroy the world order as it exists today.” (p.87).

Yes! But why not expose this Jewish organization and its well-known leaders and thus disarm them? How can Americans avoid fatal political mistakes that are worse than crimes if no one explains the mysteries of these hidden forces. And this is still the same “Hidden Hand”. The well-known Jew Rene Gross wrote:

“There is a Jewish conspiracy against all nations, but above all against France and the principles of order that she represents in the world. This conspiracy is taking over the path to power everywhere; in France today it is the ruling force. Observing all this, thinking people see danger. All those who think in French, all who are even a little concerned about the future of France, are preparing for a fight. The people who come across as ignorant are the ones who can't be forgiven for it - MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNMENT.

I not only assert that it is the duty of these people to see the conspiracy weaving around France, I say that who else, if not them, should see it. They, however, showed no reaction to the double conspiracy of the Jewish revolution and Jewish finance. They have already been “domesticated” by the latter and have fallen prostrate before them. Am I wrong about Jewish rule? If this is less obvious than in Russia and Bolshevik Hungary (1919), it is no less real.

Again, spreading their influence throughout the country is contrary to the interests of France. Those who are able to see and think see this threat. In parallel to this and as a result of the spread of the global Jewish conspiracy, we are seeing a new outbreak of anti-Semitism. The world Jewish conspiracy must be undermined, or France will perish like Russia. Obviousness puts pressure on views. Even political passions cannot hide this. The life of France is now at stake. We must take a position either in defense of France or against it."("Le Nouveau Mercure", June 1922).

“Some imperialists are putting forward their sinister proposals (renewal of the French fleet); They are not French." (Cooper, Chicago Tribune, December 18, 1921).

The most monstrous sect in the world

"The Curse of the House of Romanov." This is what the Jew Angelo Rappoport titled his thick book, but he never discovered who cursed them.

“What is terrifying is not the hype, but the design. Through the smoke and fire of the (“French” revolution) we clearly discern a thoughtful organization. The organizers themselves always diligently disguised themselves, but from the very beginning there was no doubt about their existence.” (Lord Acton, Professor at Cambridge University, “Essay on the French Revolution”).

But he did not discover who these “organizers” were.

Mrs. Webster offered several answers (which really could be boiled down to just one) and admitted that she had been wandering “down dark alleys.”

Everyone is afraid to talk about the Secret Power, the source of evil. The Jews maintain the secrecy of their Mystery Government, but hundreds of writers, including Jewish ones, confirm its existence. The repetition itself is indicative:

“In the Middle Ages there was an Asefah, or Synod, which united the Jews under the banner of Judaism; from the mid-16th century to the mid-18th century, the Vaad, or Council of the Four Lands, made its own laws,” Zangwill testified in his work “The Problem of the Jewish People.”

The Vaad ceased to be necessary when the first Rothschild “granted” to his five sons the countries where the Vaad had formerly ruled. Thus, all these “miracles” are easily explained. Since the Jews became the “ruling class,” murder has become a kind of “drinking sport.” Yes! Christ predicted this 2000 years ago. There is ample evidence that the Jews never cared about the development of any nation, their goal was to kill and turn people into antichrists.

> Bloody conspiracy against the Slavs


Previously in our publications, for example, in the works, and many others, it has already been repeatedly said that the annexation of Crimea, carried out by Russian President V. Putin on March 16, 2014 on the day of the celebration of Jewish Purim, is a sacred metaphysical action, organized on the direct instructions of Putin’s supervising Chabad rabbi Berl Lazar, aimed at the subsequent unleashing a bloody massacre of the Slavs in the South-East of Ukraine with the aim of their totalphysical destruction or expulsion from occupied territories of residence as refugees. This is being done as part of the implementation of the Hasidic project “Renaissance of Khazaria”, according to which the lands of New Russia should be cleared of Slavic goyim and populated by followers of the satanic sect Chabad-Lubavitch, where they will await the appearance of the coming “Moshiach” into the world. In order to prepare for the coming of the “Moshiach,” the protege of the Hasidim in Ukraine, I. Kolomoisky, erected a grandiose ziggurat “Menorah” in Dnepropetrovsk, which is the “throne” for the dragon-snake rushing from the abyss of hell into our world, on which, according to the Hasidim’s plan, he will sit over the world and the nations will bow down him, recognizing his power and becoming to serve him.

Fig.1December 22, 2000year inThe black Jewish yasir and janissary V. Putin, part-time President of Russia, as befits a shabes goy, lit the “shamash” - the so-called “service” candle, from which the chief rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar will then light eight other candles of the Hanukkah menorah. Hanukkah is a holiday that celebrates the victory of the Jews over the Syrians.

As noted"BBC Russian Service" , Putin, attending the ceremony, showed good knowledge of the subject. He noted that Hanukkah is “a celebration of victory achieved not by force of arms, but by strength of spirit.”

That’s right, on March 16, 2014, V. Putin “not by force of arms, but by force of spirit” will annex Crimea, that is, he will light the fuse - “shamash”, which became the prologue to the unleashing of the Hasidim Berl Lazar and Kolomoisky “Purim” - a bloody massacre, where in the role Biblical Haman is performed by the Slavs of the South-East of Ukraine.


The publication showed that March 2, 2014 By Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 196/2014, Kolomoisky was appointed Chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration.Exactly 7 days after that, namely March 9, 2014 year in New York, in Manhattan, a grandiose prayer stand of Hasidim from all over the world took place, in which, according to various estimates, from 50 to 100 thousand Haredim took part. After another 7 days, namely March 16, 2014 year, on the day of the Purim celebration, the Hasidic protege Putin, “with the blessing” of Berl Lazar, annexed Crimea, upsetting the already fragile balance of the world System and marking the beginning of a bloody fratricidal massacre in Ukraine, where the role of the biblical Haman is played by the mercilessly destroyed Slavs of the South-East.


Fig.2 Oh very r caustic photo - Putin in a kippah and Ber Lazar (pictured on the right) at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. According to Jewish tradition, the person who puts on the kippah acknowledges the existence and greatness of the Jewish G-d and His wisdom, valuing it above his own head, which he symbolically bows before him.

Commenting on a photo on one of the Chabad websites, Berl Lazar stated that “Putin prayed with me for the speedy arrival of Moshiach.”


All these events are certainly interconnected - after all, the number “7” is a sacred number in Kabbalism, which is the sign of the dragon-serpent Sim - the god of death of the underground kingdom of Navii. Therefore, a chain of events based on this number, each of which is a “7-day link” of this chain (from the appointment of Kolomoisky as the head of the Dnepropetrovsk region, the prayer standing of Hasidim in New York to Putin’s annexation of Crimea), cannot be a coincidence, but is a predetermined a well-thought-out plan for preparing and performing a ritual sacrifice by the Hasidim of the Slavic civilian population of Novorossiya to the coming hellish dragon.

Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch in an article , published on March 30, 2014, just shortly after the annexation of Crimea on March 16, 2014, on behalf of the Hasidim expressed gratitude to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his help in that by annexing Crimea, he “brought closer the embodiment Moshiach one more step."

From what we have stated below, the words of the Vilna Gaon, conveyed in the indicated article by Rabbi Sternbuch, become clear:“When you hear that the Russians have captured Crimea, you must understand that the times of Moshiach have already begun and that his steps can already be heard. And when you hear that the Russians have reached Constantinople (today’s Stanbul), you must put on the clothes of the Sabbath and not take them off any more, because Moshiach can come at any moment.”

As noted in the work, On March 9, 2014, not only Hasidim in New York, but also Orthodox hierarchs in Istanbul prayed about Putin’s impending annexation of Crimea.

On this day in Istanbul, the decisions of the meeting of Primates of the Orthodox Churches were announced, according to which the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church ( Eighth Ecumenical Council) will be convened by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) in 2016, “unless unforeseen circumstances prevent it.”

The decisions of the meeting of Primates of the Orthodox Churches, announced on March 9, 2014 and its message were signed, among others His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill.


Fig.3Patriarch Kirill: « I myself learned about the coming “Moshiach” from Berl Lazar - I urgently need to convey it to Putin, in case he doesn’t know yet.” Let us reassure the patriarch from Raabta: don’t worry, Putin has known everything for a long time, since 1967, when he first visited Israel...


In the Orthodox environment since ancient times there has beenthat the Eighth Ecumenical Council will precede the eschatological events of the Apocalypse.

Thus, realizing that the convening of the Eighth Ecumenical Council, according to ancient prophecies, inevitably brings closer the coming of the “Moshiach” and the end of the world, its organizers, among whom areHis Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', nevertheless, quite consciously goes to convene it in 2016.

Assistant professorDepartment of History, State University of New York (Albany)Nadya Kizenko in a widely known article dated May 27, 2007 in the Wall Street Journal, which is called, it was shown thatPutin, the FSB and the forces behind them (as is now obvious, the Chabad Hasidim) back in 2003 set the task of uniting the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church MP and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in order to strictly observe the ancient prophecy that , that the Eighth Council of 2016 in Istanbul must certainly be “Ecumenical”, because this is how and only this way can the prophecy about the “Moshiach” coming to the world and the end of the world be realized.

Back at the end of May 2010, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, while on a visit to Russia, announced that together with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' they decided to “accelerate the process of convening the Holy Great Council of the Orthodox Church.”

Today it has become clear that the true initiators of the satanic Eighth Council are the Ecumenical Patriarch (aka Patriarch of Constantinople) Bartholomew and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

It turns out that His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' is acting in concert with the Hasidim, deliberately creating with his own hands the metaphysical condition for the embodiment of “Moshiach”?

As we see, Putin (since 2003, who began the unification of the Russian Orthodox Church MP and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad) and Patriarch Kirill (since 2009, who resumed preparations for the Eighth Ecumenical Council) are actively preparing the satanic Eighth Ecumenical Council in Stanbul (formerly Constantinople) for 2016, thus, “ Russians, after capturing Crimea on March 16, 2014, will reach Constantinople in 2016,” which is what the Vilna Gaon spoke about and which will mean the onset of the time of the arrival of “Moshiach” and the end of the world.

In light of what is happening, paragraph 9 of the announcement is perceived very ambiguouslyMarch 9, 2014 forworship in the Cathedral in the name of the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious at the Phanar in Istanbul, messages from participants in the meeting of Primates and representatives of the Orthodox Churches, namely: “Despite all difficulties, we proclaim the good news of God, who “so loved the world” that he “dwelt in our midst.” Therefore, we, Orthodox, look into the future with hope, and, despite all the troubles, we trust in the “Almighty..., Who is and was and is coming "(Rev. 1:8). For we remember that last word- the word of joy, love and life - remains with Him. To Him belongs glory, honor and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen" (source: )

Isn’t it to the coming Jewish “Moshiach”, calling him “Almighty, Who is and was and is coming”, in fact, cried out in Istanbul (on the same day as the Hasidim in New York) on March 9, 2014, exactly 7 days before Putin’s annexation of Crimea, the “Orthodox” preparers of the satanic Eighth Council, which, according to ancient prophecies, will give rise to Apocalypse and subsequent Armageddon?

In the publication, we drew attention to the fact that the successive actions of the Hasidim and their golems (among which there are those who publicly declare themselves “Orthodox”), carried out before our eyes, cannot be a coincidence, but are a pre-thought-out plan for the preparation and performance of a ritual sacrifice by the Hasidim of the Slavic civilian population of Novorossiya to the infernal dragon “almighty”, “Who is and was and is coming » , as the “Orthodox” hierarchs said about him on March 9, 2014 in Istanbul, having decided to prepare apocalyptic In the Eighth Council.

If Kolomoisky’s henchman in exterminating the Slavs is Yarosh, then a dispassionate analysis shows that Putin’s henchman (possibly used “in the dark,” so to speak “out of thoughtlessness”) in this matter is Girkin, who calls himself “Strelkov” for disguise. The important thing here is that the slaughter of the Slavs is controlled simultaneously from both sides by people “in yarmulkes.”

It turns out that the peaceful Slavs of New Russia are being methodically destroyed on both sides by forces led by Hasidic Jews and their “janissaries.”

If everything is clear with Putin, Kolomoisky and Yarosh (by publicly wearing kippahs, they bowed to the Jewish Yahweh), then Serious questions still remain regarding Girkin (Strelkov).

The fact is that today in Russia there is a widespread opinion that Girkin is an excellent military man, he perfectly organized the defense of the South-East, that he is “the only hope of the Slavs,” etc. etc. But why is he fighting? After all, Girkin is a “former” FSB officer, a Muscovite, Novorossiya is not his homeland. How did he get there, what is he doing there, what goals does he pursue?


Fig.4“300 Strelkovtsev”, or “Steel Russians”. Cool Putin guys. Preliminary results of their “mission to protect Russians in Novorossiya”: tens of thousands of killed and wounded peaceful Slavs in the South-East of Ukraine, about 2 million refugees who could not withstand fraternal “protection” and were forced to leave their native lands so as not to be killed. An impending humanitarian catastrophe. Everything is almost according to Zhvanetsky: “whom I protect, I have.” At the same time, the number of protected people is rapidly decreasing. Soon there will be no one to protect. To paraphrase a well-known Soviet joke, “we will not give up an inch of our native land to the enemy, we will defend it so that no stone will be left unturned.”

Would you like to have such “defenders”, reader? Maybe it's better for them to change their profession?..


Isn't it Girkin does not understand that Putin will never truly help the rebel South-East, since the whole war was started by him and the Hasidim with the sole purpose of clearing Slavic civilians from this territory(either by killing them or turning them into refugees), after which, according to the Hasidim’s plan, Khazaria, the ancient Judeo-Israelite kingdom, should be revived there?

Not having heavy weapons to organize an effective fire repulse to the enemy along the entire line of direct combat contact with the enemy in the Donbass region, voluntarily refusing to organize a large-scale partisan-sabotage wars in the Ukrainian rear (explosions of railway and road bridges, oil and gas pipelines, hydraulic structures, administrative buildings and institutions, terrorist attacks on transport hubs, factories and enterprises supplying the Ukrainian army, targeted elimination of representatives of the Kyiv juntaand the media responsible for the mass genocide of the Slavs of the Southeast, destabilization of the situation in cities controlled by the Ukrainians, including Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Western Ukraine, etc. .d etc.) by his actions, Girkin, without causing significant infrastructural and human damage to the enemy, wages a war as if “for fun”, thereby only artificially creating a “target” from the territory of the South-East and deliberately dooming the civilians of Novorossiya to slaughter by the Janissaries of Kolomoisky . This means that Girkin’s actions in the current specific circumstances are not protection, but only an imitation of protection of the peaceful Slavic population of the South-East, which soon as a result of this “defense” will not remain there at all. Girkin today - in fact, it does not protect the Slavs of Novorossiya, but only contributes to their mass genocide: the destruction and squeezing out of the occupied territories by the Ukrainians. Thus, Girkin, willingly or unwillingly, follows in the footsteps of the Hasidic project for the “Renaissance of Khazaria”, which means, in global, religious and political terms, it is a voluntary or unwitting tool of Putin, Berl Lazar, Kolomoisky and the rest of the Hasidic kahal.

The conclusion regarding Girkin is that you either fight for real, destroying the enemy and causing serious irreparable damage to the Ukrainians at the front and in their rear, or stop breaking this imitation comedy and leave Novorossiya so that they don’t kill any more Slavs because of you, since it’s effective You, as a warrior, are not able to protect them. Otherwise, the blood of the Slavs is on your hands, Girkin, exactly the same as on the hands of Putin, Ber Lazar, Patriarch Kirill, Poroshenko, Kolomoisky and Yarosh.

If the uprising in Novorossiya had not occurred, then Kyiv would have had no “legitimate” (from the Western point of view) reason to attack it, massively destroying civilians and infrastructure, which makes the territories unsuitable for further habitation, and means it will certainly lead to the complete squeezing out of the Slavs from there. Yes, there could undoubtedly be individual excesses, even bloody provocations, as in Odessa, on the part of the Ukrainians. But such a total, mass genocide (tens of thousands killed, according to various estimates up to 1.5-2 million refugees) of the Slavic population would not have happened as it is now.

We have already given an example that after Girkin surrendered a large center of defense for the rebels, namely Slavyansk, no mass executions or repressions by the Ukrainians against civilians followed (and could not have followed, since otherwise Kyiv itself would have become “humanistic” West "outside the law"). If there were such facts, then the Russian media would only talk about this day and night. But they are silent.

This means that in the absence of military resistance in the South-East, the Kyiv authorities, paradoxical as it may sound to the Russian average man indoctrinated by Kremlin propaganda, powerless to do anything against the peaceful Slavic population, since Western “humanistic” civilization outwardly cannot show in any way that it is reconciled to the destruction of non-resisting civilians.

This is precisely the situation in which Israel finds itself, which, having an overwhelming superiority in military force and long dreaming of killing all the Arabs in the region, by and large cannot do anything with them, because as soon as it tries to begin their mass destruction, the “humanistic” West raises hysteria, and certain containment measures are being taken against Israel. This has been happening for decades.

In other words, the logic of modern Western civilization is such that in order to justify a military attack and the subsequent murder of civilians, it is necessary to create some kind of informational reason. Therefore, various fables were invented about Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” etc. etc.

That's why Ber Lazar, Putin, Kolomoisky and the world kahal of Hasidim behind them need like air an imitation of armed resistance in the South-East in order to create in the West the image of Kyiv as a “fighter against terrorism”, to win Western public opinion to the side of the Kyiv authorities and, justifying the “legitimacy “of their actions, under this guise to cleanse Novorossiya from Slavic goyim.

Thus, not being able to effectively conduct military operations to actually ensure the protection of civilians, FSB officer of Jewish blood Girkin, acting on the direct orders of Putin, actually contributes only to an imitation of war, creating an information occasion for the West, legitimizing Kyiv's actions to destroy civilians in the South-East.

That is why one of the ideologists of the government, S. Kurginyan, became so nervous, to the point of hysteria, in connection with the surrender of Slavyansk, that he quickly rushed “to the scene of action” to “reprimand” Girkin.

A number of analysts then believed that certain forces in the Kremlin were extremely disappointed by the unconventional move of Girkin, for whom the Kremlin strategists had already prepared the fate of “dying heroically” in the defense of Slavyansk in order to “finally merge”, saving the face of Putin and the Kremlin, which had begun to cause great inconvenience and trouble for the entire world Arian System the situation in Novorossiya, since events began to develop there not according to the script initially prescribed by the Hasidim. All this is certainly true.

But now another “secret subtext” of Kurginyan’s then hysteria is being revealed: the Putinoids in the Kremlin immediately understood the entire ideological disadvantage of the situation emerging as a result of Girkin’s abandonment of Slavyansk: indeed, the Kremlin had just broadcast around the clock to the whole world about what a “beast that feeds on raw human meat” “, this whole Kiev junta, and then the junta entered Slavyansk left by Girkin - and there are no atrocities!A complete fiasco for the Russian media, the Kremlin propagandists overnight publicly turned into dirty, shabby “propagandas.”

The question immediately arises in the minds of the average resident of Novorossiya: why, in fact, Girkin & Co. Should we continue to “fight for Novorossiya” if, after leaving their positions in Slavyansk, no one kills or clears the civilian population? Well, Girkin’s “rebel fighters for the idea” will leave Co . from the South-East back home, back to Russia, and the local Slavic population will begin to live normally, the war will stop, as it just happened in Slavyansk.

Unexpected for the Kremlin, the actions of Girkin, who by leaving Slavyansk saved his own life and the lives of his soldiers from the death trap set for him by Putin and the Hasidim, hit the Kremlin’s propaganda machine with enormous force, essentially breaking it. That’s why Kurginyan, who is one of the main ideologists of this inglorious PR campaigns.

We are sure It was precisely in order to disavow the damage caused to the Kremlin and its propaganda caused by Girkin’s abandonment of Slavyansk that the Hasidim developed a plan to destroy the Malaysian Boeing 777 on July 17, 2014.

Malaysian The Boeing was shot down precisely in order to distract, to divert public attention from the consequences of Girkin’s abandonment of Slavyansk, from the fact that as a result of the departure of the “militia” from Slavyansk, the city finally Peaceful life was established and the Slavic population stopped massacre. This conclusion in itself is terrible for Hasidim, since with the awareness of the general public it becomes no longer possible somehow justify Girkin’s imitation actions to maintain military tension in the Southeast.

This gives every reason to believe that the Malaysian Boeing 777 was shot down “including” by Russian specialists on Putin’s instructions from the territory controlled by Girkin (we will explain why “including” a little later). This was also done in order to “cover up” Girkin himself, to hang a “bloody cant” on him for his unauthorized actions in Slavyansk, in order to forever create in the West the image of Girkin as a “killer of children and civilians”, thereby preventing Girkin “ get rid of the Kremlin and start an independent political game. It was for this purpose that the special services, probably Russian, organized a story allegedly by “Girkin” about another downed passenger plane, allegedly “Ukrainian”. So that they would think that Girkin supposedly wanted to shoot down a Ukrainian plane, but got confused and shot down a Malaysian Boeing. This “setup” is still a trump card in the hands of all those who accuse Girkin of the attack on the Malaysian Boeing.

Meanwhile, we have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that the massacre of the Slavs of the Southeast was organized by Putin and the Hasidim Ber-Lazar and Kolomoisky. This means that, in reality, Putin is on the same side as Kolomoisky, only he acts secretly from the general public.

Yes, yes - in reality, Putin and Kolomoisky, through the mediation of the Hasidim, are acting together. That is why the Malaysian Boeing, which was driven by air traffic controllers in Dnepropetrovsk (where Kolomoisky reigns), deviated at their command from the route in such a way that it would be easier for Russian specialists to shoot it down on Putin’s direct orders.


Fig.5 WITH left - Hasid Kolomoisky, who in 2012 erected the throne of the coming “Moshiach” - the ziggurat “Menorah” in Dnepropetrovsk.

On the right is the Hasidic Shabes goy Putin, under the supervision of Rabbi Berel Lazar, setting fire to a shamash. By annexing Crimea on March 16, 2014, Putin lit the fuse of a fratricidal war in Ukraine, the purpose of which is the revival of Khasidim by the Hasids, followed by the summoning from the abyss of hell of an ancient dragon-serpent, who will sit on the throne of the “Menorah” over the world and devour all humanity.


Above, we used the speech construction “including” when we said that the Malaysian airliner was shot down by the Russians on Putin’s orders. In reality, this whole story with Boeing is an international Hasidic conspiracy in which both Putin and Kolomoisky participated at the same time - they shot down this plane together (Kolomoisky took the airliner to a given point “X”, where Putin was already waiting for him to shoot down) for the reasons we stated above.

Girkin, most likely, he is “out of business” here at all, he was simply set up, the “arrows” were transferred to him (an interesting pun: the “arrows” were transferred to “Strelkov”).This is because he, “Strelkov”, did not want to be “Girkin” in Slavyansk - an obedient Jewish golem, ready to voluntarily die at the direction of Putin for the Hasidic “Moshiach”)

According to "Novaya Gazeta" , the main characters of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) spiritually come from the newspaper “Zavtra”. According to “trustworthy sources”, Strelkov took an active part in the Crimean events (participated in the annexation of Crimea), which he himself has repeatedly stated. He was the commander of combat groups for the capture of military units and, together with Boroday, coordinated the filming of Life News and the Rossiya TV channel.

Then Strelkov migrated from Crimea to Donbass, driven by the ideas of the “Russian mission” as interpreted by Alexander Prokhanov . It seems that the “Donbass” tasks have become the main ones for Girkin. As well as for his comrade Boroday. Borodai becomes the “prime minister” of the Donetsk People's Republic, and Girkin becomes its military leader.

Borodai was born in Moscow on July 25, 1972 in the family of the famous philosopher and publicist Yuri Borodai. Graduated from Moscow State University. Regular contributor to the newspaper “Zavtra”. Borodai does not hide the fact that Igor Strelkov (“Strelok”) is his long-time friend. IN In 1999, they visited Dagestan as correspondents for the newspaper “Zavtra”, reporting on Wahhabi villages.

Myself Girkin (Strelkov) recommends himself in writing as follows: “My name is Igor Vsevolodovich Girkin, born on December 17, 1970, a native and resident of Moscow. Pseudonym (first military - for “cover documents”, and now literary and in reconstruction) - Igor Strelkov. I graduated from the Moscow Institute of History and Archives with a degree in Historian-Archivist, but I never worked a day in my profession, as I plunged headlong into the family’s traditional military sphere. As a volunteer, he took part in hostilities in Transnistria (1992), Bosnia (1992-1993), and Chechnya (under contract, 1995). Since 1996 he served in the Federal Security Service. From 1999 to 2005 he served almost continuously in Chechnya. I was wounded and shell-shocked, I have awards. Dismissed to the reserve due to staff reduction with the rank of colonel. I am applying for a pension. I work as the head of the security service at Marshall-Capital under Konstantin Malofeev.”

INIn August 2005, when registering for one of the flights, Igor Girkin presented the ID of a current employee of the FSB of the Russian Federation RC No. 097...

Thus, the question of who Girkin was in military service can be considered closed - he served in the FSB.

The fact that Girkin worked head of the security service from a major businessman Malofeev, indicates that Girkin is “one of the people” among the “siloviki”, has significant connections there and the ability to “resolve issues”, otherwise no large commercial structure would ever hire him for such a position.

It’s no secret that now the times of the “gangster 90s” are long gone. Today, large and medium-sized businesses are attacked by “bandits in uniform” from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other similar structures by falsifying custom-made criminal cases, as a result of which management and business owners end up in prison or on the run, and their business is stolen and appropriated by these “law enforcement officers” and "statists".

One of an infinite number of examples is Khodorkovsky, who, according to investigators, stole more oil than Yukos managed to produce during its entire operation. But this did not stop the gentlemen from a certain LLC “ Baikalfinancegroup“, whom Putin, by his own admission on TV, “knows well,” to appropriate Yukos property worth more than $50 billion, robbing its shareholders, which has already been established in international arbitration in The Hague.

Where did the billions stolen from shareholders come from, if, according to Russian investigators, everything that was possible was stolen from Yukos by Khodorkovsky? Now it turns out that Khodorkovsky did not “stole” everything there. There is also someone who, after Khodorkovsky, robbed the shareholders of Yukos. And President Putin, our “guarantor of the Constitution,” knows this “someone” well. It turns out that our president, “our everything,” is covering for criminals whom he “knows well”?

Obviously, the recent decision of the Hague court completely exposes the initially biased and ordered nature of the investigation into the Yukos case, which is actually an official raid legalized on a state scale, the instrument of which, like a thieves' crowbar, in this case is the Russian "law enforcement" structures.

To effectively counter “bandits in uniform,” the security service of a commercial organization must today be able to attract high-status persons in uniform to its protection, the “star shine” on which should be no less bright than on the shoulder straps of bandits.

All of the above allows us to assert that Girkin He played the role of “FSS roof” at Marshall-Capital for Konstantin Malofeev.

In 2003 Girkin, while officially an employee of the FSB, was also listed as an employee of the “National Military Fund”, the website of which states that it was created in 1999 on Putin's personal initiative and “is a public association that carries out charitable activities through voluntary donations from legal entities and individuals.”

In 2007, at a general meeting, the name was changed to “National Charitable Foundation”. “The Fund operates under the patronage of the Head of State, in contact with the Administration of the President of Russia, his authorized representatives in the federal districts, heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, power ministries and departments.”

The board of trustees includes: Patriarch Kirill, Vagit Alekperov (LUKOIL), Viktor Vekselberg (Renova), Oleg Deripaska (Basic Element), Mikhail Fridman (Alfa-Bank) and Alexander Shokhin. Here, for example, is some information about the fund’s management team:

1. Vladimir Alekseevich Nosov - director, former first deputy of the FSB military counterintelligence department, member of the FSB Public Council;

2. MolyakovAlexey Alekseevich - deputy director, former head of military counterintelligence of the FSB, member of the FSB Public Council.

Taking into account the above, as well as the fact that there are no “former” FSB employees, we can assume that Girkin’s actions in Ukraine during the war, which have already led to international sanctions against Russia and its largest officials, are certainly supervised by the FSB and personally by Putin, for whom Girkin actually works.

No other conclusions can be drawn in this context. Girkin has no independence no and never was. Girkin is an FSB officer in the service of the Putin regime. The fact that he arbitrarily surrendered Slavyansk, “substituting the entire propaganda machine of the Kremlin,” speaks only of his intelligence and intuition: he realized in time that “at the top” they wanted to sacrifice him, so that it would be more convenient for the Kremlin and Putin to get out of what had already become very dangerous for Putin adventure regime in Ukraine, while somehow saving face.

IN The Great Patriotic War Girkin would simply have been shot for failure to comply with the order from above to “stand to the death,” which is what Kurginyan directly shouted about, beating in hysterics. Now Putin cannot officially present anything to Girkin, because Girkin is formally a “volunteer”, supposedly “not in the public service”, and Putin himself generally poses as a “peacemaker, concerned about the fate of the civilians of Donbass and all of Novorossia.”

But Putin undoubtedly has a grudge against Girkin for Slavyansk (for the fact that Girkin did not want to die of his own free will for the “Hasidic cause,” thereby creating huge problems for both Putin himself and the Hasidim supervising Putin), and therefore, at any suitable In this case, Putin will undoubtedly frame and eliminate Girkin.

This is a reason for Girkin himself to seriously think about whether to continue to serve the Kremlin and Putin, who at some point may simply get rid of him, or whether Girkin should still take a risk and start his own game. For example, give an order to liquidate Kolomoisky and destroy the Menorah ziggurat, which he still has not done.

With this, he will deliver a preventive blow not only to the Hasidim, but also to Putin, and to his relationship with the global Hasidic kahal. Kagal will reasonably decide that Putin is no longer in control of the situation, and will destroy Putin before Putin eliminates Girkin. This is a real chance for Girkin to survive, to declare himself as the new leader of the Russians and Slavs.

If Girkin had gone for this, and if he had really succeeded, then a truly biblical feat would have been accomplished: the destruction of the throne of the Jewish “Moshiach” coming from the abyss of hell would have destroyed the Hasidic project “Revival of Khazaria” and would have likened Girkin to the biblical Saul, converted to Apostle Paul.

This would be a real, irreversible transformation of “Girkin” into “Strelkov”, when no one would ever again dare to speculate on his Jewish surname “Girkin”, since the very name of his “Strelkov” would become terrible for the Hasidim and their accomplices.

Having accomplished the almost impossible, stopping the “Moshiach” rushing into the world from the abyss of hell, “Strelkov” would have metaphysically destroyed, erased his Judaism and would have become sacredly higher than Putin, a Shabes Goy who sold himself to the Hasidim, lighting Hanukkah candles, putting on a kippah and bowing before the Jewish Yahweh, and therefore “Strelkov” would gain real power to throw Putin out of the Kremlin along with all his Hasidic-KGB satanic sect.

Having truly, truly become a “Strelkov” as a result of spiritual conversion, he would have been able to rely in this universal struggle on tens of millions of Russians and Slavs who had taken heart, who, like him, wanted to shake off the Jewish yoke.

Note that since FSB officers Girkin and Borodai initially grouped around the newspaper “Zavtra” and its editor-in-chief A. Prokhanov, using the operational cover of “correspondents” to carry out official tasks, it becomes obvious that newspaper "Zavtra" and Prokhanov personally is simply a conductor of the policies of the Kremlin and the FSB to the “people and society”, masquerading as “patriotic resistance”, but in fact being on the payroll of Putin and the Hasidim. That's all their official “patriotism”.

Prokhanov, who declares himself a “patriot” and a “statist”, verbally cares “for the Russians”, “for the Slavs”, has a newspaper, is widely published as a writer, is constantly invited to the Jewish “Echo of Moscow”, to programs Jewish Kabbalist V. Solovyov on TV, etc., while those whom he calls his “comrades in the resistance”, for example Kvachkov, Dushenov, Mironov and many others, were subjected to criminal prosecution for intellectualresistance to the Hasidic Putin regime, for daring to speak out loud about Hasidic-Jewish seizure of the highest state power in Russia.


Fig.6A. Prokhanovas “the last soldier of the Empire”, its “Talisman”. Posting similar pictures with his own image of the “great warrior” on his blog inLivejournalindicates, in our opinion, some inadequacy in his assessment of the role of his own personality in history. At the same time, the giant of the “artistic word” is unaware that in Ramaic “Amulet” is Eber_Og = Ever_Og, which is translated into Russian as “Ever (s) ruler.” As we know from the Bible, the Jews descended from Eber. Thus, in Ramaic the phrase also means “Hebrew Lord.” Judging by the fact that Prokhanov is invited with enviable regularity to the Jewish “Echo of Moscow” and to Kabbalist V. Solovyov’s programs on TV, this is the way it is – Prokhanov has really been “expected” for a long time.


How can Prokhanov publicly defend Putin and his regime if his “comrades” in the struggle, as Prokhanov himself claims, are in prisons and camps, where Putin put them?

If Putin imprisoned your comrades, then how can you publicly praise and justify Putin? A rare form of spiritual masochism. Are you betraying your “comrades” by doing this? Or are those whom you publicly call “comrades in struggle” not really your comrades, but only a means of vile earnings for an elderly provocateur in the service of the FSB?

It's obvious that Prokhanov – this is typical, built into today's Hasidic-Putin A system provocateur whose task is to identify real, true patriots of the Russian people and the Slavs (who, deceived by his sublime “inspired” speeches and articles, are drawn to him like “moths to the light of fire”), and then treacherously hand them over to the FSB, which isolates them from society through long prison sentences.

A similar function of a provocateur in the service of the FSB, deliberately attracting the protest forces of society, mainly from young people, for the subsequent surrender of especially active ones to the authorities, is played today by Limonov and many others.


333. Please note that the owner, caretaker and moderator is someone under the nickname “ jewsejka ». For the uninitiated it is said that nickname translated from English like "Evseyka".

In reality,jewsejka = jew _ sejka , that is, a “Jewish gang” (sincejew ThisJew, Jew)

The translation from Ramei is even more eloquent:jew _ sej _ ka = Jewish_existing_Ka= Jewish real dragon-serpent.

Prokhanovand his followers do not even hide that they are going to build the “Fifth Empire”, uniting and crossing everything with everything. But it is precisely the construction of the Empire that the Hasidic “moshiach” = dragon-serpent, rushing into the world from the abyss of hell and dreaming of sitting above the world, also strives for. Do the plans of these “statist patriots” not coincide with the Kabbalistic aspirations of the Hasidim? Isn’t the “patriot” and “statist” Prokhanov simply a Satanist, one of the adherents of the “Jewish gang” seeking to bring the “Moshiach” to power in the world? In any case, your community inLivejournalThat's exactly what he called it...

At the end of this publication, let’s say one more thing. In Ukraine today, Hasidim operate on two sides at once: on the Russian side - Putin (supervised by Berl Lazar), on the Ukrainian side - Kolomoisky. They initially believed that the traditional Jewish action “simultaneously on both sides” contained their strength: indeed, at first glance, it would be more convenient to destroy the Slavic goyim in the South-East in this way, from both sides at once.

But this is precisely where their weakness lies: having unleashed the massacre, which has already taken on a protracted and international character beyond the control of the Hasidim, they now do not know how to get out of this situation they created - in any case, it is the Hasidim who will lose. If Putin retreats, it will be a powerful reputation and image a blow to the Hasidic protege in Russia: indeed, the “alpha male”, “tough security officer” will turn out to be a cowardly “shameful wolf”, who, with his tail between his legs, is forced to retreat from Ukraine back home. Thus, political power in Russia, which today belongs to the Hasidim through Putin, may also be lost.

But if Kolomoisky gives in, this is also bad for the Hasidim, since it debunks and deprives the builder of the ziggurat “Menorah”, the throne of the coming “Moshiach”, of the sacred mystical aura, and also calls into question the implementation of the project “Renaissance of Khazaria”, into which the Hasidim have already invested enormous spiritual and material resource. This is their biblical defeat: after all, if the person who built the “Menorah” lost, then there is no more power in the “god of Israel.” Hasidim cannot allow such a conclusion, for this would already be fraught with the end of Hasidism itself.

This is why Putin is inactive. He is waiting for instructions from the Hasidim, but they themselves do not know what to do...

The concept of the “Jewish conspiracy” is closely and sometimes almost inseparably linked with the concept of the “Mason conspiracy.” This connection is imprinted in the expression “Judeo-Masonic conspiracy”, characteristic of conspiracy theorists, which has become a common cliché among both opponents of the “conspiracy” and anti-conspiracy propaganda, constantly trying to prove the inconsistency and grotesqueness of this combination of terms. But still, anti-Masonic conspiracy theories are not always directly identical to anti-Judaism, and especially since anti-Masonry is almost entirely a religious and counter-revolutionary doctrine, resorting primarily to theological argumentation, while anti-Judaism is often completely divorced from any theology and is based in this case on purely racial or ethnic argumentation.

Of course, historical anti-Judaism, as well as anti-Freemasonry, was predominantly Christian. The rejection of Jesus Christ by Judaism as a whole meant a fundamental opposition between two religious perspectives, which was further strengthened by a certain continuity of Christianity in relation to Judaism. In addition, anti-Jewish pathos is already characteristic of certain passages of the New Testament itself. The fact is that numerous places in the Talmud are distinguished by irreconcilable and theologically justified (from a purely Jewish perspective) hatred of both Jesus Christ and the Christian Church. Unlike Islam or other traditions, whose general religious perspective is too far from the religious dogma of Christianity, the competence of Judaism included all theological issues related to the Old Testament, its interpretation, deciphering the meaning of the figure of the coming Messiah, etc. And this, naturally, happened in a spirit completely opposite to Christian doctrine, which unequivocally, through the holy Apostle Paul, announced the end of the era of Law (and therefore the theological methodology associated with this era) and the beginning of a new era of Grace, which came with the incarnation The Word Himself, Christ-Immanuel, which radically changed all the sacred proportions of the religious worldview. Thus, Judaism after the Coming of Jesus Christ became the natural and primary theological opponent of the Church of Christ.

But conspiratorial anti-Judaism appeared much later, only during the period when the theocratic Christian civilization of the West began to rapidly disintegrate. Naturally, seeing the decline of their own religion, some Christians logically connected it with the “machinations” of the enemies of their faith, and such not only “mythologically”, but also theologically the Jews actually were and are, professing the Law as if Grace had not yet come into the world . Thus, the degradation of the Church and its gradual loss of its central position in society led to the emergence of the concept of a “Jewish conspiracy,” i.e. to the thesis about the existence of a political and international secret organization of Jews, striving to assert their religious rightness at the social, political and economic level, which is possible only with the destruction of the Christian worldview and the associated social order in the world. Anti-Jewish conspiracy theorists turned to Talmudic and post-Talmudic literature and discovered there the basic principles of a special Jewish political strategy based on the religious principles of Judaism. Certain places breathed religious hatred towards those who, from the point of view of Orthodox Jews, are “infidels”, “idolaters”, “pagans”, “goyim” (Hebrew for “people”), “Akum” (Hebrew abbreviation for expressions “fans of stars and planets”). And if pre-conspiracy anti-Judaism accused the Jews of relatively “minor” magical or economic crimes (which more than once led to mass persecution of Jews), then the specificity of conspiracy anti-Judasism consisted precisely in the exposure of an international secret organization whose goal was the total establishment Judaism as the highest religious and political force on the planet. It is very interesting that conspiracy theories about anti-Jews preceded such political phenomena as the creation of the “World Jewish Union” by Adolphe Cremieux or the Zionist movement itself, which in general seemed to confirm the fears of conspiracy theorists about a possible global and destructive in relation to Christian civilization political activity Judaism.

Anti-Jewish concepts of the 19th century are almost always unanimous in viewing political Freemasonry as an instrument of political Judaism. This Freemasonry becomes a “service” link in the conspiracy, whereas in the 18th century, on the contrary, the Jews were considered just “allies” of destructive Masonic politics. In the 20th century, the proportions of the 19th century are preserved, and even more, the anti-Masonic dogma of conspiracy theorists recedes into the background, and anti-Jewish motives become dominant.

At the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries, a special purely ethnic, racial conspiracy version of anti-Judaism took shape, which is often called “anti-Semitism,” although this term does not correspond to reality at all, since in the overwhelming majority of cases criticism and revelations Only persons and figures of the Jewish nation are subject to prosecution; most often, no “charges” are brought against the rest of the Semitic peoples. Here we are dealing with a dual phenomenon. First of all, secular and devoid of theological connotations, Judeophobia is associated with the fact that Judaism as a religion clearly and unequivocally addresses only and exclusively Jews by nationality, that is, a single ethnic community. Unlike most other religions, Judaism does not accept proselytism and does not allow anyone whose mother is not Jewish by blood to practice Judaism. Therefore, Judaism as a religion presupposes a deliberate affiliation with Jewry as a nation, as a race. Hence the natural and partly justified identification by Christian conspiracy theorists of Jews as professing a special religion with ethnic Jews. On the other hand, during this period of time, in a nominally still Christian world, theological arguments were rapidly disappearing from the sphere of the struggle of ideas, and new atheistic or purely positivist theories were increasingly taking their place. In the course of this epidemic de-Christianization of the West, theological anti-Judaism is losing its credibility. But since conspiracy theories are much deeper than rational ideological constructs, the anti-Judaism of religious conspiracy theories turns into a purely ethnic racial doctrine of Judeophobia, the bearers of which are primarily Protestant conspiracy theorists or even neo-pagan racist mystics, most often also found in Protestant German and Saxon churches. countries. Examples include Chamberlain in England or Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, a German by nationality who lived in Austria.

Ethnic Judeophobia, unless, of course, it is associated with a racist gnosis (as in the case of Guido von List and his followers the Ariosophists), bases its claim on Jewry by arguing that socio-cultural circumstances led the Jewish people into dispersion (and perhaps long before him) to a special degeneration into a pathological, socially (sometimes even biologically) sick community, which is not able to integrate into socially “healthy” ethnic groups, and therefore it organized a “conspiracy” to secretly disintegrate these “healthy” ethnic groups and impose on the world its own dictate of “national and economic pathology”. In such an optic, the religious specificity of Judaism is considered only as a cultural expression of the bio-ethnic peculiarity of Jewry, and from the previous anti-Jewish accusations of Christian conspiracy theorists, ethnic Judeophobia borrows only cultural-political, economic and legal arguments. In parallel with the transition to this kind of conspiracy theory of Judeophobia, anti-Christian motives are emerging for the first time on the part of the conspiracy theorists themselves. New theories are emerging regarding the “Jewish essence” of Christianity itself. A fairly common equation appears: “Christianity = a mine planted by the Jews to destroy the Aryan peoples.” Later, by the middle of the 20th century, it was precisely this purely ethnic, biological and non-religious version of conspiracy theory that would be adopted as the basis for the theories of National Socialism and partly Italian fascism. It is interesting to note that Russian conspiracy theories, both among emigration and dissidents, resorted to such purely ethnic Judeophobia extremely rarely, since the most widespread remained the classical concepts of Christian counter-revolutionaries of the 18th - 20th centuries. However, one cannot ignore the influence that the racist approach has had on this area as a whole, and it must be admitted that even where the main emphasis continues to fall on theological claims to Judaism as a religion, in the conspiracy theories of the 20th century, a purely ethnic factor is always taken into account in one way or another (which was completely alien to the former counter-revolutionaries, for whom the exit of an ethnic Jew from Judaism as a religion and his adoption of Christianity was already completely sufficient for his “conspiratorial rehabilitation”).

“Aryan racism”, characteristic of National Socialist concepts, became a particular variant of Judeophobia. This version somewhat complicated the overall picture of the “conspiracy” in that, in addition to the “Jews” as the source of degradation of the Aryan civilization, the role of non-Aryan peoples was especially taken into account, who were blamed for “racial cooperation” with the Jews in their negative geo-politics. Non-Aryan races were declared to be historical “collaborators” of the Jews. Thus, in addition to the Freemasons, the “Jewish conspirators” received new “tools” from racist conspiracy theorists - “lower”, non-Aryan races.

The “Jewish conspiracy” paradigm is the most archetypal conspiracy concept, and this idea has become so widespread that it has left anti-Masonic conspiracy theories far behind. The fate of the Jewish people in the 20th century - persecution in Germany, the creation of the state of Israel, wars in the Middle East - all this not only fuels the theorists of the “Jewish conspiracy”, but also makes the “Jewish factor” truly the most important geopolitical concept of the 20th century. Therefore all conspiracy theories are becoming more relevant today than ever. On the other hand, the idea of ​​a “Jewish world conspiracy” is transferred to other ethnic groups in local conditions. Thus, other private theories of “conspiracy of ethnic minorities” are built on the model of this paradigm. But they all represent only a reworking of the same conspiracy concept, and it is no coincidence that where we are talking about any “conspiracy” at all, the “Jewish factor” appears sooner or later, regardless of whether there are any -reasons or not. The whole point is that the idea of ​​a “Jewish conspiracy” certainly corresponds to the deep unconscious archetypes of the most distant human communities, and perhaps this is essentially the activation of unconscious energies that form the “conspiracy instinct” itself at its source.

There is extensive literature in English, French and German languages, reflecting the argument that the Bolshevik Revolution was the result of a “Jewish conspiracy,” and more specifically, a conspiracy of Jewish bankers around the world. In general, their ultimate goal is supposed to be their control of the world; the Bolshevik revolution was only one phase of more broad program, which supposedly reflects the centuries-old religious struggle between Christianity and the “forces of darkness.”

This argument and its variations can be found in the most unexpected places and heard from the most surprising people. In February 1920, Winston Churchill wrote an article—rarely quoted today—for the London Illustrated Sunday Herald entitled “Zionism versus Bolshevism.”** In this article, Churchill concluded: “It is especially important... that the Jews in every country who are loyal to their adopted land should strive to come forward at every opportunity... and play a prominent role in every effort to combat the Bolshevik conspiracy.” .

Churchill makes a distinction between “national Jews” and what he calls “international Jews.” He argues that “international and mainly atheist-minded Jews”, of course, played a “very large” role in the creation of Bolshevism and brought about the revolution in Russia. He asserts (contrary to the facts) that with the exception of Lenin, “most” of the leading figures in the revolution were Jews, and adds (also contrary to the facts) that in many cases Jewish property and synagogues were excluded by the Bolsheviks in their policy of confiscation. Churchill calls international Jews a “sinister confederation” formed from persecuted populations in countries where Jews were persecuted on racial grounds. Winston Churchill traces this movement back to Spartacus-Weishaupt, casts his literary net around Trotsky, Bel Kun, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman and indicts: “This worldwide conspiracy to overthrow civilization and rebuild society on the basis of arrested development, envious malice and impossible equality is constantly is expanding.”

* The publisher's point of view differs from the statements of the respected prof. E. Sutton in this chapter, set out in the afterword to the book. — Approx. ed. “RI”.

** Winston Churchill. Zionism Versus Bolshevism // London Illustrated Sunday Herald, Febr. 1920. — Note ed. “RI”.

Churchill then claims that this group of Spartacus-Weishaupt conspirators was the main driving force behind all subversive movements in the 19th century. Noting that Zionism and Bolshevism were competing for the soul of the Jewish people, Churchill (in 1920) was concerned about the role of Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution and the existence of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.

Another well-known author of the 1920s, Henry Wickham Steed, describes in the second volume of his work After 30 Years, 1892-1922 (p. 302) * how he tried to bring the idea of ​​a Jewish conspiracy to the attention of Colonel Edward M. House and President Woodrow Wilson. One day in March 1919, Steed visited Colonel House and found him upset over Steed's recent criticism of America's possible recognition of the Bolsheviks. Steed told House that Wilson would have been discredited in the eyes of many people and nations of Europe, and “insisted that, unbeknownst to him, the main movers were Jacob Schiff, Warburg and other international financiers who most wanted to support the Jewish Bolsheviks to gain a field of activity.” for the German-Jewish exploitation of Russia.”

* Henry Wickham Steed. Through 30 Years 1892-1922. — Note ed. “RI”.

According to Steed, Colonel House advocated the establishment of economic relations with the Soviet Union.

Perhaps the most damning collection of documents on the Jewish conspiracy is in the Decimal File (861.00/5339) of the State Department. The central document in it, entitled “Bolshevism and Judaism,” is dated November 13, 1918 *. The text is in the form of a report, which states that the revolution in Russia was conceived “in February 1916”, and that “the following persons and enterprises were found to have taken part in this destructive affair”:

The report further states that the Russian Revolution was undoubtedly started and conceived by this group, and that in April 1917: “Jacob Schiff actually made a public statement that it was because of his financial influence that the Russian Revolution was successfully completed, and in the spring of 1917 "Jacob Schiff began to finance Trotsky, a Jew, to complete the social revolution in Russia."

* The Russian text of this document was published (apparently for the first time) in the newspaper “To Moscow!”, published in Rostov-on-Don under the Whites. (23.9.1919). Contrary to the inviting and generalizing style, the text is presented as “a document drawn up by the High Commissioner of the French Government and the Ambassador to the Federal Government in Washington” and has the designation: “-618-6, No. 912 - Development. dept. 2.” In addition to the names given by E. Sutton, the document also mentions the American Jewish Committee, the Parisian firm Lazare Brothers, the Ginsburg Bank, the Zionist organization Poalei, as well as 31 names of leading Jewish Bolsheviks. It is a pity that E. Sutton does not further name the compiler of this text - “a Russian who worked in the US Department of War Trade” - this could clarify the source and degree of reliability of his information. — Editor's note “RI”.

The report contains various other information about the financing of Trotsky by Max Warburg, the role of the Rhine-Westphalian Syndicate and Olof Aschberg of Nia Banken (Stockholm) along with Zivotovsky. The anonymous author (actually an employee of the US Department of War Trade) states that the connections between these organizations and their financing of the Bolshevik revolution show how “the bond was forged between Jewish multimillionaires and Jewish proletarians.” The report goes on to list many Bolsheviks who were Jews, and then outlines the actions of Paul Warburg, Judas Magnes, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. and Speyer & Co.

The report ends with a jab at “international Jewry” and makes an argument in the context of the Christian-Jewish conflict, supported by quotations from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Attached to this report are a number of cables exchanged between the State Department in Washington and the US Embassy in London regarding the steps to be taken under these documents:

“5399 UK, Tel. 3253 13:00. October 16, 1919, in a confidential file. Secret for Winslow from Wright. Financial assistance to Bolshevism and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia from prominent am. Jews: Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mendel Schiff, Jerome Hanauer, Max Breitung and one of the Guggenheims. The relevant documents are in the possession of the police from French sources. Any facts regarding this are requested.”

“17 Oct. UK Tel. 6084, noon c-h 5399. Very secret. To Wright from Winslow. Financial assistance to the Bolshevik revolution from prominent am. Jews There is no evidence regarding this, but we are investigating. I ask you to insist to the British authorities that publication be suspended, at least until the Department receives the document.”

“28 Nov. UK Tel. 6223 R 17:00 5399. For Wright. Document regarding financial assistance to the Bolsheviks by prominent American Jews. The reports are identified as a French translation of a statement originally prepared in English by a Russian citizen in Am. etc. It seems very unwise to go public.”

A concerted decision was made to suppress this material, and the dossier concludes: “I think we will bury the whole thing.”

This group of materials includes another document marked “Top Secret”. The source of this document is unknown; perhaps it's the FBI or military intelligence. It examines the translation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and concludes:

“In this connection a letter was sent to Mr. W. enclosing a memorandum from us regarding certain information from the American military attache that the British authorities had intercepted letters from various groups of international Jews setting out a plan for world domination. Copies of these materials will be very useful to us.”

This information was clearly engineered, and a later British intelligence report makes a direct accusation:

“Summary: There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews; [their] leaders are in America, France.”

Russia and England are exchanging correspondence for coordinated actions...” . However, none of the above statements can be supported by solid practical evidence. The most important information is contained in the paragraph that the British authorities have “intercepted letters from various groups of international Jews outlining a plan to rule the world.” If indeed such letters exist, they would provide confirmation (or disconfirmation) of a currently unproven hypothesis, namely, that the Bolshevik Revolution and other revolutions are the work of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy. Moreover, when claims and assertions are not supported by hard evidence, and attempts to find such evidence lead back to the starting point - especially when someone quotes someone else - then we must discard such a story as false. There is no concrete evidence that Jews were involved in the Bolshevik Revolution because they were Jews. It is true that a high percentage of Jews may have been involved, but given the treatment of Jews during the Tsarist era, what else could you expect? (Here the author is definitely lying! Jewish pogroms were always a response to Jewish terrorism: the murder of the best people in Russia, officers and officials. Example: Kondapoga, Pugachev, etc. A pogrom is always a spontaneous indignation of the people against the actions of others. Only from 1894 to 1917 Jewish terrorists killed 34,000 people in Russia.).

It is likely that the American Revolution included many Englishmen or people of English descent who fought against the Redcoats. So what of this? Does this make the American Revolution an English conspiracy? Winston Churchill's claim that Jews played a “very large role” in the Bolshevik Revolution is supported only by distorted evidence. The list of Jews who participated in the Bolshevik Revolution must be compared with the list of non-Jews who participated in the revolution. If this scientific methodology is followed, the proportion of foreign Bolshevik Jews who participated in the revolution would be less than 20% of the total number of revolutionaries—and these Jews were largely deported, killed, or exiled to Siberia in the following years. In fact, modern Russia continues tsarist anti-Semitism.

Importantly, documents in State Department files confirm that banker Jacob Schiff's investments, often cited as the source of funds for the Bolshevik Revolution, were in fact directed against support for the Bolshevik regime. This situation, as we will see, directly contrasts with the assistance to the Bolsheviks on the part of Morgan-Rockefeller.

The persistence with which the myth of the Jewish conspiracy is pushed suggests that it may well be a deliberate means of diverting attention from the real issues and the real causes. The evidence presented in this book shows that Jews, also among the New York bankers, played a relatively minor role in supporting the Bolsheviks, while the main roles were played by non-Jewish New York bankers (Morgan, Rockefeller *, Thompson).

* The Rockefeller family is included in the book “Americans of Jewish Decent” compiled by the Jewish scholar M. X. Stern (Americans of Jewish Decent. New York. 1960). — Note ed. “RI”.

What better distraction from the forces really at work than the medieval bogeyman of anti-Semitism?