Lunar birthday. Lunar birthday Lunar calendar for zodiac signs

Let's traditionally look into the future. We don’t need fortune tellers and we don’t need Tarot cards either - we have a Lunar calendar of gardening work for 2018. However, while monitoring the phases of our satellite, do not forget about the climate of your region, the characteristics of your summer cottage, the nature of the soil, etc. This is the main thing, and the Moon will not interfere with you, it is simply powerless against the experience accumulated and proven over the years.

Why use the lunar sowing calendar

Taking into account the peculiarities of the rhythms of development of specific cultures, the phases of the Moon, its passage through the signs of the Zodiac and the distance between the Moon and the Earth changing every day, our sowing calendar was compiled. It will help you get up to 30% more production than usual without additional labor and money. With the help of this calendar, you can find out not only the most favorable days for planting, but also determine at what time you should do certain gardening activities.

Zodiac signs that occupy one position or another on a certain day of the lunar calendar are also of great importance in agriculture. In fact, it is on these two main factors (the movement of the constellations and the lunar phases) that the sowing calendar is built, as well as all work related to caring for plants outdoors, in a greenhouse, or even indoors.

How does the Moon affect plants?

The Moon, the natural satellite of the Earth, is the closest celestial body to our planet, therefore its influence on all processes occurring around us is invaluable. The main thing that the moon has the greatest impact on is water in all its manifestations. Since all vital juices inside plants also consist predominantly of water, therefore in some lunar phases, which are easy to find out about by referring to the lunar sowing calendar for 2018, the Moon can “attract” planting crops to itself, promoting their growth, or “push away” , which even leads to disease and death of the plant.

There are 8 phases of the moon:

  1. New Moon is a period when the Moon is not visible at all in the sky;
  2. New Moon - the appearance of the Moon in the form of a sickle;
  3. The first quarter is half visible;
  4. Waxing Moon - the period when the Moon is visible at ¾ (from right to left);
  5. Full Moon – the round Moon is clearly visible in the sky;
  6. Waning Moon - also visible at ¾, but only from the opposite side (from left to right);
  7. Third quarter – you can see the half opposite to the first quarter;
  8. The aging Moon is the opposite type of crescent to the young Moon.

The most successful time for sowing and planting is considered to be the moment from the new moon to the waxing moon. In these phases, plant growth and the movement of sap in crops are most activated. You just need to pay attention to the zodiac constellation.

The waning moon only promotes planting and replanting tuber crops, because all the accumulated energy goes to the roots. At this time, it is better to pay more attention to crops that have already sprouted.

The aging Moon is only suitable for harvesting and caring for plants. Fruits and vegetables collected during this period will be stored longer and are less susceptible to various diseases. It is also permissible to cut flowers into bouquets, fight insect pests, weed beds, and trim trees and bushes.

What information does the lunar sowing calendar 2018 contain?

Lunar calendar 2018 contains information:

  • about the lunar phases of each of the months of the year, affecting earthly processes - from the growth and formation of plants to the operation of mechanisms. Such knowledge helps gardeners wisely choose days suitable for planting certain plants, sowing seeds, watering, fertilizing or harvesting;
  • about the days of the lunar calendar, which differs from the solar rhythm we are accustomed to - the periodicity of the satellite’s revolution differs from the speed of rotation of the Earth, which leads to a certain effect of the Moon on all living things;
  • about the days of the week, which may also promote or discourage planting, watering, feeding, pruning or harvesting;
  • about the signs of the zodiac circle that can have a beneficial or detrimental effect on plant life.

What are favorable and unfavorable days for planting?

Depending on the lunar phase, the vital energy in plants is activated or, conversely, dampened, which is, as it were, attracted or repelled by the natural satellite of our planet. The table of the sowing calendar located above consists of a list of dates on which manipulations with plants will be most effective - these are the so-called favorable days. There are also a number of dates that have a negative or little effect on plant growth. All those dates that were not listed are considered unfavorable or neutral. At the same time, for each gardener and gardener, the lunar sowing calendar contains a list of only days favorable for planting.

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The moon in the zodiac signs and its influence on plants

As you know, all life on our planet consists of four elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. And these elements control the human body, influence its character, take part in the development of plants, and even control the constellations of the Zodiac themselves. Each of the four elements rules three zodiac signs.

  • Fire signs include the following zodiac signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;
  • Water signs include: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces;
  • Earth signs include: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus;
  • Air signs include: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Every plant consists of four main elements: Leaves, Roots, Flowers and Fruits (Seeds). And each of the four parts of the plant is controlled by one of the primary elements:

  1. Fire controls – Fruits (Seeds)
  2. Water - Leaves,
  3. Earth - Roots,
  4. Air - Flowers.

The period of the Moon’s passage through the “house” of the zodiac sign that is associated with the primary element is the most favorable for this group of plants. Depending on the sign in which the Moon was at the time of sowing, the plants are endowed with certain qualities. They can be tall or short, stunted or strong, have a good yield with low-quality seeds or vice versa, be low-yielding with high-quality seeds, and so on.

  • Zodiac signs considered to be of average fertility are Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra and Taurus;
  • Unfavorable zodiac signs for planting are Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Virgo and Gemini;
  • But there are also the most infertile signs, when it is advisable not to do anything at all with plants, these are the signs of the Zodiac - Leo and Aquarius.

If you plant plants during these periods, you will probably not get a harvest, or it will be meager.

To achieve success, you need to properly manage your time and schedule important events on favorable days. A detailed lunar calendar will help you choose dates for family holidays, business events and vacations in 2018.

Lunar energy is directly related to a person’s energy field, his health and psychological comfort. The recommendations of the lunar calendar will help you stay in harmony with yourself and the world around you, enjoy every new day and easily overcome life’s difficulties.


January 1-2: Moon in the constellation Cancer. The month begins with the Full Moon in the zodiac Cancer. This means that on the first day of the year you should be extremely attentive to your emotions and think carefully before making any promises. On January 2, the Moon will begin to wane, so on this day it will be possible to easily get rid of old problems, debts and past grievances.

January 3-4: The moon will continue to wane, moving into the constellation Leo. This period will be favorable for any pleasure trips and visits.

January 5-7: waning moon in Virgo. The energy of these January days will contribute to finding harmony in home comfort and everyday chores.

January 8-9: Moon in the constellation Libra. This period promises to be extremely successful for any meditative practices, yoga, starting a diet or light physical activity.

January 10-11: The Moon will leave the constellation Libra and move into the constellation Scorpio. This time is perfect for changing your image, going to a nail salon or hairdresser.

January 12-14: waning Moon in Sagittarius. The fiery energy of this Sign can help you master new knowledge and achieve rapid career growth if you are not afraid to show your best side.

January 15-16: waning moon in the constellation Capricorn. This period may be successful for changes in your life and distribution of responsibilities at work. Don't be afraid to take responsibility, and you can easily achieve what you want.

January 17-19: Moon in Aquarius. On the first day of the period, the New Moon in the constellation Aquarius will promote creative growth and the emergence of new non-standard ideas. Those who are not afraid to follow the voice of their intuition will be able to discover new opportunities for growth and self-development on January 17, 18 and 19.

January 20-21: waxing Moon in Pisces. This two-day period is good for financial transactions, large purchases and investing in new projects.

January 22-24: The Moon will continue to go through a growth phase, moving into the constellation Aries. This period will be neutral in its energy, and all possible successes will depend only on the efforts made.

January 25-26: Moon in the constellation Taurus. The earthly energy of this Sign, combined with the energy of the waxing Moon, will promote family unity, communication with distant relatives and friendly communication.

January 27-28: The moon is in the constellation Gemini. In these numbers, sports, communication with friends and short trips in search of new experiences will be successful.

January 29-30: waxing Moon in the constellation Cancer. This two-day period will promote good luck in romantic terms and in communication with the opposite sex.

January 31: On the last day of the month, the Full Moon in the constellation Leo will have an extremely positive effect on communication with other people. This day is perfect for a pleasure trip, chatting with friends or a party.


In February, the energy of the planets will contribute to planning future affairs. At this time, it will be extremely important to conserve your energy and not waste it in vain. Working on yourself for a month will be able to lay a solid foundation for future achievements if you can discern the signs sent by the Universe in time.

1st of February: waning moon in the constellation Leo. The first day of the month will be successful for any business related to communication and public events.

February 2-3: The Moon will continue its waning cycle, moving into the constellation Virgo. Her strong energy will have a positive impact on family matters and solving everyday issues.

February 4-5: Moon in the constellation Libra. This period itself will be neutral, so the outcome of the struggle for your own peace will depend only on the efforts made.

February 6-8: moving into the constellation Scorpio, the Moon will significantly increase its strength. This period is good for updating your wardrobe, visiting a beauty salon, or starting a healthy diet.

February 9-10: The waning Moon in the constellation Sagittarius will have a beneficial effect on the sphere of communication and career growth.

February 11-13: The moon will continue to wane, moving into the constellation Capricorn. This three-day period will be successful for resolving issues related to real estate, securities and household expenses.

February 14-15: The waning Moon in the constellation Aquarius will have a positive effect on creativity and the desire for excellence. You will be able to discover new talents and achieve inner harmony through audio meditation or special practices.

February 16-18: Moon in Pisces. This three-day period will be very successful for any commercial transactions, real estate or securities transactions. The New Moon will occur on February 16th.

February 19-20: the growing Moon in Aries can affect your emotional state in both positive and negative aspects: everything will depend only on your mood. Try to spend more time with loved ones.

February 21-22: The moon in the constellation Taurus will be filled with enormous power and will be able to generously bestow its energy on you. At this time, you will be able to achieve what you want without much difficulty: you just need to believe in yourself and firmly stand your ground.

February 23-24: waxing Moon in Gemini. The air energy of this constellation can contribute to communication, new acquaintances and the formation of useful connections.

February 25-26: waxing Moon in the constellation Cancer. This period is neutral in its energy, so you can achieve some success only with effort.

February 27-28: the growing Moon in Leo will be able to support with its energy everyone whose work is directly related to communication, people and festive events.


In the first month of spring, the plans and dreams built in February should receive support in the form of real actions. Like seeds sown on cold winter days and warmed by the March sun, our goals will begin to develop.

March 1-2: The waxing Moon in the constellation Virgo will make the first day of the month an extremely successful time for household chores and solving everyday issues. The full moon on the 2nd can help you fulfill your deepest desire with the help of a special ritual.

March 3-5: The waning Moon will move from the constellation Virgo to the constellation Libra. This period may be successful for finding inner balance, starting meditative practices and changing your diet.

March 6-7: Moon in Scorpio. This two-day period may require you to be tough and firm in asserting your personal boundaries. Try to spend as much time as possible with your loved one and don't let other people manipulate you.

March 8-10: waning Moon in the constellation Sagittarius. The site’s specialists advise spending this period of time with loved ones, friends and loved ones. Sagittarius energy will promote positive communication and harmonious relationships.

March 11-12: The Moon will leave the constellation Sagittarius and move into the constellation Capricorn. This time is perfect for resolving complex work issues, business meetings and concluding sales and purchase agreements.

March 13-15: the waning Moon in the zodiac Aquarius will significantly increase its strength and will be able to generously bestow energy on everyone whose work and occupation is in one way or another connected with creativity. Don’t be afraid to take risks and boldly go towards your goal - this way you can get what you want in a short time.

March 16-17: The Moon will complete its waning cycle by moving into the constellation Pisces. The New Moon on March 17 can help you achieve success in everything you have planned, if you can listen to the advice of loved ones.

March 18-19: waxing Moon in the constellation Aries. The fiery energy of this Sign will contribute to impulsive decisions and excessive conflict, so try to carefully weigh every word you say.

March 20-21: waxing Moon in the constellation Taurus. In this Sign, the power of the Earth's satellite will increase many times over. That is why this two-day period can be the best time to resolve any household issues, meetings with relatives and family trips.

March 22-23: Moon in Gemini. The air energy of the Gemini constellation will help everyone whose work is related to information and personnel management to achieve success.

March 24-26: the waxing Moon in the constellation Cancer will lose some of its strength, so this three-day period will be neutral. Achieving what you want and the success of the planned activities at this time will depend solely on the efforts made.

March 27-28: The Moon will leave the constellation Cancer and move into the zodiac Leo. These dates will be an ideal time for weddings, holiday events and corporate events.

March 29-30: the waxing Moon in the constellation Virgo will contribute to the success of any business related to real estate and arrangement of living space.

March 31: Full Moon in Libra. On the last day of the month, the energy of the full moon in the constellation Libra can help you restore the balance of your energy field and find inner peace. To do this, you can use meditation or a special session of holotropic breathing.


In the second month of spring, planned accomplishments and expected events should give their first “shoots” in the form of intermediate results. Don’t be afraid to put effort into work and warmth into your relationships: they are the ones who will help you enjoy every new day and always get what you want.

April 1: waning moon in the constellation Libra. On the first day of this spring month, your personal success will primarily depend on your mood. Try to surround yourself with people who love and understand you, and not put off urgent matters for another time.

April 2-3: Moon in Scorpio. The energy of the waning Moon, combined with the strong flow of energy from the zodiac Scorpio, will promote increased responsibility, focus and determination. This time is perfect for closing projects, concluding contracts and deals.

April 4-6: The Moon will continue to go through its waning phase, moving into the constellation Sagittarius. This three-day period will be good for changing your diet, doing active sports and long trips.

April 7-8: Moon in Capricorn. This time, filled with the strong earthly energy of Capricorn, is good for communicating with distant relatives, travel, business trips and hard work.

April 9-11: waning moon in Aquarius. This time period will be extremely favorable for passing exams, obtaining certificates and completing educational programs.

April 12-13: The Moon will leave the constellation Aquarius and move to the constellation Pisces. This period is well suited for drawing up sales and purchase agreements, investing in business or large purchases.

April 14-15: waning moon in Aries. The impulsive and unstable energy of Aries can slightly disrupt plans and require a quick reaction to new circumstances. Do not lose your presence of mind, and you will be able to come out of any situation with honor.

April 16-18: Moon in Taurus. The energy of the New Moon in alliance with the energy of Taurus on April 16 will open new opportunities for those whose activities are related to finance and document management. During the entire period, any “earthly” affairs can be resolved without a single problem.

April 19-20: waxing Moon in the constellation Gemini. The air element of this Sign will contribute to the success and rapid career growth of those people whose work is related to receiving and transmitting information.

April 21-22: The Moon will continue to go through its growth phase and move into the constellation Cancer. First of all, the energy of this constellation will affect the sphere of feelings and emotions, so this period may be a good time for romantic dates.

April 23-24: waxing Moon in Leo. Weddings, holiday events and large corporate events can be especially successful in these numbers.

April 25-26: waxing Moon in the constellation Virgo. These two days may turn out to be the most favorable time for the whole of April. The strong energy of the zodiac Virgo will contribute to success in any work related to home and family values.

April 27-28: waxing Moon in Libra. This two-day period will be good for relaxation, visiting the spa, meditative practices and taking care of your body.

April 29-30: the waxing Moon in the constellation Scorpio will have a positive effect on the desire for career growth in any field. To succeed and achieve your dreams, you will need to put in the effort and show your strengths. On the Full Moon on the last day of the month, you will be able to achieve what you want with the help of special practices and rituals.


In the last spring month of 2018, your ability to find a common language with people around you and make new acquaintances will be of particular importance. To follow their path, everyone needs support, and calculating astrocompatibility will help you find out which of your friends, acquaintances and loved ones will not leave you in difficult times.

1st of May: The waning Moon in Scorpio on the first day of the month will help resolve long-standing problems, resolve disputes and conflicts.

May 2-3: the waning Moon in the constellation Sagittarius will be able to make this two-day period successful for starting a new diet, increasing sports activities and successfully carrying out medical procedures.

May 4-6: The moon will continue to wane, moving into the constellation Capricorn. This time may be good for concluding financial transactions, completing current work and closing projects.

May 7-8: waning moon in Aquarius. In these numbers, luck can visit students, as well as everyone whose work is related to education.

May 9-11: the waning Moon in the constellation Pisces will contribute to successful repayment of debts, sale and investment of money in securities.

May 12-13: the waning Moon will leave the constellation Pisces and move into the constellation fiery Aries. During this period, you will be able to achieve success and not lose your authority if you are extremely attentive to your direct work responsibilities.

May 14-15: Moon in Taurus. At this time, it will be possible to start new interesting activities and projects. The New Moon on May 15th will give everyone the chance to make their dreams come true through creative visualization.

May 16-17: waxing Moon in Gemini. During this period, those who easily get along with new people and know how to use the information received will be able to catch luck by the tail.

May 18-19: the growing Moon in the constellation Cancer can both positively and negatively affect the sphere of feelings and emotions. To avoid trouble, try to control your words and actions.

May 20-21: The Moon will continue to go through its growth phase and move into the constellation Leo. During this period, any long trips and pleasure walks with close friends can be successful.

May 22-23: waxing Moon in Virgo. In the zodiac Virgo, the Moon will significantly increase its energy, so during this period any business related to moving, repairs and home improvement will be successful.

May 24-26: the waxing Moon in Libra throughout the entire three-day period will contribute to success in everyday work, as well as in any practices related to the search for internal balance.

May 27-28: waxing Moon in the constellation Scorpio. This time may be favorable for career growth, preparation of important documents and medical examinations.

May 29-31: Moon in Sagittarius. The full moon on the 29th will fill your energy fields with a powerful wave of energy, and you will be able to achieve whatever you want without much difficulty. From May 30, the Moon will begin a waning cycle, so a sharp drop in energy and deterioration in well-being are possible.


In the first month of summer, each of us, if desired, will be able to strengthen our energy field, filling it with a flow of energy. To do this, you need to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air: long walks, combined with meditation while walking, will help you find harmony with the world around you.

June 1-2: The waning Moon in Capricorn will make this period successful for completing work projects, changing jobs and moving any kind.

June 3-5: The Moon will continue to go through its waning phase, moving into the constellation Aquarius. This time will promote creativity and will also be very successful for long trips.

June 6-7: The waning Moon in the constellation Pisces will be able to positively influence financial transactions and the conclusion of contracts.

June 8-9: The Moon in Aries, going through a waning phase, will affect the sphere of feelings: this time may be successful for unusual dates.

June 10-11: the waning Moon will significantly increase its energy by moving into the constellation Taurus. At this time, any purchase and sale transactions, relocations and business trips can be successful.

June 12-13: The moon is in the constellation Gemini. During this two-day period, the Moon will complete its waning phase. The new moon on June 13 can become an impetus for mastering new knowledge and skills that will definitely be useful in the future.

June 14-15: the waxing Moon will move into the constellation Cancer. These days, a loved one may require special attention from you: to avoid conflicts and problems, try to correctly distribute your time between work and rest.

June 16-17: The moon in the constellation Leo will contribute to the success of any trips, holidays and emotional meetings with old friends.

June 18-20: the growing Moon will move into the constellation Virgo, significantly increasing its energy. During this period, any long-distance travel can be extremely useful.

June 21-22: waxing Moon in Libra. At this time, any practice related to finding your path in life, as well as work directly related to finance, may be successful.

June 23-24: the waxing Moon in Scorpio will have a beneficial effect on the outcome of any events related to changing jobs and getting an education.

June 25-27: The waxing Moon in the constellation Sagittarius will especially be able to enhance the energy of athletes and dancers, adding energy and vitality.

June 28-29: Moon in Capricorn. During this two-day period, the Moon will complete its growth phase. The full moon on the 29th will help you achieve what you want: to do this, you will need to notice the signs of Fate in time.

30 June: The waning Moon in the constellation Aquarius will make the last day of June 2018 extremely fruitful for any manifestation of creative talents.


In the second month of summer, your loved ones may require special attention. A vacation together, a weekend trip to the forest, or just frequent walks with the whole family will help strengthen relationships and avoid quarrels.

July 1-2: The waning Moon in the constellation Aquarius will be able to favorably influence the sphere of personal relationships, feelings and emotions. Don't be afraid to date and show affection, and perhaps your feelings will be mutual.

July 3-4: The Moon will leave the constellation Aquarius and move to the constellation Pisces. This period will be extremely successful for conducting financial transactions, business trips and concluding purchase and sale agreements.

July 5-7: The Moon will continue to go through its waning phase, moving into the constellation Aries. This period can cause excessive impulsiveness, so try to protect yourself from hasty decisions.

July 8-9: Moon in the constellation Taurus. The combination of waning lunar energy and the earthly energy of Taurus will make this time very suitable for solving any problems related to real estate.

July 10-11: The waning Moon in Gemini will contribute to the successful solution of complex work problems, as well as the resolution of conflicts between colleagues.

July 12-13: The Moon in the constellation Cancer will complete its waning phase on the 12th. The new moon on July 13 will help you find harmony in your relationships with the people you care about.

July 14-15: the energy of the waxing Moon in the zodiac Leo will contribute to the success of entertainment events and trips.

July 16-17: the waxing Moon in Virgo will be able to positively influence the outcome of any household chores begun during this period.

July 18-19: The moon will continue to grow and move into the constellation Libra. This period can be very successful for long-distance flights, business trips and relocations.

July 20-22: The waxing Moon in Scorpio will make this a good time to change your image, make purchases and change your wardrobe.

July 23-24: The Moon in the constellation Sagittarius will significantly increase its energy, and this period can lead you to success in any team work.

July 25-27: The Moon in the zodiac Capricorn will end its growth phase with a Full Moon on the 27th. Throughout the entire period, success will accompany you in any matter related to your family.

July 28-29: The waning Moon in the constellation Aquarius can both negatively and positively affect the expression of creative potential. Try to avoid gossip and devote more time to hard work.

July 30-31: the waning Moon in Pisces will be able to provide support to everyone whose work is related to finance and securities.


The last summer month is the time to sum up the first full results of the work done. Esotericists advise not to forget about internal, spiritual self-improvement. Mastering meditation will help you maintain vitality and achieve the much-desired luck.

August 1: waning Moon in the constellation Pisces. On the first day of the month, the energy of the luminary will be neutral, which means that your success in any area of ​​life will depend solely on the efforts made.

August 2-3: waning Moon in the constellation Aries. During this period, physical activity will be useful, but you should be wary of prolonged exposure to the sun.

August 4-5: waning moon in Taurus. In these numbers, success will accompany any work related to financial transactions, securities and document flow.

August 6-7: waning moon in Gemini. During this period, luck will accompany any work related to the selection and transmission of information.

August 8-9: The Moon will leave the constellation Gemini and move to the constellation Cancer. At this time, romantic dates and trips together with your loved one will be especially successful.

August 10-11: Moon in Leo. During this period, the Moon will complete its waning phase. The New Moon on the 11th can help you make your dreams come true and achieve success through proper time management.

August 12-13: waxing Moon in Virgo. At this time, the strong energy of the luminary will provide support in all matters related to family and home.

August 14-15: The Moon in the constellation Libra will provide energetic support in all practices related to updating and filling the energy field.

August 16-18: waxing Moon in Scorpio. This time is filled with strong energy, so resolving issues related to personal property, medical examination or self-care will be quick and quite simple.

August 19-20: the energy of the growing Moon in the constellation Sagittarius will not be too strong, so your well-being and well-being will depend entirely on you.

August 21-23: waxing Moon in Capricorn. This period may be successful for those people whose work is related to education, transfer of knowledge and skills.

August 24-25: Moon in the constellation Aquarius. This time will be favorable for any type of creative work, competitions and competitions.

August 26-28: The Moon in the zodiac Pisces will complete its growth phase on the 26th. The full moon on this day can completely disrupt plans and lead to quarrels and conflicts. The start of the waning cycle on August 27 will improve the situation a little, but site experts advise you to avoid stress and take care of your health during the entire period.

August 29-30: waning moon in Aries. In these numbers, the energy of the Moon will be weakened: in order to achieve the much-desired success, considerable efforts will have to be made.

August 31: The waning Moon in Taurus on the last day of August will contribute to success in any financial transactions, major purchases and financial investments.


In the first autumn month of 2018, it will be important to preserve the acquired benefits. The wisdom of folk wisdom lies in the fact that having caught up and found what you want, it is important not to miss it, succumbing to a moment of weakness. Favorable and unfavorable days in September according to the lunar calendar will help determine when you should be wary of a catch and failure.

September 1: The waning Moon in the constellation Taurus will make this day successful for any gardening work.

September 2-4: The Moon will move into the constellation Gemini, bestowing good luck on everyone whose work is related to searching and processing information.

September 5-6: The Moon in the constellation Cancer will have a beneficial effect on your relationship with your loved one if you show increased sensitivity and attentiveness.

September 7-8: The waning Moon in Leo will bestow its energy on those people whose activities are related to the celebration of holidays.

September 9-10: The New Moon in Virgo on the 9th will be energetically neutral, and therefore, your success during this period will require special efforts and investments of personal time.

September 11-12: the waxing Moon in Libra will positively affect the outcome of any activity related to learning.

September 13-14: The Moon will continue to go through its growth phase and enter into an alliance with the constellation Scorpio. This time can be very successful for self-care, shopping and major purchases.

September 15-17: The Moon in the constellation Sagittarius can make this period extremely successful for any competitions and competitions.

September 18-19: the waxing Moon in Capricorn will provide its support to those people whose work is related to securities and financial settlements.

September 20-22: The moon will continue to grow and move into the constellation Aquarius. This period will help you achieve success in any endeavor related to creativity.

September 23-24: waxing Moon in Pisces. At this time, any business related to finance, loans and securities will be successful.

September 25-26: The full moon in the constellation Aries on the first day of this period will be energetically neutral, so you can attract what you want into your life only with the help of special rituals. The beginning of the waning phase on the 26th can be successful for sports and long trips.

September 27-29: waning moon in the constellation Taurus. This three-day period will be extremely successful for moving, renovation or real estate purchase and sale transactions.

September 30th: the waning Moon in Gemini on the last day of the month will make it very successful for long-distance flights and business trips.


In October 2018, the main leitmotif may be the search for oneself and finding internal and external comfort. Healing teas and herbal infusions will help you tune in to the desired wave in the cold autumn.

October 1: waning Moon in the constellation Gemini. Thanks to the strong position of the Moon, the first day of October 2018 will be successful for those whose activities involve long trips.

October 2-3: The waning Moon in Cancer will make this two-day period successful for romantic dates and family “outings.”

October 4-5: The moon will continue to wane and move into the constellation Leo. This time can be successful for any kind of pleasure trips and meetings with close friends.

October 6-7: The waning Moon in Virgo will generously bestow its energy on those whose work and activities are related to social work and home economics.

October 8-9: Moon in Libra. On the second day of this period, the Earth's satellite will complete its waning phase: the New Moon in the constellation Libra will be a good time for beginnings in any area of ​​life.

October 10-12: waxing Moon in the constellation Scorpio. This time may be very successful for changing activities, moving and starting new responsible projects.

October 13-14: the waxing Moon in Sagittarius will have a positive effect on those whose work involves physical labor.

October 15-16: The Moon will continue to go through its growth phase and move into the constellation Capricorn. This period will be successful for transactions with securities, cash investments and banking operations.

October 17-19: waxing Moon in Aquarius. This three-day period can be favorable for any creative work, long trips and communication with family.

October 20-21: the waxing Moon in the constellation Pisces will make this a good time for people working in the field of finance and securities.

October 22-24: the waxing Moon will move into the constellation Aries and complete the growth phase with the Full Moon on the 24th. During the entire period, astrologers urge you to be extremely careful and not provoke conflicts with others.

October 25-26: waning moon in the constellation Taurus. At this time, people involved in real estate, deposits and precious metals will be able to attract luck into their lives.

October 27-28: The moon will continue to wane and move into the constellation Gemini. This period will be favorable for those who know how to control themselves in the most unexpected situations and competently use the information received for their own purposes.

October 29-30: waning moon in Cancer. In these numbers, luck will follow on the heels of those who are able to control their emotions and take responsibility for their lives.

October 31: The waning Moon in the constellation Leo will make the last day of October very successful for a noisy party with friends or a fun trip out of town.


In the third month of autumn, maintaining positive thinking and a joyful attitude towards everything around you can be a difficult task. Practitioners in the field of bioenergy advise using a course of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for this purpose, which helps maintain youth, beauty and good mood.

Nov. 1: waning moon in Leo. The neutral position of the Moon on the first day of November will make it quite difficult for those who do not know how to see the good in little things and protect themselves from negative emotions.

November 2-4: Moon in the constellation Virgo. This three-day period will be favorable for any work related to the arrangement of living space.

November 5-6: waning moon in Libra. This time may be good for personal growth practices, meditation and yoga.

November 7-8: Moon in Scorpio. These days the night star will end its waning phase. The new moon in the constellation Scorpio on the 7th will bring good luck to everyone who has connected their lives with the beauty and fashion industry.

November 9-10: waxing Moon in Sagittarius. This period will be favorable for any physical work, as well as for sports competitions.

November 11-13: the waxing Moon in the constellation Capricorn will favorably influence the outcome of matters related to financial transactions or earthworks.

November 14-15: Moon in the constellation Aquarius. This time can bring success to people associated with creativity in any of its manifestations.

November 16-18: waxing Moon in Pisces. This three-day period may be good for major purchases, renovations and financial investments.

November 19-20: The Moon will continue its growth cycle and move into the constellation Aries. This time can be very unfortunate, so try to protect yourself from conflicts, quarrels with loved ones and unnecessary stress.

November 21-22: The waxing Moon in the constellation Taurus will make this period successful for any household work, communication with close relatives and family trips.

November 23-24: Moon in Gemini. The moon will end its waxing period on the 23rd. The full moon in the constellation Gemini will have a good effect on all matters related to obtaining information. The beginning of the waning phase on the 24th will be favorable for short-term financial transactions.

November 25-26: waning Moon in the constellation Cancer. This time may be good for romantic dates, joint trips or new acquaintances.

November 27-29: waning moon in Leo. This three-day period will be successful for parties, meetings with friends and corporate events.

November 30th: The waning Moon in Virgo on the last day of the month will contribute to success in household matters related to family and children.


The last month of the year is filled with fairy tales and anticipation of a miracle. In December, practitioners advise practicing wish fulfillment to bring your dreams closer to reality. Recommendations from the lunar calendar will help you choose the right time to start practicing, and information about unfavorable days will help you avoid troubles.

December 1: waning moon in the constellation Virgo. This day may be good for family visits, homework or cooking.

December 2-3: The moon will continue to wane and move into the constellation Libra. This time will be positive for small physical activities and changes in diet.

December 4-5: The waning Moon in Scorpio will make this period extremely positive and successful for changing your style or hairstyle.

December 6-8: Moon in Sagittarius. The new moon on December 7 will be successful for new beginnings in any area of ​​life, and the transition to the growth phase on the 8th will help strengthen the energy flow.

December 9-10: waxing Moon in Capricorn. This time will be positive for any matters related to real estate, purchases and financial investments in precious metals.

December 11-13: the waxing Moon in the constellation Aquarius will contribute to the development of creativity and successful trips over long distances.

December 14-15: The Moon will continue to go through a growth phase, moving into the constellation Pisces. This time will be successful for those whose work is directly related to finance and securities.

December 16-18: waxing Moon in Aries. The weak position of the Moon can lead to losses and illnesses on the 16th. Astrologers advise to beware of large crowds of people throughout the entire period and to closely monitor your well-being.

December 19-20: the waxing Moon in the constellation Taurus will contribute to success in solving everyday issues and problems associated with close relatives.

December 21-22: The moon is in the constellation Gemini. This time, especially the Full Moon on December 22, may be good for joint trips with your loved one, long flights and meetings with friends.

December 23-24: The waning Moon in Cancer will have a beneficial effect on the sphere of love relationships. Good luck will accompany couples in love and newlyweds.

December 25-26: Moon in the constellation Leo. The almost depleted energy of the Earth's satellite can lead to minor conflicts and disagreements with loved ones, so try not to provoke quarrels.

December 27-28: the waning Moon, moving into the constellation Virgo, will sharply increase its energy. These numbers will be extremely favorable for any work related to cleaning and decorating your home.

December 29-30: waning moon in Libra. This period promises to be extremely successful for finding and finding harmony with yourself and the world around you. Meditation, light physical activity and long walks in the fresh air will help put your thoughts and feelings in order.

31th of December: waning moon in Scorpio. The last day of the year will be favorable for getting rid of everything unnecessary, outdated and preventing you from enjoying life. A good way to improve your mood is to communicate with loved ones and loved ones.

Astrologers approached the study of human souls from an unexpected angle, creating an alternative horoscope. In their opinion, ...

Our Earth is only a part of the universe, which obeys this most complex organism and its systemic cosmobiological rhythms. Stars and planets influence each other, and the stronger the smaller the distance between cosmic bodies. The eternal satellite of our home planet, the Moon, due to its location, has an obvious and implicit, but quite strong influence on all earthly things. Every 12.5 hours, under its influence, the gravitational field shifts, causing a tidal effect - an increase and decrease in water levels in large bodies of water (seas and oceans).

The movement of juices and other processes in plants are also subject to the influence of the Moon. It occurs through light and electromagnetic impulses, as well as other planetary interactions perceived by plants. Therefore, the actions of the gardener in accordance with these processes or contrary to them can either significantly increase the yield of planted crops or negate their own efforts.

The sowing lunar calendar for 2018 was compiled taking into account all the nuances and provides the opportunity to optimally carry out agricultural work on the site without the need to make your own calculations and look at the Moon in the sky.

Below is the complete 2018 planting calendar. To enlarge the table, click on the image.

Moon illumination phases

In addition to the influence of passing signs of the Zodiac, the phase of illumination in which our satellite is currently located is also of great importance for plants. The full lunar month differs from the earth's; its average duration is 29.53 days. The duration of these days can also be different, especially in this regard the 1st and 30th differ. the difference between them can be as little as one minute or almost a whole day - the 30th day in some lunar months may be absent altogether.

Depending on the illumination, the following lunar phases differ.

New moon

The satellite itself is not visible in the sky; the disk is not illuminated. On this dark night there comes a time of complete peace. The concentration of plant juices is observed in the roots, so damage to the root system during this period can be destructive.

What can't you do?

It is necessary one day before the new moon and one day after it to exclude all work with the soil around already planted crops (loosening, hilling, digging, replanting, etc.). This is a very important rule of the lunar calendar of any year.

What can you do?

Pruning the crown, pinching, pinching, removing diseased and dried branches, fighting pests and diseases. If necessary, you can weed, but with great care and only among well-rooted seedlings. The period is good for planting seeds, especially with the favorable influence of the zodiac constellation.

Waxing (waxing) Moon

A sickle appears on the right side, and by the end of the first quarter the entire right side of the disk is illuminated. In the second quarter it gradually fills completely. At this stage, juices rush upward and growth increases. It is recommended to plant crops that bear fruit in the ground part. From 3 to 8 days is the best time for planting all types of cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, melons and cereals. In the next 5 days, there comes a time favorable for planting tomatoes, legumes, garlic, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, peppers, and pumpkins. Root feeding gives good results. During this period, it is best to fight snails and slugs, look for water in the area, drill wells, dig wells, lay and compact compost, and mow the lawn.

Just before the full moon, fruit grafting gives the best results.

It is not advisable to store fruits or preserve vegetables at this time, if it is possible to postpone it.

Full moon

The circle is completely illuminated. By this time, nutrients are maximally concentrated in the fruits, the flowers have a rich color and a concentrated aroma. It is possible to carry out hilling, loosening, cultivating and other work with the soil, the risk of damage to the root system is minimal. But pruning, pinching, cuttings and other work with the green mass and crown of garden shrubs and trees is not recommended.

The full moon is the time of the most intense action against pests, since they become the most active, and plants are most susceptible to their attacks and often die. On the waxing Moon, it is recommended to begin destroying pests in the aboveground part, and on the waning Moon, in the root system.

Waning moon

Sap flow during the waning (aging) Moon (the disk darkens on the right side) is directed towards the roots, at this stage nutrients are concentrated in the roots and root crops. In the first days of the aging Moon, planting cuttings, seedlings of bushes and trees, perennial flower crops, and strawberries is favorable. The next 5 days are good for radical pruning and stamping of grapes. Next comes the turn of planting potatoes, as well as other root crops, rhizomes and legumes to be stored. The period is also favorable for winter planting.

If a waning satellite is passing through Pisces or Virgo, it is not recommended to engage in salting or canning.

It is best to carry out anti-aging pruning in the 1st quarter, formative pruning in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the Moon

Table of the passage of the Moon in the Zodiac 2018

February March April May June July August
Aries 19-20 18-19 14-15 12-13 8-9 5-7 2-3; 29-30
Taurus 21-22 20-21 16-18 14-15 10-11 8-9 4-5; 31
Twins 23-24 22-23 19-20 16-17 12-13 10-11 6-7
Cancer 25-26 24-26 21-22 18-19 14-15 12-13 8-9
a lion 27-28 27-28 23-24 20-21 16-17 14-15 10-11
Virgo 1-3 1-2; 29-30 25-26 22-23 18-20 16-17 12-13
Scales 4-5 3-5; 31 1; 27-28 24-26 21-22 18-19 14-15
Scorpion 6-8 6-7 2-3; 29-30 1; 27-28 23-24 20-22 16-18
Sagittarius 9-10 8-10 4-6 2-3; 29-31 25-27 23-24 19-20
Capricorn 11-13 11-12 7-8 4-6 1-2; 28-29 25-27 21-23
Aquarius 14-15 13-15 9-11 7-8 3-5; 30 1-2; 28-29 24-25
Fish 16-18 16-17 12-13 9-11 6-7 3-4; 30-31 1; 26-28

Moon in the Zodiac

In addition to the significant influence of the lunar phases on crop production, its passage through the zodiac circle is also of great importance. Thousands of years of astrological observations make it possible to divide the zodiacal constellations into favorable and negatively affecting fertility, depending on which of them the Earth and its constant satellite are currently passing through. Therefore, in drawing up the sowing calendar for 2018, a comprehensive comparison of these factors was made.

  • The most fertile water signs are Cancer and Pisces.
  • Aquatic Scorpio and airy Taurus, Capricorn and Libra are considered slightly less favorable.
  • The unproductive signs of the Zodiac are usually classified as earthly Virgo and fiery Sagittarius.
  • Fiery (hot) Leo and Aries, along with airy (drying) Gemini and Aquarius, are sterile and unfavorable in gardening and horticulture.

The gardener’s golden rule, focused on the lunar phases: it is preferable to plant everything that produces above-ground fruits (“tops”) when the moon is waxing, and root crops and all other “roots” - when the moon is waning.


Airy, fiery, hot, and therefore barren, the sign from which the cycle begins.


A sign favorable for crop production. Seed material planted during this period shows excellent germination, forms a strong root system, and in the future the plants are characterized by increased resistance to temperature fluctuations.

What is possible What not to do
Soak, germinate and plant seeds of vegetables and fruits for long-term storageTransplant
WaterLoosen in the root zone
Mow the grassPlant what is intended for seeds (low germination rate and poor storage)
Pinch, graft
Harvest roots
Cut flowers
Digging up bulbous
Add compost
Apply fertilizers
Canning, salting, drying, preparing juices and wines


Dry, desiccating and sterile sign. The planted plant has a weak stem, but a more developed root system. Planted and harvested fruits do not lie well and do not have a pronounced taste and aroma.

What is possible What not to do
Plant climbing, ground cover, hanging plants and anything that has tendrils (strawberries, peas, green beans, etc.)Perform a transplant
Plant cabbage, radishes, peppers, melons, greens, shrubsPlant something that should have strong stems
Pest control
Remove root shoots
Carry out sanitary pruning and pinching
Thin out, hill up
Digging potatoes
Harvest herbs
Harvest grain


Fertile, watery, one of the most favorable.

a lion

A barren period, unfavorable for gardening work.


What is possible What not to do
Clean up the area“Touch” fruit-bearing plants, except for pruning trees
Remove weedsLoosen the soil near plants to prevent root rotting
Deal with uninvited “guests”Improving the soil
Plant something that will be stored for a long time (on the decreasing side - root crops, on the incoming side - tops)Plant vegetables
Apply fertilizersEngage in transplantation, grafting, cuttings
Harvest cerealsCanning and harvesting everything except root vegetables will become moldy
Caring for flowers and other ornamental plants
Harvest root vegetables
Spray against diseases (3 quarter)
Weed (4th quarter)
Touch everything that grows but does not produce a harvest


A period of average fertility, when actions have little effect on yield, but, depending on the phase, can affect the growth and health of crops.

What is possible What not to do
Plant flowers (they will be especially fragrant), shrubsSpray
Hill up, weedWater (minimize)
HarvestUnnecessarily replant everything that does not have seeds in fruits and is not intended for seeds
Destroy pests
Caring for stone fruit and leguminous plants and those from which you plan to get seeds
Harvest berries, fruits, herbs
Form a crown
Make cuttings
Plant zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, legumes


Time for effective measures to increase productivity, incl. and weeds, so it is also not recommended to touch them on such days.

What is possible What not to do
WaterDigging potatoes
Apply fertilizers (foliar feeding)Weed
Plant something that does not require storage (flowers, lawns, greens for food, etc.)Work with the soil (the roots will rot)
Perform pruning (carefully, taking into account the phase)Harvest for storage (will not be stored)
VaccinatePest control
CuttingsPickle and salt
Cut the lawnReplant and otherwise disturb the roots
Planting thorny plants or doing something with them

The period is good for planting medicinal and ornamental plants, flowers (except for tuberous ones), spinach, pumpkin, cucumbers (not for pickling or canning), any greens, especially parsley and lettuce.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is a dangerous period, since the Moon is very strong and this force can be directed not only in a peaceful direction. Therefore, on this day it is better not to take risks and do nothing, especially in a bad mood.


An unproductive sign, working under which does not benefit the harvest. This is the turning point between forces that have been rising and have begun to fall. It's bulbous time.


The period is good for everything that reproduces by roots. Gives everything growing a healthy root system and good strong stems.


A barren time for gardening, when human intervention can even reduce yields. Stone fruits and those grown for seeds remain responsive.


A very favorable period, work is beneficial. It is better not to touch weeds, since they are also responsive to manipulation.

What is possible What not to do
Apply root feedingFight against harmful insects, rodents, diseases
Water at the rootTouching the roots, digging, hilling, weeding, replanting, generally working with the soil
Plant something that is not intended for long-term storageCollect things that will last for a long time
Formative pruning - depending on the phaseSalt, ferment, pickle
CuttingsDigging potatoes (will not lie).
Cut the lawnPlant and work with thorny plants.
The best time to plant radishes, flowers, and ornamental plants with the exception of bulbous and tuberous plants.

It is preferable to water on the growing Moon by sprinkling, and on the aging Moon - at the root.

Over time, some ways to find out your future have lost relevance - because they were exposed by modern science. But one still remained, it has passed the test of time and the rigor of modern scientists and has become one of the most necessary elements for the formation of its own calendar for every knowledgeable person. We are talking about the lunar calendar, which you will learn about from the materials in this article.

What is the lunar calendar 2018

Since ancient times, people have watched the natural satellite of our planet and noticed that the Moon does not look the same every night. Of course, before, any event in life was mythically reduced to the Moon, but over time, people realized that not all processes occurring on our planet are influenced by it. However, the Moon is a powerful natural magnet, which simply cannot but affect the Earth and the creatures inhabiting it.

The lunar calendar is a list of lunar days (days), which rarely coincide with regular calendar dates. The moon has four phases and several transition periods.

Moon phases in 2018

The phases of the Moon are short periods during which the Moon is most active, that is, it affects the physics of life on Earth the most. There are four of them: new moon, full moon, first lunar quarter and last lunar quarter.

Transition periods are periods of time during which the Moon moves from one phase to another. This happens over several days, which have their own character, which is why they have different effects on the behavior of matter on our planet.

Lunar calendar for 2018 by month

Below we have posted lunar calendars for each month of 2018:

Thanks to the lunar calendar, people can find out what kind of activity occurs on a particular day. During periods full moon— The moon is very active, and these days many feel unwell, absent-minded, often aggressive or depressed. Therefore, it would be wise not to plan anything serious during these periods. New Moon are marked by a loss of strength and a confused state. The body is reconstructed from a passive phase to an active one, which is why people may feel unwell, and equipment may malfunction. On days when the Moon enters its waxing phase, many feel a surge of strength. This time is best spent making plans for the future and actively implementing them. The passive phase is the final, fourth phase of the Moon. On these days, you should complete your tasks, engage in less active activities, and rest more.

Favorable and unfavorable lunar days

From a scientific point of view, favorable and unfavorable days are calculated using the angle that the Moon occupies relative to the Sun and Earth. On favorable days, this angle is 60 degrees, which contributes to a special lunar influence: increased strength and ability to work, concentration. Unfavorable days are determined by an angle of 120 degrees. At these moments, people feel a loss of strength, decreased brain activity, and absent-mindedness. On unfavorable days, even immunity decreases, so in the old days during these periods they tried not to leave the house at all.

What types of lunar calendars are there?

There are a huge number of calendars that scientists use to calculate the data they need. But in common usage, the most common ones are:

The lunar calendar for 2018 is general. Thanks to this calendar, you can find out about favorable and unfavorable days, days of eclipses, new moons, full moons, etc.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for 2018 - it contains dates with recommendations on which is the best time to visit the hairdresser or when you should beware of this.

Lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for 2018 - it helps everyone who is involved in earthworks to do them wisely to achieve a better harvest.