Scenario of the New Year's holiday in the Tatar language. Scenario for the New Year holiday in Tatar language

Good evening, dear friends! The most long-awaited holiday has arrived - the New Year, which is associated with new hopes for happiness, good luck, and I sincerely wish you that in this new year everything that you wished for at the Christmas tree New Year's Eve, it definitely came true! Not a single New Year can do without gifts, holiday greetings and, of course, it is unthinkable without Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, a New Year tree, snow, funny pranks and jokes. And at our evening today, the heroes will be everyone’s favorite New Year’s characters from childhood, and you and our esteemed jury will have to determine which of the New Year’s teams will turn out to be the most real.
1st competition. "Carnival costume"
So, the 1st competition is the New Year's costume competition, and I ask the New Year's teams to take the stage.
Each team takes turns taking the stage, showing off their costumes. Maximum score - 5 points.
2nd competition. "New Year's Report"
These days, nothing will escape the watchful eyes of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Snowman, who are now setting off to make an on-site holiday report about how the children are relaxing in different groups.
You can give such a topic for a report if you are spending an evening at a winter camp. If you are holding a competition at school, the topic could be: “How the class prepared for the New Year.” Preparation time is 15 minutes while the 3rd and 4th competitions are underway. The maximum score is 3 points. 3rd competition. "Symbol of the Year"
We are already accustomed to the question “What year were you born?” - answer: “In the year of the Dog, Tiger, Dragon...”. This year is the year of the Goat (Dog, Tiger or Dragon depending on when you spend the evening). Now we will try to draw a symbol of the coming year. We will ask the New Year and the Bunny to complete this task.
To conduct this competition, it is necessary to prepare whatman paper in advance as follows: the sheet is folded in half, and on one half the animal that is the symbol of the year is drawn. But only half of it is drawn. For example, for a dog you draw either a head and two front legs, or two hind legs and a tail. On the second half of the Whatman paper, only two lines are drawn, which ends your drawing. Team members see only the half of the Whatman paper where these two lines are written. They do not know what is drawn on the second half of the sheet: a head or a tail. Their task is to complete the second half of the animal, guessing which part needs to be completed. In this competition, of course, both the coincidence of the drawing and the quality of execution should be assessed. Approximately 10 minutes are given to complete the task while the 4th competition is underway. The maximum score is 3 points. 4th competition. “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”
There are only Christmas trees left. Aren't Little Christmas Trees cold and bored alone on stage without the support of New Year's teams? Nothing, I hope that now it will become fun, and the well-known song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter” will not seem so dreary and sad, because we will ask our participants to perform this song in different styles: - in a marching rhythm; - in rap style; - in folk style.
Each participant will have to sing this song in only one of the styles, and which one will be determined by lot. The maximum score is 3 points. After this competition, we look at the drawings and listen to the reports. 5th competition. "Christmas educational program"
U New Year's holiday There is one amazing feature - it is never similar to the previous one. What’s even more surprising is that the New Year in each country is different from its neighbors. And now we will learn some of the features of celebrating the New Year in different countries: where different New Year traditions came from and what they mean. And 2 participants from each team will help us with this, who will have to choose one correct answer from three possible answers.
For each team there are 2 questions, the correct answer is 1 point, the correct explanation is another 2 points. It is clear that the guys do not know the exact answers to all the questions, but they can make their own assumptions, which may coincide with the correct answers. 1. In Ancient China, on New Year’s Day they announced: a) a day of fifty percent discounts on all goods; b) the feast of the poor; c) the day of the dragon and the purge of red lanterns.
Could you tell us what this tradition was? In Ancient China, a beggar's holiday was declared, which meant that on this day any person could enter any house and take from it what he needed. Those hosts who refused uninvited guests were condemned. 2. As you know, December 25 is considered the birthday of Jesus Christ, and Catholic Christmas is celebrated on December 25. When did the first mention of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ date back to? a) BC; b) with the advent of our era; c) in our era. Leading.
Who knows the exact date? The first mention of the celebration of the Nativity of Christ dates back to 354 AD. 3. In Ireland, one very ancient custom has been preserved: here on the evening of New Year’s Eve they open wide: a) the doors of all houses; b) all windows in the apartment; c) all wallets, Leader.
Could you explain the meaning of this tradition? The doors of all the houses are opened because the owners will be glad to anyone who comes to see the light, give them plenty to drink and feed. 4. What are the names of Christmas songs in Europe? a) Glagolitics; b) bucolics; c) Carols. 5. In Scotland they say goodbye to the old year and celebrate the New Year: a) in a large company, laughing loudly; b) with the family, singing songs; c) in complete silence, staring blankly at the fire in the fireplace. Leading.
Could you explain the meaning of this tradition? Hot Scottish guys see off and celebrate the New Year in silence. The whole family sits silently and looks at the burning fireplace, burning away the hardships of the passing year. With the first strike of the clock, the head of the family still silently opens the door through which the old year leaves and the new year enters. 6. What do the Dutch call their Santa Claus? a) Sinterklaas; b) Santa Claus; c) Singershucher. 7. Compared to the Scots, the Germans look like sparkling merry fellows - here, as soon as the clock starts striking midnight: a) everyone goes to bed; b) everyone climbs onto pieces of furniture available to them: chairs, armchairs, tables, etc.: c) everyone opens the windows and shouts: “Happy New Year!”
Could you explain the meaning of this tradition? The Germans climb onto the furniture in order to jump off them into the New Year with the last blow. 8. What are the constant attributes of Santa Claus? a) a staff, a red nose and a large bag of gifts; b) Snow Maiden, a staff and a large bag of gifts; c) reindeer, sleigh and a big bag of gifts.
7th competition. "Present"
The arrival of Santa Claus cannot be imagined without gifts. Each New Year's team has prepared its own gift, and now they will present it to us.
Maximum score - 5 points. After the last competition, the jury sums up the results and awards the winning team.

1 part of the feast
(a melody sounds, presenters come to the microphone)

Presenter 1:
There are many wonderful holidays,
Everyone takes their turn.
But the kindest holiday in the world,
The best holiday is New Year!
Presenter 2:
He comes along the snowy road,
Round dance of snowflakes.
Mysterious and strict beauty
New Year fills the heart!
Presenter 1:
He gives us faith in a good chance,
On the first day and on a new turn,
Helps you become better
Happy New Year to everyone in the world!
Presenter 2:
Louder laughter and joyful hugs,
And flies from all latitudes of the earth
The clock strikes. We are all each other's brothers!
There is a holiday on the planet - New Year!
In chorus:
Happy New Year!
Presenter 1:
And we propose to raise the first glass to the outgoing old year!
Presenter 2:
Pour champagne into glasses
And together we drink everything to the dregs!
We raise a toast to the old year,
Let's all have a drink with you, friends!

(they drink the first glass, have a snack, a song sounds)

Presenter 1:
And now, before the next toast, we would like to introduce you to the Charter of our evening, with its rules, which we hope you will all strictly and with great pleasure follow.
Presenter 2:
Rule 1:
Play and sing in your favorite hall,
This is why you were called here!
Presenter 1:
Rule 2:
Today we will forgive all mistakes, but not the lack of a smile!
Presenter 2:
Rule 3:
Dance seven times, rest once!
Presenter 1:
Rule 4:
We'll send the boring ones back,
You can be bored at home, completely free!
Presenter 2:
Rule 5:
Entrance to our evening is free, but exit from the hall requires tickets signed by the hosts of the evening. The price of an exit ticket is 42 smiles, 1000 hand claps, 5000 dance movements.
Presenter 1:
And now that you are familiar with the rules of the evening, we can move on to its main part - friendly congratulations and wishes - because on the eve of the New Year they sound especially exciting.
Presenter 2:
Our chef has prepared words of congratulations and wishes for you, a word for him for New Year's greetings!

(the director makes a toast)

Presenter 1:
We pour all the alcohol into glasses,
And together we drink to the bottom again.
We raise a glass to the director's toast,
Please note that there is more than one glass waiting for you today!
Presenter 2:
In this regard, I would like to give you the following instructions:
Drink, laugh, have fun,
But know moderation in everything.
Drink so that New Year
Didn't cause you any trouble.
To Santa Claus
He didn’t take me to the sobering-up station!

(drink and eat)

Presenter 1:
Dear friends! Continue to eat, but we ask you not only to eat, but also to listen to us very carefully.
Presenter 2:
And we will introduce you to some interesting pages of history related to the New Year celebration.
Presenter 1:
The custom of celebrating the New Year on the night of January 1 was introduced in Rus' in 1700. Before this, the New Year was celebrated on September 1st. And we owe the New Year’s fun to Peter I. It was he who began to hold cheerful winter assemblies with fireworks in the winter night sky, and he came up with the idea of ​​decorating houses and gates with pine branches.
Presenter 2:
And the custom of decorating a Christmas tree for the holiday appeared later in European countries. The Christmas tree was first decorated in the first half of the 17th century in Alsace. Then it was German territory, now it is part of France.
They chose this particular tree because it was believed that the tree has magical powers and its needles protect from evil. In addition, the Christmas tree is evergreen, which means it brings long life and health to people.
At that time, the Christmas tree was decorated with paper roses. It began to be decorated with glass toys only in the middle of the 19th century. Where Christmas trees do not grow, other trees are decorated. For example, in Vietnam, a peach replaces the Christmas tree; in Japan, bamboo and plum branches are added to pine branches.
By the middle of the 19th century, the Christmas tree became famous in Russia.
Presenter 1:
Nose October Revolution the tradition of celebrating the New Year at a decorated Christmas tree was consigned to oblivion, as a bourgeois holiday contrary to the worker-peasant worldview. And only in the mid-30s, New Year's holidays were revived again in our country and the Christmas tree was no longer considered a “bourgeois prejudice.”
Presenter 2:
And today the tree is again the main participant of the New Year holiday in any home.
The Christmas tree came for our holiday. Here she is, in front of you - beautiful, elegant. And now we invite everyone to sing together in honor of our green guest a song that we all know well from childhood.
Presenter 1:
But the words to this song will be different - taking into account the fact that, unfortunately, we are all no longer children.
The words of the New Year's song about the Christmas tree for adults are on your tables. Take them in your hands, put them on, if you need glasses, gather your spirit and thoughts. And with feeling, lyrically, sometimes nostalgically, we sing a song about a Christmas tree!

(a song about a Christmas tree is sung)

A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest.
We sing, remembering our youth,
And youth has passed.

We no longer believe in fairy tales,
New Year's dreams.
And Santa Claus presents,
It doesn't bring us any.

We sang about the Christmas tree,
Every New Year.
And even though we've grown old,
But the Christmas tree lives.

Thank you, little Christmas tree,
That you were with us.
And a lot, a lot of joy,
Brought to us in life.

Presenter 1:
Well done! You did a good job with the first task for kindergarten-aged children. We hope that our next tasks will not take you by surprise.
Presenter 2:
And remember that...
Those who will be more fun
Today in this room.
We will reward such people
Good prizes.
Presenter 1:
Happy New Year, with new happiness,
With new joy to you all.
Let it ring today
Songs, music and laughter!
It is for this that we propose to raise the next toast!

(drink and eat)

Presenter 1:
There is a legend. One day on New Year's Eve, Buddha called the animals and promised to reward them. 12 animals came to him: a mouse, a buffalo, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a dog, and a boar. All these animals received “possession” for a year. Presenter 2:
The Eastern horoscope believes that people born in the year of any animal receive the traits and character of that animal. And now we would like to check this.
To do this, we ask all those who were born in the year we are about to meet to come to us - the year of the dog.

(people born in the year of the dog come to the middle)

Presenter 1:
According to the eastern horoscope, those born in the year of the Dog are the most...

(a competition is being held. If there are a lot of “dogs”, then not everyone can be involved in the competition, but only 3-4 people. The winner needs to be awarded a prize. Prizes can also be awarded to other participants in this competition.)

Presenter 2:
Now we will test the intelligence of our “dogs”. And we will do it this way: while you are filling the glasses, the “dogs” will have to come up with words of congratulations for you and offer us the next toast.

(words of congratulations and a toast to the “dogs”)

Presenter 1:
New Year is the time for wishes to come true. These wishes can be very different, but we all wish that the coming year will be more joyful and happy.
In anticipation of a miracle, we read various horoscopes to find out what the stars tell us about the coming day. After all, a person is designed in such a way that he always wants to know about his past, present and future. This need especially increases on New Year's Eve. And now we want to satisfy your curiosity.
Only now, and only once, can you find out about your future fate.
One of you just has to gild my pen, and I will give you an accurate forecast about your future.
Presenter 2:
Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen, I invite everyone present to make a wish. Did you make a wish?
Now look at the back of your chair, there is a number there. Have you looked?
Remember it, since the fulfillment of your desire will largely determine it.
Having remembered the number that you got, remember the wish you made, and listen carefully to the forecast about whether your wish will come true or not.
Raise your hand who got the number 1.
Remember, you need to act boldly, decisively, riskily, assertively. All this is required to fulfill your desire. It can come true, but for this you will have to fight.
Number 2: Your wish will come true, which will undoubtedly bring you joy and a feeling of fullness of life. Moreover, nothing will interfere with the fulfillment of your desire.
Number 3: Stands for a clear “no.” The forecast advises you to refuse decisive action and not try to overcome circumstances. Nothing good will come of this.
Number 4: The time has not yet come to fulfill your desire. You have to wait, and then perhaps it will come true.
Number 5: Indicates that you have every chance of getting what you want. This figure inspires hope, predicts success, promises good conditions to fulfill the plan.
Number 6: A categorical “no.” The path to fulfillment of desires is completely closed. What you want will not come true. But if you gild my pen again, then perhaps the forecast will be more favorable.
Number 7: Number of luck. But don't interpret it as a definite "yes" to your question. The forecast suggests that to fulfill your desire you will be given a wide range of opportunities, and extremely favorable ones. You will take full advantage of them if you show the will and moderate your conceit.
Number 8: What you wished for may come true, but on the condition that in achieving what you want, you do not act headlong, spontaneously. The voice of reason will give you the exact answer. Gossip and intrigue can interfere with your plans.
Number 9: This is “yes”, and the wish will be fulfilled without any effort. The forecast for you is such that you will not have any obstacles to achieving what you want.

(then the presenter selects 2-3 people from among those who guessed the number 9 and invites them to the microphone)

(guests talk about their desires)

Presenter 1:
If you are lucky today, may you be lucky in everything. Therefore, the following words of congratulations to your colleagues and a toast are yours.

(congratulations and toast to those who, according to the forecast, will come true)

(drink and eat)

Presenter 1:
And now it's time for another test. To do this, we invite one representative from each structural unit of our team to come to the microphones.

(representatives come to the microphone)

Presenter 2:
Dear friends, now you will all take part in a poetry competition. After all, every person is a poet at heart, even if he cannot come up with a single rhyme.
Presenter 1:
Don't be afraid, the poems have already been composed for you, you just need to come up with them last word. We will read poetry, and you name this word. Whoever names the words in rhyme faster, better and more will be the winner.
All people present at the table participate in the vote counting commission.
Are the terms of the competition clear? Then let's start:
To do makeup
Acquired by a beauty...(trellis)

Nudist club as an application
Accepts thrown….(swim trunks)

I made all the girls fall in love with me at some point
Rybnikov in the comedy...(Girls)

One can and many jars
The thrush is taking her to... (market)

A milk carton burst
I flooded my trousers and...(jacket)

One blond guy wrote this for fun:
In the column, country of birth...(Angola)

Tell me, darling frankly,
Was it on your part... (betrayal)

In Lukomorye the cat decided
That he is local...(racketeer, rowdy, guard)

Grand stage and screen -

Once upon a time a new faith light
Lighted the Arabs... (Muhamed)

Scarier and more dangerous than a mine
For mountain climbers…(peak)

Publications are kept by the library
And dominoes and cards... (toy library)

I, as a karateka, will not calm down,
If they don’t give me a black one... (belt)

Both halves have already expired,
And on the scoreboard it’s still... (zeros)

To the sumo champion for the load
It's good to have a big...(belly)

The sports elite is happy
Another one is coming again...(Olympics)

The wolf, after watching football, finally decided:
“Like me, they are also fed...(legs).”

The peak was almost conquered,
But the snow (avalanche) got in the way.

Presenter 2:
The calculation showed that he won this competition.... He is awarded a prize and the honorable right to say words of congratulations and the next toast.

(congratulations and toast to the winner of the competition)

Presenter 1:
We laughed a lot and joked a lot,
But we completely forgot about one thing.
Who will say: what awaits us ahead, friends?
Who should come to the holiday immediately?

(those sitting at the table shout that these are Father Frost and Snow Maiden)

Presenter 2:
You are right, of course these are Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, without whom not a single New Year's Eve is complete.
But in order for them to come to us for the holiday, we must invite them. Considering that Santa Claus is already old, you need to call them together, and as loudly as possible.

(those sitting at the table shout “Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden” several times)

Presenter 1:
With wind, blizzard and snow
Gray-haired Santa Claus rushes with the young Snow Maiden.
Meet Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

(only one Snow Maiden appears in a very modern outfit)

Snow Maiden:
So...everything is already assembled, but for some reason my grandfather is not there yet.
Where's my cell phone? I need to call.

(takes out a regular phone from his bag)

Hello, is this the Zarya company? What? Not Zarya, why are you picking up the phone then? What? Did I dial the wrong number? Don't fool me! Look for "Zarya"!
I dialed the number and will wait. So don’t drag your feet and give me Zarya.

Hello "Zarya"? Snow Maiden says. What do I want? I want to ask, who will I be working with today?
How to work where? At an evening with the staff of the College of Economics.
Where are they? Yes, they are sitting at the table, staring at me with all their eyes, as if they had never seen the Snow Maiden.
What? Will you send Santa Claus now? Why not Santa Claus? I'm somehow already tired of Santa Clauses.
What? Santa Clauses only for currency and everything is in great demand? Damn it, I didn’t have time again!
Well, okay, okay, let's at least have Santa Claus, but not quite the ancient one.

(Addresses those sitting at the table)

Wait a little, now my grandfather will dust himself off, and we will powder your brains. That is, we will entertain.

(Father Frost comes out, also dressed in a modern outfit)

Father Frost:
We haven't met for a whole year.
I missed you.
I would hug you all today
On this New Year's holiday.
Yes, I'm afraid there won't be enough hands...
Snow Maiden:
My grandfather is still that beetle!
Hey Frost, don't get carried away
Mind your own business.
Let's congratulate people
I want to drink quickly!
Father Frost:
New Year is knocking on the window,
Congratulations people!
Along a snowy path
I arrived at the desired hour.
I gave you blizzards as a gift,
Wind, sun and frost,
And the resinous smell of spruce,
And a whole cartload of hope.
Happy New Year to you friends,
Congratulations on the Christmas tree! I!
Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year,
We wish you a lot of happiness,
And we want it on the Christmas tree,
Instead of holiday animals,
There were many different
Half-liter bubbles.
To make Santa Claus smile,
Half-drunk, squinting my eyes,
The most delicious, the sweetest
I treated you to champagne.
Father Frost:
We wish you clear skies
And crystal air,
Twelve months of spring
And nothing sad!
Snow Maiden:
Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness and joy!
Father Frost:
Everyone who is single should get married,
To everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Forget about grievances.
Snow Maiden:
Everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom and rejuvenate.
Everyone who is skinny should become fatter
Too fat - lose weight.
Father Frost:
Too smart - become simpler,
Narrow-minded people need to wise up.
Snow Maiden:
To all gray hairs - to darken,
So that the hair on the top of the head becomes thicker,
like Siberian forests!
Father Frost:
For songs, for dancing
They never stopped talking.
In chorus:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
May trouble pass you by!

(raises a toast to the New Year)

Father Frost:
You've known me for a long time
We are old friends.
You meet at the holiday
Not the first year for me.
I'm a winter prankster grandfather
Naughty beyond his years
And so that the holiday is a success
I'll set the tone for him!

(a dance melody is played, performed by Father Frost, Snow Maiden and the guests whom they invite to be their partners)

Father Frost:
You've been waiting for this day for a long time,
Haven't seen each other for a whole year.
Stand up, friends,
All faster in a round dance.
With song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

(they lift all the guests from the table in a round dance around the tree)

Snow Maiden:
So that on a big holiday
It's more fun
We will walk in a round dance
Let's sing a song together.

(round dance around the tree)
(block of dances and competitions)

Presenter 1:
We played and had fun
And they did a great job
It was hard for all of us
It took us a lot of energy.
I need to rest a little
And eat at least a little.

(invite everyone to the table)

Part 2 of the feast

Presenter 1:
The postman goes to the neighbors again,
How rarely news sometimes comes to us.
But they say that on New Year's Eve
The hearts of relatives are always together.
Presenter 2:
New Year is a family holiday. Therefore, today we are celebrating him among our colleagues, and tomorrow we will celebrate the New Year among our family and friends. Those who love and appreciate us no matter what.
Presenter 1:
So let's raise a glass to all our family and friends, and all together say such simple, but such exciting words that we say to each other only once a year: “Happy New Year to you! Happy New Happiness!”

(everyone says these words in unison)

Presenter 2:
For the happiness of our family, loved ones, and friends, we offer to drink a glass to the bottom. And then, no matter what the distance is between you and the people dear to you, your hearts will always be together.

(drink, eat)

Presenter 1:
And now we invite you to sing with us. Pay attention to the words of the song that are on your table. Let's try to do it all together.

(song performed to the tune of “Call me with you”)

Again from me the wind of good hopes
takes you away
Without leaving us even a shadow in return,
and he won't ask
Maybe we want to stay with you,
With yellow autumn leaves,
Happy summer dream.
But New Year comes
And the evil nights go away
We'll meet you again,
Whatever the path prophesies for us.
We will come to where you are
Draw the sun in the sky
Where are the broken dreams
They regain the power of heights.
Old year passed like a shadow
in the crowd of passers-by.
The last day will end
and you come.
You will give us joy without harboring resentment.
And loving as before,
we meet you again.
But New Year comes
And the evil nights go away
We'll meet you again
Whatever the path prophesies for us
We will come to where you are
Draw the sun in the sky
Where are the broken dreams
They regain the power of heights.

Presenter 1:
After such a soulful song, I came up with a toast.
Presenter 2:
Presenter 1:
Let's raise this toast so that our dreams always gain the power of heights. And may the New Year give us only joyful days!
Presenter 2:
To the chime of the clock, to the sounds of the waltz
On New Year's Eve we wish you again,
Raise a glass to peace and happiness,
Hope, faith and love!

(raises a toast)

(astrologer performs comic fortune telling)

Presenter 1:
And now, dear friends, colleagues, let’s warm up a little.
I suggest, without leaving the table, to play one ancient game, “FANTS”.
For a whole year you have been carrying out all sorts of orders from your immediate superiors, and now please carry out my comic orders.
To simplify everything, we have already prepared forfeits. And everyone I ask about this now pulls out one piece of paper and completes the task that is written on it.

(He approaches those sitting at the table and asks them to take a forfeit. Everyone who takes a forfeit immediately completes the task.)

Tasks for forfeits:
1. Apologize to your neighbor and gain his (her) forgiveness
2. Kiss your neighbor (neighbor).
3. Explain to your deaf neighbor that you are very hungry.
4. Have a brotherhood drink with your neighbor.
5. Depict the flight of an eagle
6. Crow three times
7. Give (if you can) something to your neighbors.
8. Draw a picture of a child lost at the station.
9. Compliment your colleagues.
10. Solemnly say the phrase “I’ve been sitting at the table and drinking for four days.”
11. Depict how you eat last year’s cracker.
12. Shout in a scandalous voice: “I’m not some kind of guy, I’m decent!”
13. Sing your favorite song.
14. Express your love to your neighbor with your eyes or facial expressions
15. Try to persuade your neighbor to drink wine or vodka.
16. Offer a toast and wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Presenter 2:
Who do you think coped with the task, i.e., fulfilling the order better than anyone?

(Everyone chooses the most efficient colleague).

Presenter 1:
He is awarded the title of “the most efficient in college”, given a prize and given the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

(congratulations and toast to the winner of the game of forfeits))

Presenter 2:
And now we again invite representatives from different tables to the microphone.

(3-4 representatives come out)

Presenter 1:
You will sing with us now. Each of you will try to remember a verse of songs about the New Year, about winter, snow, blizzards and frosts - and begins to sing this verse. Those sitting at his table can sing along.
The conditions of the competition are clear, then we begin the song competition.
Dear viewers, only once, while traveling from Paris to Moscow, the best soloists of the La Scala Opera House will sing for you!

(a competition is held, the winner is determined, he is awarded a prize and given the floor for congratulations and a toast)

(words of congratulations and toast to the winner of the song competition)

Presenter 2:
In the days filled with New Year's worries, we still find time to look back at the path we have traveled and fix our gaze on tomorrow, an even more joyful and happy day. And therefore, today, on the eve of the New Year, I would like to conduct a small sociological survey of colleagues who came to the New Year's holiday.

(asks questions to people sitting at the table)

What good has the past year brought you?
What dreams and hopes do you have for the upcoming New Year?
How are you planning to celebrate the New Year holidays?
What would you like to wish your colleagues?

Presenter 1:
And now I ask everyone who just took part in a sociological survey and answered our questions so brilliantly to come to the microphone.

(survey participants come out and are given the floor for congratulations and a toast)

(congratulations and toast from the sociological survey participants)

Presenter 2:
Listen, (addressing 1 presenter) I want to tell you a funny story.
One Jew is asked: “Rabinovich, why do you look so haggard? You don’t have a face.”
“You see, I came to the hippodrome today, it was full of people. And at that time my shoelace came undone. I bent down to tie it, and suddenly someone put a saddle on my back.”
"So what"?
"Nothing. Came third."
Presenter 1:
After listening to your story, I realized that we probably need to announce a competition for the best joke. A prize awaits the most original storyteller.

(a competition of jokes is held, a prize is awarded to the winner and he is given the right to congratulate his colleagues and make the next toast)

(toast from the winner of the joke competition)

Presenter 1:
Good luck, without promising, I hope that the New Year
It will save you all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.
I still hope for something else, and I believe in it fervently,
That happiness awaits you all like never before.

(a toast is offered in a circle)

Presenter 2:
Dancing and games, songs and jokes
Games and dancing again and again
You've all had a little rest already
We invite you to dance again.

(block of dances and competitions)


Yana ate beiremen utkeru echen script

Shoo babay
Kar kyzy

Eget. Isenmesez, balalar!
Yana ate belen sezne!
Yana ate cauldrons of bullsyn!
Eget. Behetler ate bulsyn!
Kyz. Shatlyklar ate bulsyn!
Eget. Kirlarda igen unsyn,
Ambarlar tulyp torsyn!
Kyz. Tabynnary mule bulsyn,
Barekatele ate bulsyn!
Eget. Ap-ak mamik karlar java
Akka terep donyana.
Bugen bezne uz yanyna
Yashel chyrshi zhyynady.
Kyz. Bar tabigat ap-ak cardan
Kalyn Yurgan Yabyna.
E without kildek bergaleshep
Yashel chyrshy yanyn.
Eget. Without zhyynaldyk bugen monda
Yana ate beiremene.
Yashel chyrshy tiresende
Zhyr zhyrlap eylenerge.
Kyz. Tuktale, (iseme), beznen beyremebez tugerek bulsyn echen kemnerder zhitmi bit. Eyme, balalar?
Eget. Hey shul. Who do you live by? Yagez ele, bergelap iske tesherik.
Berge. Kysh babay hem Kar kyzy!
Kyz. Kaida yeriler iken son alar? Uzleren Kurgen-Belgen Keshe Yukma? (Balalardan sorashalar, alar javap bire.)
Eget. Baya Kysh babay belen telefonnan soyleshtem. Yulga chyktyk, hezer kilep zhitebez, ketegez, dide.
Kyz. Shulaimini?! Alaysa, Bernie Ashler hal de yuk, koterge tur kile. E alar kilganche, eidegez, chyrshy tireli zhyr zhyrlap eilenik.
Eget. Yagez ele, kullarny totyshyk ta bergelep zhyrlyk.
Shagyyr Nyr Bayan shigyrene Zheudet Feyzi izhat itken "Yashel chyrshy" digen zhyrny bashkarabyz.
"Yashel chyrshy" zhyry bashkaryl.
Zhyr betuge, urtaga yegerep kuyan kere. Kulynda hut.
Kuyan. Ugh! Kechke kilep jittem.
Kyz. No bullshit, kuyankay? Niden bolay elsereden?
Eget. Artynnan Telke kudi malle?
Kuyan (chak tyn alyp). Ku-ku-kumads. Bik nyk yegerdem.
Kyz. Nige jegerden? Kemnen kachtyn?
Kuyan. Tizrek kilep zhitim deep ashyktym. Mine Kysh babay belen Kar kyzy zhiberde. Mene shushi khatny sezge tapshyryrga kushtylar. (Envelope egetke bire.)
Eget. Yale, yale, nindi hat iken st? (Achyp ​​ukyy.) "Isenmesez, balalar. Bez yulda belage tarydyk, Ubyrly hem Shurele tozagyna elektek. Sezge kuyan asha tabyshmaklar zhiberebez. Eger shularga deres zhavaplar yazyp, kire zhibersegez, Ubyrly hem Shurele bezne itechakl er. Kysh babay hem Kar kyzy."
Kyz. Mene kaigy, mene bela. Nishlärge inde?
Eget. Nichek inde nishlerge?! Tabyshmaklarga zhavap language zhiberegez, digenner bit. Yazabyzmy, balalar? Tabyshmaklarny chishebezme?
Balalar javap bire.
Kyz. Yale, nindi tabyshmaklar st? (Ukyy.)
Elga st tik ber kile.
Ul kilse, fat mountains kile.
Yashel Chyrshi eilene
Yakty zallar kurene.
Eget. Nerse iken son bu elga ber gene tapkyr kile torgan? Yale, balalar, uylap karyik ele.
Balalar. Yana ate!
Kyz. Deres! Yana ate. Kuyankay, sin zhavaplarny yazyp bar.
Kagaz, Kalem Bireler, Kuyan Yaza.
Eget. Mene ikenche tabyshmak:
Kile bars kysh zhitkech,
Iske ate utep kitkach.
Yze belen hervakyt
Yana ate alyp kile.
Bulek tula kapchygyn
Inene salyp kile.
Kyz. Monysy who bula dream inde?
Balalar. Whoops!
Kyz. Deres. Shoo babay shul. Monyson and tongue, kuyankay, kuyankay. Echenche tabyshmakny yes ukyp karyik inde.
Kysh babaynyn yuldashi,
Anyn belen gel berge.
Shuna ana jay kone
Memkin tugel kuererge.
Jay kene st betenley
Memkin hatta ererge,
Suga everelerge.
Eget. Monyson and belebez, hey bit, balalar. Monysy Kar kyzy bula. Yale, durtenche tabyshmakny ukyp karyik.
Yashi dealer Urmanda,
Kemnen de yuk kurgene.
Byltyr gyna kurgen di.
Anyn aty - ...
Balalar. Shurale!
Kyz. Deres! Shurale!
Eget. Tagyn ber gene tabyshmak kaldy.
Ber karchyk yashi
Kara urmanda.
Nichek Kurykmy
Yashi st anda?
Anyn Uzennen
Kursen, kurkyrlyk.
Kurkynych karchyk
Bula -...
Balalar. Ubyrly!
Kyz. Deres! Ubyrly karchyk bula monysy! "Ye, kuyankay, language kuidynmy? Mene buldy, bish tabyshmakka da zhavap taptyk. Yeh, kuyankay, yeger, tapshyr zhavaplarny Ubyrly belen Shuralege.
Kuyan. Yeagerdem! (Kite).
Eget. E bez, balalar, Kysh babay belen Kar kyzy kilep zhitkenche chyrshy tiresende tagyn zhyrlap, biep alyk. Yagez ele, nindi zhyr zhyrlybyz? Did Yana eat turundams?
Berer Yana ate zhyry zhyrlap chyrshy tireli eileneler. Kuyan da kilep zhite.
Kyz. Ooh! Kuyan kilep te jite! Yeh, kuyankay, tapshyrdynmy beznen zhavaplarny?
Kuyan. Tapshyrdim. Deres javap birgansez. Ubyrly belen Shurele Kysh babay belen Kar kyzyn zhibererge mezhbur buldylar. Min tizrek shul hakta sezge zhitkererge deep yegerdem. Kysh babay belen Kar kyzyn karshi alyrga kirek.
Eget. Bik heybet. Eideges, balalar. Chakyryk Kysh babay belen Kar kyzyn.
Kyz. Yagez ele, bergelep, ber, ike, ech. Whoops! Kar kyzy!
Eget. Kurenmiller. Yagez ele, tagyn ber tapkyr.
Bergelap. Whoops! Kar kyzy!
Kysh babay hem Kar kyzy bulyp kiengen Shurele hem Ubyrly kereler.
Kyz. Mene kildelare! Isenmesez, Shoo Babay!
Eget. Isenmesez, Kar kyzy!
Shurele. Isenmesez, pari balalary!
Ubyrly (anyn zhinen tarta). Isenmesez, neni duslarim. Isegez kitmesen, shulai shayartyrga yarata inde st beznen Kysh babay. (Balalar isenleshe.)
Kyz. Khush kildegez, Kush babay!
Khush kildegez, Kar kyzy!
Sezne ozak kettek without,
Bik sagynyp bettek without.
Shurele. Seznen yanga kilgende
Tarydyk without belage. -
Ubyrly hem Shurale
Korgan yavyz heilege.
Sezge, duslar, zur rahmet!
Bik tapkirlar ikensez.
Beten tabyshmaklarga
Deres javap birgansez.
Eget. Balalar tyryshtylar inde, Kar kyzy. Sezden head nindi Yana ate beyreme bulsyn di inde?!
Shurale. Nerse, elle sez belmisesme?
Kyz. Nersene?
Ubyrly. Nichek nersene? Byel Yana ate a beefy di bit. Sezge shuny eiterge ashykkanda Shurale belen Ubyrly elekterde bit inde bezne.
Eget. Nichek inde bulmasyn?! Iske elnyn konnere betep bara bit. (Yaki, "bette bit", kaisy konne utkereluge karap.)
Shurale. Bethmade. Bugen mene nichese?
Balalar (nindi kon buluga karap zhavap bireler). Utyzy!
Shurale. Irtege utyz bere! Shulaima?
Balalar. Shulay.
Shurale. Annary utyz ikese, utyz eche, utyz durte.
Kyz. Alai Bulmy St., Kysh Babai. December ae utyz berennen gene kile. Annary gyynvar ae bashlana. E berenche gyynvar - Yana elnyn berenche kene! Hey beat, balalar?!
Balalar. Hey!
Eget (kyzga iseme belen). ... karale, bolar elle Kysh babay belen Kar kyzy tugel miken? Kysh babainin itek astynda koyrygy kurene.
Kyz. Kar kyzynin and boryny cap-kekre. Nek Ubyrlynyky kebek.
Eget. Shoo babay, nishlap sinen itek astynda koyryk kurene.
Ubyrly. Echten bilen bugan bilbavy bit st anin.
Eget. Kyzyk.
Kyz. E sinen borynyn niden kekre, Ubyrlynyky kebek?
Shurale. Gruziyade Tugan Kar kyzy st. Georgian kyzlarynyn borynnary shundy bula.
Kyz. Alai iken... Balalar, eh sez ni disez? Chyn Kysh babay belen Kar kyzymy son bolar?
Balalar. Chyn tugel! Shurale belen Ubyrly!
Eget. Shulay bugay shul. Eideges without alarna tiksherep karyik.
Kyz. Nichek itep?
Eget. Nichekme? Mene Chyrshybyznyn utlaryn kabyzyp kursetsenner.
Kyz. Hey shul. Shoo babay, yale, kurset henerenne. Kabyz ele Yashel Chyrshydagi zhem-zhem utlarny.
Shurale. Utlarnym? (Ubyrlyga.) Karale, kyzym, nichek kabyzyrga iken monyn utlaryn?
Ubyrly. Nichek bulsyn, shyrpy syzyp! Balalar, kaisygyzda shyrpy bar?
Balalar. Berebezde de yuk!
Kyz. Chyrshy utlaryn kabyzir echen tylsymly suzler eiterge kirek bit! Elle belmisezme, babakay?
Shurale. Onytkanmyn shul. Kartlyk galemete, sclerosis. Eytep zhiber ele?
Eget. Anlashyldy, bernindi de Kysh babay da, Kar kyzy da tugel, Shurale belen Ubyrly iken bolar! Balalar, totygyz uzleren, zhibermegez.
Kuyan. Shurale belen Ubyrly shul alar. Mine kurkytyp, sezge eitmeske kushtylar. Kysh babay belen Kar kyzynyn kiemneren saldyryp uzlerene kideler. E alarny Ubyrly oende biklep kaldirdylar.
Shurale belen Ubyrlyny totyp chishendereler.
Eget. Ah, ele sez shundy yavyzlarmyni?!
Shurale. Timegez mine. Minem gaebem yuk. Ene st kotyrtty.
Ubyrly. Aldashma. Uzen gaeple. Sin aldap kertten Kysh babayny minem oige.
Kyz. Yarar, duslar, bu ike aldakchy uzara sugysha torsynnar, e without Kysh babay belen Kar kyzyn kotkaryrga Keshe zhiberik.
Kuyan. Let's use the bars. Uzem alyp kilem min alarny. Ubyrlynyny oe kaida ikenen min yakhshy belem.
Eget. Yarar, bar, yeager, kuyankay. Sak bul, telke belen burege yulyga kurme.
Kuyan. Yulykmam. (Kysh babay hem Kar kyzynin kiemneren alyp kite.)
Kyz. E bu ike yavyzga zheza birerge kirek. Nindi zheza birik iken son?
Eget. Bieterge kirek alarny. Yana ate kilmi deep keshe aldalap yermesenner. Bu Yana ate beireme haterlerende menge kalyrlyk bulsyn - helden taep egylganchy biesenner!
Kyz. Hey shul! Yale, music! (Biyu koe yangyry.)
Eget. Eide, biegez! Sez de biguez, balalar. Botenebez de biibez. Eidegesis. (Kumek biyu. Shurale belen Ubyrly berazdan helden taep egylalar.)
Shurale. Phew, phew! Arydym. Kyzganygyz, Buten Aldashmas let's go.
Ubyrly. Ayaklarimnyn hele kalmada. Kyzganygyz mine de.
Eget. Uh, shulaimyn?! Butene aldashmysyzmy?
Shurale. Kyzganygyz.
Ubyrly. Kyzganygyz.
Shurale. Aldashmas let's go.
Ubyrly. Berauge de imes let's go.
Kyz. Balalar, nishlibez? Is Kyzganabyzmy knotted?
Balalar. Kyzganabyz.
Eget. Zhiberikme alarny?
Balalar. Kitsenner.
Kyz. Ishettegezme? Balalar sezne zhiberik, di. Barygyz, Kysh babay belen Kar kyzy kurengeleganche kitep kotylygyz. Yugyyse, alar kilgech, sezge alardan and elegue momkin.
Shurale. Rakhmat.
Ubyrly. Rakhmat.
Kyz. Isen bulygyz. Ozak yaşegez.
Eget. Yana ate belen sezne! Yana ate cauldrons of bullsyn!
Shurale. Sezne de!
Ubyrly. Yana ate bekhet alyp kilsen! (Kiteler.)
Kyz. Rakhmat.
Eget. Ye, balalar, e hezer, eidegez, chin Kysh babay belen Kar kyzyn karshi alyrga ezerlenik.
Music yangyry. Kuyan, Kysh babai, Kar kyzy kurene.
Kuyan. Kilep jittek.
Eget. Isenmesez, Shoo Babay!
Kyz. Isenmesez, Kar kyzy!
Eget. Isen-saumy, babakai?!
Sezne sagynyp kottek without.
Shoo babay.
Seznen belen ochrashuga
Kochke kilep jittek without.
Kar kyzy.
Kaida ele uzlere -
Ubyrly hem Shurale?
Kachtylar bezne aldap -
Olgermi kaldyk anlap.
Zhezasyn aldy alar,
Kelkege kaldy alar.
Shoo babay.
Yarar inde alaisa,
Bugen beyram labasa!
Onytyk borcularny,
Bayram itik bulmasa!
Kar kyzy.
Beten keshe ashkynyp,
Sagynyp kotken beyram bu!
Keshelerge Yana ate
Alyp kilgan beyram boo!
Yana ate boilers!
Bayram bulsyn mobarek!
Totyshygyz kulga kul,
Yasap beylem-tugerek.
Zhyrlap-beep eilenik
Yashel Chyrshi tireli.
Beznen belen beyram it,
Sin de, kuyan, kil ele!
Tukta, tukta, Kar kyzy,
Onyttyk without ber eshne.
Balkyp torirga tiesh
Beznen Chyrshy bu kichne!
Vakyt zhitte, Kysh babai,
Kabyz Chyrshy utlaryn.
Zhem-zhem itep balkysyn
Nurga terep Zhir Sharyn!
Shoo babay.
Yashel Chyrshi, bizenep
There was tagyn kilgensen.
Sinsez bayram kunelsez
Bulyr ide, belemsen?
Zhyrlap-beep tirende
Eilen-beilen uynarga
Kuresenme, nikader
Neni dustyn zhyynalgan?!
Biseklaren tagyn yes
Maturrak Balkysyn,
Seylenneren nur sipsen,
Zhem-zhem utlar kabynsyn!
Chyrshida utlar kabyna.
Rekhmat, Shoo Babay!
Tylsymyn kochle.
Ber ate kettem min
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Sihri bu kichne.
Yaktyrak Balkyp
Yanasym kile!
Sezge zur beyram
Yasysym kile!
Zhyrla, biegez,
Uina, kelegez!
Zhyrlar konegez,
Uynar konegez.
Tuiganchy uynap
Kunel achygyz.
Behetle bulsyn
Bala chagygyz!
Rekhmat, Chyrshikay!
Rekhmat, Shoo Babay!
Zhyrlarga osta
Barcha kyz-malai!
Kullar totyshtyk,
Duslar, eydele,
Chyrshy Tireli
Zhyrlap eilenik.
Chyrshi tireli zhyrlap eileneler.
Eget. Kysh babay, balalarnyn Sez bieganne de kurese kile. Ber biep alasyz malle?
Shoo babay. Bula st. Shundy konde nishlap ele ber beep
te kalmaska?! Yale, music!
Biyu is something yangyry. Kysh babay, Kar kyzy biiler.
Kyz. Buldyrdygyz, well done! Afarin!
Eget. Balalar, e hezer, eidegez, Kysh babaiga uzbez yattan belgen shigyrlerebezne soylep kursethebezme? Yeh, who's the big one?
Balalar berem-berem shigyr soyli.
Shoo babay. Bik heybet! Yale mene shunyn ochen bulek birim uzegezge. (Kapchygynnan chygaryp bulekler oleshe.)
Eget. Balalar, tunmadygyzmy? E hezer, eidegez, berer uen
uynap, zhylynyp alabyz.
Kar kyzy. Duslar, bugenge beyram ochen Kysh babay belen bez makhsus uyen ezerladek.Eidegez, shuny uynyybyz.
Kyz. Elbette! Nindi uen st?
Kar kyzy (uenny anlata. Whatman kegazennen aldan yasalgan chyrshy hem yoldyz resemneren chigara). Forge beylegen kilesh mene shushi yoldyzny chyrshynyn ochyna yabyshtyryp kuyarga kirek. Tours kitergen balaga Kysh babaydan bulek! Yeh, kaisygyz buldyra?
Balalar is smart.
Shoo babay. E khezer ikenche ber uyen uynap karyik. (Kapchygynnan bish-alty uenchyk chygaryp, aldan hezerlangen
ostelge kuya. Ber balany chakyryp chigara.) Mene shushi uenchyklarny karap kal. Kuzenne beylibez de uenchyklarnyn bersen alyp kuyabyz. Kaisy uenchyk yuklygyn eitep birsen, Sineke st. (Berniche bala belen uynap alyrga bula. Uenchyklarnyn urynnaryn alyshtyryp kuep uynasan da ardent.)
Shoo babay. Vakyt digenen, hai, sizelmi de uza! Inde saubullashyr chak ta jitken iken.
Kyz. Kitesez demeni inde, Shoo babay?
Shoo babay. Vakyt inde, duslarim. Bezne head zhirlerde de koteler.
Eget. Shulaydyr shul.
Shoo babay.
Seznen Belen Kunelle
Buldy bezge de.
Behetler gene telim
hammegezge de.
Sukty kiter sagatler,
Khushigyz inde.
Yana shatlyklar alyp
Yana ate kilde.
Yana elnyn tannary
Gel ayaz tusyn.
Tarikhka street behet ely
Bulyp yazylsyn!
Kar kyzy.
Sau bulygyz! Bugengedey
kherchak bulygyz kolech.
Kuresherbez Yana Elda
Tagyn da ber ate utkach.
Kysh babay hem Kar kyzy kiteler.
Barysy berge. Khushygyz, Kish babai! Sau bulygyz, Kar kyzy!
Eget. E bez, balalar, Kysh babay hem Kar kyzy kitte deep, kunelsezlenmik ele. Beyremebez devam ite.