Elephant with a simple pencil. How to draw an elephant with a pencil step by step for children and beginners? How to draw an Elephant and a Pug? Funny and funny: with big ears, a trunk, with a ball

Today I will tell you how to draw an elephant, make the image as realistic and beautiful as possible, and make the animal proportionate. Here you will see drawn drawings and pictures of elephants along with step-by-step instructions that are understandable even for a 6-7 year old child.

1. Two circles

Since we are talking about how to draw an elephant step by step, let's start by constructing two circles of different diameters and connect them with two straight lines, as shown in the picture above.

2. Draw the general lines of the torso and head

At this stage, you need to make a rough sketch of the animal's body, legs, head, trunk and ears. You need to draw an elephant with a pencil according to the instructions for beginners, step by step, moving towards the final version of the image. Don't rush and don't try to paint a finished picture right away. Most likely, even experienced artists will not succeed.

3. Draw the contours

It's time to move on to finishing the contours of the drawing. Round out the back and stomach, draw tusks, eyes and tail.

On a note: Do not try to draw the elephant with one line, make short strokes - this will make the image more accurate.

4. Details

Darken individual areas with shading. At this stage, the elephant drawing in pencil is completely ready. You can stop here or move on to the next step.

5. Skin color

You already know how to draw an elephant with a pencil step by step, my instructions are suitable for children and adults. Now it’s time to color our picture. First, choose the basic skin tone of the animal and paint over the entire body.

6. Light and shadow

Place accents. It may not be the first time, but you can easily draw an elephant like in my example. Darken some areas, lighten others. Try to make the image more voluminous.

7. Background

You already know how to draw an elephant, so making a decent background won't be difficult. There is no need to draw it in the smallest detail; all the attention of the viewer should be focused on the animal.

If this picture seems too difficult for you, try repeating my lesson.

We draw an African forest elephant, which differs from the savanna elephant in its brownish color, rounded ears, and height (maximum 2.4 m at the withers versus 3–3.8 m). The forest elephant is smaller in size than the savanna elephant, its fur is thicker, of a different color, it plays a significant role in pollinating tropical forest plants, but in the International Red Book both species appear under the name Loxodonta africana.


  • Paper.
  • A simple pencil for sketching.
  • Eraser.
  • Colored pencils: beige, light brown, dark brown, black.

How to draw a forest elephant step by step

Let's draw two figures. Adjust to obtain curved contour lines.

We complete the oval at the junction of the two main figures - the future ear of the elephant. We add legs showing the movement of the animal - we draw elongated ovals.

Correcting the contour of the head. Add a trunk, tusks, mouth and eyes. On the legs we draw semicircles - hooves (there are 4-5 hooves in total on the front legs and 5 on the hind legs, but when the elephant is in profile, not all come into view).

Let's detail the drawing. Use an eraser to remove excess lines. We highlight the outline of the animal and its main parts. Add folds to the legs, belly and head to make the elephant look a little wrinkled.

Using a beige pencil we give the elephant a basic shade, and using a light brown pencil we create shadows and partial shades.

Using dark brown and black pencils we work on the shadow and contour of each fragment of the drawing.

The result is a wonderful image of an African forest elephant.

How to easily draw an elephant with a pencil step by step - for children and adults. Let's learn to draw a beautiful elephant with a pencil step by step together with your child. Find out how to quickly and easily learn to draw a beautiful baby elephant.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw, especially children love to draw and want to learn how to draw beautifully, they are interested in learning how to draw not only trees, the sun, people, houses, flowers, but also various animals.

Today we’ll see how you can quickly and easily learn to draw an elephant. Take a piece of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where an elephant is drawn. Look at the position of the elephant, how and where different parts of the elephant’s body are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of an elephant, on the left is the head of an elephant, on the right is the tail of an elephant, and at the bottom are the powerful, thick legs of an elephant.

Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts elephant body.

First start drawing the elephant from the body, it consists of one large oval.

Now to the left of the elephant’s body, draw a small circle - this will be the elephant’s head and connect the elephant’s head and body with two lines.

From the front, draw the elephant's trunk, it should be slightly elongated and rounded at the bottom, then draw four legs along with the foot.

Draw the elephant’s tail from the back; it should be of medium length.

Now draw the elephant's head. From the back of the elephant to the end of the head, draw a line that smoothly turns into the trunk, draw the trunk of the elephant, the trunk should be wider at the top, slightly narrowed towards the bottom, round it and draw the tip of the trunk.

Look carefully at how the elephant's tusks are drawn, they are located in the lower part of the head, the long tips of the tusks are pointed. Below, under the tusks, draw the elephant’s mouth.

The elephant's ear is very large and located on the right side of the head, hanging down, the edge of the ear is slightly uneven, wavy, the tip of the ear is slightly pointed. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Now we need to draw the front legs of the elephant. Draw the legs powerful, thick, the right leg is drawn a little forward, and the left leg a little back. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Now we need to draw the elephant's hind legs. Draw the legs powerful, thick, the right leg is drawn a little forward, and the left leg a little back. Draw the elephant's back and belly. Draw the tail of the elephant at the back; at the top it is thin compared to the elephant, and at the bottom it is slightly wider, because the elephant has a tassel at the tip. Everything that needs to be drawn in the drawing is drawn in red.

The outline of the elephant is almost ready, now you need to draw the elephant’s eye in the form of a small oval and draw small lines on the pupil on the elephant’s trunk. Draw toes on the elephant's feet. Adjust the entire outline of the elephant. Everything that needs to be drawn in the picture is drawn in red.

Erase the extra lines that are no longer needed and outline the outline of the elephant brighter. Look what a beautiful elephant you have made. Now you can color the elephant however you want.

Now you can draw a little elephant

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the elephant is drawn. Look at the position of the elephant, how and where its different body parts are located.

In the center of the picture is the body of an elephant, on the right is the head of an elephant, on the left is the tail of an elephant, and at the bottom are drawn the powerful, thick legs of an elephant.

Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the elephant’s body. First, start drawing the elephant from the body, it consists of one large circle.

To the right, from just above the middle of the elephant’s body, draw another circle, only a little smaller - this will be the elephant’s head.

On the bottom left side, draw another circle - this will be the elephant’s back leg. On the right, draw two ovals, one larger, it is in contact with the elephant’s body - this will be the elephant’s second back leg, and the other small oval, not far from the large oval - this will be the tip of the elephant’s trunk.

Now connect the elephant's head and the tip of the elephant's trunk with two curved lines - this will be the elephant's trunk. Draw the ears of the elephant; they are large, rounded, located on the right and left sides of the head. From the front, draw the two front legs of the elephant.

Draw the elephant’s eyes, they should be in the form of small circles, draw the elephant’s eyebrows above the eyes. Near the trunk on the right and left sides, draw the elephant’s tusks, the tips of the tusks are pointed. On the back left side, draw a tail for the elephant; the tip of the tail should be like a tassel.

Complete the elephant's eyes, draw them in the form of an oval and draw the pupils. Color your eyebrows brighter, draw a little thicker tail. Complete the elephant's trunk and draw the elephant's fingers.

Erase the extra lines that are no longer needed and color the elephant. Look what a beautiful elephant you have made.

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  3. Conclusion

    Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw an elephant and an elephant step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw this magnificent animal. We wish you good luck in your future works.

Almost all children love to visit zoos with their parents, getting to know new animals. They are especially interested in large and immense individuals, somewhat similar to extinct dinosaurs. Elephants are precisely the type of wild animal that, despite their enormous weight and large dimensions, was tamed by people and began to be used as indispensable assistants in harvesting crops, entertaining tourists, and even building houses and non-residential premises. It is unlikely that it will be possible to depict both a small and a large individual in dimensions close to a living creature. However, a pencil drawing of an elephant can still be depicted by reducing each proportion by a million times.

In today's article, we invite our little readers to draw a pencil drawing of an elephant in various motifs. Several step-by-step variations proposed below will help show how an elephant can be depicted in an easy (simple), complex or very intricate technique.

Unlike many other mammals, elephants sleep standing up and their small babies on their sides.

Elephants' ears weigh more than 150 kilograms, and the distance between them can reach up to 3.5-4.5 meters.

Elephants also eat a lot. In one day they can drink more than 250 liters of water and eat about 400 kg.

They can swim, walk slowly and quickly, covering long distances.

Tamed elephants respond to 50-55 commands and have the largest brains.

Pencil drawing of an elephant for children, master class with photo

Below is the suggested step-by-step instruction, which will help you recreate a simple and at the same time beautiful elephant, without artistic skills. Enough to stick step by step master class to get a drawing identical to the original.

8 picture instructions along with drawing tools will help turn even a beginner into an “amateur artist.”

Drawing an elephant step by step with a pencil

Adults are unlikely to like a simple drawing based on lines. But a “living” likeness, which includes anatomy, shape and silhouette, is quite suitable for starting creativity.

An artist's work always begins with anatomy. First, the author studies the structure of the skeleton, the location of each bone, their shape, length and even proportionality. And only after that he starts drawing. First, a sketch is drawn, which later acquires distinct features and drawing.

The photo below shows what you should start from when creating a drawing.

Finished drawings of an elephant in pencil, photo ideas:

Already drawn +3 I want to draw +3 Thank you + 66

On this page you will definitely learn how to draw an elephant with a pencil step by step, for this we have collected several for you step by step lessons, as well as a video lesson. Prepare your pencil. paper and good mood.

How to draw an elephant with a pencil step by step for beginners

Video lesson: how to draw an elephant with a pencil

How to simply draw an elephant step by step

How to draw an elephant in motion with a pencil step by step

Video: how to draw a cute Baby Elephant for a child

How to learn to draw a 3D elephant on a ball step by step

In this wonderful and simple lesson you will learn how to draw a 3D elephant standing on a ball step by step

  • Step 1

    Hello! Today you will learn how to draw a 3D elephant on a ball step by step. Let's start by sketching out the head and back.

  • Step 2
  • Step 3

    Now we draw the ball, eye, ear and outline the tail.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5

    Add color to the animal.

  • Step 6

    Let's finish decorating the elephant and move on to the next step.

  • Step 7

    Now apply the shadow step by step. We start with the lightest tone.

  • Step 8

    Then the next shade tone.

  • Step 9

    Let's complete the shading of the picture; the shadow at this stage will be the darkest.

  • Step 10

    We're drawing dotted line along which we remove the top part of the sheet.

  • Step 11

    Super! Our circus elephant turned out great. Creative success and see you again at purmix!