The ultrasound said that the fetus has a large stomach. Interpretation of ultrasound of the stomach of the fetus at the second screening. Medical journal on echography

Medical equipment Samsung

The largest microelectronics manufacturer, Samsung has maintained its flagship position in the field of personal digital technology for many years. Products under this brand have become firmly established in the life of modern people.

At the same time, the South Korean concern is a leader not only in the consumer market, but also in professional segments, in particular, in the production of innovative medical equipment.

Fetal ventriculomegaly is the most common abnormality of the central nervous system, affecting 1% of fetuses and associated with cognitive, language, and behavioral impairment in childhood. The neurodestructive outcome is predicted in part by two-dimensional ventricular size in the absence of other abnormalities. We hypothesized that isolated fetal ventriculomegaly is a marker of altered brain development characterized by relative proliferation and aimed to quantify brain growth using volumetric magnetic resonance imaging in fetuses with isolated ventriculomegaly.

High tech Samsung Ultrasound and X-Ray Systems open up unique opportunities for professionals. The digital image processing technologies developed by the company have been highly praised by experts.

For a long period, Professor Christoph Lees (an expert in fetal medicine) conducted research using Samsung medical equipment. “Multiple months of experience in our work... convinced us of the existence of fundamentally new opportunities in the field of intrauterine observation, and in particular – the skeletal system, brain and facial structure of the fetus,” writes the scientist in the authoritative academic publication “Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology” (March 2016 G.).

Volumetric analysis of ventricles and supratentorial brain structures was performed on 3D reconstructed data sets. Fetuses with isolated ventriculomegaly had increased volumes of brain parenchyma compared with control cohorts with expansion limited to gray skin. Extrasecretory cerebrospinal fluid and the third and fourth ventricles were also enlarged. White matter, basal ganglia, and thalamic volumes did not differ significantly between cohorts. The presence of relative cortical overgrowth in fetuses with ventriculomegaly may represent a neurobiological substrate for the cognitive, language, and behavioral deficits in these children.

Samsung medical equipment is supplied to Russia by Mediays, the official dealer of Samsung Medison Co. Ltd. Over 20 years of cooperation, several thousand ultrasound scanners of various configurations have been supplied to medical institutions in our country. Since 2014, Samsung Electronics began supplying and selling digital radiographic equipment.

In the fetus, ventriculomegaly is the most common central nervous system abnormality, occurring in 1% of the fetal population. During normal development, the size of the lateral ventricles remains relatively stable from 14 gestational weeks until birth, with an average atrial diameter of 4 mm. Neurodestructive outcome in children with fetal ventriculomegaly is variable and primarily includes cognitive, language, and behavioral deficits. Classification into mild, moderate, and severe is currently the best predictor of outcome.

Through a branched dealer network "Mediays" Samsung medical equipment is supplied and serviced throughout the territory Russian Federation. The latest samples of ultrasonic and radiographic equipment from the Republic of Korea are demonstrated by the company at central and regional exhibitions. The MediaEys offices in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg have showrooms where company managers give lectures to doctors and conduct practical classes on the principles of operation and design of equipment.

The overall risk of neurological abnormality in isolated mild to moderate ventriculomegaly is 12%, increasing to over 75% in severe cases, even when congenital infection and abnormal karyotype are excluded. Understanding the neurobiological substrate and variability of these abnormal findings will inform ongoing clinical treatment and parental counseling.

Fetal ventriculomegaly is diagnosed when the atrial diameter is equal to or greater than 10 mm. The calipers are placed within the low signal intensity of the inner edge of the ventricular wall and perpendicular to the long axis of the ventricle. Neonatal ventriculomegaly is often associated with posthemorrhagic or anatomical obstruction to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid or secondary to white matter atrophy; however, these are unusual causes in the fetus, where the reason for the dilatation of the lateral ventricles is unknown to most.

"Mediays" provides warranty and post-warranty service for supplied medical equipment. At the plant in the Republic of Korea, the company's engineers are trained in the installation, configuration, maintenance and repair of Samsung medical equipment. It is important to note that MediaEys service support is provided only for medical equipment officially supplied to the Russian Federation. Certified service centers operate in Barnaul, Vladivostok, Volgograd, Vologda, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Pyatigorsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg, Saratov, Tver, Ufa and Chelyabinsk.

Ventriculomegaly is associated with variable brain growth in a fetal rat model, children with Soto syndrome, hemimegalencephaly, and high-functioning children with autism. We hypothesize that fetal ventriculomegaly is a marker of altered brain development characterized by relative brain proliferation. The aim of this study was therefore to quantify brain tissue volumes in fetuses with isolated ventriculomegaly using antenatal magnetic resonance.

Medical journal on echography

In Russia, the journal "SonoAce-Ultrasound" (formerly the international medical journal "SonoAce-International") appeared in 1996. The journal contains up-to-date clinical information and focused on doctors Ultrasound diagnostics, published by Mediaace and distributed free of charge to more than 3,000 medical institutions in the Russian Federation.

Ethical approval was granted by Hammersmith Hospitals Ethics Committee and informed consent was obtained from all participants. Fetuses with unilateral or bilateral ventricular dilatation on conventional ultrasound at approximately 20 weeks were referred to our department for further evaluation of brain development. Three fetuses had normal routine ultrasound scan abnormalities and were diagnosed with ventriculomegaly on late ultrasound scans.

Patients with additional brain abnormalities, positive infection screening and chromosomal abnormalities, intrauterine growth restriction, twin pregnancies, maternal drug consumption, or poor image quality were excluded from this study. There may also be breaks or signs of tissue trauma and distortion. The obstruction may be associated with a large or enlarging occipital frontal circumference and the appearance of cerebral images of air bubbles with reduced extracerebral space, indicating increased pressure within the ventricles and intracranial cavity.

Subjects of the journal articles: diagnostics of the abdominal cavity, superficial organs and vessels, the use of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology, echocardiography, etc.

Numerous letters to the magazine confirm its relevance. The magazine's editorial board thanks readers for their attention and high ratings.

The magazine "SonoAce-Ultrasound" is sent by mail to the official addresses of medical organizations in the Russian Federation. For readers who do not have access to the printed version, the website publishes electronic version magazine in full.

Sometimes structural obstructions may be directly visible, such as a large cyst, hemorrhage, or indirectly, such as secondary dilatation of the third ventricle due to aqueductal stenosis. In addition, changes in signal intensity of adjacent white matter may be detected as a result of edema due to increased pressure, presumably secondary to impaired venous drainage.

Samsung medical equipment

Thus, multiple sets of images were acquired in three orthogonal planes with overlapping slices to reprogram the fetal brain and ensure that every part of the brain was culled even with significant movement. All checks were then reviewed for image quality, and sections affected by motion artifacts where anatomical detail was lost were removed from subsequent analysis. The images were registered to a common coordinate space to align the resulting fragments.

All about ultrasound

Ultrasound is a medical imaging technique that began to be used more than 40 years ago. Currently, medicine can no longer imagine its existence without this diagnostic method. The areas of application of ultrasound in medicine are extremely wide. For diagnostic purposes, it is used to identify diseases of the abdominal and kidney organs, pelvic organs, thyroid gland, mammary glands, lymphatic system, heart, blood vessels, in obstetric and pediatric practice. Due to the physical properties of ultrasound, organs containing air and bone tissue are inaccessible to this method.

The reconstructed 3D volumetric datasets have the high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio, and complete brain coverage needed for robust volumetric analysis. Visual analysis of all acquired images was performed to exclude additional abnormalities and confirm appropriate appearance for pregnancy.

Medical journal on echography

The 3D embryonic brain volume data were aligned to standard axial, coronal, and sagittal projections, and voxel size was interpolated to aid visual display and to help place anatomical bounding surfaces. Total lateral ventricular volume was defined as the volume of both the left and right lateral ventricles, including the choroid plexus but excluding the third and fourth ventricles, membranous septum pellucida, and vergi. Volume lateral ventricle refers to the volume of each lateral ventricle.

Every year a large number of meetings of ultrasound diagnostic specialists take place in Russia. The “Mediays” company organizes and provides sponsorship assistance in holding regional congresses of associations of ultrasound diagnostic specialists, scientific and practical conferences and seminars. The topics of the events are determined by the needs of specialists in the relevant region.
In the news section we publish reports on conferences and exhibitions of medical equipment, announcements of events with our participation.

The fourth ventricular volume was limited to the superior medullary velum, mainly the ape, the anterior arms, the middle cerebellar peduncles laterally, and the vermis posteriorly. Cardiac cortex, basal ganglia, and thalami were manually segmented in a subset of cases due to the extensive work required for manual segmentation. The duration of manual segmentation of gray cortex in a 28-week fetus was 8 hours. 19 cases were selected from 20 to 37 weeks of gestation.

Substructures of the basal ganglia included the coniferous, putaminal, globus pallidus, and nuclear supplies and excluded the anterior and posterior limbs of the internal capsule. Thalamic segmentation included all nuclei defined by tissue contrast of the internal capsule in the transverse direction, the atrial region of the lateral ventricles posteriorly, the third ventricle medially, and the hypothalamus anteriorly. White matter volumes were calculated by subtracting the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and thalamic volumes from the total brain tissue volume.

The echogram atlas was created to demonstrate the capabilities of Samsung Medison scanners. Examples of ultrasound examinations are divided into areas of study and types of scanners, and there is a special selection of 3D echograms and videos.
All echograms of the atlas were obtained using Samsung Medison devices. The main part of the database was received from Korea, new echograms are from users of Samsung Medison scanners in Russia. The material is recommended for viewing by ultrasound diagnostic specialists.

Atrial diameter was measured according to the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology guidelines at the atrium level. Data were log transformed to achieve a normal distribution. A significance level of 05 was considered significant. The intra- and inter-class correlation coefficients were equal for 99. The average difference between intra-media for cortical volume was 2%, and the average difference between rasters was 7%. A total of 89 fetuses were enrolled as normal controls: 31 were excluded according to our exclusion criteria.

Did you know that modern ultrasound scanners allow you to obtain three-dimensional images of objects with a resolution of up to 0.1 mm, examine small vessels and tissue textures, observe blood flow in vessels, and the movement of the walls of the heart?
What is Doppler mapping and elastography? Read the answers to these and other questions about methods of obtaining ultrasound images in the “Technologies” section.

Two fetuses were tested twice during pregnancy. In 33 of 48 fetuses, ventriculomegaly was unilateral. Fifteen fetuses were screened twice, and one was scanned 3 times during pregnancy. The lateral ventricles were assessed using the atrial diameter, the volume of each lateral ventricle, and the total volume of the lateral ventricle. Atrial diameter and lateral ventricle volume correlated well. There was no significant difference in atrial diameter, left or right lateral ventricular volumes, or total lateral ventricular volume between sexes in the control cohort; however, there was a trend toward larger ventricular measurements in men.

The section contains basic concepts, how an ultrasound examination is carried out and whether it is necessary to prepare for it, what 3D ultrasound is, deciphering the examination protocol and much more.

Pregnant women who have been diagnosed by ultrasound the fetus has an enlarged stomach can't find a place for themselves. They are tormented by the question of why this happened, whether it is dangerous or not and what can be done? I know this from my own work experience, when, when conducting an ultrasound examination, the size of the baby’s stomach turned out to be larger than normal. So, let’s look into this issue so that there are no misunderstandings.

In males, the left lateral ventricle was significantly larger than the right, while in females this difference was not significant. Ventricular measurements in normal controls. There was a slight increase in third ventricle volume with a relative growth rate of 098% per week, increasing from 074 cm 3 at 22 weeks to 359 cm 3 per week.

Volumetric results for the control and ventriculomegaly cohorts. Note: Volumetric results for control and ventriculomegaly cohorts. Relative growth rate is the percentage increase in volume relative to the average volume of the structure.

One side of the coin

As a rule, enlarged stomach in the fetus is a functional state. This means that its size directly depends on what the pregnant woman ate. So, if her diet on the eve of the study was dominated by foods accompanied by increased gas formation, then the baby’s stomach becomes enlarged. What to do? It is enough to undergo a dynamic ultrasound in a week, having previously excluded from the diet the following foods the day before:

What to do if the fetus has a stomach pathology detected by ultrasound?

Total volumes of cortical gray matter, basal ganglia, thalamus, and white matter were measured in 19 control cases and the results are presented in the table. The volume of the cortex increased from 01 cm 3 at 22 weeks to 58 cm 3 at 38 weeks. The thalamic volume increased exponentially with a relative growth rate of 13% per week from 88 cm 3 per week to 22-52 cm 3 per week. White matter volume increased at a relative growth rate of 27% per week from 15 cm 3 at week 22-25 cm 3 at 38 weeks.

Correlations with Ventricular Size in the Control Cohort

There was no significant correlation between the total volume of the lateral ventricle and the cortex, basal ganglia, and white matter. Correlation of total ventricular volume and intracranial volumetric measurements. Note: Correlation of total ventricular volume and intracranial volumetric measurements. Spearman's correlation coefficient is presented for each relationship. The correlations performed were not adjusted for gestational age.

  • Radish
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Cabbage
  • Rye bread
  • Milk
  • Kefir
  • Cottage cheese
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Grape
  • Green.

It is best to eat during the day before the test:

  • Crackers
  • Porridge pudding (porridges themselves can also lead to increased gas formation).

If, upon repeated ultrasound, the size of the fetus’s stomach is normal, then there is no cause for concern.

The other side of the coin

Much less often enlarged stomach in the fetus may be a sign of an abnormal structure of his gastrointestinal tract. Most often we are talking about intestinal obstruction caused by obstruction of one or another part of the intestine. Another reason may be a mass formation in the abdominal cavity, which compresses the digestive tract. To exclude these conditions, dynamic ultrasound is performed. If, upon repeated examination, the diagnosis is confirmed, then it is necessary to give birth in a perinatal center, where it is possible to perform emergency surgery immediately after birth.