How to hit cerebral palsy with blogging, or the financial success of five-year-old Nastya Like.

To the question: “Who is the most popular blogger in Russia?” - most of the growing viewers of the domestic YouTube segment will shed tears and proudly name the names of Ivangay, Max +100500, Brian from the TheBrianMaps channel or the creator of the SlivkiShow project. But there is no need to rush, because recently the so-called crown of Russian video blogging has passed to five-year-old Anastasia Radzinskaya, who in a fairly short time managed to gather almost 30 million subscribers under her banner. About who is behind the success of a little girl from Krasnodar, how she managed to win the hearts of YouTube regulars and why parents are rebelling against such content - in the material

PewDiePie never dreamed of it

A casual viewer who, in search of suitable content, inadvertently stumbles upon a YouTube channel Like Nastya Blog, will be able to find out that young Radzinskaya’s account was created in December 2016 - at that bright time when the future star was not even three years old. From the description of the channel, it will become extremely clear to the user that his psyche will be subject to tests from the category of “children’s vlogs and the online life of a little girl,” “ real life families and most highlights life”, as well as “a lot of entertainment for children, new toys and games for children, travel and the most interesting places.”

All of the above is illustrated in colors by videos with titles “Nastya and dad make slime from a bright shiny worm” , "Nastya and the beauty salon for princesses" and, for example, “Nastya and dad play in a talent show with musical instruments”. In the video, Radzinskaya, barely speaking, masterfully plays various roles with her father, accompanied by cheerful accompaniment, in the best traditions of the heroines from the series “Ranetki.” It is especially worth highlighting the acting talent of Like Nastya's dad - the man easily transforms from an over-aged senile man who has fallen into childhood into a rock star or a stylist with an extremely unconventional sexual orientation.

Like Nastya Vlog / YouTube

On this interesting note, the conventional viewer’s acquaintance with the Like Nastya channel could have ended if not for the numbers under the video, subtly hinting that 30 million people are watching with pleasure the unassuming creativity of a five-year-old girl and her parents. By the way, not every foreign YouTube star can boast of such results.

For example, the notorious American blogger Logan Paul, at the beginning of 2018, the whole world with a video mocking the corpse of a suicide, nervously stomps on the sidelines along with its pitiful 19 million viewers. Frankly inferior to Like Nastya in the number of views is the most popular YouTuber, known under the pseudonym PewDiePie(97.7 million subscribers). On average, each Kjellberg video is watched by about 10 million people. Radzinskaya's videos easily surpass the mark of 30 and even 40 million views. What can we say about Max +100500 and other Ivangais.

A punch in the gut to supposedly popular YouTube bloggers - the most successful video on the Like Nastya Blog channel. Video “Nastya and papa sleepy walk on the sheep farm Video for children Nastya and papa sleeping at farm sheep” gained over 695 million views. For comparison - the most famous video PewDiePie barely broke the 206 million mark.

Like Nastya Vlog / YouTube

Where do legs grow from?

It is quite possible that the fact is that neither Kjellberg, nor Paul, nor even Ivangay were produced by their own parents. But Anastasia Radzinskaya from the city of Krasnodar has a completely different story - her first channel, which is simply called Like Nastya, was created in January 2016 by Anna Radzinskaya, mother of Like Nastya. Apparently, then the woman was not satisfied with the income from the wedding salon, which, according to her, brought her about 300 thousand rubles a month, and she decided to try her luck on YouTube.

To be honest, the content of the main channel is practically no different from the Blog version. Like Nastya still rides the roller coaster, goes to visit Santa Claus and unpacks New Year's gifts along with his omnipresent father, who carefully maintains anonymity and introduces himself simply as “Dad.”

Like Nastya Vlog / YouTube

The only thing that is known about the girl’s father: before the boom in his daughter’s popularity, he allegedly ran a construction company, which “would have been many times more profitable, but in reality the income was very unstable,” follows from an article on Like Nastya on Wikipedia, which is most likely , her parents scrupulously edit, noting each new success of their child.

After all, the majority of Like Nastya’s audience are children whose parents abandoned them to their fate in the vast expanses of YouTube. Judging by the popularity of the girl’s account in "VKontakte", the reality of which is confirmed by the presence in the “Friends” tab of Yoola employees (a media network that works with thousands of bloggers, helping in the development, production and distribution of content), out of almost 30 million viewers of Like Nastya Blog, only a thousand people have grown to have your own social network account.

The Radzinsky couple began conquering the young audience with the most ordinary unboxings of toys, which, unfortunately, did not interest connoisseurs spoiled by a huge amount of children's content. Parents decided strategically right decision: visiting all kinds of amusement parks and filming it - literally in a matter of months the channel gained more than 2.5 million subscribers.

During her still short life, Like Nastya has already managed to visit children's parks in Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Bali, Malaysia and the UAE, as well as pretty much empty her parents' wallets. Nevertheless, the costs turned out to be justified. According to the SocialBlade service for 2019, the Like Nastya channel monthly brings the Radzinsky family from 230 thousand to 3.7 million rubles, and the Like Nastya Blog project - from 2.2 million to 36.5 million rubles.

Like Nastya Vlog / YouTube

It is worth noting that in the videos made by the parents of the growing blogger, there is no overt advertising of any brands. Sometimes, however, you can find an unobtrusive demonstration of products from a particular company.

Such children's content

The lack of direct advertising can be explained by the very strained relationship between the video hosting administration and parents who make money or are trying to make money from the popularity of their children. The fact is that in November 2017, YouTube signed many lucrative contracts with large brands, whose management did not like the fact that the service showed their advertising during inappropriate videos featuring children.

One of the reasons for the tragedy was the “creativity” of the Martin couple - American bloggers Mike and Heather, who won the hearts of hundreds of thousands of viewers with sophisticated bullying and mockery of their children. As a result, after numerous complaints and deathly silence from YouTube, unfortunate YouTubers parental rights and they gave me a conditional sentence. the largest channel in the CIS with 9.4 million subscribers is Vlad Crazy Show, the authors of which have been repeatedly accused of inappropriate treatment of children.

But the YouTube administration didn’t stop there. New and very strict publishing rules for authors of children's content were urgently introduced. According to the direct competitor of Like Nastya’s parents, Andrei Tvardovsky, who oversees the channels Mister Max (13.6 million subscribers) and Miss Katy (14 million subscribers), following the new rules, his children Max and Katya are prohibited from appearing in swimsuits and eating unhealthy sweets. camera, play pranks and touch sharp objects.

It may very well be that this is why both Tvardovsky and the Radzinsky couple deny themselves direct advertising of brands and close comments on videos, thereby protecting YouTube from the invasion of hordes of potential pedophiles who discredit the good name of the video hosting service in front of reputable advertisers.

YouTube needs this

Despite the fact that there is no opportunity to comment on the work of the Kuban girl on YouTube, on the Internet you can find very controversial reviews of the so-called “Mommies” about the content of the Radzinsky family. “But the thing I don’t like is stupidity,” admits a viewer with the nickname dolly-slob. “Nastya does what she wants: she pours shower gel into the bathroom, then throws it on the floor, throws a cake on the floor, fights with toys. They don't do anything to her for this. They don't scold, they don't shout. Why? They have a different goal - as many views, likes, money as possible! And our children believe in this impunity, then in life they do the same thing and cannot understand why - nothing happened to Nastya,” she summed up indignantly, noting that nevertheless she likes the editing of the Like Nastya project.

Channel “Like Nastya” is an entertainment channel on Youtube, where you can see the life and leisure of a cheerful five-year-old girl Anastasia Radzinskaya from Krasnodar (Russia). Together with her mom and dad, she talks about her impressions of visiting amusement parks and children's leisure centers, introduces her to her friends and shows all her adventures.

According to statistics from December 2019 channel Like Nastya has 15.1 million subscribers, which is an absolute indicator of stunning success on the network. The target audience of the vlog is children from 3 years old and their parents.

In parallel, Nastya and her parents have another channel - Like Nastya Vlog, where you can also see fun travels, endless entertainment, games and many, many funny episodes from the life of a girl.

The trick is uniqueness

Anastasia Radzinskaya’s channel was created in January 2015 and has since won the love of subscribers.

Here you can see everything for yourself and your child:

    unpacking toys;

    parodies of the cartoon "Masha and the Bear";

    description of the craziest amusement parks in the world;

    Nastya will tell you about shopping in exotic countries, gifts for any holiday;

    learn to sing funny songs together and play exciting games.

This is the unique feature of the channel on Russian-language Youtube. To date, all the author's videos in this video blog have collected 4,889,909,543 views, and this figure is growing every day.

Traveling with the Radzinsky family

Over the three years of the existence of the “Like Nastya” vlog, the family managed to visit many countries, including Singapore, China, the USA, Malaysia, Italy, Spain, Germany, the UAE, the island republics of Thailand, Indonesia (Bali) and other countries.

Also on this channel Like Nastya you can find a whole series of experiments for children and scientific experiments that will interest any little explorer. Nastya loves and will be happy to tell you about:


    Baby Born dolls;

    Peppa Pig;

    about the cartoon about Masha and the Bear;

    Elsa from Frozen and PAW Patrol.

High quality shooting and editing, bright locations and creative approach to videos channel Like Nastya- those highlights that attract the attention of Nastya’s fans. All videos are made with soul and for the soul, and sincerity, spontaneity, artistry, sense of humor and creative ideas captivate viewers.

Join the site and discover a world of entertainment and unforgettable experiences! And don't forget to subscribe to channel Like Nastya (“Like Nastya”).

At birth, Nastya was diagnosed with a severe form of cerebral palsy (CP) - doctors said that the girl would not walk or talk. The parents devoted all their efforts to treatment, and after a few years the signs of the disease disappeared. One of the methods of therapy was working on camera: this is how Nastya’s parents taught her to interact with the outside world. Today the total number of subscribers of Nastya’s five channels exceeds 87 million people, her videos are watched in Russian, English, Arabic and Spanish. Simple videos about how a girl is getting ready for school (in the USA you can start studying at age 5), eats, enjoys new clothes, is capricious and jumps on a trampoline, bring the young actress hundreds of thousands of dollars a month. In an interview with Forbes, Nastya’s parents told how a Russian child in three years became richer than the heads of many international corporations.

Treat with love

Future Internet millionaires 34-year-old Anna and 42-year-old Yuri Radzinsky began dating thanks to a dating site. They communicated at a distance for several months, and then Anna moved from her hometown of Tuapse in the Krasnodar Territory to Greece, where Yuri then lived. Back in the late 90s, he moved to the island of Naxos with his parents, where he developed several small businesses (“here and there, nothing specific”), and Anna took herself on vacation in honor of her successful graduation. “I swam and sunbathed for a year,” the girl recalls.

In 2008, the couple decided to return to Russia to launch family business. Anna and Yuri moved to Tuapse, got married and opened a company renting out construction tools. Soon this business grew into a construction company: Yuri led a team that carried out contract orders. Anna launched her own project for organizing events, and then also a wedding salon. Each business brought in several million rubles in revenue per year, and the couple felt stable.

At birth, little Nastya was diagnosed with a severe form of cerebral palsy.-doctors said that the girl would not walk or talk

In 2014, their daughter Nastya was born. Doctors made a terrible diagnosis - a severe form of cerebral palsy, which arose due to intrauterine trauma. “We were told that Nastya would not walk or talk,” recalls Anna. Together with her husband, they devoted all their efforts to treating their daughter - they took her to doctors, talked with the child around the clock. By the age of two, it became clear that the girl was developing normally. “Either the treatment and our love helped, or the doctors made a mistake with the diagnosis,” Radzinskaya shrugs.

To consolidate the result, the parents decided to develop Nastya’s acting abilities. “We looked at what was on YouTube for children, saw that videos of a child unpacking gifts were very popular, and decided to try filming Nastya,” says Anna. According to her, “there was absolutely no information on the Internet - they didn’t write anywhere about who a blogger is and how to make money from it.” We decided to act on intuition: we bought Nastya several toys, took a hand-held camera that was at home, and began filming the girl’s reaction. The video was posted on a channel called Like Nastya. Two-year-old Nastya had no idea of ​​being embarrassed: she laughed and was sincerely surprised by the contents of the boxes. “We didn’t even tell her what to do: we just filmed the child as he is. Children are cute,” says Radzinskaya.

By 2016, the children's segment of YouTube was already quite well developed - in Russia alone there were more than a dozen channels on which boys and girls unwrapped gifts.“The children's segment on YouTube is a huge area with a large loyal audience. We launched a separate YouTube Kids application especially for children,” says Elizaveta Lykhina, head of YouTube partner relations in Russia and the CIS. “We were not the first, but we began to gain popularity very quickly. I think it helped that Nastya always behaved naturally on camera. This is a child who is fully involved in the process and who genuinely enjoys it. It was nice to look at her,” says Anna. The audience were mainly children who watched videos about Nastya’s life instead of boring cartoons.

“Nastya began to be recognized on the streets: children from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia pointed to their daughter and said: “Oh, you’re from YouTube!”

The turning point happened six months after the blog was launched. Once a day from YouTube to the Radzinskys20,000 rubles arrived. “We realized that everything would only grow further: today 20,000 came, tomorrow there will be even more. At this rate, we would earn about $10,000 a month - this is a good income,” the couple reasoned then.

They decided that they were already on their feet enough to develop more creative formats. Traveling around Asia helped diversify the content. “It’s winter in Russia, it’s cold, the child doesn’t go to school yet, we’re mobile - why not go to a warm country?” - Anna explains her decision. The trip lasted for 9 months, during which the RadzinskysThey completely redid the blog: they began filming video clips about Nastya going on rides, choosing what to wear, and trying local food. The number of subscribers reached a million, and income began to amount to tens of thousands of dollars. “They even began to recognize Nastya on the streets: children from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia - everywhere we were - pointed at her daughter and said: “Oh, you’re from YouTube!”, called her by name, asked to take a photo,” says Anna.

“You can come up with a script in a minute, or you can sit on it for a month”

By that time, the couple had closed the wedding salon and the company organizing holidays - the projects took a lot of time and effort, and brought practically no profit. The construction company remained, but its management was given to a manager. The main source of income for the family was the channel of three-year-old Nastya.

American dream

After the Asian vacation, it became clear that Nastya’s videos are interesting to children from all over the world.“Children's content is multilingual. Despite the fact that the video may be filmed in Russian, children from other countries will also watch it; emotions are important to them,” explains Yaroslav Andreev, founder of the blogging agency WildJam, better known as the “Elf Merchant,” explains this phenomenon. The plot of the videos is really was understandable without words, but in order to increase the loyalty of the foreign audience, the Radzinskys began to translate each video. To do this, they hired translators who duplicated the lines of Nastya and her dad Yuri - another constant hero of the skits - and re-voiced the video. We started with English, then added Spanish to cover Latin America, and Arabic.“Currently, content export is a very important area for Russian-speaking creators. It is necessary not only to translate your content into global languages, but also to localize it taking into account the specifics of the audience in new markets, warns Elizaveta Lykhina from YouTube. “In particular, the focus on quality of content becomes especially important: in competitive English-speaking markets, audiences are very picky and have very high expectations.”

From a makeshift family video, the filming process turned into a full-fledged business: the Radzinskys began to produce videos every day, hire editors and special effects specialists, and look for suitable props - unusual toys, clothes, accessories, mannequins. “In Russia there are big problems with this: we can’t find anything, large platforms like Amazon don’t deliver almost any goods to us,” complains Anna. Tired of limited assortment and Russian winter, the Radzinskysat the end of 2017 we decided to move to America. “We also considered London, since there is a very strong education there, but we don’t want to freeze. In Miami there is no winter, no sudden temperature changes, there is Amazon, where we buy everything. So for now we’re warming up and learning,” says Nastya’s mother.

Tame YouTube

“In one of the videos, Nastya was jumping on a trampoline, and the edge of her underwear lit up in the video. Our lawyer immediately said that they wouldn’t let it through, it had to be re-shot.”

To survive the blocking period (a few months later YouTube returned Like Nastya’s right to work),The Radzinskys registered several new channels. According to Anna, they practically did not feel any decline in views. " little child- Nastya's main viewer - will not go in and type the exact name of the channel into the search bar. He can write “Nastya” or simply pick up the iPad and click on a familiar picture in the “recommended” one, says Anna.

“It just seems from the outside that blogging is easy. All you have to do is miss one day, the number of views immediately drops, and therefore the income.”

The fact that their daughter earns more than their businesses ever brought in, the Radzinskysnot surprising. “It just seems from the outside that blogging is easy. In fact, this business is a hundred times more complicated than construction and wedding business, says Anna. - Firstly, there is a creative process here - you can come up with a script in a minute, or you can sit on it for a month. Then you have to combine the work of the screenwriter, director, editor and cameraman. Besides, in any other job you can take a day off, turn off your phone and go on vacation, leaving everything to the managers. But here, if you just miss one day, the number of views immediately drops, and therefore the income.”

“The situation is the same as with child movie stars. This often ruins their fate: a sharp decline in popularity can greatly affect how the child perceives the world.”

The day of the young blogger’s mother is scheduled minute by minute: getting up early, writing a script, filming, organizational issues, watching video material. “Everyone is surprised - the child does nothing and earns millions. But the child is only an actor,” says the entrepreneur. “Our channel is our work from dawn to dusk, it is the work of a huge team, without which nothing would happen.”

Mikhail Karpushin from GetBlogger warns that the desire to make money on the visual image of a child can be fraught psychological problems for the child himself. “The situation is the same as with child movie stars. Often this ruins their fate: a sharp decline in popularity can greatly affect how they perceive the world, through what prism they look at it, he believes. “Yes, children’s YouTube is a profitable business, but I, for example, would not want my children to become bloggers.” Nastya’s parents are not worried about this: according to them, the girl enjoys the process and does not experience any negative consequences of her popularity. “We only shoot videos in which my daughter wants to participate. We show her: Nastya, today we will film about dresses, you will change them. That’s it, she’s already running happy, she doesn’t need anything anymore,” Anna assures. According to Nastya herself, when she grows up, she dreams of becoming “a businessman and maybe an actress.”

If you still haven’t heard about a five-year-old blogger from Krasnodar, who somehow miraculously managed to overcome cerebral palsy and take third place in the list of “Richest Bloggers,” then you simply haven’t opened YouTube for a long time. But the reality is this: Nastya Radzinskaya is still a few years away from school, she was diagnosed with a severe form of cerebral palsy, together with her parents she successfully settled in the state of Florida, in the USA, and has more than 34,000,000 subscribers on YouTube. How much does Like Nastya earn, and what is the secret of her success?

  • birth name - Anastasia Yurievna Radzinskaya;
  • middle name (blogger nickname) - Like Nastya/Like Nastya Vlog;
  • date of birth - January 27, 2014;
  • place of birth - Krasnodar (Russia);
  • parents Anna and Yuri Radzinsky devoted themselves to filming their daughter;
  • diagnosis - cerebral palsy (now does not show symptoms);
  • Occupation: child video blogger on YouTube;
  • subscribers - 42,500,000 people;
  • the total number of video views on the Like Nastya Vlog channel is more than 10.3 billion views;
  • target audience - children;
  • social networks - YouTube - Instagram.

How much does Like Nastya earn?

It would seem how this is possible: a child who is only 5 years old managed to overcome an almost incurable disease - cerebral palsy, get on the Forbes list, earn millions of dollars, and all this by simply opening various gifts on video and having fun in children's amusement parks around the world ? But this is the 21st century, when children who are far from a conscious age can earn tens of times more than serious guys from offices.

So, in 2019, with the help of YouTube and the Like video camera, Nastya earned $19,600,000.

Period Earnings (dollars) Salary (euros) Earnings (rubles)
Year19 600 000 17 683 156 1 218 478 854
Month1 633 333 1 473 596 101 539 884
Week408 333 368 399 25 384 955
Day58 333 52 628 3 626 404
Hour2 431 2 193 151 129
Minute40,51 36,55 2 518
Second0,7 0,6 42

Brief biography of the Like Nastya project

Yuri and Anna Radzinsky met in 2009 like many modern young people - on the Internet. They moved in together, got married and started a family nest in Tuapse, in the Krasnodar Territory. In order to create strong ground under their feet and prepare financially for the birth of a child, each of the spouses began to earn money through private business.

In the video you can see how Nastya Like’s birthday is celebrated

Unexpectedly for everyone, the videos began to rapidly gain views. In addition, it was 2016 and the children’s segment on YouTube was developing more actively than ever. This is partly why videos with a pretty girl and a simple plot have become so popular.

In the summer of 2016, the first 20,000 rubles were transferred to the parents’ account. At that time, it was prohibited to sell or buy advertising on video hosting. YouTube itself found popular videos, integrated advertising into them and sent part of the money to the owners’ account.

Yuri and Anna Radzinsky realized that this was just the beginning, abandoned their businesses and devoted all their energy to filming their daughter and developing channel Like Nastya. Already in December 2016, the couple earned $10,000.

During the first half of 2017, more than one and a half million people subscribed to the channel, and the family’s monthly income began to exceed $50,000. The second half of the year increased the number of subscribers, views and earnings by another twofold.

This is how the Like Nastya channel has developed at such a crazy pace. Family earnings for 2019 range from $200,000 to $500,000 monthly. The amount depends on the number of video views.

What does the young millionaire own?

So, in just 3 years, Like Nastya turned from a child with cerebral palsy into a person on the Forbes list. Where does the baby and her family spend the money they earn?

  • penthouse in Florida - just over $3,000,000;
  • cars for parents Porsche Panamera and Porsche Cayenne, totaling about 15 million rubles ($240,000);
  • Audi children's car for Nastya - $39,000;
  • video equipment worth $400,000;
  • collection of outfits and jewelry - about $500,000.

The “Like Nastya” channel and thematic vlog created a real sensation on the Russian-language YouTube. About 13,000,000 people subscribed to Nastya Like’s main channel, and 30,000,000 to the additional one. This is all despite the fact that the little presenter Nastya Radzinskaya from the Krasnodar Territory was barely five years old.

Many fans are wondering how the channel became a millionaire? How much does the baby earn, and also, who is her father and mother - the second question of people who accidentally ended up on the children's channel?

Little is known about the life of Nastya’s parents, since she has an inactive Instagram page. The work of the “Like Nastya” group on the VKontakte social network was suspended two years ago.

Why did the Nastya Like channel appear?

The little girl is considered the highest paid blogger on the YouTube channel. The World Jam agency indicates that Nastya receives 1,500,000 Russian rubles monthly.

The girl’s parents are well-known Krasnodar businessmen, and her mother Anna was the owner of a wedding salon, whose monthly profit was 300 thousand rubles. It is unknown who little Nastya’s dad is, but he is the owner of a construction company that employed twenty people.

Anastasia was born at the beginning of winter 2014, and a year later her parents sold the company during the crisis. At this time, there was significantly less money in the house, since weddings were also postponed until better times. The woman began to look additional sources income and found them when her daughter turned two.