Vegetables are fresh. Vegetable harvest Dream interpretation of collecting vegetables

Vegetables in dreams are a multi-valued and interesting symbol. When interpreting, they take into account the type, variety of the product, its quality characteristics, and, of course, the dreamer’s attitude towards this or that gift from the garden. After all, we are all different, and it’s simply stupid to argue about tastes. Some enjoy eating cabbage, others cannot stand it, but love tomatoes or cucumbers. However, first things first, let’s open the dream books and read the most interesting comments about why vegetables are dreamed about.

Miller's opinion

Gustav Miller suggested that eating vegetables in night vision is a sign of good luck. But later you will have to pay for it or learn lessons.

Why else do you dream that you are eating gifts from garden beds, from greenhouses? According to the dream book, this is a harbinger of a new love interest. But it just so happens that the romantic story will leave you with bitter disappointment.
And yet, tasty, fresh vegetables that you tried while sleeping promise joyful, bright moments, but sour and unripe ones are a sign of upcoming quarrels and disputes.

Simple food

Unlike fruits, which are considered a dessert and are often delivered from overseas countries, vegetables are a more affordable, everyday food. But growing them in the garden is sometimes quite difficult. Therefore, unlike delicious fruits, they are associated in dream books with hard work, negative changes, and trials.

It should be noted that fruit, in dream books, is a good omen, promising recognition, fame, and success. Why did you dream about the simple gifts of the garden and the exotic fruits of gardens and greenhouses at the same time? This is the result of the dreamer’s real work, which will depend on how successful the harvest is in the dream.
Sometimes fruits in night fantasies are a reflection of the desires of the sleeper, and their quantity and quality are a hint as to how likely the plan is to come true.

And sadness and joy

Why did you dream about so many different bitter vegetables at once? This is a sign of upcoming grief and tears for very serious reasons.

But don’t be upset, but rather remember: where were the foods full of vitamins in the dream? If in a basket, then the dream book predicts great success. And you don’t even have to lift a finger to do this. Everything will work out by itself!

The dream book gives a lot of interesting predictions about why the vegetable basket was presented. Firstly, the vision portends wealth and prosperity. And the lady in the position is pleased that she will be successfully relieved of her burden. She will give birth to a cute, healthy baby.

Supplies, preparations

In reality you will be offered to participate in an activity that will bring high incomes, dividends, that’s what I dreamed about, how we went down into the underground, where a large amount of canned vegetables is stored.
But the dream book reminds us that the underground, the basement, is a symbol of memories, suppressed emotions, and unfulfilled ambitions. So, think, correlate what you saw in a dream with events in reality before agreeing to sponsor any project. Moreover, jars with vegetable preparations in night fantasy are an expression of the sleeper’s anxiety about past events that still haunt him. This is also a warning that everything in life is relative, and success is often followed by fall, disappointment, and failure.

Soulful vegetable garden

Oddly enough, but according to the dream book, a garden full of beds with vegetables is a reproduction of the current state of mind the dreamer, as well as a projection of what will be happening in his subconscious.

The better the plants looked in the dreamed ridges, the more positive emotions the dreamer will experience, the more successful his business will be. But, remember that the dream book assigns each vegetable its own “role”.

Affairs, worries

Time will fly by, you won’t be bored, and you will have time to do a bunch of useful things around the house, which is why you dreamed about planting plants in the garden and caring for them.

But if in the night story you were mastering agricultural technology in the fields, then the dream book warns: your business partners and the people you want to rely on will let you down at the most crucial moment.

What to think if in a dream crops were stolen from fields or vegetable gardens? According to this plot, events in reality will develop in this way: you will achieve your goal, ignoring public opinion.

Young - green, and not thought out

Strange, but fresh vegetables in a night phantasmagoria may be the first symptom of a progressive disease. And if you ate food, plucking it directly from the beds, then the dream book advises: if you feel unwell, resort to traditional medicine methods.

Patience and endurance will be needed for those who, in their midnight slumber, were harvesting vegetables to prepare a certain dish, the dream book hints. It is advisable to remember what the prepared products were. If they are very young, then the sleeper will have to bring some idea to life from the very beginning. And if the vegetables in the dream were green and unripe, then many undertakings will end in failure. But ripe fruits, on the contrary, promise unprecedented luck.

Each vegetable has its own interpretation

In dream books there is an entertaining description of why this or that particular vegetable is dreamed of.

Did you dream about vegetables? This symbol can be interpreted in the most incredible ways. It all depends on the quality of the fruit, its type and the personal actions of the dreamer. The dream book will popularly explain why such a multifaceted dream image is dreamed of.

How to interpret?

Initially, you need to remember: vegetables most often symbolize a certain choice, but in general they promise somewhat negative events: hard work, losses and worries.

Fruits carry more positive meanings: love, reward, knowledge. Why do you dream of vegetables and fruits at the same time? The dream book is confident that they reflect the overall result of past actions, the nature of which determines the state of the harvest.

In addition, fruits in a dream symbolize desires and the possibility of their realization.

Tears or success?

Why do you dream about many different vegetables? They guarantee tears and upsets for very good reasons.

Did you dream of a huge basket containing a lot of high-quality and ripe products? You are destined for great success without much effort.

It’s even better if they give you this basket in a dream. The vision promises prosperity and prosperity. For a pregnant woman, the dream book guarantees an easy birth and a healthy baby.


Did you dream that you went into the cellar and saw countless vegetable supplies there? There is a chance that you will be offered to participate in a business that will bring generous dividends.

Therefore, to see jars of canned vegetables in it means that something from the past haunts you, and current success will very soon give way to disappointment.

What are you striving for?

Why do you dream of a vegetable garden planted with vegetables? This is a symbol of personal emotional state, as well as current affairs and plans for the future.

The better and more lush the vegetation in the garden bed is, the more successful things will be. The dream book reminds: different vegetables convey different aspects of life.


In your dream, was there a garden where you grew plants yourself? In real life, you will have a great time doing your usual household chores.

But seeing crops in the field is much worse. The vision hints: partners will let you down. If you happen to steal someone else’s harvest, then actually realize your intention contrary to the opinions of others.

Treat yourself!

Why do you dream of fresh vegetables? Alas, the dream book guarantees deterioration in health. Did you dream that you ate raw foods? The dream suggests that it is necessary to treat the disease using traditional methods.

If in a dream you used fresh plants to prepare some kind of dish, then you will have to be patient to move the matter forward.

At the same time, young fruits symbolize the initial stage of projects with unforeseen results, green ones reflect vain expectations, and ripe ones promise unexpected luck.

Specific transcripts

The dream book reminds that the interpretation of a dream must be based on a more specific variety of vegetables.

  • Tomatoes are household chores.
  • Cucumbers are amorous.
  • Carrots – health and well-being.
  • Beets – relief from worries, joy.
  • Greenery – features of the path to success.
  • Onion - difficulties in business.
  • Cabbage – everything related to money.
  • Pumpkin is a miracle, the fulfillment of dreams.
  • Potatoes - satisfaction, physical labor.

To deliverance!

Why do you dream of rotten fruit? In a dream, it is a symbol of disappointment, sadness and failure.

Have you seen quite normal vegetables, but they turned out to be rotten inside? This means that you are destined for betrayal, setup or deception.

Did you dream about throwing away spoiled vegetables? The dream book is sure: you will get rid of problems on your own, although they will bring a lot of worries.

Stop being frivolous!

What do vegetables with worms mean in a dream? You have to experience for yourself the deceit of vile people. Wormy fruits also warn of unexpected losses.

Did you dream that a fat worm was found in quite decent fruits? Troubles will be the result of your own frivolity.

The worst thing is to see rotten vegetables. This is a sure sign of deterioration in affairs and relationships. In addition, Vanga’s dream book is convinced that rotten meat in a dream warns of the evil eye, damage and even a curse.

Do you need it?

Why do you dream that you went to the market to buy roots and tomatoes? The dream book believes that your dream will come true, but other people will unwittingly suffer.

Picking and choosing vegetable products at the store and then buying them literally means that you are deliberately creating problems.

A deal with conscience?

Buying goods in a dream without looking is much better. The dream book considers the plot a sign of unimaginable luck, which will turn out to be a gift of fate.

Moreover, if you had to buy some vegetables, then some kind of transaction will take place that will bring big money.

In general, buying vegetables promises respect and honor, but selling them means that you have to compromise with your own conscience.

Miller's statement

Miller's dream book states: eating vegetables in a dream means unexpected luck, which will later turn into a serious test.

Don't get carried away!

Why else do you dream that you happen to eat vegetables? In reality, you will be seriously carried away by your new love, but in the end it will lead to disappointment.

At the same time, eating sweet and tasty fruits - to pleasure and joy, sour or bitter - to quarrel, discord and misunderstanding.

Don't waste your money!

Did you happen to pick vegetables in a dream? This is a sign of prosperity and relative poverty. The dream book, however, believes that picking vegetables literally means wasting your energy on a useless task.

At the same time, a rich harvest signifies profit and prosperity, while a meager harvest, on the contrary, promises failure and poverty.

Have you ever dug up root crops? You have to do thankless and in some ways humiliating work.

Planting seed at night is no better. In reality, you will start a business that will be a big failure.

Don't swear!

Why else do you dream of vegetables? The dream book advises you to remember what exactly you did with them in your dream.

Cutting means stupid disputes with neighbors and household members. Seeing chopped pieces or salad means confusion and complete chaos in business.

Have you ever washed vegetables? Soon you will have to use physical strength. Cleaning them means separation. But after that, a new, more successful love awaits you.

What are you capable of?

Did you dream that you had to cook root vegetables? The dream book believes that you have the ability to influence the world around you and its events.

At the same time, seeing boiled food is a sign of protest caused by an unacceptable decision by the authorities.

Did you happen to fry something in a dream? Your actions will bring heartache to someone close to you.

Better salt it!

Why do you dream about vegetables that had to be canned? Soon someone will appear on the horizon who will impress you with his difference and originality.

Pickling roots in a dream means involuntary deception. The dream book is sure that the lie will be revealed, and you will find yourself in a very unsightly position.

It is best to salt vegetables. The vision promises prosperity and a well-fed life. In addition, salty foods themselves symbolize wisdom, life experience and knowledge.

If in a dream you happened to harvest a crop, know that profit and success await you, dream books delight their readers. Of course, when interpreting why you dream about harvesting, you should take into account what exactly you were harvesting. Remember all the details of your dream and plunge into the world of knowledge of wise dream interpreters - they will help you decide on your future.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller, in interpreting what dreams of picking vegetables mean, was not much different from other soothsayers. According to his version, consonant with other dream books, harvesting vegetables in a dream means the beginning of a new and prosperous life.

But if you see in a dream that the “gifts of autumn” you have collected have an unattractive appearance, or the vegetables smell bad, then this may mean bankruptcy and loss of financial sense.

“What is stored in the basket?..”

Take a closer look at what exactly is in the basket or bucket, and you will understand why you dream about the harvest:

  • seeing potatoes in a dream is a sign of a well-fed life;
  • dreamed of carrots or beets - to an interesting job offer;
  • apples symbolize success with the opposite sex;
  • seeing any fruits or berries is a sign of fun;
  • I dreamed of a basket full of mushrooms - fortunately in the family.

Fruit boom as a symbol of joy

Did you dream that you collected a lot of different fruits? This is a joyful omen, says Miss Hasse’s dream book. Prosperity, glory and honor await you. Did you have to harvest the crop before the deadline? The interpretation of the dream, according to Pastor Loff’s dream book, is as follows: unexpected surprises, but, unfortunately, not always pleasant ones.

In a dream, did you see that all the fruits were gone due to drought? Someone is trying to take your place, so they will disturb and harm you in every possible way. But if you still managed to collect at least a few sweet, aromatic fruits, then you will be able to withstand all unpleasant surprises.

Vegetable wealth is a sign of prosperity

Seeing yourself in the garden harvesting potatoes is a sign of quick enrichment, assures the Eastern dream interpreter. The potatoes were all smooth and beautiful - easy money; crooked or dirty potatoes are a symbol of the fact that for the sake of profit you will have to work “up a sweat.”

Why dream of harvesting carrots in your own garden? Soon you will be offered to change not just your place of work, but also your profession. The carrots were scattered in the garden, and did not lie in one place - you will fight for “a place in the sun” with several contenders, so get ready for the fight, advises Tsvetkov’s dream book.

Fruit and berry reserves, or Happiness is nearby...

Why do you dream of harvesting berries or mushrooms, the Autumn Dream Book will tell you: the splendor of berries, collected and closed in jars, promises joy, laughter and good mood for a long time. The berries were sweet and juicy - a sign of success in your plans. But sour berries predict a number of trials that will befall you.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream about Harvest according to the dream book:

Harvest - Seeing that a rich harvest has been reaped is a good prophecy of peace and happiness.

To see that you saw some insects destroying the crop - then a turbulent life full of financial problems awaits you.

See also: why do you dream about harvesting, why do you dream about harvesting, why do you dream about a combine harvester.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about Harvest - dream analysis:

Harvest - To see that you yourself have grown a good harvest - then your efforts will soon be rewarded.

If in a dream your harvest died due to drought, then you need to take care of the moral education of your children.

Why dream of seeing that the harvest was ripe, but died because there was no one to collect it - then you spent a lot of mental and physical strength on meaningless and fruitless activities.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about Harvest? Interpretation of sleep:

Harvest in a dream - this means for lovers new stage their relationships. They will enjoy even greater pleasure from communicating with each other. Creative people this dream foreshadows a fruitful stage in their activities. For people far from art, this dream may portend the discovery of talents and extraordinary abilities.

A bad harvest means that you will not be able to maintain good luck; having achieved it, you will be careless and inattentive to the dangers and intrigues that threaten you. This dream promises you a loss of energy and strength. For a man, such a dream foreshadows problems in the intimate sphere; perhaps he needs to take a break. For a woman, such a dream promises worry and worry for her family. Sharing your harvest with someone means that you are standing on the edge of an abyss or a cliff: be careful, be attentive to what you do and say.

Dream Interpretation of G. Rasputin

If you dream about Harvest, what does it mean:

Harvest - If someone takes away your harvest in a dream, it is a harbinger of relaxation and entertainment. If a girl sees this dream, it means that she will have encouraging prospects for the future. Seeing this dream for a young man promises peace, achieved at the cost of great effort and labor.

Spoiled harvest - this dream promises you success in all matters. If a young lady has this dream, then it foretells her a quick and happy marriage. For a woman, this dream foretells that she will awaken an interest in extraordinary men with a rich inner world.

Poor harvest - pay attention to this dream as a warning: your lifestyle will greatly disappoint you, and you will look for changes in your life.

If, on the contrary, you dream of a big harvest, it means that soon your worries and concerns will fade into the background, and a relatively calm period will begin. For a woman to see this dream is a harbinger of new love or the beginning of a relationship with an older person.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Harvest, interpretation:

Harvest - in reality your efforts are not in vain. A missing harvest means complete collapse; rich harvest - success will exceed all your expectations; poor harvest - the results will be disappointing.

according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream, you grew an excellent harvest with your own hands - this means that in reality your efforts will not go unrewarded. A dream in which your harvest was lost due to drought indicates that in reality you need to take care of the moral and spiritual education of your children. The harvest is ripe, the branches are breaking under the weight of the fruits, there is an abundance of vegetables and fruits all around, but there is no one to collect this harvest, and the entire harvest perishes - this dream foretells you the transience and futility of the events for which you have spent so much mental and physical strength.

I dreamed about wheat

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing spacious fields of wheat in a dream foretells bright prospects for those matters that are of particular interest to you. If the wheat is ripe, your destiny is assured and love will be a happy companion in your life. Seeing large, clean grains of wheat after threshing promises doors wide open for you to abundance and prosperity. Seeing wheat in bags means that your firm determination to reach the pinnacle of success will soon be crowned with victory. If the roof of your barn is leaky and the grain is wet, this indicates that, while increasing your fortune, you did not take care to secure your rights to it, and you will soon see how your interests will suffer at the hands of enemies. If you grind wheat in your hand and taste it, then you will have to work hard to achieve success, but you will achieve your goal. To dream that you are climbing a steep slope covered with wheat crops, clinging to its stalks, means that you will enjoy great abundance and prosperity and will excel in any business or profession you choose. Walking through a green field of young wheat in a dream promises wealth, happiness, a home, and reliable friends.

I dreamed about wheat

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - wealth

Why do you dream about collecting

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(anything) - you will be used and abandoned by your loved ones.

I dreamed about the harvest

according to Miller's dream book

Watching the harvest in a dream is a harbinger of prosperity and pleasure. If the harvest is rich, this is a good sign for peasants and politicians. A meager harvest does not bode well for those who see this dream.