Magic rituals and love spell with an egg. If an omen's egg is found in the garden - what is it for? Eggs buried in the ground of graves

You found something similar to a magical lining on the grave of a deceased relative: coins, candles, packages, bags, a bottle, a scarf on a fence, or something else. What does this mean and how should you react?

A grave lining is a fairly common thing. They constantly write me alarming letters about certain finds discovered on the graves of deceased relatives. Here is a standard example: “Hello, Vladimir Petrovich! We were at the cemetery, and on a birch tree next to the grave of our father-in-law we found a white cotton scarf tied in a knot (grandmothers like to wear these). Please tell me, is this a cause for concern?”

There is no reason for the letter writer to worry. If the appearance of this scarf on the grave was of witchcraft origin (and, for sure, it is), a grave was simply selected that was suitable for a number of characteristics (gender, name, age of the deceased, etc.). For example, in some magical ritual it could be said that after certain manipulations, a knotted scarf should be left on the grave of a man with a name that coincides with the name of the object of witchcraft. Your father-in-law's grave met these criteria, that's all.

The vast majority of strange finds on graves have precisely this origin. With the help of cemetery magic, they cast and remove damage, make love spells and lapels, provoke or treat illnesses, solve the problem of alcoholism, etc. But, in any case, such things usually have nothing to do with the relatives of the deceased on whose grave a magical lining was discovered. A grave was simply chosen that was suitable for certain conditions of the ritual. For example, sometimes you need to do something on a grave located on the edge; on the grave where a man of such and such age is buried; at the grave where a woman with such and such a name is buried, etc. and so on. In order for my readers to better understand the essence of such phenomena, I will give specific examples.

One of the methods of causing damage to epilepsy is as follows: the attacker takes a certain number of chicken eggs to the grave where a person is buried who had the same name as the victim of the damage. A special spell is pronounced, then the eggs remain on the grave for a certain time. In compliance with special rules, the eggs are taken from the grave and later given as food to the person destined for spoilage. Soon the unfortunate man suffers his first epileptic seizure. When the disease enters the chronic phase, the attacks intensify precisely on the day of the month when the described cemetery manipulations were carried out. In this case, the attacker, of course, is not at all interested in the relatives of the person buried in that very grave.

One of the love spell rituals is performed in a somewhat similar way. The photograph of a beloved person belongs to a grave where a person of a similar age who had the same name is buried. A series of manipulations are performed, special spells are pronounced, and the victim of the love spell begins to experience mortal melancholy without the object of his passion. If the relatives of the deceased “at the wrong time” visit his grave, they, of course, will find an unrelated photograph, remove it from the grave and, thus, this time thwarting the attacker’s plan, but they themselves will not suffer.

It should be noted that rituals of various types are performed in cemeteries; knowledgeable people do not limit themselves to black magic. Graves can be used in the treatment of various diseases (including epilepsy), to rid a person of alcohol addiction, to relieve love languor, etc. If, after visiting the grave of a relative, you suddenly find a bottle of vodka on it, this may mean that someone is being spoiled for alcoholism, or, conversely, they are trying to save someone from drunkenness.

Thus, if you find some foreign objects (coins, chicken eggs, photographs, etc.) on the grave where your relative was buried, you should not panic. Most likely, this witchcraft has nothing to do with you. Why do I write: “most likely”? The fact is that sometimes some witchcraft linings on graves are still addressed specifically to the relatives of the deceased. Such deposits are usually discovered not at any arbitrary time, but on the eve of the memorial day, celebrated a week after Easter (the so-called “Red Hill”). Or on some anniversary of death. That is, exactly when it is reasonable to expect relatives to visit the cemetery for cleaning or memorial services. For example, you can find chicken eggs, coins or anything else that quantitatively matches the number of members of your family.

What should be done with such finds? Without touching the thing with your bare hands (use gloves, a bag, paper), you just need to remove it from the grave. But remember that Direct contact with these things is highly undesirable, so do not pick them up or step on them!

If, nevertheless, you have the feeling that you “caught something”, or you reasonably assume that the lining was addressed specifically to you and your family members, click on the button below and write me a letter.

One of the most powerful and widely available magical items is a simple chicken egg. It perfectly accepts both good and negative energy, which is why both white and black magicians “conjure” with its help.

Very often, eggs are used to roll out damage, the evil eye, and remove the crown of celibacy, but there are other, negative spells that send misfortune to a specific person or to an entire family.

Snake eggs are likely to be found in cold, dark and isolated places; usually buried under the soil to ensure safety during their incubation. Most, like king snakes, pine snakes and pythons, lay eggs. Others, like boas, rattlesnakes, and garter snakes, give birth to live young. This means that children develop from the mother. The first group is ovoid, while the latter species belongs to the category of ovovipirous reptiles. If you come across eggs in the wild or in your own backyard, you're probably wondering how to tell reptile eggs other than birds.

If your wife found an egg in the ground or you yourself accidentally discovered it, then it is better not to pick it up, since the negativity charged in it will immediately pass to you.

From popular beliefs it follows that, most likely, such a magical object carries damage. Such magic is very harmful and brings misfortune - there is damage to illness, failure, lack of money and even death. Be very careful with the egg buried in the ground.

Snake eggs and bird eggs can be similar in color, shape and size. They can be round or oval. Eggshell color is also not a reliable identification, as both types can be white, off-white or beige. Even their placement is an effective way to tell them apart. Even some species of birds lay them on the ground. Since most species of snakes abandon their eggs once they are delivered, you won't be able to tell if they belong to a snake just by having one.

Likewise, if you see one, they may be hunting for food. Snakes can lay anywhere from 1 to 100 eggs at a time. This could be even more if you have a giant snake like an anaconda. If you see dozens of eggs, they are unlikely to be from birds. Ostriches can lay more than fifty in one clutch, but they are rarely seen in the wild.

This method of inducing black magic is the simplest and most effective - after all, it is not very easy to find an egg buried in a garden with an area of ​​several hundred square meters.

Moreover, crawling into a neighboring area at night and burying it is not difficult. Plus, it won’t be long before the neighbors find out about his whereabouts, if they are lucky enough to find this magical item at all.

How to distinguish a snake egg from a bird

One way to differentiate between them is through touch. Snake eggs are soft and leathery on the outside, while bird eggs are heavy. A gentle touch may give you some idea during your initial inspection. Birds are fragile, but snakes will give a little if you apply some pressure. Most birds' eggs will be oval, similar to a chicken's, even if they are larger or smaller. Snake eggs can also come in this oval shape, but not all of them do. Some look a lot like tubers or even long ginger roots.

In order not to bring even greater trouble on yourself and your loved ones, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the simple rules for getting rid of “spoiled” eggs.

What to do if you find an egg buried near your house?

Find an egg at home

Unfortunately, if you find an egg not in the garden or in the yard, but at home, then you still can’t expect anything good from this find. Only if you yourself put it in another place.

Their texture will not necessarily be completely smooth and may have small sprouts. To identify a snake egg, hold it carefully in your hands. Although they are not as strong as bird eggs, they can still break. View it against a flashlight, in a dark, backlit room if possible. The shell will be translucent, and you will be able to see the silhouette of a spherical embryo. This is a process known as "candle" and can be very beneficial. They usually hatch in about 60 days, although each snake species is different.

It will be especially strange if you find an egg in the attic - you must admit, none of the residents of the house would think of storing eggs under the roof. If you find such an egg, you should know that this is a negative magical object that was placed on you on purpose.

This “chicken gift” has an even worse effect than its street version. Black magic will smoothly spread throughout all rooms of the house, as it is located on top of the living quarters.

As the embryo grows and develops and gets close to hatching, the egg becomes more oval in shape. More information about the different types of snakes that lay eggs can be found in our article. Some species of snakes lay hundreds of eggs at once. The presence of such huge numbers in one place is a sure sign that they are a snake and not a bird.

Some dreams are not the result of chance, and we have them at certain very specific moments. Digging a large hole with the intention of bringing something into the dream world has different interpretations that need to be qualified. Dream Dictionary interpretations will teach you to understand your subconscious mind and the reasons that led you to create a dream to bury something. With your judgment or common sense, you will need to apply different interpretations of this dream and adapt them to your current situation.

After discovering the find, you should carry out the same ritual as for the “garden” option - only you won’t be able to bury the remains. Pour holy water over the ashes and forget about visiting this place for at least a couple of weeks.

An even greater message of energy can be made by a symbolic object related to the most important and bright holiday of Christians - Easter. Traditional Easter eggs can serve as black magic - these consecrated objects perfectly absorb any energy messages.

What does it mean to dream about a funeral?

Perhaps you want to close one phase of your life so you can start another. But what does it mean to dream about a funeral in other contexts? Some dream analysts share the idea that dreaming about a funeral somehow indicates a period of change or transition. Perhaps you are maturing as a person, or you have separated from some of the characteristics of your personality: innocence, generosity, cowardice. Deep changes are opening within you, revealing a new person. On the other hand, other dream interpreters say that dreaming about a funeral shows how you are dealing with your life.

Finding Easter eggs at home, in the garden or under the threshold is also a bad sign, foreshadowing the casting of damage, the evil eye or a crown of celibacy on one or more members of your family. We repeat all of the above procedures depending on the location of this magical item.

Dream interpretation is a very complex and controversial science. However, many people believe that what they see in a dream has a very serious impact on real life.

You forget some painful memories to start a new life. You may need to ignore some mistakes made in the past in order to start a new phase. It is likely that after reading these explanations you do not feel completely identified with them. Since dream interpretations are subjective, you need to remember certain details or your way of acting during the dream. For example, it would not make the same sense for him to dream about a treasure as it would for him to dream about a cemetery in which someone was buried.

What does it mean if you find eggs in a dream?

Other interpretations and curiosities often arise when you dream about a funeral that you should know. You are a person who knows how to protect your interests or keep a secret when dreaming of a funeral. Dreaming of a burial indicates a change in your behavior. Due to some traumatic experiences, you close yourself off. You may become more introverted or no longer express your thoughts or feelings as naturally as possible.

Since the area of ​​sleep has not yet been fully studied, this possibility should not be completely denied. The main thing, when interpreting your dreams, is not to get hung up on definitions, especially negative ones.

Many people know how rolling out an egg can get rid of damage and the evil eye. But at the same time, an egg can also be a powerful weapon. This article shows the rituals of spoilage with an egg. Forewarned is forearmed.

Dreaming about a funeral because you must try to hide certain personal facets. You should be more suspicious. Don't you think it's better for you to keep some personal aspects? What reasons motivate you to trust the first person you know?

On the other hand, some people who try to hide or cover up certain mistakes will likely want to bury something. Probably, out of your remorse, you will repeat this type of dream again. What are you trying to hide from others? In addition, many people who know how to keep both their own and other people's secrets will most likely want to bury them. Therefore, it is very common to dream that a friend has buried something. You can trust yourself and be sure that they are not revealing your most personal secrets.

Damage to an egg is a deadly lining

There are many ways to curse a person to death. One of them is a ritual using an ordinary egg.

Most often we use it, but any egg can also be used as a lining. If the ritual is carried out correctly, then the desired effect will not have to wait long. It will be necessary to prepare any egg, important- it shouldn't be chicken.

Share with your friends what it's like to dream about a funeral.

You can also write down those dream details that caught your eye. What did you bury? Could you finish the action? Dreams are manifestations of the unconscious and do not always make sense. This is a case of visualizing an egg while sleeping. Bright, but not so rare in dreams, the egg is a universal symbol of eternal life and immortality, and also indicates fertility and the secrets contained in the niches of the human soul. In general, dreaming with eggs is a good omen, indicating that hopes will be realized and there will be a lot of satisfaction and prosperity in aspects close to personal life, especially in the home.

In addition, arm yourself with pine needles and a container of salt. It is necessary exactly at midnight, on any women's day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) to go to the crossroads, dig a hole there, put an egg, put needles on it and sprinkle it all with salt. Once this is done, say three times:

Not flying, but on foot, and not alive, but perishing, but not wondrous, but feisty. Yes, not a domesticated one, but a wild one, not created by God, but by the old Satan herself, and not a bird, but a lofty death, and she did not give birth to a child. Yes, she laid the egg in agony, yes, she scattered the egg around the world, yes, she sewed it to the dead, and laid it in a coffin. Yes, the coffin goes to the grave, and the grave goes to the cradle. Yes, in that egg there is black power, the power of countless sorrow, and vain death, and there, in this egg, everything ripens, and the second coming, not of God, but of the devil, will break out. Amen.

Different ways and situations in which we can dream about eggs

But like almost every dream, the specific meaning will depend on the situation in which it is found. As mentioned, dreaming of eggs is usually for good things that are about to happen, but there can still be bad omens towards a partner or in a work environment.

Possessing eggs: You will have a lot of profit in business in the near future, seeing many eggs: Fortune and wealth are coming towards your life. Unexpected news will bring you great joy: Finding eggs: This is a sign of engagement and marriage with couples. Good health for those who are healthy and for those who are sick indicates that they will soon improve. Hard balls: need for love. Sell ​​a certain number of eggs: a harbinger of success in life. Broken: a new element will appear in the family. The time has come to implement old projects. Their hopes will soon be realized; searching for eggs in a nest: unexpected profit;: a great event with pleasant and fun celebrations for you and with people close to you; fresh egg: good news on the way; eggs: profit in general, white eggs: small gains, chick surrounded by eggs: near prosperity, searching for an egg: sign of engagement or marriage. Dark eggs: minor troubles.

  • Great success, prosperity and professional growth come.
  • Receiving eggs: there will be a birth, Eat them cooked: successful.
  • There will be disappointment for giving affection to an unfaithful person.
  • Egg rotting: difficulties at work.
  • Fritos: infidelity between spouses.
  • Seeing a person dirty from eggs: he will be persecuted.
The egg has evoked wonderful feelings in cultures all over the world.

Now bury your attributes and go home, don’t carry on a conversation with anyone along the way and don’t look back. After 4 days, return to the ritual site, dig up the egg, and then say:

It ripened in the ground, but held back the destroyer inside, but now if it is dug up, then the second coming will come prayerfully. May this blasphemous power, which is imprisoned in death in an egg, go and roll towards the human side, and there they will turn into a black bird, and from heaven, damage will fall upon (name), the white body will turn into black dust, darling (name) into the circle of hell, there she will will spin and languish, fade like a motherless chick. Amen.

Its smooth and elliptical shell hides the secret of a new life in education. The sight of a discarded egg and a young creature emerging from an object of apparent lifelessness has always prompted ancient peoples to ponder the creative process. For ancient man, understanding the creation of the world would have been a very complex concept, but watching the discovery of the egg and associating it with the birth of the world made the idea clearer. For this reason, the egg became an important symbol in the story of creation. The awakening of nature with its flowering occurs in the spring, so all egg-related traditions occur in this season.

Now the attribute must either be hidden in the apartment where the individual lives, or buried in a plot next to the house where he lives. As a last resort, you need to throw the egg in the place where the person most often happens. Within one to two weeks, your pad will work.

When performing such a ritual, it is very important to take an egg that you find in a nest on the street. Store-bought ones taken from your own chicken coop will not work. Prepare 7 wax candles (not church candles), a black ribbon.

Even during pagan times, in some beliefs, Heaven and Earth were considered two halves of the same egg, and eggs were considered a symbol of return to life. In fact, the birds prepared a love nest and filled it with eggs: at that moment everyone knew that winter and cold had passed. The Greeks, Chinese and Persians exchanged them as gifts for the spring holidays.

In ancient Egypt, decorated eggs were sold at the spring equinox, the beginning of the "New Year", when again the year was based on the seasons. The egg was seen as a symbol of fertility and magic due to the inexplicable birth of a living being from such a specific element. And so the eggs were considered objects with special powers and were buried under the foundations of buildings to keep evil away; They were also worn by pregnant women to reveal the gender of the unborn, and brides passed on before entering their new home.

You can also use the image of the victim. But if you can imagine it, then you don’t need to. For 7 days, go outside every night with an egg and a new candle, face the west and say the following words:

Just as an egg will rot in the ground, so you will begin to rot, your beauty will go away, your strength will go away, your health will go away. From now on you will be ugly, no one will love you, the men will leave your life, you will be left alone. As she said, so it will be.

The plot is read as long as the candle burns. As soon as it goes out, the wax will need to be collected. After a week, wrap the wax from all 7 candles and the egg with a black ribbon and take it to your enemy’s house, where you hide them well. Until they are found, it will be impossible to remove your damage.

In order to send a woman a miscarriage, infertility, or deprive her of the opportunity to give birth to children, you can use this ritual. Prepare any egg, an image of the victim, a container with grave soil.

Remember, it is better not to touch the grave soil with your own hands. Use gloves and then throw them away.

Important: when you collect soil, you need to collect it from a grave with the same name as your victim. When everything is ready, go outside on the full moon, place a photograph of the victim in a container with soil and break an egg there. Tell:

From now on, the insides of God's servant (name) will rot. If the fetus ripens in the womb, then my curse will pass on to it. From now on you won't have children. I conjure with grave soil and a coffin board. You will face your old age alone, washing your face with bitter tears. As she said, so it will be.

After this, go to the nearest planting or forest, find the oldest dry tree there. Bury a container of soil under it, saying the following words:

From now on your insides will be without burden, like a tree without a seed.

This is quite a curse induction. At the market in the morning, buy 2 eggs, go to the cemetery and choose a burial with the name of your victim. WITH This must be done during the day in order to confidently walk to the grave at night. After this, at night, armed with 1 black candle and taking both eggs, go to this place.

Why was it necessary to find him during the day? Everything is very simple. As soon as you arrive at the cemetery gates at night, you need to quickly walk to the desired grave with a confident step, knowing who you are going to. You can't hesitate. Place both eggs on the grave, light a candle and say these words:

Spirit, take God’s servant (name) to you. Torment his (her) soul, torment his heart, don’t let him go anywhere. Once you get attached, you won’t get loose again.

Leave everything as it is and go home without looking back. The next night, go again to the cemetery, to the same grave. Take 1 of the eggs and say:

Now, since you agreed to help me, then I will show you the way.

After these words, take the egg to your enemy's house. It doesn’t matter whether the victim lives in a private house or in a multi-story house, the attribute must be buried nearby, in the yard. On average, your plot will take effect within a week.

There are many methods of guidance, damage and quarrels that allow you to destroy relationships. Such a conspiracy is no exception. They use it if necessary, to quarrel with friends, family members - anyone.

The egg symbolizes a problem that will brew and grow. To create a large, significant quarrel, choose a large egg; for minor troubles, take several small ones (quail eggs).

You found something similar to a magical lining on the grave of a deceased relative: coins, candles, packages, bags, a bottle, a scarf on a fence, or something else. What does this mean and how should you react?
A grave lining is a fairly common thing. They constantly write me alarming letters about certain finds discovered on the graves of deceased relatives. I receive especially many such questions on the eve of memorial day (“Red Hill”), when people en masse visit the graves of their deceased relatives. Here is a standard example: “Hello, Vladimir Petrovich! We were at the cemetery, and on a birch tree next to the grave of our father-in-law we found a white cotton scarf tied in a knot (grandmothers like to wear these). Please tell me, is this a cause for concern?”

There is no reason for the letter writer to worry. If the appearance of this scarf on the grave was of witchcraft origin (and, for sure, it is), a grave was simply selected that was suitable for a number of characteristics (gender, name, age of the deceased, etc.). For example, in some magical ritual it could be said that after certain manipulations, a knotted scarf should be left on the grave of a man with a name that coincides with the name of the object of witchcraft. Your father-in-law's grave met these criteria, that's all.
The vast majority of strange finds on graves have precisely this origin. With the help of cemetery magic, they cast and remove damage, make love spells and lapels, provoke or treat illnesses, solve the problem of alcoholism, etc. But, in any case, such things usually have nothing to do with the relatives of the deceased on whose grave a magical lining was discovered. A grave was simply chosen that was suitable for certain conditions of the ritual. For example, sometimes you need to do something on a grave located on the edge; on the grave where a man of such and such age is buried; at the grave where a woman with such and such a name is buried, etc. and so on. In order for my readers to better understand the essence of such phenomena, I will give specific examples.
One of the methods of causing damage to epilepsy is as follows: the attacker takes a certain number of chicken eggs to the grave where a person is buried who had the same name as the victim of the damage. A special spell is pronounced, then the eggs remain on the grave for a certain time. In compliance with special rules, the eggs are taken from the grave and later given as food to the person destined for spoilage. Soon the unfortunate man suffers his first epileptic seizure. When the disease enters the chronic phase, the attacks intensify precisely on the day of the month when the described cemetery manipulations were carried out. In this case, the attacker, of course, is not at all interested in the relatives of the person buried in that very grave.
One of the love spell rituals is performed in a somewhat similar way. The photograph of a beloved person belongs to a grave where a person of a similar age who had the same name is buried. A series of manipulations are performed, special spells are pronounced, and the victim of the love spell begins to experience mortal melancholy without the object of his passion. If the relatives of the deceased “at the wrong time” visit his grave, they, of course, will find an unrelated photograph, remove it from the grave and, thus, this time thwarting the attacker’s plan, but they themselves will not suffer.
It should be noted that rituals of various types are performed in cemeteries; knowledgeable people do not limit themselves to black magic. Graves can be used in the treatment of various diseases (including epilepsy), to rid a person of alcohol addiction, to relieve love languor, etc. If, after visiting the grave of a relative, you suddenly find a bottle of vodka on it, this may mean that someone is being spoiled for alcoholism, or, conversely, they are trying to save someone from drunkenness.
Thus, if you find some foreign objects (coins, chicken eggs, photographs, etc.) on the grave where your relative was buried, you should not panic. This witchcraft has nothing to do with you. What should be done with such finds? Without touching the thing with your bare hands (use gloves, a bag, paper), you just need to remove it from the grave. But remember that direct contact with these things is highly undesirable, so do not pick them up or step on them. If you still have the feeling that you have “caught something,” contact a specialist who can make a reliable diagnosis.

For some reason, many people have a question: is it possible to leave blessed eggs in the cemetery on Parents' Day? To find the answer to this question, it is worth looking at it from three sides: tradition, religion and law. The same applies to Easter cakes, sweets, wine and other food.

Radonitsa is the day of remembrance of all the dead; this year it is celebrated on May 7th. On this day, people go to the cemetery to share the joy of the Resurrection of Christ with their deceased loved ones. However, in many cases, such commemoration turns into a drinking party (or even barbecue at the graves), a lot of garbage is left in the cemetery, so the attitude towards the tradition is ambiguous.

Is it possible to leave eggs on graves? Or maybe it would be better to give the treats to poor people or take them to some home for the elderly, the disabled, or orphanages, and not leave the food, especially consecrated food, on the ground?

Tradition. Yes, indeed, in post-Soviet countries there is such a tradition that on Parents’ Day people come to the cemetery to remember their deceased relatives. They bring with them various foods, including those that were blessed for Easter. They eat it themselves, treat it to passers-by, and leave some on the graves.

Our citizens believe that by placing food near the burial, they are, as it were, treating the deceased. A strange tradition, isn't it?

Religion. What does the church say about this? The priests are against people leaving food on the grave; they consider it a remnant of paganism. The soul has left the body - it no longer needs an egg, Easter cake, and even more so, a glass of vodka covered with bread.

And it’s good if a beggar or a beggar eats a cake or an egg. But often consecrated food goes to stray dogs, rats, insects, and turns into garbage. Isn't this blasphemy?

According to the clergy, on this day it is better to come to the temple and pray for the soul of the deceased and light a candle. And leave flowers on the grave and tidy it up. As for food, it is better to eat it at home at the funeral table. Or treat the poor, take it to orphans or prisoners. This will be a good deed that will benefit the deceased.

Ideally, you need to order a prayer service in a church, and then have a dinner at home or in a cafe, to which you invite those people who knew the deceased and, in such an environment, remember him with a kind word and pray for his soul.

Sometimes it is allowed (for example, in the absence of time or other circumstances) to briefly remember your relatives right at the cemetery over a very modest short meal (without turning it into a drinking session or empty chatter). For example, eat an egg or candy, wash it down with tea from a thermos or a small glass of wine.

And the last aspect in this matter is the law. So, he does not prohibit leaving any food in the cemetery: consecrated or ordinary. There is no article that does not allow this. But if the drinking goes beyond all limits, a lot of garbage remains, then they can commit anything, even hooliganism and desecration of graves.

Therefore, if you really want to leave the blessed eggs in the cemetery, then you can safely do this without excesses, and not be afraid of anything.

The question is, why commit an act that does not bring anything good on either side? And the most important thing to ask yourself is: what does this look like from the point of view of common sense?

Whether you can leave blessed eggs in the cemetery or not is up to you, but it is better to give them to the hungry and give out alms. Or eat it yourself. In the end, our country survived both the blockade and famines, and even today many grandparents save on food, so throwing it away and turning it into garbage is blasphemy.

Rolling out damage with an egg is now a fairly well-known ritual. It is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. Practice shows that rolling eggs is within the power of any person, provided they have the desire and understanding of what spoilage is. However, the ritual has its own strict rules, the implementation of which is mandatory. And if many people say that the product must be fresh, not refrigerated or stored for a long time, then they somehow forget to indicate what to do with it later. Perhaps they don't think it's important. Very in vain!

After the damage is removed, the egg absorbs negativity. It becomes so toxic in an energetic sense that it must be properly disposed of so as not to cause a relapse of the problem. This question is very important for the victim. Rolling out does not completely free a person from negative energy. Or rather, there is still a road along which the black program can return. Its gates, like Koscheev’s death, are enclosed in a chicken embryo. Therefore, it should be properly neutralized. How to do it?

Rolling out damage, evil eye

Let us describe the process in a few words. You need to take a few fresh eggs. Light candles in the room, take one in your hand. Hold it while reading the prayer. Apply to the skin of your face and roll without ceasing to pray. The entire human surface is treated in this way. It turns out that rolling out leads to the fact that bad energy from a person’s aura enters the living cell of a chicken embryo. At the same time, the instrument itself becomes heavier. Believe me (or check), it feels very strong.

The filled egg is laid and another is taken. In case of severe damage, you have to use up to ten pieces. The whole process lasts several hours, depending on the strength of the negative program. If you turn on the bell ringing in the room, then things will go faster. It is proposed to use different prayers in the ritual. As a rule, they read “Our Father,” “May God rise again,” and Psalm 90.

When the cleansing ritual is completed, you should immediately remove the magical attributes from the house. You can't leave it. after all, curses and the intentions of the one who cast it are concentrated in it.

How to properly destroy

Here the opinions of experts differ. Some say that it is enough to bury the product in the ground, others recommend breaking it into holy water and pouring it down the drain, while others insist that the eggs should be taken to the graveyard. Everyone is right, but only to a certain extent. The disposal method directly depends on the severity of damage:

  1. It is best to break it on an old grave. Then the negative energy will definitely leave our world and will not pass on to anyone.
  2. If you throw it in the trash, throw it in the yard, or even bury it, then there is a possibility that the program contained in them will be picked up by an innocent person by chance.

And this is a great sin. The return will come to the one who did this quickly. The damage will return to the victim in an enhanced form. We don't need this, do we?

Why break

As experts say, small animals and birds will eat the flesh, and the spirits of the cemetery will take away the negativity. They will recycle black energy, freeing the world from it. And the little ones benefit. Who else will treat them in a deserted place? That is, a witch’s libel is also neutralized by a good deed.

When you go to the cemetery, you need to take the memorial with you. Place it on the grave so that the spirits will not be offended.

Many people have no idea where to put spent chicken cages after cleaning. That's why they make serious mistakes. Share information with your friends. Maybe it is exactly what they will need tomorrow and will save them from repeating the terrible problems caused by the return of the evil eye. Good luck!