On what basis can they give sick leave? How many days is sick leave given for pregnancy and childbirth? How long can you be on sick leave?

Questions about the maximum duration of sick leave concern many of those who are temporarily unable to work due to illness. Meanwhile, the timing of the issuance of BC directly depends on the type of medical certificate required.

Table of contents:

How long can you be on sick leave?

All those who are interested in this particular issue should pay attention to the type of medical documentation they are entitled to. That is, they need to carefully look at what kind of certificate is issued to them directly at the medical institution.

Sick leave to care for mother (father)

If one of the elderly parents is sick, his working son or daughter can apply for sick leave care The legislation provides for 3 days for the most critical period of an elderly person’s illness. In some cases, it can take 7 days. In exceptional situations, the issue of the duration of the certificate of incapacity for work for children caring for sick elderly parents is decided by a special medical commission.

Sick leave to care for a relative

In cases where care is required for a sick relative, events develop a little more complicated than when you have to care for sick parents. Here the BL can be issued for a maximum of 7 days and only:

  • directly to relatives (according to documents);
  • guardians or trustees.

How long can you be on sick leave to care for a child?

As for sick children and adolescents, everything is described in great detail in the law. They can be cared for by parents or guardians, as well as other relatives. The following temporary regulations apply:

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How many days is sick leave given for pregnancy and childbirth?

A certificate for pregnancy and childbirth can be issued by:

  • gynecologist;
  • family doctor;
  • or a paramedic.

When 30 weeks of pregnancy arrives, a BL is prescribed for a potential woman in labor. And the duration of incapacity for work according to such a document is 140 days

When diagnosing multiple pregnancy Sick leave is issued to a woman as early as 28 weeks. The total period of PD will be 194 days, 110 of which will be during the postpartum recovery period.

When a woman undergoes an operation to terminate a pregnancy, the duration of her sick leave (if the postoperative period is favorable, without consequences) will be at least 3 working days.

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Duration of a certificate of incapacity for work after receiving an occupational illness or injury at work

If an employee suffers an injury or occupational disease at work, the terms of his certificate of incapacity for work are regulated by Federal Law No. 125 of July 24, 1998.

For outpatient treatment of such injuries and diseases, a medical supporting document (sick leave) is issued for a period of up to 15 days. And this period can be extended by decision of a specially convened medical commission.

The possible timing of such an extension is stipulated in Federal Law No. 323 dated November 21, 2011. It states that standard sick leave can become longer by a maximum of 15 working days, and if the sheet was originally issued by a paramedic or dentist, then only by 10 days. And in any case, the patient will have to undergo a medical examination.

Help before recovery

A medical certificate can be issued to a sick employee not only until he recovers, but even until full recovery (until he returns to working capacity). in full) after an illness or injury. As for the maximum possible period of such sick leave, it will be 10 months. And can be extended for another 2 months after:

  • previous tuberculosis;
  • reconstructive surgery;
  • or very serious injury.

In this case, the current certificate of incapacity for work is extended by the doctor every 15 days.

Pay attention! After the first two weeks of recovery, the patient will have to attend every meeting of the medical commission so that specialists can observe the process of his recovery (in various stages) and objectively record the current condition.

Sick leave for the period of sanatorium treatment

If the patient undergoes the necessary rehabilitation treatment in a sanatorium, then he can also take out sick leave for this period.
For the entire duration of the required follow-up treatment.

The total recovery period in the sanatorium after hospital treatment is 24 days. And if the patient has an extremely serious injury (or illness), then the period of sick leave is set by a commission - by decision of the VC.

Respiratory infections are a phenomenon that can temporarily incapacitate a person at any time. To ensure that a person does not lose his job due to a long absence, the country’s legislation protected him by providing for the possibility of obtaining a document such as a sick leave certificate. Understanding what this document is, how many days sick leave is given for ARVI, how to get it and under what conditions is necessary for every person interested in taking care of their health and not losing their job.

Sick leave is necessary for a person to devote some time to the treatment of ARVI

A sick leave certificate is an official document issued within the walls of a medical institution and filled out in a special form to confirm the fact of a person’s temporary disability due to his state of health.

According to statistics, in Russia a large number of people do not take advantage of the opportunity to get sick leave for influenza or ARVI and suffer the disease “on their feet”. This practice is not only unjustified, but also dangerous.

While the body is fighting an infection, it is important to provide it with maximum rest so that all energy is spent on the immune system fighting antigens that have entered the body. With a disease such as influenza, it is especially important to carry out treatment in accordance with all the doctor’s recommendations, that is, at home, keeping bed rest, taking prescribed medications and carrying out prescribed procedures.

Sick leave for ARVI and other respiratory infections is not taken by a person in two cases:

  • when a person is afraid of losing his job;
  • when you don't want to lose wages for days spent at home.

But in case of official employment, the employer does not have the right to deprive a person of work if he has provided him with sick leave for ARVI and warned him in advance about the fact that he is undergoing treatment. As for wages, even absence from work is not a fact in order to deprive a person of his salary completely.

If an employee has officially worked for an organization for more than 8 years, the employer is obliged to pay him all wages in full, regardless of how long the sick leave lasts for influenza, acute respiratory infections or ARVI. With 5 to 8 years of experience, the employee will receive an amount equal to 60 percent of the monthly salary, with less than 5 years of experience - 60 percent.

Thus, every person who is faced with the unpleasant fact of the disease needs to take advantage of the opportunity to be treated correctly, not expose their body to the risk of complications and simply take care of their well-being.

Where can I get the document?

Traditionally, in order to receive sick leave, a person goes to the clinic at his place of residence. But in fact, you can receive a document confirming the fact of temporary disability in any medical institution in the country. That is, even if you are in another city, without having a residence permit or registration there, you can and should go to the doctor if necessary and draw up a special document by presenting a medical insurance policy.

In the event that a person is physically unable to come to the clinic himself, for example, with a high temperature, he can call a doctor at home. In this case, he will receive a certificate of incapacity for work when he is independently admitted to a medical institution, and the date of “opening” of the document will correspond to the day when the doctor visited the patient at home.

If it’s difficult to go to the hospital yourself, you can call a doctor at home

For inpatient treatment, a document is issued to the patient upon discharge; it indicates the date of admission to the hospital and the date of discharge. During inpatient treatment, it is often necessary to draw up two sheets: for example, a person is first treated at home, being on a sick leave issued at the clinic, and then, if his health worsens, he is admitted to a hospital, where he receives a second sheet. Or, conversely, a person first undergoes treatment in a hospital, and then is discharged with instructions to apply for sick leave at a clinic in order to be able to continue treatment at home.

Number of days on sick leave for ARVI

The question of how long sick leave is given for ARVI is very relevant. On the one hand, there are statistics according to which patients with acute viral respiratory infection are treated at home for 7 to 11 days.

But, it is quite natural that these data change in each individual case, because a person can recover quickly, or he can be sick for several weeks - even the most experienced doctor cannot predict this.

Therefore, doctors use the classic scheme, first taking out a vacation for three days, then, if necessary, extending it to 5 days, then to 11, and so on. Each time a person must personally come to the doctor or fill out an application at the reception to call a local therapist at home. This is required so that the doctor monitors the treatment process, changes appointments, prescribes new tests, and also sees that the patient is truly temporarily disabled.

The document itself, received by the patient upon discharge, informs the employer only about the date of opening of sick leave and the date of its closure. All other information that the patient has extended his period of incapacity for work with a doctor is displayed only in his medical record and is confidential.

Sick leave for influenza

All data on how sick leave is issued for influenza, how long it lasts, and by whom it is issued, fully corresponds to the information on sick leave for acute respiratory infection.

Influenza often requires hospitalization of a person in a hospital, especially if he has chronic diseases or his condition does not allow him to take care of himself on his own. According to statistics, the average length of hospital stay is 15 days.

Maximum length of stay

Average data on how long sick leave is required for acute respiratory viral infections is not a guide to the actions of a doctor when he prescribes sick leave for acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections or influenza. There is a special instruction according to which the extension of the certificate of incapacity for work can be carried out for a period of up to one month.

Most often, sick leave due to ARVI is issued for several weeks

In practice, this happens infrequently with ARVI; a little more often such cases occur with influenza. But a person’s immunity and the abilities of his body are individual, therefore legislation protects its citizens, giving them the opportunity to receive proper treatment, maintaining a job and a certain amount of payment.

If, after one month, a person is physically unable to go to work due to poor health, the document is extended further. But already under the control of the hospital’s chief physician, who conducts an examination confirming the fact that the person needs such a long period of stay on paid sick leave.

In total, the period of stay on leave for health reasons can last up to one year. But such cases with respiratory infections are theoretical; in practice, the length of sick leave for ARVI is no more than a couple of weeks.

Can a doctor refuse to issue a sick leave certificate?

Given the fact that sick leave is paid, there is a risk that the patient will fake cold symptoms in order to simply rest at home. An experienced doctor will certainly notice the fact that there are no grounds for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work.

After all, the basis for issuing sick leave is not only the patient’s complaint of poor health, but also the data obtained as a result of examination, laboratory and functional diagnostics. If, from the doctor’s point of view, the patient does not need to be released from work, he will refuse to issue him leave and will offer to take tests.

Thus, a person will receive the free medical care he is entitled to at the legislative level, but will not necessarily become the owner of a sick leave certificate.

The basis for sick leave is the patient’s complaint about poor health and data obtained as a result of the examination

What should a patient who has been denied sick leave do if he is sure that he needs it? First of all, he can contact another doctor at the clinic, visit the chief physician’s office, or call the insurance company that issued him the compulsory health insurance policy.

It is worth noting that a small number of doctors refuse sick leave to a patient if he insists on the need for it. Legally, it is easier to issue a document exempting you from work for up to three days, while at the same time prescribing the necessary tests. If a medical examination confirms the doctor's suspicion that the patient is healthy and does not need to be released from work, he will discharge the patient, having a legal basis for this.

Sick leave during vacation

Many people who were unlucky enough to catch the flu or other respiratory disease while on vacation do not know that by receiving a document from a doctor, they can extend the period of their vacation by a number of days equal to those indicated in the document issued by the clinic or hospital to confirm the fact of temporary disability.

The situation is more complicated if a person has sick leave before giving birth and falls ill with the flu. According to the law, the period of leave during pregnancy and childbirth without complications is 20 weeks, its extension is not provided. But if the flu becomes a catalyst for complications during childbirth, the leave is automatically extended to 22 weeks, but the fact of the flu is not documented.

If you are sick, feel free to take sick leave

Thus, knowing how many days of sick leave for acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections and influenza, a person can be confident in his right to the possibility of paid leave for health reasons.