The essay is a problematic question: “What will happen after a real auditor arrives in the county town? After the arrival of the real auditor based on the story by N.V.

Search by essay: Find What awaits the city of N from N.V. Gogol’s play “The Inspector General” after the arrival of the true inspector

Let us remember that in all spheres of life in the county town, things are going from bad to worse. In court, everything is decided not according to justice, but according to the law of bribery. Even appearance courthouse indicates that justice cannot be done here. No wonder the mayor asks Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin to remove the “geese and caterpillars” from the hallway, and the juror...

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What happens after the real auditor arrives? (based on N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General")

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Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" ends at the "most interesting place" - all the officials, led by the mayor, find out that he has come to them a real auditor. For the heroes of the comedy, this is a real shock, which is why in the silent scene they froze in the most ridiculous and funny poses.

What does the arrival of a real auditor mean for the officials of the county town? On the one hand, they will need to make efforts again so that the inspector does not notice or turns a blind eye to all the violations occurring in the city. And there are a huge number of these violations.

Let us remember that in all spheres of life in the county town, things are going from bad to worse. In court, everything is decided not according to justice, but according to the law of bribery. Even the appearance of the courthouse suggests that justice cannot be done here. No wonder the mayor asks Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin to be removed from the hallway...

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They stood in the same poses

In a silent strange silence.

Their thoughts are somewhere in the depths.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

But everyone is afraid of one thing -

What are their insidious deeds?

Now you can't hide it for anything.

Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky grieves:

“The fraudster deceived me!”

That they disgraced you).

His wife and daughter, probably

We haven't understood everything yet.

They dreamed of Romeo

But it all turned out to be a lie!

Luka Lukic whiter than snow.

He can't come to his senses:

“Like after a long run

My heart is beating!”

Postmaster Shpekin bent over,

And two landowners are nearby.

We could stand like that for an hour,

Yes, here is the official's order.

Won't give you peace...

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We went through this too brother)
This is what I wrote)
Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" ends at the "most interesting place" - all the officials, led by the mayor, learn that a real inspector has come to see them. For the heroes of the comedy, this is a real shock, which is why in the silent scene they froze in the most ridiculous and funny poses.
What does the arrival of a real auditor mean for officials of the district town of N.? On the one hand, they will need to make efforts again so that the inspector does not notice or turns a blind eye to all the violations occurring in the city. And there are a huge number of these violations.
Let us remember that in all spheres of life in the county town, things are going from bad to worse. In court, everything is decided not according to justice, but according to the law of bribery. Even the appearance of the courthouse suggests that justice cannot be done here. It’s not for nothing that the mayor asks Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin to remove the “geese and caterpillars” from the hallway, and to force the juror at least for some time...

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This question is: What will happen in the city of N after the arrival of a real auditor?!

After the arrival of the real auditor, everyone panics and begins not to blame themselves but to look for someone to blame. But in fact, having found the culprit who spread this news, the mayor says that they themselves are to blame for everything. They couldn’t distinguish an ordinary paper marker from a reizor. Everyone begins to panic, not because a real auditor has arrived, but because Khlestakov has left with their money, with which they hoped to repay and remain in office, everyone begins to shake for their place in the city. They are afraid of losing their place, money, authority and power in the city.

The postmaster will find a letter that Khlestakov wrote to his journalist friend so that he would write about these fools and ridicule them in front of everyone. The postman ran to the mayor and read the letter. The mayor fell into a panic and after a moment they received news that this time a real auditor had arrived.

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They stood in the same poses

In a silent strange silence.

You can't describe their feelings in lines,

Their thoughts are somewhere in the depths.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

But everyone is afraid of one thing -

What are their insidious deeds?

Now you can't hide it for anything.

Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky grieves:

“The fraudster deceived me!”

(Now all of St. Petersburg will know

That they disgraced you).

His wife and daughter, probably

We haven't understood everything yet.

They dreamed of Romeo

But it all turned out to be a lie!

Luka Lukic is whiter than snow.

He can't come to his senses:

“Like after a long run

My heart is beating!”

Postmaster Shpekin bent over,

He curled up into a ball like a cat.

Behind him is Korobkin with a sharp gaze,

And two landowners are nearby.

We could stand like that for an hour,

Yes, here is the official's order.

Will not give peace to the elderly.

What should the poor cunning people do?

They all decide together

Go to the hotel...

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N.V. Gogol, comedy “The Inspector General”

Possible answers:
Option 1
What will happen in the city after the arrival of the real auditor?

After the arrival of the real auditor, officials will again have to hide their
sins, hide all the shortcomings and shortcomings...
Recovering from the shock of the news of the arrival of the real auditor
in their county town, gathered in the house of Gorodnichy Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky
Anton Antonovich officials will discuss what they should do now.
They won't invent anything new. And the auditor has been in the city for a long time.
Officials will be completely disappointed. All their plans fell apart
overnight! The auditor has been in the town “incognito” for several days now.
(as, incidentally, it was warned in the dispatch) and while everyone was busy with Khlestakov,
managed to independently inspect the establishments that interested him and figure out what was happening here.
Now everything will have to start all over again, play the role again...

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As we all remember, the comedy “The Inspector General” ended with a silent scene: the elite of a provincial town froze in confusion before the appearance of a capital official. The author finished his speech, but the viewer was left free to imagine what would happen in the city after the arrival of the real auditor, and to give, in accordance with his ideas, a personal assessment of the recognizable characters and phenomena demonstrated.

Gogol does not say that a real auditor has arrived in the city. In the phenomenon preceding the silent scene, only the fact of the arrival of the capital official and his desire to see the mayor are announced. This official may be anyone, including high authorities, but not performing the functions of an auditor, but his visit is perceived by provincial city leaders as retribution for a previous mistake.

On the other hand, the characters are shocked not only and not so much by the appearance of the inspector at last (as they think), but by the chaos sown in their souls by Khlestakov’s letter. The false auditor, not even aware of his role, gives precise unflattering characteristics to all the “city aces,” directly describing their vices. Shame, even within one's own circle, causes great confusion. After the announcement of the arrival of the “real auditor”, each of the characters must ask the question: is it a joke, a prank, or a mistake again? How to check whether the “greyhound puppies” were presented to him? If the vices were casually revealed by a visiting jester, wouldn’t they be even more obvious to the gaze of his superiors? And most importantly, it is unknown when it will be possible to relax and not be afraid of any visitor who may turn out to be an auditor. The eternal fear of exposure and punishment becomes a sword of Damocles hanging over the mayor and his entourage.

What awaits the characters in the comedy if that long-awaited auditor finally comes to town? It is hardly worth counting on severe public punishment of dishonest officials: neither in Gogol’s Russia, nor in today’s Russia, such cases are brought to public attention. Most likely, the differences would have been smoothed out peacefully at a common table, having pretty much emptied their pockets and filled the visitor’s briefcase. But it’s interesting to think about it, to add a continuation to the plot: how will the heroes behave?

Like any embarrassment, they will try to hide the mistake with Khlestakov, as if nothing had happened. Having come to the auditor on an official visit, the mayor will be as careful and cunning as possible to find out whether he is who he claims to be. This situation can form the basis of a sitcom, when the distorted perception of one participant in the dialogue will cause misinterpretation by the second participant. In general, the auditor and the mayor will not understand each other and will confuse each other. Perhaps provincial officials will not believe the newcomer, they will arrange tricks for the “impostor”, which will appear in the report on affairs in the city, and the characteristics of each will be given extremely succinctly in the traditions of the genre: idiots.

Perhaps the situation will repeat itself: they will look after their superiors almost like a red maiden, they will carry gifts along the beaten path, annoyed that they spent money on Khlestakov in vain. The auditor will give positive conclusions and leave in a good mood, and the local elite will live as before, shuddering at the sound of carriage wheels in the direction “from St. Petersburg.”

Nothing will change in the city. Even if a strict and honest auditor appears, after whose report both the mayor, and the judge, and the superintendent of schools, and everyone else will lose their positions - there is nowhere to find people of a different type. Everything will be revived unchanged, except that informants will be more careful about their work, informing in advance about checks and inspectors.

However, it will not be possible without a positive shift. Imagine: a small provincial town, where gossip and rumors spread instantly and everywhere. It is no coincidence that Khlestakov’s letter was read aloud; it is no coincidence that the postmaster did not give it to the mayor privately. It became impossible to conceal the incident, and ridicule will now await the city elite. And laughter, according to the author - the best remedy fight against vices. How to remain a mayor and behave as before, if people whisper behind your back, and everyone is ready to remind you how the dream of becoming a “nobleman” crumbled into dust? Here you either leave your position or exercise caution.

Gogol deliberately refused to resolve the plot, stopping the action at its climax. There were many interpretations of such an ending, and 10 years after the publication of “The Inspector General,” the author was forced to write “The Denouement of “The Inspector General”” - an additional scene, essentially representing the author’s comments on the work. It is there that he consolidates the power of laughter, its destructive impact on the vices of society.

After that infamous pause at the end of the work... it’s hard for me to imagine that officials will have the strength to start all over again. Run around again, try to please, try to somehow improve the situation? Again, look insincere to each other, to ourselves. I couldn't. In the end, it would just be a repetition, not a second part. And that deceitful auditor can give them away. How he described everyone and everyone in his letter!

And yet, if we assume what exactly could have happened, then, of course, they would first check the documents of the new auditor. But how to do this if he is on a “secret mission”? I think that they would hire some clever person to scout. It’s a pity that they can’t hire Khlestakov anymore, otherwise I think he could easily gain the trust of anyone.

And now they will act for sure, they will coordinate more with each other. What will remain for them? Otherwise, you will be fired without severance pay. Or they will even send you to hard labor in Siberia.

I think that, for example, the Mayor will not give up after all! After all, he never tires of accepting gifts and bribes, and all his life he is afraid of an audit from the capital. His wife Anna, I hope, will be ashamed to marry off her daughter Maria for profit. But it may be that young and frivolous Masha will fall in love with a “serious” man again.

The chief physician, Gibner, will probably learn a little Russian. Or they will give him a translator! Ivanov's widow will definitely come to complain to the next auditor, because there are such people - they just need to complain. Luka, who, logically, always smells like onions, is already nervous and cowardly. If he doesn't have a nervous breakdown from this whole situation, then he will try, of course, to get him educational institutions looked good.

It will give a revealing lesson. Ivan Kuzmich, who is in charge of the post office, will now officially read all the letters in order to control the situation. Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky, I think, will lose weight from all these experiences.
But if this auditor turns out to be a fraud, then everyone in the city will definitely stop trying, they will all retire at once, they will fish, plant vegetables, pick mushrooms and berries. Lyapkin-Tyapkin will hunt, because this has always been his hobby, instead of working normally as a judge. It turns out that they are organizing an ecological settlement. People from all over the country will come to see them! If only these officials could at least do something, and not just throw dust in the eyes of the auditors.

Option 2

At the beginning of the story, we learn that the officials mistook an ordinary rogue for a very real official, they spent a large amount of money on treats for him, to amuse him and tried in every possible way to please the new auditor, but their plans could not possibly include the fact that he in fact, he may not be an auditor at all. The question arises, what will happen when the news reaches them that all this time they have been pleasing to someone unknown, and now the real new auditor will appear before them.

Gogol makes an open ending, which ends with the fact that the officials spent all the money, the entire budget to please the new boss, but the city remained unchanged, the same devastation reigned in it. Only one question arises: “What can happen to the residents of the county town and the officials themselves?” The author deliberately left this question for last, thus allowing the reader to think about this question and try to answer it himself.

It is thanks to this outcome, this development of events, that we can only guess how this story could end; it was especially funny to imagine the officials themselves in the poses in which they froze in amazement when they received such unexpected news.

One can only imagine options for the development of events; from the point of view of readers, there are 2 most predictable ones. The first option, when officials find out that they have been entertaining a complete stranger all this time, they will rush to the new official to find out what kind of person he really is, decent or not. Perhaps they will find out that the auditor is actually the same as the one who pretended to be them, in which case they will have only one option for the development of events and that is to offer the new auditor bribes, various treats and entertainment. However, how they will play this out becomes unclear, because everything they had went to amuse the imaginary auditor.

It is also important to try to imagine that an absolutely honest and incorruptible auditor has come to the city, who is ready to restore order and who wants nothing more than to restore order and comply with the law in this small county town. Then the life of officials can completely change. Perhaps the residents of such a small town will have new hope that their lives can change in better side, and they will be able to live an honest and decent life as they dreamed of long ago.

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They stood in the same poses

In a silent strange silence.

You can't describe their feelings in lines,

Their thoughts are somewhere in the depths.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

But everyone is afraid of one thing -

What are their insidious deeds?

Now you can't hide it for anything.

Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky grieves:

“The fraudster deceived me!”

(Now all of St. Petersburg will know

That they disgraced you).

His wife and daughter, probably

We haven't understood everything yet.

They dreamed of Romeo

But it all turned out to be a lie!

Luka Lukic is whiter than snow.

He can't come to his senses:

“Like after a long run

My heart is beating!”

Postmaster Shpekin bent over,

He curled up into a ball like a cat.

Behind him is Korobkin with a sharp gaze,

And two landowners are nearby.

We could stand like that for an hour,

Yes, here is the official's order.

Will not give peace to the elderly.

What should the poor cunning people do?

They all decide together

Go to the hotel alone.

Yes, but it’s painfully cowardly

A huge group of rich people.

Everyone starts lying together,

Why don't they have problems,

That it’s hard for them to live, when suddenly

The postmaster gathered everyone around:

“We need to save money,

To bribe the auditor."

“But our wallets are empty!” -

They all said in unison.

And time passed, hours passed,

While they were thinking

Tell everything to the auditor

Just a little lie.

And at this time the auditor

While the heated conversation was going on,

I decided not to waste time here

And he began to check the whole city.

Checked the prisons and courts

I saw that the houses were poor,

That there is no discipline in schools,

And he sends an answer to St. Petersburg.

You understand, of course

What did he write to Petersburg?

And everyone will remember it forever,

How bad it was for the people here.

And they began to deal with the “authorities”,

Made them all gather,

They didn’t send me to Siberia,

But the good must be given back.

And at this time Khlestakov

I decided to take up poetry.

But you know what he’s like?

Everything started to work out right away.

This story is funny

But there is a deep meaning hidden in it.

Read the book to the end

After all, wisdom sleeps somewhere nearby.