1216th Infantry Regiment, 364th Division. Veterans of the Pytalovo region

Having scouted the river and chosen a ford, they began to return. The Germans discovered the brave men and opened fire. Despite the fact that fellow soldiers covered their retreat, Corporal Dergunov was killed. His comrades buried him in the village of Babino, and they themselves went further into battle.

The 7th Rifle Corps of the 54th Army advanced to the right of the 111th Corps in the direction Vyshgorodok-Pytalovo. Here the soldiers of the 56th Pushkin Red Banner Rifle Division were actively advancing in the direction of Empty Sunday - Primaki - Gorbatitsa - Vyshgorodok. From the area of ​​the village of Pustoye Voskresenye, the fresh 364th Rifle Division (commander I.A. Vorobyov) of the 123rd Rifle Corps under the command of Major General V.A. Verzhbitsky was brought into battle. According to the memoirs of the division commander and data from the archives of the Ministry of Defense, the division was given the task of reaching the line of the villages of Tarakanovo - Berdyshi by the end of July 18 - the morning of July 19 with the main forces of the 1212th and 1214th regiments, starting the pursuit of the enemy at Novoselye. In heavy, stubborn battles, this task was completed, the pursuit of the enemy began in the direction of Augspils (Vyshgorodok) - Vaskino. Stubborn fighting broke out again, during which one of the battalions of the 1214th regiment, as well as companies of the 184th and 213th regiments of the 56th Pushkin Rifle Division, suffered heavy losses.

The fierceness of the fighting is evidenced by the facts of significant losses in these battles and the introduction into battle of the 307th penal company, transferred from the 52nd Guards Division. In these battles the following were killed: in the area of ​​the Suvorov farm - the commander of the fire platoon of the 4th battery of the 113th artillery regiment, Lieutenant Fedor Moiseevich Vasilets from the Gorky region; in the Ignashkovo-Augshpils (Vyshgorodok) region - Komsomol organizer of the 213th regiment, senior lieutenant Matvey Semenovich Kachanovsky from the city of Kiev and party organizer of the same regiment, originally from the city of Yeisk, Petr Stepanovich Komitenko, many other officers, now famous, lieutenants and seniors who came from obscurity lieutenants, privates and sergeants (in total, according to archival data, more than 40 people).

After the capture of Vyshgorodka on July 21, 1944, the 1214th regiment began preparing for the assault on the city and Abrene station. On this day, the 1st battalion of the 1212th regiment went to the Stashi area with tanks to cross the Lada River, the 2nd battalion of the same regiment, having broken enemy resistance, went to the Danilov area and cut off railway Island - Pytalovo, developed success along the railway from the north to the city. The first and second battalions of the 1214th regiment crossed the Lada and Utroya rivers and reached the northwestern and southwestern outskirts of Vaskov, encountering strong resistance north of Lyavzino. Working together, the battalions, with the support of tanks, managed to break the resistance of the German units, which began to retreat to Pytalovo.

Pytalovo, a junction station, was turned by the German command into a strong stronghold, so the 1214th regiment was given tanks, a Katyusha battery and several attack aircraft. This is how the honorary citizen of the city, former commander of the 1214th regiment S.E. Polyakov, recalls this battle: “According to the order of the regiment, all assigned units concentrated on the edge of the forest northeast of the city and, after artillery barrage, began the assault at three hours and thirty-three minutes .

In August 1941, defensive battles began on the near approaches to Leningrad. On September 8, German troops cut off the city from land. The blockade of the city began, which lasted 872 days. The enemy wanted to raze Leningrad to the ground, strangle it with hunger, exterminate its entire population, and crush the resistance of the defenders with massive air and artillery strikes.

On January 12-18, 1943, an operation was carried out to break the blockade of the city, in which troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts participated with the assistance of the forces of the Baltic Fleet and long-range aviation. During the operation, a corridor was created that made it possible to restore land communications between the city and the country. The enemy's plan to starve the defenders of the city's inhabitants was thwarted.

On January 14, 1944, the final operation to lift the siege of Leningrad began. During the general offensive of Soviet troops, the cities of Pushkin, Krasnogvardeysk, and Tosno were liberated. On January 27, the blockade of Leningrad was completely eliminated.

The defense of Leningrad became a symbol of courage and heroism of the entire Soviet people and, first of all, Leningraders, whose losses during the siege amounted to about a million people.


(about the 364th Infantry Tosno Red Banner Division)

The 364th Rifle Division was formed in Omsk in August 1941. From November 1941 to March 1942, she fought in the Demyansk region and held a difficult defense in the Starorussky region. In December 1942, the division was sent to the Volkhov Front to help the Leningraders. At the beginning of 1943, as part of the 8th Army, she took part in breaking the siege of Leningrad. Units of the division struck the enemy in the area of ​​the village of Gaitalovo, where a large group of troops of the German 18th Army was located; took part in the battles for the Sinyavin Heights, the possession of which made it possible to control the vast territory of the Shlisselburg-Sinyavin ledge from Lake Ladoga in the north to the Mga River in the south - the most optimal place for breaking the blockade of Leningrad. The capture of a powerful stronghold of the enemy's defense - the Sinyavino station - improved the position of both Leningrad itself and the Soviet troops in the northwestern strategic direction. In June 1943, the division's personnel were awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad."

Command staff of the 364th Infantry Division:
in the 1st row 2nd from left is the division commander
next to the right is Colonel L.I. Vinikowski. 1942
Deputy commander for political affairs,
Lieutenant Colonel A.S. Khodakov (1st from left)
with the division's soldiers. 1942
Jr. Sergeant Alexander Gordeev
signs the Komsomol oath letter
to Moscow that Leningrad will not be
given to the enemy. Sinyavino, 1943
During the transfer of the division.
From left to right: Colonel L.I. Vinikowski,
Major General F.Ya. Soloviev,
Colonel V.A. Verzhbitsky and deputy. division commander
for political affairs, Lieutenant Colonel A.S. Khodakov. Volkhov Front. 1943
Divisional field mail.
From left to right: postman Pitaev,
senior receptionist Vaganov,
head of the field post office Krygin,
postman Kupriyanov. 1943
Commander of the 364th Division V.A. Verzhbitsky (in the center)
and sappers on the construction of the Voronovo-Gaitalovo road.
May 1943

Many soldiers and commanders of the 364th division were closely connected with Leningrad, since the division included Leningraders, and their families were either in Leningrad or were evacuated to Siberia. Letters sent to Leningrad were always written on behalf of the entire soldier’s collective; they were read by Leningraders and passed on to others by word of mouth. In the summer of 1943, a delegation of Leningrad workers of the Kirov plant came to the Siberians at the front, headed by a Stakhanovite, the mother of two front-line soldiers M.I. Kovaleva. After the meeting at the firing positions, the delegates asked to be given the opportunity to fire at the German positions. The artillerymen loaded their cannons with Leningrad-made shells with the inscription “According to Hitler, death to the German occupiers!”, and the delegates fired a volley “with their own hands.”

Letter from workers of the Leningrad plant named after. CM. Kirov to the soldiers of the 364th
rifle division. April 4, 1943
Division command, political workers
political department of the division and artillery regiment with delegates
from the workers of Leningrad. Volkhov Front, 1943
Letter to employees of the Leningrad plant named after S.M. Kirov and the Bolshevichka factory
from the soldiers and commanders of the division. June 8, 1943
Letter to the employees of the Kirov plant
from soldiers and commanders. October 13, 1943 - f. 9690, op. 1, building 1.

On January 1, 1944, units of the division went on the offensive in the direction of Tosno Leningrad region. During the three years of occupation by the Germans, a long-term, strong defensive line was created here: everything was entangled with barbed wire, mined, pillboxes and bunkers were built, entire structures were built in the ground and underground to accommodate personnel and equipment. From January 21 to 26, units of the division liberated 150 settlements. On January 27, soldiers of the division, during fierce fighting, entered and liberated the city of Tosno. On the same day, the Sovinformburo transmitted a report from the Supreme High Command that the blockade around Leningrad had been completely eliminated and the defeated enemy units were retreating in panic under the attacks of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts. The liberation of Tosno was saluted by Moscow with 24 artillery salvoes, and the division was given the honorary name “Tosnenskaya”. For participation in the liberation of Leningrad land in the division, 2895 people were awarded: the Order of Lenin - 1 person (a nurse who carried 40 wounded soldiers from the battlefield), the Order of the Red Banner of Battle - 73 people, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st and 2nd degree - 56 people, the Order of Alexander Nevsky - 6 people, the Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree - 1 person, the Order of the Red Star - 392 people, the Order of Glory of all degrees - 192 people and the medals "For Courage" and "For Military Merit" - about 2000 people . Subsequently, the division's fighters took part in the liberation of the Baltic states, Poland, and stormed Berlin.

The commander of the sapper company, captain P.K. Sorokin
(left) and regimental engineer, Major A.I. Perminov
were engaged in clearing mines from German defenses near Leningrad.
Command of the 1212th Infantry Regiment
364th Infantry Division, which was the first to break into Tosno
Meeting of officers after
the final defeat of the enemy near Leningrad.
In the 2nd row, 6th from left, commander of the 364th division V.A. Verzhbitsky. 1944

Rally dedicated to the 20th anniversary of liberation
Tosno and the final liquidation of the siege of Leningrad.
On the podium is the former commander of the 364th division
V.A. Verzhbitsky (last on the right). Tosno,
January 26, 1964

Meeting of veterans of the 364th division.
Laying wreaths at the mass grave. 1984
Meeting of participants in breaking the blockade and
survivors of the siege of Leningrad in the regional museum of local lore.
District village of Cherlak, Omsk region. January 27, 2005
Telegram of gratitude from the Kolpino district committee
CPSU of Leningrad to the Omsk Regional Committee of the CPSU and the Regional Executive Committee in connection with the 20th anniversary of the lifting of the siege from Leningrad
and liberation of the Leningrad region from the enemy. January 27, 1964


With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, many enterprises and institutions, orphanages, and the population were evacuated to the Omsk region. In particular, such large factories as the Tank Plant named after. were evacuated from Leningrad to Omsk. Voroshilov (No. 174), telegraph plant named after. Kozitsky (No. 210), optical-mechanical plant No. 357. Omsk turned into one of the largest defense centers in the country and took second place (after Novosibirsk) in Siberia in terms of industrial production. From the very first days of the war, a movement for the creation of the People's Fund arose in the country defense of the Motherland. The workers of the Omsk region did not remain aloof from this. By the summer of 1944, the population of the region received 238,263,000 rubles, 1 kg 899 g of gold, 63 kg 748 g of silver, 61 g of platinum into the defense fund. In addition, 5 armored trains, 3 bathhouse trains, 5 divisional artillery repair shops, 10 tank repair shops were manufactured and sent to the front at the expense of the workers, and 13,374 pairs of skis were collected from the population. The workers of plant No. 174, at their own expense and on their own, produced 20 T-34 tanks (Sibiryak tank column). From December 1941 to November 1943, 5 special trains (143 wagons) with gifts were sent to the active army, as well as 71 wagons with food for the defenders of Leningrad.

Extract from the order of the Council of People's Commissars of the SSR
dated June 26, 1942 No. 11954-rs on the organization
for the population evacuated from Leningrad enhanced nutrition
Decision of the Omsk Regional Executive Committee No. 340
dated March 2, 1942 “On measures to receive workers arriving from Leningrad”
Information from the Secretary of the Omsk Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks Kudinov to the Chairman of the State Defense Committee I.V. to Stalin about the organization
at plant No. 174 producing T-34 tanks and providing assistance for this
People's Commissariat for Construction and People's Commissariat of Takoprom. February 16, 1942
From the resolution of the Omsk Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
and the regional executive committee on July 17, 1943
improving material services for workers at plant No. 174
Plant director's petition No. 174
to the Omsk Regional Executive Committee on the addition of a land plot
for the right-of-way along the axis of the tank road route
for field testing of T-34 tanks. July 10, 1942
Oh yeah

Tanks at the start. Plant No. 174. Omsk, 1943
Assembly shop of Yak-9 aircraft of plant No. 174. Omsk, 1942.

Model of the armored train "For the Motherland", original
was manufactured at the plant. Voroshilov in 1942
Letter from the People's Commissar of the Electrical Industry
USSR to the Omsk Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
and the regional executive committee on the need to provide
assistance in locating plant No. 210. July 21, 1941
Letter from the deputy People's Commissar of the USSR Navy
Secretary of the Omsk Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) Kudinov about the need
extraordinary supply of plant No. 210 with construction materials
and additional space. October 18, 1941
Lenin monument. Letter from the director of plant No. 29 to the Omsk Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
and the regional executive committee on the provision of living space
for evacuated workers from Leningrad.
Letter from the secretary of the party committee of plant No. 357 to the Omsk regional committee of the CPSU (b) about the work of the plant. February 5, 1942

In connection with the war, 32 orphanages and boarding schools - 3,200 children - were evacuated from Leningrad to the Omsk region since 1941. By decision of the State Defense Committee and order of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR dated April 26, 1945 No. 927-r, all Leningrad children's institutions were reevacuated to Leningrad from July 1945. Employees of orphanages and boarding schools successfully coped with the task assigned to them to preserve the lives and health of children. The children returned to Leningrad grown, stronger and quite healthy. All children, separated from their families and parents for 4 years, were surrounded by warm maternal care, attention and received the right upbringing. Thanks to the systematic, conscientious work of educators, children of boarding schools and orphanages were distinguished by high academic performance, deep knowledge and excellent behavior in schools. To improve the material and living conditions of pupils, a subsidiary farm was created at each children's institution on its own. When they left for Leningrad, the children's boarding schools left 263 hectares of grain and garden crops, 42 horses, 97 cows, 45 calves to the local orphanages (from the regional oblast's certificate for 1945).

Resolution of the Omsk Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated September 2, 1941“About children evacuated from Moscow and Leningrad”

In one of the orphanages in the Omsk region
Gratitude from the children of boarding school No. 190,
returning to Leningrad, the leadership of the Cherlaksky district
Poem by boarding school student No. 190
Svetlana Bogacheva

Leningrad boarding school No. 132 for 1945
Report on the work of an evacuee to the Omsk region
Leningrad boarding school No. 132 for 1945 (continued)
Farewell to evacuated Leningrad children
home on the platform of the Omsk railway station. 1945
Resolution of the Omsk Regional Executive Committee and the Bureau of the Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks
dated July 14, 1945 “On awarding Certificates of Honor
regional committee and regional executive committee of workers of Leningrad children's homes and nurseries
Manager's information military department of the Omsk city committee of the CPSU (b)
Gerasimchuk in the city party committee and the regional executive committee about the results of collecting gifts for the Red Army in Omsk. February 19, 1942
Summary of the receipt of products for the workers of Leningrad.
Loading a train with gifts for the Leningrad Front. 1943
Characteristics of a working cloth factory
PC. Velikanov for a trip to the Leningrad Front
for presenting gifts to soldiers and
commanders of the Red Army. February 11, 1942
Information in the newspaper "Omskaya Pravda" from soldiers of the Leningrad Front,
evacuated to the rear for treatment, workers of the Omsk region

A delegation of Omsk residents who went to the Leningrad Front
for presenting gifts from workers
Omsk region to the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army. 1943


In our city there are many objects associated with the name of Leningrad - streets, a bridge, a square. And although they appeared already in the 1950s, it was during the Great Patriotic War that a close connection between the Siberian Omsk and Leningrad arose. After the blockade, the Victory, many enterprises and Leningraders linked their fate with the city on the Irtysh, which became their second homeland. And for Omsk this connection is inextricable.

Leningradsky Bridge over the Irtysh River. 1959 View from the Leningradsky Bridge across the river. Irtysh
to Leningradskaya Square. 1964

Leningradskaya Square. 1965

Memorial complex in the Park named after. 30th anniversary of the Victory. On one of the monolithsa thematic relief dedicated to the defense of Leningrad was carved


  • 1. History
  • 2 Full name
  • 3 Awards
  • 4 Submission
  • 5 Composition
  • 6 Commanders
  • 7 Division Warriors


364th Infantry Division- military unit of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War

1. History

Formed in August-early November 1941 in Omsk (Siberian Military District) as part of the implementation of the USSR State Defense Committee resolution No. 459ss dated 08/11/1941. Upon completion of formation, by directive of the Supreme Command Headquarters No. 004275 dated November 2, 1941, it was included in the 58th Reserve Army and received an order to redeploy from Omsk to Vozhega. In February 1942 it was sent to the North-Western Front (directive of the Supreme Command Headquarters No. 170090 dated 02/10/1942) to the Staraya Russa area and was included in the 1st Shock Army. She entered the active army on 03/01/1942.

Initially, the division took part in the Demyansk offensive operation (until May 20, 1942). Then, until the fall of 1942, it occupied positional defenses on the line of the Lovat River.

09.23.1942 The 364th Rifle Division is transferred to the reserve of the Supreme Command Headquarters and is included in the 2nd Reserve Army. In December 1942, the unit was sent to the Volkhov Front, where it became part of the 8th Army (entered the active army on December 14, 1942). Here the division took part in the offensive operation "Iskra" (14-30.01.1943), where it led the offensive in the second echelon of the army. Then the 364th Division continued to take up defensive positions on the outer front of the Leningrad blockade and also participated in the Mginsk offensive operation (07.22-08.22.1943).

As part of the Leningrad-Novgorod operation (14.01-01.03.1944), the formation was initially involved in the Novgorod-Luga operation (14.01-15.02.1944). During the offensive, the division liberated Tosno on January 26, 1944, for which it was given the honorary name Tosnenskaya. After the end of this operation, the division became part of the 54th Army and subsequently operated in the Pskov direction.

In the spring of 1944, the division took part in the unsuccessful Pskov operation (03/09–04/15/1944), then took up positional defense on the outskirts of Pskov.

In the summer of 1944, the 364th Rifle Division took part in the Pskov-Ostrov offensive operation (07/11-31/1944), during which it liberated the city of Abrene (07/22/1944). Then the unit was involved in the Tartu operation (, during which the division liberated the city of Aluksne (19.08.1944) and about 200 settlements on the territory of Latvia. Subsequently, the division also took part in the Riga offensive operation (14.09-21.10.1944).

On 12/14/1944, the 364th Rifle Division was withdrawn to the reserve of the Supreme Command Headquarters and, with other forces of the 3rd Shock Army, was transferred to the 1st Belorussian Front. As part of the troops of this front, the division participates in the Warsaw-Poznan operation (14.01-03.02.1945, part of the Vistula-Oder operation). After the end of this offensive, the division was transferred to the Kolberg direction, where it participated in the Arnswald-Kolberg operation (01-18.03.1945). After its completion, the division was redeployed to the Berlin direction and took part in the Berlin offensive operation (04/16-05/02/1945), and the formation participated directly in the assault on the German capital.

By Directive of the Supreme Command Headquarters No. 11095 of 05/29/1945, the division was included in the Group of Soviet Occupation Forces in Germany, formed on the basis of the 1st Belorussian Front.

2. Full name

364th Infantry Tosno Red Banner Division

3. Awards

4. Submission

  • Siberian Military District - August-November 1941
  • 58th Reserve Army - November 1941 - 03/01/1942
  • Northwestern Front, 1st Shock Army - 01.03-23.09.1942
  • 2nd Reserve Army - 09.23-12.14.1942
  • Volkhov Front, 8th Army - 12/14/1942 - January 1943
  • Volkhov Front, 2nd Shock Army - January-February 1943
  • Leningrad Front, 2nd Shock Army - February-March 1943
  • Volkhov Front, 8th Army - March 1943 - January 1944
  • Volkhov Front - January-February 1944
  • Volkhov Front, 54th Army, 119th Rifle Corps - February 1944
  • Leningrad Front, 54th Army, 119th Rifle Corps - 02/15 - April 1944
  • 3rd Baltic Front, 67th Army, 123rd Rifle Corps - April-July 1944
  • 3rd Baltic Front, 1st Shock Army, 123rd Rifle Corps - July-August 1944
  • 3rd Baltic Front, 67th Army, 123rd Rifle Corps - August-September 1944
  • 3rd Baltic Front - September-October 1944
  • 2nd Baltic Front, 3rd Shock Army, 7th Rifle Corps - October-November 1944
  • 2nd Baltic Front, 3rd Shock Army, 12th Guards Rifle Corps - November-December 1944
  • 1st Belorussian Front, 3rd Shock Army, 7th Rifle Corps - since December 1944

5. Composition

  • 1212th Infantry Regiment
  • 1214th Infantry Regiment
  • 1216th Infantry Regiment
  • 937th Artillery Regiment
  • 398th separate anti-tank fighter division
  • 223rd anti-aircraft battery - until 03/15/1943
  • 766th Mortar Division (until 09/20/1942)
  • 278th Machine Gun Battalion (12/14/1942-03/15/1943)
  • 436th Reconnaissance Company
  • 654th Engineer Battalion
  • 825th separate communications battalion (313th separate communications company)
  • 459th Medical Battalion
  • 452nd separate chemical defense company
  • 157th (489th) motor transport company
  • 228th field bakery
  • 797th (687th) Divisional Veterinary Hospital
  • 1422nd Field Postal Station
  • 709th field cash desk of the State Bank

6. Commanders

  • 09/27/1941-03/12/1943 Solovyov Philip Yakovlevich, Major General
  • 03.13.1943-05.28.1944 Verzhbitsky Viktor Antonovich, colonel
  • 05/29/1944-07/08/1944 Makulkin Fedor Aristarkhovich, colonel
  • 07/09/1944-05/09/1945 Vorobyov Ivan Andreevich, colonel

7. Division warriors

This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/17/11 03:00:54
Similar abstracts:

139th Rifle Division (first formation)

Formed in September 1939 in Kozelsk (Belarusian OVO) on the basis of the regiment of the 81st Infantry Division.

Upon completion of formation, the formation 09/17-28/1939 as part of the 3rd Rifle Corps of the 3rd Army of the Belorussian Front participated in the Polish Campaign of 1939.

After the end of the Polish campaign, the division was initially stationed in Vitebsk, and in November 1939 it was sent to Karelia (LVO). Here the formation as part of the 8th Army took part in the Soviet-Finnish War, operating in the Tolvajarvin direction (on the right flank of the army). The offensive of the 139th Infantry Division was unsuccessful - in the battle of December 8-12, 1939 against Finnish group General Talvel in the Tolvajärvi area, the division was defeated and was forced to retreat east more than 50 km, after which the front in this direction stabilized until the end of the war.

At the end of the Winter War, the division was sent to the Kiev Special Military District.

As of June 22, 1941, the formation was part of the 37th Rifle Corps of the 6th Army and, in accordance with the directive of the USSR NKO No. 504205 of June 13, 1941, was advancing to the border.

In June-August 1941, units of the division took part in combat operations in Ukraine against the troops of Army Group South. The division took part in the defensive operation in Western Ukraine (06.22-07.06.1941) and the Kyiv defensive operation (07.07 - early August 1941). During the latter, the division was surrounded near Uman and was destroyed. The unit was officially disbanded on September 19, 1941.

Full title
139th Infantry Division

Southwestern Front, 6th Army, 37th Rifle Corps - from 06/22/1941 to 07/25/1941
Southern Front, 6th Army, 37th Rifle Corps - from July 25, 1941 to early August 1941
[edit] Composition
364th Infantry Regiment
609th Infantry Regiment
718th Infantry Regiment
354th Artillery Regiment
506th Howitzer Artillery Regiment (until 10/20/1941)
223rd separate anti-aircraft artillery division
162nd Reconnaissance Battalion
195th Engineer Battalion
271st separate communications battalion (799th separate communications company)
184th degassing platoon
120th Motor Transport Battalion
185th field bakery
190th Divisional Veterinary Hospital
465th Field Postal Station
405th field cash desk of the State Bank
[edit] Commanders
Loginov Nikolay Loginovich, colonel - from 22.03 to 08.08.1941

139th Rifle Division (second formation)

Formed on September 26, 1941 by transforming the 9th Moscow Rifle Division of the People's Militia.

The newly formed formation became part of the 24th Army of the Reserve Front and from 10/02/1941 participated in the Vyazma defensive operation (the defensive phase of the Battle of Moscow). During these battles, the division was surrounded and destroyed. Officially disbanded on December 27, 1941.

[edit] Full name
139th Infantry Division

[edit] Submission
Reserve Front, 24th Army - from 09/26/1941 to October 1941
[edit] Composition
1300th Infantry Regiment
1302nd Infantry Regiment
1304th Infantry Regiment
976th Artillery Regiment
700th separate anti-aircraft artillery division
475th Reconnaissance Company
459th Engineer Battalion
864th separate communications battalion
498th Medical Battalion
342nd separate chemical defense company
310th Motor Transport Company
931st Field Postal Station
[edit] Commanders
Bobrov Boris Dmitrievich, major general - from 09/26 to 10/06/1941 (died 10/07/1941)

139th Rifle Division (third formation)

The formation of the division began on December 4, 1941 in Cheboksary. The division's personnel were more than 70% Chuvash, the 718th Infantry Regiment was formed in Kugesy, the 364th Infantry Regiment in Ishley, the 609th Infantry Regiment in Shemursha, the 354th Artillery Regiment in Ikkovo.

It began hostilities in August 1942, during the Rzhev-Sychevsk operation near the city of Rzhev.

In the spring of 1943, she took part in the Rzhev-Vyazemsk operation.

In the fall of 1943, during the Smolensk-Roslavl operation, she distinguished herself during the liberation of Roslavl and advanced on Chausy

She participated in the Belarusian strategic offensive operation, during which, as part of the Mogilev offensive operation, by the morning of June 23, 1944, she reached the concentration area, in the forests south of the village of Dednya, 3-5 km east of the Pronya River. During the night of June 24, 1944, the division along pre-built bridges in in full force moved to the western bank of the Pronya. By 3 p.m., units of the division, supported by tanks, artillery and aviation, entered into battle with the enemy, breaking his resistance, and by the end of the day they reached the Basya River and crossed it on the move. By the morning of June 27, 1944, the division with its main forces reached the Dnieper, captured Lupolovo and immediately began crossing the Dnieper using available means.

By 5 p.m., units of the division took up their starting position for the assault on Mogilev and began the assault, but only managed to capture the outskirts; the attack was repulsed. The assault began again at 21:00, and the division occupied the center of Mogilev. Conducted fierce street battles. Then, with an accelerated march, practically meeting no resistance, she reached the line of the Drut and Berezina rivers and took part in the Minsk offensive operation and the Bialystok offensive operation.

Subsequently, she participated in the liberation of Poland, the East Prussian operation, the East Pomeranian operation, and the Berlin strategic operation. Took part in the liberation of Danzig
Ended the war on the Elbe
In total, the division has 28 Heroes of the Soviet Union and 14 full holders of the Order of Glory.

Full title
139th Rifle Roslavl Red Banner Order of Suvorov Division

Moscow Military District - on January 1, 1942
Reserve Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, 4th Reserve Army - on July 1, 1942
Western Front, 29th Army - on October 1, 1942.
Western Front, 31st Army - on January 1, 1943.
Western Front, 50th Army - on April 1, 1943.
Western Front, 10th Army - on July 1, 1943.
Western Front, 10th Army, 70th Rifle Corps - on October 1, 1943.
1st Belorussian Front, 10th Army, 38th Rifle Corps - on January 1, 1944.
2nd Belorussian Front, 50th Army, 121st Rifle Corps - on April 1, 1944.
2nd Belorussian Front, 49th Army, 70th Rifle Corps - on October 1, 1944.
[edit] Composition
364th Infantry Regiment
609th Infantry Regiment
718th Infantry Regiment
354th Artillery Regiment
237th separate anti-tank fighter division
162nd reconnaissance company
195th Engineer Battalion
271st separate communications battalion
220th Medical Battalion
493rd separate chemical defense company
356th Motor Transport Company
??-th Divisional Veterinary Infirmary
??-I field bakery
??-I field postal station
??-I field cash desk of the State Bank

Mitropolsky Nikolai Vasilievich (December 5, 1941 - December 21, 1941), lieutenant colonel;
Antonov Boris Ivanovich (December 25, 1941 - January 5, 1942), lieutenant colonel;
Drobitsky Georgy Semyonovich (January 6, 1942 - January 25, 1942), major;
Kuznetsov Pavel Ionovich (January 26, 1942 - August 9, 1942), colonel;
Krasnoshtanov Ivan Danilovich (August 10, 1942 - August 24, 1942), colonel;
Barmotin Silverst Akimovich (August 25, 1942 - November 18, 1942), colonel;
Yaremenko Ivan Ivanovich (November 19, 1942 - November 24, 1942), lieutenant colonel;
Sukharev Nikolai Fedorovich (November 25, 1942 - March 25, 1943), lieutenant colonel, colonel from February 6, 1943;
Kirillov Iosif Konstantinovich (March 26, 1943 - March 30, 1945), colonel, since February 22, 1944, major general;
Ogienko Boris Pavlovich (March 31, 1945 - May 9, 1945), colonel.

Warriors of the division
Fatin, Valentin Vasilyevich (1921 - 1944), battalion commander of the 609th Infantry Regiment, captain. Hero of the Soviet Union; the title was awarded on March 24, 1945 for the battle on June 28, 1944 during the crossing of the Dnieper (the entrusted unit crossed to the right bank of the river and broke into the city of Mogilev. Repelling enemy counterattacks, the fighters fought hand-to-hand combat, captured 18 guns, about 200 vehicles, 8 warehouses, took the headquarters of the infantry division and over 500 Nazis were captured).
Volosatov, Viktor Aleksandrovich, commander of the reconnaissance department of the 609th Infantry Regiment, sergeant. Hero of the Soviet Union; the title was awarded on March 24, 1945 for the battle during the crossing of the Neman near the village of Kovshi (Grodno region) (with a reconnaissance platoon, he was the first to cross the river, assisted in the capture of a strong point and the crossing. He was wounded, but did not leave the battlefield).
Kirillov, Mikhail Semenovich, commander of the reconnaissance department of the 364th Infantry Regiment, sergeant major. Hero of the Soviet Union; the title was awarded on March 24, 1945 for the battle on June 27, 1944 (with a group of 6 people, he crossed the Dnieper near the village of Buynichi (Mogilev region), captured a line, destroyed firing points with machine gun fire and grenades, and thereby ensured that the battalion crossed the river).
Shavkunov, Georgy Ivanovich (August 9, 1913 - August 23, 1944), sapper of the 195th engineer battalion, private. Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously); the title was awarded on March 24, 1945 for ensuring the crossing of the Dnieper on June 27, 1944.
Afanasyev, Viktor Mikhailovich, commander of the foot reconnaissance platoon of the 609th Infantry Regiment, sergeant. Hero of the Soviet Union; the title was awarded on March 24, 1945 for the battle on July 15, 1944 during the crossing of the Neman (swimmed the river and gained a foothold on the left bank. Being wounded, he participated in repelling enemy counterattacks and holding the bridgehead).
Grishaev, Viktor Ivanovich, commander of the 609th Infantry Regiment, colonel. Hero of the Soviet Union; the title was awarded on March 24, 1945 for the battle on June 28, 1944 during the crossing of the Dnieper (for personal courage and skillful command of the regiment during the crossing of the Dnieper River and the liberation of the city of Mogilev).
Petrov, Mikhail Petrovich, commander of the 364th Infantry Regiment, lieutenant colonel. Hero of the Soviet Union; the title was awarded on March 24, 1945 for the battle on June 28, 1944 during the crossing of the Dnieper (for personal courage and skillful command of the regiment during the crossing of the Dnieper River and the liberation of the city of Mogilev).
Abdrakhmanov, Hanif Khazigaleevich - commander of the reconnaissance section of the 76-mm cannon battery of the 609th Infantry Regiment, captain, full holder of the Order of Glory; was awarded: June 28, 1944 with the Order of Glory, 3rd degree; April 12, 1945 Order of Glory, 2nd degree; February 27, 1958 Order of Glory, 1st degree;
Godunov, Ivan Grigorievich, commander of a foot reconnaissance platoon of the 718th Infantry Regiment, junior sergeant. Full Knight of the Order of Glory; was awarded: September 21, 1944, Order of the 3rd degree; December 23, 1944, Order of the 2nd degree; June 29, 1945, Order of the 1st degree.
Khodanovich, Lev Sergeevich, assistant commander of the foot reconnaissance platoon of the 718th Infantry Regiment, sergeant major. Full Knight of the Order of Glory; was awarded: on August 19, 1944, with an order of the 3rd degree for reconnaissance; on July 23, 1944, in the area of ​​​​the village of Korobchitsa (southwest of the city of Grodno), on December 23, 1944, with an order of the 2nd degree for the battle on December 1, 1944, in the area of ​​​​the village Montwica (northwest of the city of Lomza, Poland), on February 13, 1945, Order of the 1st degree for the battle on October 21, 1944 near the village of Slawno (west of the city of Ostroleka, Poland).
[edit] Awards and titles
09.25.1943 - awarded the honorary name “Roslavl”
???.??.???? - awarded the Order of the Red Banner
???.??.???? - awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree

Interesting Facts
The widely known song “On a Nameless Height,” written for the film “Silence,” is dedicated to eighteen soldiers of the 718th Regiment of the 139th Infantry Division. They defended an inch of land “near an unfamiliar village” (more precisely, on the night of September 14, 1943, under the command of junior lieutenant E.I. Poroshin, they entered the battle for a fortified height with a mark on the map 224.1 near the village of Rubezhanki, Kuibyshevsky district of Kaluga region), fighting against 300 fascist soldiers. Only two returned alive from this battle. Monument 1 was unveiled there on September 15, 1966, and a memorial was opened there on May 9, 1980.
On December 12, 1987, a museum of the 139th Infantry Division was opened in Cheboksary Lyceum No. 3.

364th Infantry Tosno Red Banner Division.

The division was formed in the period from August 28 to October 15, 1941 on the territory of the Omsk region of the Siberian Military District.

Combat composition of the division:

Division management.

1212th Infantry Regiment.

1214th Infantry Regiment.

1216th Infantry Regiment.

937th Artillery Regiment.

398th separate anti-tank fighter division.

223rd anti-aircraft battery - until 03/15/1943.

766th Mortar Division (until 09/20/1942).

278th machine gun battalion (12/14/1942-03/15/1943).

436th separate reconnaissance company.

654th separate engineer battalion.

825th separate communications battalion (313th separate communications company).

459th Medical Battalion.

452nd separate chemical defense company.

157th (489th) motor transport company.

228th field bakery.

797th (687th) divisional veterinary hospital.

709th field cash desk of the State Bank.

After a short training, on November 7, 1941, the division boarded trains and departed for the west.

On November 13, 1941, she unloaded at Vozhega station in the north of the Vologda region, settled in open forest dugouts and continued combat training, while simultaneously receiving the missing weapons and equipment.

Two months later, the division was sent to the active army, where on March 1, 1942 it became part of the 1st Shock Army of the North-Western Front. In March 1942, the enemy, having concentrated significant forces in the Staraya Russa region of the Leningrad Region, launched an offensive in the direction of Demyansk to connect with the encircled 16th Army. With the breakthrough of our front line south of Staraya Russa, the division, by order of the Military Council of the 1st Shock Army from the Ust-Bolshie Yasny area, was transferred to the Sokolovo-Podtsepoche-Velikoye Selo-Ozhedovo-1 section with the task of stopping and disrupting the enemy’s offensive.

From the combat log:

From the moment of unloading from the trains, on the basis of combat order No. 0741 of the North-Western Front from 6.00 on March 1, 1942, the division became subordinate to the 1st Shock Army. Combat order No. 0691 of February 20, 1942 of the headquarters of the North-Western Front determined the concentration area: Antipovo, Shchekotets, Lukino, Shchechkovo. Division headquarters in Manuilovo. The division's exit to the concentration area was carried out by regiments and individual units.

On the way, an order was received in which the commander of the North-Western Front ordered, without waiting for the concentration of the division in Antipovo, Shchekotets, Manuylovo, Shchechkovo, to go along the regiments in a forced march to the area of ​​​​Andronovo, Kruglaya, Gorbovastitsa, Sanakovshchina. The route changed from 75 km to 125 km. Headquarters of the 1st Shock Army - Borisovo.
The lack of transport made it impossible to provide the necessary amount of fodder and food. Power shortages began, which caused a weakening of the fighters and the cavalry and led to significant mortality and a decline in the cavalry during the march.

6.3.1942. The 364th Rifle Division concentrated in the Andronovo, Kuznetsovo, Baynovo, and Sanakovshchina areas. The concentration area is under continuous surveillance by enemy aircraft. The 1212th Infantry Regiment, by order of the front headquarters, is concentrated in the area: forest, west of Sokolovo. By 10.00 the following concentrated: the 1st rifle battalion, mortar battalion, anti-tank rifle company, battery of 45mm guns (both batteries without traction and ammunition), 2nd and 3rd rifle battalions - in Shchechkovo.
Losses during the march: 5 people were killed, 2 commanders and 13 soldiers were wounded, 2 people died en route.
The 1214th Infantry Regiment concentrated in the forest area, east of Kruglaya. Losses: 7 killed, 2 middle commanders, 3 junior commanders, 15 soldiers wounded, 13 people died en route.
1216th Infantry Regiment without the 3rd Infantry Battalion and a battery of 76mm cannons - forest, east of Andronovo, Kornylyevo. 3rd rifle battalion and a battery of 76 mm guns on the march from Shchechkovo to the Kudrovo area. Losses: 7 soldiers killed and wounded.
937th artillery regiment - 2nd artillery division - forest, west of Sokolovo; 1st Division on the march from the B. Gorby area. Losses: 11 soldiers and 1 junior commander were killed, 1 person died, 1 was wounded, 1 was shell-shocked.
The 766th separate mortar division concentrated with 2 batteries in the forest east of Kuznetsovo, and one battery in the forest east of Andronovo. Losses: 1 person died.
The sapper battalion fell behind due to lack of forage and is on the march from Shchechkovo. Division headquarters - Sanakovshchina.

7.3.1942. The 1212th Infantry Regiment concentrated in the forest, west of Sokolovo, without a military unit and a transport company - all without a convoy, horses, or fodder. Products are unavailable for the 2nd day. During transportation by road, 9 people died during the day, 1 was killed, 1 was injured.
1214th Infantry Regiment - forest, east of Kruglaya, Kuznetsovo. Losses per day: 8 people died.
1216th Rifle Regiment (without 3rd Rifle Brigade and 76mm battery) - forest, east of Andronovo, Kornylyevo. The 3rd Infantry Battalion is on the march from Kudrovo in the forest area west of Sokolovo, where it will join the reserve of the 1st Shock Army.
937th artillery regiment 1st division - forest east of 2 km Andronovo, 2nd division - 2 km east of Kruglaya. The enemy came under fire from the direction of Minino-Strushino, the western part of the forest east of Andronovo. Parts of the division are engaged in tearing off cracks and camouflage.

9.3.1942. The division occupies the concentration area of ​​​​Andronovo, Kuznetsovo, Baynovo, Sanakovshchina. Units are engaged in separating dugouts and preparing defense. Food and fodder were absent for the 2nd day, and in some parts they were completely absent. Losses: 13 soldiers died, 4 died from wounds, 4 were wounded.
The 2nd Infantry Battalion of the 1212th Infantry Regiment is moving to the Trokhino, Vzglyady line, according to the order of the army.

10.3.1942. The division occupies the previous concentration area.
The 1216th Infantry Regiment was moved to a forest area 1.5 km west of N. Svinukhovo. The 1212th Infantry Regiment occupied the location of the 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 1216th Infantry Regiment - a forest north-west of Sokolovo. The 1212th Infantry Regiment is moved forward and occupies Trokhovo with one company, Vzglyady with one company, and one company in the second echelon - the edge of the forest east of Vzglyady.
The 1212th Infantry Regiment is in the forest southwest of Sokolovo, the 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 1212th Infantry Regiment is in the forest northwest of Sokolovo, the 2nd Infantry Battalion of the 1212th Infantry Regiment is at the Trokhovo-Vzglyady line.
1216th Infantry Regiment - 3rd Infantry Battalion - forest, 1 km west of the Krasno-Svinukhovo collective farm. The regiment is on the march to the Novo-Svinukhovo area.
1214th Infantry Regiment - forest, east of Kruglaya, Kuznetsovo.
The 937th artillery regiment of the former OP, except for 2 batteries, is on the march to the N. Svinukhovo area. Losses: 1 fighter died.

11.3.1942. The enemy landed in the Astratovo area. A company of machine gunners from the 1214th Infantry Regiment and a separate motorized rifle reconnaissance company set out for the Slugino-Galuzino area to destroy the enemy. 1212th Infantry Regiment - forest, west of Andronovo, 1214th Infantry Regiment - forest east and southeast of N. Svinukhovo, 1216th Infantry Regiment on the march to the forest area, southeast of Kolyshkino, east of Ozhedovo 1st, north -east of V.Selo.

13.3.1942. The division began carrying out defensive work and strengthening the line: the 1216th Infantry Regiment - along the eastern bank of the Porusya River on the Chernyshovo, Mavrino front, the 1214th Infantry Regiment - Klimkovo, Ozhedovo 1st, the 1212th Infantry Regiment - with one battalion along the western the edge of the forest from mark 51.5 to mark 52.8 and one battalion along the eastern bank of the Porusya River, at the line Vzglyady, Andronovo. A double norm for the issuance of food and one and a half norms of fodder for horses have been established.

15.3.1942. The division received orders to redeploy to the area of ​​B. Yasny, Podsosonye, ​​Sushitsa, Gorodok, Griva, where it would concentrate by the morning of March 16, 1942. The enemy, with units of the 30th, 290th, and 5th Infantry Divisions, stubbornly holds the Bystry Bereg, Perekhody, Chernaya, and Zulema lines. A ski group under the command of Colonel Subbotin consisting of the 7th, 18th, 17th, 8th, 4th, 269th, 268th separate ski battalions destroys the enemy and subsequently organizes defense at the Bystry Bereg line, Lubnovo, Vashkovo, Priluzhye, Gudki. The task was set: the 364th Infantry Division, with one division, to support the actions of a ski group from the Skopino area.

16.3.1942. Units of the division (minus the 2nd artillery regiment division) concentrated in the Ustye-Vekshino area. We began preparations for an offensive front to the west.

17.3.1942. Units of the division continue to conduct defensive work. The enemy is firing. Leaflets were dropped over the location of the 1212th Infantry Regiment, which were collected and destroyed. Losses for March 15-16, 1942: 10 people died, 22 horses died.

19.3.42 years. According to a report from the 26th separate rifle brigade, 3 downed German transport planes fell in the Mintsevo-Mikhailovo area.

20.3.1942. Parts of the division continued defensive work, which was delayed by an acute shortage of entrenching tools and heavy permafrost. The artillery regiment concentrated: 1st division in the Skopino area, 2nd division in the B. Sheludkovo area, regiment headquarters in Lipovka. Division headquarters - Griva. The 2nd rifle company of the 1216th rifle regiment was sent to Meglec to develop the area and establish contacts with the outposts of the 12th border regiment. The 1212th Rifle Regiment shot down a Yu-52 plane. The plane's crew members were captured. Losses: 1 killed, 3 wounded.

21.3.1942. The operational department of the army reported that enemy units from the Staraya Russa area with the 8th, 5th, 329th infantry divisions on the right flank of the 1st Shock Army limited the offensive at the Derevkovo, Rogashevo line and by the end of the day had captured Rogashevo, Krasno-Svinukhovo , Novo-Svinukhovo (Uchno) further along the western bank of the Porusya River to the north.
The 364th Infantry Division received an order to the 1216th Infantry Regiment with a battery of the Ministry of Division to leave the occupied area and along the route B. Yasny, Dolgaya, Vidzha to concentrate in the forest northwest of Sokolovo by 6.00 on March 22, 1942. At 20.00 an order was received to transfer the entire division to this area: the 1214th Infantry Regiment - a forest, northwest and northeast of the village of Sokolovo. 1212th Infantry Regiment with a battery of the medical division - forest east of Andronovo. Division concentration area: forest, 1 km west of Zubakino, forest, 1.5 km southwest of the Krasny Mayak (Podtsepochye) collective farm, forest, east of Sokolovo, forest, east of Andronovo.

From March 22, 1942 to April 10, 1942, the division fought stubborn battles on the Velikoye Selo-Sokolovo front, with a total length of 11 km.
The division's regiments covered the following directions:
– 1212th Infantry Regiment - Kolyshkino-Velikoye Selo and Klimkovo-Velikoye Selo;
– 1214th Infantry Regiment - Zubakino-Voskresenskoye-Ozhedovo-1;
– 1216th Infantry Regiment – ​​Podtsepoche-Sokolovo.

From the combat log:

22.3.1942. By the morning of March 22, 1942, units of the division concentrated in the area:

1216th Infantry Regiment - in the groves north of Sokolovo.

1214th Infantry Regiment - two companies in the forest west of Baynov.

1212th Rifle Regiment - forest west of Sokolovo.

During the day, enemy aircraft continuously bombed the areas where units were located and approach routes.

By the end of the day, the 1216th Infantry Regiment received the task of moving to the Zubakino area and eliminating the enemy in the Zubakino-Mavrino area. After destroying the enemy, go to the Podtsepoche road, blocking the road to the north. and south direction.
The 1214th Infantry Regiment was given the task of concentrating the forest, north of Sokolovo, where to build a defense, block the road leading from Podtsepoche to Sokolovo, Bainovo, with the onset of darkness, go out into the forest area, north and north-west of Sokolovo, take up defense along the northern edge of the forest north-west east and north-west of Sokolovo (1.5 km to the right and 1.5 km to the left of the road). The task is not to miss the enemy on the way to the south. Mavrino, Vasilevshchina, Klimkovo are in the hands of the enemy, to eliminate which the 1216th Infantry Regiment is being deployed, with which they keep constant contact and conduct reconnaissance on Mavrino and the forest 3.5 km east of Borodino.
The 1212th Infantry Regiment with a minbattery will move into the forest district eastern Andronovo, in readiness to move to the Sokolovo district.

23.3.1942. By order of the 1st Shock Army, the 1214th Infantry Regiment was given the task: to take the starting position - Klimkovo, mark 31.7, at 7.00 23.3 attack the enemy occupying Vasilyevshchina, Mavrino and capture Podtsepoche. Establish contact with the 201st Infantry Division and securely ensure a connection with it. Have 1-2 battalions in the Klimkovo area. The 1216th Infantry Regiment with the second battalion should concentrate in the forest, one battalion in Kudrovo, under no circumstances allowing the enemy to break through to Shapkino. To the right, the 62nd and 44th rifle brigades are advancing on Novo-Svinukhovo; in the forest east of Vasilevshchina, the 2nd Guards Rifle Brigade, command post Voskresenskoye, is operating. At 4.00 the attack began, the enemy offered stubborn resistance, counterattacking in small groups. Enemy aircraft are continuously bombing and machine-gunning areas where our troops are concentrated and access routes. 10 paratroopers landed in Klimkovo.
The 1214th Infantry Regiment is fighting for Zubakino and on the southern outskirts of Podtsepochye, the 1212th Infantry Regiment is on the occupied line.
As of 16.00, the enemy, in separate groups of 100-150 people, is offering stubborn resistance with the support of its aviation, which carries out continuous bombing and machine-gun fire from 50-60 aircraft, the enemy is throwing out groups of paratroopers of up to 10 people.

The actions of the 1216th and a battalion of the 1214th rifle regiments on Klimkovo and Zubakino and two battalions of the 1214th rifle regiment on Podtsepochye were delayed by heavy air bombardment. One battalion of the 1216th Infantry Regiment suffered heavy losses. The actions of enemy aviation take place without the influence of our aviation, so enemy aviation acts with complete impunity, flying at low altitudes and in close formations, covering the areas where units are located with a large number of bombs, shooting through all the villages with machine-gun fire, and individual houses are burning from incendiary bullets. By the end of the day, the combat mission was not completed for the specified reasons and our units lay down in front of populated areas.

24.3.1942. 1216th joint venture on the night from 23.3 to 24.3. In 1942, he regrouped, occupying the area on the northern edge of the grove 1.5 km north of Sokolovo. Reconnaissance and combat established that in front of the front of the 1216th Regiment there are up to 2 infantry regiments with a sufficient number of mortar batteries and machine guns, from Podtsepochye there is an SS officer school.
On March 24, the enemy began heavy fire on the battle formations in the morning. Up to 50 enemy aircraft carried out bombing and machine-gun fire. After fire preparation, the enemy went on the offensive. In front of the front of the 1216th Infantry Regiment, an infantry regiment, separate groups of machine gunners, and a company of the SS officer school advanced. The regiment prepared fire weapons well, the enemy was brought to close range, after which hurricane fire was opened from mortars, machine guns and attached artillery. The enemy, suffering heavy losses in confusion, began to roll back, at this moment the regiment's units launched a counterattack, destroying the Nazis with fire and the bayonet. After this battle, the enemy retreated to their original position to the southern outskirts of Podtsepochye and the village of Zubakino. In this battle, the enemy lost up to 500 people killed and wounded, and the officer school was completely destroyed.
The 1212th Infantry Regiment began moving to the V. Selo area at 20.00 on the orders of the headquarters. The 2nd rifle battalion and battery were left at the disposal of the commander of the 1216th rifle regiment. The 7th Infantry Company was left at the disposal of the commander of the 201st Infantry Division. The 8th rifle company, which remained to cover the 1st artillery division of the 937th artillery regiment, marched from the Belebelka area and arrived in the Sokolovo area on the 25th.

25.3.1942. During the night the enemy showed no activity and continuously illuminated the area with missiles. At dawn, the infantry battalion tries to advance along the road from Novo-Svinukhovo to Sokolovo. The 364th Rifle Division regrouped at night and is in the following position:

The 1212th Infantry Regiment with a battery of the Ministry of Defense moved from the forest area north and north-west of Sokolovo to the Velikoye Selo area and from here launched an attack on Kolyshkino. By 7.00, one battalion reached the line 100-150 meters south of Kolyshkino, where it was stopped by rifle and machine-gun fire from the direction of Kozlovo-Kolyshkino. On the southern outskirts of Kolyshkino there are up to 4 heavy machine guns. Another battalion captured a grove 800 m southwest of Kolyshkino and is organizing defense along its northern side. 2nd Infantry Battalion of the 1212th Infantry Regiment in a grove 2 km west of Velikoye Selo in the army command reserve. Losses: the second battalion sent to support Frolov lost 136 people killed and wounded.
The 1214th Infantry Regiment stubbornly defends the Grove line 500m east of Voskresenskoye. In the morning he began an offensive in the direction of Zubakino. His goal is to hold the line he occupies at any cost. Losses on March 24 inclusive: deputy killed. division commander, Major Zaichenko, deputy. Commander of the 1214th Infantry Regiment, Major Abramov S.V. , partisans of the period civil war, killed in the Voskresenskoye area, 14 middle command personnel were killed, 92 juniors and privates. Injured: 25 middle command personnel, 201 privates and juniors. Losses are being clarified.
The 1216th Infantry Regiment with a battery of the Ministry of Defense stubbornly defends the line 500 m northwest of Voskresenskoye - the northern edges of the forest north of Sokolovo, the road from Novo-Svinukhovo to Sokolovo. Since the morning he has been fighting the enemy with force up to the battalion advancing from Novo-Svinukhovo. Losses up to March 23, 1942 inclusive: junior commanding officers were killed - 5, mid-level commanding personnel were wounded - 10 people, junior commanding personnel - 4 people, privates - 157 people.

937th artillery regiment - 4th battery in the forest west of Sokolovo, 5th battery one km west of Baynov, 6th battery - 1.5 km northeast of Baynov, 1st and 2nd batteries in the Ustye area, 3rd battery - Podsosonye.
During the day of March 25, 1942, the division carried out the task of capturing Kolyshkino and stubbornly defending the remaining lines of Kolyshkino-Voskresenskoye - the northern edge of the forest north of Sokolovo. The heavy losses in the division were caused almost exclusively by bombing and machine gun fire from enemy aircraft. Our aircraft are not in the air.
As of 20.00, after a three-time air raid with the support of four tanks, over 2 enemy battalions captured Voskresenskoye.

The 1214th Infantry Regiment retreated, offering stubborn resistance: the regiment commander with the remnants of the first and third battalions retreated to Sokolovo with the task of organizing the defense of Sokolovo from the east. The chief of staff with the remnants of the second battalion retreated to Ozhedovo 1st where he organized the defense. A company of the 1212th infantry regiment was assigned to help him.

The 1216th Infantry Regiment drove the enemy out of the forest north of Sokolovo and restored the situation by destroying over 200 Germans in a bayonet attack. The regiment organizes defense to the north and northeast together with the units of the 1214th infantry regiment that retreated to Sokolovo.

The 1212th Infantry Regiment (4 companies) and all other special forces, after an unsuccessful attack on Kolyshkino, lay down at the line 400 m south of Kolyshkino and the junction of roads one and a half kilometers southwest of Kolyshkino. The neighboring parts of Balabukha did not take action during the day. The weather continues to be warm, with temperatures above zero day and night.

26.3.1942. During the day, the ground enemy tried to advance in different directions, firing heavy mortar fire. The air enemy carried out bombing and machine-gun fire from the air throughout the day, inflicting heavy losses, especially on the 1212th Regiment. The 364th Infantry Division actively defended at the line: road intersection 2.5 km southeast of Voskresenskoye, northern edge of the grove 600 m east of Voskresenskoye, Ozhedovo 1st junction of roads from Voskresenskoye to Sokolovo and Ozhedovo 1st to Sokolovo and the northern edge of the grove to the north Sokolovo.

The 1212th Infantry Regiment (4 companies) and all units defending 200 m south of Kolyshkino and the junction of roads 1.5 km southwest of Kolyshkino were subjected to fierce bombing and machine-gun fire from aircraft throughout the day. At 15.30 the regiment was attacked from the direction of Klimkovo-Velikoye Selo, with a force of up to 2 companies supported by mortar fire and aviation, the remnants of the companies were somewhat pushed back. But then, with a bayonet counterattack together with skiers from Velikoye Selo, the enemy attack was repulsed. In order to throw the skiers into the attack, a lot of work had to be done to put their units in order. At 17.00, over an enemy battalion with 6 tanks, under the cover of mortar fire and aviation, again attacked units of the 1212th Infantry Regiment. The skiers who were in Velikoye Selo began to leave in panic. Partially Velikoye Selo was abandoned, later the units were put in order, a counterattack was organized and Velikoye Selo was occupied by the 1212th Infantry Regiment. By 24.00 the battle continued with machine gunners holed up in separate houses on the northern outskirts. One enemy tank was knocked out. The regiment suffered heavy losses mainly from aviation and currently there are about 200 people in this area, in some companies there are 10-15 bayonets left. The regiment commander, Major Volkov, was removed from command of the regiment for inactivity and temporarily replaced by Captain Karnaukhov.

The 1214th Infantry Regiment with a company of the 1212th Infantry Regiment, with a company of the 15th Rifle Regiment, held the Ozhedovo 1st line during the day - the junction of the roads from Voskresenskoye to Sokolovo and Ozhedovo 1st to Sokolovo. During the day, part of the regiment's fighters remained surrounded on the northern edge of the grove 600 m east of Voskresenskoye, continued to fight surrounded, and during the attack Voskresenskoye would provide an attack from the east. The losses of the 1214th regiment from the 22nd to the 26th inclusive amounted to 628 people. Of these, 102 were killed and 228 were wounded.

The 1216th Infantry Regiment with the 2nd Infantry Battalion of the 1212th Regiment continued to hold the line at the intersection of roads from Voskresenskoye to Sokolovo and Ozhegovo 1st, to Sokolovo and north of the edge of the grove north of Sokolovo, repelling enemy attacks to advance from Podtsepochee along the road and from Voskresenskoye on the road to Sokolovo, to the company in each direction. Losses from 20 to 25.3: command personnel - 52; junior chief - 108; rank and file - 1069 people. At 18.00, in the Velikoye Selo area, a German bomber dropped bombs on its transport plane flying below, which exploded and burned.

27.3.1942. As of 8.00, the 1212th Infantry Regiment and the rest of the special forces from Velikoye Selo are slowly advancing north with more than 150 machine gunners and 6 tanks in front of them. At 12.00 the attached ski battalion is consolidated at the level of the northern edges of the groves southwest of Kolyshkino and cuts the road from Kolyshkino to Velikoye Selo. Two companies 300 m northwest of Velikoye Selo (both companies were attached). Mortar fire is being fired at the enemy convoy moving from Klimkovo to Velikoye Selo. A combined battalion of the remnants of 4 rifle companies and special forces on the western outskirts and west of Velikoye Selo ensures the offensive from the east.

The 1214th rifle regiment advances on Voskresenskoye, the second battalion occupies a grove east of Voskresenskoye, and is subjected to heavy mortar fire and bombing. The RS division has not yet opened fire on Voskresenskoye because By order of Major Zyrin, the division was reassigned to another unit.

The 1216th joint venture occupies the same position, at 8.00 there is no communication.

As of 21.00, the 1212th Infantry Regiment is conducting a fire battle with the enemy (north of 200 m Velikoye Selo) stopped on the road from Klimkovo to Velikoye Selo. Along with the convoy there are 4 tanks. The battalion of skiers retreated to Onufrievo.

The 1214th Infantry Regiment is fighting a heavy battle for Voskresenskoye, which is surrounded from the east, southwest and northwest. The grove east of Voskresenskoye is captured with the exception of the northern edge. The grove west of Voskresenskoye is completely occupied by the regiment.

At 19.00, the 1216th Infantry Regiment repulsed with artillery and machine gun fire an attempt by an enemy battalion to advance from Podtsepochye to the forest north of Sokolovo. The enemy battalion was scattered and fled to the grove south of mark 51.7, where it carried out trench work. Enemy aircraft are bombing and machine-gunning the battle formations of our units and rear areas.

28.3.1942. The enemy seeks to develop his attack along the Mavrino-Velikoye Selo road to connect with the Demyansk group and expand the breakthrough zone by putting pressure on units of the 201st Rifle Division (neighbor on the left). But our resistance does not make it possible to carry out the task. The main blow falls on units of the 364th Infantry Division. By order of March 26, the commander of the 1212th rifle regiment, Major Volkov, was removed from his post, and Stepan Afanasyevich Karnaukhov, head of the 2nd department of the division headquarters, was temporarily appointed regiment commander.

Starting from 8.00 on March 28, there were massive enemy air raids on the battle formations of our units. 9.00 - 50-70 planes bomb the 1212th joint venture, at 9.30 a second raid in the same number, at 10.20 the 3rd fierce raid on the 1212th joint venture by 60-70 aircraft, as a result of which the battalion of skiers supporting the right flank withdrew. The remnants of the 1212th rifle regiment, having lost command, retreated, leaving V. Selo. In the battle on the morning of March 28, captain S.A. Karnaukhov died the death of the brave. a wonderful comrade in arms, a faithful son of the Lenin-Stalin party, commander of the 1212th rifle regiment. The regiment's staff commanders and political workers were also killed. By 12.00 contact with the regiment was lost.

In the sector of the 1214th rifle regiment there was a fierce battle for Ozhedovo 1st, the enemy advancing in force up to the battalion from three sides, infiltrating along the eastern bank of the river and the western bank, covering his attack with the movement of three tanks and air bombing, as well as mortar fire from Voskresenskoye. By the end of the day, the 1214th cavalry regiment left Ozhedovo 1st and retreated to Sushchevo. On Sokolovo, on the battle formations of the 1216th rifle regiment, over a battalion of the enemy attacked, 3 enemy attacks were repulsed. The enemy retreated to the previously occupied line, suffering heavy losses. In front of the front of the 3rd rifle battalion, up to 2 companies were advancing, in front of the front of the 2nd rifle battalion, 2 companies were advancing. During the daytime battle, 31 people were killed and 46 people were wounded. During the second half of the day, the movement of individual infantry groups was observed. After the occupation of V. Selo, a telephone operator remained in this settlement, who from 17.00 to 19.00 informed about the situation before the approach of the 2nd echelon of fascist troops. A platoon of divisional divisions was sent ... to the village later, due to the continuous impact of aviation.

Division commander major general Soloviev, after the remnants of the 1212th rifle regiment retreated east through the forest, small units (special) divisions (divisional school for junior commanders, part of a motor reconnaissance unit, a chemical defense company, an anti-tank division) were thrown to protect Chernyshev, which stubbornly repelled all attacks of the Germans (with a strength of up to 2 -x mouth). The motor company commander was asked to establish contact with the remnants of the 1212th Regiment.

2 captured prisoners in the battle near Ozhedovo 1st showed that the 8th German division was operating against our division (the prisoners were from the 28th Infantry Regiment of the 1st Battalion), which arrived from France in the Staraya Russa area on March 3, 1942.

29.3.1942. At 0500, enemy aircraft began their activities, bombarding the battle formations of our units. Intensified bombing of the Sokolovo, Velikoye Selo, Chernyshevo areas is definitely the direction of the main attacks today. Fierce fighting broke out throughout the day in the Sokolovo area for the capture of the grove north of Sokolovo and Sokolovo itself. The 1216th rifle regiment, which had suffered significant losses during the days of previous battles, supported by 2 companies arriving from the front, held back the stubborn advance of 2 battalions. Under the strong influence of bomber aircraft and strong mortar fire, only by the end of the day the enemy managed to push back the 1216th rifle regiment and capture Sokolovo.

The 1216th joint venture went on the defensive at the Leushin line. The 1st rifle battalion of the 1216th rifle regiment was surrounded in a grove north of Sokolovo. On the night of 30.3.42, he left the encirclement in the direction of Ratsch (up to 200 people).

The remnants of the 1212th Infantry Regiment are gathering: the convoy and rear - in Ivan Berezka, combat units - to the south.

In the direction of Chernyshevo the enemy exerted great pressure. On the night of March 29, having received reinforcements, he set fire to the village with mortar fire and incendiary bullets and went on the offensive under the cover of mortar fire at night (which is an exception for enemy actions. At night, the enemy usually avoids active combat operations). On the afternoon of the 29th, the village continued to burn; it was heroically defended by a handful of people remaining from the small units of the division. In the battle near Chernyshevo, the commander of the chemical defense company Krotkov died. By the end of the day, our units withdrew from Chernyshevo.

The 1214th rifle regiment conducted a fire battle with the enemy at the same line. The weather continues to be warm, thawing day and night. The army commander ordered the task force to return to Losytino.

30.3.1942. Throughout the day, the enemy shows great activity on the right flank, in the Chernyshevo region. Continuous bombardment from the air of the battle formations of our units, mortar and machine-gun fire at night.

The 1212th rifle regiment continued to gather units scattered as a result of bombings and battles. All special forces of the division were used to strengthen the right flank. The combined group, under the leadership of the commissar of the headquarters, senior political instructor Ustinov, fought a continuous fierce battle for the capture of Chernyshevo, repelled the enemy’s fierce counterattacks and by the end of the day occupied the southern half of Chernyshevo.

The 1214th rifle regiment and the 1216th rifle regiment occupied the previous defensive line and did not conduct active operations in the first half of the day. Sappers mined certain sections of roads in the direction: Velikoye Selo-Losytino, Chernyshevo-Losytino. A sapper company was sent to the Ustye-Vekshino area to build a bridge across the Lyutaya River.

By the end of the day, there is an accumulation of the enemy: Ozhedovo 1st in the direction of Sokolovo and Velikoye Selo. Separate enemy groups tried to attack along the entire front but were unsuccessful.

To capture Chernyshovo, the attached battalion of Averin (skiers) was used.

The army commander ordered the 1216th regiment, which saddles the Kholmskoe highway south of Sokolovo on the night of March 31, to be placed in reserve and placed in the forest southeast of Sushchevo. The site will be transferred to the 201st Infantry Division.

On March 31, 1942, the Division continued fighting with the enemy on the occupied lines:

1214th Infantry Regiment - on the front on the right is the edge of the forest, which is 100-150 m east of Sushchevo, on the left is bushes up to 400 m. In Ozhedovo, the 1st enemy is strengthening, building trenches and insulated dugouts, firing mortars at units. By the end of the day, we repulsed several enemy attacks by knocking out 2 enemy light tanks supporting the infantry advance with anti-tank rifles. The combined group repelled enemy attacks in the Chernyshev area. Enemy aircraft continuously bomb the battle formations of our units and rear areas. The clearing of the Zhukovo-Glukhaya Gorushka highway has been completed.

1.4.1942. The division continued to conduct combat operations, especially active on the right flank. By the force of the combined battalion (divisional school, chemical defense company, anti-aircraft battery), the stubbornly resisting enemy was driven out of Chernyshovo by the end of the day. The enemy in this area used mortar, machine-gun fire and fire from groups of machine gunners holed up in the surviving houses of the village.

The 1214th Infantry Regiment fought at the same line, there was mortar, artillery fire and machine gun fire.

The available composition of the division as a result of losses from combat operations, mainly from enemy aviation at 1.4 is:

1212th joint venture - 350; 1214th joint venture - 740; 1216th joint venture - 513; 937th ap- 756; 398th Anti-Tank Division - 125; 203rd anti-aircraft battery - 7; 436th motor reconnaissance unit - 77; 684th Engineer Battalion - 199; 825th Signal Battalion - 169; 766th Mortar Division - 194; 452nd chemical defense company - 24; 489th delivery company -135; 459th medical battalion - 100; 228th field bakery - 101; veterinary hospital - 12; headquarters battery NAD-53; division control - 244.

During the period from March 21 to April 1, 1942, the division's losses were: 634 people killed, 1,388 people wounded, 625 people sick, 3,924 missing.

The high percentage of missing persons is due to the fact that in the 1212th Regiment it is currently not possible to distinguish between losses due to the complete loss of the command and headquarters of the regiment and battalion headquarters. The commander of this regiment, Major Volkov, and the regimental commissar, Sazonov, were out of action. The temporary commander of the regiment, Captain Drobotenko, was wounded on March 27, Captain Karnaukhov, who was newly appointed regiment commander, was also killed, and on March 1, the division actually did not have the 1212th Regiment. In the same area, the personnel of the anti-aircraft battery were almost completely lost.

On April 1, 1942, the division received reinforcements in the amount of 960 people.

The replenishment personnel were armed with weapons collected after battles (rifles mostly without bayonets). Reinforcements arrived from the Altai Territory, military training is low.

Throughout the day, aviation continued to bombard combat formations and rear areas, but on a smaller scale. The general situation on the North-Western Front and the tasks assigned to the division are characterized by combat order No. 073 of the headquarters of the 1st Shock Army dated April 1, 1942.

The enemy's 8th and 329th infantry divisions continue the offensive on the Kozlovo, Chernyshevo, Sokolovo front, trying to break through the army front in the direction of Cherenchitsy.

On the right, the 11th Army advances on the front of Mikhalkovo, Gorushka, Kozlovo, and is demarcated by the line Kalitkino, Korovitino, Kudrovo. On the left, the 379th Infantry Division of the Kalinin Front is located in the area: Peski, Burakova, Meglec.

The 1st Shock Army has the task of defeating the enemy's 8th and 329th Infantry Divisions and capturing Velikoye Selo, Ozhedovo 1st, Voskresenskoye, Novo-Svinukhovo.

On April 1, 1942, the 364th SD firmly held the Sushchevo line and, together with a battalion of cadets, captured Chernyshovo on the right flank.

2.4.1942. In the morning, fighting continued on the occupied lines:

1216th joint venture - (out.) Chernyshevo, Sushchevo, (out) Leushino;

1214th joint venture - Losytino, Ratcha, Pupysheva district;

The 1212th Regiment is being formed in the area of ​​Karkachev, Krivavitsa Losytino.

Small units of the division, together with the attached school of cadets, continued to advance in battle north of Chernyshevo (in the direction of Velikoye Selo). The weather was cloudy, there were no mass flights of enemy aircraft.

As a follow-up to Order No. 074, Combat Order No. 06 was issued, which set the task for the 1214th Brigade to advance in the direction of Ozhedovo 1st, Voskresenskoye. Capture Ozhedovo 1st, then advance on Voskresenskoye, secure your right flank by capturing a grove 600 m southeast of Ozhedovo 1st. The starting position for the advance of the grove is 600 m southeast, the bush is 700 m south of Ozhedovo 1st. Boundary line: on the left (ref) Kamenka, Sushchevo, a separate yard 600 m north-west of Ozhedovo 1st. Supported by the 2nd artillery division of the 937th artillery division and the 3rd batteries of the military division.

1216th joint venture to advance in the direction: a ravine with a stream 200 m west of Ozhedovo 1st. Capture the border of this ravine and the southern edge of the “Boot” grove west of Voskresenskoye and ensure the capture of Ozhedovo 1st from the Sokolovo side, then advance on the northern edge of the “Boot” grove.

The 1212th Regiment will position itself in Bor and be ready to build on its success at Voskresenskoye. The start time of the offensive was determined by the headquarters telegram to be 17.00. By this time, the units had occupied the starting lines for the offensive indicated in the order.

The division's strength and armament as of April 2, 1942:

In total there are 4743 people in the division. Per 1 km of front there are 186 rifles (serviceable), PPSh - 12, light machine guns - 4, machine guns - 0.7; PTR- 1.1; P.A. - 4; mortars - 9.

3.4.1942. The offensive continued throughout the night, with stubborn enemy resistance. Mortar and artillery fire was carried out at enemy firing points and manpower, and 2 RS batteries took part.

The 1216th rifle regiment advanced to the ravine that is west of Ozhedovo 1st, where it lay down under destructive mortar fire coming from the enemy from the southern part of the “Boot” grove southwest of Voskresenskoye, and under machine gun fire from the enemy from the southwestern outskirts of Ozhedovo 1- e. Throughout the day, the artillery fired at enemy firing points, suppressing them, and by the end of the day it made it possible to advance along the ravine along the western outskirts of Ozhedovo 1st, by 20.00 the 1216th Regiment Regiment part of the forces was fighting for the southwestern outskirts of Ozhedovo 1st, the rest of the forces lay 1 km west of Ozhedovo 1st.

By 8.00 the 1214th Rifle Division occupied a rectangular grove southeast of Ozhedovo 1st, but under strong mortar and machine gun fire and enemy counterattacks it retreated from the grove. By the end of the day, the 1214th Rifle Division again launched an offensive along the eastern outskirts of Ozhedovo 1st with the aim of enveloping it. By 22.00, as a result of the infiltration of small groups, the eastern and southeastern outskirts of Ozhedovo 1st were occupied and a battle was being waged for the center.

1212th rifle division - in the Bor, Ratcha area, losses are being clarified.

Enemy aircraft did not make mass sorties, limiting themselves to reconnaissance. Transport planes did not fly. As the snow melts, roads deteriorate and transportation conditions worsen. The results and experience of the division’s battles are summarized in the commander’s order dated 3.4.42:

“The division’s combat operations in recent days have shown that partial failures are determined by a number of shortcomings, the main of which are: When located on the defensive, units often do not build defensive structures, do not bury themselves in the ground, do not build fire systems, do not use the full power of the fire weapons they have, do not use local items and materials to strengthen defense.

During an offensive, captured lines are not always secured, a fire system is not organized, and they are not equipped as starting lines for further offensive and defense, as well as for repelling enemy counterattacks. Organized observation of the enemy and the actions of friendly troops and artillery is mostly absent.

There is often a lack of interaction between rifle units and artillery and within rifle units.

Commanders and staffs often give orders on the map, do not target units on the ground, do not direct them, do not have live contact with them, limiting themselves to waiting for reports by telephone. Not enough attention is paid to collecting documents after the battle, as well as capturing prisoners.

The division commander categorically demands:

  1. When positioning themselves for defense, bury themselves in the ground, build bunkers, and make extensive use of local crater structures for defense.
  2. Build a fire system taking into account the use of all available fire weapons and require mandatory interaction with each other.
  3. Strengthen the entire defense system in every possible way?... by means (mines, landmines).
  4. When advancing, be sure to consolidate on the achieved line and organize a fire system.
  5. When attacking in depth at the reached line, leave a small reserve to take the blow or reflect attempts to bypass and envelop the enemy.
  6. Have constantly organized surveillance of enemy actions.
  7. All firing points interfering with forward movement...observe and immediately notify the artillery commanders.
  8. Maintain tight fire communications with neighbors.
  9. Combat missions must be set on the ground. After the battle, appoint special persons to collect documents.

The neighbor on the left (201st Infantry Division), characterizing the enemy, notes that the enemy, having fortified at a height of 60.2 southeast of the village of Sokolovo and on the hillocks to the west of the indicated height, conducted hurricane machine-gun and mortar fire on the advancing units of the division.

During the day, the enemy launched a counteroffensive in small groups in the area north of the village of Mu..., but was unsuccessful. During the day, an enemy company was deployed to the Sokolovo area; at 17.00, the enemy, with the strength of a company, went on the offensive from the village of Sokolovo to the area of ​​the Sokolovo-Borodino road.

The commander of the 364th Infantry Division, noting the failure of the night offensive, demanded that the commanders of the 1214th and 1216th Infantry Division carry out order 06 on the offensive.

4/4/1942. During the night, units carried out offensive operations on Ozhedovo 1st under strong enemy fire resistance. As a result of the battle on the southern and southwestern outskirts of Ozhedovo, by 8.00 the 1st units occupied a position: 150-200 m south of Ozhedovo 1st, being under direct machine gun fire and machine gunner fire from the side of Ozhedovo 1st and mortar fire from the side of Voskresenskoye and Sokolovo.

During the day, the units occupied their previous position, reconnaissance and mortar and machine gun fire from the enemy were conducted. At 14.15 and 17.00 the enemy launched attacks in the sector of the 1216th rifle regiment. By 20.00 the situation was restored. Enemy aviation bombed combat formations and rear areas; more than 200 transport aircraft passed over the division's location. Army order No. 050 was received to remove senior battalion commissar Maksimov from the post of division commissar for failure to comply with the combat order of the Army Military Council (for not going to the Chernyshevo area to ensure successful actions of our units).

During the battles from March 22, 1942 to April 10, 1942, the division defeated the enemy’s 8th Infantry Division in stubborn battles, completely destroyed the officer’s school in hand-to-hand combat, and inflicted significant damage on the enemy’s 329th Infantry Division. In these battles, the enemy lost: 5,370 people killed, 10 soldiers and officers captured. Destroyed: 13 tanks, 3 aircraft shot down by infantry weapons, 50 bunkers and dugouts destroyed, a lot of enemy equipment, weapons and military property destroyed. The division completed the task. The enemy was stopped.

Until June 11, 1942, units of the division held the defense. By order of the Military Council of the 1st Shock Army, the division retreated to the right bank of the Lovat River on June 11, 1942.

At 8.00 on June 12, 1942, units of the division arrived in the forest area
northeast of Astratovo, where they settled down to rest, covering themselves with four companies at the Alkhi-Galuzino, Pogorelovo, Ryabinka line. At 21.00, movement to the crossings resumed. By 1.00

On June 13, 1942, the 1212th joint venture, the 1216th joint venture special forces and the remaining artillery of the 937th artillery regiment crossed to the right bank of the Lovat River. Crossing at Kolomna.
On the crossing at Peregino by 4.30 13.6. crossed to the right bank of the Lovat River
1214 sp. By 10.00 on June 13, 1942, all units reached their defensive sectors.

At 14.00 on June 12, 1942, the enemy led a company of machine gunners and 4 tanks
offensive from Baynov to Ratsch and further from Ratch to Losytin, cutting off
cover detachments from the rear. At 14.30, the enemy, with a force of up to a company, began an attack from Ozhedov 1st on the right flank of detachment No. 2. At 15.30, due to the current situation, an order was given for the withdrawal of the covering detachment to the western line, but being cut off from the rear by an infantry company with 4
tanks and mortar fire, the head of the detachments, Captain Shustin, with his
sides gave the order for the withdrawal of cover detachment No. 2 across the Porusya River to the defense sector of detachment No. 1. During the withdrawal of detachment No. 2, artillery, mortar and machine gun fire was opened from “ square” groves and tank fire from Losytin. By the decision of the head of Detachment No. 1, Comrade Pavlov, covering detachments No. 1 and No. 2 were withdrawn to the defense sector of the 129th Infantry Division, from where they were withdrawn to Krasnoe Efremovo.

The night from 12 to 13 June 1942 passed quietly, the detachments equipped the occupied line. Intelligence established the presence of the enemy in the area of ​​the village of Bor.

Since the morning of June 13, 1942, the enemy continued the offensive along the Kholm highway
on the cover detachment of the neighbor on the left, at the same time the force began to act
reconnaissance of 70 people from the direction of Bor, Ishchino. A group of divisional reconnaissance officers consisting of 7 people under the leadership of Senior Lieutenant Baranov from an ambush allowed the enemy to approach to a distance of 100-150 m and opened hurricane machine-gun fire. The enemy, suffering losses, began to pick up dead and wounded. The scouts, without stopping fire, supported by a company from the BO in the area of ​​​​the village of Zui, took advantage of this, rifle and machine-gun fire and guns from the Kr. Efremovo area destroyed 40-50 fascists from the enemy reconnaissance. Its remnants went to Ishchino. At 18.45, on the road from Sevrikovo to Kr. Efremovo, the movement of 5 enemy tanks and up to an infantry company was noticed on the left flank of the division's covering detachment.
At 18.45 our artillery opened fire on this enemy group,
as a result of which the enemy, having advanced 700-800 m southeast
Sevrikovo, suspended its advance. At 18.50 the same company was spotted moving from Ishchino to Zuya, and the company was scattered by artillery and machine gun fire. At 20.20 on 13.6.42, 800 m northeast of Sevrikov, 3 tractors were seen in the bushes, doing some kind of work. Later it turned out that the enemy was installing mortars in this area. At 23.00 a salvo of 4 was fired at enemy infantry and tanks (9999)
installations of the RS division, direct hits and good results were noted

At 7.00-7.30 on June 14, 1942, the enemy simultaneously launched an offensive from the direction of Glukhaya Gorushka to Kr. Efremovo with a force of up to a company of infantry, 3 tanks, and from Ishchino to Zuya with a force of up to a company. At 7.30-8.30 the covering detachment conducted a fire battle with the enemy, after which, under the threat of being cut off, it was decided to withdraw to the Kr. Efremovo line, starting from the right flank. The withdrawal was carried out in an organized manner, and at 9.30 a covering detachment occupied the defense of a new line on the eastern bank of the Porusya River in Kr. Efremovo from BO to the western bank of this river. At 10.00 14.6. the enemy pulled Kr. to the church. Efremovo 3 tanks and up to a company of machine gunners, a strong fire battle ensued, which did not stop throughout the day. Actions of the enemy group in the Kr. Efremovo was supported by a battery of long-range artillery from the direction of Glukhaya Gorushka, a battery from the direction of Bor, Ishchino and 5 bombers, which bombed mainly the area east of Kozlovo. The enemy fired the main fire from the direction of Zuya from the eastern and western banks of the Porusya River. The detachment fought a fierce fire battle with the enemy throughout the entire day. The losses on both sides were significant, and only towards the end of the day the fire on both sides died down. Having calculated the forces and means, it was decided to withdraw the covering detachment to the next line - Olkhi - at nightfall. At 21.00, the order was given in connection with the completion of the task by the covering detachment to take it across the Lovat River. The separation from the enemy was organized and was not noticed until the detachment reached the village of Kozlova. During the withdrawal process, barrages and destruction were widely used. All villages in the detachment's zone of action were burned, bridges at Kamenka, Ratcha, Bor, Krasnoye Efremovo were destroyed. The most important roads have been mined. During the withdrawal of units of the 364th Infantry Division, sappers destroyed: a pedestrian bridge and a ferry crossing in Losytino; they blew up a bridge across the Belka River at Ratcha, which delayed the advance of enemy tanks, northwest of Kamenka to the southern bank of the stream. As a result of the fighting, the units suffered the following losses in personnel: 40 killed, 101 wounded, and 30 missing. The enemy suffered the following losses during this period: up to 150 people killed and wounded.

June 16, 1942. The enemy in front of the division's defensive line
discovered. Reconnaissance aircraft flew over the division's units. At 15.30 the covering detachment crossed the Lovat River to the eastern bank and joined the main forces. Defensive work was carried out at the occupied line and the bridgehead (Peregino).

June 17, 1942. The enemy was not detected in front of the defensive line. Units of the division occupy the defensive zone: Bol. Stekhnovo, (lawsuit) Gubino, Yazvischi, Kosheli. The most densely occupied area is: Bol. Stekhnovo, Podol, Saleeva, (lawsuit) Gubino, Nizh. Empty. In the Peregino area, a bridgehead fortification is being created along the western bank of the Lovat River. On the right, along the eastern bank of the Lovat River, the 129th Infantry Division is defending, the boundary line with it is: (claim) level 67.3 (2.5 km north of Kosheli), Seredka. On the left, the 26th Brigade of the 2nd Guards Corps is defending along the eastern bank of the Lovat River, the boundary line with it: (claim) Mashugina Gora, (claim) Gubino, (claim) Lopari.
1st echelon of the squad – Bol. Ulcers, 2nd echelon – Small ulcers. Divisions
Engineering work was carried out throughout the day.

June 18, 1942. The division, occupying the previous lines of defense, produces
defensive work.

19.6-24.6.1942. The division occupies the previous line of defense.

June 25, 1942. By combat order No. 092 of the headquarters of the 1st Shock Army dated June 23, 1942, at 23.50, during June 25-26, 1942, the defense zone was transferred to the 129th Infantry Division and by the morning of June 27. concentrate in the area of ​​Fomino, Sotino 1st, Khmeli, moving into the reserve of the 1st Shock Army. The task is to prepare the location for defense and be ready to launch counterattacks in the direction of: Zaluchye, Kozlovo, Peregino and to the left flank of the army along the Robya and Zarobskaya Robya rivers. By 22.00 on June 24, 1942, the 1212th rifle regiment completed its surrender and shift to the 129th rifle division in its defensive sector. At 24.00 on June 25, 1942, we set out along the route: Sukhoi Bor, Bol. Yazvischi, Kirkovo and settled down by 7.00 on June 25, 2019, for a day in the forest in the Kosheli area.
1214th joint venture by 7.00 June 25. completed the delivery of the defensive sector and after
The arriving shift from the 129th Infantry Division began concentrating in the Molchanov area of ​​departure for the movement.
1216 joint venture at 10.00 25.6 began the surrender of its defensive sector
units of the 129th Infantry Division.
Reconnaissance teams from rifle and artillery regiments carried out reconnaissance
paths along the route to the new division concentration area.
The 937th artillery regiment and the military division surrender their OP and OP to the 129th Infantry Division and partially began moving along the designated route.

June 26, 1942. Units of the division, having completed the surrender of the defensive sectors of the 129th Infantry Division of the 1214th Infantry Division and the 1264th Infantry Division by the end of the day on June 25, 1942, set out from the initial areas at the time indicated in the combat order for division No. 022 at 22.00. During the night and morning the units were on the march, by 7.00 the rifle
The units settled down for the day.

June 27, 1942. Units of the division continued the march, leaving at 22.00 on June 26, 1942 from their camp sites and concentrating at 9.00 on June 27, 1942:
1212th joint venture - in the Khmeli-Gar area;
1214th joint venture - in the area of ​​Fomino and Chirikovshchina;
1216th joint venture - in the Sotino and Sotino 2nd area.

June 28, 1942. The 364th Rifle Division has concentrated in the area of ​​Khmeli, Fomino, Sotino 1st, is preparing the defense and is in the army reserve.

June 29, 1942. Over the past 24 hours, units of the division have carried out a partial grouping in accordance with headquarters orders No. 1237 and 1238 from

28-29.6.1942. The construction of defensive structures and road repairs continued.

30.6.1942. Units of the 364th Infantry Division are preparing defense on the previous lines and
maintain contact with the 7th Guards Rifle Division, 42nd and 45th Rifle Brigades. From the allocated battalion of the 1212th regiment to the western bank of the Starovskaya Rebya River at the Starovskie barracks-Sarai line (8931), only one company remains for defense with the task of serving, patrolling and monitoring at the Starovskaya barracks-Der line, behind the roads and paths, leading to the eastern bank of the river from the east and northeast. Two companies of this battalion are positioned for defense: one is in the area of ​​68.8 and the other company is in Gar.

1.7.1942. Units of the division occupy the previous defensive lines, carry out defensive work, continue to repair roads in their areas and, by order No. 083, of the Shubino-Bol. Island and Ryto-Sotino roads.

2.7.1942. The enemy fired sparse mortar and machine gun fire in the defense areas occupying the 42nd and 45th brigade ahead of our units. At 5.30 a.m., marker 87.5 and the trail to the west were subjected to heavy mortar fire from the northwestern outskirts of Glukhoe Demidovo. Units of the division continue defensive work and road repairs. In order to prevent the advance of the enemy, anti-tank and anti-personnel obstacles are being erected on the Glukhoe Demidovo-Shubino trail.

3/7/1942 Units of the division continue to strengthen at the same lines
structures and conduct reconnaissance of the enemy.

On July 04, 1942, at the 12 km front, the defensive line with the constructed engineering structures was completed.

07/06/1942 - the division received a new combat mission - to capture a strongly fortified point of enemy resistance in the village of Korovitchino, Zaluchsky district, Leningrad region, to which the enemy attached great importance as a bridgehead covering the isthmus connecting it with the semi-encircled 16th Army.

The 1212th, 1214th rifle regiments and the 937th artillery regiment took up defense in the area: the villages of Rechitsa-Zaluchye-Glukhoe-Demidovo. The 1216th Infantry Regiment, after a 15-minute artillery raid, together with a platoon of tanks, broke into the village of Korovitchino and occupied it. The blow was swift and unexpected for the enemy. As a result of the battle, the following were destroyed: 2 anti-tank guns, 13 bunkers with heavy and light machine guns. Destroyed: 8 carts, 5 horses; Over 200 soldiers and officers were killed and wounded. Trophies were captured: 3 serviceable tanks, 6 heavy and 3 light machine guns, 82 rifles, 25 thousand rifle cartridges, etc. The division completed the task.

On August 17, 1942, the division received a combat order to destroy the enemy in the forest area west of the village of Sutoki, Zaluchsky district, cut the Byakovo-Omychkino road and capture the village of Byakovo. The site was defended by the enemy with the 5th Infantry Division and the SS Totenkopf division. In the first days of fighting, units of the division successfully moved forward, occupied the edges of the forest, two lines of enemy defense with numerous fortifications. The enemy pulled up reserves from the depths of his defense, launched a counteroffensive and stopped the advance of our units.

From the combat log for August 17-18, 1942:

“17.8.1942. The advancing units of the division, with difficulty overcoming
enemy resistance, creating a dense line, machine gun, mortar, artillery fire, slowly moving forward, progress is marked by tens of meters. The commanders of the division headquarters and regimental headquarters personally clarify the position of the units. In past battles, the division suffered heavy losses. At 22.00 on August 17, 1942, after a short strong artillery and mortar attack, the enemy launched a counterattack on the left flank of the division against the 1216th and 1214th rifle regiments. The attack was repulsed; at our request, one RS salvo was fired. During the night the enemy fired rifle, machine gun and mortar fire. Units of the division continued to evacuate the wounded, bury the dead, and prepare for the offensive on August 18, 1942. During the day, the enemy launched two counterattacks.
The 1214th rifle regiment counterattacked up to the platoon at 15.00, the attack was repulsed.
The 1216th rifle regiment, after a strong artillery barrage at 19.00, also counterattacked until
enemy platoon, the attack was repulsed.
Units of the division interact with each other and their neighbors on the left daily
preparing an offensive, slowly moving forward. Over the previous days of fighting, the 1212th rifle regiment advanced from its initial position with the right flank by 400 m and the left by 500 m, and with its left flank entered the forest by 200 m, adjoining the 1216th rifle regiment on the left. The regiment's losses for 7 days are: a total of 737 people, of which 266 people were killed, 461 people were wounded, 10 people were missing. Up to 350 Germans were destroyed, 3 people were captured.
The 1216th joint venture, fulfilling the assigned task, advanced by 5.00 on August 18, 1942
from the starting position 500 m and from the edge of the grove 250 meters deep.
The regiment's losses during the battles from 10 to 17 amounted to 822 people, of which 277 were killed, 487 were wounded, and 68 were missing.
1214th joint venture - fulfilling the assigned task, advanced from the original
positions at 500 meters and along the grove at 250 meters. Losses: a total of 753 people, including 264 killed, 458 wounded, 31 missing.”

As a result of the battles from August 17, 1942 to September 13, 1942, the enemy lost 2,850 soldiers and officers killed and wounded. Destroyed: rifles - 275, machine guns - 85, guns of various calibers - 28, firing points - 55, mortars - 52, ammunition supply - 105, vehicles with cargo and infantry - 39, bunkers - 23, dugouts - 31, aircraft shot down - 1, 2 tanks destroyed.

On September 17, 1942, by order of the Main Command of the Red Army, the division was withdrawn for reorganization and withdrew from the troops of the North-Western Front. The Military Council of the 1st Shock Army, by order No. 0191 of September 17, 1942, noted the combat path of the division, which states: “The 364th Rifle Division is leaving the 1st Shock Army. For six months, the division fought in various sectors of the army’s front, showing examples and ability to fight, courage and selfless devotion to our Motherland.” Activities of the division on the Volkhov Front.

After reorganization, the division arrived on the Volkhov Front on December 10, 1942 and was included in the 8th Army. Having received a combat mission to break through the blockade of the city of Leningrad, the division's regiments entered the battle in the Gaitolovo area of ​​the Mginsky district of the Leningrad region on January 14, 1943. In front of the division's front there was a heavily fortified enemy area. It was defended by selected units of the 223rd Infantry Division, loaded with artillery and large-caliber mortars. Units of the division, operating in small groups and direct fire artillery, crushed the enemy's manpower.

As a result of the battles of January 14-28, 1943, the division destroyed up to two thousand soldiers and officers, 10 tanks were knocked out and burned, 25 bunkers were destroyed and blocked, 21 firing points were destroyed, 2 six-barreled mortars, 7 enemy mortar and artillery batteries were suppressed. Division losses for the same period: killed - 781 people. There were no losses in equipment.

By order of the Military Council of the Volkhov Front (cipher telegram No. 227/OP dated January 29, 1943), the division was transferred to the 2nd Shock Army.

On January 30, 1943, the division received the task of replacing units of the 18th Infantry Division in front of the village of Sinyavino, Mginsky District, Leningrad Region, and capturing and firmly holding Height 43.3. Height 43.3 is of great importance in the defense system of the Sinyavinsky node. She commands directly over Sinyavino and the surrounding area. Units of the enemy's 22nd and 64th Infantry Divisions acted against the division.

On the night from January 30 to January 31, 1943, height 43.3 was occupied by units of the division in a fierce battle with the enemy. After the height was occupied by our units, the enemy launched 14 counterattacks from a company to two battalions, supported by up to 5 tanks, in the period from January 30, 1943 to February 12, 1943, trying to regain height 43.3. All counterattacks were repulsed with heavy losses for the enemy. Destroyed: 3,940 soldiers and officers, 103 horses, 14 light and 46 heavy machine guns, 14 guns, 2 six-barreled mortars, 5 mortars, 6 tanks, 4 vehicles with ammunition and food. 35 soldiers and officers were captured. The following trophies were captured: rifles - 140, machine guns - 25, guns - 1, medium tank - 1. The division's losses for the same period amounted to 1,252 killed.

From March 15, 1943 to July 20, 1943, the division was in the second echelon of troops of the 8th Army, using this time for training and replenishment of personnel.

On the night of July 20-21, 1943, by order of the Army Military Council, the division replaced units of the 382nd Rifle Division and the 1st Separate Rifle Brigade, which were occupying defenses at the line 54.1 and 500 m east of 64.0 with the task of breaking through the defense enemy in the area of ​​the villages of Karbusel - Voronovo, Mginsky district, Leningrad region and develop an offensive in the direction of the Mga-Malux railway.

On July 22, 1943, at 3.00, after 2.35 hours of artillery preparation, units of the division went on the offensive. The enemy offered stubborn fire resistance.

From 07/22/1943 to 08/20/1943, after offensive battles, the division regrouped forces 5 times, pulling together strike detachments into separate areas, with the task of breaking through the enemy’s defenses. During this time, the artillery carried out powerful fire attacks on the enemy’s defenses, but could not suppress his fire system. In all attempts to attack, our infantry met powerful enemy barrage and artillery and mortar fire and retreated to their original position. Due to the swampy terrain, there was no tank support in the offensive zone. Despite the offensive impulse, combined with the courage and bravery of our troops, the division was not successful.
Reasons for failure. Before the start of the offensive, the enemy had not been studied by previous units, especially his defensive structures and fire system. The enemy's defense took place along the heights dominating the starting line of our troops, which made it possible for him to effectively influence our battle formations with fire.
The terrain at the attack line is swampy, difficult to pass for infantry and artillery, and completely impassable for tanks. The artillery, having little knowledge of the enemy’s fire system and firing mainly in areas, did not have the proper impact on the enemy’s battle formations. The infantry was not sufficiently prepared for trench fighting with the enemy.

As a result of offensive battles from July 22, 1943 to August 22, 1943, the division destroyed: 3,950 enemy soldiers and officers. Destroyed and suppressed: machine guns - 87, six-barreled mortars - 15, guns of all calibers - 48, firing points - 28; 18 bunkers, 24 dugouts, 830 pm trenches were destroyed. Soldiers and officers of the pr-ka were destroyed by snipers - 231 people. At the same time, our losses: 1113 people killed, 3326 people wounded.

Since August 20, 1943, the division has been on the defensive in the same area

On August 21, 1943, the division went on the defensive at the line: Rest House (3603b), mark 54.1, mark 59.8, mark 64.0, the northern shore of the Gladkoe swamp (at the front 12 km) and defended until January 21, 1944, carrying out engineering work to equip occupied positions.

On January 21, 1944, the enemy in the division’s sector began to retreat in a western and northwestern direction to the city of Tosno. Units of the division went into pursuit and, overcoming the resistance of small (rearguard) detachments and engineering barriers in a 30 km zone, by January 27, 1944, advanced 60-70 km, liberating 150 settlements, including January 26, 1944, after stubborn After a daily battle, the city of Tosno was liberated, for which the division was given the name “Tosnenskaya”. The 1216th Infantry Regiment, the 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 1212th Infantry Regiment and the 3rd Infantry Battalion of the 1214th Infantry Regiment especially distinguished themselves.

During this period, the division lost: 78 people killed, 378 people wounded. The enemy lost: 31 people captured, 223 people killed, while the 1st, 2nd and fuselage battalions of the 423rd Grenadier Regiment of the 212th Infantry Regiment, the 2nd and 3rd battalions of the 316th Grenadier Regiment were completely destroyed regiment of the 212th Infantry Regiment.

Trophies captured:
ammunition depots – 51
fuel warehouses – 1
machine guns – 58
warehouses with medical supplies – 1
radio stations – 9
guns of all calibers – 20
cars – 6
railway cars – 42

From January 27 to February 3, 1944, the division marched by rail to the area of ​​Bolshevodnoye, Chechulino, Vitka and became part of the 119th Rifle Corps.

In the area of ​​the village of Voronovo, the division's sappers dug under height 59.8, where a heavily fortified fascist stronghold was located. The explosion of 10 tons of explosives destroyed up to 70 Nazis, destroyed 25 meters of trenches and communication passages, an ammunition depot and several firing points. After the explosion, the infantry rose together and captured this commanding height with minimal losses.

During the battles that began to completely lift the blockade of Leningrad, the division's reconnaissance officers on the night of January 21, 1944 discovered the withdrawal of enemy units from their occupied lines. The scouts entered into battle with the enemy covering group, defeated it and moved in pursuit of the retreating enemy. The division commander ordered all regiments to go on the offensive. Units of the division, overcoming minefields and barbed wire obstacles, went forward in the direction of the villages of Sigalovo and Turyshkino and by the end of the day had advanced 8-12 kilometers.

On the night of January 26, 1944, units of the 364th Infantry Division burst into the streets of the city of Tosno, and by the morning the city and railroad station were liberated from the Nazis. For the courage and bravery of the personnel shown in these battles, the 364th Infantry Division received the honorary name Tosnenskaya.

Train traffic on the Oktyabrskaya Railway, connecting Moscow with Leningrad, was restored.

On the morning of January 27, the division's regiments marched to the Zhi-kharevo station and departed for the area southwest of Novgorod, where the division became part of the 54th Army of the Leningrad Front.

On February 13, the division, having marched, concentrated in the area of ​​​​the villages of Sharok and Otradnoye. Three days later, units of the division began their offensive, joining the final stage of the Leningrad-Novgorod offensive operation. Having broken through the heavily fortified enemy defenses, we advanced 24 kilometers and liberated many settlements in the Soletsky district of the Novgorod region, including the villages of Veshki, Lyubach, Donets and the city of Soltsy, and cut the Utorgosh-Dno railway. at

On February 24, the 364th Rifle Division concentrated in the area of ​​the village of Vesna, Novgorod Region, and entered battle on February 29. Having overcome minefields, wire fences and anti-tank ditches, the soldiers took the Nazis by surprise in bunkers and houses at night. Having broken through the enemy's defenses near Vesna and cut the Pskov-Ostrov railway, the division went on the defensive on the captured lines and fought local battles until May 4, 1944. A fierce battle broke out for one of the villages of the Ostrovsky district of the Pskov region. When breaking through the enemy’s defenses, Corporal V. Agafonov was the first to raise the soldiers to attack and captured valuable documents in the enemy dugout. And wounded, he did not leave the battle. In May 1944, the division was withdrawn for replenishment and reorganization to the rear of the front.

At the end of June, the division started fighting for the villages of Zuevo, Pogostishche, Vashino in the Pskov region, and liberated them in a four-day battle, repelling strong enemy counterattacks accompanied by tanks. On July 12, units of the division, having defeated two regiments of the German infantry division and broken through the heavily fortified enemy defenses, crossed the Sinyaya, Utroya, and Lzha rivers, cut the Ostrov-Opochka highway and the Ostrov-Pytalovo railway.

On July 22, having broken the resistance of the Nazi troops, the 1214th Infantry Regiment liberated the regional center of the Pskov region, the city of Pytalovo.

Pursuing the retreating enemy, units of the 364th Tosno Rifle Division entered the territory of Latvia, captured the settlements of Vilyaka and Liepna, and on August 19 liberated the city of Aluksne from the fascist occupiers.

On August 25, the division was withdrawn to the rear of the 54th Army for replenishment, regrouping and preparation for new battles.

On October 12, the 364th Infantry Division as part of the 54th Army crossed the Gauja River in its upper reaches and developed an offensive in the general direction of Riga. When approaching the city of Tsasis, the army formations encountered a powerful defensive line, which was part of the defense system of Riga on the distant approaches, and stopped the offensive.

A few days later, this line was broken through by all the armies participating in the Riga offensive operation. On September 27, the advancing troops approached the next, more powerful enemy defensive line of Sigulda, where they were forced to stop.

At the beginning of October, Soviet troops broke through this defensive line and on October 9 approached the outskirts of Riga, and on October 13, 1944, the capital of Latvia was completely liberated from the fascist invaders. By order of the command, the 364th Infantry Division was stopped at the near approaches to the city and did not directly participate in its liberation.

On October 13, the division became part of the 3rd Shock Army, moved to the area of ​​​​the city of Dobele and began fighting with the enemy’s Kurland group. The division continued fighting in Courland until November 25, 1944. The 364th Rifle Division as part of the 3rd Shock Army was withdrawn to the reserve of the Headquarters and transferred to the 1st Belorussian Front.

In the Vistula-Oder offensive operation that began on January 14, 1945, the division, included in the 69th Army, crossed the Vistula River on January 15 and liberated the city of Kozienice in the middle of the day. Further, having entered the second echelon of the front, the division through the settlements of Glowachuv, Warka, Piaseczno entered the already liberated capital of Poland - the city of Warsaw.

Returning again to the 3rd Shock Army, the 364th Infantry Division, liberating the lands of Poland, fought through Lowicz, Kutno, Inowroclaw, Bromberg (Bydgoszcz), Nakiel (Naklo) and, having expelled the Nazis from Eastern Pomerania, went ashore Baltic Sea in the area of ​​Kolberg (Kołobrzeg) and Kammin (Kamen Primorskie).

At the end of the fighting in Pomerania, the division as part of the 3rd Shock Army was transferred to Berlin.

On April 22, after stubborn fighting, units of the division captured the Berlin suburbs of Hohenschenhuazen, Wilhelmsberg, the northern outskirts of Liebtenberg and started a battle on the northeastern outskirts of the capital of the German Reich.

After days of round-the-clock street fighting, Berlin fell on May 2, 1945. In these battles, units of the division destroyed 1,700 enemy soldiers and officers, 38 tanks, 60 guns and mortars, captured 2,209 enemy soldiers and officers and one enemy general, captured 490 vehicles, 10 locomotives and 28 warehouses with various property.

For the exemplary performance of command tasks in the battles during the capture of Berlin and the valor and courage displayed during this process, the 364th Tosnensky Infantry Division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The division's combat journey ended in Berlin.

In October 1945, the division was reorganized into a mechanized one and received the name: 15th Mechanized Tosnenskaya Red Banner Division.

Division commanders:

Colonel F.A. Makulkin - May-July 1944.