Abstract of GCD in the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" (drawing) "Golden Autumn". Summary of a lesson in visual arts using art therapy in the senior group: “Autumn - the sorceress came to the forest. Summary of a lesson on

Summary of drawing lesson " Golden autumn" V senior group.

Compiled by: Teacher Strokova Tatyana Valerievna
Software tasks: 1. Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn. 2. Develop a sense of composition and color perception. 3. Continue to teach children to reflect autumn impressions in drawings, draw various shapes of trees, large, small, tall, slender, continue to depict leaves. 4. Fix the working techniques with a brush (with the entire bristle of the end of the brush). 5. Correctly place the plot on paper. 6.Develop children's aesthetic perception and love of nature.
Materials and equipment: watercolor paper, A 4 format, watercolor paints, brushes No. 1, No. 4, napkin, sippy cup.

Preliminary work of the teacher: reading poetry, a story about autumn, selecting illustrations for the lesson, paintings about autumn, conversation, observing while walking, writing notes, preparing material for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

Today we have unusual activity We are going with you on an unusual journey to art gallery where we will look at the works of Russian artists on the theme “Golden Autumn”. Display of paintings by Russian artists on the theme "Golden Autumn"

Educator: Guys! Please tell me what time of year is depicted in the paintings? Children: Autumn
Educator: That's right autumn.
Educator: Guys! What is autumn like?
Children: Cold, rainy, gloomy, golden, sunny.
Educator: Who knows why autumn is called golden?
Golden leaves, golden trees.

Children: because in the fall all the leaves on the trees and bushes turn yellow and therefore everything seems golden

There are yellow and orange leaves everywhere on the ground, like a golden carpet.

Educator: guys, when it rains there are drops on the leaves and when they shine, the leaves seem golden,

Guys, do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when leaves fall from the trees?
- This is leaf fall.
- Right. Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? (it gets cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow, in winter the tree sleeps and rests).
No one tells a tree when to shed its leaves. But now autumn is approaching - and the leaves on the trees change green turn yellow or red and fall off. This happens because water freezes and stops flowing into the twigs and leaves. The tree falls asleep for the winter.

Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The wind carries them through the streets and parks. The next year, new leaves appear on the trees.
Listen to the poem called "Falling Leaves."
The conversation of the fallen leaves is barely audible:
- We are from maples...
- We are from apple trees...
- We are from the elms...
- We are from cherries...
- From an aspen tree...
- From bird cherry...
- From an oak tree...
- From a birch tree...
Leaf fall everywhere:
Frost is on the doorstep!
Yu. Kapotov
- In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier autumn days, the brighter the paint. Many artists love to paint autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Today I want to bring to your attention reproductions of Russian artists. The very name of the paintings indicates what time of year the artists depicted in them.
Looking at these pictures and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn itself comes up with outfits for trees, bushes, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.
What a shame.
Autumn with a long thin brush
Recolors leaves.
Red, yellow, gold –
How beautiful you are, colored leaf!..
And the wind has thick cheeks
Cheated, cheated, cheated.
And the trees are variegated
Blow, blow, blow!
Red, yellow, gold...
The entire colored sheet flew around!..
I. Mikhailova
Educator: Now let's take our hands in our hands and practice.

We draw the tree trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom. We draw it until the end of the grass so that the tree does not hang in the air, we draw the branches on the tree with the end of the brush, they reach towards the sun. Educator: what kind of paint do we take to paint a tree? Children: brown. Educator: when we paint the leaves, apply the entire bristle of the brush. Educator: What kind of paint do we take to paint leaves? Children: green, yellow, orange, red.

Educator: let's get to work.

During the lesson, the teacher pays attention to those children who are not doing well. Encourages. Helps.

1. Draw the sky. Use brush number 4. We apply blue paint in large strokes from left to right, without changing the direction of the stroke.

2. The second color is yellow. We remind children the direction of the stroke is from left to right.

3. At the next stage of our work, we need to add two more colors: orange and brown. We remind children not to change the direction of the stroke from left to right. We wait a few minutes for the paint to dry.

4. At the next stage of work, draw the trees with brush number 1.

5. Draw leaves of different colors, yellow, green, orange, red. (Leaf fall).

The teacher collects all the works and arranges a vernissage of children's works. You guys see what wonderful pictures you turned out, you were real artists.

Educator: What did you and I draw?
Children: Golden autumn.
Educator: Do you like your work? Children: yes.
Let's give ourselves a clap.

Goal: to develop children's creativity using non-traditional drawing techniques.

1. Strengthen non-traditional drawing techniques: blurring a watercolor spot; printing foliage with foam rubber;

2. Develop creative imagination, visual attention;

3. Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic: “Autumn”, formation of adjectives on the topic;

4. Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

5. Cultivate emotional responsiveness, the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature, and form aesthetic feelings.



MBDOU No. 33 “Forget-me-not” “ Kindergarten compensating type" in Kaluga.

Autumn is golden

(Direct educational area

"Artistic creativity")

Prepared and carried out


1 qualifying

Ivanova E. M.

2012 Kaluga

Goal: to develop children's creativity using non-traditional drawing techniques.


  1. Strengthen non-traditional drawing techniques: blurring a watercolor stain; printing foliage with foam rubber;
  2. Develop creative imagination, visual attention;
  3. Enrichment of vocabulary on the topic: “Autumn”, formation of adjectives on the topic;
  4. Develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  5. To cultivate emotional responsiveness, the ability to see and understand the beauty of nature, to form aesthetic feelings.

Preliminary work: conversation with children about autumn and autumn phenomena, looking at paintings famous artists: I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, “Autumn Day. Sokolniki”, A. Stepanova “The Cranes Are Flying”; reading poems about autumn.

Materials: music by G. Sviridov “Seasons”, watercolor paint, watercolor paper A 4 format, leaf stencils, pieces of foam rubber, brushes No. 9, No. 4, brush stands, large quantities of napkins, jars of water.


Organizational moment.

The music of G. Sviridov “The Seasons” sounds, the children gather around the teacher. “In a golden carriage with a playful horse,

Autumn galloped through the forests and fields,

The good witch changed everything,

She painted the earth bright yellow,

The sun is shining in the sky, the miracle is surprising,

Everything around sparkles, everything shimmers"

The teacher takes out a yellow-red maple leaf and asks the children: “Why do you think this leaf ended up in my hands?”

Children: autumn has come, the trees began to be painted in bright red and yellow colors.

Educator: Do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when the leaves fall?

Children: It's leaf fall!

Finger gymnastics. "Autumn Leaves"

The wind flew through the forest, smooth, wavy

The wind counted the leaves: movements with the palms.

Here is an oak one, bend one finger on both hands

Here is a maple one, Bend one finger on both hands.

Here's an oak one,

Here is a carved rowan tree,

Here's a golden one from a birch tree.

Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree. Calmly place your palms on the table.

The wind threw it on the paths.

Educator: What leaves fall off?

Children: Yellow, red, green, golden leaves are falling.

Educator: Why does a tree shed its leaves in the fall?

Children: It’s getting cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow; in winter the tree rests.

Educator: In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, and brown. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier the autumn days, the brighter the color. Many artists love to paint autumn nature because of this variety of colors. The sky can be blue, transparent, white clouds float across it, as if sending farewell greetings to summer. In autumn the sky will be gloomy, dark and rainy.

Today you and I will also turn into artists and paint our autumn using unusual techniques.

Physical education minute. "Leaves".

We are autumn leaves, Children swing the leaves in their hands above their heads.

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind is blowing - they flew, running in different directions.

We flew, we flew.

And they sat down quietly on the ground. They squat, stand up, raise their hands with leaves

The wind came up again and swayed them.

And he picked up all the leaves.

They started spinning and flying, running in different directions.

And they sat down quietly on the ground. They return to their places.

Practical part.

We will paint the sky by blurring watercolor paint, and we will print the leaves with foam rubber.

Explanation by the teacher with demonstration.

Execution algorithm.

  1. Mix up a sufficient amount of blue watercolor paint and paint a streak of color along the top edge of the paper;
  2. Before it dries, paint another blue stripe directly below it. Apply paint quickly, so that the lines overlap one another;
  3. Continue coloring towards the bottom of the paper.
  4. Now remove some paint from the sky to create an image of a cloud. Let the paper dry. Wipe your brush every time. paper napkin.
  5. After the watercolor has dried, mix a little more dark blue paint and apply it along the bottom edge of the clouds to create shadows.
  6. Draw tree trunks. When they are dry, dip the foam into paint and apply an imprint to the paper. To change the color, use other paints and foam rubber.

The final part.

At the end, the drawings are analyzed; children try to characterize and evaluate their drawings and the drawings of other children.

Round dance game “Fly, leaf, to my box.”

The selected leader goes to the middle of the circle with a basket and says: “Wedge leaf, fly into my box.” Children with maple leaves in their hands run up and put them in a basket. The driver is the one who was the first to place his piece of paper in the basket without making a mistake.

Autumn has come to visit us, Children hold hands and walk in a circle.

Brought rain and wind.

The wind is blowing, blowing, Raise your hands up and shake them

The leaves are blown off the branches. from side to side.

The leaves are spinning in the wind, scattering in different directions,

They spin and squat.

And they fall under our feet.

Well, let's go for a walk. They gather in a circle again.

And we'll collect the leaves.

Summary of the drawing lesson “Golden Autumn” in the senior group.

Compiled by: Educator Tatyana Nikolaevna Shegurova.Software tasks: 1. Cultivate interest in autumn natural phenomena, emotional responsiveness to the beauty of autumn. 2. Develop a sense of composition and color perception. 3. Continue to teach children to reflect autumn impressions in drawings, draw various shapes of trees, large, small, tall, slender, continue to depict leaves. 4. Fix the working techniques with a brush (with the end of the brush with all the bristles). 5. Correctly place the plot on paper. 6.Develop children's aesthetic perception and love of nature.
Materials and equipment: watercolor paper, A 4 format, watercolor paints, brushes No. 1, No. 4, napkin, sippy cup.

Preliminary work of the teacher: reading poetry, a story about autumn, selecting illustrations for the lesson, paintings about autumn, conversation, observing while walking, writing notes, preparing material for the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

Today we have an unusual activity; we are going with you on an unusual journey to an art gallery where we will look at the works of Russian artists on the theme “Golden Autumn”. Display of paintings by Russian artists on the theme "Golden Autumn"

Educator: Guys! Please tell me what time of year is depicted in the paintings?Children: Autumn
Educator: That's right autumn.
Educator : Guys! What is autumn like?
Children: Cold, rainy, gloomy, golden, sunny.
Educator: Who knows why autumn is called golden?
Golden leaves, golden trees.

Children: because in the fall all the leaves on the trees and bushes turn yellow and therefore everything seems golden

There are yellow and orange leaves everywhere on the ground, like a golden carpet.

Educator: guys, when it rains there are drops on the leaves and when they shine, the leaves seem golden,

Guys, do you know what the autumn phenomenon is called when leaves fall from the trees?
- This is leaf fall.
- Right. Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall? (it gets cold, in winter it will be difficult for the branches to hold leaves and snow, in winter the tree sleeps and rests). No one tells a tree when to shed its leaves. But then autumn is approaching - and the leaves on the trees change their green color to yellow or red and fall off. This happens because the water freezes and stops flowing into the twigs and leaves. The tree falls asleep for the winter.
Leaves fall from all trees in autumn. The wind carries them through the streets and parks. The next year, new leaves appear on the trees.
Listen to the poem called "Falling Leaves."
The conversation of the fallen leaves is barely audible:
- We are from maples...
- We are from apple trees...
- We are from the elms...
- We are from cherries...
- From an aspen tree...
- From bird cherry...
- From an oak tree...
- From a birch tree...
Leaf fall everywhere:
Frost is on the doorstep!
Yu. Kapotov
- In autumn, the leaves on the trees turn not only yellow, but also red, orange, brown and even purple. The color of the leaves depends on what the weather is like: the sunnier the autumn days, the brighter the color. Many artists love to paint autumn nature precisely because of this variety of colors. Today I want to bring to your attention reproductions of Russian artists. The very name of the paintings indicates what time of year the artists depicted in them.
Looking at these pictures and observing nature on a walk, you and I can be convinced that autumn itself comes up with outfits for trees, shrubs, and all of nature, as if organizing a competition to see who has the brightest and most beautiful leaves. I want to admire them every day.
What a shame.
Autumn with a long thin brush
Recolors leaves.
Red, yellow, gold –
How beautiful you are, colored leaf!..
And the wind has thick cheeks
Cheated, cheated, cheated.
And the trees are variegated
Blow, blow, blow!
Red, yellow, gold...
The entire colored sheet flew around!..
I. Mikhailova Educator: Now let's pick up our hands and practice.

We draw the tree trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom. We draw it until the end of the grass so that the tree does not hang in the air, we draw the branches on the tree with the end of the brush, they reach towards the sun. Educator: what kind of paint do we take to paint a tree? Children: brown. Educator: when we paint the leaves, apply the entire bristle of the brush. Educator: What kind of paint do we take to paint the leaves? Children: green, yellow, orange, red.

Educator: let's get to work.

During the lesson, the teacher pays attention to those children who are not doing well. Encourages. Helps.

1. Drawing the sky. We use brush number 4. Apply blue paint in large strokes from left to right, without changing the direction of the stroke.

2. The second color is yellow. We remind children the direction of the stroke is from left to right.

3. At the next stage of our work, we need to add two more colors: orange and brown. We remind children not to change the direction of the stroke from left to right. We wait a few minutes for the paint to dry.

4. At the next stage of work, draw the trees with brush number 1.

5. Draw leaves of different colors, yellow, green, orange, red. (Leaf fall).

The teacher collects all the works and arranges a vernissage of children's works. You guys see what wonderful pictures you turned out, you were real artists.

Educator : What did you and I draw?
Children : Golden autumn.

Educator: Do you like your work? Children: yes.
Let's give ourselves a clap.
Well done!

Summary of the drawing lesson “Golden Autumn” in the middle group

Compiled by: Educator Baybikova D.R.
Type: activity
Type: Drawing
Theme: “Golden Autumn”
Goal: strengthen the ability to draw autumn trees;
- teach children to summarize in images the results of their observations of changes in nature and social life.
-teach children to use a variety of colors (red, yellow, green, orange) in images of objects and natural phenomena.
- strengthen the ability to navigate the space of a sheet of paper: top, bottom, middle, left, right;
- to strengthen in children the skill of drawing a tree with a brush (trunk - with the end of the brush and flat, branches - with the end of the brush, foliage - using the poking technique (with cotton swabs);
- to foster independence, creativity, and evoke a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful drawings.
-continue to cultivate children’s evaluative attitude towards their own work and the work of their peers.
- develop fine motor skills of the hands;
- develop attention and visual perception;
- improve orientation on a sheet of paper.

Materials and equipment: A 4 paper, gouache, brushes, napkin, sippy cup (for each child).

Preliminary work of the teacher: reading poetry, a story about autumn, selecting illustrations for the lesson, paintings about autumn, conversation, observation on a walk, writing notes, preparing material for the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.
Q: Guys! The postman brought a letter to our group. Let's quickly see who it's from, Pinocchio is writing us a letter. There is a riddle in the letter, we need to guess it and draw the answer. Guys, can we guess the riddle?
D: yes
Q: Guys! Listen to the riddle
In the morning we go into the yard - The leaves are falling like rain, They rustle under our feet... And they fly, fly, fly...
D: Autumn.
Q: That's right, autumn.
Q: Guys! What is autumn like?
D: Cold, rainy, gloomy, golden, sunny.
Q: Who knows why autumn is called golden?
Golden leaves, golden trees.
D: because in the fall all the leaves on the trees and bushes turn yellow and therefore everything seems golden
There are yellow and orange leaves everywhere on the ground, like a golden carpet.
Q: Guys, when it rains, there are drops on the leaves and when they shine, the leaves seem golden,
Q: Let’s remember autumn and draw it.
Q: Please look at the picture, what do you see in this picture?
D: trees, leaves.
Q: A tree can grow separately, but when a forest grows together.
Q: Look carefully: the trees are depicted large and small in size, one tree has leaves, the other does not.

Finger gymnastics "Autumn".
Before you draw, you need to stretch your fingers.
The north wind blew: "S-s-s-s", (blowing)
I blew all the leaves off the branches... (move your fingers and blow on them)
They flew, spun and sank to the ground (wave their arms in the air)
The rain began to patter on them
Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!" (tap the fingers of your right hand on the palm of your left hand)
The hail pounded on them, (with a pinch of your right hand, tap on your left palm)
It pierced all the leaves. (knock the fist of your right hand on your left palm)
The snow then powdered (smooth movements of the hands back and forth)
He covered them with a blanket. (place your right palm on your left)

2. Main part
We draw the tree trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom. We draw it until the end of the grass so that the tree does not hang in the air, we draw the branches on the tree with the end of the brush, they reach towards the sun. We paint the leaves by applying the brush with all its bristles.
Q: Before we get started, let's remember how to use a brush. We lower the brush strongly in the air, the drawing will spread. If you have collected a lot of water, remove it from the edge of the sippy cup.
Q: What kind of paint do we use to paint a tree?
D: brown
Q: Let's get to work.
Q: What else do we have left to draw?
D: leaves
B: we paint by applying the brush with all its bristles
During the lesson, the teacher pays attention to those children who are not doing well. Encourages. Helps.

Autumn walks along the path, Got its feet wet in the meadows. Autumn walks, autumn wanders, The wind has knocked the leaves off the maple tree
We walk through the forest together (steps in place) And collect leaves (bend forward) Everyone is happy to collect them Just a wonderful leaf fall! (jumping in place, clapping your hands)
3. Final part.
Q: And now we carefully bring our works to the exhibition. See, guys, what wonderful trees they turned out to be.
Q: What did you and I draw?
D: Golden autumn.
Q: Do you like your work?
Let's give ourselves a clap.
I really liked your drawings, you are real wizards. Well done!
Q: Now we will send all our works by mail to Buratino. He'll be happy!

Attached files

Compiled by: Educator Baybikova D.R.

View: class

Type: Drawing

Subject: « Golden autumn»

Target: strengthen the ability to draw autumn trees;



Teach children to summarize in images the results of their observations of changes in nature and social life.

Teach children to use a variety of colors (red, yellow, green, orange) in images of objects and natural phenomena.

Strengthen the ability to navigate the space of a sheet of paper: top, bottom, middle, left, right;

To strengthen in children the skill of drawing a tree with a brush (trunk - with the end of the brush and flat, branches - with the end of the brush, foliage - using the poking technique (with cotton swabs);


Foster independence, creativity, and evoke a feeling of joy from bright, beautiful drawings.

Continue to cultivate children’s evaluative attitude towards their own work and the work of their peers.


Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop attention and visual perception;

Improve orientation on a sheet of paper.

Materials and equipment: A 4 size paper, gouache, brushes, napkin, sippy cup (for each child).

Preliminary work of the teacher: reading poetry, a story about autumn, selecting illustrations for the lesson, paintings about autumn, conversation, observing while walking, writing notes, preparing material for the lesson.

1. Organizational moment.

Q: Guys! The postman brought a letter to our group. Let's quickly see who it's from, Pinocchio is writing us a letter. There is a riddle in the letter, we need to guess it and draw the answer. Guys, can we guess the riddle?

Q: Guys! Listen to the riddle

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot...
And they fly, fly, fly...

Q: That's right, autumn.

Q: Guys! What is autumn like?

D: Cold, rainy, gloomy, golden, sunny.

Q: Who knows why autumn is called golden?

Golden leaves, golden trees.

D: because in the fall all the leaves on the trees and bushes turn yellow and therefore everything seems golden

There are yellow and orange leaves everywhere on the ground, like a golden carpet.

Q: Guys, when it rains, there are drops on the leaves and when they shine, the leaves seem golden,

Q: Let’s remember autumn and draw it.

Q: Please look at the picture, what do you see in this picture?

D: trees, leaves.

Q: A tree can grow separately, but when a forest grows together.

Q: Look carefully: the trees are depicted large and small in size, one tree has leaves, the other does not.

Finger gymnastics" Autumn".

Before you draw, you need to stretch your fingers.

The north wind blew: "S-s-s-s", (blowing)

I blew all the leaves off the branches... (move your fingers and blow on them)

They flew, spun and sank to the ground (wave their arms in the air)

The rain began to patter on them

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!" (tap the fingers of your right hand on the palm of your left hand)

The hail pounded on them, (with a pinch of your right hand, tap on your left palm)

It pierced all the leaves. (knock the fist of your right hand on your left palm)

The snow then powdered (smooth movements of the hands back and forth)

He covered them with a blanket. (place your right palm on your left)

2. Main part

We draw the tree trunk from top to bottom, the tree thickens towards the bottom. We draw it until the end of the grass so that the tree does not hang in the air, we draw the branches on the tree with the end of the brush, they reach towards the sun. We paint the leaves by applying the brush with all its bristles.

Q: Before we get started, let's remember how to use a brush. We lower the brush strongly in the air, the drawing will spread. If you have collected a lot of water, remove it from the edge of the sippy cup.

Q: What kind of paint do we use to paint a tree?

D: brown

Q: Let's get to work.

Q: What else do we have left to draw?

D: leaves

B: we paint by applying the brush with all its bristles

During the lesson, the teacher pays attention to those children who are not doing well. Encourages. Helps.


Autumn walks along the path
Got my feet wet in the meadows.
Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering,
The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree

We walk together in the forest (steps in place)
And we collect leaves (bends forward)
Everyone is happy to collect them
Just wonderful leaf fall! (jumping in place, clapping your hands)

3. Final part.

Q: And now we carefully bring our works to the exhibition. See, guys, what wonderful trees they turned out to be.

Q: What did you and I draw?

D: Golden autumn.

Q: Do you like your work?

Let's give ourselves a clap.

I really liked your drawings, you are real wizards. Well done!

Q: Now we will send all our works by mail to Buratino. He'll be happy!