Moscow operetta. Moscow State Academic Operetta Theater

The history of the Operetta Theater began in 1922, but performances in its building began earlier. The hall of the house of the Solodovnikov merchants, great lovers of art, was considered one of the best concert venues in Moscow. After the revolution, a private entrepreneur opened an operetta theater in this building, where many celebrities of that time appeared on the stage. Operettas by such recognized masters of the genre as Imre Kalman, Ferenc Lehár, and Johann Strauss were staged on the Moscow stage. Buying a ticket to the operetta theater was fashionable and prestigious. The end of the NEP era could have been the end of the theater, but a decision was made to support Operetta by the state. The first Soviet director of the Operetta Theater was G. Yaron. The theater's repertoire has expanded to include works by Russian composers: Kabalevsky, Dunaevsky, Shostakovich. Over the years, dozens of famous artists have shone on the stage of the Moscow Operetta Theater and at outdoor performances abroad. The most famous of them is Tatyana Shmyga, People's Artist of the USSR, an unsurpassed soprano.

In 1988 the theater was renamed. Now it is officially called “State Academic Theater “Moscow Operetta””. The late 1990s - 2000s are new era in the existence of the theater. It was then that a new genre for Russian art confidently entered the Moscow stage - the musical. The first premiere of the world-famous musical at the Operetta Theater took place in 2001 - it was the famous “Metro”. In 2002, it was the turn of the “Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris", and in 2003? - "Romeo and Juliet". Since then, the theater has constantly staged new musicals, and no one is going to give up the tradition - classical operetta. Having bought a ticket to the Operetta Theater, you will not be disappointed. A cozy hall of the classical type , decorated in gold and burgundy tones, immediately sets you up for listening to magnificent music. Masterpieces of operetta and musicals - from “The Merry Widow” to “Romeo and Juliet” and “Cinderella” - are best perceived in this theater, where everything breathes operetta. at the box office or order them online, with our help. The corresponding section of the site contains information about upcoming performances and availability of seats. Let's experience great art together!

Moscow Operetta Theater was formed in a house on Bolshaya Dmitrovka by the merchant Solodovnikov, with the support of famous Moscow artists, and since then has been one of the most popular theater halls in the capital.

The beautiful auditorium is designed in a classic style and gives a feeling of comfort with burgundy tones and gold trim. The hall is decorated with an amazingly beautiful painted ceiling. This is one of the most interesting theater halls, in which classical interiors are combined with excellent acoustics and modern lighting and stage equipment.

In the 20-30s of the last century Operetta Theater under the leadership of G. Yaron, he became one of the leaders of the new art. Along with the classical works of I. Kalman, J. Offenbach, I. Strauss, operas by young talented composers appeared in his repertoire: D. Shostakovich, I. Dunaevsky, D. Kabalevsky, T. Khrennikov.

Composers who were the pride of Soviet music created works specifically for productions Operetta Theater. Talented operas, brilliant directorial works and the skill of the actors brought the theater enormous recognition in Russia and abroad and made it one of the leaders in its genre.

And today in Operetta Theater Wonderful and beloved artists appear on stage: T. Shmyga, G. Vasiliev, L. Amarfiy, Yu. Vedeneev, S. Varguzova, V. Rodin, V. Michelet, A. Markelov and many others.

In the repertoire Operetta Theater classical works and modern operetta, famous musicals and shows. It was here that they began to master the musical genre, which was new to the domestic theater. In 2001, the musical “Metro” appeared on the theater stage, which became a bold experiment and caused a great response from the audience.

A year later, the public swept away everything from the box office tickets to the Operetta Theater to the famous musical "Notre Dame de Paris", which made even the biggest skeptics look differently at the appropriateness of existence in Russian theater new genre. The resounding success of Notre Dame de Paris prompted a number of productions at other theater venues.

Moscow Operetta Theater We continue to develop the musical genre, and now on its stage you can see productions of “My Fair Lady” by F. Lowe, “A Life in Paris” by J. Offenbach, “Jane” by A. Kremer and the classic musical “Hello, Dolly” to the music of J. Gershwin .

Since October 2008, the grandiose musical “Monte Cristo” has been on the stage of the theater with great success, which has become one of the most successful performances in Moscow for recent years. In the first season alone, this vibrant production was seen by more than 200,000 spectators.

Order tickets to the Operetta Theater You can make a reservation for the famous Russian musical “Monte Cristo” and other wonderful productions at any time convenient for you on the TicketService website.

Recognized composers at one time worked on the Mosoperetta repertoire. Among them are D. Shostakovich, D. Dunaevsky, Yu. Milyutin, T. Khrennikov. Spectators can see famous classic and most modern works and musicals - for example, “Monte Cristo”, “Count Orlov”, “Jane Eyre”, “The Merry Widow”, etc.

Buying a ticket to the operetta theater

You can always purchase tickets for upcoming premieres at the theater box office, but it is much more convenient to use the KASSIR.RU service. You can buy them online from us.

Advantages of purchasing tickets on the KASSIR.RU website:

  • availability of an accurate schedule of all events;
  • delivery works in the capital and suburbs;
  • the order can be placed from any city;
  • Buyers can arrange express delivery;
  • You can select the nearest ticket office on the map to pick up your tickets there.

Placing an order is very simple. To begin with, you should select an event from the poster and go to the interactive diagram of the hall. Next, a place is selected - the occupied places and the price are highlighted on the diagram. Electronic tickets sent by mail immediately after payment.

November 24, 2017 Moscow State academic theater operetta will celebrate its 90th anniversary. Over the years, the creative team has written many bright, memorable pages into history. musical art. Operetta. There are so many amazing things about her on stage and the power of her influence on the public!

The beginning of the era of operetta

But today we won’t talk about the repertoire and artists of this amazing, fun genre. The main topic will The State Academic State Archives preserved a record made on November 24, 1927, that the Council of Workers, Peasants and Army Deputies of Moscow decided to preserve the operetta, proposing to improve it and bring it closer to the challenges of our time. No sooner said than done. From this day on, the era of operetta theater began.

Introduction to the operetta theater

During its existence, the theater had to change addresses more than once. And during the war years he was evacuated from Moscow. Currently the theater has a permanent residence in

We begin our acquaintance with the theater from the main entrance. Having opened the doors, we find ourselves in a spacious hall with a poster of the repertoire for the current month and two ticket offices. For spectators who came to buy tickets to the operetta theater, a diagram of the hall is placed in the information niche on the right at the entrance. It illustrates the colored sectors of the hall, as well as the cost of tickets, which depends on what day of the week the performance is given, the afternoon or evening show and, in fact, what kind of performance. In the niche on the left at the entrance there is a diagram of the hall, where the numbers of the seats and the names of the tiers in the hall are indicated. This information is useful for the viewer in choosing a seat for the upcoming performance.

There are two wardrobes in the operetta theater. The first one, which is at the entrance, is divided into sectors for the convenience of serving spectators. On the second floor there is another wardrobe serving the public of this floor. There are restrooms, rest areas and buffets on both tiers of the building. Photos of outstanding soloists of past years, music hall artists, ballet troupes and orchestra members decorate the operetta theater. The diagram of the hall, which is placed at the entrance, is a kind of guide for finding the sector and place when the viewer enters the hall. Let's get to know her better.

Operetta theater hall

The capacity of the hall is 1600 seats. The first floor consists of 20 rows of seats, a stall and a box. On the dais is an amphitheater with seven rows of seats. True, the spectators in the last row of the amphitheater will be unlucky. They will have to find a position for contemplating the performance so that the heads of the spectators in the previous row do not interfere with their view of the stage. Well, the operetta theater has such an amphitheater. leads further to the mezzanine and boxes on the second floor. And on the third floor there is a balcony of the first tier and a box. The fourth floor with balconies on the second tier is occupied by lighting equipment.

The cozy decoration of the hall in golden tones, with softly matching upholstery of chairs in burgundy velvet covers, is captivating. There is a gorgeous chandelier under the ceiling. Around it is a frame of graphic profiles of twelve foreign and Russian composers. Near the stage there is an orchestra pit.


Not all performances are accompanied by live music. For example, the play “Jane Eyre” is performed to the live sound of a harp and clarinet. But the musical “Anna Karenina” is a mix of soundtrack and live orchestral sound. It is worth noting the beauty of the mesmerizing 3D projections and stage decorations for the performances staged by the operetta theater. The diagram of the hall, with which we began our acquaintance with the theater, told us so many interesting things. And those spectators who come to the next performance will look at the theater with different eyes. Those eyes with which the theater looks at the audience and gives the pleasure of enjoying a musical performance and the performance of talented performers.

From the first owners - the princes Shcherbatovs - the house on Bolshaya Dmitrovka passed to the merchants Solodovnikovs. With the direct participation of the new owners, at the beginning of the 20th century, with the help of famous artists, one of the best concert and theater halls in Moscow was created within its walls. Today, the stage area of ​​the Moscow Operetta Theater is also very popular. Modern lighting and sound equipment combines perfectly with the classical beauty of the hall, its soft, velvety comfort in burgundy and gold tones, and the amazing painted ceiling.
According to the State Archives, at the end of 1927, the Moscow Council of Workers, Peasants and Red Army Deputies “categorically” decided: “The operetta must be preserved. The repertoire should be improved, bringing it closer to the challenges of our time.” Almost immediately, success and popularity came to the young team, led by G. Yaron. In the theater's poster, next to the recognized classics J. Offenbach, J. Strauss, F. Lehár, I. Kalman, P. Abraham, the brilliant composers of our country I. Dunaevsky, Yu. Milyutin, T. Khrennikov, D. Shostakovich, D. .Kabalevsky. They created their works with sincere interest especially for the stage of the operetta theater. Thanks to the brightest talent, excellent skill of actors and directors, the Moscow Operetta Theater has become a leader in its genre not only in Russia, but has also gained enormous prestige in Europe.

Today “Moscow Operetta” remains true to its traditions. Such wonderful actors as People's Artist of the USSR T. Shmyga, People's Artists of Russia L. Amarfiy, V. Bateyko, S. Varguzova, G. Vasilyev, M. Koledova, Yu. Vedeneev, V. Rodin, A. Markelov work on its stage , V. Michelet, Honored Artists of Russia V. Belyakova, I. Gulieva, J. Zherder, I. Ionova, E. Zaitseva, T. Konstantinova, E. Soshnikova, V. Ivanov, V. Shlyakhtov, artists S. Krinitskaya, M . Bespalov, P. Borisenko, A. Golubev, A. Kaminsky, A. Babenko and others. The theater's repertoire, revealing its enormous acting and production potential, combines classic and modern operetta, musical and show...