Postinor should bleeding start? Is brown discharge normal after taking Postinor?

Can a drug for emergency contraception Postinor provoke severe bleeding? What generally undesirable side effects can be expected from using postinor, and what other drugs can be used for emergency contraception?
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Sixty-five percent of the drug interacts with blood proteins. When using postinor during lactation, approximately one tenth of one percent of the drug passes into the milk.

So can postinor cause uterine bleeding?
Even the side effects listed by the manufacturer include mention of spotting, reminiscent of menstruation. The manufacturer also warns that postinor can disrupt the menstrual cycle. This is true. According to reviews of the majority of women who have used Postinor, this drug does cause disruptions in menstruation. It could be just a few days, or it could be a month. In addition, there is evidence that in extremely rare cases, postinor can provoke really severe uterine bleeding that does not stop for several days. There are not very many such cases, but they do happen.

The manufacturer categorically does not recommend using more than two postinor tablets in one menstrual cycle, since a larger amount can harm the body. And with an overdose of postinor, bleeding can begin. The manufacturer advises not to delay visiting a doctor if uterine bleeding occurs after taking Postinor, although there is no antidote to this drug.
But if you don’t have your period at normal times, you should also consult a doctor. The fact is that there is a possibility of pregnancy while using postinor. Therefore, this possibility must be taken into account. It is advisable to go to the doctor in the first days.

How does Postinor work?

The action of Postinor is divided into the following main stages.

  1. The egg is blocked as it leaves the ovary. These are the main consequences of taking the drug in the first phase of the cycle. There is a significant decrease in the function of estrogen, which affects the maturation of the egg. In this case, endometrial growth slows down.
  2. In the middle of the cycle, the synthesis of a hormone that affects the release of the egg from the ovary is inhibited. The consequence of Postinor's action will be the absence of ovulation.
  3. The drug also acts on the body in the second phase, reducing the synthesis of progesterone and creating negative conditions for the process of fixation of the embryo on the wall of the uterus.
  4. The action of levonorgestrel ensures the appearance of viscosity on the mucus of the cervix, resulting in the impossibility of sperm penetration. The effect of Postinor reduces the likelihood of conception. To achieve this effect, you should take the drug immediately after sexual intercourse.

Should there be bleeding after Postinor?

The drug has a very strong effect on the female body and you need to think carefully before deciding to take it. It is characterized by significant side effects after use, which include severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. The menstrual cycle may be disrupted as a result of taking Postinor, resulting in unexpected bleeding.

Thus, bleeding after taking Postinor is not obligatory. This is just a side effect of its use.

Taking Postinor as a means of contraception leads to the appearance of menstrual discharge a week after use. This indicates that the effect of the drug ensured the absence of pregnancy. If it lasts for ten days, it is necessary to consult a doctor about analyzing the woman’s general condition. In such cases, bleeding may occur against the background of severe abdominal pain, dizziness, and, in addition, the bleeding may intensify. An examination is necessary for the possible prescription of symptomatic treatment.

Heavy bleeding after taking Postinor is explained by the onset of hormonal imbalance. It can be caused by taking the drug. Most often, the situation normalizes on its own; you just need to have a set of pads and tampons on hand. You should consult a doctor only as a last resort, if the menstrual cycle does not return for ten days in a row and the discharge is accompanied by persistent abnormalities.

How long does bleeding last after Postinor?

There is no consensus on the question of what is the normal duration of bleeding after taking Postinor. It all depends on the dosage and individual characteristics female body. In most cases, bleeding after menstrual irregularities caused by taking the drug stops within a week. It is recommended to consult a doctor if bleeding continues continuously for ten days. In such a situation, it is better to conduct a medical examination to avoid unpleasant consequences of using the drug.

Danger of bleeding after Postinor

Bleeding after taking Postinor is dangerous in adolescence, when ovarian function is developing in a girl. In such cases, infertility may develop, which will then be very difficult to treat. In addition, bleeding after taking the drug is dangerous for women who already suffer from menstrual irregularities caused by poor ovarian function. In such cases, taking one tablet of the drug is enough for persistent disruption of the menstrual cycle and subsequent infertility of the woman.

Also, severe bleeding after Postinor is dangerous due to large blood loss. The drug is prohibited for use by women suffering from kidney and liver diseases.

How to stop bleeding after Postinor

In most cases, it is not necessary to take special measures to stop bleeding after taking Postinor. A week after the normal menstrual cycle is disrupted, the bleeding stops on its own. Intervention is required mainly when women have diseases due to which the bleeding cannot stop. This also happens due to a violation of the general function of blood clotting.

If the bleeding does not stop for a long time after taking Postinor, be sure to consult a doctor. The case is delicate and requires an individual approach. In some cases, the use of drugs to ensure blood clotting is sufficient. In addition, bleeding after Postinor can be stopped through the use of medications under the supervision of a physician. You should not take them on your own, as the consequences can be very unpleasant. In any case, in case of prolonged bleeding, you should seek help from a doctor to resolve the situation and prescribe adequate measures to stop the bleeding.

Is brown discharge after Postinor normal or pathological? The presence of such leucorrhoea is a fairly common occurrence. After taking the drug, disturbances in the functioning of the body occur, so one of the signs may be brown blood discharge.

1 Description of the drug

Postinor is hormonal drug emergency contraception. You can take it on any day of the menstrual cycle when there is a risk of unwanted pregnancy. The drug contains a high amount of levonorgestrel, which is a derivative of progesterone. It has some effects on sexual function. For example:

  • inhibits egg formation;
  • promotes thinning of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity in order to minimize the likelihood of attachment to the walls of the fertilized egg;
  • prevents sperm from entering the uterus.

The hormone should be used no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. The effectiveness is the same both at the stage of egg maturation and on the day of its release or at the time of ovulation.

The drug artificially causes menstrual bleeding and endometrial rejection.

2 Why do bloody secretions begin?

Since Postinor includes a loading dose of the hormone, sudden and serious changes occur in the body. This is where the effectiveness of the product lies.

Artificially created hormonal imbalance prevents pregnancy. Usually manifests itself as brown discharge 5-6 days after taking the drug. This process indicates that the medicine has worked and there is no need to worry about an unexpected pregnancy. The standard reaction of the genital area lasts 3-5 days.

There may be spotting, similar to menstruation. Postinor creates a situation in the body that is present during menstrual periods. The second phase of the cycle is under the guidance of gestagens. Levonorgestrel is one of them and is present in emergency contraceptive pills. It is this hormone that causes premature detachment of the uterine mucosa.

Changes in orgasm are drastic and sudden, so bleeding may be accompanied by several other symptoms. This may be lethargy, lightheadedness, breasts may become full and sore, and severe aching and pulling pain in the lower abdomen may occur.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever suffered from problems with Menstrual cycle? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • copious or scanty discharge with clots
  • pain in the chest and lower back
  • pain during sex
  • bad smell
  • discomfort when urinating

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can problems be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That's why we decided to publish an interview with the chief gynecologist of Russia, Leila Adamova, in which she revealed the simple secret of normalizing the menstrual cycle. Read the article...

The drug Postinor is not used in almost all countries of the world because it is considered dangerous to health. However, Postinor can still be found in Russia, and this medicine is quite widespread in this country. Postinor has a lot of side effects, one of which is bleeding. Undoubtedly, after taking a drug such as Postinor, heavy bleeding occurs very rarely. But minor spotting bleeding can also cause concern to a woman. Before taking this drug, every woman is recommended to carefully study the instructions for it and take it strictly in accordance with the specified recommendations. If bleeding occurs after taking Postinor, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Characteristics of Postinor

Postinor is a contraceptive that should be taken immediately after unprotected intimate contact. The active ingredient that forms the basis of Postinor is Levonorgestrel. One tablet of the drug contains this component in the amount of 0.75 mg. This dosage is several times higher than the content of the same component in oral contraceptives. You can get a good contraceptive effect from using Postinor if you take two tablets of the drug orally, observing an interval of 12 hours. The pills must be taken within three days after unprotected sexual intercourse. Postinor provides a contraceptive, antiestrogenic and gestagenic effect.

Mechanism of action of Postinor

The effect of Postinor on the body is marked by a triple effect:
  • An obstacle is created for the mature egg; it cannot leave the ovary. Ovulation is suppressed.
  • The properties of the uterine mucosa change under the influence of Postinor, as a result of which the fertilized egg cannot attach to the uterus.
  • Sperm cannot penetrate the uterine cavity because the mucus in the cervical canal becomes too viscous and thick.
As can be seen from the description, the side effects of Postinor are very pronounced, therefore for women who actively lead an intimate life, the use of such a drug is prohibited.

Bleeding from Postinor

Taking the contraceptive Postinor very often provokes uterine bleeding. The most common are spotting bleeding after taking Postinor. Bleeding may occur immediately or a couple of days after taking the second Postinor capsule. Bloody discharge is often quite long-lasting, up to one month. Taking Postinor often provokes disruptions in menstrual cycles. This drug often causes heavy bleeding from the uterus. This effect appears due to the action of the main component of Postinor - Levonorgestrel. Levonorgestrel is similar in structure to progesterone, which leads to structural changes in the uterine mucosa (it becomes thick and swollen, blood circulation in the uterine cavity is activated). If levonorgestrel is taken in large doses, it will lead to changes in the lining of the uterus. If the drug is abruptly discontinued after taking loading doses, then severe bleeding will undoubtedly occur.

Uterine bleeding most often occurs due to improper use of the drug Postinor, or a violation of the dosage. If a 12-hour break is not observed between two doses of tablets, or a woman drinks more than two tablets, then bleeding from the uterus will inevitably occur.

Uterine bleeding - clinical manifestations

If bleeding occurs after improper use of Postinor, excessive bleeding is considered the most dangerous. Heavy bleeding will be noticeable immediately, the woman simply will not have time to change the pads. Too big uterine bleeding leads to a deterioration in the woman’s general condition, weakness, pale skin, rapid heartbeat, disturbances and loss of consciousness. This type of bleeding cannot be stopped at home on your own. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Features of stopping uterine bleeding

It is necessary to treat bleeding that occurs after improper use of the drug Postinor individually in each specific case.

In most cases, patients are recommended symptomatic hemostasis. To treat bleeding, drugs such as dicinone, vikasol, and ascorutin are used. It is imperative to carry out infusion therapy to restore the volume of lost blood. If the case is particularly severe, the woman is prescribed a blood transfusion. If bleeding from the uterus cannot be stopped, more radical treatment methods are used. An operation is performed to scrape and clean the uterine cavity.

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I’m already a lot of years old, but I don’t know anything about women’s issues... After playing with my husband 2 weeks ago and then out of fear, I drank something like Postinor 1 tab. You can buy it here at the pharmacy. At the same time, they scared me that the bleeding would be strong, there would be pain and in general... yes, I was half asleep for 1 hour after taking the pill and that’s it, no bleeding and so on... The cycle was said to be severely disrupted or there would be no menstruation at all or there would be one again , it’s pouring like crazy... I’ve been on my nerves for 2 weeks... and everything is...


I also had no bleeding or problems. And the instructions generally say that bleeding should normally begin on time.

After Postinor, my cycle shortened: it was 30-31 and became exactly 28, like a clock. But no pain, no bleeding.. I don’t remember somehow.. It was a long time ago. And now, without any postinor, the cycle has begun to decrease even more, is this menopause?

This is a very important period of intrauterine life, because At this time, the formation of all organs and tissues of the fetus occurs. Already on the 7th day after fertilization of the egg, the mother’s body receives a signal of pregnancy thanks to the hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin(CG), which is secreted by the fertilized egg. HCG, in turn, supports the development of the corpus luteum in the ovary. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone and estrogens in quantities sufficient to maintain pregnancy. At the initial stage of pregnancy, before the formation of the placenta, the corpus luteum takes on the function of hormonal...
...The pain may be accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract. Such symptoms cannot be left without due attention, because... they may be followed by massive bleeding due to incomplete spontaneous miscarriage, in which the pregnancy cannot be saved. It is very important at the first symptoms of a threatening miscarriage to immediately contact a gynecologist, undergo the necessary tests, including an examination in a chair, ultrasound, hormonal blood tests for female sex hormones, male sex hormones, and thyroid hormones. Jasmine...

Problems of the postoperative period Contraction of the uterus. The size of the uterus in the maternity hospital is measured every day, and by the 10th day after cesarean section its size is slightly larger than the size of the uterus before pregnancy. In breastfeeding women, the size of the uterus normalizes faster. Within a few days after birth, the uterus should normally decrease greatly in size. Such contractions of the uterus cause minor nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation. Pain may intensify during breastfeeding, because... During feeding, the hormone oxytocin is produced, which promotes uterine contractions. But after surgical delivery, due to the presence of a suture, sometimes the uterus does not contract well enough. As a result...
...Such contractions of the uterus cause minor nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation. Pain may intensify during breastfeeding, because... During feeding, the hormone oxytocin is produced, which promotes uterine contractions. But after surgical delivery, due to the presence of a suture, sometimes the uterus does not contract well enough. As a result, blood may accumulate in it and inflammation may begin and body temperature may rise. Uterine contractions can be painful and, just like with natural childbirth, intensifies with feeding. In such cases, the woman receives painkillers and drugs that improve uterine contractions in the form of tablets or injections. The duration of such treatment is usually several days, and it depends on the condition of the specific...


I had a plan C-section, everything is exactly as in the article. The only thing I would add is possible problems after the operation. This summer is very hot, a week after the CS I had bleeding, well, the doctor advised me by phone to put ice on my stomach at home and continue to inject oxytocin, because the uterus was not contracting well. Before this, I could not even imagine that hot weather would have such an impact on the body’s ability to recover.

07/28/2010 18:53:14, Irina, Ukraine

Girls, hello everyone, maybe anyone remembers me - I was recently diagnosed with a frozen (non-developing) pregnancy, and yesterday they did a curettage... it so happened that while I was recovering from anesthesia after the operation and was sleeping off (and when I woke up, it was a bit difficult to walk. It’s possible, but not particularly comfortable), all the doctors have already left - it’s Friday, everyone is already in a hurry to get home. But no one came to me and didn’t tell me anything ((how it happened to me and what. On Monday - the earliest they’ll tell me. But that’s almost...

Who has had experience using postinor, please tell me when it should work - in general, when a new cycle begins? In how many days? And what to do if it doesn’t start? (I was stupid enough not to use protection... But I took the pills at the right time, everything was according to the instructions...:)