A tale about mushrooms: how Bull the Hedgehog decided to change his profession. Tales about mushrooms Speech game with the ambiguous word “leg”

Irina Shchepetinnikova
Mushroom Tales

Teaching children to compose according to a given beginning is one of the creative tasks in the learning process storytelling. This brings the child as close as possible to the level of monologue speech when greater opportunities are provided for the child to independently express his thoughts, consciously reflect various connections and relationships between objects and phenomena, develop verbal-logical thinking and form ideas about the environment.

Making up fairy tales- one of the most favorite game tasks for children to develop speech. Essay training fairy tales takes place within the framework of the lexical topic. Fairy tales, invented by children, are drawn up by the teacher on album sheets, where children illustrate pictures from the plots. Then books are produced on the topics. Children always look at them with pleasure and ask to read them fairy tales, emotionally exchange impressions.

Subject « Mushrooms» interesting and exciting for children, working on an essay fairy tales at a given beginning allows you to remember which mushrooms are edible, which ones don’t exist, where they grow mushrooms, at what time. There is an assimilation of lexical material, the formation of the skill of composing descriptive story. For example, story-description: “Fly agaric. The cap is bright red with white spots. The leg is light, with a cape, thickened at the bottom...” stories descriptions of other mushrooms. Descriptive stories will prepare children to complete creative essay assignments tales about mushrooms, together with an adult and independently.

Samples of the beginning « Mushroom Tales» :

Once upon a time there lived a friendly family of cheerful mushrooms. One day it happened misfortune: the little brother got sick, so much so that he turned green all over...

Born at mushroom Tsar Boletozovik's daughter, and he arranged a feast on this occasion. Invited nobles guests: Boletus with Borovikha, Milk mushroom with Volnushka and others mushroom inhabitants...

Chanterelles grew up in a clearing, bright and orange, and the evil witch Toadstool White lived nearby...

The teacher uses riddles, proverbs and sayings on the topic to enhance speech activity and motivation « Mushrooms» , For example:

This fungus - birch son.

Whoever finds it, everyone puts it in a basket. (Boletus)

Mushroom red - dangerous for health. (Amanita)

Yellow-red foxes - they call us sisters (Chanterelles).

Near stumps and on the lawn

We always walk in a flock.

Very friendly guys

They call you... (honey mushrooms)

Very pale in appearance, she hides the most dangerous poison. (Pale grebe)

Proverbs and sayings:

If it rains, there will be fungi, but they will fungi - there will be bodies.

Living near the forest means you won't go hungry.

Where mushroom has grown, that's where they take him.

Any pick up a mushroom, but not everyone is put in a box.

The rains have dragged on - don't expect milk mushrooms.

And in winter I would eat it fungus Yes, the snow is deep.

Late fungus - late snow.

Towards compilation fairy tales Parents are also involved along with the children. Joint drafting helps to establish contact with parents, diversify joint activities, and make cooperation stronger. The work ends with the production of a book « Mushroom Tales» . The book includes creative works each child, which contributes to the development of imagination, abilities to artistic activity, education of aesthetic taste and love for books.

Publications on the topic:

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Lesson on speech development in the middle group. Writing and telling a new fairy tale based on the fairy tale “The Fox with a Rolling Pin” Explanatory note. Reading is a window through which children see and learn about the world and themselves. V. A. Sukhomlinsky little child, listening.

The fairy tale tells about mushrooms that gathered in the forest on happy holiday. And then, frightened by the mushroom pickers, the mushrooms scattered in all directions. And they still grow like that - each under his own tree. It will be interesting to read the fairy tale with children of preschool and school age.

Tale of Mushrooms

One early July morning, mushrooms gathered in a forest clearing. Either they were having a holiday, or they just decided to have fun, but they gathered, apparently and invisibly. And who was there: red Foxes, colorful Russulas, and cheerful Boletus; The noble Borovik came, even old Gruzd decided to look at the cheerful gathering.

Have fun, spin around more fun! - shouted the manager, a smart Fly Agaric, waving his colorful hat. - Ryzhiki, invite Honey mushrooms!

The Honey Honeys began to smile, they were orphans, thin, pale, long-legged, always timidly huddled together, but then, picked up by the Ryzhiks, they began to dance. And Russula, Russula! So their pink, green and red sundresses flash. With his arms akimbo, the important Borovik began to dance, even Gruzd stamped his feet so that his hat with fringed curved edges bounced. The mushrooms made noise and went wild. It is not known how long this fun would last, but suddenly somewhere in the distance a drawn-out voice was heard:

- Uh-uh... - the forest echo picked up.
- Aw! - responded from the thicket.
- Aw! - echoed from the other end of the forest. The mushrooms stopped dead in their tracks: they knew what this “ay” meant.
- Save yourself who can! - Old Gruzd shouted and was the first to run away and hide in the grass.

Boletus, forgetting about his solidity, rushed into the thicket, climbed under a spruce and hid.

Fathers! Mothers! - Russula rushed about in panic, they scattered throughout the forest, here and there their bright sundresses flashed.

The orphans of Honeycomb with their whole family huddled against the tree stump. Those mushrooms that hid under birch trees began to be called boletus mushrooms, and those under aspen trees became called boletus mushrooms.

“You will all be lost,” whispered Champignon and ran away from the forest into the meadows. Out of fright, the eccentric Tinder climbed a tree and stayed there, taking root there.

The butterflies rushed in a crowd under the pines and spruce trees. Only Fly Agaric was not afraid and remained standing in a visible place. Fly Agaric knows that no one needs him, unless an unlucky mushroom picker, out of frustration, kicks him or knocks him over with a stick.

Since then, lor mushrooms have not gathered for large gatherings, but have family round dances - boletus with boletus, boletus with boletus,

I saw it myself and told you guys, just be careful! - don't give me away.

A fairy tale about mushrooms for children from the magazine “Family and School”, 1971

Dear guys! Your favorite library is holding a competition for the most the best fairy tale about mushrooms! Please read three beautiful fairy tales that our readers wrote and choose, in your opinion, the best one! Voting will last until 18:00 on November 6.

How did poisonous mushrooms appear?

Once upon a time, only mushrooms lived on the planet. They did not grow in one place as they do now, but knew how to walk, since they had two legs. And there were also talking mushrooms. Mushrooms lived in large families. One day a special mushroom was born in one family. Because of his nasty and harmful character, he was nicknamed Toadstool. Toadstool didn’t listen to anyone, neither mom nor dad, and didn’t want to go to mushroom school.

Time passed, a mushroom nicknamed Toadstool grew and decided to take over the mushroom world. He did evil and those mushrooms that had a bad character began to help him. Soon all the mushrooms were divided into two camps: harmful and evil, like their leader Toadstool, and mushrooms that were kind and friendly. A war has begun between the mushrooms.

The planet really didn't like the way mushrooms behaved.

She thought: “They will destroy each other.”

And then one morning, the mushrooms woke up and discovered that they had only one leg left. The mushrooms wanted to scream that they wouldn’t be able to walk anymore, but they couldn’t talk either. The mushrooms lived silently in one place, but the evil mushrooms accumulated and accumulated hatred in themselves, it began to turn into poison. The evil mushrooms have become very poisonous.

Time passed, people appeared on the planet and evil mushrooms began to harm people. People began to pass on from generation to generation knowledge about which mushrooms can be eaten and which ones should be avoided.

This is what anger and hostility can lead to.


Once upon a time there was a white mushroom, his name was Borovik. It was a substantial mushroom with a thick leg and a brown hat. They lived in the kingdom of the White Mushroom, and its other relatives differed from each other in the color of their hat or some of them had a pattern on the leg. White mushroom was the most respected among all the mushroom kings.

Among all the mushrooms, the most famous was the red fly agaric. He considered himself the most beautiful mushroom, although he was poisonous, the mushroom tried to appear in all mushroom kingdoms. And Fly Agaric really wanted to become related to the porcini mushroom and marry his daughter. He dreamed that our children would be beautiful like me and not poisonous. If everything works out as he planned, then their children will be the best and most famous mushrooms.

A mushroom named Truffle found out about the Red Fly Agaric's plan. He was a foreigner from a very ancient family, so he could not allow such injustice. Truffle told Borovik about his plans. The two kingdoms united in the fight against the Red Fly Agaric and won.

It’s a pity that Truffle didn’t marry Borovik’s daughter. Maybe then a new kingdom of very good mushrooms would appear.

Smart champignon.

The kingdom of edible mushrooms was ruled by the king of mushrooms - Borovik. The kingdom of the poisonous - Amanita with its sister Toadstool.

In both kingdoms, lived large family Champignons, they had many relatives. In the kingdom where Fly Agaric ruled, there lived only two families. It was them that Amanita ordered to destroy. False honey mushrooms and pepper mushrooms got down to business.

The family of poisonous champignons, although small in number, was very smart. They sent a representative to convince Fly Agaric not to harass them.

He made his way to Fly Agaric along secret paths. And finally, he managed to meet, but with Toadstool. Toadstool has a large family and they are aware of all mushroom affairs.

The brother's name was Ivan, and the sister's name was Kosichka. Their mother was angry: she sat them on a bench and told them to be silent. It’s boring to sit, the flies bite or the pigtail plucks - and there’s a fuss, and the mother pulls up her shirt and - a splash.

If only I could go into the forest, even if I walked there on my head, no one would say a word. Ivan and Pigtail thought about this and ran into the dark forest. They run, climb trees, tumble in the grass - such a squeal has never been heard in the forest.

By noon the children had calmed down, were tired, and wanted to eat.

“I wish I could eat,” Pigtail whined.

Ivan began to scratch his stomach.

“We’ll find a mushroom and eat it,” said Ivan. - Let's go, don't whine.

They found a boletus under an oak tree, and just as they were aiming to pick it, Pigtail whispered:

- Or maybe it hurts the mushroom if you eat it?

Ivan began to think. And asks:

- Boletus, and boletus, does it hurt if you are eaten?

- Hurt.

Ivan and Pigtail went under the birch tree, where the boletus grew, and asked him:

- And you, boletus, if you eat, does it hurt?

“It hurts terribly,” the boletus responds.

Ivan da Pigtail asked for a boletus under an aspen, a white mushroom under a pine tree, a camelina in the meadow, a dry milk mushroom and a wet milk mushroom, a little blueberry, a skinny honey fungus, an oiler, a chanterelle and a russula.

“It hurts, it hurts, it hurts,” the mushrooms squeal.

And he even spanked the wet milk mushroom with his lips:

- Why did you come to me, well, yours to the devil...

“Well,” says Ivan, “my stomach gave out.”

And Pigtail let out a roar. Suddenly, from under the rotten leaves, a red mushroom emerges, as if sprinkled with sweet flour - dense, beautiful. Ivan and Kosichka gasped:

- Cute little mushroom, can I eat you?

“You can, kids, you can, with pleasure,” the red mushroom answers them in a pleasant voice, and just like that it climbs into their mouth.

Ivan and Pigtail sat down over him and just opened their mouths, - suddenly, out of nowhere, mushrooms fly in: boletus and boletus, boletus and white boletus, skinny honey fungus and little blue milk mushroom, wet milk mushroom and dry milk mushroom, oiler, chanterelles and russula, and come on pound and pound red mushroom:

“Oh, you poison, Fly Agaric, you’re thinking of poisoning the kids so that you’ll burst, huh?”

Only flour flies from Fly Agaric.

“I wanted to laugh,” yells Fly Agaric, to laugh.

- We'll laugh at you! - the mushrooms scream and they piled up so much that the Amanita was left with a wet spot - it burst. And where it remained wet, even the grass withered from the fly agaric poison.

“Well, now, kids, open your mouths for real,” said the mushrooms.

And every single one of the mushrooms went to Ivan and Pigtail, one after another, jumped into his mouth - and was swallowed.

Ivan and Kosichka ate to their heart's content and immediately fell asleep.

And in the evening the hare came running and took the children home. Mother saw Ivan and Pigtail, was delighted, gave just one spank, and even then lovingly, and gave the hare a cabbage leaf:

- Eat, drummer!

Developing imagination through writing fairy tales

Imagination and fantasy are an integral part of a child’s life. A fairy tale can be used to develop children's creative imagination. The result of the activity is higher, since the child does not just invent fairy tales, but conveys images in fairy tales, which contributes to the development of creative imagination.

You can use a variety of working methods:

Use the plot of a famous children's fairy tale, include new characters and other conditions.

Miniature fairy tales.

Fairy tales where most words begin with the same letter.

Modeling fairy tales.

Problem situations.

Continue the story.

Draw a fairy tale.

And this is not the whole list. Be sure to use them in your work. Children are happy to get involved in the work. But there is no need to demand results from all students. I present examples of work by first grade children, done on the same topic, but in different ways.

Mushroom City

In one beautiful mushroom city there lived a wonderful family. Grandfather Fly Agaric loved to create coziness in the house, the boy Krasnogolovik liked to take care of plants, the girl Volnushka loved to walk along the green lawn, pushing a stroller with a doll.

One day a strong wind rose and carried the stroller far away. She fell into the river. Volnushka burst into tears. Grandfather Fly Agaric passed by.

What happened to you?

The wind carried the stroller with the doll towards the river,” Volnushka says through tears.

Don't be sad. When the wind calms down, we will call all the residents of the city and help you. - Grandfather Fly Agaric answers.

Residents of the mushroom town gathered and found the stroller near the river. The girl was happy. Friendship is a great power.

Southerner Christina

The Tale of the Mushroom City

Once upon a time there was a girl. One day she went looking for mushrooms and wandered into an unfamiliar forest. The girl saw an unusual city. The inhabitants of the house looked like mushrooms. They lived as one friendly family, where everyone did their favorite thing. They were cheerful and hardworking. The girl wanted to meet them. The residents of the town were happy about the girl. Thus a strong friendship began between them.

Gadylshanova Alina

Mushroom City

On the mountain, in a mushroom town, dwarves lived.

In a mushroom with blue windows lived a talking gnome named Harry. He got up when the sun just appeared on the horizon, prepared oatmeal porridge and did gymnastics. For lunch I liked pea soup, dumplings and buckwheat on the side.

Galochka loved to play scales, walk and dream about a new wardrobe: guipure dresses, combs and hats.

Chief gnome. Gennady Grigorievich came out of the room onto the porch and loudly told the news.

The townspeople visited each other, loved and took care of their city.

Zhenina Lyudmila

Country of Mushrooms

There is a country in our forest and it is called “Mushroom Country”. Located in a small clearing. Mushroom houses grow there. These are the homes of little people, or rather one family. Dad's name is Lesovik, mother's name is Gretta, and daughter's name is Sophie. They loved their clearing very much.

One day it started to rain heavily, and they were carried away to another clearing. When they woke up, they saw a lot of mushrooms and little men that looked like them. We decided to meet. One girl, and her name was Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, invited them to visit. Sophie told what happened to them. Tsvetik-Semitsvetik promised to help the mushroom family. The inhabitants of the mushroom meadow gave the inconsolable little men a boat. And they set off. Suddenly we found ourselves in a fast current. The forester took out a rope and hooked it to a tree. One by one we got to the river bank. We were glad that we were alive. Tired, we reached home and could not sleep for a long time from the impressions of our journey.

They were glad that they met good people. They began to visit each other and help in difficult times. We decided to unite into one big “Mushroom Country”. They lived amicably and happily.

Tarasova Yulia