Connecting vowels in the word rely. Open lesson "connecting o - e in complex words"

At the beginning foreign words, if pronounced e , written yo , For example: yogi, iodine, yoghurt, yeoman, yorkshire, not one bit(But: ions, Jordanian– with separate pronunciation of initial vowel sounds).

IX. Spelling difficult words

§ 41. Connecting vowels o and e

In complex words, after the stem, a connecting vowel is written on the hard consonant O , after the base to a soft consonant, to a sibilant and ts – connecting vowel e . For example: homebody, skin eater, bird catcher, False Dmitry I.

In some cases the final soft consonant v, n, r, t the first stem is pronounced firmly and after it a connecting vowel is written O (in parallel with these words, those in which, according to the rule, it is written e ). For example: long-range - long-range, quarry - stone crusher, horse thief - horse breeder, bone-carver - bone-crushing, bloodthirsty - blood-bearing, chant - song-making. Wed. various educations after foundation on ts : trapezoid – trapezoidal – trapezoidal – trapezohedron(not all of these formations distinguish two bases in the Russian language).

§ 42. Compound words without a connecting vowel

It is necessary to distinguish between compound words with connecting vowels and compound words without a connecting vowel. Wed: psychotherapy(psycho + therapy) – psychasthenia(psych + asthenia).

In some compound words, the first part is the word in its initial form, for example: time calculation, pastime; cotyledon, seed stalk, ovule(cf.: seed production, seed storage– with a connecting vowel).

Without a connecting vowel, terms like nitrogen-fixing, forward-looking, oxygen-containing etc.

The letter is saved A at the end of the element air (short for aviation), forming the first part of compound words like airbase, airborne troops, airmail, air unit etc.

With a case ending in the first part, words arising from phrases are formed crazy, insane etc.

In the form of the genitive case without a connecting vowel, numerals are included in compound words, for example: three-meter, five-time, seven-year. Exceptions are numerals one, ninety, one hundred And thousand, For example: one-year, ninetieth, hundredfold, thousandth. Numeral fourty as part of compound words it is used in two forms: without a connecting vowel ( forty days) and with a connecting vowel ( magpie, centipede- not in the literal meaning of the account).

It is necessary to distinguish between complex words and words in which two stems are not distinguished in the Russian language. Wed: gas pipeline - gasification, electrician - electrification.

Note 1. Foreign language prefixes are written together on a common basis anti-, arch-, hyper-, inter-, infra-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, ultra-, extra- etc., for example: anti-people(But: Anti-Duhring– in the function of a proper name), archiplut, hypersound, international, infrared, counterproposal(But: rear admiral, where the first part has a different meaning), post-impressionism(preserving the initial root And ), post-romanticism(cf. the continuous spelling of the same prefix in words of foreign language origin indivisible into morphemes: postscript, after the fact etc.), dust jacket, subtropics, Trans-Siberian, ultrasound, trendy, extraordinary(But: extra mail, extra class– before a noun).

Note 2. The initial components are written together quasi-, pseudo-, pan- , For example: quasi-scientific, pseudo-classical, pan-German(But: quasi-Pushkin, pan-Europe etc. – before proper names

In complex words, letters are used as connecting vowels O And e . Compound words formed using connecting vowels O And e or the first part of which is a numeral, are written together, for example: oil and gas production, fiftieth anniversary, two-millimeter.

Connecting vowel ABOUT

After stems on a hard consonant (except and , w And ts ) the letter is written O , For example: world O opinion, free O darling.

In a few compound words, the consonant sound of the first stem is hardened, so a connecting vowel is written O , For example: fable O scribe, shelter O appeal.

Connecting vowel E

After stems on a soft consonant, on th , to a hissing sound and ts a connecting vowel is written e , For example: pestilence e swimmer, kra e leading, walking e move, birds e Vodstvo, syn e big-eyed, big e winged.

In some cases, the ending of the nominative case is retained in the first word of a compound noun, for example: pastime, pastime, timekeeping.


Words on -ification (electrification, gasification, classification etc.) are not complex. They are formed using the suffix -ification , so they are written with the letter And .

Compound words with numerals

When forming complex words, cardinal numbers are used in the genitive case, for example: heels And taphole(five years old) eleven And meter(eleven meters), fourty A minute(forty minutes).

Numerals one hundred And ninety, being part of a compound word, do not change their form, for example: century, ninetieth anniversary.

With letter O the word is written fourty O leg.

Numeral thousand, being part of a compound word, has a connecting vowel e , For example: thousand e anniversary.

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Examples of compound words (with two roots) with connecting vowels e, o?

    It is not interesting to list ordinary everyday words for everyone, so I will give not just examples, but words invented, for example, by the poet Mayakovsky. Some of them have successfully entered our language.

    So, the connecting letter O:

    • naked
    • dry-footedness (let me explain - this is about Kshesinskaya, then the meaning of the word will immediately become clear)
    • asshole (in the context of the word police, very successful, isn’t it?)
    • scream-lipped
    • golden-mouthed

    Connecting E:

    • heartman

    Many writers came up with their own words, but most of Mayakovsky’s words were born in pain, suffered through suffering, they add emotionality and expressiveness to his works.

    However, I cannot help but mention one more word. It was invented by Saltykov-Shchedrin. Very appropriate for our times - stupidity.

    The word birdsElov is formed from bird and catch;

    The word lesOzagotovka is formed from forest and logging;

    The word frost-resistant is formed from frost and persistent;

    The word vegetable storehouse is formed from vegetable and storage;

    The word leaffall is derived from leaf and fall;

    The word earthquake is formed from earth and shaking;

    The word smoke and walk is formed from smoke and walk;

    The word languageKnowledge is formed from language and knowledge;

    The word forest-steppe is formed from forest and steppe;

    The word ice-hod is formed from ice and walk;

    The word fishOlov is formed from fish and catch;

    The word birdsEfactory is formed from bird and factory.

    Words with a connecting vowel -o-:

    Latin American, North Sea, Western Ural, dark-haired, beet grower, short-haired, white marble, helicopter, gas pipeline, iron foundry, mechanical assembly, sulfuric acid, low-grade, steam locomotive, East Slavic, black-browed, pointed-topped, pale-faced, narrow-eyed, forest-steppe, plumber, bread cutter, hay harvester, juicer, legislator, self-esteem, gas cylinder.

    Words with a connecting vowel -e-:

    love of life, blood filling, oil pipeline, shrew, dredge, Far Eastern, friendly, mud bath, dust collector, cook, vegetable grower, thousand ruble, blue-eyed, Old Russian, millennium, earthquake, potato harvester, steelmaker, horse breeder, stone crusher.

    Examples of compound words with a connecting vowel -e-

    1. Kash E var (porridge + cook)
    2. Birds E catch (bird + catch)
    3. Pesh E move (on foot + walk)
    4. Rain E measures (rain + measure)
    5. Fervor E suck (dust + suck)
    6. Birds E catch (bird + catch)
    7. Birds E factory (poultry + factory)
    8. Oil E wire (oil + conduct)
    9. Vegetable E storage (vegetable + store)
    10. Put E procession (path + procession)

    Examples of compound words with a connecting vowel -o-

    1. Myself ABOUT cook (yourself + cook)
    2. Waters ABOUT pad (water + fall)
    3. Ice ABOUT count (ld + prick)
    4. Language ABOUT Ved (language + know)
    5. Snow ABOUT fall (snow + fall)
    6. Vert ABOUT lt (vertical + fly)
    7. Glass ABOUT cutting (glass + cutting)
    8. Concrete ABOUT mixer (concrete + stir)
    9. Beast ABOUT catch (beast + catch)
    10. House ABOUT sed (at home + sit)
  • bird catcher

    meat grinder

    bread maker

    potato peeler





    dump truck



    rock climber



    concrete mixer


    Solstice, home building, horticultural, wound healing, pain reliever, shipbuilding, philanthropy, gratitude, cornerstone, vacuum cleaner, mutual understanding, law-abiding, video, selfless.

    The vowel letter E connects the following compound words:

    bird catcher,

    color rendering,

    TV show,


    poultry farm,

    all-terrain vehicle,


    coffee maker,



    And the connecting vowel letter O is in the words:

    reinforced concrete,


    double boiler,

    pig farm,


    gas welding,


    Examples of compound words (with two roots) with connecting vowels e:

    • mousetrap;
    • navigator;
    • pedestrian;
    • mud therapy;
    • vacuum cleaner;
    • vegetable store;
    • steelmaker;
    • shipwreck;
    • pipeline;
    • bird catcher;
    • poultry farm;
    • surveyor.

    • fresh frozen;
    • cook;
    • bird catcher

    Examples of compound words (with two roots) with connecting vowels o:

    • walker;
    • samovar;
    • nuclear powered ship;
    • snow blower;
    • airplane
    • cubic meter;
    • starfall;
    • new building;
    • bark beetle;
    • hard work;
    • plumbing
    • logging;
    • namesakes;
    • mutual assistance;
    • helicopter
    • electric polisher

    In fact, there are a lot of words that are formed from two simple ones with the help of connecting vowels. Choose almost any simple word that denotes an object and add to it a word that denotes an action, and you will get a complex word out of it.

  • Words with two roots with a connective vowel -e, -o, found in compound nouns. Such words are written together.

    For example, a steamship, electric welding, a reservoir. Here the connecting vowel is -o.

    It is written after the stems with a hard consonant. This also includes the words

    Connecting vowel -e. It is written after the stems on a soft, sibilant consonant and ts(pedestrian, heartbeat, farming, weather report, etc.)

    There is an exception: after the stem, a soft consonant can also have a vowel -o. For example, - hitching post, (although horse), range finder, (although distant). The spelling of such words is most often determined by the dictionary.

    Connecting vowel E(example words):





    Connecting vowel O(example words):



    concrete mixer,


    electric saw,


    From two or even three words you can form a new word. This method of forming new words is called addition, and the words themselves are called complex. To understand where the roots are in a complex word, you must first correctly determine its meaning. For example, a steamship is not one that sails in pairs, but a ship that sails in pairs. Or a mousetrap is not a dexterous mouse, but a trap for mice.

    There are words that look like complex words, but in fact they only have one root, and it emerges clearly after finding the meaning of the word. For example, yellowish is not yellow wool, but slightly yellow, the root is one (yellow), and ovat is a suffix. Or the greatest is not great tea, but simply very great.

    Let's work on determining the meaning of words with two roots

    Vacuum cleaner: A machine for removing dust by sucking it in with a stream of air.

    Rhinoceros: A large southern mammal with one or two horns on the front of the muzzle.

    Dump truck: A truck with a mechanically tipping body.

    Scooter: Early 20th century: military name for a bicycle, a mechanical vehicle.

    Scooter: Now: For children: a bar for riding with a standing handle on wheels or rollers.

    Helicopter: A heavier-than-air aircraft with vertical take-off and landing, with a horizontal rotor “propeller”.

    Airplane: A heavier-than-air aircraft with a power plant and a wing that produces lift.

    (Interpretation taken from Explanatory dictionary Ozhegova)

    Otherwise, a vacuum cleaner is something that sucks dust. Roots dust, suck.
    Rhinoceros is an animal with a horn on its nose. Roots nose, horn.
    A dump truck is a machine that dumps its own cargo. The roots themselves and the shaft. The C in front of the second root is a prefix.
    A scooter is a device that rolls itself. Roots yourself, cat.
    A helicopter is a vehicle that flies vertically. Roots vert, years.
    An airplane is a device that flies itself. Root yourself, fly.

    Examples of words with two roots and connectives o, e

    Motorcade, motor rally, concrete mixer, chainsaw, water pipe, waterfall, water strider, all-terrain vehicle, helicopter, diver, trapper, starfall, digger, cook, bark beetle, icebreaker, lumberjack, centipede, mousetrap, meat grinder, oil pipeline, steamship, vacuum cleaner, machine gun, pedestrian, esophagus, bird catcher, fisherman, samovar, airplane, scooter, dump truck, steel worker, snowfall, glass cutter, diesel locomotive, camera, bread maker, electric locomotive.

    The connecting vowel -e is written after the stems on the consonant soft, hissing and c (pedestrian, heartbeat, agriculture, etc.). There is an exception: after the stem, a soft consonant can also have a vowel -o. For example, a hitching post, (though a horse), a range finder, (even though there is a distance). The spelling of such words is most often determined by the dictionary.

    The connecting vowel -o is written after the stem on a hard consonant.

    Examples of compound words with a connecting vowel -e-

    kashEvar (porridge + cook)

    birdsCatch (bird + catch)

    pedestrian (walking + walking)

    rain gauge (rain + measure)

    vacuum cleaner (dust + suction)

    poultry factory (poultry + factory)

    oil pipeline (oil + conduct)

    vegetable storage (vegetable + store)

    journey (path + walk)











    Examples of compound words with a connecting vowel -o-

    samovar (yourself + cook)

    waterfall (water + fall)

    iceOkol (ice + crush)

    languageOved (language + know)

    SnowFall (snow + fall)

    helicopter (vertical + fly)

    glass cutter (glass + cut)

    concreteMixer (concrete + stir)

    ZverOlov (beast + catch)

    houseSidden (at home + sit)




    electric saw


    Another list of difficult words with two roots and even three

    1. As noted (see paragraph 2.2), in the Russian language there is a fairly large number difficult words, that is, words with several (usually two) roots.

    Blue-eyed, warm-loving, white-red-blue.

    In complex words, roots can be connected using special morphemes - connecting vowels. It is traditionally believed that there are two connecting vowels in the Russian language - o and e.

    Parokhod, a thousand years old, white-faced, blue-eyed.

    2. At the same time, other elements can be used as connecting parts of complex words. Some of them are sometimes equated to connecting vowels. But in the school tradition they are usually classified as suffixes.

    Such suffixes include, for example, the following:

      suffixes -о- and -е- in compound words formed from the combination “adverb + adjective”;

      Little cute, ever green.

      suffixes -i-, -uh-, -u- in compound words with the first part - the form of the numeral in the genitive case. Although these suffixes coincide in form with the endings of numerals: five days, two days, however, these are not endings, but suffixes (!);

      Five-story, two-day, two-barreled.

    3. In some cases, the final vowel of the first part of a compound word (usually a foreign element) is part of the root.

    Avi A base, kin O film, auto O base, mot O race.

    4. The spelling of a vowel in the middle of compound words depends on what element this vowel is (connecting vowel, suffix, part of a root) and how the compound word is formed.

      The spelling of connecting vowels is subject to the following rule:

      O- is written after hard consonants (except zh, sh, ts), -e- is written after soft consonants and zh, sh, ts.

      Water collar, blue eyes, freshly shaved.

    Pay attention!

    1) A number of words with the same first root have different connecting vowels:

    • bloodthirsty - bloodthirsty;
    • kono krad - kone waters, kone factory;
    • song singing - song creativity;
    • Kameno Lomnya - stone crusher;
    • long-range - far-jet, far-eastern;
    • bone carved - bone crushing.

    2) In some complex words, after the base on a soft consonant, the connecting vowel -o- is used:

    • beast - beast catcher, beast fight, beast-like;
    • power - power love;
    • honor - love;
    • wool - wool weaving;
    • flesh - fleshly poisonous;
    • fable - fable scribe;
    • blood - bleeding.

      In some compound words, the first part is the word in its initial form.

      Time calculation, time passing, seed share, seed leg, seed bud.

      But in other cases, with the first part - the same root - a connecting vowel is used (in combination with the suffix -en-).

      Wed: seed storage, seed production.

      The final vowels of the root are preserved in complex words with the first foreign part:

      o and e: auto- ( auto base), agro- ( agro chemistry), bio- ( bio stimulant), geo- ( geo politics), hydro- ( hydraulic unit), zoo- ( zoo technician), movie- ( cinema almanac), macro- ( macro element), meteo- ( weather report), motorcycle ( moto sport), radio ( radio mechanics), television ( TV essay), photo- ( photo studio), electric ( electric motor).
      Exception: kine skop;

      a: air- ( air mail, air line);

      and : quasi- ( quasi scientific), multi- ( multi millionaire), poly- ( poly vitamins), mini ( mini dress).

      In some words ( centrifuge, agriculture, electrification, electrify, electrified, gasification, gasify, gasified) the vowel is pronounced [and] and the vowel letter and is written. In complex words with these roots, the connecting vowel -o- is used.

      Wed: centrifugal, agro school, electric razor, gas exchange.

      The vowels a, i of the former case ending are preserved in complex words arising from phrases:

      deprived of his mind, crazy, self-loving, self-lover.

      In complex words, in the first part of which numerals appear, the genitive case form is used with vowels and, a.