Book: Krysin L.P. "Explanatory dictionary of foreign words

The wealth and power of the Russian language only grows stronger over time. Foreign words are an active source of replenishment. They came and come from other nations, like everything else. On modern stage There is an increasing merging of cultures, this is reflected in all spheres of human activity. Traveling this way, people adopt each other’s various traditions, culinary recipes, behavior patterns, and much more. This could not but affect the Russian language. The Internet speeds up the process of sharing experience, thanks to which an online dictionary of foreign words is available.

This manual contains words of foreign language origin. Its main task is to provide a brief definition and explanation of terms. It contains foreign words used in Russian. They appear in various publications. For example, in fiction, scientific journalism, technical, political literature. Some of the words are part of the international vocabulary fund. Using a dictionary of foreign words online is very convenient thanks to the available functionality.

Moreover, for every word, in addition to brief description, its origin is indicated, whether Latin or French. And next to it is written the word in its original version. As additional information, below are links to authoritative sources: dictionaries of Ozhegov, Ushakov, BES and others. This makes it possible to get a complete picture of an unfamiliar term. Using such an online school dictionary of foreign words, children will be able to gain the necessary knowledge. For quick searching, the words are arranged in alphabetical order. This option is one of the most accessible and generally accepted dictionary bases. This e-book serves as a valuable source of information. And most importantly, you can look through the dictionary of foreign words online for free.

The book itself is intended for a wide audience. It can serve as a useful guide for philologists, journalists, teachers, linguists and anyone interested in words and their etymology. People whose activities are directly related to the Russian language simply need to constantly replenish their vocabulary reserves. Progress in the technological and scientific spheres entails an update in terminology. Thanks to this, the dictionary of smart words is constantly updated with new definitions. To establish yourself as a true professional and be competent in many issues, it is better to study them immediately. There is another positive point. Constantly reading the dictionary allows you to increase your knowledge. So, being in any society, in a short time you can gain a reputation as an intelligent and erudite person.

Indeed, in our time, a lot of words have appeared that were taken from other nations, but I don’t see anything wrong with this, since this makes it possible to further expand our vocabulary, which helps us communicate with anyone and in any way. Of course, it’s better when you know all your native words and don’t resort to replacing them with a foreign word, but modern society He probably can’t do it any other way and it has become a habit. I don’t know if anything needs to be changed, so far everyone seems happy. Nikita23

There are a lot of foreign words in the Russian language. There are words that came to us from another language, but we no longer notice them and consider them our own, because they were firmly absorbed by their roots into our Russian speech many years ago. Basically, words of foreign origin are technical names or objects that were not invented in Russia, the names of medicines, etc. The online dictionary of foreign words shows the variety of borrowed words. It is quite interesting to dive into the history of the origin of foreign words. I believe that borrowing words entails an exchange of culture and enriches the language, but Belinsky had a different view on this, he believed that using a foreign word when there is an equivalent Russian word means offending common sense and sound taste. Elena Helen

Foreign borrowing of words occurs in all languages ​​of the world, and our language is no exception. The process of borrowing can rightfully be called a completely natural exchange of vocabulary among the countries of the world; moreover, it is virtually impossible to prevent it, because in the conditions of modern reality, ties between states are only growing, which inevitably entails the flow of certain parts from one language to another. All that remains is to watch with pleasure how the standard school dictionary of foreign words is filled with ever new expressions, the exact translations of which are sometimes not found in the Russian language and which are increasingly fitting into youth slang. Contrary to conflicting opinions and condemnations from the older generation, the process of borrowing can also be called useful: it is what introduces a foreign culture and prevents possible contradictions. In view of this, we should not at all worry too much about the integrity of the Russian language, which unshakably remains rich and the only native language for us. DictionaryOnline

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research development

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study NOT development

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# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

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bromine ~

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You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

New dictionary
foreign words

L.P. Krysin. Dictionary foreign words. - M., 1998. - 847 p.

Half a century ago, the first edition of the now widely known “Dictionary of Foreign Words” was published, which was reprinted many times with corrections and additions. In 1992, based on it, “ Modern dictionary foreign words”, supplemented by more than 1000 words.

The dictionary of Professor L. Krysin differs from these dictionaries already in its name, which has an attitudinal meaning. The dictionary strives to be explanatory, not encyclopedic; the latter, as the author says in the preface, “describes not words, but concepts, phenomena, processes, etc.” (Here I will allow myself a clarification: in an explanatory dictionary they also deal with concepts, but with ordinary, linguistic ones, which are the lexical meanings of ordinary words, and in encyclopedic dictionaries the contents of special or scientific concepts are revealed, which are the meanings of terms). The “word descriptions” in the explanatory dictionary, in addition to showing lexical meanings, include grammatical, stylistic characteristics of words and pronunciation instructions. A considerable number of interpretations proposed by L. Krysin coincide with interpretations in predecessor dictionaries (for example, interpretation of words hydrosulfyls, ilea, gymnasium, decontamination etc.), but in these dictionaries there are no grammatical, stylistic notes, spelling recommendations, examples of the use of words, no phraseological units. Replacement in title foreign on foreign language is also of fundamental nature: the dictionary contains words that have entered the Russian language from the languages ​​of peoples former USSR and multinational Russia.

But what is considered a foreign word? After all, all words starting with ah, uh- foreign-language origin (with minor exceptions: union A, particle A, interjections ah, maybe, ah, ahh, verbs gasp, gasp, adjective awesome, interjections eh, eva, eh, eh-ma), all words that have a letter in the letter f, the same. But this is by origin (in diachrony, in history), and in modern language (in synchrony) attack, ataman, fleet, caftan, screen, floor etc. - Russian words. Not to mention the words derived from them using prefixes and suffixes. These have been Russian words since their inception ( attack, atamanov, naval, caftan etc.). Like its predecessor dictionaries, L. Krysin’s dictionary includes attack, artillery, fleet and similar ones are included in the number of headwords (i.e., words to which the dictionary entry is devoted), and derivatives from them (unlike previous dictionaries) are included in a special zone of the dictionary entry, thereby signaling, firstly, their non-borrowing, and secondly, confirming the assimilation and mastery of the headword in Russian.

The dictionary contains about 25,000 words (in the 1992 dictionary there are about 20,000). The author included borrowings from the 80-90s of the twentieth century in the dictionary (for example, underground, windsurfing, migrant worker, dianetics, yogurt, yeti, kickboxing, pop music, know-how, retro, talk show, hit etc.), as well as words not included in the predecessor dictionaries (names of all 12 months, basta, bekesha, bilingual, calico, cop, mujahid, mule, Nazi and many others; unfortunately, foreign speakers by origin are again missing book And notebook, which have long become Russian and are understandable to everyone, but the reader is probably interested in their pedigree).

Dictionary entries have 11 zones, in predecessor dictionaries - 4: the head word, its etymology (origin), interpretation, encyclopedic information. Among the seven zones added by L. Krysin there is a list of foreign words of the same thematic group. This allows you to compare words that are related in meaning to each other, to see the differences in their meanings and uses. Each of these words has its own dictionary entry in the dictionary.

Now about inaccuracies or inconsistencies, as well as controversial ones. In articles Intimate, Naive, Exclusive along with the words there intimacy, intimate, naivety, naive, exclusivity it would be necessary to include nouns intimate, naive, exclusive, also formed from foreign words according to the Russian word-formation model ( intimate relationships? intimate). I believe that the noun is formed according to the same model negative (negative, negative facts? negative), and its place in the article Negative in the local zone of derivative words. In the dictionary negative in this meaning it is not considered as an independent word. However negative(as a term for photography and filmmaking) and negative(as a designation of facts that evoke a negative attitude) - different words (homonyms) only because the second negative appeared as a result of a word-formation act, and not borrowing. And noun primitive(meaning “something primitive” and “primitive man”) is formed according to the same model. Therefore in Primitive should be placed in the zone of derivative words primitive in the two meanings mentioned. And in the article Primitive leave one meaning: “a work of art belonging to an early stage of cultural development..., as well as later... imitation of such works...” Word elective should be introduced as a derivative into the article Optional, and not devote a separate article to it, passing it off as borrowing. The words are hardly ambiguous digger, divergence, module. Here, rather, there is a situation of homonymy. Defamation, of course, is a bookish word, but why is it “outdated” and why is this announcement only “in print” of information that disgraces someone? What if these are heard on the radio, television, or at a rally? First meaning of the word stroke ambiguous. Here it is used in the sense: “an additional dash or curl in the signature.” Therefore, it would be more correct to give this interpretation, avoiding pleonasm. Second meaning paraph disclosed as follows: “abbreviated signature, initials.” Dictionary reader encountering a word initialing in newspaper and radio television speech, may not correlate it with paraph. A initialing not in the dictionary. It either should have been introduced there, or the interpretation should have been supplemented paraph encyclopedic reference. In the article Nomenclature The value “list of positions to which appointment is made by the highest authority” is not noted. But it was precisely this meaning that allowed the word to receive a metonymic meaning - “a set of persons occupying such positions.” There are no derivative words in the zone nomenclator. Seems to be a narrow interpretation xenophobia as “dislike for everything foreign.” In my opinion, this is hostility towards everything foreign-language, foreign-tribal, foreign-national. It is on this that one heroically famous governor is betting. And it is she who applauds the speeches of the general against Judeophobia. In the article convoy the second, very common metonymic meaning is missing (cf. Convoy with humanitarian aid arrived). In the article Esperanto the author of this language is named, and in the article Volapyuk no author name. In the article underground the spelling and pronunciation of this word is not given - underground. In the article Ideology Another meaning of the word, which has been used for more than ten years in Russian speech and represents in it a semantic tracing from English, is not given, for example: budget ideology; ideology of production of wheeled tractors; level ideology of modern linguistic models etc. In the article Despotism For some reason, the importance of the state regime has disappeared. In the article Conservation inaccurate usage example: food preservation. Products are preserved, machines, machines, buildings are preserved. Gendarme interpreted: “police rank of the gendarmerie.” What would that mean? And interpretation gendarmerie inaccurately, which can be explained by the history of the object of naming itself, both in Russia and in France and in a number of other states. The Gendarmerie appeared in Russia in 1792 as a military police force. Her field of activity was the army. And the corps of gendarmes, formed in 1827, had the whole of Russia as their field of activity. Interpret gendarmerie, keeping in mind only the functions of the gendarme corps, means simplifying the semantic structure of the word.

I think L. Krysin’s dictionary will have a long life and more than one edition. And the author, I hope, will have the opportunity to supplement the dictionary and clarify the contents of the dictionary.


A dictionary containing words with an explanation of their meanings; may contain grammatical, etymological and stylistic characteristics of words, examples of use and other information. The four-volume four-volume book is widely known and has retained its significance to this day... Vocational education. Dictionary

A dictionary that provides an explanation of the meaning and use of words (as opposed to an encyclopedic dictionary, which provides information about relevant objects, phenomena, and events). Dialect (regional) dictionary. Dictionary containing... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

A collection of words (sometimes also morphemes or phrases), arranged in a certain order, used as a reference book that explains the meaning of the units described, gives various information about them or their translation into another... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Dictionary- Dictionary 1) vocabulary, vocabulary of a language, dialect, any social group, individual writer, etc. 2) A reference book that contains words (or morphemes, phrases, idioms, etc.) arranged in a certain order … … Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways to develop a modern language. Language always responds quickly and flexibly to the needs of society. Borrowings become the result of contacts and relationships between peoples and states. The main reason... ... Wikipedia

Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways to develop a modern language. Language always responds quickly and flexibly to the needs of society. Borrowings become the result of connections and relationships between peoples and states. The main reason... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see The Word (meanings). "The Word" Type Bible Software Developed by Costas Stergiou. Version 3.0x ... Wikipedia

- (from Latin limitrophus border): (historical) the border region of the Roman Empire, which was obliged to support the imperial troops stationed on its territory. in the XX-XXI century (political scientist) a set of states,... ... Wikipedia

This article or section contains too many quotes or quotes that are too long. Excessive and overly large quotations should be summarized and rewritten in your own words. Perhaps these quotes would be more appropriate on Wikiquote or Wikisource... Wikipedia

Polyphyletic group of fungi Scutellinia thyroid ... Wikipedia

- (Greek πᾰρά near, past, outside, about) part difficult words when compounding words in Russian. A pair is a prefix meaning being nearby, or a deviation, a violation of something (for example, parabiosis, paramagnetism, parapsychology, paradox, ... ... Wikipedia

A dictionary containing words with an explanation of their meanings; may contain grammatical, etymological and stylistic characteristics of words, examples of use and other information. The four-volume four-volume book is widely known and has retained its significance to this day... Vocational education. Dictionary

A dictionary that provides an explanation of the meaning and use of words (as opposed to an encyclopedic dictionary, which provides information about relevant objects, phenomena, and events). Dialect (regional) dictionary. Dictionary containing... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

A collection of words (sometimes also morphemes or phrases), arranged in a certain order, used as a reference book that explains the meaning of the units described, gives various information about them or their translation into another... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Dictionary- Dictionary 1) vocabulary, vocabulary of a language, dialect, any social group, individual writer, etc. 2) A reference book that contains words (or morphemes, phrases, idioms, etc.) arranged in a certain order … … Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways to develop a modern language. Language always responds quickly and flexibly to the needs of society. Borrowings become the result of contacts and relationships between peoples and states. The main reason... ... Wikipedia

Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways to develop a modern language. Language always responds quickly and flexibly to the needs of society. Borrowings become the result of connections and relationships between peoples and states. The main reason... ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see The Word (meanings). "The Word" Type Bible Software Developed by Costas Stergiou. Version 3.0x ... Wikipedia

- (from Latin limitrophus border): (historical) the border region of the Roman Empire, which was obliged to support the imperial troops stationed on its territory. in the XX-XXI century (political scientist) a set of states,... ... Wikipedia

This article or section contains too many quotes or quotes that are too long. Excessive and overly large quotations should be summarized and rewritten in your own words. Perhaps these quotes would be more appropriate on Wikiquote or Wikisource... Wikipedia

Polyphyletic group of fungi Scutellinia thyroid ... Wikipedia

- (Greek πᾰρά near, past, outside, about) part of complex words when compounding words in Russian. A pair is a prefix meaning being nearby, or a deviation, a violation of something (for example, parabiosis, paramagnetism, parapsychology, paradox, ... ... Wikipedia