Nutrition for guardianship at 3 months. Nutrition for a nursing mother by month: a complete guide

As you know, during breastfeeding in the first weeks of a child’s life, a woman is faced with a huge number of prohibitions.

After 3 months, the baby’s body is already sufficiently adapted and the woman has a question: what should a nursing mother’s diet be like at 4 months?

We will talk about which products can already be returned to the menu, and which ones are better to forget for a while in this article.

What can a nursing mother eat when her baby turns 4 months old?

The fourth month of a baby’s life is always a huge holiday for parents. And the point here is not only in the new stage of development of the baby, but also in the end of one of the most difficult periods - the period of colic and gas. The child’s digestive system becomes stronger, the microflora is better formed. It is during this period that mothers begin to think about adding new products to their menu.

However, let's start not with them, but with five products, the presence of which in the diet of a nursing mother at 4 months is mandatory .

  1. Meat. A product such as meat must be present on the menu of a woman who is breastfeeding. Firstly, it is a source of animal protein, which is a real building material for new cells. Secondly, meat contains iron, phosphorus, potassium and other microelements, as well as vitamins A and B. Thirdly, protein is a source of energy that helps a new mother cope with regular lack of sleep and enormous expenditure of energy. You need to eat meat at least 4 times a week. Give preference to beef and veal, as well as chicken and rabbit. It is recommended to boil or steam the meat. But you need to avoid pork - it can provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. Fish. This product is very useful for both mother and child. Fish contains unsaturated fatty acids, which are easily digestible and optimize metabolism. Fish is also rich in phosphorus, iodine, selenium and potassium and vitamin D, which helps protein digestion. Fish should be consumed with caution. Red fish often provokes allergies, and therefore it is best to avoid it. It is best to pay attention to sea and river fish.
  3. Cottage cheese, kefir and sour cream are another mandatory item in the diet of a nursing mother. They are not only one of the best sources of calcium, necessary for the development of the child and the normal functioning of the mother’s body, but also a source of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Cereals. All kinds of cereals are a real storehouse of vitamins, antioxidants, protein and microelements. The diet of a nursing mother at 4 months should include buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, wheat and barley. If you don’t like any of the types, exclude it, but keep in mind: your menu must contain at least 2 cereals.
  5. Eggs. This product causes endless controversy, but its benefits are obvious. Protein, vitamins D, A, E, amino acids and microelements are needed by both mother and child. Therefore, you need to eat at least 2-3 eggs per week.

What can I eat again?

From the 4th month you can add to your diet:

  • Cabbage. This vegetable was banned for 3 months and now you can try to rehabilitate it in your menu. Eat some cabbage and look at the child’s reaction: if everything is fine, then gradually return it to your diet.
  • Spices. In the 4th month, you can slowly return to green onions, marjoram, and basil. Do this carefully: the child may not like the strong smell.
  • Herbal teas. Melissa and mint can make your tea incredibly delicious again. Try not to overdo it: start with small portions of aromatic herbs and gradually return to the usual amount. Do not forget that sometimes they cause an allergic reaction, so be careful.
  • Fruits. In the 4th month, you can gradually return fruits to the diet of a nursing mother: apples, pears, quince. Try to avoid apricots and plums - they can adversely affect intestinal function.
  • Floury. During this period, you can again introduce various baked goods into your menu, preferably whole grain ones.

And again the bans

In the diet of a nursing mother at 4 months there is still room for prohibitions. Prohibited allergenic products include:

  • chocolate;
  • citrus;
  • strawberry;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • garlic.

Naturally, you should not eat unhealthy foods (“store-bought” sauces, sausage) and alcohol.

Many young women who have become mothers for the first time are concerned about the question of what foods can be consumed while breastfeeding in order to provide their body with all the useful substances, but this will not harm the newborn baby.

There is a misconception in society that nursing mothers should limit themselves in almost everything. This is wrong. There are dietary restrictions, but they are not as global as they might seem.

The diet of a breastfeeding mother should consist of the right foods so that the baby does not develop health problems. But it is also worth considering the fact that as the baby grows up, the mother’s diet becomes more varied and multifaceted.

Table: list of products for a nursing mother by month after childbirth.

Period Diet
From the first day after birth to the tenth You are allowed to eat the following cereals:


Lean meat, oven-baked apples, bananas and butter no more than 15–20 grams per day are allowed.

From the tenth day to the end of the first month You are allowed to consume the following fermented milk products:

Cottage cheese.

The list of permitted ingredients also includes:

Baked potato.
Bran bread.
Hard cheese.

Baked vegetables are allowed:


You can drink green tea, plain water or rosehip-based decoction.

From the first to the third month Meat you can eat is rabbit, quail, veal, beef, chicken, and lean pork.

Raw vegetables and fruits are gradually introduced. Nuts should be introduced very carefully.

All types are allowed to be eaten, except pistachios and peanuts. For drinks, you can drink homemade fruit drinks.

From the third to the sixth month From porridges, millet and pearl barley are added during this period of time.

From the third month you are allowed to drink fresh juices - freshly squeezed juices from pumpkin, carrots, beets and green apples.

Spices are carefully introduced: thyme, lemon balm, allspice.

According to doctors, a woman can eat honey from three months. But it is worth considering that this ingredient is a strong allergen.

From six months From six months onwards, beans, legumes, seafood, eggs, and white bread are allowed into the diet.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are carefully introduced into the diet from four months. Cucumbers are less likely to cause negative consequences, while tomatoes cause colic, increased gas formation in the intestines, and severe regurgitation.

Red apples are low-allergenic foods, so they can be included in the diet provided that the mother does not have an allergic reaction to this ingredient.

Allowed varieties of fish:

  • Zander.
  • Cod.
  • Pollock.

You should be extremely careful when introducing citrus fruits, black currants and chicken eggs. All these products are very useful for female body, but they are very allergenic for the baby.

"Safe" ingredients include:

  • Dill and parsley are ingredients that improve a child’s vision.
  • Lettuce and gooseberries, which strengthen the baby’s immune system.
  • Cottage cheese is intended to improve and strengthen the baby's skeletal system.
  • Pumpkin and squash improve the development of the baby.
  • Kefir improves digestion.

What foods should nursing mothers not eat: list

List of prohibited drinks:

  • Alcohol.
  • Coffee. Coffee contains caffeine, which causes increased activity in the baby's nervous system. The consequences of drinking coffee include restlessness in the baby.
  • Carbonated drinks.

In the first month it is forbidden to drink cow's milk. Among fermented milk products, sour cream is prohibited. It is not recommended to eat broths cooked with meat.

Raisins and any raw fruits except bananas are prohibited. Black tea should be excluded from drinks.

In the first month, you should exclude all ingredients that cause flatulence (bloating).

As previously noted, the diet of a nursing mother changes from month to month. But there are ingredients that, regardless of the age of the baby, the mother is not recommended to eat.

What not to eat: food list:

  • Mushrooms of any type. Mushrooms are prohibited during any period of breastfeeding. They are very difficult to digest and cause stomach upset in the baby.

    Even harmless varieties of mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms) cause problems with the baby’s digestive tract, which can only be cured with the use of lacto- and bifidobacteria.

  • Chocolate. Eating chocolate and sweets while breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. They cause an allergic rash, rubella, stomatitis, peeling skin, and dermatitis in the baby.
  • Industrial canned food.
  • Salty cheeses.
  • Ice cream.
  • Curd cheeses.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Cream.
  • Margarine.
  • Processed cheese.
  • Semolina.
  • Sausages.
  • Sausages.
  • Cheremsha.
  • Hot peppers.
  • Salo.
  • Condensed milk.
  • Refined sugar.

In addition to the above products, it is prohibited to eat fried foods. It is worth considering that the body of a small child does not secrete the enzymes necessary for the digestion of heavy food, so the babies experience colic, a swollen tummy and diathesis (redness on the skin) appears.

Milk should be introduced very carefully. This product improves lactation, but may lead to lactose allergy.

It is better not to use cow's milk, but replace it with goat's milk in an amount of no more than 250 ml per day.

If the baby has problems with the digestive tract in the first months of life, then the mother should exclude dairy products, pears, raisins, legumes, grapes, and white cabbage from the diet.

It is not advisable to eat fresh bread. It is better to replace it with crackers or croquettes.

Eligible Products with Restrictions

Acceptable ingredients are foods that can be eaten in limited quantities.

List of allowed ingredients:

  • Fatty fish: salmon, sturgeon, tuna, halibut – once a week.
  • Creamy margarine.
  • Radish.
  • Dried apricots.
  • Pine nuts.
  • Sunflower seeds.

Hematogen is a drug that increases the amount of iron in the female body. It is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician in cases of large blood loss during childbirth. It belongs to the enabling components, but it is prohibited to accept it yourself.

Hypoallergenic products that increase milk lactation:

  • Black bread with caraway seeds.
  • Dried fruit uzvar.
  • Purified water.
  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts.
  • Dill water.
  • Tea made from lemon balm, nettle or hawthorn.
  • Nut milk.
  • Hercules.
  • Lettuce leaf.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that all food products can be indirectly classified by color:

  • Green.
  • Reds.
  • Orange.

Ingredients Green colour can be consumed without measure. But these do not include cucumbers and white cabbage. Red ingredients are prohibited for nursing mothers, but orange fruits and vegetables should be eaten with great caution.

If a woman begins to introduce a new ingredient, then this should be done in the first half of the day.

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By this period, a woman already knows a lot about her baby: his habits, character, tolerance to a number of foods. Mom and baby now have favorite foods and food preferences. Mom worries less about her milk supply because she knows how to increase it.

The baby is less bothered by intestinal colic, which means the diet can be safely expanded. Let's talk about the list of foods that a nursing mother can eat after 3 months of the baby's life.

Features of feeding a baby at 3 months

  • A nursing woman should take into account that a newborn’s need for nutrients per unit of body weight is higher than that of an adult.
  • During this period, a woman needs about 3500 kcal per day.
  • With a volume of one feeding of 150 ml, the daily amount of breast milk approaches 850-900 ml with 6 feedings a day.
  • The need for vitamins remains high at this age.

At three months it is permissible to expand your food intake. A woman need not worry about what she can and cannot eat. Almost everything is allowed; a period of lifting restrictions begins, unless the child suffers from food allergies.

The same principle remains as before: you need to eat tasty, familiar food. When a woman eats deliciously, she produces a lot of gastric juice and enzymes. The food is digested well and the milk is rich in nutrients.

Also good news: there are no diseases related to the diet of a nursing woman. The mother will not be able to seriously harm the child with her diet, unless she takes medications and does not abuse other drugs harmful to health (alcohol, smoking).

Monotonous food with limited protein and vitamins contributes to anemia and there is a threat of iodine deficiency. But this is a separate topic and such pathology does not appear without additional reasons.

The daily diet of a breastfeeding woman should contain:

  • 100-130 grams of protein food,
  • 100 g fat,
  • 400-500 g carbohydrates,
  • Food should be rich in mineral salts, especially calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins.

A diet consisting of:

  • 180-200 grams of meat;
  • 800 grams of vegetables and fruits;
  • no more than 500 grams of bread;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • one egg.

Particularly worth highlighting is the consumption of fruits and vegetables (800 grams). It's a lot! It is through these products that women do not get those vital substances (vitamins and microelements). If you are not able to handle such an impressive amount of plant food, then you can cover your needs with juices from fruits and vegetables.

Be sure to include parsley, dill and other greens in your daily diet. You can make delicious homemade sauces from them; in this form there will be more vitamins.

At this stage, you can already use different bright fruits and vegetables:

  • oranges,
  • cherry, strawberry, raspberry,
  • red apples,
  • beet,
  • pumpkin, carrots.

To improve appetite, spices will not hurt:

  • thyme, tarragon,
  • garlic, onion,
  • basil.

It is useful to eat grain sprouts.

  • drink up to 2 liters of liquid;
  • in nutrition, focus on “live” food;
  • do not clog your stomach with “dead” foods, which will turn into extra pounds on your hips.

It is advisable to add products such as eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits one at a time. One day we ate, for example, something seafood, and for the next 3 days we look to see if peeling on the cheeks or rashes appear. If everything is fine, then you can introduce the next provocative product.

Your favorite coffee in the morning or tea with honey is not a limitation. Those with a sweet tooth can treat themselves to a piece of cake. Champignons and oyster mushrooms are not contraindicated for mushroom lovers.

Canned food, sausage from the supermarket, sausages are considered “dead” food. They contain many flavoring additives and preservatives. There is no meat in such products. The same applies to confectionery and white bread. Due to the content of dyes, palm oil, and cheap margarine, they are more harmful than beneficial.

Any fish - pollock, cod, flounder, mackerel, herring will be beneficial because they are rich in healthy fatty acids. Particularly useful sea ​​fish: tuna, salmon, cod, sardines and anchovies. Don't forget about olive oil and olives.

Poultry meat - chicken, turkey can be eaten fried, boiled, smoked and baked. And quail eggs can be consumed together with the shell to replenish the body with calcium.

Fermented milk products will benefit the intestines. Especially with a high content of fermented milk bacteria (biokefir, yogurt, ayran). Using a special starter, you can prepare it yourself.

Porridges made from corn, rice, and buckwheat are preferable. They are more useful. Although for the sake of variety, everything is appropriate.

Who are there restrictions for?

There are some restrictions for children with allergies. Here you need to take into account products with different allergenic potential.

TO products with high potential include:

  • whole milk, eggs,
  • seafood, caviar,
  • carrots, tomatoes, red pepper,
  • celery,
  • Strawberry Raspberry,
  • citrus,
  • pineapple, kiwi, pomegranate, melon, persimmon, mango,
  • chocolate,
  • coffee, cocoa,
  • mushrooms, nuts,
  • wheat, rye.
Low probability of allergies for products:
  • fermented milk,
  • rabbit meat, horse meat, turkey, lamb,
  • refined vegetable oil,
  • millet, corn and pearl barley,
  • white cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, cucumbers,
  • green varieties of apples, pears, white and red currants, white and yellow cherries, yellow plums,
  • parsley dill.

A three-month-old baby's own enzymes begin to work. The gastrointestinal tract reaches maturity. The liver starts working. Therefore, there are no special restrictions on food, only mothers with children with allergies will have to limit themselves a little.

Lyubov Maslikhova, therapist, website specially for the site

Useful video:

In the first month after childbirth, it is very important what a nursing mother eats.

The health of the newborn child will depend on the quality of breast milk.

It is important to follow a special diet so as not to harm yourself and your child.

Nursing diet: principles of proper nutrition

1. Calorie content is important. During lactation, a woman needs a minimum of 3200 Kcal per day. This is enough for the baby to get enough milk. A larger number of calories will already affect your figure.

2. Diet variety. The menu should contain products containing a complex of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.

3. Drinking regimen. 2-3 weeks after the baby is born, the mammary glands stop producing colostrum. It is important to ensure that you drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. It can be plain water, juice or tea.

4. Down with allergens. You can't experiment with nutrition. In the first month after giving birth, a woman should not eat allergenic foods so as not to harm the health of her baby.

5. Correct mode. The diet of a nursing mother should be evenly distributed throughout the day so that the woman does not remain hungry, and her body is constantly fed with vitamins and minerals important for normal functioning.

Nursing diet: what to eat in the first month after childbirth

The first month after childbirth is important for both the woman and the child. Some representatives of the fair sex believe that the more they eat, the better. This is not true; excess calories will still be deposited on the waist. Other girls, on the contrary, deny themselves everything so as not to provoke allergies in the newborn. Both approaches are wrong. Diet requirements in the first month after childbirth are strict, but you should not go to extremes.

What can be included in a nursing diet?

1. Porridge cooked with milk and water.

2. Stewed and boiled vegetables. It is important to be careful with cabbage; potatoes and zucchini are the safest.

3. You can’t ignore meat, you just need to choose lean meat. It can be beef, lean pork or chicken (boiled, but without skin).

4. First courses support proper bowel function. For a nursing mother, vegetarian soups or meat soups cooked in a “second” broth are recommended. The main thing is to cook without frying.

5. Fermented milk products are important for strengthening the bones of mother and child. You cannot neglect cheese, low-fat kefir, fresh cottage cheese and fermented baked milk.

6. Dry cookies, bran and wheat bread are allowed.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are a source of vitamins. A nursing mother can start trying them in small quantities after the baby is one month old.

Drink plenty of fluids

Drinking plenty of fluids plays an important role when it comes to proper lactation.

What can you drink

1. Special pharmaceutical teas for nursing mothers based on herbs (anise, dill, fennel).

2. Compote made from fresh apples or dried fruits.

3. Tea with weak brewing. You can add a little milk for taste.

4. Boiled water.

5. Ryazhenka and low-fat kefir.

What not to drink

1. Carbonated drinks. Their consumption can lead to bloating in the newborn's tummy.

2. Strong tea and coffee are strong stimulants; the baby will have trouble sleeping.

3. Yogurts with fruit and berry fillings can cause allergies.

4. Alcohol. Under no circumstances should you drink alcoholic beverages; they negatively affect the development of the child and the proper functioning of all body systems of the newborn.

5. Store-bought juices, as they contain a large number of artificial additives, dyes and preservatives.

It is very useful for women after childbirth to drink dill water, which is easy to prepare yourself. It improves the baby's metabolism, prevents bloating and colic. In addition, dill water stimulates lactation, which is undoubtedly very important.

Nursing diet: foods that are undesirable to eat

During the first month after giving birth, a woman should completely protect herself from eating foods that can cause allergies in a small child. This category includes:


Any red berries (raspberries, cherries);

Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits);

Pineapple and melon;

Smoked meats;


Whole milk and rich pastries are also not recommended for nursing mothers, as they lead to bloating in the baby and intestinal colic.

A woman after giving birth should know that there are some foods that should absolutely not be consumed. They can lead to a change in the taste of milk, therefore, the baby may completely refuse breastfeeding, which will negatively affect the formation of his immunity.

The nursing diet should exclude:

Any hot and bitter seasonings;

Onions and garlic in any form;

Foods that are too salty or too sweet.

Sample menu

To make it easier for a new mother to decide on the right diet, you can be guided by the sample menu presented.

Morning. A glass of low-fat kefir and a slice of bran bread with butter and cheese.

Lunch. Rice porridge cooked with milk, tea.

Dinner. Vegetable soup or potato casserole.

Afternoon snack. Dry cookies, weak tea.

Dinner. Vegetable stew with boiled fish, green vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

It may seem that sticking to such a diet is very difficult, but it is not. If desired, the menu can be diversified with any permitted products from the list presented above. It is necessary to try something new, but when the child is already a month old. In the first weeks of a child’s life, you should not experiment.

The main thing is to understand that the diet of a nursing mother should be such that the baby breast milk received all the necessary vitamins and microelements to form a strong immune system.

After the birth of a child, a woman is immediately faced with many prohibitions that concern not only rules of conduct, but also nutrition. In the first month after childbirth, experts recommend adhering to a relatively strict diet, which gradually expands.

Diet of a nursing mother

Regardless of the month of feeding, there are features of the diet of a nursing mother at three months. It is necessary to exclude all obviously dangerous products from the mother’s menu, but otherwise the diet should be complete and varied, with a sufficient amount of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

In the diet of a nursing mother in the third month, there are a number of foods that need to be treated more carefully and with caution:

dairy products containing the allergenic protein of the same name, which often causes allergic reactions. This condition does not mean that it is necessary to completely eliminate dairy products, they only need to be limited and not abused.

Cereals, some of them can be dangerous, namely those that contain gluten. Rice, corn and buckwheat are considered safe cereals. But you can’t eliminate oatmeal, semolina and other cereals from your diet.

The list can be continued for a long time, the most important thing is to take into account the individual characteristics of each baby and mother. The main rule is that each new product is introduced gradually, one at a time, and the baby’s reaction is strictly monitored.

Recipes for 3 months after childbirth

Continuing breast-feeding, the nursing mother should eat frequently, but in small portions. You can create a menu for a nursing mother at 3 months according to the following principle:

  • First breakfast: green or black tea with added sugar (small amount), a cup of natural but weak coffee, drinking fermented milk products is acceptable.
  • Second breakfast: dairy-free porridge with the addition of vegetable oils, salad of fresh leafy vegetables, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil.
  • Lunch: liquid soup in vegetable broth, not concentrated chicken broth, with the addition of cereals and vegetables, pasta; beetroot soup, borscht with natural vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, excluding sauerkraut), steamed or boiled vegetables, lean meat in any form, boiled cereals, mashed potatoes.
  • Afternoon snack: children's fruit purees, dry cookies, a bun with a drink, baked apples, drinking fermented milk products, vegetable stew.
  • Dinner: lazy dumplings, vegetable puddings, a piece of boiled meat, boiled tongue.

The given recipes and dishes can be included in the menu of a nursing mother at 3 months without any fear, but this does not mean that this is the only possible diet.

What products can be used to expand the diet of a nursing mother at 3 months?

After the baby turns three months old, you can begin to introduce some cereals into the diet: pearl barley, millet and semolina porridge. The diet is also expanding due to fresh juices from apples, carrots, pumpkins, as well as natural fruit drinks from currants and blueberries.

You can include veal, quail and homemade chicken- broth, boiled, baked meat. It is permissible to add spices, including fresh ones, but you should not abuse them. Mild tomato and cheese sauces and sour cream are allowed as dressings and sauces.

Homemade twists are allowed - jams, compotes, vegetables and salads.

Diet for a nursing mother

After 3 months of a baby’s life, a nursing mother’s diet is more varied, but still, mothers often “suffer” greatly without fried, crispy chicken meat. From now on, fried foods are allowed, but no more than once a week, and best in the first half of the day. The most important thing is to listen to your body and be able to recognize its signals. In nursing women, the acute desire for a particular product is somewhat smoothed out compared to the period of pregnancy, but still requires attention. And if a nursing woman wants oranges, then most likely the body is deficient in vitamin C, which can be obtained from less allergenic fruits.