Payment methods: cash, bank transfer. Payment methods

Non-cash payments are a special type of payments that do not use cash cash. All payments are made by transferring funds from account to account in credit institutions or, for example, by offsetting mutual claims. Initially, they were introduced to facilitate and accelerate capital turnover, as well as to reduce the amount of cash. The circulation costs associated with cash also decreased. Non-cash payments are also promoted state institutions- for the reasons listed above (increasing the speed of cash turnover plus saving on their maintenance).

Cashless payments and payments

The very first non-cash settlements and payments were settlements and payments using checks and bills. Afterwards, clearing houses were introduced - organizations that carry out transactions between different banks. Then, in most developed countries, giro payments spread as a subtype of non-cash payments (through giro banks, commercial banks, savings banks).

Non-cash payment transactions - main type banking operations. There are collection, transfer, and letter of credit operations.

Non-cash payments and payments are regulated by law. In Russia, this is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (from Article 861 to Article 885), the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”. The federal law “On Banks and banking", other regulations.

What is cashless payment?

A non-cash payment is considered to be a settlement using non-cash money circulation (in non-cash form - that is, in the form of an entry on the appropriate account). Non-cash payment is carried out according to several principles:

  • in the legal field,
  • on bank accounts,
  • in accordance with liquidity at the level of uninterrupted payments,
  • voluntarily (with the consent of the payer),
  • at a certain time,
  • with control over the correctness of calculations according to the order in which they are performed,
  • on contractual terms.

The full definition and all conditions for making such payments are indicated in the current Regulations on non-cash payments (approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation).

Types of non-cash payments

Initially, non-cash payments were made in the form of bills or checks. Today they apply

  • payment orders and order requirements,
  • checks, letters of credit,
  • collection orders,
  • electronic payments.

A detailed list of settlements (payments) is indicated in the relevant document of the Bank of Russia dated June 19, 2012. Regulation No. 383-P “On the rules for transferring funds” specifies all types of non-cash payments, except the last one (electronic), however, the Federal Law of June 27, 2011 No. 161 as amended on July 23, 2013 - “On National payment system." According to this document, electronic payments (using electronic money) have also become a form of non-cash payments.

Refund of non-cash payment

By law, it is permissible for clients served by a bank to revoke their payment documents. However, in practice, returning a non-cash payment entails a whole series of procedures.

  1. If the money was transferred incorrectly, the operation was carried out and the funds were credited, a refund by non-cash payment is made in judicial procedure. At the same time, it is important to prove that no services were provided (when funds were credited to the company’s account).
  2. If a return is required by a store customer returning an item, then several options are possible: transfer of the required amount by the seller to the buyer by non-cash method (for example, return transfer to a card) or in cash.

Attention. Often, companies operating in the trade sector enter into an agreement with the bank that services the terminals about the possibility of returning funds for non-cash payments.

From the client in whose favor a refund is to be made, a current account number, bank name and correspondent account number, INN and BIC of the recipient, and his full name are usually required.

Payment by bank transfer

Payment by bank transfer can be made in several ways: using

  • payment order or demand,
  • letter of credit,
  • collection order,
  • check (checkbook).

Payment by bank transfer is carried out in the form of a transfer of funds from the sender’s account to the recipient’s account, which can be in this or another bank. At the same time, a payment order is the most frequently used form of payment.

A payment request means a request from the recipient to the payer to pay a certain amount. Used for the convenience of non-cash payment for goods and services. The payer must provide acceptance (agree to pay the amount) or refuse - then the claim is returned without fulfillment.

Collection orders are issued by government agencies based on a court decision.

A letter of credit is an obligation to make a payment upon presentation by the recipient of certain documents (acts, delivery documents).

Accepting non-cash payments

Non-cash payments are accepted in several ways: either by crediting to the organization’s account through a bank, or through a terminal (cash register, bank pinpad). In addition, today organizations are trying to automate the transfer of funds as much as possible in order to eliminate errors and the “human factor”. The commission for non-cash payments, in contrast to payment systems that charge up to 5%, is 0%. To accept non-cash payments, organizations solve several problems:

Preparation of invoices and contracts (optional),

Control of funds transfer,

Preparation of closing documents.

To accept payments, you need the organization's INN, current account number, BIC of the servicing payer bank, legal and postal address.

Problems of non-cash payments

The main problems of non-cash payments are:

  • the difficulty of establishing a settlement and payment system,
  • risks arising in connection with payments,
  • the presence of non-payments (their changes affect the budget deficit),
  • speed of payments (including taking into account failures and delays, errors made by both senders and recipients of funds, and the payment centers themselves),
  • priority of payments and its regulation, causing damage to other creditors,
  • insufficient development of the regulatory framework for making non-cash payments (for bills of exchange and letters of credit).

In addition, enterprises are responsible for compliance with loan agreements, as well as established payment discipline. If an organization does not fulfill its payment obligations, it may be declared insolvent.

Accounting for non-cash payments

When making payments between organizations in the form of non-cash payments (by transferring from account to account), there is a need to account for non-cash payments using special payment documents. They are the basis for calculation and can be issued in the form of an order:

  • payer (this can be either a client or the bank itself),
  • recipient of funds, or claimant.

Enterprises themselves determine the appropriate forms of documents for recording non-cash payments; only the presence of details is required -

  • name of the enterprise,
  • document number,
  • name of the paying bank, MFO, RCC, current account number,
  • name of the recipient, recipient bank, its details.

Accounting for such transactions is carried out using account 51 “Current accounts” (both receipts on debit and withdrawals to this account).

The basis or primary document for accounting is a bank statement or payment order. This is true for different types payments:

  • receipt of money in payment for services or goods,
  • depositing cash into a current account,
  • receiving advance funds,
  • receipt of the authorized capital,
  • payment of bills from suppliers, contractors,

transfers to the budget of mandatory payments, contributions to the Pension Fund and other organizations (FSS, FFOMS, TFOMS).

Being an individual entrepreneur means working for yourself and not depending on others. Today, non-cash payment by individual entrepreneurs is used quite often, since it is very convenient and profitable. Many businessmen are attracted by freedom, but not everyone dares to undertake such a feat as starting their own business. In fact, there is nothing fantastically difficult about entrepreneurship, especially if the businessman is registered as an individual entrepreneur. It offers convenient forms of taxation and a minimum of paperwork.

However, despite all the simplicity, every novice entrepreneur needs to study in detail all the nuances of this type of activity. This will avoid many mistakes and make doing business more convenient.

It will be much easier to do business if a businessman has his own current account. This allows individual entrepreneurs to conduct non-cash payments with clients and suppliers. This form is very convenient, so it is used often. But in order to be able to pay and accept payments not only in cash, but also in non-cash form, you need to open a bank account.

According to the law, an individual businessman can work without a bank account, but he must acquire one if he wants to be able to enjoy all the benefits of non-cash payments. At the same time, the entrepreneur must take into account that cash payments are limited by Russian legislation. That is, under 1 agreement, a money transfer of no more than 100 thousand rubles is allowed. There is no such problem with non-cash payments, and this is an additional advantage. Under 1 agreement you can receive an unlimited number of translations. In this case, there will be no need to renew the contract each time upon reaching a certain amount.

How to choose a bank

In order for settlements with clients, suppliers and partners to be as convenient as possible, it is necessary to choose the right financial organization.

It must be a good and reliable bank that enjoys a positive reputation.

There are special resources on the World Wide Web where you can see a list of banks suitable for individual entrepreneurs and read reviews from their clients. This is very convenient and helps you make the right choice.

When selecting a suitable financial institution, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • duration of operation of the bank in the Russian Federation;
  • availability of Internet banking services;
  • network of ATMs and service centers.

As a rule, large banks are more reliable and offer good conditions for the work of individual businessmen. Internet banking will be convenient for transferring funds from one card to another without leaving your home. It is advisable for a businessman to get himself a separate plastic card, as for an ordinary individual. This will make it more profitable to withdraw funds from the bank. It is advisable to have enough ATMs nearby. It will be very inconvenient if you have to travel to the other end of the city each time to withdraw cash.

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Documents for opening an account

To work by bank transfer, a businessman needs to know how to open a bank transfer for an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you must provide a certain package of papers to the financial institution.

For individual entrepreneurs, a copy of the certificate stating that the individual has completed the registration procedure with the tax authority is considered mandatory. In this case, this document must be notarized. In addition, you will need a copy of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), a full-page passport with registration and registration, and a license if the businessman’s type of activity is subject to licensing.

After submitting a package of documents to the bank, employees of the financial institution must draw up an agreement for the provision of services and issue all the necessary cards and bank details. In some offices this takes a lot of time, sometimes even several days. On average, financial institutions issue all documents within 1 day. However, everything here depends on the efficiency of the bank employees.

As for submitting a package of papers, it is advisable to have with you all the originals for verification and copies, which must be certified by a notary. It is advisable that the applicant be present when submitting documents in person. This is significant because he will have to fill out an application with brief information about yourself and your business, and also certify all this with a personal signature. Employees of financial organizations are extremely reluctant to have documents handed over by someone other than the entrepreneur himself. This must be taken into account. It is better to set aside some time and visit the bank in person, especially since entrepreneurs, as a rule, are served under special conditions, that is, there should be no queues.

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Who needs to be informed about the existence of a current account?

First of all, an entrepreneur must provide his bank account details to his suppliers, partners and other people who will transfer funds to him. At the moment, there is no need for an individual businessman to report his current account to various inspections and organizations.

Just a few years ago, every businessman who registered an individual entrepreneur and a non-cash payment was obliged to report this to the tax office. However, this rule is not mandatory now. It was canceled back in May 2014. Until this point, businessmen had to provide their bank details to the Federal Tax Service within 5 days after opening an account, for which they filled out form C09-1.

U Pension Fund There were similar requirements previously. But from May 1, 2014, they were simplified. Now the entrepreneur is not required to inform the Pension Fund about the existence of a current account.

Working by bank transfer is very convenient, but the entrepreneur must take into account all the nuances that relate to the transfer of money. It is important to remember that all payments that an individual businessman will make through his current account must be justified. Bank employees always carefully monitor the rationality of payments. Each procedure must be executed taking into account the payment order and have the name of the payment.

Non-cash payments began to be used to speed up the turnover of funds and reduce the cash supply.

Their history began in 1775 in Great Britain with the introduction of bills and checks into circulation. Subsequently, each country developed its own characteristics and procedures, and developed certain types of non-cash payments based on the economic situation.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (as amended on July 26, 2017) defines non-cash payments as payments made by banks (credit institutions) through the transfer of funds either with the opening of bank accounts or without opening them. Physically, the procedure looks like an entry on an account.

Non-cash payments throughout the world are regulated by law, banking rules and agreements. They have been developed because they have advantages from the point of view of each participant in economic processes:

  • the state can control money circulation;
  • the banking system is expanding credit opportunities;
  • business entities accelerate the turnover of funds and material resources.


Credit institutions conduct transactions on customer accounts on the basis of settlement documents, which in essence are:

  • order of the payer (bank client) to write off funds from his account and transfer them to the recipient’s account;
  • order of the recipient (collector) to write off funds from the account of the payer (bank client) and transfer them to the account indicated by the collector.

Currently, settlement documents are provided either on paper or electronically.

For each type of non-cash payments, certain payment documents are used. In other words, each form has its own document. The following types of non-cash payments are used in Russia:

  • payment orders,
  • payment requirements,
  • checks,
  • bills,
  • letters of credit,
  • collection orders (collection),
  • plastic cards,
  • electronic money.

The bank client always chooses the form of non-cash payment.

Legal regulation

The rules for conducting non-cash payments are established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Particular attention in regulation is paid to settlements between legal entities.

To make a non-cash payment, a legal entity is required to open a bank account. There is no such requirement for individuals. They can make payments without opening accounts, which is not very convenient for constant transfers.

In order for a bank to be able to transfer funds on behalf of or at the request of a client, it must open a correspondent account in its division or in another bank. In addition, each bank opens a correspondent account with the Central Bank for interbank settlements.

Bank clients open for their needs:

  • current accounts (commercial enterprises);
  • current accounts (budgetary enterprises).

For legal entities that are systematic debtors (tax evaders, etc.), banks open special accounts for non-payers. In such cases, the main accounts are blocked and funds are credited to these additional accounts of defaulters, from which debts are repaid.

Payment is made by bank transfer, by transferring funds to the supplier's bank account.

Rules for non-cash payments

Since two thousand and twelve, new laws regulating the rules of non-cash payments have come into force. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them before carrying out operations.

Non-cash payment is a payment that is carried out without cash.

Non-cash payments can be made using bills, checks, and other methods. People use non-cash payments in some areas of economic relations. For example, non-cash payments are used when selling products, various works, services, when receiving and returning loans from the bank, when using and paying actual income.

The following forms of non-cash payments exist:

Calculation by payment orders,
- letter of credit payment form,
- payments using checks,
- settlements with payment orders and claims
- settlements due to mutual claims.

Organizations themselves choose the forms of non-cash payments. These forms are provided for in the agreements that the organization enters into with the bank. The participants in non-cash transactions are payers and collectors. And also the banks that serve them. All operations relating to bank accounts are performed only on the basis of the necessary payment documents.

The settlement document isorder, which is executed on electronic media or in writing.

The following orders are distinguished:
- payer
- recipient

The requirements for the preparation of settlement documents are set out in the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Types of non-cash payments

Cash payments can be made by the company either in cash or in the form of a non-cash payment.

Non-cash payments are made using non-cash transfers to the current, current and foreign currency accounts of bank clients, a system of accounts between different banks, clearing offsets of mutual claims through settlement fees, and also using checks and bills of exchange that replace cash. Non-cash payments are made mainly through banking, settlement and credit transactions. The use of these operations helps reduce cash flow costs and ensures more reliable safety of funds.

Payment by bank transfer

Payment by bank transfer is carried out if you have the details of the bank or individual to whom you need to transfer money. Payment by bank transfer helps to significantly reduce the time for making payments.

Non-cash payment methods:

1) Bank transfer
2) Bank cards
3) Electronic payments (

Virtually all large companies or enterprises begin their activities by opening a current bank account. How to issue an invoice for payment by bank transfer and why is it necessary? According to the law, an amount exceeding 60,000 rubles must be paid via a cashless payment system.

Non-cash payments are carried out without the material presence of money, that is, through an electronic system by transferring currency to the bank accounts of organizations or entrepreneurs. It should be noted that non-cash payments play a huge role in the development of the circulation of funds, the limitation of cash, and the costs of currency circulation in the country.

All non-cash payments must be carried out in compliance with legal regulations. According to Federal Law No. 161-F3, transactions related to payment for services carried out using an electronic payment system must take place only through credit institutions and with the consent of the client. If you violate this law, this may result in a serious fine, since the tax office carefully monitors all cash receipts.

It is much wiser to protect yourself from unnecessary troubles; besides, by following all the rules, you gain financial immunity and a good reputation. Operations will speed up, and it will be possible to unintentionally record transactions. All payment transactions are recorded in the database and if conflict situations arise, there is proof of the payment being made; they can be provided at any time by making a printout.

The functionality of a current account is developed not only in one direction - receiving payment for a product, service, work product, but also for paying for large purchases, for example, raw materials.

It is convenient to use cashless payments. Now many banks have individual computer programs for bank users, which are installed on the clients’ personal computer. The client at any time, while at home or on vacation, can replenish or withdraw money from his personal account, make payments for services or purchases, and all information about the state of the subscriber’s personal account is also available.

If you are not a registered user in such a program and you need to pay a bill, receive cash, or make a deposit, then there are special machines for such operations. Most often they are located in bank branches or located in various parts of the city.

Invoice or payment form by bank transfer

An invoice or otherwise an invoice is a sales document that contains grouped information: payment prices for goods (services), quantity of products, the date of the maximum payment period for the invoice, an invoice for payment is issued after the final acceptance of the order by the official representative to the consumer.

An official representative is a seller, contractor or service provider. Consumer – customer or client.

The invoice may be printed on company or organization letterhead. Do not forget that the account is one of the components of the face of the organization. When drawing up an invoice, it is advisable to include the company's corporate identity, slogan, design or advertising, although all this is an optional condition. Appearance accounts completely depend on the industry and the direction of the company’s activities.

An electronic invoice is an important document for both parties, like any other official document, the representative should keep a copy, and the consumer will need a duplicate to register the purchase. Mandatory features in the process of drawing up an invoice are an electronic signature and the presence of all the data on the form.

What is an electronic signature of an organization and an individual entrepreneur?

An electronic signature is a part in an electronic document that contains a set of individual numbers assigned to a specific person or organization.

  • Electronic signature for individual entrepreneurs.

Always, in all documents, including electronic signature, the individual entrepreneur signs himself. If the individual entrepreneur is absent and does not have the opportunity to sign (he is away, on vacation or in the hospital), then the signature can be signed by a trusted person (deputy or accountant).

  • Organization.

Signing an organization is much more difficult, since several people are involved in this process - the director and the accountant. If the organization is small, then it is quite possible that the director may also be an accountant as a substitute, then the signature is affixed by one person. But if two different people hold positions, there must be two signatures; for this, two columns are allocated in the account form.

Ingredients for filling out the form for payment by bank transfer

  • Information about the official representative.

This section includes all possible information about the performer, his name, surname, address, type of activity, contact information, payment information.

If the company has a certain organizational and legal form, then you need to enter information about the specific place of management of the enterprise. For example, a company abroad (Europe, America). The information provided includes: legal address of the organization and registration code.

  • Characteristics of a current account.

Invoice characteristics are all the nuances associated with concluding a business transaction agreement, they include: order number, conclusion date, payment deadline date, last name, first name and patronymic of the customer, cost of services.

To indicate the final payment deadline, there is a special term “net 30”, that is, payment must take place no later than 30 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. The form is marked as “5\14 net 30”, translation: a five percent discount is valid for payment within 14 days and the payment deadline is 30 days.

This term is best used if your customer is versed in business language. If the customer is an ordinary buyer, then use everyday language: “Please note, payment must be completed no later than 30 days, namely 09/29/2012.”

The transfer of funds may take place in an international format, there is a risk that confusion will arise between different time zones. For a more accurate design, it is better to write the month in words, for example, September 29, 2012.

The term “Upon Receipt” stands for “pay instantly upon receipt,” but some customers have had difficulty with this. Instead of paying immediately, they believed that payment could be made at their convenience. Therefore, some people increasingly began to see the signature “pay immediately.”

  • Client

In this field we indicate everything you need to know about the client. His last name, first name, patronymic, address, contact information.

  • Name

The form itself is called “invoice”, but the name may vary depending on the type of activity: “invoice”, “proforma invoice”, “invoice”, “quick invoice”.

An account number is a unique set of numbers that determines the order of matching. Each account must have its own unique serial number.

The legislation of some countries requires invoices to be numbered in ascending order, but if you do not want to convey to the client the number of your payments, you can swap the numbers, for example, “invoice No. 0006”, the subsequent “invoice No. 0012”, “invoice No. 0020”.

  • List of goods and services

A special list is compiled of what the client should receive for a certain amount of money: the name of the product or service, the price for one unit of goods, the amount of the discount and payment, tax, the final amount to be paid.

In this section, you need to show as much accuracy and specificity as possible; all amounts and names must be written correctly and no mistakes should be made. Indicate the price for a single product or, if it is an hourly job, then the cost of the service per hour.

  • Notes

Here you can specify various information for the client. You can attribute gratitude, or warn about payment deadlines. Specify another type of payment for services.

Mistakes that are made when preparing an invoice for payment by bank transfer

Analyzing the errors made with the registration of an invoice, a number of frequently repeated ones stand out:

  • Filling out the form columns incorrectly, incorrectly indicating or making mistakes in the First Name, Last Name, Patronymic, personal account number or individual code, and so on.
  • The date indicated in the copy from the official party does not correspond to the date in the copy from the consumer (this may happen due to corrections).
  • Delay in the established five-day period for submitting an invoice to the consumer.
  • The invoice did not pass through the announced deadline for VAT deduction.

How to issue an invoice correctly

For each taxation system, an invoice is issued with a certain feature:

  • Account for the simplified taxation system (STS).

Most often, payments by non-cash account are made using this taxation system (USN).

According to the conditions, an enterprise or entrepreneur operating on this system is exempt from VAT taxes. Therefore, you should not write a VAT column in the issued invoice, since it will have to be paid personally from the company’s funds.

  • Account for the Unified Tax of Imputed Income (UTII).

Carrying out payment of UTII tax prohibits performing monetary transactions with current accounts. If receipts are made to an account subject to UTII, then it will be necessary to draw up a report to the OSNO system.

  • Account for the Patent Tax System (PTS).

Problems may arise with this system, since it is a patent type, and for it there is actually no possibility of providing an invoice by bank transfer.

  • Account for the General System of Taxation (OSNO).

The easiest way to issue an invoice using this system is that it is generated using a standard type and the VAT tax must be indicated. There can also be several options for issuing an invoice: the first, when each form is filled out anew, including various information, and the second, when there is a certain standard template for filling out the form for all ongoing monetary transactions.