Sample report on the expenditure of funds by the guardian. Guardian report, form, sample form

Every year, hundreds of people file for guardianship of elderly people or minor children.

All this allows vulnerable categories of citizens to receive social protection. But despite this, the guardianship and trusteeship authority asks each guardian to provide a report on expenses in order to ensure the loyalty of the relationship.

What is it?

– a social measure for the protection of citizens, in which the interests and property rights of socially vulnerable people are protected.

The concept of guardianship is often confused with similar concepts - adoption and guardianship. In fact, these are similar terms with several differences.

For example, adoption is a specific transfer of rights to a child, after which the new parents have the right to give new names and surnames to their children. Guardianship is a transitional operation between establishing contact with the ward and formalizing the adoption.

Guardianship – registration of guardianship of children aged 14–18 years.

Moreover, if a child is a full-time student at a higher institution, he has the right to be under guardianship until he is 24 years old. When initially registering guardianship (up to 14 years), when the age limit is reached, the process automatically turns into guardianship. At the same time, there are no differences in the rights and responsibilities of the trustee.

It is also possible to obtain guardianship for older people. Moreover, this is possible in two forms - full guardianship and patronage:

  • In the first case, full protection of a citizen’s rights is established after filing an application with the Arbitration Court. The authority makes a decision on the basis of a medical commission to declare the person incompetent. Then an application is submitted to the guardianship and trusteeship authority.
  • In the case of patronage, the ward himself submits an application. In this case, the trustee is called an assistant, since he helps those in need in a specific matter. Often accompanied by a reimbursable basis, which is specified in the documentary support.

Responsibilities of a Guardian

Each person who decides to take on the responsibility of guardianship of a person must initially become familiar with all the responsibilities of a guardian.

The guardian must:

  • protect the interests of the ward, act as a representative in various authorities;
  • make transactions on behalf of the ward in permitted actions;
  • buy food, medicines and other things;
  • constantly make a report on expenses and submit it to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities;
  • act in the interests of your ward.


The issue is regulated by “On Guardianship and Trusteeship” dated April 24, 2008. It involves the preparation of a report on an annual basis, where a report is made on the ward’s property, his income and expenses.

The report is generated in accordance with the requirements specified in the Government Decree Russian Federation dated November 17, 2010 No. 927.

Regulates the issue of establishing guardianship in general Family Code and Civil Code – articles 31–40.

Control by competent authorities

Control over the guardian is exercised by the state body that issued him the right to carry out such activities. In this case, it is carried out by the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

Control can be either personal or remote.

That is, the trustee undertakes to provide a report on an ongoing basis about all cash receipts and expenses. This can be a table or written form.

It is worth keeping all invoices and receipts as proof.

Also, the guardianship and trusteeship authority has the right to visit the trustee at the place of residence and get acquainted with the living conditions of the ward. They can do this twice a year.

Guardianship report

The guardianship report is the main document that is provided to the ward on an annual basis, which displays all receipts of funds, expenses and actions with the property of the ward.

Over a minor child

At the beginning of such a document, the time for which the report is being prepared is indicated:

  • Sections 1–3 of the document indicate personal information about the applicant and the person under guardianship. In section 4 you should indicate all the information about the property of a minor child.
  • Table 4.1 contains information about real estate according to the child’s right of ownership. That is, location, method of acquisition, type. The table that follows this one - 4.2 - stipulates the property owned in the form of a car. The following table - 4.3 - indicates the cash equivalent that is in bank accounts as of the reporting period.
  • Subsection 4.4 – information about the ward’s share in the authorized capital of commercial purposes, including the availability of securities. Section 5 covers all withdrawals from accounts. The same section contains information about all things that have become unusable.
  • Section 6 covers all income-generating transactions. This also includes alimony payments. Then the total annual income is reflected. There is no need to indicate income transactions from the use of the ward's property.
  • Section 7 stipulates the benefits from leasing or selling property, including income from interest transactions on investments in a credit institution and securities. To carry out real estate transactions, you must provide permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  • Section 8 involves information about expenses for the treatment of a child, the purchase of expensive goods and repairs of the ward’s property. Small household expenses are not reflected.
  • Section 9 includes details of the ward's property tax payment.

Over an incapacitated adult

The report for adult guardianship is somewhat different from the one previously presented. The form is approved by Government Decree No. 927. Information about the amount of pension and benefits is not indicated in total. It is broken down by month.

You also need to detail all expenses, including the purchase of food and medicine.

How to fill it out correctly?

Many trustees, faced with a documentation issue, want to know how to correctly fill out a guardianship report in 2017.

The drafting rules are regulated in Article 25 of the Federal Law “On Guardianship and Trusteeship”.

In accordance with it there is information:

  • start and end dates of the reporting period;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant, including residential address and date of birth of the ward;
  • assessment of relationships with the ward;
  • the reason for establishing guardianship;
  • a detailed clause on expenses incurred and income;
  • information about the property that belongs to the ward;
  • number of bank accounts for transferring funds;
  • information about the health of the ward.

It must be remembered that the report is drawn up in the name of the head of the government agency.


Expenses are specified at the very beginning of the reporting document. All expense transactions are documented. That is, all checks, invoices and receipts should be saved and provided along with the report.

In 2014, the conditions for guardians were slightly reduced, but Article 25 of the Federal Law obligated citizens to submit not the checks themselves, but copies of them.

In this case, small payments are confirmed by a receipt from the ward. It has a free form and is submitted in writing.


A sample of the drafting can be seen on the stands of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. You can also view the information on the State Services website. The report can be completed at any time before the month of April following the reporting year.

Responsibility for incorrect preparation and late submission
Many citizens who decide to become guardians want to know how to make a report correctly and what will happen if it is compiled incorrectly.

Responsibility for this may be in the form of compensation for damages or, if such action is refused, the right to custody is forfeited and incurs administrative or criminal liability.

Video about guardianship

Every citizen who has undertaken obligations under must periodically submit an annual report to the relevant authorities.

If we compare previous changes to the accepted form of the document, no special adjustments were made for 2017. Regular reporting allows the guardianship authorities to determine whether the citizen who has taken upon himself the obligation to care for children is fulfilling all the necessary requirements, whether he is spending the allocated funds on the immediate needs of the child or spending on something else.

For the most part, trustees provide very negative feedback regarding the established rules for providing such documentation. However, they need to understand that a matter such as child custody or custody is carried out solely on a voluntary basis. Still, the problems with paperwork are not that serious.

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Legislative regulation of the issue

Main legal provisions, in accordance with which guardianship issues are regulated in the Russian Federation, are:

Regarding controversial issues that arise in the process of establishing, fulfilling obligations and completing the guardianship process, the guardianship authorities must issue relevant acts, which can be challenged if certain objections arise.

What is this document

The guardian's report is a document confirming the work performed regarding guardianship. IN list of responsibilities Each person exercising guardianship in relation to someone else is subject to fairly strict reporting to the current guardianship authorities.

If the guardian during the reporting period carried out any real transactions with material assets, which the person under his care actually owns, the report must indicate the sold or purchased property and provide it to the appropriate government bodies a description of what the allocated funds were actually spent on.

Also required for the report must be attached all sales receipts, documents confirming the payment of tax contributions, insurance of material assets and other certificates related to the saving, operation and management of children's belongings. Also, the documentation may not include full original documents, but only their scanned copies.

Often, guardianship authorities require reporting indicate the amount of funds, which were spent on renovating the children's room. In this way, the state can make sure that the money was spent to improve the living conditions of the ward. If necessary documents are absent, the trustee is obliged to provide the guardianship authorities with an appropriate receipt explaining the specific direction of the funds spent.

Filling rules

The form of the completed report when providing guardianship to a disabled citizen has significant differences from the document provided in a situation where the wards are minor children.

This form is approved by the relevant resolution No. 927 and different certain characteristics:

  1. Information on all types of income received is not provided in aggregate for the year, but with a mandatory breakdown by individual months;
  2. It is necessary to provide detailed reporting not only for any major purchases, but also after the acquisition medicines, personal hygiene products, food and other essential items.

The annual provision of reporting documents is one of main responsibilities each guardian. If, during an inspection, authorized employees determine that the trusted guardian has mishandled the material assets of the ward, compensation for the losses caused to the state may be compulsorily compensated by issuing an appropriate ruling in court.

What is a receipt for a report?

In most situations report receipt is drawn up to indicate the actions taken by the trustee aimed at improving living conditions or purchasing basic necessities for the ward.

Such a receipt will not be considered legally valid in a situation where the document is not supported by the signatures of at least two witnesses. Signatures must act as confirmation of information regarding the direction of the funds spent. In addition to signatures, such a receipt must indicate information about witnesses, their full names, etc. You will also need to provide their passport details.

The receipt form must indicate everything on which the funds allocated by the state for the maintenance of citizens were spent. The contents of the note are stated on a blank sheet of paper, with the title of the document indicated at the top.

In the middle of the sheet it is indicated basic information:

  1. Information about the specific recipient of funds;
  2. Information about witnesses;
  3. Next, you need to indicate what exactly the receipt is being drawn up for.
  4. The obligations that the guardian undertakes after receiving material assets from the state must be indicated.

After reading the information presented in this article, no one will have any questions regarding what the guardian reporting procedure is.

Guardianship issues incompetent citizens discussed in the following video:

Hooray!!! The guardians' dream has come true! In this year's report (in Russia), we do not need to attach checks, receipts or other monetary supporting documents. The report itself has been simplified. There are no expense items for food, clothing, medicine, housing and communal services - for all this trifle.

You only need to report on expenses for treatment, repairs to the ward’s living quarters and large purchases - exceeding twice the subsistence level (in our region - over 15 thousand rubles). Everything must be shown as income, as well as the presence and use of the child’s property.

Below I have posted a sample of filling in a new way. It differs from the old one only in expense items. The rest is the same as before. I have posted the new forms below (5 pages in total).

The following documents must be attached to the report of this year, 2014:

1. certificate that there is no debt on housing and communal services for the apartment inwhere the ward lives;

2. bank statements from the ward’s accounts, including the governor’s (in our region

at birth they write out - there are 1000 rubles. plus 500 rubles accumulated in 7 years. percent), –

statements for the year;

3. to these statements, copies of agreements with banks;

4. Certificate from the child’s place of study - once a year is enough.

The report can be submitted as early as December, since there is no need to collect receipts.

Guardianship departments ask that you notify them of all changes: moves, changes in family composition, etc. – within 3 days! When the ward turns 14, he immediately receives a passport - otherwise, a fine will be imposed by government agencies. And a copy of the passport should be brought to the Guardianship Department.

In our region, a ward is now put on a waiting list for improved housing or housing upon reaching the age of 14, if he has less than 13.5 square meters of housing or there is none.

Sample of filling out the Guardian's Report for 2014 (as required in our region)

- this is a link to download all 5 Report forms

Below is an article I wrote earlier, a couple of years ago. Something I dreamed about then came true. I hope everything else comes true!

The guardian's report should be filled out with information for the year and submitted to the Guardianship Authorities in January of the following reporting year. The forms are given to me by the Guardianship Department. In case I mess up the form, I make a copy in reserve. But the Guardianship Department can issue the form a second time.

I provide here a sample of filling out a report, as I do it. They accept such a report from me. You may have other requirements... And you will most likely have other income, and, of course, other expenses. (I apologize to Voronezh residents, I took your city as a model.)

The city Social Services transfers a social pension for the loss of a breadwinner to my child’s personal account every month. As a guardian, I do not manage this money. They save up on the child’s book, and I just keep track of the account. In this regard, I see a flaw in the “Report” form: there is paragraph 6 “Information on the income of the ward,” where accruals are calculated, but there is no point where the funds received by the guardian are calculated. These are two different amounts.

Regarding some subparagraphs of paragraph 8, I can say the following. In our city, the Guardianship Department requires for food products, clause 8.1., to report in the amount of 3,000 rubles. per month. But I always write more because more is spent. I keep track of my expenses and don’t make anything up.

Our city's Department of Guardianship does not require receipts for food products.

In other points it is necessary to give the average monthly consumption. Well, it’s clear that you first need to calculate the entire expense, and then divide it by 12 months. I divide housing and communal services by the number of people living in the apartment and determine how much per person, i.e. on the person under guardianship. The same goes for phone expenses.

For a whole year I have been saving up checks and receipts to pay for the expenses of maintaining the child. I also make copies of receipts because by the end of the year they fade. Where possible, I calculate expenses using these receipts and checks, and where it is impossible, I write a receipt in free form. I also showed samples here. I glue receipts and receipts and file them with the report.

The Guardianship Department requires you to write a report only on money received, i.e. received 60 thousand rubles in a year. benefits and expenses should be equal to 60 thousand. In this case, it turns out that I will put the expense in only one line - food - all this money goes to her food. And it will turn out that I don’t buy her clothes, medicine, etc.! I find this wrong and calculate ALL expenses, and at the end of the report I calculate how much money I actually needed to support the child in the past year. The Guardianship Department once tried not to accept my report, but I said that I would not write the report any other way. Accepted and accepted. The fact is that I am a pensioner, I don’t have enough money, and the benefits have not been indexed for several years now. I want to at least show that it’s time to increase the benefit (and I’m also “bombarding” financial and other authorities with letters and statements on this matter).

Ask what is not clear. The answer will appear within a day or two. You don't need to register with me!

Hello, you write that you do not have the right to dispose of a survivor’s pension. I have other information. On December 1, 2011, amendments were made to Article 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation according to which, “The income of the ward, including the amount of alimony, pensions, benefits and other social payments provided for his maintenance, as well as income due to the ward from management his property, with the exception of income that the ward has the right to dispose of independently, is spent by the guardian or trustee exclusively in the interests of the ward and with the prior permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authority. Without the prior permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authority, the guardian or trustee has the right to spend monthly money on the maintenance of the ward within the limits of the minimum subsistence level per capita established in accordance with the law for the entire Russian Federation.” Last year, the cost of living was 6643.00. You have every right to withdraw this amount from the account, the guardianship authorities are silent about this information, Sberbank refuses to issue money on the basis of internal orders, according to which, without the permission of the guardianship, they do not even give an account statement, not to mention the money, but I wrote a claim to the head office about the violation of my rights as a guardian, in the answer they gave me all the explanations, in great detail, Sberbank is not a separate entity or a state, they are obliged to obey the law, and their internal orders and agreement with the guardianship authorities contradict the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Now, with this paper and naturally without permission from guardianship, I withdraw a monthly amount within the subsistence level. If you are interested, I can tell you how to proceed, write by email.

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