We restore the figure already in the maternity hospital. Quick Recovery Rules

Hi all! While my baby is sleeping sweetly, running around on a walk, I remember who I was before marriage and childbirth. I can’t express how many ridiculous thoughts and stupid stereotypes were sitting in my head. For example, that a quick recovery after childbirth is something that goes without saying. It seemed to me that the advice was undoubted and the only correct one: not to lose weight during pregnancy and start working out your abs immediately after. Reality has made its own adjustments.

Before birth

Being pregnant, I delved into studying this issue. And then it suddenly turned out that weight gain in pregnant women is irregular, correlating very weakly with the amount of food. For example, in a week with two fasting days (on the advice of a gynecologist), I gained more than a kilogram! But until week 20, the weight stayed the same, although I ate like crazy.

With gymnastics for pregnant women, everything was also not so simple. Until the 12th week, a good half of expectant mothers, in principle, cannot do anything due to toxicosis. Many more are prohibited from physical activity due to the threat of miscarriage (some of my friends actually had to remain in semi-bed rest throughout their pregnancy - the health and life of a child is more important than a figure!). And in the last weeks, putting on boots is already such an exhausting exercise.

If there are no contraindications, then physical activity will be an excellent prevention of health problems in the postpartum period.

Swimming, walking or special sets of exercises for pregnant women (you can find many videos online for every taste) are an ideal choice. It is better to give preference to a load that will help strengthen your back. Believe me, your back will be very grateful for the support, because the loads it faces will be very heavy!

Carefully and neatly

About pumping the press - I got really excited. All doctors agree that while lochia is present (approximately 40 days after birth), strong physical activity is generally contraindicated. And in the first 10 days after pregnancy, it is better to observe almost bed rest. This is a great time to take care of yourself, listen to your body and start treating it with care and love.

The body is exhausted from pregnancy and childbirth, active sports will simply finish it off. But you can start doing something to restore the abdomen (and the whole body) in the very first days after childbirth.
So where to start.

Exercise "vacuum"

You can start doing it literally 2-3 days after natural birth. (To be honest, I haven’t found any information about cesarean section, so be sure to consult your doctor if this is possible) In our case, it is performed lying down, after a couple of months you can consider other positions for this exercise, for example, sitting, standing or on all fours.

We take a long, deep breath. After this, exhale completely. AND AS YOU EXHALE (this is important!) we try to pull the stomach under the ribs - much like children do Kashchei. We do not strain the perineum; it should itself be pulled behind the stomach due to the vacuum. And we keep this position as long as we can. At first, it definitely won’t last longer than a couple of seconds. This exercise should be done many times a day, ideally 8 sets of 10 times.

It helps restore control of the abdominal muscles, put “spreading” organs back into place, helps with diastasis, urinary problems and hemorrhoids. In general, a magical exercise, much better than abdominal pumping!

Belly tie or bandage

Another very interesting technique that I learned completely by accident and have never come across a similar description anywhere else. The bottom line is that in the first couple of weeks the abdominal muscles are overstretched and do not obey, so when standing and walking, the internal organs simply dangle along the peritoneum, which can be very uncomfortable. Belly tying can correct this problem. Let me make a reservation right away - this is not a bandage.

How to tie up correctly? For this you will need thick fabric approximately 300x50 cm. You can use a sling. In a lying position, place the middle of the straightened canvas on your stomach, cross it behind your back and bring it back onto your stomach.

Now we lower the resulting ends slightly under the stomach (in the area of ​​the pubic bone) and tie them in a knot. We don’t make it very tight; when you get up, it will be even tighter. It is better to make the knot not in the center, but on the side so that it does not put pressure on the uterus. We ended up with two layers of fabric on our belly – wide over the entire belly and narrow at the bottom.

The wide one is the pocket into which you now need to put your belly. We put our hands under the fabric from above and begin to “scrape” all the folds into this pocket. The belly of a woman who has just given birth is a bottomless bag, so feel free to drag everything up. Now we correct both layers of the canvas: straighten the top one and arrange the bottom one more comfortably so that nothing presses, cuts, or tightens. Let's get up. If everything is done correctly, it should feel like someone standing behind you is hugging you and holding your stomach from below. That is, it is very pleasant and gives a feeling of lightness.

You can and should tie yourself this way until the sensations with and without tying become similar. But if this technique seems difficult for you, then turn to wearing it, but under no circumstances leave your tummy to its own devices, help it become the same as before, or even more beautiful.


The nursing diet is a hotly debated topic, but for me, it’s a matter of faith. But be that as it may, there are universal recommendations. It would be a very bad idea to limit yourself in nutrition in order to lose weight faster. Our body needs strength to recover, and if you are in a calorie deficit, you will feel worse than ever.

And if you also breastfeed... Immediately after feeding, I wildly wanted not just to eat, but to EAT! You can replace fast carbohydrates in the form of cookies, sweets, flour (which you crave most) with protein foods - cottage cheese, meat, nuts. The main thing is to ensure that the child does not have a reaction.

Skin restoration

In order for the skin to tighten faster and be generally healthy, it requires special care. These include external means - all sorts of creams and oils, and for oral use - vitamin complexes, food additives. On the website iherb you can find many beauty and health products, including for pregnant and lactating women. Please note that when breastfeeding It is necessary to smear the breasts with care products with great care. Your baby may not like the taste of the cream (not to mention its questionable nutritional value).

Beautiful and healthy legs

Here, I strongly recommend not to rush to take them off after childbirth. How long should you wear compression (anti-embolic) stockings after childbirth? If they were natural childbirth without any special complications, then the recommended period is 3-7 days. In all other cases, the period is 2-3 weeks.

You need to put them on in the morning without getting out of bed, but if you missed the moment, then before that, lie down for 15-20 minutes with your legs slightly raised. This knitwear has a very dense structure, so it may be difficult to put on; try not to twist it and distribute it evenly along the legs. And by the way, it is better to do this with gloves, or remove the rings before doing this and make sure that your manicure will not damage the material.

How did you recover, what methods did you use? I hope you found the article useful and interesting. Leave comments, don't forget to share your favorite articles with friends and subscribe to updates!

In total, all exercises take 15 minutes. These exercises can also be used as a morning warm-up. If you have not done yoga, then you need to start slowly and little by little - one to three times every day.

Pay attention to what your body is telling you and do not strain or hold any position with pain, which indicates possible injury. A little pain is completely normal, but you should actually start slowly enough that there won't be any physical damage the next day.

Where should they be performed?

You can exercise anywhere you have enough space. Make sure there is a carpet, towel, yoga mat for comfort.

When is the best time of day to do these 5 exercises?

The entire series of exercises can be performed 2 - 3 times a day. As with all forms of full-body work, sunrise and sunset are the best times to challenge your body with physical activity. But you can fit them into your schedule whenever you see fit.

How many times should you repeat each exercise?

You should perform each exercise 21 times. On your first workout, try doing 1 or 3 reps of each exercise. After a week, try doing 3 repetitions, then pause and try 3 more. You will definitely feel stronger for some movements than others.

If you are having trouble doing a full set of 21 reps, try breaking them up into 3 sets of 7 reps with a rest between each set. Once you have completed 21 repetitions of each exercise, you should not continue. These exercises are aimed at restoring energy, not increasing strength. If you feel great after performing 21 repetitions of each movement, then try repeating the entire session later in the day.

Rejuvenating exercise #1

A) Stand up, stretch your arms forward at shoulder level and begin to rotate clockwise. At the same time, look straight ahead, do not stop at any one point. Spin 21 times, or until you feel dizzy or unsteady under your feet.

Breath: Breath deeply, try to breathe with your stomach. This will make the dizziness go away faster and your breathing will return to normal.

You start with several times, but eventually you need to work up to 21 times.

Rejuvenating exercise #2

Lie on your back, arms to the sides - palms up, keep your legs straight. As you inhale, raise your legs to the maximum, at the same time raise your head and bring it to your chest. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. Repeat up to 21 times.

Breathe: Raising legs and head

Exhale: Lowering your legs and head

Rejuvenating exercise #3

Get on your knees, feet together, arms at your sides, palms touching your hips. As you inhale, tilt your chin toward your chest, as you exhale, raise your head, palms moving to the back of your thighs and hanging down. At the same time, we tilt our head back and then bring it to the middle position.

Tips and tricks: When performing this exercise, tilt your head using the weight of your head. When you tilt your head back, you also allow your head to fall under its own weight. When performing exercises, you need to achieve maximum relaxation of the neck muscles.

Rejuvenating exercise #4

Sitting on the floor, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides, palms touching the floor (fingers pointing forward). As you inhale, leaning on your hands, lift your stomach and buttocks up so that your chest, stomach and buttocks are parallel to the floor. We lower our head back. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. Repeat up to 21 times.

Rejuvenating exercise #5

The torso is located parallel to the floor with outstretched arms and legs (shoulder-width apart, resting on the toes). As you inhale, transfer the weight of the body to your arms, lower your stomach (but do not touch the floor), and at the same time slowly tilt your head back (as far as possible). As you exhale, arch your back upward, bend your knees and lift your buttocks up (take the shape of an inverted V), then lower your chin to your chest. It is advisable to rest on the entire arch of the foot. Then return to the starting position.

After the fifth exercise, you need to lie on your stomach with your arms outstretched to the sides. Place your chin on the floor and close your eyes. We are waiting for breathing to be restored.

Quick Recovery Rules

After the flu they usually give sick leave for another week. But for some reason I don’t have enough time to fully recover and go to work. How to recover faster after illness?

If you have had the flu, ask your doctor to give you sick leave not for 5-7 days, but for 10-12 days. Remember that after an acute respiratory viral infection, a few days are enough to recover, but after the flu, for another 2 weeks you may feel fatigue, weakness, headache, irritability, and insomnia. The fact is that in the fight against influenza viruses the body loses a lot of strength. This disease strikes almost all organs and systems, so the heart, which at high temperatures worked with overload, the liver and kidneys, which neutralized and removed viruses, bacteria and toxins from the body, as well as the stomach, lungs and other organs, must restore their function.

This means that you need a sick leave to delay your return to work for 10-12 days, so that after fighting the infection your weakened immune system can strengthen. Throughout these 10 days, the removal of remnants of viruses, bacteria and their waste products from the body continues. Do not deny yourself rest during this entire time. This way you will recover faster and avoid complications.

Continue to stay in bed for the first few days after your temperature returns to normal. During this period, proper sleep is especially important, both at night and during the day. This is the first necessary condition for a speedy return to a full life. And if we remember the danger of exacerbation of chronic diseases and the possibility of relapse of the disease against the background of weakened immunity, then the importance of rest is clear.

A few days after illness, start doing calm physical exercise and take walks. To activate recovery processes and stimulate the immune system, the body needs movement and fresh air. Therefore, on the 3-4th day after the temperature drops, start doing light exercises (this should not be workouts in the gym, which cause increased stress on the heart). Dress warmly and walk for 20-30 minutes 2 times a day. The main thing is not to overwork and not to freeze. If you experience the slightest discomfort, return home and rest.

Another prerequisite for rapid recovery is the drinking regime. You need, as during illness, to continue to drink plenty of healthy fluids. Your body's cells are still getting rid of viruses, so help them by "flushing" everything harmful with liquid. Pure still water is suitable for this purpose. Carbonated water is not suitable, since the carbon dioxide it contains irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which has become more sensitive after a cold.

Add green tea to your list of healthy drinks; it contains many antioxidants - substances that help eliminate toxins. During the rehabilitation period, do not forget about berry fruit drinks, especially from cranberries and lingonberries, as they contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, and also activate the excretory system of the liver and kidneys, while destroying the microbes remaining in the body.

Drink infusions and decoctions of immunostimulating plants. Brew chamomile and St. John's wort, chaga mushroom tea, and in the morning drink infusions or tinctures of eleutherococcus, echinacea, Chinese lemongrass, rosea radiola, and ginseng.

If your health does not improve, even if the temperature is low, the cough does not stop, and the sputum becomes viscous and acquires a greenish-brown color, call your local doctor again. Most likely, this is a typical complication after the flu - sluggish pneumonia. And shortness of breath, increased fatigue, and chest pain that occur after the flu indicate heart disease. Even if you have not had the flu, but you have had an acute respiratory viral infection and symptoms of complications appear, consult a doctor immediately.

Heal until the end!

I have been working in a clinic for years and every fall I see the same picture. We caught a cold, took medicine for 2 days and, without waiting for a complete recovery, went to work. And the next day they call a doctor because it has gotten much worse. Don't risk your health. Remember that recovery takes time. An untreated disease is the cause of many complications, often incurable.

If you start taking prescribed medications, be consistent and complete the treatment. Take medications regularly, and not occasionally, otherwise the whole point of treatment is simply lost. If you don’t want to take pills for a mild form of illness, such as acute respiratory infections, you don’t have to take them. But give your body at least a week to recover, and don’t run to work with a slight improvement in your condition. After viral infections, it is necessary to change bed linen, underwear, and a toothbrush; do wet cleaning in the house to clean your apartment from viruses.

Maya Elinina, Ivanovo

Mors instead of tablets

There was a period when I caught colds very often. And she didn’t even understand that it was her own fault. The fact is that I couldn’t afford not to go to work even for 1-2 days. Therefore, when I had a cold, I took several tablets for cough, fever, etc. and went to work, that is, she did not treat the disease, but suppressed its symptoms.

During this time, my immunity decreased greatly and when I finally went to the doctor, I had to recover for a long time from numerous illnesses. It’s good that I didn’t have any complications, otherwise untreated flu and acute respiratory infections are fraught with serious consequences.

Now I treat respiratory diseases in a completely different way. On the very first day, when I feel unwell, I take time off from work, come home and go to bed early. And before that I drink diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory drinks. Moreover, these are not pharmaceutical tablets, but only natural remedies.

For example, I always have a bag of frozen cherries in my freezer. When I get sick, I pour 1 tbsp into a glass. l. berries and pour boiling water to the brim. After about 5 minutes, the berries become soft and can be crushed with a spoon to release juice. The result is a sour fruit drink that is not scalding, but pleasantly hot. If you add honey to it, the taste is more pleasant and the beneficial effect is stronger. This drink will lower the temperature and saturate the body with useful substances.

Elizaveta Rylchenko, Vsevolozhsk