Exercises for a 4 month old baby. Fourth month of life - exercise

When a child turns 3 months old, he leads a more active lifestyle. Since at this age he is awake several hours more, for gymnastics you need to choose a time when the baby is in a good mood. At 3.5 months, the baby confidently holds his head, is able to lift his chest and lean on his arms. At this age, he should be placed on his stomach as often as possible. This procedure helps strengthen various muscles, including the neck muscles.
At 4 months, the child can already stand on outstretched arms, resting his palms on the bed. In order for a child to develop the ligamentous apparatus of the joints of the hands and the muscles of the palms, you need to teach the child to clap his hands and hit them on some flat, hard object. In addition, the children's game "ladushki" actively contributes to strengthening muscles and joints.
At 4 months the child begins to talk for the first time. If he likes something, he begins to babble in his own language, which only he understands, and smile. In addition, he actively moves his arms and legs, and this exercise is very useful for the development and strengthening of the child’s muscles and joints.
At the age of 4 months, the child develops an interest in various toys. He increasingly takes them in his hands and tries to hold them. Parents should promote the development of this interest, since when grasping toys, the baby develops and strengthens the joints and muscles of the hands. To ensure this development occurs without complications, it is recommended to buy your child rattles with an elongated round handle. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the child puts his thumb down while playing. At 3 months of age, in children, as a rule, hypertonicity of the arm flexor muscles disappears, and at 4 years, the hypertonicity of the leg flexor muscles disappears. At this age, you can begin various passive exercises that strengthen the flexor muscles of the arms and legs. At first they are quite simple and easy, but gradually they should become more and more complex.
The main method of conducting passive exercises is vibration, or shaking. In addition, a new massage technique should be introduced into the complex of procedures - rubbing, based on massaging the surface of the body with the pads of bent fingers. The massage procedure should begin and end with stroking, because this technique helps calm the child’s nervous system and relax his muscles.
Gradually, massage techniques should become more active and intense. In addition, at this age it is allowed to introduce into the complex such exercises, the implementation of which is associated with the use of gymnastic apparatus. One of these projectiles should be a brightly colored beach ball.
It is necessary to monitor the child’s hygiene and carry out water procedures (warm baths) as often as possible. Already at this age, he needs to be taught to swim, because swimming not only strengthens the child’s joints and muscles, but also has a beneficial effect on his entire body. The duration of classes for children 3-4 months of age should be gradually increased. If up to 3 months their duration was 15 minutes, then at the age of 3.5-4 months they can be increased to 20-25 minutes. An increase in the duration of classes is allowed if the child is healthy and does not have a negative reaction to gymnastics. Otherwise, you should consult a pediatrician. If any exercise causes negative emotions in a child, then it should be excluded.
Foot massage
I. p. - lying on your back.
This procedure is performed using stroking and circular rubbing methods. It should begin with light stroking in the direction from the heel to the thigh (no more than 4 movements). After this, you should move on to ring rubbing of the legs. The whole procedure ends with several stroking movements of each leg.
Ring foot rub
In order to perform this procedure correctly, you should grab the child’s leg with your thumbs and forefingers so that left hand was located above the right. Then you need to start making circular movements with your hands along the outside of the shin and reach the knee in 3 turns. It must be remembered that rubbing the knee is strictly prohibited.
After this, you need to move on to rubbing the thigh muscles. This procedure should be repeated 6 times. During the procedure, the skin should turn red.
As noted above, the entire exercise ends with stroking.
Sliding steps (with vibration)
I. p. - lying on your back.
This exercise has a beneficial effect on the development and strengthening of the muscles and joints of the child’s legs. During the procedure, sudden movements should be avoided so that the child does not get injured.
To perform the exercise, you should pick up the child's lower leg so that the masseur's thumb is on the outside of the lower leg, and the remaining fingers are on the inside.

Figure 16.
The main technique for performing this exercise is shaking. To do this, straighten the child's left leg and shake it slightly. Then bend it again. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that his heel slides smoothly along the table without leaving its surface (Fig. 16). The same procedure must be carried out with the right leg. This exercise should be repeated 4 times with each leg. If hypertonicity of the flexor muscles has not disappeared in a child aged 3-4 months, this exercise should be canceled or replaced with a reflex exercise “walking”.
Reflex exercise "walking"
I. p. - standing on your feet.
To perform this exercise, turn the child to face you and lift him by the armpits so that the soles of his feet lightly touch the surface of the table. Feeling a hard surface, the child will begin to reflexively move his legs.
This exercise is described in detail in the section “Gymnastic exercises and massage for children from 1.5 to 3 months.”
Foot massage
I. p. - lying on your back.
The main techniques of foot massage are stroking, rubbing and effleurage. You need to start the procedure with three strokes. Then you should move on to rubbing the outer and inner parts of the foot in the direction from the heel to the child’s toes. After stroking and rubbing, you can begin tapping your baby's feet. To perform the exercise, you need to lightly hit the child’s foot 8-10 times with the back surface of the index finger (Fig. 17). This technique should be carried out in the direction from the heel to the toes and back. The massage should be completed by stroking each of the child’s feet.

Flexion and extension of the feet
I. p. - lying on your back.
This procedure helps develop and strengthen the leg muscles. To perform this, you need to lightly press on the base of your fingers from the side of the sole.
In this case, the child’s foot will reflexively bend. After this, you should carefully rub the outer edge of the foot and it will immediately straighten. This procedure must be repeated 4 times.

I. p. - lying on your back.
To perform the exercise, the masseur’s thumb should be placed in the child’s hand and squeezed into a fist. Then, holding the child’s hand with your hand, you need to make 5 stroking movements, performing them in the direction from the palm to the shoulder. After this, you can move on to ring rubbing of your hands. The entire exercise must be completed by stroking (3 times).
Ring rubbing of hands

Figure 19.
To perform the exercise, place your thumbs in the child’s palms and clench your palms into fists. Use your remaining fingers to hold his hands. Then, slightly shaking the child’s arms, spread them in different directions several times and cross them again on the chest (Fig. 19). To perform the exercise correctly, you need to periodically alternate the position of your hands: first the right one is located on top, then the left one. Repeat this procedure 6 times.

I. p. - lying on your back.
This exercise helps develop and strengthen many of the child’s muscles. It must be repeated several times a day.
To perform the procedure, you should support the baby’s legs by the lower part of the shins with your right hand. Place the index finger of your left hand in the child’s palm, squeeze it into a fist, and hold the other fingers on his wrist. In this case, you need to ensure that the child’s legs are straight.
The exercise begins with the massage therapist carefully turning his pelvis to the right side. During the procedure, the child independently begins to turn his head, chest and shoulders to the left (Fig. 20). When the child has turned onto his right side, he needs to be held in this position for a few seconds. Then you should stretch the child's left arm forward, and he will reflexively roll over onto his stomach. In this case, his hands should be located under the chest, and his palms should lie straight. Turning onto your stomach through your left side is done in the same way as the previous exercise. To perform it, it is necessary to turn the child over not with the left, but with the right hand (Fig. 21).

Figure 21.

Figure 25.
Stroking is carried out in 2 stages: circular stroking and ordinary. At the beginning of the procedure, you need to do several circular stroking of the chest, and then move on to regular stroking along the intercostal spaces of the child, which should be done with fingers apart (Fig. 25).
After stroking, you can start vibration. To perform this, you should very carefully press on the baby’s chest in the direction from the middle of the chest to the sides. This procedure must be repeated 3-4 times.
The procedure must be completed with several circular strokes of the chest.
Boxer exercise (arm lunges)
I. p. - lying on your back.

Figure 27.
Such a projectile will cause positive emotions in the child. In addition, you must ensure that the ball is not cold. Otherwise, it may cause disgust and hostility in the child.
The exercise begins with the child being placed on the ball with his stomach down and his knees spread in different directions. After this, the child should be gently rocked on the ball in a circle and from side to side. To prevent the child from falling off the ball and getting injured, he must be constantly held by the back with one hand (Fig. 27).

He is already quite mobile, he is awake up to 4-5 hours a day. The baby already holds his head well, lying on his stomach, leaning on his outstretched arms. Some babies already know how to roll over onto their tummy or side.

By the age of 4 months, many of the child’s reflexes have already weakened or completely disappeared, and the baby begins to move consciously. He turns his head in the direction that interests him, reaches for toys, he already has his favorite rattles. This can be used when doing gymnastic exercises with your child.

You already need to purchase a large ball, on which you can rock the baby on his back, on his tummy, this will develop his coordination of movements and strengthen his muscles. In an upright position with the support of the armpit, the baby rests his straightened legs well on the hard surface of the table or floor. The baby is already trying to sit down, but he can’t sit yet, as this can negatively affect the baby’s posture; the spine is still fragile and too mobile to maintain a vertical position. But you can purchase a special chair in which the baby will be in a reclining position.

In massage, in addition to stroking, rubbing, kneading and shaking, you can use techniques such as tong-like kneading, pinching, felting, and tapping. All movements must be performed carefully and in such a way that the baby is pleased; if he is capricious, stop the procedure and just play with him. You cannot massage a sleep-deprived, hungry child; there will be no benefit from such activities.

Massage for a 4 month old baby - a set of exercises

  1. Foot massage. To the massage, as for a 3-month-old child, we add techniques: felting and pinching. To do this, we cover the baby’s leg so that one palm lies on the outer side and the other on the inner side of the thigh. Now, with clockwise movements, perform muscle shifts, do it carefully but energetically. This massage is called felting. After this, perform a tong-like kneading of the legs. Do this carefully with the thumb and index finger of your right hand, while holding the child’s leg in the shin area with your left hand. Finish the foot massage with stroking.
  2. Leg flexion and extension. Perform bending and straightening of the legs alternately; you can perform a bicycle exercise, when the legs are alternately bent at the knees and pressed against the tummy. Also perform joint bending of the legs. By the age of 4 months, the tone of the leg flexor muscles has already passed, and this exercise should not cause discomfort in the baby.
  3. Foot massage, rub and knead the baby’s feet. You can also do 5 flexions and extensions of the foot at the joints. After stroking, you can tap the piles with your index finger.
  4. Hand massage, after stroking and circular rubbing, we shake the hands. We finish the exercise again by stroking from hand to shoulder.
  5. Breast massage. Perform stroking from the center of the chest to the armpits in the direction of the ribs. Then do vibration exercises.
  6. Hand raises. First, massage your palms; you can show your baby the games “Magpie-Crow” and “Ladushki”. Then place your index fingers in your child's hands so that he can grasp them. Now cross your arms across your chest, then raise and lower your arms up and to the sides. Perform the exercise energetically and rhythmically; at the same time, you can sing a funny song to your baby or tell a nursery rhyme, or turn on a disc with funny melodies.
  7. Back and buttock massage. Start with stroking, then knead the buttocks; now you can do tong-like kneading of the longitudinal muscles of the back along the spine from the buttocks to the neck and back. After this, perform a few more strokes and begin beating, ending the procedure with stroking again.
  8. Rollovers from back to stomach. Help the baby turn on his side and roll over on his own; in order to interest the baby, use his favorite toy.
  9. Exercise "Flight". Place the baby in your palms with his stomach down, so that the baby rests his legs on your chest. The baby should hold his head well and arch his back. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the back and abdomen.
  10. Tummy massage. In addition to the usual stroking of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, circular movements, perform sawing of the rectus muscles, and then pinching around the umbilical ring. These exercises will work as an umbilical hernia prevention.
  11. Sitting down. Place your fingers in your baby's fists, holding his wrists, spread his arms to the sides and help the baby rise to a sitting position. Now bring the baby’s arms together and run your index finger along the spine along the baby’s back, he will reflexively straighten his back, now, holding the baby’s head, lower him onto his back. This exercise strengthens and develops the abdominal, neck and back muscles.
  12. Swinging on the ball. First perform rocking movements on your tummy and then on your back. Exercises on the ball develop the baby's vestibular apparatus. During classes, hold the baby by the back or tummy, and also fix the legs with the other hand.

Massage with elements of gymnastics for a 4 month old baby - video:

The effectiveness of gymnastics depends on the regularity and correctness of execution. A set of exercises allows you to use all the baby’s muscles, affecting the entire body.

A four-month-old baby becomes mobile and active. His sleep decreases and the number of hours he is awake increases. It's time to learn new skills, especially since most of the reflexes are a thing of the past. It seems that a 4 month old baby is trying to crawl. To stimulate the ability to crawl, gymnastics is needed.

Gymnastics for a 4 month old baby

The effectiveness of gymnastics is incommensurable. For successful implementation and good health, you should adhere to some rules:

  • Gymnastics should be regular. The ideal option would be to maintain a full daily routine that includes time for physical exercise.
  • The temperature in the room should be about 22 degrees.
  • The baby must be in good mood. Therefore, the time for gymnastics should be half an hour before meals.
  • Gymnastics should not last more than 5 minutes so that the baby does not have time to get tired.
  • The optimal place for gymnastics would be a table covered with a thick blanket.
  • Maintaining hygiene is a must. Mom's hands should be clean and warm.

Exercises with a 4-month-old baby make up a complex that includes: massage of the arms, legs, back and abdomen, chest, sitting down and turning over from back to stomach and vice versa, exercises on a fitball.

Foot massage involves stroking. Careful displacement of the muscles is also carried out. This massage technique is called felting. Afterwards, a tong-like kneading of the legs is performed. The left hand should be on the baby’s shin at this moment. Finish the massage by slowly stroking both legs. Foot massage includes kneading and rubbing. You can bend and rub your feet at the joints and beat your baby’s feet. Leg bending and straightening exercises, one at a time or at the same time, complete the massage lower limbs child.

Hand massage involves stroking and rubbing. Then the baby's hands are shaken. At the end of the exercise, the baby’s hands are stroked again, starting from the fingers to the shoulders. Crossing your arms over your chest, raising and lowering your arms are also massage techniques.
Breast massage occurs using the stroking method. This is done from the center to the armpits. Afterwards vibration exercises are performed.

Massage of the back and buttocks begins with stroking, then kneading the buttocks. Afterwards, the longitudinal muscles of the back are kneaded with forceps-like movements and beating begins. Complete the massage of the back and buttocks with leisurely stroking.
Abdominal massage is carried out using the stroking method, to which is added sawing of the rectus abdominis muscles and pinching the skin near the navel.

Sitting your child down helps strengthen and develop the abdominal, back and neck muscles. It is carried out in this way: the baby’s arms are spread to the sides and raised while half-sitting. Then the arms are brought together and a finger runs along the back. Touching the spine provokes a reflex extension of the back. At this moment, the child must be placed on his back, always supporting his head.
Fitball exercises with a 4-month-old child develop the vestibular apparatus. Alternate rocking from side to side, on the stomach and on the back should be carried out carefully and slowly. It’s good if mom holds the baby’s back, and dad fixes the little one’s legs at that moment.

At the age of 4 to 6 months, many unconditioned reflexes disappear in the baby. He begins to consciously move around the crib, turn in different directions, reacting to sound, etc.
At this age, gymnastic exercises in combination with massage contribute to the development of the muscles and joints of the child’s musculoskeletal system and strengthen his central nervous system.
During this period, the child makes his first attempts to sit independently, so gymnastic exercises should help develop a new skill for him. As at an early age, water procedures and swimming exercises have a positive effect.

Important to know!

At 4-4.5 months The duration of massage and gymnastics should be about 30 minutes.
. Your hands should be warm and clean, and the fingernails are trimmed. Watches, rings and bracelets should be removed, as they can injure the child’s skin.
. During exercises, sing, talk, play with your child- thereby evoking positive emotions in him, so that he associates gymnastics with pleasure and play. For example, accompany each exercise with a count. The child will feel the rhythm. Or just turn on rhythmic music.
. Massage techniques and gymnastic exercises should gradually become more complex. But, of course, taking into account the individual and physical characteristics of the baby. In addition to stroking, rubbing, vibration and effleurage, it is recommended to use tong-like kneading, felting, pinching and light effleurage.
. Do not forcefully grab or squeeze the child’s tissues and joints., as it may cause him pain. All techniques and movements must be performed with caution.
. Very important during massage and gymnastics watch the child, highlighting those techniques and exercises that give him positive emotions. Subsequent sessions of massage and gymnastics should begin with them.
. Gymnastics and massage should be carried out at least half an hour after the baby eats.

Techniques for performing massage and gymnastics with a baby 4-6 months old

Foot massage

I. p.: lying on your back.
This exercise helps develop and strengthen the leg muscles.
. Consistently and gently stroke the baby along the entire length of the leg, do this 3 or 4 times.
. Smoothly move to ring rubbing. Grab the baby's leg with your thumbs and index fingers so that the left hand is higher than the right. Then you need to start making circular movements with your hands along the outside of the shin and reach the knee in 3 turns. You can't rub your knee. Proceed to rubbing the thigh muscles. Repeat 6 times. Finish the exercise with stroking.
. A new massage method is felting.
Your palms should clasp the child's leg so that one of them lies on the inner surface of the leg, and the other on the outer surface. This method involves moving the muscles with gentle but vigorous movements in a clockwise direction.
Repeat 3 times.
. After felting, proceed to tong-like kneading of the lower extremities. Place your child's foot in the palm of your right hand and support it at the bottom of the calf. Using the index finger and thumb of your left hand, grab the outer surface of the shin and move the muscles towards the big toe from the foot to the thigh and back. Finish the procedure with several strokes.

Alternate and simultaneous flexion and extension of the legs

I. p.: lying on your back.
This exercise helps develop and strengthen the muscles and joints of the legs.
Grasp the upper part of the child's shin so that your thumbs are on its inner surface, and the rest are on the back surface (as in the figure).
Alternately and smoothly bend and straighten your legs. Then do this with both legs at the same time. In this case, the child’s knees should be apart. The baby should touch his stomach with his legs bent.

Foot massage and reflex massage

I. p. - lying on your back.
The procedure promotes the development of the muscles and joints of the foot.
. Start your foot massage with stroking.
. Then do 5-6 rubbings.
. After rubbing, you need to return to stroking (3 times), and then start beating (5 times).
. The whole procedure ends with 2-3 strokes.

This exercise should be done on both legs.

Hand massage

I. p. - lying on your back.
This exercise helps develop and strengthen the arm muscles.
. At the beginning of the procedure, perform a few light strokes.
. Then smoothly proceed to ring rubbing (repeat 6 times).
. Finish the procedure with light stroking.

Breast massage

I. p.: lying on your back.
The procedure promotes the development of the chest muscles.
. Begin the exercise with several circular stroking movements from the ribs to the shoulders.
. Then do 3 strokes along the intercostal spaces.
. Proceed with the vibration massage, which must be repeated 3 times.
. The procedure should be completed with 2-3 strokes.

Circular movements with hands

I. p.: lying on your back.
Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the hands.
Place your thumbs in your child's palms and gently clench your fists so that he can hold onto your fingers on his own.
Gently spread your child's arms to the sides and smoothly lift them up. Then extend your arms forward and gently lower them.
Now repeat these movements in reverse order.
Repeat 6 times.

Crossing arms over chest

I. p.: lying on your back.
Place your thumbs in your child's hands and clench his fists. Spread your child's arms to the sides and cross them over his chest.
The position of the hands should be alternated:
first the right hand should be on top, and then the left.
Make movements rhythmically, alternating fast and slow tempos. Repeat 7 times.

Back and buttock massage

I. p.: lying on your stomach.
. At the beginning of the procedure, make several stroking movements.
. After stroking, you should start rubbing the child’s back and buttocks with your fingertips (2-3 times).
. Give it a few strokes again.
. Proceed with tong-like kneading (described above - 6 times). It should be done along the long muscles of the back. Like rubbing, kneading should be completed with light strokes.
. At the end of the procedure, you can use the technique of tapping the buttocks. Gently hit the baby's buttocks with the pads of your fingers.
. Make a few more stroking movements.

Turn from back to stomach and back

I. p.: lying on your back.
To perform this exercise, place his favorite toy on the side of the baby and gently ask him to turn in its direction. After this, carefully help the baby roll over onto his stomach.
Repeat 3 times in each direction.

“Flight” on the stomach

I. p.: lying on your stomach.
This exercise helps strengthen the abdominal muscles and develop the vestibular system.
Place the baby in your palms, belly down, with your thumbs on the side of the lower ribs. Lift the baby in a horizontal position, his legs should rest against your chest. The child's torso should be slightly arched (see figure). Now you can “fly” around the room with it.

Abdominal massage

I. p.: lying on your back.
The procedure involves a combination of stroking, rubbing, sawing and pinching the skin around the navel.
. Begin the procedure by performing circular stroking of the abdomen, which should be done clockwise with the palm of your hand and fingertips. Repeat 3 times.
. After circular stroking, you can move on to counter stroking and stroking the oblique abdominal muscles.
. After stroking, begin rubbing the abdominal muscles, which must be done with your fingertips.
. After rubbing, it is recommended to saw through the rectus abdominis muscles.
. The procedure should be completed with light pinching around the umbilical ring and light stroking. This pinching is a good prophylactic against hernia (as in the picture).

Squatting with spine bending

I. p.: lying on your back.
This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the front of the neck and back and stimulates the development of the abdominal muscles.
. Place your thumbs in your child's hands and make him clench his fists. Use your remaining fingers to support your baby's wrists.
. Spread your baby's arms to the sides and gently pull him towards you so that he sits down. When performing the exercise, the child's upper body and head should be slightly elevated.
. Raise the child's arms up, join them at the top and hold them in this position with one hand. Use the thumb and index finger of your other hand to run along the child’s spine from bottom to top. At the same time, he will reflexively straighten his back (as in the figure).
. Then, supporting the baby's head with one hand, lower him to his original position. This exercise should be done once a day.

Swinging on the ball

I. p.: lying on your stomach.
To perform the exercise, you should use a sports equipment - a bright, large inflatable ball.
. Place your baby on the ball with his stomach down. In order for him to take a stable position, his legs should be slightly apart. Then you need to carefully swing the ball in one direction or the other.
. After this, the child can be turned over on his back, put back on the ball and rocked several times (see figure).
To prevent the child from falling during the procedure, support him with one hand behind his back or stomach.

Time has flown by, your baby is already 4 months old. He moves consciously, reaching for the object that interests him.

Many children at this age already know how to roll onto their sides and tummy.

On the stomach, the baby rises with outstretched arms. Some especially frisky ones even try to sit up and master the technique of crawling without the help of adults.

Hypertonicity in a 4-month-old child has almost disappeared. Residual effects may be observed in the legs. The sessions that the baby needs every day contribute to the complete normalization of muscle tone.

They help the baby understand how to move so that his own body obeys him. The massage itself is different from the procedure that was done before. Its duration increased to half an hour, and the movements became more intense and energetic.

Successfully introduced at the age of three months, a fitball and a warm bath for a 4-month-old baby become indispensable elements.

The ball coordinates the baby’s movements, orients it in space, and strengthens the abdominal and back muscles. Exercising in water tones and improves immunity.

A pregnant woman experiences enormous stress every day, especially in the last trimester. Relax, relieve stress and get real pleasure after have a hard day After spending time on your feet, a massage will help. But ?

Features of the procedure at this age

  • Ventilate the room first. Optimal temperature regime– 20–23 degrees. Close all windows during the procedure. the baby will be naked, there is a risk of the baby catching a cold.
  • A 4-month-old baby left on the sofa may fall off it. Don't leave him alone for a second. If you need to go away, take the baby with you or move him to a blanket on the floor.
  • During the procedure count your movements loudly: one, two, three, four. This way the baby learns to catch the rhythm.
  • The movement options have become very diverse. Vibration and patting are no longer enough for a 4 month old baby. For stroking, rubbing, pinching and felting are added. Despite the fact that manual actions have become more intense, they still need to be done carefully, without causing pain or discomfort to the child. Felting is done with straight palms, the muscles are placed between them. Pinching is a gentle movement with your fingertips.
  • The child should not be hungry before the session, but it is not advisable to massage a well-fed one. The ideal time to exercise is an hour after eating.
  • Same as before avoid physical impact on the areas of the armpits, knees, fontanel, spine and nipples.
  • The four-month-old baby is in a great mood, “booming”, smiling and laughing. He is happy and cheerful. This is a sign that he enjoys the massage. If he starts crying, screaming, trying to roll over on his stomach, stop the session immediately. Try to talk to your baby in a gentle and affectionate tone, sing him a song, tell him a nursery rhyme. If this does not help, then the massage is scheduled for another time.
  • Loud musical rattles work well for babies of this age. Give him such a thing in his hand while you massage his legs, feet or back.

The intensity of the exercises increases gradually along with the number of repetitions

Massage technique

Don't forget that a baby massage begins and ends with gentle stroking.

Use your fingertips to stroke the baby's face, massage the brow ridges, stroke the cheeks, and slightly stretch the corners of the lips. Facial massage should not be long; one minute is enough to work the core muscles.

Ring rubbing of the handles from the fingers to the shoulder joint is replaced by light shaking.

The massage of the arms ends with exercises: imitation of boxing, crossing the arms on the chest, playing “hands” and “magpie-white-sided”, raising the straight arms upward, moving them straight to the sides and then bending them in the sternum area.

Now, for clarity, we suggest you watch a video of hand massage for a 4-month-old baby, as well as how to teach a baby to sit.

To the usual complex that you did for three months, and which consisted of circular movements on the tummy, added sawing of rectus muscles and light pinching around the umbilical cavity. It is forbidden to touch the navel itself, even if the wound has already healed.

After rubbing the legs, begin felting. To do this, place your thigh between your straight palms and gently move the muscles clockwise.

Then try pinching with two fingers of your right hand, the other hand holding the ankle.

Walk along the entire leg from the foot to the thigh, exclude only the inner thigh.

Gymnastic elements when massaging the legs are the same as at 3 months: “bicycle” with the legs, “sliding” steps on the table surface, bending and straightening the legs, raising alternately straight legs to the chest, as well as spreading the legs bent at the knees to the sides in the position lying down.

All these actions strengthen the abdominal muscles and promote proper digestion.

In addition to simple elements such as acupressure, drawing a figure eight, rubbing and kneading fingers, Practice bending your foot in the middle at the joint.

Do this internally and externally. Then gently tap the heel with the pad of your finger.

Stretch your buttocks and back. As if with forceps, walk along the back from the buttocks to the shoulders, then back.

Rub your back to help soothe your muscles a bit. Proceed to tapping the back with your fingertips in the direction from the legs to the head.

Continue to roll onto your stomach through your left and right sides. The baby does not prefer any one side. It should turn over both barrels equally well.

It is beneficial to frequently remain in the tummy position

This strengthens the spine and neck muscles. If the baby does not like to lie on his stomach, if he rolls onto his stomach only on one side, this is a reason to contact a pediatric neurologist.

Exercises on the ball
The baby can be placed on a fitball while lying on his back or on his tummy. He must be naked. At the same time, hold the baby by the legs and back. Rock it up and down for 3-5 minutes.

How to identify the problem? What treatment methods exist, as well as massage techniques for dysplasia.


A set of classes strengthens the skills of a four-month-old baby, stimulates various muscle groups, and has a positive effect on the child’s emotional state. The baby already knows what massage is, he reacts positively to it.

Massage sessions become part of a daily ritual. For a baby, this is a game, communication with beloved parents and at the same time strengthening the body.