What can a nursing mother eat at 3 months? Nursing diet: what can you eat in the first month after giving birth? Healthy foods and those that should not be in the diet of nursing mothers. Nursing diet: foods that are undesirable to eat

Having decided to breastfeed your child. From the first day after the birth of the baby, a young mother must carefully monitor her diet.

Even in the maternity hospital, a woman is introduced to some nutritional rules for a nursing mother. These rules must be strictly followed for the first 2 - 3 months. In the future, the diet gradually expands.

When introducing a new product to her table, a nursing mother should closely monitor the well-being of the child. It is necessary to pay special attention to the condition of the skin and the quality of the baby’s stool.

The mother may emphasize the fact that the baby is “older” and no longer needs the breast. Whatever the method, it is important that weaning is carried out with great naturalness. How can I help my child at this stage? Creating new rituals and finding alternative forms of breast comfort: telling a story, etc.

Products that cause allergies

Many mothers think that adding milk powder to their baby's diet will make them sick. These mothers should remain calm because it is normal to resort to powdered milk to supplement the baby's diet. Although there are various reasons why powdered milk included in breastfeeding a baby, it will not cause negative effects in the baby. Obviously there is nothing better than breast milk, but when choosing a substitute, the closest thing to it is powdered milk.

For convenience, a nursing mother can keep a food diary. The food diary records everything that the woman ate and the child’s reaction to these foods.

If a child develops an allergy to the product, loose stools, stools with mucus and “greens,” or strong gases, it is not recommended to use the product for the next 2 to 3 months. By 5-6 months, the child will get stronger, his intestines will get used to a variety of foods. Then it will be possible to repeat the experiment.

What moms should keep in mind

Nowadays, more and more mothers have jobs before the baby arrives, so after a period of rest they return to their normal tasks. For this reason, there are mothers who, due to their comfort and the task of feeding their children, must resort to powdered milk.

Other moms, on the other hand, have problems producing milk, it may be too little or it just isn't happening. And there are also mothers who want the baby to get used to someone taking care of him, and so they decide to feed him dairy milk.

What foods to avoid

A number of products that do not pose any danger to an adult can harm a baby. And dietary restrictions for a nursing mother are necessary for the health of the child.

Products that cause allergies

A young mother should not eat all red foods in the first months of breastfeeding. They can cause allergies in a child. Such products include strawberries, cherries, cherries, pomegranates, red apples, watermelon, and tomatoes.

What not to eat: food list

Ideally, breastfeeding should be done in the first months of life because this will help increase the baby's defenses and improve growth. Not only does breast milk have superior properties, but the contact that occurs between a mother and her baby will create a much deeper emotional bond. An alternative breast milk, powdered milk, is ideal so the baby can be used gradually and also receive the benefits of both.

Initially, it is recommended to breastfeed the baby at least three times a day and supplement with milk powder. The importance of consuming a child has to do with your immune system as it provides nutrients that allow the body to defend itself against many diseases.

Foods that cause allergies also include fish and eggs. They can be included in the menu of a nursing mother, but with caution, while not forgetting to observe the reaction of the newborn.

If there are no allergy sufferers in the family and the child’s skin is clear, then red apples, cherries, and cherries can be introduced into the diet by closely monitoring the baby’s stool.

Below is an approximate meal schedule for a nursing mother.

Moms should not be confused that they are not producing milk by not breastfeeding their baby to activate its production. It is the baby who, through suction, activates the glands that are responsible for producing milk, so the more you breastfeed the baby, the more milk the mother produces.

How to make sure babies are breastfed enough

Experts postulate three effective ways for mom to know if she is giving the right amount for her baby. If baby hasn't completed the month yet, one way to tell is by looking at their stools, if they are mustard indicates you are getting the specified amount of nutrients. Some babies have their bowel movements after breastfeeding, and the vast majority of urine is between six and eight diapers per day, which would be normal. While small ones, from three to six months, should lift 14 grams per day. Ideally, during the first month of the baby, the mother breastfeeds, eight to twelve times a day, it all depends on the baby. Not every time a baby seeks its mother's breast it means that it is hungry, many do it well, or such contact is its mother.

When is it necessary to change breasts with milk powder?

  • Almost all mothers wonder if they are producing their newborn.
  • In the first three months, the baby should gain weight of approximately 28 grams per day.
It is always recommended that at each check-up, ask your pediatrician if powdered milk needs to be administered.

Foods that cause indigestion

Black bread and milk can be consumed, but not in large quantities. So, the daily consumption rate of black bread is 1 or 2 pieces and only if the child reacts normally.

In any case, it is better to replace milk with fermented milk products - kefir or fermented baked milk. It is advisable not to consume drinking fruit yoghurts due to the artificial flavors and colors they contain.

The good thing about controls is that the pediatrician will notice if the child is at an ideal weight if he doesn't give instructions to gain or lose weight. Typically, this is expected until the baby is one month old, as until this age the ideal is for their diet to be entirely breast milk.

Breastfeeding - here are the 5 most popular myths

Breastfeeding mothers are exposed to various types attention - because it is unpleasant, that it is harmful. Well, no, milk does not turn into water after 6, nor after 12, or even after 18 months. Breast milk is perfectly balanced and adapted to the baby's needs. The basis is a healthy, varied diet. In the second year, the mother's breastfeeding and her 448 ml of milk are satisfying.

Fresh cucumbers can cause loose, mucous stools in a baby. Therefore, they should not be on the table of a nursing mother. The same applies to watermelon.

Mushrooms are a product that is difficult and takes a long time for the body to digest. Their use is undesirable in the first 2 - 3 months.

Other prohibited products

During breastfeeding, alcohol, coffee, garlic and any hot spices and artificial seasonings are excluded from a woman’s diet.

During the first three years of life, a child's brain develops most rapidly. One of the things necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system is fat, and the one found in mother's milk is best absorbed by the baby's body. Pharmaceutical companies also know this: the following milk for children 1-3 years old is specially enriched with unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. This, however, is much more difficult to absorb.

The nursing diet should exclude

Myth 2: Breastfeeding should be stopped as soon as your baby can ask for it. Do we refuse water or soup to a child when he may ask for it? Can babies require specific things at 10 months or is there a good reason to stop breastfeeding? The child learns to ask for something that he is used to and is part of his day: sometimes it is breastfeeding, sometimes a bath, and sometimes going to the playground. There is no logic in taking away what he has learned to ask for.

Chocolate, candy and other sweets can cause allergies and gas in a child.

Consumption of prohibited foods

When the baby is 3-4 months old, strict restrictions are gradually relaxed.

If the child does not have allergies, prohibited foods are introduced one after another with an interval of two weeks. At the same time, carefully monitor the baby’s reaction. If the product causes allergies, diarrhea or gas, then it is canceled for another month. After a month, the experiment is repeated.

Diet and diet

This argument can only come from someone who has never fed a child for more than a year. Breastfeeding older babies sometimes involves real acrobatics - with hair pulling, plucking, biting and head standing included. Children cannot sit still, they are easily distracted, sometimes they come three times in a row, each time they eat for less than a minute.

Closeness and affection are important, but most mothers feed their babies for the same reasons they did the month before. Young children are biologically adapted to breastfeeding, and this is the healthiest thing for them. Myth 4: Around the 1st birthday you should stop drinking from the bottle, so you also need to wean your baby off the breast.

Diet and diet

A nursing woman, despite numerous prohibitions, should eat a full and balanced diet. Adequate nutrition is necessary primarily for the mother. Since with milk a woman gives the child all the nutrients he needs, even if they are the last in her body.

To replenish nutrients daily, a nursing mother requires a balanced diet and a properly organized diet. The daily diet of a nursing woman consists of 4 parts carbohydrates, 1 part proteins and 1 part fats.

And this is only a replacement for natural feeding. Around your 1st birthday, you may want to give up the pacifier and drink from a bottle - long-term use may cause bite problems. Breastfeeding is the opposite: with the help of the muscles of the face and mouth, it has a beneficial effect on the development of speech and articulation. Myth 5: It's not real food.

Eligible Products with Restrictions

Infants receive milk and other meals, and children receiving formula also receive daily milk. In the second year of life, the proportions between milk and solid foods change - the baby must increasingly turn to other snacks. However, this is a process and not something that happens overnight.

Optimal for a nursing woman is 5-6 meals a day. It is advisable to eat food before feeding the baby. With this diet, lactation usually improves.

Every day there should be a variety of porridges on the table - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, corn and others. Soups (preferably without cabbage), carrot and apple salads, pasta, potatoes are healthy and necessary food for a nursing woman.

In such situations, you should always contact your doctor to determine if the cause is an allergy or food intolerance, for example. However, it happens that older children wake up multiple times and eat much more at night than they should because feeding is the only way for them to fall asleep when they wake up at night.

To understand the relationship between sleep and eating, you first need to trace how the rhythm of sleep feeding develops in the first months of a child’s life. The first weeks of life are a time when the baby's circadian rhythm is undeveloped, and the rhythm of his sleep and periods of activity determine feeding. Newborns sleep most of the day and generally only wake for food and sometimes very brief activity, no matter what time of day or night. From about 6-8 weeks, the baby's periods of activity begin to gradually increase to 90 minutes at 3-4 months and up to two hours closer to 6 months.

Every day the diet should contain about 150 - 200 g of meat or fish. And also all dairy products, including cheese and sour cream, except milk itself (no more than 1 glass per day).

Cottage cheese, which is a source of calcium, is especially useful for a young mother. Loss of calcium leads to tooth decay and this is one of the most dangerous moments in breastfeeding. Therefore, it is recommended to eat cottage cheese constantly: every day or every other day, 100 - 200 g.

At this time, feeding is no longer the baby's only activity when he is awake, because he begins to consciously become more and more interested in the world around him and come into contact with his loved ones. Because of the chaotic distribution of naps in the early months, it takes a lot of creativity for a baby to get the amount of feed on offer throughout the day - babies are usually fed just after waking up and just before going to sleep.

And this is a pattern that is repeated in the first period of a child's life, when feeding is fixed as an element immediately preceding and, over time, necessary for falling asleep, this is very often the cause of sleep problems. It is completely natural that a newborn or youngest child falls asleep during feeding: the suction and proximity of a caring soothing, soothing, regulate the immature nervous system until sleep sets in, and a full tummy helps to float in the arms of Morpheus. However, with each subsequent month of life, the baby becomes more aware of the ability to learn and associate, and if a ten-year-old or twelve-month-old baby can only fall asleep during feeding, this means that he will also need to sleep every time he wakes up in the night.

If a woman does not like cottage cheese and eats little of it, then it does not bother her to supplement her diet with calcium supplements.

It is advisable to take multivitamins. Bananas, pears, peaches, green apples, and juices (not red) are suitable as natural sources of vitamins and microelements.

You should maintain a drinking balance - 1.5 - 2 liters of fluid per day. Excess fluid - more than 2.5 liters per day - can lead to a decrease in the amount of milk produced.

As your baby's digestive and nervous systems and brain mature over time, he becomes physiologically ready to sleep longer and longer during the night, and therefore the amount of night feedings naturally decreases. Always reduce the amount of night feedings depending on the age of the child and in consultation with the pediatrician. Longer overnight feeding breaks are necessary not only to allow baby and mother to rest, but also so that the baby's digestive system is not constantly stimulated.

Lactagonic agents

Previously, pediatricians advised nursing mothers to drink tea with milk as a means to increase lactation. However, as it turned out later, this drink is not a lactagonic drug. It is better to drink green tea, kefir, fermented baked milk.

In addition, to increase lactation, there are many special products that are sold in pharmacies:

In addition, too much night feeding in older children leads to the need to change the diaper during sleep and thus subsequent awakening. It's worth it to gradually eat separately from falling asleep. In the first six months of a baby's life, feeding may be the last part of a silent bedtime routine, but at about a month of age, it's helpful to start trying to keep your baby awake during bedtime. At the moment when feeding comes to an end, and swallowing turns into just sucking, the moment comes to return the baby to sleep - calm, calm, but not yet asleep.

  • "Laktovit" is a herbal tea in bags, quite effective and most affordable;
  • granulated teas from baby food manufacturers Hipp and Nestlé;
  • tablets "Lactogon", "Apilak" and other products.

You can brew dill, fennel or caraway seeds yourself. These decoctions improve lactation well and help relieve gas in the baby and mother. Melissa also increases lactation and, in addition, has a calming effect.

By this period, a woman already knows a lot about her baby: his habits, character, tolerance to a number of foods. Mom and baby now have favorite foods and food preferences. Mom worries less about her milk supply because she knows how to increase it.

The baby is less bothered by intestinal colic, which means the diet can be safely expanded. Let's talk about the list of foods that a nursing mother can eat after 3 months of the baby's life.

Features of feeding a baby at 3 months

  • A nursing woman should take into account that a newborn’s need for nutrients per unit of body weight is higher than that of an adult.
  • During this period, a woman needs about 3500 kcal per day.
  • With a volume of one feeding of 150 ml, the daily amount breast milk approaches 850-900 ml with 6 feedings a day.
  • The need for vitamins remains high at this age.

At three months it is permissible to expand your food intake. A woman need not worry about what she can and cannot eat. Almost everything is allowed; a period of lifting restrictions begins, unless the child suffers from food allergies.

The same principle remains as before: you need to eat tasty, familiar food. When a woman eats deliciously, she produces a lot of gastric juice and enzymes. The food is digested well and the milk is rich in nutrients.

Also good news: there are no diseases related to the diet of a nursing woman. The mother will not be able to seriously harm the child with her diet, unless she takes medications and does not abuse other drugs harmful to health (alcohol, smoking).

Monotonous food with limited protein and vitamins contributes to anemia and there is a threat of iodine deficiency. But this is a separate topic and such pathology does not appear without additional reasons.

The daily diet of a breastfeeding woman should contain:

  • 100-130 grams of protein food,
  • 100 g fat,
  • 400-500 g carbohydrates,
  • Food should be rich in mineral salts, especially calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins.

A diet consisting of:

  • 180-200 grams of meat;
  • 800 grams of vegetables and fruits;
  • no more than 500 grams of bread;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • one egg.

Particularly worth highlighting is the consumption of fruits and vegetables (800 grams). That's a lot! It is through these products that women do not get those vital substances (vitamins and microelements). If you are not able to handle such an impressive amount of plant food, then you can cover your needs with juices from fruits and vegetables.

Be sure to include parsley, dill and other greens in your daily diet. You can make delicious homemade sauces from them; in this form there will be more vitamins.

At this stage, you can already use different bright fruits and vegetables:

  • oranges,
  • cherry, strawberry, raspberry,
  • red apples,
  • beet,
  • pumpkin, carrots.

To improve appetite, spices will not hurt:

  • thyme, tarragon,
  • garlic, onion,
  • basil.

It is useful to eat grain sprouts.

  • drink up to 2 liters of liquid;
  • in nutrition, focus on “live” food;
  • do not clog your stomach with “dead” foods, which will turn into extra pounds on your hips.

It is advisable to add products such as eggs, chocolate, citrus fruits one at a time. One day we ate, for example, something seafood, and for the next 3 days we look to see if peeling on the cheeks or rashes appear. If everything is fine, then you can introduce the next provocative product.

Your favorite coffee in the morning or tea with honey is not a limitation. Those with a sweet tooth can treat themselves to a piece of cake. Champignons and oyster mushrooms are not contraindicated for mushroom lovers.

Canned food, sausage from the supermarket, sausages are considered “dead” food. They contain many flavoring additives and preservatives. There is no meat in such products. The same applies to confectionery and white bread. Due to the content of dyes, palm oil, and cheap margarine, they are more harmful than beneficial.

Any fish - pollock, cod, flounder, mackerel, herring will be beneficial because they are rich in healthy fatty acids. Particularly useful sea ​​fish: tuna, salmon, cod, sardines and anchovies. Don't forget about olive oil and olives.

Poultry meat - chicken, turkey can be eaten fried, boiled, smoked and baked. And quail eggs can be consumed together with the shell to replenish the body with calcium.

Fermented milk products will benefit the intestines. Especially with a high content of fermented milk bacteria (biokefir, yogurt, ayran). Using a special starter, you can prepare it yourself.

Porridges made from corn, rice, and buckwheat are preferable. They are more useful. Although for the sake of variety, everything is appropriate.

Who are there restrictions for?

There are some restrictions for children with allergies. Here you need to take into account products with different allergenic potential.

TO products with high potential include:

  • whole milk, eggs,
  • seafood, caviar,
  • carrots, tomatoes, red pepper,
  • celery,
  • strawberries, raspberries,
  • citrus,
  • pineapple, kiwi, pomegranate, melon, persimmon, mango,
  • chocolate,
  • coffee, cocoa,
  • mushrooms, nuts,
  • wheat, rye.
Low probability of allergies for products:
  • fermented milk,
  • rabbit meat, horse meat, turkey, lamb,
  • refined vegetable oil,
  • millet, corn and pearl barley,
  • white cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, cucumbers,
  • green varieties of apples, pears, white and red currants, white and yellow cherries, yellow plums,
  • parsley, dill.

A three-month-old baby's own enzymes begin to work. The gastrointestinal tract reaches maturity. The liver starts working. Therefore, there are no special restrictions on food, only mothers with children with allergies will have to limit themselves a little.

Lyubov Maslikhova, therapist, website specially for the site

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