What is the character of the Pashka Sparrow? Little sparrow and big feelings

The story “The Disheveled Sparrow” was written by K. G. Paustovsky. This is a story about the friendship of a little girl Masha and a sparrow Pashka. There are other characters in this story. This is the crow who stole things from Masha’s mother, as well as the mother herself, Petrovna. In the story, events unfold around a glass bouquet stolen by a crow, donated by the Machine Dad.

Description of the sparrow

Sparrow Pashka is in charge actor in this story. It is through his image that the writer expresses the idea that it is not necessary to be big and strong to defeat the enemy. The main thing is the ability to unite. There is no need to be afraid, but you should try to help your loved ones by overcoming your fear. Since Pashka the sparrow is the main character, his image should be examined in more detail:

  • The sparrow is cunning. After all, he pretended to be dead when the crow found him in his home. The sparrow did not even give himself away when the crow tapped his head with its beak, checking his condition;
  • when Pashka was lying in the snow and was in great pain, he was described as completely helpless. He had no one to count on;
  • The sparrow has a feeling of gratitude. Masha saved him, and he brought her a caterpillar, in the hope that Masha would eat it. This is how he thanked the man for his salvation;
  • Pashka managed to take revenge on the crow. He deftly climbed into her home and stole various items. The crow took great care of them. They were greedy and were more afraid that someone would steal them;
  • The sparrow is described as brave and resourceful. He managed to call all the sparrows in the area and organize an attack on the crow. Pashka needed to return Masha the glass bouquet that was dear to her. And he managed to do it.

Thus, the sparrow is described as cunning, helpless, vengeful and brave, as well as grateful.

How Pashka's image changes

First, the sparrow is shown in everyday life. Being hungry, he tried to rob the crow, but he failed. Then, after saving Masha, he began to feel gratitude towards her. As a result, Pashka the sparrow decided to take a brave action. He helped Masha return the bouquet, taking it from the crow.

“The Disheveled Sparrow” is a fairy tale. But the “fabulousness” is manifested only in the extraordinary intelligence of the sparrow, who is saved by the girl Masha. He understands human speech and is able to sympathize with people. And the description of the life of the sparrow “community” is very reminiscent of the human one. Sparrows complain about the difficulties of the current sparrow life and experience nostalgic feelings for those times when in the city, instead of cars, people still rode horses, and there was a lot of scattered oats all around. However, humorous intonation only creeps in in isolated touches in this generally dramatic and at the same time unusually lyrical story. The narrative draws the reader into a whirlpool of events and feelings, not allowing him to loosen his attention.

There is everything that usually attracts a child: elements of a detective story (a crow steals a treasured glass bouquet by Mom’s car), complex adventures (sparrows develop tactics for attacking the stall in which a crow lives in order to take away the bouquet, and enter into an unequal, desperate battle with it, so that the author has to “call the police”), things and objects seem to be alive (the iron blacksmith on the clock moves in order to hit a small anvil at the right moment; the heating in the pipes squeaks “its warm song”; the cast-iron horses on the roof of the theater are barely held by a cast-iron man with a wreath on his head).

But the main thing in “The Disheveled Sparrow” is a story about high and strong feelings.

A stolen black bouquet is a precious thing not because of its value, but as a sign of memory and love. This is a gift from Masha’s father to her mother, a ballerina. Machine’s father is a sailor; during the war he fought at sea against the Nazis, and now he serves far from home, in Kamchatka. He asks Masha’s mother to pin this bouquet to her dress when she dances Cinderella for the first time: “Then I will know that you remembered me at this time.” For some reason, it is important to remember someone at the happiest moment of your life, to share your happiness with the person who is absent here and now.

“The Disheveled Sparrow” begins with the mother’s story about her father’s request. But mom immediately adds: Masha is still small and is unlikely to understand what this means. Masha is angry that she is “suspected of misunderstanding.” However, for any child this is a very important moment - to be “face to face” with someone’s love, with its incomprehensible secret, to learn about adult feelings and their complexity. And although it seems to Masha that she understands everything, and it is her concern for the little sparrow that results in the return of the treasured bouquet (as in a fairy tale - at the very last moment), she is still surprised that her mother is crying with happiness. Masha thinks that you need to laugh out of joy. To which her mother answers: “They laugh from little joy, but from big joy they cry!”

This is an important discovery for a child reader.

The fairy tale “The Disheveled Sparrow” can be found in various collections of stories and fairy tales by Konstantin Paustovsky. We recommend the book “Sparrow Stories” by the publishing house “Enas” (2011), in which, in addition to “The Disheveled Sparrow”, the reader will also find the story of M. Gorky “Sparrow”, as well as the fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak “About Sparrow Vorobeich, Ruff Ershovich and the cheerful chimney sweep Yasha.” This book can be read to children from four to five years old. It is also suitable for independent reading by eight-year-olds.

And the publishing house "Swallowtail" published a book called "The Disheveled Sparrow." This is a collection of stories and fairy tales by Konstantin Paustovsky. The design, nature of the illustrations and the density of the text of Makhaonov’s collection immediately raises the age level for readers: the book is addressed to junior schoolchildren of the third and fourth grade. Well, and for older fans of K. Paustovsky. It’s a shame that no one decided to publish “The Disheveled Sparrow” as a separate, well-illustrated book.

A separate fairy tale in “its” book always lives differently than in the collection, and is experienced differently. And “The Disheveled Sparrow” is an outstanding work that requires a properly organized experience.

Marina Aromstam

  • What happened in the theater? Try to retell the episode about the appearance of a sparrow with a crystal bouquet. Write down the plan. Determine whether it will be a detailed, selective or brief retelling.

When the performance ended, in which Mother Machine danced Cinderella, and the music merrily sang about happiness, at that very moment a small sparrow burst into the auditorium, disheveled after a brutal fight. He circled over the stage, and everyone noticed that a crystal twig was shining in his beak. The hall fell silent. The sparrow flew up to Cinderella. She stretched out her hands to him, and the sparrow in flight threw a small crystal bouquet into her palm. Cinderella pinned it to her dress. The audience applauded. The sparrow sat on the chandelier and began to clean its feathers. Cinderella bowed and laughed.

The retelling of the passage will be detailed.


1. End of the performance.
2. The appearance of a disheveled sparrow.
3. Crystal branch.
4. Cinderella is happy.

– Could you expect such actions from a sparrow?
Pashka behaves like a caring person.
– How did Pashka’s character reveal itself to you in a new way?
Pashka – reasonable, attentive, observant, courageous.
– Why did “happy Cinderella have tears in her eyes” after the performance?
Because she couldn't fulfill Masha's dad's request to pin a glass bouquet to her dress when she first played the role of Cinderella.
What did Pashka and the entire sparrow family do for Masha and Masha’s mother?
“They not only returned the bouquet taken from the crow, but also helped Masha’s mother fulfill her promise: to pin the bouquet to the dress during the first performance of the role of Cinderella and remember at that moment about Masha’s dad, and they helped Masha regain calm, helped “atone.” "for the open window and excessive curiosity
– Can what happened be called a miracle?

  • In the story "The Disheveled Sparrow" animals are depicted as people. The crow is endowed with a stingy, grumpy character.
    Watch how the sparrow Pashka is described.

“a little disheveled sparrow named Pashka”, “flyed to Masha, pecked at the crumbs and wondered how to thank Masha”, “began deftly stealing stolen things from the stall and bringing them back to Masha”, “like a small fluffy projectile”, “ruffled and thought," "cleaned his beak, wiped away a tear with his paw, chirped and disappeared," "gathered all the sparrows that lived nearby, and the whole flock of sparrows attacked the crow's stall," "it was immediately clear that he jumped out of a fierce fight," " The sparrow in flight threw a small crystal bouquet into her palm."

Pashka is reasonable, attentive, observant, dexterous, smart, brave.

  • Find words (personifications) in the text in which objects are animated. For example: only Masha, heating and winter were awake.

A hasty ringing sound fell across the room, rolled under the bookcase and died away.

  • What happened in the theater? Try to retell the episode about the appearance of a sparrow with a crystal bouquet. Write down the plan. Determine whether it will be a detailed, selective or brief retelling.

When the performance ended, in which Mother Machine danced Cinderella, and the music merrily sang about happiness, at that very moment a small sparrow burst into the auditorium, disheveled after a brutal fight. He circled over the stage, and everyone noticed that a crystal twig was shining in his beak. The hall fell silent. The sparrow flew up to Cinderella. She stretched out her hands to him, and the sparrow in flight threw a small crystal bouquet into her palm. Cinderella pinned it to her dress. The audience applauded. The sparrow sat on the chandelier and began to clean its feathers. Cinderella bowed and laughed.

The retelling of the passage will be detailed.


1. End of the performance.
2. The appearance of a disheveled sparrow.
3. Crystal branch.
4. Cinderella is happy.

– Could you expect such actions from a sparrow?
Pashka behaves like a caring person.
– How did Pashka’s character reveal itself to you in a new way?
Pashka – reasonable, attentive, observant, courageous.
– Why did “happy Cinderella have tears in her eyes” after the performance?
Because she couldn't fulfill Masha's dad's request to pin a glass bouquet to her dress when she first played the role of Cinderella.
What did Pashka and the entire sparrow family do for Masha and Masha’s mother?
“They not only returned the bouquet taken from the crow, but also helped Masha’s mother fulfill her promise: to pin the bouquet to the dress during the first performance of the role of Cinderella and remember at that moment about Masha’s dad, and they helped Masha regain calm, helped “atone.” "for the open window and excessive curiosity
– Can what happened be called a miracle?

  • In the story “The Disheveled Sparrow” animals are depicted as people. The crow is endowed with a stingy, grumpy character.
    Watch how the sparrow Pashka is described.

“a little disheveled sparrow named Pashka”, “flyed to Masha, pecked at the crumbs and wondered how to thank Masha”, “began deftly stealing stolen things from the stall and bringing them back to Masha”, “like a little fluffy projectile”, “he got ruffled and thought”, “cleaned his beak, wiped away a tear with his paw, chirped and disappeared”, “gathered all the sparrows that lived nearby, and the whole flock of sparrows attacked the crow’s stall”, “it was immediately clear that he jumped out of a fierce fight”, “ a sparrow in flight threw a small crystal bouquet into her palm.”

Pashka is reasonable, attentive, observant, dexterous, smart, brave.

  • Find words (personifications) in the text in which objects are animated. For example: only Masha, heating and winter were awake.

A hasty ringing sound fell across the room, rolled under the bookcase and died away.

It was very good that the music all the time did nothing but grieve and rejoice for my mother, as if all these violins, oboes, flutes and trombones were living, kind creatures. They tried their best to help my mother together with the tall conductor.

? P. 157 What can you say about Masha: is she inquisitive? kind? impressionable? What is known about her family: mom, dad and nanny Petrovna?

Masha inquisitive. This is evident from the questions that concern her: “And it was incomprehensible how such a black sky could fly white snow. And it was still unclear why, in the midst of winter and frost, large red flowers bloomed in a basket on my mother’s table. But the most incomprehensible thing was the gray-haired crow...” It was because of Masha’s curiosity that the crow took away her mother’s bouquet: “Masha was curious to see how the crow squeezed through the window. She had never seen this. Masha climbed onto a chair, opened the window and hid behind the closet...”

Masha kind girl - she takes care of a wounded sparrow: “Masha brought Pashka home, smoothed his feathers with a brush, fed him and released him.” She is very worried that it was her fault that her mother was upset: “And when my mother returned from the theater, she cried for so long that Masha cried with her.”

Impressionability Masha is most clearly manifested during the performance, in the way she perceives what is happening on stage: “Cinderella! “Masha quietly screamed and could no longer tear herself away from the stage.” This is also manifested in the way Masha perceives music: “It was very good that the music all the time did nothing but grieve and rejoice for her mother, as if all these violins, oboes, flutes and trombones were living, kind creatures.”

To answer the question about Masha’s family, we will have to carefully review the text again. Machines father was a sailor, then he “went to war, sank several fascist ships, sank twice, was wounded, but survived. And now he is far away again, in a country with the strange name “Kamchatka”, and will not return soon, only in the spring.”

Car Mother– ballerina: “...she danced in the theater, but never took Masha with her”; "All last days Mom was worried. She was preparing to dance Cinderella for the first time and promised to take Petrovna and Masha to the first performance.”

Nanny Petrovna is constantly next to Masha. It is clear from the text that Petrovna has already old man that she is kind and a little strict.

How does Masha’s relationship develop with birds: the crow and Pashka the sparrow?

It should be noted that the crow arouses great interest in Masha. She seems incomprehensible and mysterious to the girl. Masha, together with Petrovna, often sees wet footprints on the table left by a crow when no one is in the room. First, Masha watches the crow from the window (“...the most incomprehensible thing was the gray-haired crow. She sat on a branch outside the window and looked, without blinking, at Masha”). Then Masha opens the window and hides behind the closet to “see how the crow squeezes through the window.” This experiment ends in big trouble: my mother’s glass bouquet, a gift from my father, is stolen.

As for Masha’s relationship with the sparrow Pashka, they are friendly. Pashka is grateful to Masha for feeding him. The sparrow constantly tries to express his gratitude to the girl: either he brings a caterpillar as a gift, or he tries to return the things stolen by the crow. It is no coincidence that it is Pashka who returns Mashina’s glass bouquet to her mother.

Tell me everything you know about Pashka.

The next task (“Tell everything you know about Pashka”) is aimed at identifying one of the story lines. You can once again pay attention to the title of the story and note that this line is one of the main ones, in the opinion of the author himself.

Pashka is dexterous, smart, brave (let him find evidence of each of these qualities). Briefly tell us what happened to Pashka and how he ended up at Masha’s house.

Now tell me about the incident with the bouquet on behalf of Pashka. Did it work? Then try to look at the same incident through Petrovna’s eyes!

The task of telling about the incident with the bouquet from the perspective of different characters in the story (the sparrow Pashka and the nanny Petrovna) develops the ability to look at the world through the eyes of another person or animal. To complete this task, we must have a good understanding of the characters of those heroes on whose behalf we will speak. We need to once again pay attention to the fact that the sparrow Pashka is nimble, dexterous, smart, brave, that he adores Masha.

It is important to remember that nanny Petrovna is kind, but strict, a little grouchy. Remember what Petrovna said about the crow’s tricks; how she treated Pashka the sparrow.

? “Life changes over time,” said Anishit Yokopovna. — These changes are called HISTORY.

What important historical event is mentioned in the story?

Historical events that are mentioned in the story: the disappearance of cab drivers and the appearance of cars in cities and the Great Patriotic War.

How historical events affected the lives of sparrows?

We must find the thoughts of Pashka’s grandfather, the old sparrow Chichkin, about the changes that have taken place around him; once again find the lines that tell how Mashin’s dad went to war and was wounded there.