The meaning of the word artist in Efremova’s explanatory dictionary. The meaning of the word artist Artist Dahl's dictionary

Painter (portrait painter, battle painter, marine painter, etc.), icon painter (bogomaz), sculptor, sculptor. Artist... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. artist, painter, portrait painter,... ... Dictionary of synonyms

Art * Author * Library * Newspaper * Painting * Book * Literature * Fashion * Music * Poetry * Prose * Public * Dance * Theater * Fantasy Author (Writer, Artist) Inspiration is not a herring that can be pickled... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

My last name is Artist. There are few relatives and no one really knows where and how this surname came about. Although its origin is almost obvious. The following explanation can be assumed: 1. Surnames of such a non-suffixed form are found among... ... Russian surnames

artist- ARTIST, painter, colloquial. reduced, disapproved smeared and decomposed reduced, disapproved rubbish, colloquial reduced, neglected putty, soft reduced, disapproved painter, colloquial reduced, neglected dirty guy... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

ARTIST, huh, husband. 1. A person who works creatively in what manner. field of art. Brilliant x. X. words. (about a writer or artist). Design for lighting, costumes (in the theater). 2. Same as a painter. H. battle painter. 3. transfer The person who performs... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

Monthly illustrated magazine on issues fine arts, organ of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. Published in Moscow since 1958. Focuses on the practice of contemporary Soviet art of the peoples of the RSFSR (monographic and review articles,... ... Art encyclopedia

Subject of creative activity in the field of art. X.'s personality and the ability of his creative imagination are the core problems of world aesthetics. Since antiquity, philosophers have noted the irrational, incomprehensible mechanisms of artistic creativity... Philosophical Encyclopedia

This term has other meanings, see Artist (meanings). artist ... Wikipedia

Artist- in feature films, one of the authors of the ideological and artistic concept of the film, an active participant in its figurative embodiment. Throughout the development of feature films, one of the main tasks of the artist is the creation of scenery. Therefore the name... ... Cinema: Encyclopedic Dictionary

Noun, m., used. often Morphology: (no) whom? artist, who? artist, (see) whom? artist, by whom? artist, about whom? about the artist; pl. Who? artists, (no) whom? artists, anyone? artists, (I see) who? artists, by whom? artists, oh... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Artist, Shevchenko Taras Grigorovich. In the story "The Artist" T. G. Shevchenko talks about tragic fate a talented young man under conditions of serfdom. With great difficulty, friends buy the young artist from the landowner and give him...
  • Artist, Taras Shevchenko. Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko. National hero of Ukraine. Poet, writer, artist, ethnographer and revolutionary. The best in everything, the first in everything. How did the former serf manage to achieve all this...

ARTIST, a, m. 1. A person who works creatively in some way. field of art. Brilliant x. X. words. (about a writer or artist). Design for lighting, costumes (in the theater). 2. Same as a painter. Kh.-battalist. 3. transfer A person who does something. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • artist- Borrowing. from Art.-Sl. language Suf. derivative from hyodog "experienced, skillful"< готск. *handags «ловкий, умелый», суф. производного от handus «рука». Художник буквально - «с умелыми руками». Etymological dictionary Shansky
  • artist- ARTIST, artist, husband. 1. A person who works creatively in some field of art (book). “If a writer uses logical arguments instead of images..., then he is not an artist, but a publicist.” Plekhanov. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • artist- Painter (portrait painter, battle painter, marine painter, etc.), icon painter (bogomaz), sculptor, sculptor Artist Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  • artist- -a, m. 1. A person who creates works of fine art (painter, graphic artist, sculptor). While the rest of our sculptors were drowning in the long-standing habitual classicism, the artist [Antokolsky] suddenly appeared among us... Small academic dictionary
  • artist- big ~ great ~ outstanding ~ large ~ venerable ~ real ~ first-class ~ genuine ~ innate ~ Dictionary of Russian Idioms
  • artist- noun, m., used often (not) who? artist, who? artist, (see) who? artist, by whom? artist, about whom? about the artist; pl. Who? artists, (no) whom? artists, anyone? artists, (I see) whom? artists, by whom? artists, about whom? about artists; noun Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  • artist- A thief who steals after cutting the victim's clothes Dictionary of thieves' jargon
  • artist- noun, number of synonyms... Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • Artist- (“Artist”), a monthly illustrated magazine on issues of fine art, organ of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. Published in Moscow since October 1958. The main focus is “H. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • ARTIST- My last name is Artist. There are few relatives - and no one really knows where and how this surname appeared. Although its origin is almost obvious. The following explanations can be assumed: 1. Dictionary of Russian surnames
  • Artist- Monthly illustrated magazine on fine arts, organ of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. Published in Moscow since 1958. Focuses on the practice of contemporary Soviet art of the peoples of the RSFSR (monographic and review articles... Art encyclopedia
  • artist- ARTIST -a; m. 1. A person who creates works of fine art with paints, pencils, etc.; painter. Free x. Battle painter. Portrait artist. Landscape artist. Pose for artists. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary