Andrey Sokolov what is he like? Analysis of the story “The Fate of a Man” (M.A.

In Russian literature there are many works telling about the Great Patriotic War. A striking example is Mikhail Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” where the author gives us not so much a description of the war, but a description of the life of an ordinary person during the difficult war years. In the story "The Fate of Man" the main characters are not historical figures, not titled officials, nor illustrious officers. They are ordinary people, but with a very difficult fate.

Main characters

Sholokhov's story is small in volume, it takes up only ten pages of text. And there are not so many heroes in it. The main character of the story is soviet soldier- Andrey Sokolov. Everything that happens to him in life, we hear from his lips. Sokolov is the narrator of the entire story. His named son, the boy Vanyusha, plays an important role in the story. It ends the sad story of Sokolov and opens a new page in his life. They become inseparable from each other, so let’s classify Vanyusha as one of the main characters.

Andrey Sokolov

Andrey Sokolov – main character story “The Fate of Man” by Sholokhov. His character is truly Russian. How many troubles he experienced, what torments he endured, only he himself knows. The hero speaks about this on the pages of the story: “Why did you, life, cripple me like that?

Why did you distort it like that?” He slowly tells his life from beginning to end to a fellow traveler with whom he sat down to have a cigarette by the road.

Sokolov had to endure a lot: hunger, captivity, the loss of his family, and the death of his son on the day the war ended. But he endured everything, survived everything, because he had a strong character and iron fortitude. “That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it,” Andrei Sokolov himself said. His Russian character did not allow him to break down, retreat in the face of difficulties, or surrender to the enemy. He snatched life from death itself.
All the hardships and cruelties of the war that Andrei Sokolov endured did not kill his human feelings or harden his heart. When he met little Vanyusha, just as lonely as he was, just as unhappy and unwanted, he realized that he could become his family. “There is no way for us to disappear separately! I’ll take him as my child,” Sokolov decided. And he became a father to a homeless boy.

Sholokhov very accurately revealed the character of the Russian man, a simple soldier who fought not for ranks and orders, but for the Motherland. Sokolov is one of those many who fought for the country, not sparing their lives. He embodied the entire spirit of the Russian people - persistent, strong, invincible. The characterization of the hero of the story “The Fate of a Man” is given by Sholokhov through the speech of the character himself, through his thoughts, feelings, and actions. We walk with him through the pages of his life. Sokolov goes through a difficult path, but remains human. A kind, sympathetic person who lends a helping hand to little Vanyusha.


A boy of five or six years old. He was left without parents, without a home. His father died at the front, and his mother was killed by a bomb while traveling on a train. Vanyusha walked around in tattered, dirty clothes, and ate what people served. When he met Andrei Sokolov, he reached out to him with all his soul. “Dear folder! I knew it! I knew you would find me! You'll find it anyway! I’ve been waiting so long for you to find me!” – the delighted Vanyusha shouted with tears in his eyes. For a long time he could not tear himself away from his father, apparently afraid that he would lose him again. But in Vanyusha’s memory the image of his real father was preserved; he remembered the leather cloak that he wore. And Sokolov told Vanyusha that he probably lost him in the war.

Two loneliness, two destinies are now intertwined so tightly that they can never be separated. The heroes of “The Fate of Man” Andrei Sokolov and Vanyusha are now together, they are one family. And we understand that they will live according to their conscience, in truth. They will survive everything, they will survive everything, they will be able to do everything.

Minor characters

There are also a number of minor characters. This is Sokolov’s wife Irina, his children – daughters Nastenka and Olyushka, son Anatoly. They don’t speak in the story, they are invisible to us, Andrei remembers them. The company commander, the dark-haired German, the military doctor, the traitor Kryzhnev, Lagerführer Müller, the Russian colonel, Andrei’s Uryupinsk friend - all these are the heroes of Sokolov’s own story. Some have neither a first nor a last name, because they are episodic characters in Sokolov’s life.

The real, audible hero here is the author. He meets Andrei Sokolov at the crossing and listens to his life story. It is with him that our hero talks, to whom he tells his fate.

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    ✪ “The Fate of Man” Andrey Sokolov and Vanyusha

    ✪ “The Fate of Man” by M. Sholokhov. Analysis of the 1st part of the story.



Born in the Voronezh province in 1900. During the Civil War he served in the army, in the Kikvidze division. In 1922, he went to Kuban “to fight against the kulaks, thanks to which he remained alive.” Andrei's father, mother and sister died of hunger. In 1923, he sold the house and left for Voronezh. He worked as a carpenter, then got a job as a mechanic at a factory. He met Irina, who was brought up in an orphanage, and married her. Until the end of his life he loved his wife very much. Soon the Sokolovs had a son, Anatoly, and a year later, two daughters: Anastasia and Olga. Sokolov stopped drinking. In 1929, Sokolov became interested in cars. He studied driving, got a job as a truck driver, and decided not to return to the factory. It worked like this until 1939. All the children studied excellently. On June 23, 1941, Sokolov was called up to the front. Already on June 24 he was taken to the train.

Sokolov was formed under the White Church, he received a ZIS-5. Was wounded twice. He was captured near Lozovenki in May 1942 while trying to smuggle shells for an artillery unit. His car was blown up. He lost consciousness and ended up in the rear of the German army, where he was captured. In the face of death, he did not lose heart and did not show fear to the enemy. Soon Andrei was brought to Poznan and settled in a camp. There, while digging graves for his dead compatriots, Andrei tried to escape. The escape was unsuccessful: detective dogs found Sokolov in the field. He was very badly beaten and bitten. For escaping, Andrei ended up in a camp punishment cell for a month.

Sokolov was transferred around Germany for a long time. He worked in Saxony in a silicate plant, in the Ruhr region in a coal mine, in Bavaria in earthworks, in Thuringia and in many other places. All prisoners of war were constantly and mercilessly beaten with anything. The food was very bad. Sokolov, from 86 kg, had already lost weight to less than 50 kg by the autumn of 1942.

In September, Andrei, among 142 Soviet prisoners of war, was transferred from the camp near Küstrin to the B-14 camp near Dresden. In total there were about 2,000 Soviet prisoners there. In two months, out of 142 people in Andreev’s echelon, 57 remained. One evening in his barracks, cold and wet, Andrei said: “They need four cubic meters of production, but for the grave of each of us, one cubic meter through the eyes is enough.”.

A traitor was found who reported this statement to management. Andrei was summoned to the camp commandant Müller. He promised to shoot Sokolov personally for these bitter words. Sokolov was pardoned for his courage. 300 of the strongest prisoners were sent to drain the swamps, then to the Ruhr region to work in the mines.

Then Andrei was appointed driver of a major in the German army. He soon escaped in a car and took a German officer with him.

I wrote a letter to Irina immediately after the meeting with the command. He described everything, even boasted that the colonel had promised to put him up for a reward. But in response, a letter came from a neighbor, Ivan Timofeevich.

Having received a month's leave, Andrei immediately headed to Voronezh. I saw a crater overgrown with weeds at the site of my house. He immediately returned to the front. But soon he received a letter from his son, which restored his stamina and desire to live.

But on the last day of the war, Anatoly Sokolov was shot by a German sniper.

Heartbroken, Andrei returned to Russia, but went not to Voronezh, but to Uryupinsk to visit a demobilized friend. Started working as a driver. He met the homeless orphan Vanya, whose mother was killed by a bomb and whose father died at the front, and adopted him, telling the boy that he was his father.

Shortly after this I had an accident. He himself was not injured, but was deprived of his driver's license. On the advice of a friend, he decided to move to another area, where they promised to restore his rights. While walking, the author meets him, to whom Sokolov tells the story of his life (in the spring of 1946).

The story “The Fate of Man” has no continuation, so further fate hero is unknown.


Naum Leiderman believes that the main features of Andrei Sokolov are his fatherhood and soldiering. Andrei Sokolov is a tragic character who managed to maintain his fortitude despite being seriously wounded, captivity, escape, the death of his family, and, finally, the death of his son on May 9, 1945. A. B. Galkin compares his fate with the story of the book of Job. Sholokhov scholar Viktor Vasilyevich Petelin in the book “Mikhail Sholokhov: Pages of Life and Creativity”, M., 1986, P. 13) wrote: “In the tragic image of Andrei Sokolov, Sholokhov saw a man-fighter, possessing titanic spiritual powers, who had experienced and survived a lot, broken excruciating suffering that left an indelible mark on his soul.”

Characteristics of Andrei Sokolov, hero The work “The Fate of Man” by Mikhail Sholokhov will help you write essays.

Andrey Sokolov characteristics of the main character

Andrei Sokolov is the image of a man who “endured everything, overcame everything”, having endured all the horrors of fascist captivity, having lost his beloved family, on the last day of the war, having lost his son - their only support and joy of life, suffering from mortal longing for the dead, he found strength in himself to live, work, give his soul to the war-affected child Vanyushka - an adopted orphan - a boy.

The harsh trials of the War did not kill the spiritual strength, but revealed it in this miracle hero.

Andrei Sokolov has extraordinary fortitude and endures all fascist bullying: “When you remember the inhuman torment that you had to endure there in Germany, when you remember all the friends and comrades who died tortured there in the camps, your heart is no longer in your chest, but in your throat it beats and it becomes difficult to breathe...

Suffering himself, he strives to cheer up and reassure his loved ones, not wanting to “play on plaintive strings.” Let us remember his story about a pitiful letter that hits a working woman.

“After this letter, she is a wretched woman, and she has given up, and work is not work for her. No! That’s why you’re a man, that’s why you’re a soldier, to endure everything, to endure everything, if need calls for it.”

Andrei Sokolov is physically resilient, but what would “muscular” strength alone be worth without conviction, without faith?! How many cases are there known when very physically strong people could not withstand torture...

Sokolov loves life, but more valuable than life for him the dignity of man.

Plan-characteristics of Andrei Sokolov - a warrior and worker.

    1) The Great Patriotic War is an inexhaustible theme of Soviet literature.

2) War is a test and test of the strength of the Soviet man.

3) About the Soviet man in struggle and labor.

    1) The story “The Fate of Man” is a true reflection of the Russian national character and the moral greatness of the Soviet man.

2) Portrait of Andrei Sokolov.

3) Sokolov is a good family man, a caring father, a loving husband, a wonderful craftsman, any work is successful in his hands.

4) The trials that befell Andrey.

5) Sokolov is a stern avenger of treason.

6) Sokolov’s traits are the traits of a real Soviet man.

7) Ingenuity, resourcefulness, perseverance when escaping from captivity.

8) The wealth of power of the soul of the Russian miracle man.

9) Sufferings and trials did not harden him.

10) The ability to restrain oneself - the soldier’s confession at the end.

11) Last words story - the author's conviction that soviet people will withstand any test, will not bend, will not flinch in a moment of terrible danger.

12) The influence of the older generation on the younger.

    1) The desire to cultivate in oneself the traits of a real Soviet man.

2) Manifestation of Soviet character in construction.

3) “When the country orders you to be a hero.

With us, anyone becomes a hero.”

4) “He walks proudly along the pole,

Changes the movement of rivers

High mountains are moving

Soviet common man."

The fate of man." This is a story about the great suffering and great perseverance of an ordinary Soviet man. The best traits of the Russian character, thanks to whose strength victory in the Great Patriotic War was won, M. Sholokhov embodied in the main character of the story - Andrei Sokolov. These are traits such as perseverance , patience, modesty, a sense of human dignity. Andrei Sokolov is a tall man, stooped, his hands are large and dark from hard work. He is dressed in a burnt padded jacket, which was mended by an inept male hand, and his general appearance was unkempt. In Sokolov’s appearance, the author emphasizes “the eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes; filled with such inescapable melancholy.” And Andrei begins his confession with the words: “Why have you, life, crippled me so much?” And he cannot find the answer to this question. The life of an ordinary person passes before us. From childhood, he learned how much a pound is worth. civil war fought against the enemies of Soviet power. Then he leaves his native Voronezh village for Kuban. Returns home, works as a carpenter, mechanic, driver, and starts a family. With trepidation, Sokolov recalls pre-war life, when he had a family and was happy. The war ruined this man’s life, tore him away from home, from his family. Andrei Sokolov goes to the front. From the beginning of the war, in its very first months, he was wounded twice and shell-shocked. But the worst thing awaited the hero ahead - he falls into fascist captivity. Sokolov had to experience inhuman torment, hardship, and torment. For two years, Andrei Sokolov steadfastly endured the horrors of fascist captivity. He tried to escape, but was unsuccessful; he dealt with a coward, a traitor who was ready to hand over the commander to save his own skin. Andrei did not lose the dignity of a Soviet man in a duel with the commandant of the concentration camp. Although Sokolov was exhausted, exhausted, exhausted, he was still ready to face death with such courage and endurance that he amazed even the fascist. Andrei still manages to escape and becomes a soldier again. But troubles still haunt him: his home was destroyed, his wife and daughter were killed by a fascist bomb. In a word, Sokolov now lives only with the hope of meeting his son. And this meeting took place. IN last time a hero stands at the grave of his son who died in last days war. It seemed that after all the trials that befell one person, he could become embittered, break down, and withdraw into himself. But this did not happen: realizing how difficult the loss of relatives is and the joylessness of loneliness, he adopts the boy Vanyusha, whose parents were taken away by the war. Andrei Sokolov is not broken by his difficult life, he believes in his strength, and despite all the hardships and adversities, he still managed to find the strength to continue living and enjoy his life!

The great work of Mikhail Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” is familiar to every person. His story tells about the fate of an ordinary Soviet man who endured the hardships of war, the hardships associated with captivity, and the loss of his family. The confession of an ordinary person in those difficult years introduces the reader to his life path, showing at the same time the history of the USSR: the civil war, famine, the first five-year plans, the Great Patriotic War.

At the beginning of his story, the main character tells his random travel companion that in the pre-war years his family lived in abundance. This fact indicates that Sokolov is a caring man who is not alien to family values.

His heart is not occupied by the situation in the country, nor by religious problems, nor by the ideological desire to be useful to society; human concepts are important to him: home, family, work. It is his wife and children who become for Andrei the life guideline for which he does not give up and survives in captivity. Further tragic fate The main character is presented as a test of strength of the main values.

The fact that Sokolov was captured is not an example of the main character’s cowardice, it is just an example of an unfortunate combination of circumstances. In the old church, where prisoners await their fate, Sokolov, killing the traitor, positions himself as strong man with great endurance and spirit.

Only a strong, purposeful person can attempt an escape from captivity, even if it turns out to be unsuccessful.

A conversation with the fascists who are going to shoot him is a new test for Sokolov. With his bravery and bravery, he awakens humanity in German officers, who are surprised at this very courage and good spirits of a captured soldier. They admit defeat to his willpower and patriotism, granting him life.

A way to escape from captivity appears, Sokolov implements it, taking the “tongue” with him. Andrei is so devoted to his ideals, to his dreams of a long-awaited meeting with his family, that no one can stop this man.

Sokolov returns to duty and fights for his homeland and for his relatives. And now a new blow awaits him. In captivity, Andrei lives without losing his self-esteem and hope for the future, but the news of the death of his family refracts his proud character. Sokolov experiences his tragedy, but feels killed. His dream speaks about this: Andrei sees himself behind barbed wire, and his relatives alive and free. He wants to go to them, but cannot.

A meeting with the orphan Vanyushka forces him to become at least partly a self-confident person again, overcome his negative habits and live.

Mikhail Sholokhov's story tells that human values ​​will never fade under the onslaught of troubles and troubles.