Tickets for the children's play “Mary Poppins - NEXT. Buy tickets for the play "Mary Poppins NEXT" Moon Theater Mary Poppins next

Mary Poppins NEXT is a bright, lively, magical performance, ideal for the whole family. It will be an excellent choice both for young viewers and for those who love to dream and maintain faith in miracles. It all starts with Michael and Jane deciding to hire a nanny. Then everything develops according to the well-known scenario, but with some detailed additions, replete with jokes and funny phrases that make the audience explode with laughter. In the production they perform not only famous characters, familiar from the original work, but also new heroes, about whom there is not a word in the story.

In S. Prokhanov’s staging, the well-known work became more spectacular and unpredictable. Bright costumes, amazing scenery, wonderful cast... What else is needed to truly enjoy everything that happens on stage! The play has many funny scenes and unexpected moments. At the same time, there is a semantic load that makes the public think about the main life values. To watch the performance and appreciate it, you can buy tickets on our website.

Performance "Mary Poppins Next" at the Luna Theater

A modern, inventive play about a magical nanny, staged by the “mustachioed nanny” Sergei Prokhanov.

These are musically eccentric fantasies with wonderful songs, dances and cheerful clownery, preserving all the charm of P.L.’s books. Travers. Reveals to the audience magical world, filled with extraordinary characters, bright colors and amazing transformations.

This is a fairy tale not only for children, but also for all those who have not lost their vivid perception of life, are not tired of dreaming, believing in miracles, friendship, goodness, and of course, love, which always works miracles.

The performance “Mary Poppins Next” continued the series of performances planned by the theater for family viewing, where both adults and children will find a lot of interesting and instructive things to do.

About the performance

The series of children's books about Mary Poppins has long been loved not only by children, but also by adults around the world: the sorceress nanny became the heroine of films, musicals, and theater productions.

And now a story familiar to each of us from childhood will be told on the stage of the Moscow Luna Theater. A kind and touching fairy tale is stylized for the modern era, as if reminding the viewer that magic is always nearby. You just have to believe in him!

The performance is staged in the genre of experimental fantasy based on the original plot. Its premiere took place on April 4, 2009, and for ten years now the production of “Mary Poppins - NEXT” has been a huge success and receives numerous thanks from the audience.

About the director

Prokhanov often directs productions by writers and playwrights known throughout the world for their talent. Among them are Shakespeare, Nabokov and Fitzgerald. In addition, Sergei Prokhanov stages his own performances based on archetypal plots.

New classics

The play "Mary Poppins - NEXT" is not just a children's story brought to life on stage. This is the transformation of a familiar plot into a vibrant and energetic game that is not only watched, but also participated in. The audience is literally immersed in a cozy atmosphere thanks to live effects: interactive communication with the audience, falling flakes of snow, a light breeze when Mary first appears on stage, create a sense of presence and involve you in the action.

But magic is not the most important plot point in this production. Gradually, the heroes of the production realize that friendship, sincerity and love are real miracles.


The author of the stories about Mary Poppins is Pamela Travers, an English actress and writer. Travers wrote 18 books about this character, however, the first one gained the most popularity. It begins with a story about the Banks family. The couple has four children, and suddenly their nanny leaves them. But suddenly, along with the east wind, a stranger appears in their house - this is the nanny Mary Poppins. She charms her parents and they happily hire her.

The Banks children initially treat the new nanny with cool distrust. But little by little Miss Poppins wins them over unusual abilities: enters paintings, falling into another dimension, moves around the globe in a matter of seconds, soars above the ground. But being kind and caring is her main talent. And now, no one wants to let go of the magical nanny.

How to buy tickets for the play “Mary Poppins - NEXT” 2019

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The play "Mary Poppins - NEXT" is ideal for children and their parents. A sweet family production performed by a talented troupe of actors will make children laugh and give adults a sense of nostalgia.

I watched the play (or, according to the positioning of the theater itself, “a musical eccentric fantasy based on the fairy tales of P. L. Travers”) “Mary Poppins - NEXT” at the Luna Theater for three reasons. First: I really wanted to compare it with its “sister” - from MOGTYUZ. Second: I miss Irina Lindt terribly, who plays the main role here. And third: I missed the premiere of “Pride and Prejudice” and while all normal people were enjoying the action at the Moscow Art Theater, I suffered in “Moon”.

Yes, yes, you understood me absolutely correctly: finally, after a long break, I will not praise the performance here, but scold it.

I’ll start right away with a call: my dear parents, if you are eager to take your children to a musical performance, and you like the story about a miracle nanny, then, I beg you, direct your steps to MOGTUZ! There you will be given a full supply of fairy tales, magic, and correct thoughts. And even Lady Mary will really descend from heaven on an umbrella (even if simple technical devices help her with this).

As for “Mary Poppins NEXT,” I don’t even know who to recommend this show to. Frankly speaking, the children even liked it - they laughed and quoted jokes... more precisely, “jokes” that sounded from the stage. But here’s the thing: kids have not yet developed a sense of beauty, and, by all means, going to such events will not at all contribute to this matter.

But still, before I start tearing and throwing, I will sing the praises of the most masterpiece element of the performance. To the artists involved in it. I have no idea how they manage to play this kind of material so well. Honestly: everyone is handsome!

However, the magnificent acting ensemble is inscribed in such a pattern that you want to urgently take them all - and save them from this quagmire. I admit: theater usually heals me (I remember that my temperature even dropped somehow). And then I went out into the street with a terrible headache and a desire to kill (this happened after the most epic RAMT events). It still hasn't left yet.

But the trouble is that only horns and legs remain from Travers’ fairy tale. Well, yes, MOGTYUZ also has its own script, so to speak, based on it. But there is a sweet, coherent story with cute jokes and a number of phrases that beg to be included in a quotation book.

In "Moon" there is no plot. A set of some individual scenes is available. Jane's monologue sequences, heard in the recording against the background of the projected image of the girl, are available. But the overall picture is missing. And most importantly, there is no atmosphere of a fairy tale.

Well, yes, they tried to modernize and bring the old story closer to our realities. But it turned out clumsy, uninteresting, and in some places almost vulgar. And also - not funny. MOGTYUZ's light humor amuses. The sick jokes of “Luna” make you hide under a chair in shame and pretend to be a rag.

It’s sad that Dunaevsky’s songs are thrown into the narrative anyhow. Yes, some are pasted in quite beautifully (for example, “Lady Perfection”). But for the most part, “as nailed, it holds.” I mean, I wanted to insert a song here - but who will forbid it? Why, why - what's the difference?!

I would like to speak about the image of a girl I have already mentioned, projected onto a white curtain. I read the reviews and was amused by the fact that some viewers see pedophilia here. Well, I won’t lie, I also thought it was unnecessary to lift the skirt above the neck and show off the underwear. But not because I considered some dirty implications.

It’s just that this girl is, as it were, Jane, whom we see on stage, and who is quite adequate, sweet and mature beyond her years. And the girl from the projector behaves as if she were Jane not from the future, but from the past. And he also has a lisp (really, the text “from the author” should have been rewritten a long time ago, because it does not live up to the talent of the young actresses working in the play). (And in the finale, the drawn girl completely drowned in the abyss... Out of shame for the show, probably.)

If in MOGTYUZ the scenery was minimalistic but wonderful, then in “Moon” everything is much sadder. No, efforts and attempts to do something unusual are visible, but the cotton clouds were quite amusing. However, the grassy lawn is beautiful. But overall it’s somehow not fabulous. Not in the Marypoppin way, if you may.

And Mary - she doesn't fly. Instead, a doll is lowered down the ropes from the balcony. Moreover, that time when I was in the hall, this doll did not reach the finish line, getting stuck on the approach to the stage and dangling between heaven and earth for the entire first act (well, friends, the play has been running since 2009, is it really impossible to deal with such blunts?!). Well, yes, Mr. Banker then, while making a speech about sanctions, said that because of them, the sanctions, Mary didn’t make it, so they had to replace her with an actress. But I’ll just sadly shake my head and remind you once again: in MOGTYUZ the artist “flies” herself, personally. Just twice.

What else... Well, the scenes of jealousy that Mrs. Banks throws at her husband. No, MOGTYUZ also touched upon this topic, but there it was done very subtly and correctly. And in “Moon” there are hysterics and almost a fight. And it is openly stated that Mr. Banks has a soft spot for Mary - and will now make her his secretary (and the topic of secretaries is generally a sore point with Mama Banks).

However, I liked the song about “Don’t let vice cross your threshold” (a little less screaming would have been quite good). By the way, I heard it for the first time in my life (as well as the banker Bax’s song, which I also loved, even if it was the only soundtrack). I wonder where the theater got it from? Dunaevsky wrote something new and special?..

And now - about the sound. I have never encountered worse sound in a theater (that’s why I couldn’t understand the words at all in any song, except for the one that was accompanied by a soundtrack). Sooooo loud. If I, a child of rock concerts, covered my ears a couple of times and worried about my hearing organs, then how did the others cope?.. And the echo. It felt as if I was somewhere in the mountains, because the sound doubled, tripled and was reflected - even in those moments when the artists were not singing, but talking.

Listen, it seems like I want to write a mountain of more things, but I realize that my review turns out to be as ragged and incoherent as the play “Mary Poppins - NEXT” itself. My brain has been bombed and it's panicking. Therefore, I’ll probably try to somehow summarize all of the above and call it a day.

The block structure of the play does not add up to a single canvas, so much so that it is unclear why the necessary scene about the red dancing cow for me personally became the most best moment evenings (really, I would rewatch this moment right now three, four, five times).

And for starters - a complete lack of logic. Because of Mary Poppins, Mr. Banks loses his job and income. What makes him rich is his “evil nanny,” who here, quite in German (with all that it implies), is called Andrew Grosenberg (she, by the way, is “re-educated” by the end and becomes a kind of tender violet... however, she is in “Moon” and does not initially look like universal evil - well, it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out). But all the same, Mary is a great guy and the best nanny in the world (why?! It’s not clear from the story!..).

All the fabulousness in the plot is the three clowns, Annie, Fanny and Scarlatina. Yeah, they cut out all the characters they could get their hands on (leaving at the same time the poor militarized nanny Katie, who was quite lively before the start of the play and in the first scene, and then ran away from the “creepy children”; and adding the banker Bucks, charming, but is it appropriate?.. ). But clowns - here they are. I don’t argue, they are excellent - but they don’t save the general confusion, on the contrary, they enhance it.

So, I am again infected by a certain comrade Prokhanov, who created “Mary Poppins - NEXT,” and am building a fence of words and paragraphs. And we need to finish already. Well, I won't say anything useful anymore.

In general, citizens, you should avoid this performance in a wide arc. It’s also incredibly drawn out, even I’m tired. Honestly, I don’t see any reason to watch it... well, except to admire the work of familiar artists.

I, sinfully, having studied the lineup in advance, planned to go to “Mary Poppins - NEXT” again - to admire someone who did not play on September 24. Now I’ll say this: never in my life!.. My psyche is as dear to me as a memory.

Again, your kids will probably love this show. But maybe it’s better to show them something that amuses them not with dubious jokes, but with adequate text? And what has at least some soul behind it? artistic value?.. No, I just can’t calm down, cool down and say something like: to each his own, and don’t listen to me, maybe you’ll appreciate it. No need. Is it true. And I have no idea how THIS has existed for seven years...

Now, it seems, it’s time to talk about artists. Well, I'll try.

Yes, there are fireworks here. A masterpiece. Talent workshop. What's the point?.. Well, good people are trying their best, they get pleasure from hooliganism - so what?.. This is the very case when the most gorgeous acting ensemble does not save the situation at all.

In general, I decided: I will not write about everyone. I just don’t want to - the performance killed me so morally. I’ll just point out two of my favorites - Ira Waltz and Irina Lindt (who would doubt it). No, they all got five points - but these two ladies finally stopped me from wanting to shoot myself right in the auditorium.

And, of course, children. Heaven, they are wonderful! Masha Ivashchenko (as I understand, I saw her in the ensemble) and Alyosha Kolomiychuk. That’s why young artists in MOGTYUZ are enchanting, and in “Moon”.