The signature kiss of dear Leonid Ilyich. Why did general secretaries in the USSR love to kiss so much? Kisses of Brezhnev: How Tito suffered from the General Secretary, and why Fidel Castro never parted with his cigar in his presence. Why did Brezhnev kiss

General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev often met other leaders in accordance with the centuries-old Russian tradition of kissing three times, but not everyone liked it

Translation for – Igor Abramov

General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev often met other leaders, in accordance with the centuries-old Russian tradition, with a three-time kiss, but not everyone liked it, and some tried in any way to avoid these fraternal kisses.

Painting by Dmitry Vrubel “Brotherly Kiss”, which depicts General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev and his German colleague, First Secretary of the SED Central Committee Erich Honecker

General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev often met other leaders in accordance with the centuries-old Russian tradition of kissing three times, but not everyone liked it, and some tried to avoid fraternal kisses at all costs.

Joseph Stalin kisses polar pilot Vasily Molokov upon returning to Moscow with Arctic explorer Otto Schmidt, July 4, 1937

Soviet leaders were famous for their warm hugs and brotherly kisses with their comrades. Stalin kissed Soviet pilots, and Nikita Khrushchev's kiss with first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin is simply an iconic image.

Kiss between the leaders of the communist parties of Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union Gustav Husak and Leonid Brezhnev in Prague, May 5, 1970

The Soviet leader best known to the world for how warmly he greeted his guests was Leonid Brezhnev, head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1964 to 1982. He was generally the butt of many jokes, and his passionate kisses often caused laughter. The so-called “triple Brezhnevsky” became famous abroad: one kiss per left cheek, one to the right, and then, finally, to the lips. However, in fairness, it should be said that Brezhnev did not always kiss people on the lips.

Leonid Brezhnev hugs Fidel Castro during his visit to Moscow

Not everyone liked Brezhnev's overly warm greetings, so some heads of state found ways to avoid kissing the domineering Soviet leader. For example, Cuban leader Fidel Castro decided to get off his plane at the Moscow airport with a cigar in his mouth. Brezhnev, who was meeting his Cuban comrade, simply did not have any opportunity to demonstrate traditional Russian hospitality.

Nicolae Ceausescu meets Leonid Brezhnev in Crimea in 1979

Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu, who was rumored to suffer from bacteriophobia, found a way to get rid of Brezhnev's claims without offending his feelings. Perhaps the Soviet leader thought that this was another sign of Romania's special status in the Eastern Bloc: Bucharest did enjoy significant autonomy compared to other socialist states.

Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito greets Leonid Brezhnev at Belgrade airport in 1971

However, some leaders appreciated Brezhnev's kisses. A photograph of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi kissing the Soviet leader hangs on the wall in her home museum. And the kiss between Brezhnev and Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito was rumored to be so strong that the latter’s lip began to bleed.

Leonid Brezhnev and Yasser Arafat during a meeting in the Kremlin in 1975

They say that one of Brezhnev's first political kisses went to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who came to Soviet Union in 1968.

Kiss between Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the German Democratic Republic in 1979

Of course, the most famous was the kiss of East German leader Erich Honecker in 1979. He was later immortalized on the Berlin Wall by the artist Dmitry Vrubel, whose painting is called “God, help me survive among this mortal love,” or “Brotherly Kiss.”

Leonid Brezhnev kisses United States President Jimmy Carter on the cheek in 1979

Brezhnev kissed the leaders of not only socialist countries, but also neutral ones who belonged to the so-called Non-Aligned Movement. Sometimes the Soviet leader even touched his lips to opponents from the capitalist world. This was the case with US President Jimmy Carter.

Leonid Brezhnev at the Hungarian agricultural exhibition in Budapest in 1967

Another American, dance teacher Annie Hollman, who was part of the US delegation that visited the USSR in 1973, also experienced Brezhnev’s kiss. Their joint photo made her a celebrity on both sides of the Atlantic.

Leonid Brezhnev seeing off a delegation from Bulgaria and its leader Todor Zhivkov in 1969

Not everyone in the Soviet establishment believed tender kisses Brezhnev is a good idea. Yuri Andropov, head of the KGB under Brezhnev and his successor at the helm of the USSR after his death, expressed to one of his subordinates his horror at Brezhnev's kisses. However, in public he always welcomed the warm embrace of the Secretary General.

A kiss is a sign of love, respect, affection or friendship. In the political sphere, kissing became especially popular in the second half of the twentieth century, and the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, introduced fashion to them. Without any embarrassment or constraint, he distributed these signs of respect to prominent political figures and simply people he liked.

1. It is unlikely that in the 70s there would have been at least one Czech who did not know what a “triple Brezhnev” was (one kiss on both cheeks and the final one on the lips). The kiss of Leonid Ilyich and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Gustav Husak made such an impression on the residents of the fraternal country that the memories of it historical event are still alive in the hearts of Czechs.

2. Brezhnev once attempted to kiss the Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu. However, the Romanian turned out to be the only one who directly and categorically refused this ritual, as he was extremely squeamish.

3. In 1971, there was another failed attempt at the “triple Brezhnev”, this time the victim of the Secretary General was supposed to be Margaret Thatcher. However, the “Iron Lady” managed to tactfully dodge this friendly gesture, which was unacceptable to the prim British.

4. In 1973, when the Iron Curtain opened, a delegation from the United States came to the USSR. After the Secretary General’s heartfelt speech, a young American woman approached him with flowers, whom the loving Secretary General immediately kissed with his characteristic passion and dedication. The hitherto inconspicuous choreography teacher Annie Hollman overnight became famous throughout the world.

5. Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, was the only American president to receive a kiss from the famous Soviet leader.

6. Brezhnev's friendly kiss with Joseph Broz Tito was so powerful that, according to rumors, it even damaged the Yugoslav leader's lip.

7. In 1968, Yasser Arafat visited the USSR for the first time, where he had a meeting with the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The Palestinian leader quickly gained the Kremlin's trust, as Brezhnev's famous triple kiss can attest.

8. The passionate kiss of Leonid Ilyich with Indira Gandhi, captured in the photograph, takes its place in her apartment, turned into a museum, along with other relics associated with the name of this great woman.

9. In 1974, the Cuban leader flying to the USSR for the first time already knew about the Secretary General’s ritual of kissing guests upon meeting, and also knew that he would become a laughing stock in his homeland if he allowed this to happen. But an original solution was found. Fidel Castro ran down the ramp with a huge smoking cigarette in his teeth, which did not allow Brezhnev to disgrace the Cuban in front of his compatriots.

10. Leonid Ilyich's most famous kiss was with Eric Honecker, the leader of the GDR, in 1971. This act of friendship between peoples was even depicted on the Berlin Wall by the young but very talented artist Dmitry Vrubel. The "Brotherly Kiss" became a symbol of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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A kiss is a sign of love, respect, affection or friendship. In the political sphere, kissing became especially popular in the second half of the twentieth century, and the fashion for it was led by none other than the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. Without any embarrassment or constraint, he distributed these signs of respect to prominent political figures and simply people he liked. This ranking presents the most famous kisses of the famous leader.

It is unlikely that in the 70s there would have been at least one Czech who did not know what a “triple Brezhnev” was (one kiss on both cheeks and the final one on the lips). The kiss of Leonid Ilyich and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Gustav Husak made such an impression on the residents of the fraternal country that the memories of this historical event are still alive in the hearts of Czechs.

Brezhnev once attempted to kiss the Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu. However, the Romanian turned out to be the only one who directly and categorically refused this ritual, as he was extremely squeamish.

In 1971, there was another failed attempt at the “triple Brezhnev”, this time the victim of the Secretary General was supposed to be Margaret Thatcher. However, the “Iron Lady” managed to tactfully dodge this friendly gesture, which was unacceptable to the prim British.

In 1973, when the Iron Curtain opened, a delegation from the United States came to the USSR. After the Secretary General’s heartfelt speech, a young American woman approached him with flowers, whom the loving Secretary General immediately kissed with his characteristic passion and dedication. The hitherto inconspicuous choreography teacher Annie Hollman overnight became famous throughout the world.

Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, was the only American president to receive a kiss from the famous Soviet leader.

Brezhnev's friendly kiss with Joseph Broz Tito was so powerful that, according to rumors, it even damaged the Yugoslav leader's lip.

In 1968, Yasser Arafat visited the USSR for the first time, where he had a meeting with the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The Palestinian leader quickly gained the Kremlin's trust, as Brezhnev's famous triple kiss can attest.

The passionate kiss of Leonid Ilyich with Indira Gandhi, captured in the photograph, takes its place in her apartment, turned into a museum, along with other relics associated with the name of this great woman.

In 1974, the Cuban leader flying to the USSR for the first time already knew about the Secretary General’s ritual of kissing guests upon meeting, and also knew that he would become a laughing stock in his homeland if he allowed this to happen. But an original solution was found. Fidel Castro ran down the ramp with a huge smoking cigarette in his teeth, which did not allow Brezhnev to disgrace the Cuban in front of his compatriots.

Leonid Ilyich's most famous kiss was with Eric Honecker, the leader of the GDR, in 1971. This act of friendship between peoples was even depicted on the Berlin Wall by the young but very talented artist Dmitry Vrubel. The "Brotherly Kiss" became a symbol of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

A kiss is a sign of love, respect, affection or friendship. In the political sphere, kissing became especially popular in the second half of the twentieth century, and the fashion for it was led by none other than the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. Without any embarrassment or constraint, he distributed these signs of respect to prominent political figures and simply people he liked. This ranking presents the most famous kisses of the famous leader.

10th place

It is unlikely that in the 70s there would have been at least one Czech who did not know what a “triple Brezhnev” was (one kiss on both cheeks and the final one on the lips). The kiss of Leonid Ilyich and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Gustav Husak made such an impression on the residents of the fraternal country that the memories of this historical event are still alive in the hearts of Czechs.

9th place

Brezhnev once attempted to kiss the Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu. However, the Romanian turned out to be the only one who directly and categorically refused this ritual, as he was extremely squeamish.

8th place

In 1971, there was another failed attempt at the “triple Brezhnev”, this time the victim of the Secretary General was supposed to be Margaret Thatcher. However, the “Iron Lady” managed to tactfully dodge this friendly gesture, which was unacceptable to the prim British.

7th place

In 1973, when the Iron Curtain opened, a delegation from the United States came to the USSR. After the Secretary General’s heartfelt speech, a young American woman approached him with flowers, whom the loving Secretary General immediately kissed with his characteristic passion and dedication. The hitherto inconspicuous choreography teacher Annie Hollman overnight became famous throughout the world.

6th place

Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, was the only American president to receive a kiss from the famous Soviet leader.

5th place

Brezhnev's friendly kiss with Joseph Broz Tito was so powerful that, according to rumors, it even tore the Yugoslav leader's lip.

4th place

In 1968, Yasser Arafat visited the USSR for the first time, where he had a meeting with the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. The Palestinian leader quickly gained the Kremlin's trust, as Brezhnev's famous triple kiss can attest.

3rd place

The passionate kiss of Leonid Ilyich with Indira Gandhi, captured in the photograph, takes its place in her apartment, turned into a museum, along with other relics associated with the name of this great woman.

2nd place

In 1974, the Cuban leader flying to the USSR for the first time already knew about the Secretary General’s ritual of kissing guests upon meeting, and also knew that he would become a laughing stock in his homeland if he allowed this to happen. But an original solution was found. Fidel Castro ran down the ramp with a huge smoking cigarette in his teeth, which did not allow Brezhnev to disgrace the Cuban in front of his compatriots.

1st place

Leonid Ilyich's most famous kiss was with Eric Honecker, leader of the GDR, in 1971. This act of friendship between peoples was even depicted on the Berlin Wall by the young but very talented artist Dmitry Vrubel. The "Brotherly Kiss" became a symbol of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The tradition of triple kisses dates back to the times Ancient Rus'. For a certain time, this tradition was forgotten, but Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev decided to resume this greeting ritual. His kisses became the talk of the town, and many photographs and newsreels have survived to this day, depicting how sincerely the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee kissed his foreign (and not only colleagues). Some people accepted this manifestation of friendship with favor, but for others it was a real punishment.

The Secretary General's first kiss

In 1968, Palestinian politician Yasser Arafat visited the Soviet Union. Leonid Brezhnev, who by that time had been holding the post of General Secretary for 4 years, was delighted with this man and was very disposed towards him. Perhaps that’s why, and also following the Russian tradition, that’s why I couldn’t resist and gave the guest kisses. This was the first threefold kiss of the Secretary General of the Central Committee. From this moment on, the history of Brezhnev’s signature kisses began.

If the first kiss was successful, the second became a real nuisance for the head of Yugoslavia. During Leonid Ilyich's visit to this country, he decided to demonstrate his warm feelings to Joseph Tito. But it seems he miscalculated his strength. According to eyewitnesses, after kissing the Soviet leader, Tito’s lip burst and blood began to appear.

One of Leonid Brezhnev's most memorable kisses occurred with the leader of the GDR, Erich Honecker. The triple greeting became a sign of peace and friendship between states.

The artist Dmitry Vrubel on this occasion already in 1990 created graffiti on the Berlin Wall, which he called “Lord! Help me survive among this mortal love."

Passionate kisses addressed to women

Brezhnev was not indifferent to the female sex, so he could kiss not only the leader of the state, a man, but also a lady. The first person to whom the Secretary General bestowed such an honor was Indira Gandhi, the leader of India. His threefold “attention” touched the woman very much. A photo of the kiss can be seen in Indira's apartment, which has now become a museum.

However, Leonid Ilyich also paid attention to mere mortals, and they didn’t mind. The choreography teacher became the second foreigner to learn how Brezhnev kisses. A woman handed flowers to the Soviet leader after his speech, and he was so emotional that he could not resist and kissed her in front of everyone.

But Castro and Thatcher are against it!

It is worth saying that not everyone was impressed by this behavior of the Secretary General. Many found the most non-trivial ways to avoid such popularity. So, Fidel Castro, fearing that he would be laughed at in his homeland, left the plane, at the ramp of which Brezhnev was waiting for him, with a cigar in his teeth. There was no need to kiss.

Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu outright refused to embrace and kiss Leonid Ilyich. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was not so straightforward, but she was able to dodge the Secretary General's kiss.

Yuri Andropov was Brezhnev's comrade-in-arms and often saw his “smacks.” When the KGB chairman was nearby, he watched what was happening with a smile and even applauded. However, he once spoke very negatively about the secretary general’s kisses. And when Leonid Brezhnev traditionally kissed the next leader, who at that time had a cold, Andropov called such behavior an abomination.

And in conclusion...

And don’t think that General Secretary Brezhnek’s kisses have sunk into oblivion along with him. The first (and last) president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, continued this tradition. In 1986, Erich Honecker again received a kiss from the new General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev.

And in continuation of the Brezhnev theme, a story about