Who were you in a past life? Why is your birth number most important?

From revelations http://www.otkroveniya.ru/:

Personal code of a person
1. Information continues to flow and there is no need to look back at the past, because the future is already on the threshold!
2. I told you that Space is not only a multi-level, energetic World, but, what is especially important, a strict geometric proportion of two Signs of Eternity, balanced to such an extent that the slightest imbalance leads to a redistribution of the System and its alignment in new ones conditions.
3. When I talk about the strict geometry of Space, I in no way mention the System as a fixed, strict geometric sphere. I just emphasize to you the FLEXIBILITY of this System, which is constantly being improved, evolving to the highest level of order!
4. Therefore, order, the strict order of energy Systems, is what is the BASIS that determines the eternity of evolution and, naturally, that all incoming elements of the System have their own, strictly defined place in this great energy exchange.
5. When I told you about the Whole and the periphery of the Whole, then, of course, these were not Words of statement of the Objects of Eternity, but there was an explanation of the order of energy distribution and their interpenetration.
6. Therefore, speaking about man as the Creation of the Whole, I naturally assumed the exact coordinates of humanity as an energetic Essence in this geometric System of Eternity.
7. The most important thing is that not only humanity, as an energetic Egregor, but also each person has his own task of ordering Space, having for this purpose his own PERSONAL CODE, his own number in geometric Space!

8. Think, after all, you (humanity) are only now switching to a digital system for transmitting information (energy), while the Creation of man itself is an entrance through a personal code into the digital System of control and transmission of information of the Whole (Eternity).
9. I have repeatedly suggested to you that a number is compressed information that does not carry distortion and accurately, measuredly transmits energy in the presence of opposing energy wave flows.
10. A person, as an organic part of the Whole, already at birth receives his personal code, in the form of numbers of the day, month and year of birth, and this code is the key to receiving information from the Cosmos in the volume that corresponds to the cell of the Matrix defined for each person!
11. I tell you all the time that you are free to choose your destiny, because the Matrix System assumes flexibility in the accumulation and redistribution of energy. But, the System prohibits (unauthorized) transition to another cell, because the mechanism for accumulating information energy is predetermined by the personal code.
12. That’s why you can look for your own path, but this path must be within the framework of the Canon of the Matrix, within the framework of the digital System of information redistribution.
13. Think about your date of birth, try to find your personal code in Eternity and then it will become clear: who you are in Eternity, and what task is set for you for your next incarnation!
14. The Matrix of Space is woven from elementary (energy) cells and, in this regard, digital or digital transmission of information does not accept even the slightest distortion.
15. Several scenarios for the development of events are possible, but the distortions, in your opinion, of lies, the System cannot accept either in the Dense plane, and even more so in the Subtle planes.
16. The personal code that I am talking about, you all receive at birth and this is your cell not so much in the Dense (Material) plane, but in the Subtle planes, and knowledge of the code opens up the possibility of knowing Space and the basis of the Matrix, which is the Absolute.
17. All Galaxies are subject to the Canons of strict geometry and the redistribution of energy (information) between Signs is the guarantee and basis for the development of Eternity, therefore such close attention that the Whole gives you is only a desire to preserve the geometry of Space.
18. After all, your reluctance to understand and accept the Canons of Eternity may affect the preservation of Planet Earth, which is part of the Galaxy and a cell of the Matrix of Eternity.
19. I have already told you about fractal similarity, emphasizing that only with strict geometry of order is it possible to create Systems similar to the Whole and such distribution (evolution) of such cells is the basis for the structure and development of the Matrix of Eternity.
20. Therefore, the Matrix of Eternity is a digital system for transmitting information and distributing (expanding) self-similar Systems, in accordance with the Canon of Numbers!
21. Look around you, and you will see that all information is expressed in digital form, because there is nothing more precise than a number, since information compressed in this form can be transmitted to any distance, although the word “distance” has no meaning in the Subtle Plans!
22. The Universal Information System is a decimal digital representation of energy that can simultaneously describe great music (through seven notes) and the great scientific discoveries of our time.
23. You have just come to the understanding of the digital system of information and Knowledge, and you have yet to understand the basics of the geometry of Space, but the first code to understanding the World of high energies is you yourself with your personal code that you received at birth.
24. Numerology and astrology are trying to predict your path in Eternity, however, this is still only a game of numbers with the probability of the result being correct is less than half, but if people pay attention to the coding of Space (to the coding of you during Creation), then Knowledge worthy of a Man-God will be revealed to you !
25. I want to emphasize that the human code received during the next incarnation is a corrected figure originally received by the PERSONAL CODE OF ETERNITY during the Creation of man by Me!
26. From incarnation to incarnation, I have to correct a person’s date of birth, each time telling you your cell in the Space Matrix.
27. I will tell you more: not only a person, but also a people (ethnic group) has its own Code, which determines the fate or path of each people. Your history, your past and future are already embedded in the cell of the Matrix of Space and your task is to understand your path, your ultimate task, deciphering the Code of Eternity, and fulfill your destiny, because the cell of the Matrix tells you your place in Eternity.
28. Your “blindness” and disbelief have led to the fact that the Matrix and the geometry of Space are constantly violated by you, because you have never coordinated your life with the Codes of Eternity, and therefore with the tasks of your incarnation, introducing chaos into the strict geometry of Space.
29. Believe Me that there would be no Quantum transition and there would be no change in the geometry of Space if you had fulfilled your destiny in accordance with personal codes and therefore, increasing the frequency of vibration is Our (Divine forces) desire to align the distortions of your geometry and ensure the perfection of energy (information) transmission in digital form.
30. Errors in the analogue information transmission system (in a word), associated with some distortion of the information Space, are a thing of the past, now and forever the digital form of information transmission will be the basis for the redistribution or transfer of human psychic energy into Space!
31. There is still time to understand the strict geometry of Space and the structure of the Matrix, to find the PERSONAL CODES of a person, as well as the Codes of peoples (ethnic groups) carrying the energy (information) of past civilizations that populated planet Earth!

Is a Guardian Angel given to a person at birth or at Baptism? I read that after death, the Guardian Angel meets the soul of a person and accompanies it during the ordeal. Does this apply to all people or only to those baptized in the Orthodox Church?


March 1, 2007

Dear Natalya, the Lord wishes every person to be saved and succeed in the knowledge of the truth. And in this sense, everyone - both baptized and unbaptized - is a beloved child of God, who, of course, is not given over to the spirits of evil in heaven and is not exclusively at their disposal. But the Guardian Angel stays with a person mainly after receiving the grace of Baptism, in which, as the Church believes, a person really dies to a sinful and carnal life and is reborn in Christ to a holy and righteous life. And in this sense, involvement, openness to the spiritual world, including the angelic world, is completely different for a person who enters the fence of the Church, where God’s truth, truth and light are, than for a person who is deprived of this or, even more so, who has consciously rejected himself from this world .

Some of the Church Fathers believe that there are Angels who care for certain human communities, for certain even non-Christian peoples. But a personal, individual connection between a person and his heavenly patron is possible only after entering the fence of the Church.

Created: 5 June 2016, 14:55

Desired characteristics of the future fanfic:
Fandom: The Originals
Characters: m\m
Directions: Slash - romantic and/or sexual relationships between men.">Slash
Genres: Angst - strong feelings, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of a character; fan fiction contains depressive motives and some dramatic events.">Angst
Rating: PG-13 - fan fiction that may describe romantic relationships at the level of kisses and/or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments.">PG-13, R - fan fiction that contains erotic scenes or violence without detailed graphic description.">R or NC-17 - fan fiction in which erotic scenes, violence or some other difficult moments can be described in detail.">NC-17

Description of the idea:

I came across an assumption on the Internet that at birth we are given the appearance of the person we loved in past life. Of course, this is unrealistic, but I would like to see something like this in ff format.

GG1 (let it be Ted, but the name can be changed) is a man, about twenty years old, dissatisfied with his appearance. He sincerely dreams of someday doing plastic surgery. No, the guy is not a freak at all, there are no flaws, but since childhood his mother drilled into him that GG is ugly. This is only because he looks like his father.

One day, a young man earns enough money to carry out an operation. He chooses a clinic for a long time, and eventually turns to GG2 (they don’t know each other, the choice was made because of the best reviews).

GG2 (let it be Brian, but the name can also be changed) is a fairly handsome man, about twenty-seven. He seems to me like a stately brunette, with regular facial features and blue eyes. But, again, at the discretion of the author.

This is how the heroes meet. Ted pays for the operation, chooses his future appearance, and even the date of the operation is discussed. As they communicate, the guys begin to get closer. Brian begins to have dreams (memories of a past life) in which he and his patient (Ted) meet, they are happy together... but they look different. Vice versa. That is, the blue-eyed brunette in Brian's dreams is Ted.

Soon, Ted also begins to have similar dreams.

I want Brian to eventually dissuade Ted from the operation, and they will learn about the theory of a person’s appearance, how it is created. HE.

It is desirable that the fanfic be as tear-squeezing as possible. For this, the author of the application will bow deeply.

Size - midi or maxi. I think it’s impossible to fit into a mini here.

Man is a very curious creature, wanting to know about everything and capable of understanding a lot. You can look into a past life if necessary, but first it would be good to answer the question: “Why?” If just to make sure that the theory of reincarnation is based on real facts, then it is enough to collect evidence already existing in the world of the re-incarnation of the human essence.

If the thought of the imminent death of the body haunts you, and the mind is unable to come to terms with and accept the meaninglessness of life, then it is natural to want to look back at the past in order to have an idea of ​​the future. If trials and problems real life so unbearable and painful that there is no logical explanation for them, the desire to look for a solution to the problem in the events of the previous incarnation, the only chance, perhaps, to get the right answers.

Everyone may have their own reasons. It is no coincidence that at birth a veil is lowered over consciousness to enable a person to live his current life by touch, receiving only hints and clues, without relying on previously acquired experience.

Let’s say debtors meet, but they don’t remember who, to whom, what and how much. The easiest way is to bring up the old records, but they are hidden on purpose so that during the calculation the previous debt will be repaid and a new one will be created, which will need to be worked off in the next incarnation. These are the rules of the Game, from which we have no right to leave until we finish our studies at the school called life. Having passed the final exams, together with the matriculation certificate, we will receive the keys to all previously closed doors, and to the chain of life cycles too.

It’s easy to get a general idea of ​​your past lives if you look closely at your current incarnation. Starting from the fact that we return to Earth in time to the point from which we left - the date of the next birth coincides with the date of the previous death. The level we have achieved spiritual development is laid as the foundation for the next incarnation, which continues further from the state where the counter stopped. The people we meet now are familiar to us from a past life: those who love thank us for love, and the rest wait for love, because this is the main “currency” when paying all bills.

All information about past lives is stored intact in our subconscious. From there it can be raised into our consciousness using traditional regression methods using hypnosis, meditative practices, and ancient mystical rituals. In an absolutely safe, natural way, you can penetrate the subconscious during sleep, having previously set yourself the task of looking at scenes from past lives in your dreams.

Information from previous lives can be read from a person’s subtle bodies if one penetrates their level with consciousness. For example, by consciously leaving the body, there is an opportunity to meet the energy essences of one’s own previous incarnations residing in the astral world. At the same time, one must keep in mind the fact that the category of time differs significantly in other worlds from our usual linear flow of time. Therefore, such a thing as past lives does not exist in another reality. There is no need to be surprised and frightened when meeting yourself living in parallel reality, and not in a past life.