New funny scenes for the New Year. Cool corporate party for the New Year scenario

It’s common practice that we spend much more time at work than at home. Gradually, our colleagues become a second family for us. That is why most people celebrate the New Year twice, and they look forward to corporate events at work. Cool script New Year's corporate party 2018 will help you spend the holiday fun and unforgettable; even after a while, employees will remember the New Year with warmth.

2018 is the year of the dog, so a Scooby-Doo-themed corporate party would be a great idea. The villain has stolen the magic keys to the New Year, and in order to get them, you need to go through many comic competitions and tests.

The hall is decorated in a mysterious style. Scraps of maps, cobwebs of thread and portraits of Scooby-Doo hang on the walls. In the corner of the room, a van is made from cardboard or other scrap materials to completely recreate the atmosphere. Tablecloths are decorated with paper bones and a large magnifying glass is placed in the middle of each table, which symbolizes detectives. An improvised door is painted on the wall, which is the entrance to the New Year.

Corporate event scenario

The comic scenario for the New Year's corporate party 2018 is designed for a company of about 20 people.

Santa Claus (Host) with a large bag of gifts looks excitedly at his watch. Rings loudly mobile phone(melody - Tell the Snow Maiden where you were...)

- Hello, Snow Maiden, where are you? I warned you not to be late today. Did you dance until the morning with the gnomes again and oversleep? How were the keys stolen? Now we won’t be able to let in the New Year. I have a whole room of girls and boys here who have behaved well all year and worked great for the company’s profit. Who stole the keys? The villain in the supermarket? Did he say that he would return it if we completed all his tasks? Eh, everything is gone, and I can’t think of anything to do now. He puts the phone on the table and addresses the guests: “Without the magic keys, we will not be able to let in the New Year. You need to go through serious tests to take them from the Villain. Are you willing to help me?”

The Snow Maiden comes in in her hands with a stack of cards with tasks from the Villain. She places them on the table, and the guests choose the first task.

New Year's competitions first part

The corporate party scenario for the New Year 2018 includes many funny competitions in which guests must take turns participating. None of those present should be left without small souvenirs and small gifts.


Three people who want to play are selected, they are blindfolded and spun around several times to disorientate them. Santa Claus places a small plush dog in the most unusual place - under a chair, on the lap of one of the guests, or in the far corner of the room. The rest of the guests should tell the players whether they are looking in the right direction. The toy is given as a gift to the person who finds it.

Free the captive

Three female-male pairs are chosen for the game. The woman's legs are tied with tinsel around the knees. Men must untie their lady's legs without using their hands. The pair that completes the task the fastest is awarded a New Year's toy.

Three male-female couples are invited to participate in the competition. They are placed with their backs to each other, and an inflated balloon is placed between the backs. To catchy music, participants need to dance so that the balloon bursts. The winner is the couple whose balloon bursts the fastest. The winners receive a box of balloons as a gift.


Santa Claus tells everyone that he can easily read the thoughts of those present. Five people are invited - they can be both men and women. They sit in a row on chairs, Santa Claus approaches the people playing, passes his hands over each one, and at the same time an excerpt from a song sounds. Excerpts from songs are chosen to make them funny, for example:

  • Oh God, what a man, I want a son from you;
  • There is only one natural blond in the whole country;
  • But I don’t want, I don’t want out of calculation, but I want out of love, out of love;
  • The girls are standing on the sidelines;
  • There are so many single guys on the streets of Saratov;
  • The dog can be a biter;
  • I'm a lonely tramp of love.

After the end of the competition, all participants are given CDs with popular or drinking songs.

Everyone present pulls out pieces of paper with numbers and begins a drawing of cool gifts. Santa Claus shouts out the number of the gift, and the guest who has this number goes to the middle of the hall and immediately puts the gift on himself. You need to wear things until the end of the corporate party.

  1. I give this tie to you,

I once wore it myself.

(A tie of variegated colors is tied.)

  1. Well, rejoice, because number two

A luxurious crown is presented.

(Put on a plastic children's tiara).

  1. Let's all rejoice together

You need to wear this for the entire holiday.

(They give you cool family panties).

  1. And these are not so hot panties,

They look like fashionable pants.

(They give you large size panties).

  1. I'll give you a cap

He can decorate it a little.

(A multi-colored cap is presented).

  1. And these are colorful horns for you,

Put them on quickly now.

(They give a hoop with flashing horns).

  1. And then we’ll give you felt boots,

Although I didn’t wear it, it was old.

(Wear two New Year's socks for gifts).

  1. Quickly hold this scarf,

You won't find anything more beautiful in the world.

(Give a bright scarf).

  1. You got my extra beard,

It was lying around in an old chest of drawers.

(They grab the white beard).

  1. Giving gifts is a talent,

Wear a great bow on yourself.

(They give a large bow attached to the headband).

  1. Take some comfortable shoes,

And leave the holiday cheerfully.

(They hand over funny slippers with faces).

  1. And here is a butterfly accidentally lying around,

Most likely, she was left over from an important reception.

(Give a red polka dot butterfly).

  1. Gives a terribly strange look

This amazing wig is for you.

(Put on a multi-colored clown wig).

  1. And you, perhaps, are still a naughty girl,

Once you get a cute monkey.

(They give a rubber monkey mask).

  1. Put on your angel wings

And feel free to flit around the room in them.

(They give wings with an elastic band).

  1. I give you my summer glasses,

It's like I'm tearing them away from myself.

(Put on cool heart-shaped glasses).

  1. You quickly put on the zombie look,

And scare all your friends to death.

(They give a rubber mask).

  1. A medical bandage will help

And it can protect you from all diseases.

(They give a medical bandage).

  1. You won't be able to get dirty for sure.

If you put on this bib urgently

(Tie on a bright bib).

  1. Here's your cute little tail and even your ears,

Now you are a sweet little animal.

(Give the attributes of a bunny costume).

  1. Can I give you a clown nose?

To easily cheer everyone up.

(They hand over a big red nose).

After all the guests have been presented with gifts and have already dressed them, Santa Claus invites the guests to dance.

How beautiful everyone is,

You can't take your eyes off it.

Now everything is new

We will dance.

New Year's competitions: part two

The corporate party scenario for celebrating the New Year 2018 contains a comic prediction of the future for those present. Paper figurines of dogs are hung on a rope, each of which contains a cheerful horoscope of what awaits a person in the new year.

– We have already completed many difficult tasks of the Villain, but there are even more difficult and dangerous tasks ahead. Let's not slow down guys, soon we will accomplish everything, and the keys will be in our hands.

A coward doesn't play football

Two people are blindfolded and turned around their axis several times to lose orientation. A beach ball is placed in the middle of the room, which players must find and kick. The participant who hits the ball first wins. They give him the ball as a gift. For comedy, you can remove the ball altogether. It's a lot of fun to watch players punch the air.

Who's next?

Four people are lined up. Each person is given a pacifier. The task of the people playing is to spit out the pacifier as far as possible. The winner is the one who throws the pacifier the furthest. The winner is solemnly presented with a pacifier on a chain. The competition is accompanied by Kristina Orbakaite’s song “Bow Sponges”.


All those present are divided into teams. Each person is given a plate of confetti made from firecrackers, which must be sorted by color. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. The winners are given a cracker.

Snow Maiden– Grandfather Frost, look, there are very few cards left. The villain said that as soon as all the tasks were completed, the keys would immediately appear, but they would have to be looked for.

“Okay granddaughter, the guys and I will now do everything, and then we’ll take magnifying glasses and be sure to find the treasured keys.”


3-4 participants are selected. Balloons are tied to their feet. The players' task is to puncture their opponents' balls and protect their own by any means possible, but without hands. Adults look very funny dressed in their cool gifts and with tied balls on his feet. The winner is the person who can keep at least one of his balls intact. For his participation he is awarded balloon on a stick.

Harvest the harvest

Participate in pairs. Women are blindfolded, and men have 10 clothespins attached to their clothes in different places. On command, women begin to feel their partners in search of clothespins. The team that finds the most of them within a certain time wins. The winners are awarded a package of clothespins.

– Snow Maiden, I see that our guests are tired and need to rest. Let's entertain them a little.

Santa Claus selects one volunteer, whom he takes aside and explains that he needs to portray a kangaroo, and the audience must find out what kind of animal it is. Then he returns to the hall and quietly informs those present that the participant will show a kangaroo, but they must not guess this animal. 10 minutes after the start of the competition, main character looks very comical, he resembles an enraged kangaroo.

Snow Maiden“And now we’ll hold a magical auction where you can buy some pretty useful things.”

Magic auction

Santa Claus shows his bag, which contains a mysterious gift. Guests make bets; whoever gives the largest amount takes the contents of the bag. The gifts in the bag are changed three times, the first time something inexpensive and cool is placed there, and the next two times the gifts in the bag are expensive and useful. At the end of the competition, the first buyer who received the most unattractive gift is given the entire amount of money raised from the auction.

New Year's competitions: third part

– The clock hand is tirelessly approaching midnight, and we still don’t have the keys to the New Year.

Snow Maiden– Don’t worry, grandfather, there are very few tasks left. We will have time to get the magic keys before midnight. Dear guests, I ask you to participate more actively in the competition program.

Fill the bottle

Four participants are chosen, and everyone is given empty champagne bottles and a lot of old newspapers. The contestants' task is to fill the bottle to the top with crumpled newspapers. The winner is the one who managed to complete the task first and is awarded a bottle of champagne.

Who has more buttons?

All corporate party participants are asked to count all the buttons on their clothes. The one who has the most wins. The winner is solemnly presented with a sewing kit with threads, needles and buttons.


Three people are invited to participate in the competition. Everyone is given jars of change. You need to quickly count the money in your bank. The winner is the one who is the first to name the correct amount; he is solemnly handed a wallet with change.

- Oh, I’m tired of playing and laughing, I really want to dance. Who's with me?

Corporate party participants get up and start dancing to catchy New Year's music. Father Frost and the Snow Maiden dance dashingly in the very middle of the hall.

The Snow Maiden's mobile phone rings (the melody sounds - Oh, as you know, we are a hot people and cannot stand the tenderness of a calf...). The dancing stops, Snow Maiden picks up the phone.

Snow Maiden- Yes, almost all the tasks have been completed, where are the keys? We have one last task left, after this, where can we pick up the magic keys? Search in the hall? Well, okay, Villain, we'll get to you.

Snow Maiden– Grandfather, the Villain called and said that as soon as all the tasks are completed, we can find the keys to the New Year in the hall. Let's do the last task quickly.

Two couples participate in the competition - they can be both men and women. All participants are blindfolded and one person in the pair is given slightly melted ice cream in a waffle cup. The task of the man with ice cream is to feed his partner with eyes closed. It is advisable for participants who are being fed to wear raincoats, as their clothes can get very dirty.

“That’s it, we have completed the villain’s last task.” Now we need to quickly look for the treasured keys, otherwise we may not have time to let in the New Year before 12 o’clock. Dear guests, take the magnifying glasses on your tables and begin to carefully examine the hall.

The final part of the corporate event

Snow Maiden- Grandfather Frost, we forgot to light the Christmas tree.

- Exactly, granddaughter, now we will correct this annoying mistake. Let's all say the magic words loudly together - Christmas tree, light up.

After those present shout the magic words three times, the tree lights up with bright lights, and the overhead light goes out.

Guests begin to actively search the hall for the keys to the New Year. The Snow Maiden looks into the van, which stands in the corner of the room and finds the Villain there with the keys.

Snow Maiden- Villain, why did you come to our holiday?

Villain– don’t kick me out, I brought you the keys to the New Year. It's so much fun here, I decided that I won't do bad things anymore, I'll become good and grow flowers.

– friends, let’s forgive the Villain?

Those present unanimously agree to accept the Villain into their company. Everyone starts having fun and dancing. Santa Claus takes the keys and approaches the makeshift door that opens the entrance to the New Year and unlocks it.

- Well, that’s all, our adventures have come to an end, the doors have been opened for the New Year, the Villain will no longer do evil, and we will have fun until the morning.

Guests are invited to a large round dance and begin to sing a song - A Christmas tree was born in the forest.

Santa Claus finishes cultural event beautiful parting words:

May the New Year inspire everyone,

Will open success to everyone.

And in every room it sounds,

A cheerful, sweet laugh.

Let your best friend walk nearby

Both on holiday and in bad weather.

And into every house, like a ball of snow,

Happiness will overwhelm you.

We don't say goodbye at all

Although it's time to part.

We want you in a magical, wonderful hour

Fulfill all desires.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden present sweet gifts to those present and then invite them to the table. The evening continues with songs and dances. Happy New Year everyone!

Have you already decided that you will celebrate this New Year with your friends? Then you will have a gorgeous and most importantly memorable holiday! The main thing is to prepare for it in advance and come up with entertainment for guests. This is not difficult to do, especially if you look at the scenario for the New Year 2018 - the year of the dog. Games, ideas and competitions for fun adult company, will help you do this New Year's Eve unlike any other. So, look at what we offer and take it into your arsenal best ideas and moments for celebration.

Our scenario is not quite ordinary. It's more of a plan with ideas that will help you have a mind-blowing New Year and surprise your friends. Don’t forget to give your guests time to rest, and charge your cameras so you don’t miss a single moment of the holiday.

Seeing off old year.

Yes, first you need to spend the outgoing year. There are many ways to do this, and here is one of them.
You prepare pictures of roosters in advance and write the dates on the back. These are not just dates, but best moments in the past year of your friends. Maybe someone had a child, someone got married. Some quit their boring jobs, while others flew abroad for the first time. In general, the more dates the better. And then you can put all the pictures in Santa Claus’s bag and approach each guest individually. They take out one picture at a time, look at the date and try to guess the event. And so on until all the dates are guessed.

First prize of the evening.

We have just spent the old year and we can rush to welcome the new one. And here you can immediately play and get a prize. Let's start the game, which is called “prize”!
The task is very simple: the presenter asks riddles. And the guests guess them and guess the required letters. Then they make a word out of the letters and then receive a prize. Is it simple? Yes, but there is a small catch. Watch the game in full and play:

Game - films with the symbol of 2018.

Everyone already knows that the coming year will be the year of the dog. These pets have starred in many films, and played leading roles in many. In this video competition you need to guess the name of the film from a photo of a dog.
Show guests a video of a still frame from the film. There is an image of a dog in the freeze frame. Guests must guess what movie it is. The next frame will already be a recognizable picture from the film and everyone will immediately understand what kind of film it is. Whoever guesses the most will receive a collection of New Year's films as a gift.
And here is the video for the game:

Game - funny dogs.

As a rule, dogs are bred to guard the house. But even evil dogs sometimes don’t mind fooling around. Sometimes they make such faces that they are in a hurry. In this competition, your guests must imitate the dogs' funny faces.
Everything is simple here: print out pictures with funny dogs and put them in a bag. The guests also take out one picture at a time, look at it and try to show the same face.
Here are pictures for example:

New Year's telegrams.

Have you ever sent New Year's telegrams? If yes, then you know that they can easily get lost, because there are so many telegrams, but only one post office. So this time, all the New Year's telegrams were lost and we need to sort them? Let's do it? Let's.
Everything is simple here: the host reads out the telegram, and the guests must guess who it is from. Remember that these are New Year's telegrams, so the senders can be absolutely anyone!
Let's look at an example of telegrams:

New Year's fairy tale.

Do you like fairy tales? Then here is one such fairy tale for you! This fairy tale is entirely musical. You give the guests roles and they listen to the fairy tale and perform the actions that the leader of the fairy tales says. The better the actors perform, the funnier the tale.
Listen to it:

A comic lottery for guests.

The New Year is just around the corner and it’s time to draw prizes and gifts among the guests. Let's make it fun and bright. We put barrels with numbers according to the number of guests in a bag for Santa Claus. We mix the barrels and approach the first guest. He takes out one barrel and says what the number is. The presenter, according to the number, reads the verse and gives a gift.
Let's look at examples of poems and gifts.

The New Year's scenario “In the Family Circle” is intended for family celebrations.
Suitable for any generation: from young to old. The entertainment program is structured in such a way that no family member is left without attention and, of course, a gift. Official awards for successes in the outgoing year, competitions, games and gifts - all this will allow you to spend the outgoing year positively and celebrate the New Year 2018.

Any adult who will take on the responsibilities of the organizer can act as a presenter. The presenter will conduct competitions, games and present gifts. For the best effect, it is advisable that the presenter wear a Santa Claus costume or a Dog costume - the symbol of the coming 2018.

Musical accompaniment

The scenario contains music and dance competitions, for which you need to prepare a playlist in advance.
For the first one - music competition- where teams must guess the name of the song, you can take several familiar compositions:

A Christmas tree was born in the forest.
If only it weren't winter.
New Year's toys.
Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!
Sorcerers - Three white horses.
Five minutes.
Jingle Bells.
Happy New Year.

For a dance competition you need to prepare energetic New Year's compositions to suit your taste.


1. Certificates or medals for successes and achievements in the past year.
2. Music playlist for competitions.
3. New Year's letter.
4. Punch Box with gifts.
5. Blank bones for wishes.
6. Preparations for the “Understand Me” competition.
7. Christmas tree decorations for a competition of dexterity and intelligence.


Leading: New Year is coming soon. Is everyone ready to meet him? According to the good old tradition, let's remember what good happened in the past year?

(All family members remember funny stories, successes and simply memorable moments. The presenter should prepare certificates or medals in advance to reward everyone for something good that they did in the past year.)

Leading: And I haven’t forgotten about myself. Who will remember what my greatest achievement was? (everyone begins to remember and offer options; the presenter can choose any of the options or name his own). It is for this feat that I award myself a medal of honor! And now I propose to play one very interesting game.

Music competition
Family members are divided into two teams. The presenter turns on musical composition and the team that is the first to guess the name or what movie/cartoon this song is from receives 1 point in the form of a marshmallow or candy.
The team with the most marshmallows at the end of the game wins.

Leading: On New Year’s Eve there is a tradition: to thank the passing year for all the good things and to meet the coming year with a smile and great ambitions.

Letter with “closed” eyes
You need to prepare a text message for the New Year 2018 in advance. Those places where adjectives should be remain empty. The rest of the text is hidden so that only spaces for adjectives remain. The task of everyone is to put in the empty space any adjective he wants. At the end, the presenter opens the rest of the text and reads the resulting message out loud.

For example:

New Year 2018 is coming. This is the year... of the Dog. We, ... family (last name), are sure that each of us will have ... a year ahead. It cannot be otherwise, because we ..., ... and ... . We thank the passing year for all,...successes and...achievements that happened to us. We take all the good things with us, leaving the bad ones in the outgoing year.

Leading: What is New Year without gifts? Who wants to be the first to receive a gift from Santa Claus?

Game "Gift for almost nothing"
From a large box you need to make a so-called Punch Box with an even number of cells in which gifts will lie. Each cell is covered with paper or opaque film so that you cannot see what is in it. The presenter offers to receive a gift for everyone who wants it for a small action. When a person leaves, he pulls out a piece of paper with a task from the bag. If he fulfills it, then he breaks through the cell's barrier and takes out his gift.

The tasks can be varied, but are designed in such a way that any family member can complete them.

For example:

1. Tell a New Year's poem.
2. Promise to do something good in the new year.
3. Confess something you haven’t told anyone yet.
4. Give everyone present a kiss on the cheek or a hug.

Leading: There is almost nothing left until the New Year. It's time to make a wish.

Leading: People, as a rule, do not understand dog language and the poor animals need to try very hard to explain what they want. Now you need to divide into teams and choose a captain.

Competition "Understand Me"
The teams draw lots to see who starts first. The presenter has several pieces of paper in his hands, each with 1 New Year's word written on it. The captain’s task is to explain to his team, without words, what word is written on the piece of paper. The captain explains the words for a while. The more words his team guesses, the greater the chance of winning. The winning team gets to be the first to open their gifts when the New Year arrives.

Word options for guessing:
Christmas tree;
bag with gifts;
champagne cork;
Christmas tree decoration;
Olivier salad;
Snow Maiden;
Father Frost;

Dance competition
You need to break up into child-adult pairs.
The host plays a song for each couple, to which they must perform the best dance.
The winning couple receives a reward in the form of a diploma or medal.

Leading: The gifts don't end there. For the next competition, I ask you to divide into teams.

Competition for dexterity and intelligence
The presenter divides everyone present into 2 teams. If the family is large, there may be more teams.
Each team chooses a captain, who selects 1 package from the leader.
The bag contains improvised means with which the rest of the team will decorate the captain, making a Christmas tree out of him.
Each bag should contain different items (tinsel, toilet paper, Christmas tree decorations, etc.).
The more complex the means at hand, the more interesting the result will be, but you can also use ordinary Christmas tree supplies.

If time and desire allow, you can add to entertainment program a few more games and competitions.

Game of predictions
The presenter invites everyone to take out the first thing they can get their hands on from the magic bag.

This will be the prediction for next year:
A chocolate coin means money.
Mirror - you will shine with indescribable beauty.
Keychain “Sneakers” or “Globe” - for unforgettable trips.
Chewing gum - get ready for passionate kisses.
A pen is success in any endeavor.
Candy - the year will be sweet.

The number of predictions depends on the number of people. Each person present should receive a mini-gift.

After this, the host offers to spend the outgoing year, toast to the New Year, to all the good things, and so that all your dreams come true in the New Year 2018.
Everyone prepares pieces of paper, writes wishes, burns them, pours the ashes into glasses of drinks and drinks while the chimes strike.

The host offers to continue the holiday with fun outdoor games.

Winter quest
The game is suitable for children and parents, especially for owners of private houses.
The leader gives the team the first clue, which will encrypt where the second clue lies. And so, having guessed all the riddles, the players will get to the treasure - it could be a bag of gifts, for example. Children really like this game, but adults won’t mind taking part either.

Let's decorate everything around
Entertainment is only suitable on a private area and with a lot of snow. To paint on snow you need food coloring and water. You can first decorate the snow, and then all together make a large multi-colored snowman.

snow shot
We draw a huge target on the fence. Snowballs act as darts.
Instead of a fence, the targets could be balloons suspended lightly from trees.
The team that knocks down the most balls wins.

Sled racing
A true family entertainment suitable for parents and their children.
All participants are divided into teams. Children sit in the sled, and adults will drive. On command, players must run a certain distance faster and return to their place. This is a very fun and active entertainment that will not leave anyone indifferent.

The fastest janitor
A great competition that will amuse everyone and help clear the snow from the paths. For this competition you will need as many shovels as there are people participating. On command, each participant must clean a certain area faster than the others using a child’s shovel.

Competition "Filmography"
All guests are invited to remember films/cartoons with a New Year's plot. The participant or team with the most points wins.
Using the same principle, you can make a music competition. Players must remember songs that mention the words “new”, “year” or “dog”.

Sleight of hand and no fraud
You need to lay out various objects on the table. It is advisable that the table be round, so that it will be comfortable for all participants to walk around it.
Music plays, the presenter loudly names the object, and the one who manages to grab it faster than the others wins.
The one who collects the most items wins.

Guess who I am
It is best to use a tantamaresque, where you can insert a face so that the guesser cannot see which character he needs to guess. This will be even funnier than writing the name on your forehead or on paper.
The guesser's task is to ask the guests clarifying questions that can only be answered yes/no. The characters must be associated with the New Year: snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, New Year's toy, cracker, etc.

Excellent sense of smell
The participant is blindfolded and must rely only on his sense of smell. The presenter brings a certain object to him, the player will have to guess what is in front of him. Several players can participate at once. Then the winner will be the one who guesses the most items. You can use: fir branch, pine cone, champagne, sparklers, canned peas, tangerine.

Snow Maiden's braid
The competition is suitable for families with girls with long hair. They will act as the Snow Maiden. And the men will have to braid their Snow Maiden’s hair. The one who handles it more accurately and faster than the rest wins.

Not suitable for everyone, because... you need to dodge.
Players are divided into teams. Each team stands in a circle and joins hands. The presenter makes it as difficult as possible to confuse each team. The captains' task is to untangle their team as quickly as possible, but they cannot unclasp their hands.

Tangerine mood
For this competition you will need two bags or buckets into which teams will throw tangerines from a distance. To make the task more difficult, each participant throws a tangerine on the leader's whistle. The team with the most tangerines in their bucket or bag wins.
You can change the conditions a little by blindfolding the participant.

Round dance
What would New Year be without a round dance! All participants must gather around the Christmas tree and dance in a circle.
Meanwhile, the presenter sings the famous song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest,” but changes the verbs.
For example, a Christmas tree was born in the forest, it lay down in the forest... After that, all guests must quickly lie down. The one who lies down last is eliminated.

In order for there to be more people willing to participate in New Year’s competitions, you definitely need to take care of the awards. It may be a small thing, but it's still nice to get rewards for your efforts.

The New Year will be fun and interesting if all family members are active. Proposed New Year's scenario suitable for every family. All that remains is to choose those games and competitions that will especially appeal to your family members.

Happy New Year 2018, with new happiness!

Winter is getting closer and closer to us and the most favorite holiday among Russians – New Year – is getting closer. And in order for it to be a success and remembered for a long time, people begin preparing for it long before December 31st. Someone is thinking about their image, someone is thinking about how to decorate their home, while others are preparing entertainment competitions and show programs for guests. If you belong to the third group, then funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2018 will definitely be useful to you. As you know, this will be the year of the dog. Therefore, this theme will become one of the central ones, and everyone will play with the symbol of the year. Let's try and do it. And so, here they are - interesting ideas for New Year's Eve.

Scene – casting of the Snow Maiden.

Members of the jury are sitting at the table: a man and a woman. The man exclaims:
- New Year is coming, but we don’t have a Snow Maiden!

- yes, the wrong Snow Maidens went today, the wrong ones...

There's a knock on the door.

- who's there?

The door opens and a girl with a mini dress and high heels appears.

Young woman:
- and here they sign up to become a Snow Maiden?

- My God! They don’t sign up, but the casting is taking place here, for the role of Santa Claus’s assistant!

Young woman:
- so I want to become Santa Claus’s assistant.

A woman examining a young lady:
- and how are you going to help him? With your data and your cleavage, you will only add to his worries. He will not leave the bottle of Corvalol.

- ok, let's see what you can do. Give us your profile.

The girl gives a questionnaire.

Man reading a profile:
- what are these numbers... nine, zero, six, zero, nine, zero and in red large letters: THIRD! What is this?

Young woman:
- these are my data, parameters. The third is the size...

- stop, my dear! We realized that you have talents. What can you do?

Young woman:
- In what sense? I just can do a lot, but I won’t show it here...

Young woman:
- yes, Lena. But in general I can be different. Yesterday I was nurse Ksyusha, but recently I was flight attendant Vitalina...

- oh, an actress, that means! OK then. Show us what you can do acting-wise.

Young woman:
- I'll tell you a poem. And so, the verse:
I remember a wonderful moment, you appeared in front of me, like a fleeting moment, like a genius of pure beauty!

- commendable, commendable, does that mean you love Pushkin?

Young woman:
- no, I love poetry. But I don’t really like Pushkin, poor people live there. I just moved from there to Moscow to live. Here is Moscow...

- Slow down, young talent. Can you do anything else?

Young woman:
- I can dance.

- dancing is good, children love it.

Young woman:
- Well, I don’t know, it seems to me that older men like dancing more. Show?

The music turns on and the girl starts doing a lap dance in front of the man.

- stop, stop the music. My dear, you see, we are looking for a Snow Maiden who is a Snow Maiden, and not one who is, as it were, a Snow Maiden in front of grown men. You are not suitable for us. Yes, Arnest Petrovich?!

A man, wiping sweat from his forehead and sighing:
- yes, you are not suitable for us.

Young woman:
- damn, what should I do? I have nowhere to live in Moscow. I thought that this would work out and I would find myself a grandfather who would shelter me, and I would be his snow maiden...

- you definitely have talent. And I will help you...

He gets up and takes the girl backstage.

- and this one there too... grandfather, damn it! Well, since there is no Snow Maiden, then again I will help everyone out, just like last year, and the year before, and other years. I will be the Snow Maiden. I’ll go get ready... the dress needs to be shortened, maybe I’ll be lucky enough to meet my grandfather, otherwise I’m tired of organizing these castings here.

Leaves the stage.

A scene - how the king and queen gave their daughter in marriage.

A funny and very interesting musical scene. You choose characters from the guests. You give them roles and dress them up. The characters do not say anything, but only listen to the fairy tale and dance and do what the fairy tale says. It turns out bright and very fun.
See what it looks like:

Humor, fun, masquerade and amateur theater in New Year's celebrations always cause a stir among both children and adults. This year the trend will be a dog theme.

We suggest choosing a funny scene for the New Year 2018 of the Dog on an appropriate theme. Here you will find 3 original scenarios. One of them is suitable for schoolchildren, and two are suitable for adult New Year’s events.

The first option can be successfully played by children aged 9-15 years old and for children aged 7-15 years old at a New Year's party.

New Year's scene for school

This production is a poetic adaptation of a popular English joke about people and animals. It tells about those cases when the smaller tailed brothers turn out to be better than their two-legged owners.

Funny scene in verse "An Incident in London."

Artists – 4 people, duration – 5 minutes.


The head waiter is wearing a vest, a cap, a badge, and a large magnifying glass in his hand.

Mister - In a raincoat, a hat, a beard and mustache, with a suitcase.

The dog Stefan - with ears and a tail.

The narrator is personable.

Raschik: One day two old friends came to a London hotel.

The head waiter, the hotel servant, approached them.

Met-l: One is a decent gentleman. (examines the visitor through a large magnifying glass)

Mr.: Mustachioed and bearded. (gives the head waiter a business card and bows into the hall).

Mll: The second one is on four legs, spotted and tailed.

(examines the dog through a magnifying glass)

R-k: The one with the mustache and beard put down the suitcase.

(The lord gives the master a suitcase)

And the one that was very tailed -

Dog: Master's dog Stefan, rrr-woof!

(takes his business card out of his pocket, hands it to the head waiter, and bows into the hall).

Mr.: Tell me, my dear, is it possible to rent an apartment from you?

Where would there be a chair, shower, bed and other things?

Mlle: We have a lot of moments - cheaper and more expensive.

Apartment for one? You are not alone, it seems...

Mr: Oh yes…. Oh, if only you would be kind and so kind

Let me take Stefan - he is loyal and helpful.

He is of the noblest blood, educated, trained,

He won't shit on the carpet, no, no! I give you my word!

(The gentleman takes money out of his wallet and puts it in the pocket of the head waiter’s vest, winks, repeats with meaning) I give you my word!

Mlle: Oh, you are a naive person, in those 20-odd years,

Since I serve here, not a single dog has shitted me.

They broke dishes, burned furniture, tore off wallpaper,

The crowd thundered and danced until 5 am!

Not dogs, not cats, not beavers, not demons, in fact,

All this was done, alas, only by people in the hotel.

And if your Monsieur Stefan puts in a good word for you...

Stefan: No, he's not drunk! And not a brawler! And he won’t take someone else’s!

I swear to you, Monsieur porter, My patron is educated,

Well-mannered, polite, modest, quiet. Well trained!

(StefAn commands Mr.: Fetch! Mr. throws his wallet to him, Stephan takes money out of the wallet and puts it in the pocket of the head waiter’s vest, repeats with meaning and winks).

Well trained!

Mlle: Well, if your wonderful dog vouched for you so much,

I'm glad that an angel moved into room 27!

(Gives Mr. the keys to his room, blows off specks of dust from his coat and cleans his collar with a brush).

R-k: How good it is when a friend stands up for you,

Even if he has a tail and no arms.

(The head waiter leaves with a suitcase, followed by the gentleman and his friend Stephan, in an embrace, waving their keys).

Funny New Year's performances about four-legged friends can be quite allegorical. And, although they do not contain dogs as such, they can tell a lot of interesting things about the canine habits of representatives of the human race.

This one will fully reveal the theme of “A dog’s life in the family” and will be a hit at an adult party without children.

This “dog” scenario from the “Comedy Woman” repertoire will become a decoration for the holiday if it is acted out with the help of professional artists or KVN performers.

Advice for the host of the evening: You can use the following summary: “Many husbands and wives know by personal experience that “Life with a dog is both dangerous and difficult, although, at first glance, the dog is not visible.” We invite you to look from the outside at the paradoxical life situation when the dog is the husband.”

New Year's skit for adults “If you didn’t serve, you’re not a man, or a husband is a dog.”

Artists: 3 people. Duration: 15 minutes.


  1. The husband is skinny, wearing leather shorts, socks and slippers, a collar with a leash and a gas mask.
  2. A call woman in tight-fitting leather clothes, a police cap, and a whip.
  3. The wife is a large woman in a coat and hat with grocery bags.

W-on (leads a man in a gas mask on a leash): Come to me, puppy!

M.:Where to go? I can’t see anything in this mask, it’s not my size!

F-on v-vu: Okay, let's try this! (hits him with a whip)

M.: What are you doing, woman, it hurts me!

F-on v-vu: That's the point. Barking!

M.: Why barking?

Woman: You're a dog!

M.: What dog? What are you doing?!

J-a-wu: I mean, what kind of dog? You yourself chose the service on the site: Lady with a dog!

M.: I thought it was based on Chekhov’s work!

W-on: Okay, that's it: Let's lick my shoes! Lick it, I said! You are a dog!

M.: (pleadingly) Is it possible, I’m like a dog, I’ll just wet your foot and that’s all.

Woman: No, you can’t. This is generally a different price and other people come.

M.: Yes? How much do you need to pay extra?

W-on: One hundred dollars.

M.: Okay, then hit me.

J-a po v-u: Well, good. Let's try an easier option: Get on all fours. I won’t spank you too much, but you will bark.

(The man barks, and gets louder. The Wife comes in with packages).

Wife: (shocked) Ew!

M.: Darling! Why are you so early?

Zh.: (she closed her eyes and crossed herself): - No, it didn’t seem like it.

M.: - Darling, don’t be silent. Say something.

J.:Eh... Have you thrown out the trash?

M.: I forgot, sorry.

Zh.: Bad dog... Where is my Corvalol... (takes out a bottle of cognac from the bag, takes a sip).

Zh-a on v-u: - Listen, I think I’ll go.

J.: Stop. (on my husband’s shorts) So that’s what my leather coat was used for... Well, let’s sit down or something...

J.: Sit! (everyone quickly sits down). It's a pity that your mother can't see you now. She thinks I’m the sadist, I’m humiliating you like that.

Zh-a on v-u: - Listen, let’s just pay me, and I’ll go.

Zh.: And how much do we owe you for... this... mating.

F-a on v-y: 200 dollars.

J.: (to her husband, threateningly) Ha! They didn’t even give us that kind of money for our wedding, right?!

M.: I saved up... collected...

Zh.: Are you talking about the money that you sewed into the pillow?! So I spent it on food! (nods at the bags).

Woman: I also accept payment with food!

Zh.: Well, I spent all the money... I still need to buy so much: a collar, a tray, flea shampoo, castrating him - that also costs money...

M.: Darling, I’m sorry...

Zh.: It’s so much money to pay to invite a woman, and she beat you with a stick, huh! So just tell me, give me a hint... (takes sausage out of the bag) It’s not a question at all! (hits her husband with a sausage stick) We’ll also call my brother, he’s a master of sports in boxing - he’s been dreaming of dragging you in for a long time!

M.: Darling, I’m sorry! I offered you to play, and you...

Zh.: We played... we played! And on the guitar, and in dominoes, and in the crocodile!

Zh-a on v-u: Yes, crocodiles! It’s your luck that I’m late, according to my plan, in half an hour the prosecutor will be playing poodle, but in general, of course, we need to take an advance payment. (He takes the bags of food and leaves).

J.: Eh!! Leave the packages! (to husband) Tuzik! Fas! Take!

M.: Well, busya, stop it!

Zh.: Listen, Petrov! As a person, you were an empty place, and as a dog, you were nothing! (takes out the phone) Hello, daughter, remember, you wanted a puppy? No, we didn’t buy it, it turns out that she lived among us all this time! Daughter, quickly run home and clean up the soft toys in the room before the dog tears them in a fit of passion like Tuzik a rag!

M.: Well, this is generally too much...

Zh.: Before that, everything was fine here, right? So, that means I took money from you and didn’t pay it back, right? (beats the husband with a long stick of sausage, which is still in his hands) Here you have 100 rubles, but here you have 150! And this is another 500! And now, fetch, Tuzik! (they run away to the laughter of the audience).

Interactive show for a corporate event

Funny scenes evoke a lot of positive emotions in the audience when they are combined with funny provocations and interactive games. Unexpected active participation in a theatrical performance is remembered for a long time.

The following production can be performed on your own, attracting guests and participants.

Scene for a corporate event “Dogs for Santa Claus”

Duration: 10 -15 minutes

Artists: Presenter and 5 people who were the first to guess the riddles;

Q: Did you know that in 2018, Santa Claus will ride not on reindeer, but on dogs? But these must be the best sled dogs in the whole world. To choose record holders for grandpa's sled, we will first play riddles about dogs. Whoever shouts out the correct answer first comes to me to receive prizes.

Curly mop,
Everyone can see from the window.
Barks loudly at passers-by,
blond... (lapdog).

With a flat muzzle button,
Red bun,
It doesn't run, it rolls
And he puffs a little.

The dog's tail is like a fountain,
It fits into your pocket itself.
What miracle of miracles?
But this is... (Pekingese)

The dog is black, shaggy,
And very big!
He's a sweet, kind guy
And not at all evil!
When I was drowning, he saved me,
This dog... (Diver).

He's a little Lilliputian
It weighs no more than a cat.
Its size is small
This is a Yorkshire...(terrier).

Sausage dog,
On tiny legs
But he's eager to attack
For a bird and a cat.
And if in the forest, he will find a fox,
She is a hunter, and not a crybaby!
Its breed is called ... (dachshund).

The winners of the riddle competition are lined up.

Q: Everyone wants prizes, right? Do you know how many tests dogs go through at dog shows to get medals? Here are the honorary titles for dogs based on the results of the 1st competition! (Plates with the inscriptions are hung on the competitors’ necks: Lapdog, Pekingese, Diver, Terrier, Dachshund).

Tip: For greater entertainment, and to make it easier for the participants in the scene to get used to the role, dress the “doggies” with the attributes of the appropriate costumes - ears, tails, masks.

Q: We choose the best dogs. What should the best dogs be able to do? Right! They must be able to bark well! But not just “woof-woof”, our dogs will bark their special dog text on command.

Participants are given five pieces of paper on which “barking” words are written:

  1. Bliss! Bliss! Bliss!
  2. Drive! Drive! Drive!
  3. Life! Life! Life!
  4. Bliss! Drive! Life!
  5. Like! Like! Like!

Q: I will take turns telling each dog one secret from her dog’s life, and she will bark her magic word to us in confirmation.

When the hostess lies down on the sofa in the living room,
You need to come closer to her, she needs to lick her feet.
And if the good housewife can be pushed back a little,
Lie on top of her and put your tail and paw on her forehead,
Then this...

Dog 1: Great! Bliss! Bliss!

And then a kind dog lovingly gnaws at her nose.
In response, the kindest mistress will scratch her face and belly.
But if you continue to scratch your belly against the hostess,
You can happily run from the slipper all the way to the kitchen
And bark...

Dog 2: Drive! Drive! Drive!

When I ask the hostess: “Let’s go for a walk soon!”
But she has work to do, she needs to cook, iron, and wash...
I can no longer hide my feelings inside:
“I laid out my heart there on the carpet - look!”
And this...

3rd dog: Life! Life! Life!

When I walk decorously in the park with my mistress on a leash,
And then a cat’s face brazenly passes by lightly...
It’s not my fault that the hostess can’t run so fast.
She had to drive a little, even fly a little.
And this...

4th dog: Great! Drive! Life!

As luck would have it, the owner’s neighbor was also walking there at the time,
He not only saw all this, but also filmed it on camera.
From now on I'm with Mistress Any
Facebook and YouTube star!
We collect...

5th dog: Like! Like! Like!

All competitors are recognized as eligible for the New Year's team, and prizes are awarded. These are collars, dry food, toy “bones”, balls, etc.