The input VAT posting is reflected. How tax accounting for VAT is maintained: postings

The tax base is defined as the cost of goods (work, services), calculated on the basis of market prices, taking into account excise taxes (for excisable goods) and without including tax. We will determine VAT using the estimated rate – 18%/118%.

3600*18/118=549.15 thousand rubles

2. Calculation of tax deductions for VAT.

We assume that all payments related to production costs for the company were made in the 1st quarter. There are invoices for services received and goods received, which highlight VAT amounts. This entitles the company to tax deductions for VAT. All payments for goods and services include VAT at a rate of 18%.

Paid for raw materials and materials - 1800 thousand rubles. VAT = 1800*18/118 = 274.6 thousand rubles.

Paid for rent - 150 thousand rubles. VAT = 150*18/118 = 22.88 thousand rubles.

Paid for electricity - 100 thousand rubles. VAT = 100*18/118 = 15.25 thousand rubles.

Paid for other production expenses - 350 thousand rubles. VAT = 350*18/118 = 53.38 thousand rubles.

Paid for the car - 420 thousand rubles. VAT = 420*18/118 = 64.06 thousand rubles.

The total amount of VAT to be deducted is:

(274.6+22.88+15.25+53.38+64.06)=430.17 thousand rubles.

3.VAT for transfer to the budget

The amount of tax payable to the budget is calculated at the end of each tax period. Amount of tax payable = total amount of tax minus amount of tax deductions plus the amount of the restored tax.

Amount to be paid = 549.15 – 430.17 = 118.98 thousand rubles.

According to Art. 163 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the tax period is established as a quarter. In previous editions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation it was stated that if revenue during a quarter does not exceed 2 million rubles, then the organization has the right to switch to paying tax once a quarter. This item is currently missing.

The tax period for VAT is a quarter. Taxpayers are required to submit a tax return to the tax authorities no later than the 20th day of the month following the expired quarter. VAT is paid entirely to the federal budget.

The salary accrued for the quarter is 800 thousand rubles. The rate of contributions to extra-budgetary funds is 34% (FSS - 2.9%, Pension Fund - 22%, FFOMS - 5.1%).

For persons who are disabled by Federal Law of July 24, 2009. 212-FZ “On Insurance Contributions” establishes reduced rates for disabled people (Article 58). Tariff rates for 2014: Pension Fund -21%; FFOMS - 3.7%, FSS - 2.4%, i.e. total 27.1%. Since in our case the percentage of disabled people is 62%, let us assume that the salary of disabled people is also 62%.

Insurance premiums = 800*38%*30% + 800*62%*27.1% = 91.2+134.41 = 225.61 thousand rubles.

The billing period is a calendar year. Reporting period - first quarter, half year, nine months of the calendar year, calendar year. During the billing period, the policyholder pays insurance premiums in the form of monthly mandatory payments until the 15th day of the calendar month following the month for which it is accrued.

Payment of contributions is carried out in separate settlement documents sent to the Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund, Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund

To the Social Insurance Fund: 8.81+11.90 = 20.71 thousand rubles.

To the Pension Fund: 66.88+104.16 =171.04 thousand rubles.

To the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund: 15.50+18.35 = 33.85 thousand rubles.

One of the most important accounts for both the accountant and the entire organization are the accounting accounts associated with VAT calculations. The final amount of tax payable, which is determined when filling out a tax return based on the results of work in each quarter, depends on the correctness of attributing individual amounts to accrual and write-off.

The amount of VAT for transfer to the budget can be reduced by the amount of the tax accepted for offset. To account for it, account 19 is used, which summarizes information on the amount of VAT on purchased values ​​issued by suppliers. This account is quite interesting. On the one hand, it can be considered as a receivable, because it is used in settlements with suppliers to allocate the amount of VAT to be reimbursed from the total cost of goods received and accepted works/services.

On the other hand, as an additional regulating account, since it allows you to reimburse the cost of the tax paid to the supplier from the budget (if certain conditions). You need to know it well in order to correctly apply it for accounting purposes. This article will help you become better acquainted with this important and necessary account.

General information on account 19

This account is intended to reflect, for accounting purposes, information on the amounts of value added tax issued by suppliers/reflected in settlement documents. This amount is payable by the buyer along with the cost of the goods supplied to him, the work and services accepted. At the same time, at the end of each tax period, this value can serve to reduce the total amount of VAT intended for transfer to the budget.

Accounting entries for calculating and writing off VAT on purchased assets

The VAT amounts paid or intended to be paid are reflected in the debit of account 19 in correspondence with the accounts for accounting for settlements. The loan is used to write off the accumulated amounts, usually in conjunction with an account. 68-2 (intended for calculations with the budget). The following entries are made:

  • Dt 19 - Kt 60 - reflection of the amounts of received VAT in settlements with suppliers and contractors;
  • Dt 19 - Kt 76 - with different creditors and debtors.
  • Dt “accounts for accounting for material assets, services” - Kt 60, 76 - the cost of received materials and services.

Next, incoming amounts are written off to account 68. The entry entry looks like this: Dt 68-2 - Kt 19. At the end of the tax period, the amount of VAT to be transferred to the budget will be reduced by the amount accumulated on the account. 19, taking into account the fact of payment and receipt of services and material assets. It is worth noting here that the submission of a value added tax return from January 1, 2014 is carried out only in electronic form. All companies will have to report via the Internet on the basis of Law No. 134-FZ of June 28, 2013.

Features of tax reimbursement from the budget

The tax paid within the cost of purchased goods is reimbursed to the company if the purchased goods or services received were used in the main activities of the enterprise and only for transactions that are subject to VAT (Tax Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 4 of Article 170). Otherwise, it is either fully included in the cost of goods or distributed between taxable and non-taxable transactions.

That is, the registration of settlement documents is carried out without allocating the amount of tax (or part thereof) from the total expenses associated with the purchase. Until 2014, it was also necessary to issue invoices, even if the transaction is not subject to VAT (Article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the note “No tax” was placed.

However, as of January 2014, new regulations came into force. According to them, issuing invoices is mandatory only if the transaction is subject to VAT, or if the company is exempt from paying this tax (Article 145 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). That is why it is recommended to keep accounting records in the context of separately opened subaccounts. In addition, special accounts are used to separate calculations for standardized expenses. If the organization exceeds the legally approved norms for expenses, VAT on them is not accepted for deduction (Tax Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 7 of Article 171).

As for the tax return itself, to facilitate its completion, the accounting for value added tax for offset is carried out in accordance with its lines in separate sub-accounts. Let's take a closer look at them.

Account 19 by subaccounts

Accounting for the amount of incoming VAT on the account. 19 is maintained separately for the acquisition of:

  • fixed assets, including those requiring installation;
  • goods, works, services necessary for construction and installation work produced for own consumption;
  • goods purchased for subsequent resale.

They are reflected respectively in subaccounts 19-1 (for fixed assets), 19-2 (for intangible assets), 19-3 (for material and production resources) and others. These three accounts are the main ones and are regularly used for accounting purposes. In addition, on the specified account, the amounts of VAT on travel, advertising expenses and entertainment expenses are taken into account in separate lines.

If we consider accounting entries according to the reflection of incoming tax amounts, broken down by subaccounts, they will be written as follows:

  • Dt 19-1 - Kt 60 - the amount of VAT accounted for purchased fixed assets for carrying out taxable activities is allocated.
  • Dt 19-2 - Kt 60 - similar for purchased intangible assets.
  • Dt 19-3 - Kt 60 - the same for MPZ.

When tax is deducted based on invoices, the following posting is recorded:

  • Dt 68 - Kt 19-1 (2, 3) - VAT is presented for deduction on capitalized and paid fixed assets, intangible assets and inventories.

VAT on purchased assets and company production costs

The amount of value added tax on inventories acquired for production activities is included in the expenses of the enterprise, which is reflected in the accounting accounts using the following entry:

  • Dt 20 (23, 29) - Kt 19-3 - write-off of tax amounts on purchased inventories used in the production of products not subject to VAT. Here in correspondence with account. 19 accounts of the main, as well as additional/service industries are used.

Also, expenses can be written off to other company accounts, including 25, 26, 44, if these are general business or production expenses or if the goods were subject to resale (account 44). They correspond from 19 hours. by debit: “Dt 25, 26, 44 - Kt 19.”

General rule: if the amount of tax on ext. cost (according to the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) is not subject to return from the budget, it is reflected in the accounts of material assets, costs, and other expenses.

An example of accounting for VAT in settlements with suppliers and accepting it for deduction: entries with explanations

Let's look at a situation where, during March 2014, a company purchased products from a supplier and resold them to its customers. The batch was purchased and sold in in full. The purchase costs amounted to 12,000 rubles, of which 1,830.51 rubles were VAT. The tax amount was separated from the cost of the goods and attributed to account 19. In accounting, this operation is reflected in two accounting entries:

  • Dt 41 - Kt 60 - 10,169.49 rubles - the cost of purchased goods is taken into account;
  • Dt 19 - Kt 60 - 1,830.51 rubles - reflected input VAT in connection with the purchase of a consignment of goods.

At the end of the 2014 reporting period, the organization writes off the tax amount to account 68, using its right to reduce debt to the budget. The posting is recorded:

  • Dt 68 - Kt 19 - 1,830.51 rubles - the amount was transferred to the debit of the budget settlement account to reduce the amount of accrued tax.

In the same month of 2014, the company sells goods to its customers at a price 1.5 times more than the purchase price (18 thousand rubles). The following transactions reflect the operation:

  • Dt 90-2 - Kt 41 (10,169.49 rubles) - reflects the cost of products sold;
  • Dt 62 - Kt 90-1 (18,000 rubles) - the buyer’s debt to the company is taken into account (including the amount of VAT equal to 2,745.76 rubles);
  • D 90-3 - K 68 (2,745.76) - the amount of VAT is allocated for accrual to the budget.

Then we define financial result from the transaction, counting the difference between debit and credit turnover on the “Sales” account: 10169.49 + 2745.76 - 18000 = - 5,084.75 rubles. The minus sign means that there was a profit. We transfer it to account 99 “Profit and Loss”:

  • Dt 90-9 - Kt 99 (5,084.75 rubles) - profit from March sales of 2014.

As a result, on the account. 68 we have formed the amount of VAT to be transferred to the budget. It is defined as the difference between credit and debit (amounts to be accrued and offset):

2,745.76 - 1,830.51 = 915.25 rubles - tax for transfer to the budget, formed as a result of March 2014 sales.

In this example, we looked at how VAT calculations are reflected for accounting purposes and how the amount that will be transferred to the budget is determined.


The count of 19 may seem quite difficult to understand, but learning how to use it correctly is very important. Accountants love it, because this account, one might say, saves the organization’s financial resources. It allows you to take into account and reimburse part of the value added tax from the budget, thereby reducing the amount of VAT intended for payment.

Value added tax covers all income from the company's sales and non-sales activities. Taxes must also be transferred to the budget on the amounts. VAT at the end of the reporting period (which is a quarter) can be reduced by the amount of deductions. In this article we will look at the basic principles of tax accounting and look at VAT using an example.

The tax is calculated separately for each rate if the company applies several. They are then added up to give the total tax amount. VAT is calculated by filling out.

VAT on sales is accrued in the debit of account 90.3. For non-operating income – 91.2. The loan corresponds with .

  • Debit 90.3 Credit 68 – VAT on sales upon shipment
  • Debit 90.3 Credit 76 – VAT on sales upon payment
  • Debit 91.2 Credit 68 – VAT on non-operating income shipped
  • Debit 91.2 Credit 68 – VAT on non-operating income paid

Accounting for input VAT

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs have the right to make the tax payable lower by reducing it by input VAT. This means that when purchasing, for example, goods that are used in the main activity, subject to value added tax, VAT, which is included in the price by the supplier, reduces the tax base. Also included in deductions are the amounts of taxes previously paid from prepayment from the buyer,

  • Debit 19 Credit 60 – reflection of VAT upon purchase
  • Debit 68 VAT Credit 19 – VAT deductible.

VAT recovery

Sometimes previously accepted for deduction. This happens in situations where, for example, goods purchased for resale are sold in activities. Also, the obligation to restore the tax arises when switching to a special tax. regime, when receiving subsidies from the budget, using a 0% rate, etc.

VAT recovery:

  • Debit 19 Credit 68 VAT – recovery of VAT on inventory items
  • Debit Credit 68 VAT – restoration of VAT on goods, materials and fixed assets in case of deviation from the norms of natural loss
  • Debit 91.2 Credit 68 VAT – restoration of VAT on sold fixed assets

Example of VAT transactions

The organization sold goods to a wholesale buyer on the terms of 50% prepayment in the amount of 987,452 rubles. (VAT RUB 150,628). Before this, goods were purchased from a supplier in the amount of RUB 620,540. (VAT 659 rub.).

Later, some of these goods amounted to 175,849 rubles. (VAT 824 rubles) was sold at retail for activities subject to UTII. VAT has been restored. The remaining payment from the wholesale buyer was transferred three weeks later.


Account Dt Kt account Wiring Description Transaction amount Base document
620 540 Ref. Payment order
525 881 Packing list
Posting for VAT accounting 659 Packing list
VAT deduction received 659 Invoice
Received advance payment from wholesale buyer 493 726 Bank statement
An advance invoice has been issued 75 314 Ref. Invoice
Revenue from the sale of goods 987 452 Packing list
Sold goods written off 836 824 Packing list

VAT payers in their activities often face issues of reflecting VAT in accounting. This applies to the accrual, deduction of restoration, refund and payment of VAT. In this article we will look at the procedure for reflecting VAT in accounting and tax accounting in all cases.

VAT calculation
Tax accounting
It is necessary to charge VAT when performing VAT taxable transactions. To calculate this amount you need to know the tax base and rate.
The formula looks like this:
VAT accrued = NB x St, where NB is the tax base, St is the tax rate.

The procedure for reflecting VAT calculated on sales revenue depends on what the receipts relate to. If income is related to ordinary activities, then organizations use account 90 “Sales”. If revenues are related to the sale of other company property, account 91 is used. Thus, the procedure for reflecting accrued VAT is determined. So, in the first case, VAT is reflected on account 90 using subaccount 3 “Value Added Tax”, and in the second case, VAT is reflected on account 91, subaccount 2 “Other expenses”.
For example:
Debit 91 subaccount 2 “Other expenses” Credit 68- VAT is charged on proceeds from the sale of fixed assets;
Debit 90 subaccount 3 “VAT” Credit 68- VAT is charged on proceeds from the sale of goods.

VAT deductions
Tax accounting
You have the right to reduce the accrued VAT by tax deductions.
To apply the deduction, the following conditions must be met:

  1. goods (work, services) purchased for VAT-taxable transactions;
  2. goods (work, services) are accepted for accounting;
  3. there is a correctly executed invoice;

At the same time, from January 1, 2015, a legislative provision was enshrined that allows you to claim a VAT deduction within three years after the purchased goods (work, services) are registered in paragraph. 1 clause 1.1 art. 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)).
Acceptance of VAT for deduction is reflected by the following entry:
Debit 68 Credit 19 - VAT is accepted for deduction.

VAT recovery
Tax accounting
The Tax Code establishes a closed list of cases related to the restoration of VAT (clause 3 of Article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
Thus, it is necessary to restore VAT if you:
transferred property to the authorized capital of another organization;

  • began to use goods in VAT-free transactions;
  • switched to special modes;
  • received an exemption from paying VAT under Art. 145 Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • accepted for deduction of “input” VAT on the cost of purchased goods for which an advance payment was made;
  • returned the advance payment to the counterparty in connection with the termination of the contract;
  • reduced the cost of goods received if their price or quantity decreased;
  • received a subsidy from the budget to reimburse the costs of purchasing goods.

Since 2015, a new article comes into force. 171.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (introduced by Law No. 366-FZ), which specifies the cases and procedure for the restoration of VAT accepted for deduction from the cost of acquired or constructed fixed assets.
The amount of restored VAT is taken into account as part of other expenses associated with production and (or) sales (clause 1, clause 1, article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
VAT restoration is reflected in the debit of account 19 “Value added tax on acquired assets” and the credit of account 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” (VAT sub-account). The restored amount of VAT is taken into account as part of other expenses (clause 11 of PBU “Expenses of the organization” PBU 10/99).

Debit 19 Credit 68 - VAT restored;
Debit 91 subaccount 2 “Other expenses” Credit 19- restored VAT is included in other expenses.

VAT refund
Tax accounting
In practice, a common situation is when VAT is subject to refund. This is possible if the amount of deductions exceeds the amount of calculated VAT. Then this amount of VAT for refund can be offset against upcoming payments for taxes of the same type, or returned to the current account. Also, if a company has tax debts, the inspectorate has the right to offset the amount of VAT calculated for reimbursement against its payment.
Please note that if the tax authorities do not return the VAT amount on time, you have the right to demand interest for each calendar day of violation of the refund deadline (Clause 10, Article 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
This amount of interest is not taken into account in income tax income (clause 12, clause 1, article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
In accounting, transactions related to VAT refunds are reflected as follows:
Debit 68 subaccount “Income Tax” Credit 68 subaccount “VAT”- the amount of VAT subject to refund is offset against the payment of income tax debt;
Debit 51 Credit 68 subaccount “VAT”- the amount of VAT subject to reimbursement has been returned to the current account from the budget;
Debit 68 subaccount “Interest” (Debit 76 subaccount “Calculations with the budget”) Credit 91- interest accrued for late VAT refund;
Debit 51 Credit 68 subaccount “Interest” (Credit 76 subaccount “Calculations with the budget”)- interest received for late VAT refund.

Payment of VAT
Tax accounting
The amount of VAT payable is determined as the difference between the amount of accrued VAT and tax deductions (clause 1 of Article 173 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
Your algorithm of actions at the end of the quarter should be like this:

  1. calculate VAT on transactions that are subject to VAT for the quarter;
  2. determine the amount of VAT deductions;
  3. subtract tax deductions from the calculated VAT amount;
  4. pay VAT to the budget, rounding the tax amount to full rubles.

Finally reporting period On account 68, the “VAT” subaccount reflects the balance reflecting the organization’s tax debt.
When transferring VAT to the budget, the following entry is made:
Debit 68 subaccount “VAT” Credit 51- VAT is transferred to the budget.

The rules for calculating value added tax (VAT) have their own characteristics, which tax authorities often pay attention to when inspecting enterprises.

Therefore, you should carefully monitor the correct accounting of “incoming” and accrued taxes.

VAT calculations

To calculate VAT, accounting accounts 19 “VAT on acquired values” and 68 “Calculations for taxes and fees” subaccount “VAT” are provided.

When material (or intangible) assets arrive, the following entries are made. postings to VAT accounts

Dt 19 Kt 60 (76) – reflection of “incoming” VAT from the supplier.

Based on the invoice, the amount of tax recorded on account 19 is debited to account 68

When selling products, works and services to customers, the company issues VAT invoices. The accounting records the following entry for VAT calculation:

Dt 90 (VAT subaccount) Kt 68.

At the end of the reporting period, account 68 (VAT sub-account) reflects the balance, which shows the organization’s tax debt.

When transferring taxes to the budget, the following entry is made:

Dt 68 (VAT subaccount) Kt 51.

The legislation sets the deadline for paying VAT - the 20th day of the month following the reporting quarter.

If the tax is not paid by this date, then from the next day late fees will be charged in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate per day.

Tax penalties do not reduce the tax base, since they are not included in the accepted income tax expenses

The accrual of VAT penalties is done as follows:

Dt 99 (sub-account “Accrued penalties”) Kt 68 (sub-account “VAT”, analytics – accrued penalties).

When a penalty is paid, a posting is made

Dt 68 (VAT sub-account, analytics - accrued penalties) Kt 51.

VAT for tax agent

Sometimes, in the cases listed in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a company is a tax agent for VAT:

  • when purchasing goods on the territory of the Russian Federation from a foreign company not registered in the Russian Federation;
  • when renting property owned by a municipality or government agency.

If the company acts as a tax agent, then it calculates the tax amount in the following order:

Cost of goods, work according to the contract * 18: 118.

If objects taxed at a rate of 10% were purchased, then the calculated rate will be determined as follows:

Cost of goods, work * 10: 110.

If an enterprise acts as a tax agent, then the purchase of goods, services, as well as the allocation of “agency” VAT will be reflected in accounting with the following entries:

  • Dt 20 (10,25,26, 41,44) Kt 60 – the amount of services received (materials, goods) minus VAT is taken into account
  • Dt 19 Kt 60 – estimated VAT amount
  • Dt 60 Kt 68 (VAT) – VAT withheld from a foreign organization
  • Dt 68 (VAT) Kt 51 – transfer of tax to the budget.

The tax agent can accept the VAT amount for deduction only if all conditions are met:

  • the service acceptance certificate is signed by the parties;
  • VAT is withheld from the supplier and transferred to the budget;
  • The invoice was issued independently.

VAT under simplified tax system

Organizations and entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system are exempt from VAT taxpayer obligations.

But when carrying out certain types of activities this tax cannot be avoided.

If an organization using the simplified tax system receives payment from a buyer with VAT allocated incorrectly, and the buyer is not issued an invoice with the VAT amount, then the organization does not have an obligation to transfer the tax to the budget.

This is indicated by the letter of the Ministry of Taxes dated February 13, 2004 No. 03-1-08/1191/15.

Organizations using the simplified tax system are required to pay VAT in the following cases:

  1. when importing products into the territory of the Russian Federation;
  2. when carrying out activities under simple partnership agreements, trust management and concession agreements;
  3. when recognizing an organization as a tax agent in cases established by law. These cases are common to all organizations, regardless of the tax system used. Such transactions under the simplified tax system are reflected in accounting by the same VAT transactions as in the general system.

    An organization using the simplified tax system cannot include the withheld tax amount in deductions, since only VAT payers have this right

  4. if the organization issues invoices to clients with a allocated amount of VAT at their request. In this case, the company must submit a VAT return. Although the Tax Code does not provide for liability for failure to provide it for “simplified people”. The sales amount should be fully included in income, but the tax amount cannot be included in expenses.

If an organization using the simplified tax system is an intermediary and acts on its own behalf, then it issues invoices with VAT. However, in this case there is no obligation to transfer the VAT amount to the budget.