1c creates new jobs. Publications

The 1C company has released version 8.3 of the 1C:Enterprise platform. The new platform implements many functions and mechanisms that are of interest to both developers and users. We will talk about the main directions of development of the platform and new opportunities for users in this article.

Why do we need a new platform?

The dialogue between an accountant and a 1C developer is sometimes like a conversation between a deaf person and a blind person. The programmer sprinkles cryptic terms and asks frightening questions: what platform do you have? what about the configuration? Or even worse: will you work in a thin client? But the accountant is lost and doesn’t know what to answer. Therefore, before describing the advantages of the new platform, let’s understand the terminology, that is, we will find out how the configuration differs from the platform, and a thick client from a thin one.

So, configuration is the accountant's work environment. When you launch 1C:Enterprise, you find yourself in your configuration, where you enter data, perform some operations and generate reports. There are many configurations, they are created to solve various problems in accounting, trade, production, etc. The configuration can be standard - its functionality is the same for all users; or it can be adapted, that is, “added” to the needs of the client. Examples of typical configurations:

  • Enterprise accounting;
  • Salary and personnel management;
  • Complex automation;
  • Taxpayer;
  • Money, etc.

In the configuration for the user's work, everything is already ready: there is a structure of the information base (directories, documents, reports, processing, registers, etc.). This structure was created to solve certain problems and an accountant cannot change it in normal work. You can change anything in the program structure, that is, adapt the configuration for a specific organization, only in the Configurator. It is in the Configurator mode that an application solution (standard or non-standard) is created.

This is the foundation on which the configuration is built. It contains a set of tools both for setting up the configuration and for its operation. Without the platform installed on the computer, neither the 1C:Enterprise mode nor the Configurator will work. The platform bears the following names: “1C:Enterprise 7.7”; “1C:Enterprise 8.0” (8.1, 8.2) and, finally, the new platform “1C:Enterprise 8.3”. A change in platform for an accountant is not visually noticeable unless the editorial configuration changes at the same time.

Client Application, in other words, client is an integral part of the platform. The client acts as an intermediary between a person (user or developer) and the program. The program, through the client, receives data from the user, processes it, and then returns it again through the client application. A person can interact with the program in different ways, according to which there are four clients:

  • thick;
  • thin;
  • web client;
  • configurator

Fat client is a client application familiar to everyone, which was used in 1C:Enterprise versions 8.0 and 8.1. The thick client has the most impressive distribution volume and must be installed on the user’s computer. The thick client allows you to implement all the capabilities of 1C:Enterprise, including setting up and modifying the program using the configurator. The thick client does not support work via the Internet.

Version 8.2. and 8.3 are focused on working with users in a thin or web client. And the thick client is mainly used by developers and administrators.

Fundamental difference thin client is that it provides work with information databases via the Internet. The thin client also requires prior installation on the user’s computer, but has a significantly smaller distribution size, that is, it takes up much less disk space than the “thick” client. This “lightness” allows you to use low-power devices, such as laptops, to work with it.

To work in web client There is no need to install the program on the user’s computer at all. Unlike thick and thin clients, it operates not in the computer's operating system, but in the Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari). Therefore, the user can log into the working 1C application from any device. To do this, just launch your browser and enter the address of the web server on which the information base is located.

Configurator. This is a client application intended for developers and administrators. With its help, you can make changes to the standard configuration. The configurator requires a thick client to run.

How to soar in the “clouds” with 1C

With the development of Internet technologies, another term came to us - "cloud". Working in the “cloud” means that a person can connect to the desired program or database remotely. In the case of 1C, this means that there is no need to download the database or even install the configuration onto the user’s computer. You can connect to your work database through any browser. This technology is fully supported by the new 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

What are the benefits of working in the cloud? The first is mobility. The employee ceases to be tied to the workplace. And this is extremely important for specialists who are forced to move around due to their line of work. For example, a sales manager will be able to quickly enter data about a deal that has just been concluded right at the table in the client’s meeting room. And the chief accountant can go to the dacha and complete his reporting in the fresh air among his favorite beds.

The second advantage is savings on equipment. There is no need to spend money on building a local network, purchasing a server, or maintaining it. In addition, with this organization of work, the requirements for hardware are reduced, because there is no need to install the program on employees’ work computers. Therefore, a bulky system unit or a heavy laptop can be replaced with an ultra-thin netbook or even a tablet.

And finally, the third advantage is automatic updates. Since applications are stored in the cloud, there is no need to monitor their updates and maintain the functionality of the program - all this is done on the cloud server. At the same time, your company’s data does not hang between heaven and earth: although the technology is called “cloud”, the base of your enterprise is still stored on hardware. Only the hardware does not belong to you, but to the service provider. That's why everything maintenance, archiving of your data, as well as its security, is ensured by the service provider. You don't have to think about it anymore.

You can work in the clouds through a specially developed service - the 1Cfresh.com portal. This method of operation does not require the purchase of a program or license. By connecting to the service, users see the accounting information base of their organization and work with the data from this database: adding documents, building reports, etc. In this case, the database is physically located on a server owned by 1C. Today, working through 1Cfresh is possible with several applications: “1C: Accounting 8”, “1C: Management of a small company”, “1C: Entrepreneur’s reporting”, “1C: Salary and personnel management 8”, “1C: Public institution accounting”, "1C-KAMIN: Salary". Moreover, these programs can only be used in a standard version. All that can be improved are external reports and processing.

By the way, users can always return to the previous “classic” version of work, in which working applications are installed locally and the database is hosted on their own equipment. Moreover, you can switch from one form to another and back at any time if you wish; the procedure is included in standard solutions.

Remote connection using 1C:Link

1C-Link is another option for remote work, but you cannot call it “cloud”: with it you do not transfer your databases to someone else’s server. They remain on your hardware, but with the help of 1C technologies you get secure access to your application from anywhere in the world. This way of organizing work is suitable small companies who do not have programmers or technicians on their staff.

You will have access to 1C information databases 24*7 from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. All modifications and settings of 1C applications are saved. You work as you are used to, and the information databases still remain on your computer.

From an information security point of view, such a connection is reliable: 1C:Link does not store or decrypt subscriber data, and your computer remains invisible over the regular Internet. Access via 1C:Link can be configured independently, without the involvement of specialists, and access can be organized to several information bases simultaneously.

Work on mobile devices

The new platform “1C:Enterprise 8.3” is more configured to work with mobile devices than the previous one. For example, it maintains communication even with low-speed Internet. This makes it possible to work with 1C programs on a tablet or smartphone via a GPRS connection. And the web client allows you to connect to the information base using only the browser available on the device.

However, browsers running on mobile devices have a number of limitations. To bypass them, the web client was modified to take into account the specifics of the Safari mobile browser and the iPad itself. As a result, the iPad now supports touch text input, lists have side scroll bars and can be controlled with a finger, the height of rows in tables has been increased for ease of use and the width of buttons in the input field in drop-down lists, the calendar has also grown in size. Standard zoom in and zoom out gestures are supported.

In addition to a specially adapted web client for iPad, a “mobile platform” appeared as part of the 8.3 platform. This is a technology that allows developers to create applications in iOS and Android. Such mobile solutions work autonomously, but if necessary, they can synchronize their data with standard 1C solutions via mobile internet(via a wi-fi network or the Internet from a cellular operator). At the moment, mobile solutions are already available for the “Document Flow”, “UNF” and other configurations.

Work on different operating systems

Until recently, users of the Linux operating system could work in 1C:Enterprise 8 only through a browser using a web client. And the configurator was not available to developers and administrators in this environment at all.

With the advent of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, such restrictions no longer exist: client applications have been created for the Linux operating system, similar to those that exist for Windows, that is, “thin” and “thick” clients. In addition, the configurator has also become available on Linux. Consequently, users will be able to work with the program in any mode, and developers have the opportunity to make individual settings in the program. To organize the operation of 1C applications over the network, you can also get by with devices running on Linux.

New Taxi interface

A new interface has been created for the new version of the platform "Taxi". Its main visual difference is the large font and optimized workspace. What is optimization? Firstly, the developers hid all rarely used elements. Secondly, the user can now independently design his own desktop, placing the panels in the part of the screen he needs.

Favorites. You can now add not only data objects (documents, directory items), but also commands to your favorites. Moreover, this can be done almost anywhere in the program in “one click”: from the form, from the functions menu, from the history dialog.

Search. Now full-text search is available in all application solutions: the program has a standard search form.

Navigation. The navigation bar is now located above the workspace, rather than to the left as before. The functions necessary for convenient navigation are now implemented in several auxiliary panels: tools, favorites, history, etc.

Calendar. Appearance The calendar has been changed, selecting the month and year has become more convenient.

"Single Window Interface". This is another feature of Taxi. In the new interface, most forms open in one main window, and the user can move back and forth through the forms open in the window by clicking on the arrow. This mode is similar to the browser.

You can compare the new and old interface using the example of a magazine Sales of goods and services in the “Enterprise Accounting” configuration (rev. 3.0) in Figures 1 and 2.

Rice. 1. Magazine Sales of goods and services in the “Taxi” interface of platform 8.3

Rice. 2. Magazine Sales of goods and services in platform 8.2 interface

Form command panel. Teams Burn, Burn and Close etc. are now made in the same style and have become more obvious (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. New view of the command line

Entering new elements. Adding a new item to the directory has become easier. There is now a button in the list that drops down below the input field. It allows you to create a new data element and automatically inserts a link to this element in the input field (see Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Creating a new directory element

Story . The role of History as a data retrieval tool has increased. Now this is not a history of changes, but a history of discoveries, in which the number of saved elements has been increased.

Compatible with previous versions

Platform 8.3 supports a special compatibility mode for infobases with previous versions. This allows you to use application solutions developed on the 1C:Enterprise platform versions 8.1 and 8.2 without additional modification. Compatibility mode also allows you to migrate the platform from version 8.3 to 8.2 if necessary.

Version 8.3 of the platform is available to users of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system who have entered into a 1C:ITS agreement, as well as to partners of 1C without additional payment.

Home 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8

To increase the efficiency of work with personnel, it is important to provide the employee with the opportunity to directly interact with the personnel service on all issues that are relevant to him. A modern information system can provide tools for the rapid exchange of information between the personnel department and employees, which is especially important for large companies.

Using these capabilities, an employee can quickly provide the necessary information in a personal card, record his working hours, and receive the necessary information about himself. This reduces the load on the personnel service and reduces the amount of time that HR employees spend on obtaining the necessary information or answering questions (for example, about the number of remaining vacation days or accrued salaries).

In 1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 CORP A specialized interface has been developed for online interaction between employees and the personnel service.

Company employees can:

    View your data in your personal file and submit requests for their correction if the data has changed.

    View information about accrued, withheld and paid wages.

    View benefit information and, if your company offers a benefit package option, select benefits based on the employee's benefit limit.

    View your accrued vacation days and enter vacation requests.

    Fill in data on hours worked, data on employment or absence from work.

  • Participate in surveys conducted by the company.

Depending on the policy adopted by the company, different levels of access to working with information may be established for employees: some information (for example, home address or telephone number) can be entered independently by an employee, and some information (for example, a certificate of education) can be entered independently. – change only through an application accompanied by an appropriate supporting document.

1C: Salaries and personnel management 8 CORP allows you to organize interaction Employee's workplace with the personnel service base remotely (via the Internet). Thus, large companies with a centralized personnel management service can ensure the interaction of this service with all employees of branches or remote enterprises.

First of all, you need to fill in the processing parameters: organization, price type and warehouse (you need to select them once, then processing will “remember” the values):

The second tab contains a list of customer orders with selection by manager (the user will see only his own orders). For convenience, it is possible to hide closed orders. For each order (by analogy with a standard magazine), you can generate printed forms and display reports:

Let's move on to the main tab of the workplace:

On the left side there is a selection panel (there are two selection options - by directory hierarchy, by item type and properties), but if selection is not needed, you can turn it off. On the right side is the main work area, a list of items. For each product, the price is displayed (for the selected price type), the warehouse balance (for the warehouse selected in the settings), as well as the quantity of goods to be received. Moreover, in the case of using characteristics, the information is detailed to them:

Below the list of items there is a shopping cart. To add products to it, you need to double-click on the desired item in the list, and a standard quantity selection window will appear (you can also select packaging here):

After filling the cart, you can issue sales documents:

  • customer order,
  • sale of goods and services,
  • commercial offer to the client.

When creating a document, the tabular part with goods is filled in completely automatically:

All that remains is to select the client and the agreement:

In addition to sales documents based on the cart, you can also fill out the movement of goods (if the manager has the appropriate rights).

In addition to filling out from the list of products, the cart can also be filled out based on previously entered documents, and even from an external file:

When filling from external files (Excel, dbf, Word), a standard mechanism is used:

If there is a reserve for a product, you can display details for the documents that created the reserve:

Now let's look at the purpose of the colored buttons on the bottom panel. The first is used to compare several products; first, select the desired items for comparison (using the context menu by pressing the right mouse button):

When you click the button, a comparison form appears:

The list of properties can be customized (and even additional details can be used):

To exclude products from the comparison list, we again use the context menu:

By button Description A separate form opens where you can see all the pictures attached to the item:

By button Reports (products) You can generate a report on the fly:

  • stock and availability of goods,
  • price list

Of course, all reports are generated immediately with selection according to the item/characteristic highlighted in the list.

By button Reports (sales) reports are generated:

  • gross profit,
  • debts of clients according to terms,
  • reasons for canceling customer orders.

By button Create a client A standard form of the assistant for registering a new counterparty opens:

If you create a client before registering a sales document from the cart, it will automatically be inserted into the new document.

By button Update prices You can load prices from an external file by first selecting the desired type of price (standard functionality is also used here):

The buttons for creating a client and updating prices are only available if the manager has the appropriate rights.

Release from 01/10/2019

Added the ability to display a picture on the main page:

Setting up a manager's workplace

First of all, this product adds to the directory Nomenclature block of additional information:

After installing the extension at the first launch, this block will be empty - you need to fill it in Settings:

In the settings you need to specify:

  • the need to display information panel blocks (information about balances, expected delivery, prices and additional properties of the product selected in the list);
  • default values ​​for calculating prices and substitution in sales documents (organization, warehouse, price type);
  • a list of displayed warehouses and price types in the information block (if selection is not configured, balances for all warehouses and all registered prices for the selected item will be displayed);
  • whether it is necessary to prompt for entering the quantity when adding to the cart (if not necessary, 1 will always be substituted);
  • Do you need to automatically throw an item into the cart when you double-click on it in the list?

After setting the settings, close the settings window (they will be remembered automatically and restored the next time you open the item list). When you select an item in the list on the right, an information block is automatically generated for it. It displays information about available balances (currently), the delivery schedule (information is taken from orders to the supplier for which receipts have not yet been issued), registered prices, as well as additional item details:

Working with the cart

If double-click selection is disabled in the settings, then you can add an item to the cart through the context menu:

When you add an item to your cart that is being tracked by characteristics, an additional window will appear with the selection of the desired characteristic:

Please note that according to this nomenclature, the data in the information block is detailed in terms of characteristics. To go to the cart, click on the hyperlink:

This is what the cart looks like:

You can add additional lines to it (or delete current ones), and change the quantity. If the user has full rights or the right Deviation from terms of sales, then you can also change the type of price and the price itself.

You can create various sales documents from the basket; for example, let’s create Customer order:

On the first tab of the order, you only need to fill in the client and select the agreement, the remaining tabs are completely filled out:

If desired, the basket can be filled automatically using data from existing documents of different types (and you can fill in one document or a list):

Before registering a new sale, the cart must be emptied (by clicking on the button of the same name in the item list).

Workplace settings are tied to a specific user.

For the extension to work correctly, it must be implemented with disabling Safe Mode.

Release from 06/17/2018

A picture of the nomenclature has been added to the information block:

When you click on the picture, an enlarged image appears

If you don’t need to display images in the workplace, you can disable it

Release from 07/19/2018

A setting has been added to the manager’s workplace for displaying related products in the information block (those that are often sold together with the one highlighted in the list):

If jointly sold items are registered for a product (someday I’ll tell you in detail about this mechanism of the system), then they are displayed in the left column:

To use this functionality, you need to enable the corresponding attribute in the item accounting settings:

The program can, in principle, set up connections between products that are sold together, but no one is stopping you from specifying related products for any item yourself:

For each product sold together, not only the name is displayed, but also the available stock balance. When you click on the name, the product card will open; when you click on the balance field, it will automatically be added to the cart.

Release from 07/20/2018

Added decoding of information block values:

When you click on the warehouse balance, a report on warehouse balances with configured selections opens:

When you click on the supply schedule, a product calendar with configured selections opens:

When you click on a price value, the corresponding price setting document opens:

Release from 07/23/2018

The form for entering quantity has been changed (a standard form is now used). Thanks to this, it became possible to add packaged goods to the cart (the price and amount are recalculated automatically):

When entering the quantity if packaging is not used, everything is standard:

A column has appeared in the basket Package:

While in the cart, you can reselect the packaging (the price and amount will be recalculated automatically).

If you most often sell an item in a specific package, then you can select it as a priority, then it will automatically be entered into the quantity entry form. To do this, you need to create an additional attribute in the item card (with the Line type) and fill it in with the name of the desired package:

Release from 09/27/2018

A table with information on reserving the selected product (for customer orders) has been added to the manager’s workplace. The data is displayed by warehouses and orders:

Enabling/disabling a new table is configured similarly to old blocks, on the settings form

Today we will talk about another feature of ZUP 3, which, according to my observations, is used very little. And not many users know about the presence of such functionality (there was no such functionality in ZUP 2.5). I myself often forget about this opportunity.

So today we will talk about the reference book Places of work and document Changing jobs. Let's look at a specific example, how can they be used in 1C ZUP 3.

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step by step instructions for beginners:

The ability to use this functionality must be enabled in the payroll settings (menu section Settings - Payroll - checkbox Uses short-term changes in wages depending on the work performed).

After that, in the menu section Settings access to the directory will appear Places of work, and in the journal document journal Changes in employee pay to the document Changing jobs.

Let's look at an example of how you can use all this “wealth”))

For example, the organization provides not only stationary work for cooks, but also work at outdoor events and in third-party organizations. During the period of such work, either an additional bonus is paid or salaries are changed. All these changes can be described in the Places of Work directory.

For the period of work at an off-site banquet, an increase of 25% of the employee’s salary and bonus is provided. Let's create the corresponding directory element.

In this case, the settings for the accrual type “Bonus for work at an off-site event” provide that the calculation of the bonus will occur for the time worked at this place of work, i.e. the indicator “Calculation base” will be calculated for this period.

Now you need a document Changing jobs enter the period of work at the banquet, and also list the employees who worked at it. Let's assume that in our case at the banquet two days(20.01 and 21.01) worked three employees(Tsvetaev, Khristenko, Fiaktistov).

It is worth noting that the list of charges ( Accruals column) will be determined automatically based on what planned accruals the employee had, and what accruals are present in the assigned place of work.

Let's calculate the employees in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions. As a result, for these employees, an increase in the amount of 25% of the salary and bonus was calculated for the period from January 20 to January 21 (for two days). Example of calculation according to Fiaktistov A.S.:

  • 9,777.78 (salary and bonus for two days) * 0.25 = 2,444.45 rubles.

Let us assume that in addition to this, Fiaktistov’s employee A.S. worked at the Lesnoy Dom sanatorium from 01/22/2018 to 01/31/2018. For field work in this sanatorium, a salary of 50,000 rubles is provided.

The employee’s own salary is 40,000 rubles, so for the period of work in the sanatorium, the salary will be calculated from 50,000 rubles. We assign the employee a place of work with a document Changing jobs.

When calculating an employee in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions, the calculation of salary and bonus will be divided into periods of work before the appointment of this place of work and during the period of appointment.

Thus, this mechanism allows immediately describe the conditions for assigning planned accruals for certain places of work (by the way, a place of work can be understood not only as a place of work, but also as some object, type of work, or something else) and assign them as one document both for one and for a group of employees (for example, a team).

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