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The full title of this book is: “Life without panties. The art of seduction." In fact, this is a monstrous book. Alex Leslie wrote it about how you can quickly meet and make any girl fall in love with you. The author gives useful and practical advice to young guys and men about what to do and how to act on a date with a girl. One of the main mottos of this book “Life without panties” is as follows: “From dating to sexual relations - just a few hours of time.”

If you open this book and begin to carefully study what Alex Leslie wrote on its pages, you can glean a lot of useful recommendations. For example, a cool thing - how to immediately seduce two sultry girls one hundred percent. Men are completely delighted - they discover incredible wisdom on how to realize their most daring and erotic dreams and arrange real debauchery with beauties.

Alex Leslie generously shares the secrets and stories of real seductions of girls and women. The author's recommendations will allow everyone to promote any girl they like for relationships and sex. That is why this book, “Life Without Panties,” is, in fact, a powerful and deadly weapon for conquering women. You need to use it especially carefully and carefully, because now every man who dared to read this tome with a bright and intriguing title to the end now runs the risk of realizing all his own desires and stopping at nothing. If you want the same thing to happen in your life, and you are probably daydreaming about it, then you should quickly start reading the book “Life Without Panties.”

Alex Leslie himself calls his essay a kind of cheat sheet and step-by-step guide to a specific action. The author honestly admits that all the stories he describes in the book are real. This is the frank and brutal truth. Therefore, Alex Leslie immediately asks all the notorious and shy men and boys to give up all shyness, because in a frank male conversation you cannot be like a modest, chaste girl. Otherwise, no positive effect on seducing beauties will be achieved.

In the preface to the book, the writer-mentor honestly wrote that his author’s original “suffered” greatly after the editorial proofreading. The publisher turned out to be a very moral person, so he considered it necessary to soften some of the juicy moments and mercilessly crossed out all the hottest details. Therefore, the original version of the book was more frank. However, the author believes that in time the publisher will reconsider his proofreading and a book will be published with the complete original stories “without cuts” and “cuts” of possible indecencies. And then you can definitely start reading them.

On our literary website you can download the book by Alex Leslie “Life without panties. The Art of Seduction" for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

Alex Leslie is the first in Russia and very well-known professional in Moscow in the field of teaching seduction and flirting with the opposite sex in practice. He is a trainer and founder of the Seduction Style project. In her book, Leslie offers her own methods of dating and seduction, which practically do not fail and are tested on personal experience the author and his students. You will learn about how to meet girls, how to flirt correctly and fool their brains, how to get a phone number from even the most persistent girl, how to get any of them on a date and talk them into sex, how to make her fall in love with you (if you, of course, , this is necessary for some reason). After reading this book, you will change your views on the world and understand that you can meet and seduce anyone in any situation. The book is divided into two parts. The first will teach you enough theory and practice so that you can learn the art of seduction. The second part of the book is not for the faint of heart, so you can read it only if you have everything mentally in order and are already 18 years old!

Alex Leslie

Life without panties. Mastery of seduction

When I introduced this principle of the triune action into training for the first time, the group had tremendous success compared to previous groups! Because, as a rule, students are divided into those who come only for beliefs, or only for states, or only for strategies. And, as a rule, those who want to get high come to trainings for the fortune that they already have in life. In fact, they should pay attention to those things that they constantly forget about - strategies, for example. After all, the effect is enhanced when all three tools of proper communication are used at once. Now think how important this is!

Let's put it roughly: state is 33% of one hundred percent effectiveness, beliefs – 33% and strategies – 33%. Therefore, if you want to be extremely effective, you must develop in three directions at once, paying attention to all three components during any action!

The book will give equal attention to beliefs, strategies, and states at each stage of seduction. In order to achieve the highest one hundred percent efficiency, when you practically do not have to spend any energy on seducing a girl.

What makes up 100% efficiency?

Thus, in order to be completely successful, you need to work well on each of the components of success.

Undoubtedly, any person, if he has developed only one component of success, can ride through life on a “white horse”. But, you see, if he adds a few more, his success and efficiency will increase! The lack of one or more components leads to a decrease in 100% efficiency. This does not mean that you can only seduce 20 women out of 100, NO! In our situation, this only means that out of 100 very beautiful women, you can seduce each of them with a 100% probability with significantly greater effort than if you achieve 100% efficiency.

Do you understand where the dog is buried? You can seduce anyone, but it is a matter of time and resources.

100% efficiency consists proportionally of three parts.

And now I will describe these parts in detail, and we will touch on each of them in one way or another in the book. In order to get closer to the ideal result.

Condition (psychosocial):

1) Psycho-physiology:

A) emotional state at the moment,

B) physical health at the moment,

B) external attractiveness,

D) sexual (bodily) attractiveness,

D) satisfaction (self-satisfaction) with oneself and one’s results in life,

E) success in life,

G) well-developed “male” instincts (as a result of physical health),

H) qualities of character.

2) Social level:

A) clothing style and appearance,

B) self-realization in life,

B) place in the social pyramid,

D) the attitude of surrounding people.


1) Local strategies:

A) talent for “intrigue”, creating interest in one’s person,

B) “falling in love” with yourself,

B) “theory of emotional aspects”,

D) openers (group, regular),

D) stories and sexual analogies,

E) games of scam for sex,

G) roof demolition strategies,

H) strategies for seducing two girls, i) a system of bypassing consciousness,

K) strategies for talking on the phone,

K) dating strategies,

M) strategies of invitation home and rapprochement.

2) Behavioral strategies:

A) meta messages

B) acceleration - inhibition of the psyche, the ability to quickly move from one state to another, play, transform,

B) automaticity

D) sexual acceleration,

G) development of the ability to feel women and their desires.


1) effective beliefs in learning,

2) effective beliefs in communicating with girls,

3) effective beliefs about lifestyle,

4) charisma, sense of humor as a consequence of attitude to life.

“The New Life Without Panties” is the second book by Alex Leslie, a seduction coach. His first book caused a storm of emotions among readers and became one of the most scandalous books on the Russian market. And this book is in many ways similar to the first in its writing style. The author writes directly and clearly; to many readers his style may seem harsh, defiant and even vulgar.

Alex himself says that he wants to convey to readers the truth as it is. He studied many sources with information on seduction, both foreign and domestic authors and trainers, some courses cost a lot of money. But, as he admits, he did not find reliable information or accurately working methods in any of the books. And then he decided to become the first in this area to discover the truth.

This book will teach men how to meet women and get what they want. The book will help you overcome your complexes and fears and teach you to understand women. Men will learn which seduction techniques really work, and will boldly approach any girl without fear of rejection.

The author will tell you how to turn any unpredictable situation in the right direction and become the master of your life. There are examples of seduction, frank descriptions, the author talks about the psychology of women and explains why he did what he did. The book can be perceived in different ways. It causes indignation for some, laughter for others, bewilderment for others, and allows others to completely change their lives and relationships with women. Definitely, you should read it to draw your own conclusions.

On our website you can download the book “New Life Without Panties” by Leslie Alex for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

An exercise to create a feeling of comfort with very beautiful girls
Find a girl who sits somewhere on a bench or stands in one place for a long time. Approach her so as not to embarrass her and sit next to her. Don't do anything, you just have to be near her. Pretend not to pay attention to her, pick up a book and pretend to read.
Sit like her and take the same pose. Now we will do one exercise that will help you feel comfortable with a girl.
Imagine that you are her. Imagine yourself in her body. Imagine what you feel, what you see and what you hear in her body. Feel how you breathe while being her. And look at you - the guy next to her. Do you like yourself?:) Feel in her body that you feel comfortable sitting next to you. Feel the warmth and feel how “you” want to get closer to you, the guy sitting next to you.
Now come back to yourself and imagine that the comfort zone around you is a ball in which you are located. Imagine that you are letting her into this ball. And she feels good with you.
Pay attention to your feelings towards this woman.
Look what has changed in her, body position or something else.
Can you feel it now? Are you comfortable?
Repeat this with at least five very beautiful unknown girls.
Do you want to meet each other after the sensations you experienced? Do you feel calm around girls?
Remember this state. Remember this ball. And when you approach the next very beautiful girl, if you start to worry, induce this state and let it into this ball filled with positive energy.

I'm tense

– How do you relax?
- And I don’t even bother!
From a conversation between psychologists

YOU NEED to be naughty! And treat everything very simply, like a child.
The most important thing is to relax. When a woman flirts with a man or a man with a woman, they are like two little children. The fact is that everything in a relationship is NOT built on a chain of adult logical reasoning, but on such childish emotions and pranks. Therefore, if you are characterized by childish immaturity or playfulness, it will be easier for you, and if not, it’s also not a problem. Remember your childhood and allow yourself to be a little naughty. That's where we'll start - with pranks and tomfoolery.
Different people come to our “Style of Seduction” project. There are those who are over 45. For those who have already forgotten what prank is, it is difficult to communicate with the opposite sex. They can be the most difficult, but when we finally get them to behave naughtily, they get inspired and go on a spree for months.
So, let's have some fun? So what can we do? Grab any person nearby by the nose. Can you imagine how much fun this is?! Well, okay, don’t be a bitch - isn’t it clear that I was joking?
So what are you doing today?

Automation rule. Why can’t you think long before approaching?

If you look at a person for a long time, he sees it. He feels eyes on him and becomes suspicious of whoever is looking at him, be it an old grandmother, a man or a woman. As a result, when you approach, you are treated with suspicion: “What does he want from me?” This often interferes with normal communication.
You don’t have to look far for examples... Dmitry tells.
One day I was riding on the subway to work and saw a juicy tanned brunette with long hair. Her face expressed complete self-confidence. She seemed to be saying: “I am beautiful, and I know it very well!” She was about my age - 27 years old. She belonged to that type of girl who makes you feel nervous. Suddenly she looked intently in my direction, but I held her gaze and firmly decided to get to know her. But the metro was noisy and somehow not very comfortable.
So I thought that I would follow her, then I would meet her on the street.
I am waiting. The train stops. She leaves through two metro stations. And I follow her. It’s strange that she didn’t turn around, but I got the feeling that she had no doubt that someone was following her. Although there were a lot of people in the metro. We go outside together. I quickened my pace. I thought: I’ll catch up with her. However, she also increased her speed. Crap. No luck!
I followed her even faster.
She stopped at an intersection. And as soon as I approached, she turned around sharply and recoiled from me in fear. Then there was a squeal of brakes. I was scared myself. A car passing by swerved sharply to the left and broke the mirror of a neighboring car, which was overtaking at that time.
I waved my hand...
What can we say about this failed “adventure”? Dmitry took too long to make a decision, as a result of which the girl noticed that he wanted something from her. She felt it and got scared. If he had spoken to her right away on the subway, at least asked what station it was, or stepped on her foot, and then apologized, such a barrier would not have arisen. He would become almost a familiar person to her.
Dmitry should have used the rule of automatism, it says: you saw the object of your passions - smart, beautiful, sexy - one, two, three and go! It doesn't matter what phrase comes out of your mouth right now. It is important to “discover” a person as early as possible, as soon as you notice him.

Let's look at one more case in this regard (from the forum of the lesley; author – alex_bitch)
I'm on the subway. I see a girl in heels, tall, white, slender, juicy and inaccessible. Just what I like!
Just approach her like that - your legs get tangled, as they say, and your tongue won’t turn.
I remember the rule of automatism! Everything should be spontaneous.
I developed the ability to act and then think. Therefore, approaching such girls is now completely not a problem for me. I don't notice any difficulties. I spend my emotions on a task when I work myself up before the approach: “I’ll do it! I'm cool! If only because I will now act and not stare blankly!” I am sure: you need to do anything, just not think how.
Therefore, I immediately accidentally push that seductive girl whom I noticed, gently but firmly. She almost falls, I catch her. But something happened that I did not expect. The train jerked and we fell again.
I apologized for the awkwardness.
- Please excuse me, the idiot. Excuse me, I need to hit me on the head so that my eyes learn to see. I hope I didn't hurt you? My God, how sorry I am. Step on my foot, otherwise I won’t be able to forgive myself. Either beat me, or come up with your own version of punishment!
- Nothing, nothing, you didn’t hurt me.
- Well, you are being modest. An oryasina like me can pinch a healthy man, but you are a fragile girl. I want to make amends. Don't punish me, let me do it!
-What do you want to do?
- I'll tell you, but not here. I saw something in your appearance that urgently needs to be corrected. I can provide you with this service, which will compensate for my awkwardness. I will help you, and for that you will forgive me.
– Is it something with the hair?
- No, no...
At this moment the door opens...
- I…. But for this we need to get out of the car...
Instantly my arms gently wrapped around the girl’s waist, and the two of us found ourselves outside the train, one might say, I pulled her out of there. Automation is the key to success. Not a second to decide on anything. I constantly act, that's why I achieve success.
What could the girl do? She asked:
- Well? I:
- Actually, I deceived you. I fell on you specifically!
I smiled.
- For what?
I smiled again. Silently he took out his cell phone.
– Your phone number? She laughed.
– Ha-ha-ha-ha... What a cunning young man. What if you killed me?
I looked at her silently, with the expression of an offended child who naively looks into her eyes and seems to say: “Do what I ask, please!”
She started to break down.
– I don’t give you my phone number.
My face changed, as if she had said something nasty, and I seemed to ask her again in a harsh manner what she meant, in order to scold her properly.
She was frightened and, as if apologizing for her stupidity, answered:
- Lena!
- I'm Alex.
The name must be unusual. Not Sasha, but Alex. They remember it better this way, plus it sounds more beautiful and original!
- Bye.
This is how you can “discover” a stranger!

Why can't you plan your approach?

The bear sits and fishes. The fisherman thinks: “Why is this bear sitting at my ice hole? Now I’ll go up to him and say:
Why are you sitting?
He will answer:
I catch fish.
And then I will tell him:
Go, my hole is here!
And if he answers:
I'm just sitting.
Then I tell him:
I’m fishing here - sit somewhere else!”
He made up his mind, plucked up his courage, approached the bear and said:
Hey bear...
And the bear told him, without turning around:
- Go to hell, man, don’t bother me.
The man scratched the back of his head:
– Yes... that’s also an option!
Conclusion: You still won’t calculate all the options!

We prepare for something mentally for a long time. We are getting ready to jump from a parachute - and we are worried. Yes, and our excitement before the jump sometimes exhausts us much more than the excitement during the jump. You worry the day before, while boarding the plane. And the jump lasts seconds.
Remember the exams. What a thrill it is to be in front of them, but in the exam you confidently answer the questions and come out a winner.
The jitters of preparing for some event exhaust us, overwhelm us, and instead of confidence, we are controlled by excitement in this state. It undoubtedly bothers us. Therefore we must learn to avoid it. In general, it should be removed, excluded.
The state at the beginning of communication with a person is much more important than what you tell him. You will never be able to prepare for communication that will flow in an unknown direction. Well, like those - the man and the bear from the joke.
I propose a solution to this problem.
If you see a goal, act immediately. Don't hesitate for a minute what to do. One, two, three - and forward. If you have nothing to say, say “Hi.”
When you approach, think about anything EXCEPT THE APPROACH: about how spaceships plow the ocean, or about the fact that summer will soon come and you will go south on vacation.
Let's say you're here, near the target. What came to your mind? What are you thinking about? Are you looking at the girl's short skirt? Correct her and say: “Nice skirt, but sometimes it comes off a little.” And be bolder! Be brave! Arrogance is the second happiness in life. And there is only one life, therefore there is nothing to lose. Do you think you might be doing something wrong? Well, what's the worst thing that will happen? But don’t do it like that – have fun. Don't do it THAT way on purpose. Don't do it like everyone else! The main thing: ACT! It’s better to regret what you’ve done than to sit in old age and think: “Where is my youth, where is my playfulness and prank.” I wish I could return everything, oh... it’s a pity...” So that you don’t feel sorry for it later, have a blast now!!!
YOU SEE IT, YOU LIKE IT, DO IT. And the more unusual it is, the cooler it will be.

Just in case, here’s the “Greetings Conveyor” method (a case from the forum; author ser_jon)
My friend and I are coming back from Aikido training. He asks how to approach such to a beautiful girl, before which your legs give way. She is blonde, very beautiful, looks very hot and passionate, tall, open breasts, red skirt. In short, I love these.
I remember the rule of automatism. If now I think about how I will do this, then I will not succeed. You must act spontaneously and adequately. Look, Slav. I'm going to see her. I say to maintain the natural state. It was a fun workout, blah blah blah. We think about anything, but not about her. I remember the day...
As we pass her, I stop abruptly.
- Hello.
Correct eye contact. She nods her head, as if asking: “What do you want?”, with a stone face on her face.
I turn away from her and start looking at the phone book.
After 5 seconds I turn to her again:
- Hello. She answers:
- Hello.
It's still kind of gloomy. I look at the phone book again, around, and ignore it. I turn again:
- Hello.
She smiled:
- Hello! So what next?
I turn away and don't say anything. I am waiting. Then I say again:
- Hello.
She is already starting to communicate with me.
- Do you know other words?
I ignore her and look at the phone book again. Playing with intonation:
- Hello...
I look at the unbuttoned blouse in the chest area. She was embarrassed:
- Oh, thank you! I buttoned up my blouse.
On the 9th “hello” she started asking me where I was from and whether I could say something more articulate. On the 10th, she already asked me to say something. I said:
- Good evening:)
I looked straight into her eyes.
We started talking. My tongue began to slur and my legs began to buckle. But still, I restrained myself and loudly showered her with several compliments so that she became embarrassed and blushed. I said that I liked her and wanted to meet her.
She nodded, saying, okay, but are you going to say anything other than “hello”?
And then she turns around. And there was a tall guy walking, a head taller than me, and wider :) He approaches her.
- ABOUT! Kostya. This is Sasha.
I looked up at Kostya :)
– Very nice, Kostya. I am Sasha.
I'm thinking about how to resolve the situation. The girl is super, but the guy is clearly not good enough. I decided to throw it all onto her! And he said the following:
- Olya, what a cool brother you have! You are so similar. She seemed thoughtful. But then she said:
- Yes, he’s cool, but sometimes we fight with him, otherwise he’s cool.
Kostya nods. I:
– I also have a sister. He:
- ABOUT! Will you introduce me? I:
- Certainly! Okay, it's time for me to go. Do you have a mobile phone? - I say and look at Kostya, and turn to Olya.
- Yes, sure.
The guy thought that I was asking him for his mobile number and wanted to dictate it to me, but I turned to her, thereby leaving him in confusion.
I did this unintentionally - it just happened somehow.
- Okay, I'm going. Bye guys. She:
- Bye, call.
I still didn't understand who this guy was. He was very cultured and calm. I liked it. Maybe it's really her brother???

I'm afraid of the environment

In practice, I was often told that fear of the environment is the most terrible of all fears. Well, how am I going to make acquaintances when a bunch of people are looking at me? What should I do? I am afraid of the negative reaction of people around me. What will they think? They are looking at me! How can I just walk up and talk to a person?
I am ready to help you only if you promise to do everything I tell you. It's up to you to decide: do you want to change or do you want to continue to be afraid?

Intended for self-development, very enlightening; it is used in most personal growth trainings. Very common in Japan in sales and public speaking training. This exercise will knock the crap out of you and turn you into a truly brave and liberated man. It is especially important to perform it if you have never spoken in front of a large audience or you are afraid of the people around you, and the reaction of the people around you is very important to you.
Can you read poetry? Great opportunity to learn if you haven't!

A task in which you need to:
1. Find a place full of people.
2. Go to an elevated surface.
3. Read the verse. I recommend reading from a piece of paper.
4. Ignore any reactions from the crowd. Both positive and negative. Don't communicate with anyone. Don't get distracted, no matter what happens. You are a robot reading a poem. Your task is to stare at the piece of paper. Read to the end loudly and expressively at all costs!
5. And after that just leave. Do not run away, but calmly, as if nothing had happened, leave.
To be effective, do this exercise for 2 weeks. Once every 2 days. You will see that in 2 weeks reading poetry on the street will become a common thing for you. You should stop caring about the reactions of others. Until this happens, practice recitation.
Now I give you a poem to read. A poem with a twist. You can tell the girls who approach you that you wrote it yourself. No one yet knows that this verse was written by my friend Andrei Kritchenkov during a lecture at a medical institute. He dedicated poems to deans and their secret connections.

A love story of two decansses

Two statuesque obese ladies
We went into the basement, and with the intention
Have a great time
We decided to drink vermouth.
The armored doors were closed
And, in tension, not believing,
That the working day is over,
They opened the wine chest.

Crystal table, two glasses...
The sun shone on their hands,
Rushing through a narrow window
Warm the wine with your warmth.
Oh, how nice it is for every lady
Whisper, slightly moving your lips,
Tender words to a friend.

Oh how my head is spinning
From the kind warm words of a friend,
And how nice it is to have free time
Drowning in mutual tender glances
And die, but not from poison,
And from the fire of hot lips.
They kept it a secret
After all, the world is cruel, cruel and stupid,
To understand this relationship.

And here are two ladies at sunset
They lay down on the bed for debauchery.
One, which is larger, grabbed
The head that is smaller and dug in
With your burning lips
Her lips are scarlet, yes,
That teeth were already grinding.
This is power! This is power
Love desires and passions!
And everything is submissive to this power.

What was going on there, oh my God!
With your gentle hand
Dean of the Dean between the legs
Caresses them, there is no rest for them.
And, putting a sweater under the head,
One lies in ecstasy,
Another tongue licks her clitoris
Oh, oh, the sweetest moments.

Their bodies darted like snakes,
And their hot breath
It was intertwined with the darkness of the room.
Oh God, the bed is swaying,
It seemed to echo that passion,
Love of furious power.

Yes! Let what happens, be it!
ABOUT! How drunk they are with each other!
Spring, chest beating against chest!
A crimson sunset is burning in the distance...

Like this sometimes, a little bit
There are also DEANS in the basements!!!

A. S. Kritchenkov


From a conversation between two guys:
– Do you see that girl? Cool, right?
- Eh... yes... how cool... But I don’t need it...

It happens that you see a suitable person to meet, for example a beautiful girl with long blond hair.
And as soon as the thought of getting to know each other arises, you begin to doubt your desire:
- Well, if only I had more time...
- Oh, what a pity that we are not on the same path...
- Coming up to meet someone is kind of stupid...
- What if he sends it?
- I don't think I like her.
“It seems she’s not perfect.” She has a mole... etc. I don’t think I need to list further. And it’s so clear what excuses are. Excuse- this is any thought, the meaning of which is that there is no need to approach and act. And you don't need to change anything. It's better what you have than something new. Excuses are explained by laziness. In fact, their nature is clear to everyone. Any person resists going beyond the usual, beyond the comfort zone, in order to act and communicate with people around him.
The rule of automatism blows all excuses to smithereens. You don't have time for them. It's just that when you're overclocked, you act without thinking. And when you don’t think, you act spontaneously, you don’t have time to immerse yourself and delve into yourself and the girl before approaching. Your condition is normal, you communicate right away, everything is fine.
But what to do if excuses still attack you?
All excuses are divided into three types:
1) The “readiness” excuse – I’m not ready! I'm not like that.
2) I don’t need the “why” excuse! It won't work anyway.
3) The excuse “she doesn’t fit”, this is not ideal... Her legs are not like that.
In the situation of a new acquaintance, difficulties scare you away, and your unconscious begins to make excuses of one of three types.
The “readiness” excuse: you think that you don’t have enough experience, bad mood, appearance, physical shape, little money, don’t have a nice car or nowhere to meet now; you reason that “there will be a car - then, eh...” or “I’ll go to the cosmetologist, and ah...”
How to solve the problem with the “readiness” excuse?
Okay, let's say you're not really ready. When will you be ready? When will you get enough sleep? When will you change your appearance? When will you buy yourself a new car/apartment/car or will you finish reading this book to the end and do all the exercises? No, don't fool yourself. You will always put off dating, leave it for later, because these are excuses, my friend! You're lazy. I know that you have EVERYTHING YOU NEED to seduce the girl you like, HERE and NOW!
Therefore, there is only one way out - replace the excuses with the proposed method:
“I don’t have much experience” → Great, now I’ll build up experience and have fun!
“I’m in a bad mood” → I know who will improve my mood :)
“I don’t look good” → Let’s see what she has to say about it… “Hi, how do I look?”
“I’m not in good physical shape” → In order to improve it, you can have sex. “Hey, let’s increase our physical fitness and engage in communication between organisms!”
“I don’t have much money” → I don’t need money to approach that pussy. Maybe she has money? I’ll tell her: “Buy me ice cream!”
“I don’t have a beautiful car” → What if she does? “Do you have a car? I want you to take me for a ride!”
“I have nowhere to meet” → Or maybe she has somewhere? “Hi, do you have an apartment nearby? We really need her now! Urgently!"
The point is that the main thing is action. The effectiveness of these actions at this stage is not important to you. Correcting it is the topic of the other half of the book. Now it’s important to do, no matter what, the main thing is to do. Don't think, but do! This is the attitude you should have! If you still haven’t gotten your butt off the couch, do it now and go have some fun, I think you have a reason for this!

Come up with excuses that pop into your head and replace them with positive language.
When you next make excuses when approaching, say positive language out loud to the person you are meeting!

1) “I have a bad appearance” → Let's see what the person says about me.
- Hello. What do I look like?
- Disgusting!
“So I wasn’t mistaken, I’m a freak!” I need to dress up.
2) “She seems too young for me” → Cool, this is a great chance to check
- Girl, excuse me, how old are you?
As you can see, by turning the excuse into a positive attitude, you can come up with unusual approaches! Cool, right?
What is important in the exercise is not the reaction of your interlocutor, but your original actions.

The “why” excuse: like “I don’t need it”, why would I approach that person, well, let’s get to know each other, so what, although most likely we won’t get to know each other, well, hardly...
The general assessment of the situation is that you don’t want to believe in yourself. And I believe that you can! Because there are no people who cannot. You can meet the best people and have a very interesting conversation with them.
So replace:
“I can’t” → I must!
“I don’t want to” → I can!
"For what?" → That's how it should be!

“Why am I going to approach that girl now?” → That's how it should be! “I can’t approach a pretty girl...” → I MUST! “I don’t want to tense up...” → I can relax and approach her!

The “she doesn’t fit” excuse: It’s also very easy to fight with her... If you see a girl and you like her the first second, go ahead and immediately start attacking. Whether she is suitable or not, you will decide after you start communicating with her. A person often sees something that is not there when he needs to excuse himself from any action. It is known that people have a good attitude - I don’t like me, that means she’s a fool! This is a defensive installation.
Often for many it works like this: “I need to strain, in my opinion, she is crooked.”

5 most important parameters to monitor

We are who we are. And nothing can be done about us. We should be perceived naturally. Have you ever thought that we can improve ourselves? There are ways to be very attractive to the opposite sex.
Now I’ll just tell you how you need to control your appearance and behavior during communication and seduction. First, let's get acquainted with five important external parameters of behavior. Pay attention to them when communicating with girls, and your effectiveness will increase.

Rules followed by the best of the best
I. Eye contact
The most important thing is to be able to look someone in the eye.
“I can do this!” - you say. Do you know how to not look away when you speak? You see, this is very important. When you talk to her, make sure that your gaze does not wander to the side for a second during the meeting. Just look into her eyes. Eye contact is the secret of any seducer.