Unusual baby names for girls. Beautiful and rare names for girls according to the horoscope. Female names, letter H.

Are you expecting a daughter and don’t know what to name her? Here are ideas to help you make the right choice. And what the name for the girl will be - simple or unusual - is up to the parents to decide.

Many parents begin to think about what to name their child only after seeing two lines on the test. Others cannot decide on a name, even after returning from the hospital. What names for girls are in fashion now? Modern or vintage? Russian or foreign? You can open a list with names in alphabetical order or look through church calendars, which many Orthodox parents rely on.

How to choose names for girls

When you need to take into account the following: it should be liked by both parents, beautifully combined with the patronymic and surname and, preferably, be fashionable and popular. And don't forget that every name has its own meaning. "Letidor" has selected for you a list of the most beautiful and rare names for girls.

Church calendar

The tradition of choosing a name for a newborn church calendar(Saints) is relevant again. From more than 1000 female names, we have chosen the most beautiful and rare: Anfisa, Melania, Ulyana, Emilia, Yuliana, Nonna. However, there are significantly more male names in the Saints than female ones. Therefore, it can be named after a male saint, if there is a usable analogue male name in the female version: for example, Appolinarius - Polina.

Beautiful and rare names for girls according to the horoscope

There is a study that studies the combination of different names with zodiac signs. Here are the most unusual astrological names:

If your daughter was born under the sign Aries, then perhaps the name Alla, Alisa, Raisa “becomes” her.

For girls born under the sign Taurus, the following names are suitable: Angela, Diana, Maya, Monica, Sabina.

For Gemini you can offer beautiful and rare names for girls - Aksinya, Albina, Gloria, Ivetta, Clara, Lucien, Taisiya, Eliza.

impressionable Cancer the names Bogdana, Juliet, Letizia, Lolita, Melania, Simone, Selena are suitable.

Royal Lionesses- Aurora, Adelaide, Ariadne, Bella, Dora, Ilona, ​​Capitolina, Lada, Laura, Roxana, Emma, ​​Eleanor.

Methodical Virgos- Vita, Gerta, Constance, Linda, Regina, Stella, Edita.

Charming Libra- Veronica, Zlata, Isabella, Lyubov, Milena, Nelly, Pelageya, Snezhana.

Unpredictable Scorpios- Zara, Louise, Magdalene, Martha, Seraphima, Taira, Teresa, Elina.

Active Sagittarius- Bertha, Violetta, Jeanne, Isolde, Marianna, Muse, Patricia, Thekla.

Calm Capricorns- Varvara, Kira, Nora, Renata, Eleanor.

Freedom-loving Aquarius- Ilona, ​​Aelita, Gloria, Novella, Frida.

Creative Pisces- Adele, Amelia, Eva, Venus, Ninel.

Ancient Russian names

Many names that we consider native, in fact appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and most do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs and way of life of the ancient Slavs. These names include: Dobroslava - sensible; Fun - mischievous, cheerful; Mstislava - demanding; Snezhana is modest and gentle.

The most popular modern names for girls

According to statistics from the Moscow Civil Registry Office, the most popular names for girls in 2016 were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alisa, Elizaveta, Alexandra, Daria. So if you're looking for beautiful yet rare names for girls, look no further than this list of 10 girl names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the meaning of a woman's name. We are accustomed to believing that whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail. For example, if you want your girl to be a winner in life, you can name her Victoria. But remember that this name is very popular now!

Here are some examples of the meanings of female names.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means “blooming”. Calm as a child, and stubborn as an adult. He will never commit rash acts and knows how to find a common language with people.

Valeria translated from Latin means “strong, strong.” She is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed imagination and excellent imaginative memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, thrifty and hospitable wife. Carefully approaches the choice of professional field in which he will become a real specialist.

Dominica means "lady" in Latin. Girls with this name have intuition and a masculine manner of leading and ruling. Dominika is confident in herself and is able to complete the most overwhelming and difficult task. Most prone to leadership position, even if it involves risk. Achieves success in painting, architecture, design and clothing modeling.

Rare names for girls

Statistics say that many parents tend to choose a name for their child that is not particularly popular now. If you hold the same views, then keep in mind that quite recently little Aurora, Lyubava, Leya, Ustinya, Emily, Bozena, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Vesna, Malvina, Blanca, Cleopatra were born.

Unusual names for girls

There were, are and always will be lovers of everything original. According to statistics, some of the most unusual names for girls over the past five years have been: Joy, Moon, Byzantium, Chelsea, Legend, Russia, Oceana.

Foreign names for girls

Among the current modern trends in choosing names is the fashion for foreign names. This is due to the fact that English language has become an international language of communication, and therefore pronounce english names For many, it’s not as difficult as it used to be. Or maybe the parents do not exclude the possibility that their daughter will go abroad in the future? Bella, Grace, Jessica, Camilla, Carolina, Jasmine, Monica, Patricia, Roxana, Nicole, Vanessa, Stefania, Charlotte are the most beautiful foreign names in the opinion of most mothers and fathers.

Foreign names for girls from films and books

The popularity of foreign literature and cinema did not pass by - girls with such rare names began to appear: Gladys, Daisy, Ginevra, Isolde, Lioda, Manni, Neris, Setrit, Talait, Tida, Ebba, Airy. And how many more beautiful and rare names for girls is hidden in world literature?

Photo on the main page: Legion-Media.ru

The question of what beautiful female name to name a girl born in Russia in 2018 worries all future parents. Usually, the choice of name takes place throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy, and sometimes even after the birth of the baby. Disputes, disagreements, exploration of meanings and even lots await the young couple and their entire family.

In the process of choosing a name for their child, parents are guided by the following principles:

  1. Meaning. Almost the most important thing for moms and dads is the meaning of the chosen name. Unfortunately, not every name carries some wonderful meaning. For example, Marina is translated as “sea”, and Tamara is translated from Greek as “palm tree”.
  2. Prevalence. This is also an important factor when discussing this issue, because no one wants all of their daughter’s friends to be called Katya or Masha, like herself.
  3. Nationality. If there are any other nationalities represented in the family besides the Russians, the choice can be made in favor of an international name that is convenient for each of the family members. Beautiful international female options: Alexandra, Diana, Julia, Maria, Milana, Tatiana, Violetta or Sofia.
  4. Year and month of birth. For those who believe in astrology, the stars will help in this matter. For such people, it is extremely important in what year the child was born and under what zodiac sign.
  5. Compatibility. Almost all mothers and fathers try on the names they like to match the baby’s last and middle names. Although people like Petrova Evangelina don’t surprise anyone these days either.
  6. Family tradition. Sometimes they decide to name a child like all the girls in the family, in honor of a grandmother or some beloved relative.
  7. Saint's Day (name day). When the child is already born, some mothers look at the church calendar and see which Saint was born on that day.

How to choose a female name in 2018?

Everyone knows that a person’s name influences his character and destiny in a certain way. To give your child a name that he will be proud of throughout his life, you should refer to the list of names and their meanings. Each of us has been asked at least once in our lives what our name means. Therefore, the beautiful meaning embedded in this word will give us the opportunity to show ourselves with the best side. Girls especially like to answer that their name translates as “moonstone” or “fire flower.”

Some couples prefer traditional female names such as Dasha, Katya, Nastya, Varya or Anya. These options do not lose their relevance at all times.

Others, when deciding what to name a girl, look for something original, but in the end they call the child a name that was fashionable for its time. IN recent years Alisa, Milana, Eva, Milena, Kira and Darina are very popular among girls.

Those who want their child to be one in a million, remembered by every teacher, and perhaps even become a star, call their daughters rare names, such as Kvita, Valencia, Rodina or Ophelia. Some people name their daughter like an Egyptian queen (Cleopatra) or a Greek goddess, while others simply name their daughter after their favorite singer (Rihanna or Beyoncé).

Modern beautiful Russian names for girls 2018

If you pay attention to the coming year, it is worth noting that 2018 is the year of the yellow earthen Dog, which has a loyal character and good disposition. People born this year are believed to be talented, friendly and self-confident. So what name is suitable for such a girl? Let's look at the female names of 2018.

The names Victoria, Daria, Vasilisa, Margarita and Elizaveta remain relevant and beautiful in 2018. Many mothers also choose to change up traditional names to stand out from the crowd. This is how Daria, Alesya, Sofia, Natalia and Olena appear.

Another theory, not related to the Saints calendar, distributes names according to the characters of the seasons. Winter girls are quite strict and strong, they are called Lyubov, Asya, Snezhana, Yaroslava, Lesya, Mirra, Nika, Polina and Svetlana. Spring children have a softer character, so they are called Ruslana, Stella, Stanislava, Claudia, Irina, Sabina and Sophia. Those born in summer are active and persistent; such girls are called Margarita, Valeria, Elizaveta and Antonina. Zlata, Zoya, Olga, Nastasya, Kapitolina and Vera are suitable for autumnal, calm and patient natures.

Choosing a female name according to the Saints

When deciding what to name the baby, you can turn to the Saints (church calendar of names), which are a list of names distributed over all 12 months.

If parents choose this method of choice baby name, they should contact a priest or priest, who will tell you what to name a child born on a certain day. It is recommended to name January girls Ulyana, Anastasia, Nina, Emilia, Evgenia and Nina. If a girl is lucky enough to be born on January 25, then she can be called by the beautiful female name Tatyana. Suitable names for February babies: Inna, Ksenia, Maria, Anna, Svetlana and Rimma.

If a woman gave birth to a daughter in the first month of spring, then she should pay attention to Vasilisa, Nika, Christina, Marina and Kira. In April, the little lady can be called Daria, Alexandra, Lydia, Galina or Larisa. For May, the calendar of church names suggests Martha, Tamara, Pelageya, Julia, Irina or Taisiya.

For those who are about to celebrate a birthday on a hot June day, the names Elena, Ulyana, Akulina, Antonina and Valeria are suitable. July means Margarita, Marina, Julia, Angelina, Agrippina and Valentina. Girls born at the beginning of August can be called Maria, Ekaterina, Anna and Anfisa, and at the end – Maria, Nonna, Seraphima and Evdokia.

The autumn beauties born in September are called Natalia, Anfisa, Anna, Rufina, Elizaveta and Iya. October girls - Irina, Sofia, Ariandna, Veronica, Zinaida and Praskovya. For November, the Saints offer Anastasia, Mavra, Matryona, Alexandra and Stefanida.

If the child appears in December, then attention can be paid to the names Augusta, Ekaterina, Varvara, Angelina and Zoya.

It is also allowed to change a date-appropriate male name to a female one. For example, Alexander to Alexander, Darius to Darius, Oles to Olesya. All proposed options are relevant among female names in 2018.

Whatever name the parents choose, the main thing is that they like it and that it goes well with the surname and patronymic.

Choosing rare and beautiful names For girls, we often find ourselves at a dead end. We may like many options. We doubt how our daughter’s name will be perceived in kindergarten or school. At the end of the day, we want a name that matches the girl's personality. How not to make a mistake and choose the rarest and most beautiful name?

Beautiful names for girls: rules for choosing

This has been discussed and negotiated, but parents still focus only on their vision. The child is a defenseless creature and cannot explain to his mother from the Russian hinterland that calling her by the wonderful French name Michelle will not be comme il faut. That her friends and girlfriends will persistently call her Mishka in Russian, and this is unlikely to please the gentle girl. Therefore, the first and most important rule is to always think about the child, and not about your ambitions and unfulfilled dreams of a prince.

Selection rules

The name must be chosen in accordance with the place of residence and social status. If you are unable to send your girl to a French, English or other foreign school, let the ending of her name be consistent with local traditions. That is, you can name the girl Eleanor, but Elizabeth would be inappropriate.

Consider fashion. Alina will not be a rare name if all the girls in the yard are called that way.

Give your baby old names only if they can be painlessly transformed into something modern and the shortened version will sound beautiful.

Consider your cultural background and religion.

Folk traditions are great, but euphony must be taken into account. Efrosinya, Avdotya, Paraskeva and even Varvara are wonderful Russian names, but remember that the girl will be called Frosya, Dunya, Parasha, Varya, respectively. Whether or not it will be difficult for an adult woman to feel like a queen with such a name is up to you to decide.

If you are believers, there will be nothing wrong when you name your child after Christmas. Only in this case it is also necessary take into account surrounding circumstances. For example: Yulianna stands on Christmastide. Think about it: maybe it would be better to name your daughter a simpler, but no less beautiful name, Julia. After all, you need to live up to the name Julianna, and if your family loves a bright, rich life, it’s easy. But Yulenka can be both simple and aristocratic, and here you can’t go wrong.

The name should sound harmonious with the surname and patronymic.

Modern names for girls

Modern girl names are dictated by fashion. From time to time, well-forgotten old things come back to us. New things are rarely invented and do not last long. For example, the name Vladilena (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin) is now no longer relevant.

Multiculturalism and openness modern world expanded the personal fund. It would not be surprising if a girl in Russia is named Carolina or Kamelia. These names will “wear” wonderfully. But Juliet or Gretta have a sound range that is unusual for us and will be alien to our culture.

In 2016, the following female names will be fashionable and modern: Alisa, Albina, Milana, Milena, Miroslava, Maryana, Anna, Anastasia, Veronica, Evangelina, Diana, Irina, Arina, Olesya, Sofia.

Original Russian names for little beauties

The Russian heritage of female names is enormous. Some sound unusual to our ears (Daromira - the gift of peace), and some of the names seem surprisingly relevant.

A slight touch of vintage on Old Russian names only makes them more beautiful and harmonious.

Just listen to the sound of our heritage: Agrippina, Agrafena, Arina, Antonida, Anfisa, Bozhena, Borislava, Vladislava, Gorislava, Glafira, Lyubava, Lyubomira, Lyubomila, Lada, Zlata, Mlada, Miroslava, Pereslava, Pelageya, Rogneda, Rostislava, Stepanida , Stanislava, Yaroslava.

Russian names also include those that came to us with Christianity. They are ingrained in our tradition and rarely go out of style. These are Sofia, Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov, Ksenia, Maria, Varvara and others.

Rare and unusual names - so that they are not like everyone else's

Unusual and rare names for girls are given to brave and extraordinary people. These names include magical exoticism. Magical - because the name has an occult meaning encrypted.

Sample list of names:

Agana - spirit of fire
Aster – star, flower

Bhetta – inviolability, stability, stability

Vasanta – spring
Vevea - faithful, unshakable
Vidaya - goodbye

Gaida - a guide to the upper world
Gorgonia - rapid movement
Gaitana is an African name
Gyana or Gayana - mystery






Milana – meeting
Moana - sea (Maori)

Piama – nursing (Egypt)
Pinna – mother of pearl, shell.
Prema - ideal love
Phena - foam


Satya - eternal truth
Sitara - star
Stella is a star



Shawallah - pleasure, like divine energy

Yajina - enjoying gifts and sacrifices
Yamuna - a river in India

Muslim names for girls

Muslim female names are very euphonious and unusually feminine. Even to European ears they sound like music. Decoding Muslim names turns us to the beauty of the female body and soul, revealing the elusive nuances of the character of oriental beauties.

Azalea – beautiful as an azalea flower
Aziza – strong and valuable
Alsou – pink-faced
Amina – reliable and faithful
Albina – white-faced

Valiya – holy, flawless
Wasima is incredibly beautiful

Gulnara – pomegranate flower
Gulshat – flower of joy
Gulya - flower

Denmark is nice
Dilnaz – tender
Dilya – heart, soul, mind
Dinara - gold

Zarima - the one who lights the fire, ignites
Zulfiya – curly
Zukhra - early dawn

Ilgiza - wandering
Ilnura - the light of the motherland
Irada - sacred gift

Laziza – sweet
Leila – lily flower
Lily – tulip flower
Leah – slender like a gazelle

Malika - mistress
Maryam - beloved, treasure of the soul

Nadira – unique, rare
Nursida - young light

Ramilya - the enchantress
Rauza – flower garden
Rimma is a beauty, loved by everyone
Ruzia is happy

Salima – in excellent health
Sarima – having a sharp mind
Suriya is the star of Sirius

Talia is a joy

Faina - radiant
Farida is unique

Habiba - close
Khalida – possessing immortality
Khatima - the most generous
Huria – free

Shakira - grateful
Shahriyat - akin to the moon, crescent

Elvira - protective
Enger - a pearl
Esther - star

Yamina - lover of truth
Yasmina - jasmine flower

Popular beautiful Tatar names

Tatar female names have a unique charm. A girl with this name will definitely have good luck in life, because each signifies innumerable feminine virtues, beauty and perfection of the soul.

Agjiba is the most wonderful in the whole world
Aglinur – shining
Agnia – possessing wealth
Ajmegul - a beautiful flower
Aigizya - the one who travels on the moon

Bayrambika – woman-holiday
Baliga - eloquent

Fortune telling is heaven
Gallamia – educated, knowledgeable

Dilbar - perfect, loved by everyone

What to name a girl is an important question, but far from the main one. Nice name- this is an advance. Whether a girl will be happy, successful, beautiful depends on her parents, on her upbringing, on the atmosphere that will reign in the house.

In real modern times, many people strive for unusualness, and it is for this reason that they choose unusual names for kids. In order to choose a name for a little girl correctly and harmoniously, you need to think carefully and clearly understand your choice. The whole point is that many parents, when looking for a name for their baby, should not be based only on their own desires; they, first of all, should think about how the girl will feel in the future with the chosen name. Even the most beautiful names for girls in 2017 can cause a grin or mischief among peers, especially if the chosen name is poorly and unattractively compared with the girl’s last name or patronymic.

It is important to remember that the name chosen for the child has a direct connection with the baby. Some names can aggravate or soften a person’s negative qualities, which is why it is important to take into account the character traits of a particular child. Since ancient times, there has been a correct belief that a person’s character is determined by the season of his birth. If you know the approximate characteristics that the baby will be equipped with, you can accurately choose lucky names for girls in 2017. How does the season of the year affect a person’s character?

  • Winter. Girls born in the winter months will appear strong and self-confident from early infancy. Their strong character will allow them to adapt to any situation. life situations. To choose prosperous and popular names girls in 2017 for a winter child, there is no need to lean towards hardness and ringing sounds; on the contrary, the chosen adverb should contain gentle sounds and soft consonants.
  • Spring. Girls born in the green spring period are very gentle and shy, but at the same time they are distinguished by a capricious and hot-tempered character. Spring babies are not in excellent health, so from the very beginning early childhood adults have increased interest in them. Such intense attention makes children selfish and self-confident. They find it very difficult to tolerate criticism of themselves and are very critical of their own shortcomings. Names for such children should not be unusual or funny; it is important to remember that even the slightest ridicule from people around them will sharply lower the self-esteem of such a child.
  • Summer. The warm and green period introduces notes of good nature, gentleness, and eternal joy into people’s character. Girls born during this wonderful period enjoy almost everything, they are always positive, so fate often meets them halfway. But in the character of summer children there are also quite negative traits For example, they are quick-tempered and, at times, very rude. To choose the most beautiful Russian names for girls 2017, you need to choose your preferred options from the list of kind, balanced and pleasant-to-hear names. It is not recommended to be influenced by modern fashion and give preference to exotic names.
  • Autumn. Beautiful autumn creatures are distinguished by self-confidence and early maturity. From the first days of a little girl’s life, parents will understand how wise and intelligent they are beyond their years. Autumn children make excellent family men; they never give in to the temptation of feelings and almost always think before doing something. Names for such girls should be pleasant to the ear and soft; autumn children can be given unusual or ancient names, but it is important to maintain complete harmony with the patronymic or surname.

Before accurately determining a beautiful and pleasant name for their baby, parents have to do a lot of mental work. The name should not have a negative impact on the baby’s fate; it should support him in every possible way and exaggerate his merits.

Presents a list of beautiful and quite fashionable names, from the total number of which you can always choose the ideal name for a girl.

Beautiful names for girls

  • Augusta - summer child filled with enthusiasm and zest for life.
  • Aurora is a strong and self-confident person; it will be very easy for her to achieve everything she thinks about.
  • Alexandra is a true protector of all people.
  • Alena is a pleasant and sunny girl, she is always optimistic about life.
  • Alina is a little alien to everyone, she is afraid of troubles and various adversities.
  • Angela is an angel girl, she is beautiful in all situations.
  • Anna is a grateful helper and faithful wife.
  • Antonina is the kindest and most sensitive.
  • Bogdana is given by God, she is faithful and beautiful.
  • Valeria is a wonderful girl and a strong personality.
  • Victoria is the winner.
  • Vitalia is positive and vital.
  • Vlada is a strong and slightly selfish person.
  • Galina is a true guardian, she is calm and wise.
  • Daria is a real winner, a resilient person.
  • Diana is kind and fair.
  • Evgeniya is a pure-hearted girl.
  • Inga is a lover of luxury and unusualness.
  • Kira is a ruler, she loves dominance.
  • Ksenia is a step-brother and an outcast.
  • Lyubomira is everyone's favorite.
  • Marina is the depths of the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes eccentric.
  • Milena is beautiful and sweet, she deserves attention.
  • Miroslava - kind soul, but she adores herself.
  • Nika is a powerful winner.
  • Oksana is kind and pure, she loves guests and is always kind to others.
  • Polina is filled with intuition.
  • Regina - loves her own superiority, selfish.
  • Ruslana is a little cruel, but fair.
  • Sophia is smart and fair, a wise girl.
  • Ulyana is sweet and tender.
  • Elina is eccentric.
  • Julia is spontaneous and beautiful.
  • Yana is a pure and kind soul.
  • Yaroslava - loving the world and people.

Nowadays, trendy names for girls in 2017 are more of a priority.

While expecting the birth of their daughter, young parents face a problem the right choice name. During which family disputes and disagreements most often occur. Since some parents who believe in symbolism are confident that a correctly chosen name with meaning in the future can have an impact on the development of personality, personal life, career, character and even habits. Selecting from a huge list rare and beautiful names for girls and their meaning, which of them will be harmonious and have a good meaning?

Parents always want to choose a name for a girl in such a way as to highlight the individuality of their princess. Therefore, mothers and fathers often turn to the calendar of female names. Where are the beautiful ones listed? Russians, modern names And Orthodox names for girls by month birth.


Children born in January are very kind and have a sincere attitude towards people and the world, but are quite persistent and have a strong character. For a baby born in cold January, it is better to choose a gentle name that will give her trepidation. The most beautiful names of girls born in January: Polina, Eva and Orthodox names– Melania, Eugenia, Appolinaria.

  • Apollinaria – sun goddess (responsible, kind);
  • Melania – black, dark (restless, efficient, purposeful);
  • Evgeniya – noble (calm, inquisitive, thoughtful);
  • Polina is a fortune teller (friendly, responsive, flexible);
  • Eve is the giver of life (principled, unpredictable, independent).


February girls have great determination, they are self-confident and are always guided by their mind and intellect. For girls born in the last month of winter, it is not recommended to choose too harsh names. Soft and short names: Marta, Veronica, Inna, Ksenia, Bella.

Meaning of names and character traits:

  • Martha – mistress (mischievous, sociable, demanding);
  • Veronica – the bringer of victory (shy, sparkling);
  • Inna – strong water, stormy stream (purposeful, independent, self-confident);
  • Ksenia is a hospitable, wandering guest (fickle, receptive, emotional);
  • Bella is a beauty, wonderful (sociable, energetic, sensible).


Impressionability, frivolity, indecisiveness, vulnerability and susceptibility to outside influence are strongly expressed in girls born in the first month of spring. When choosing a name, it is advisable to take into account the soft character and choose one of the strong names: Nika, Regina, Christina, Kira, Marianna.

Meaning of names and character traits:

  • Nika – victory (impressionable, emotional, amorous);
  • Regina – queen (strong-willed, independent, self-confident);
  • Christina is a follower of Christ (cheerful, active, quick-witted);
  • Kira – mistress (stubborn, intractable, touchy);
  • Marianna is a sad beauty (hot-tempered, capricious, emotional).


April girls: very active, energetic, cheerful and sociable with people around them. Such girls prefer stability in life and do not like significant changes. When choosing a name for such girls, you should give preference to ones that are not too harsh: Alexandra, Daria, Liana, Illaria, Svetlana.

Meaning of names and character traits:

  • Alexandra is a protector of people (reliable, purposeful);
  • Daria is a winner (calm, assiduous, hardworking);
  • Liana – thin, slender (plastic, active, capable);
  • Illaria – cheerful (noble, kind, creatively gifted);
  • Svetlana is light (contradictory, frivolous, neat).


Girls born in May, as a rule, are very constant, quite predictable, and in every possible way resist changes in their usual way of life. It is best to choose soft and gentle names for such girls: Ella, Camilla, Pelageya, Taisiya, Claudia.

  • Ella – light, dawn (smart, sociable, emotional);
  • Camilla – temple servant (restrained, stubborn, artistic);
  • Pelageya – marine (receptive, calculating, vulnerable);
  • Taisiya – goddess of fertility, water, wind (tireless, secretive, balanced);
  • Claudia is lame (hardworking, straightforward, shy).


By their essence, girls born in June have a lively mind, good intelligence, very creative and active natures, with a strong craving for new knowledge. When choosing a name for June girls, it is not recommended to pay attention to names that are too rough and too soft. The most beautiful names: Antonina, Anna, Louise, and modern names– Olivia, Emma.

Meaning of names and character traits:

  • Antonina – kind (sentimental, dreamy, trusting);
  • Anna – graceful, merciful (restrained, fair, uncompromising);
  • Louise - famous in battle, a glorious warrior (phlegmatic, unhurried, patient);
  • Olivia – peaceful (decisive, sociable, amorous and jealous);
  • Emma is self-critical (self-reliant and completely independent).


July girls are true connoisseurs of home and comfort. They do not strive for new changes and generally prefer constancy and stability. July children are quite shy and shy. Therefore, the best option would be exchanges for girls are rare and beautiful: Kaleria, Elsa, Monica, Alevtina, Olga.

Meaning of names and character traits:

  • Kaleria – hot, ardent (reasonable, self-possessed);
  • Elsa is a God-worshipping, noble maiden; (independent, brave, decisive);
  • Monica – lonely, the only one (educated, friendly, non-conflict);
  • Alevtina is a stranger to evil (sweet, impatient girl).
  • Olga is a saint (responsible, serious, touchy).


Babies born in August are confident and strong personalities with strong charisma. These girls love to attract attention and will do anything to achieve this. For such girls, you can choose a loud and sonorous name - Elina, Arina, and Orthodox names - Anita, Seraphima, Susanna.

Meaning of names and character traits:

  • Elina – Greek (straightforward, hot-tempered, successful);
  • Arina – peace, tranquility (independent, responsible, caring);
  • Anita – sweet (independent, self-reliant, strong, gifted);
  • Seraphima – fiery (affectionate, hard worker);
  • Susanna is a lily (proud and self-willed).


Girls born in September are reserved, but can sometimes be quite hot-tempered. Calmness, accuracy, pedantry are the main qualities that reflect well inner world such girls. Suitable names for girls born in the first month of autumn: Vera, Nadezhda, Rufina, Natalia, Adelina.

Meaning of names and character traits:

  • Faith – faith, truth (active, reasonable);
  • Nadezhda – hope (cheerful, sensual);
  • Rufina – red, golden (prudent, impetuous);
  • Natalia – dear (initiative, kind);
  • Adeline – noble (vulnerable, modest, shy).


Girls born in October are creative individuals, endowed with vivid imagination and daydreaming. Such girls are very sociable by nature and will be able to find a common language with other people. For daughters, the most ideal names would be Ariadne, Sophia, Nana, Evlampia, Zlata.

Meaning of names and character traits:

  • Ariadne – ruling (compliant, cheerful, selfless);
  • Sophia - wisdom (smart, assiduous, tactful, conscientious);
  • Nana – kind, gentle (meek, curious);
  • Eulampia – luminous (kind, touchy, sensitive);
  • Zlata – golden (calm, honest, truthful, simple-minded).


November girls have such traits as determination and stubbornness, but despite this they are cheerful and cheerful. November names for girls are rare and beautiful: Zinovia, Olesya, Nellie, Irma, Stefania.

Meaning of names and character traits:

  • Zinovia – living a godly life (cheerful, responsive);
  • Olesya – forest girl, “living in the forest” (reasonable, calculating, selfish);
  • Nellie – young, new (confident, gifted personality);
  • Irma – noble, true (inquisitive, cheerful, gentle);
  • Stefania is a crown (expansive, eccentric, self-confident).


Little princesses born in the last month of the year are very hot-tempered and emotional with an explosive character. Despite their expressiveness, they are very kind and sympathetic. Female names months - Augusta, Anfisa, Ekaterina, Varvara, Laura.

Meaning of names and character traits:

  • Augusta – majestic, sacred (restrained, cold, proud);
  • Anfisa – blooming, colorful (capricious, expressive, freedom-loving);
  • Catherine – pure, immaculate (extravagant, brave, good-natured);
  • Varvara is a savage (hardworking, serene, flexible, reasonable);
  • Laura - crowned with laurel (active phlegmatic, frank, energetic).

Choosing a name by month your daughter needs first of all, pay attention to the meaning of a sounding but unfamiliar female name. After the final choice, you need to make sure that the chosen name is organically combined with the middle name and surname. Also, you should not call your daughter with incomprehensible, extremely rare or exotic names that seem very non-standard and strange. After all, there are beautiful Russians names that do not give way to newfangled ones.

What do you think are rare and beautiful names for girls and their meaning? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.