Roman legends if Romulus and Remus raised. Presentation - a tour of ancient Rome Presentation on the topic of Romulus and Remus

The legendary foundation of Rome. Ancient Roman god of war Mars and Rhea. The mother of Romulus and Remus, Rhea Silvia, was the daughter of the legitimate king of Alba Longa Numitor, who was removed from the throne by his younger brother Amulius. Amulius did not want Numitor's children to interfere with his ambitious plans: Numitor's son disappeared during a hunt, and Rhea Silvia was forced to become a vestal virgin. In the fourth year of her service, the god Mars appeared to her, from whom Rhea Silvia gave birth to two brothers. The enraged Amulius ordered the babies to be put in a basket and thrown into the Tiber River. However, the basket washed ashore at the foot of the Palatine Hill, where they were nursed by a she-wolf, and the mother’s cares were replaced by the arrival of a woodpecker and lapwing. Subsequently, all these animals became sacred to Rome. Then the brothers were picked up by the royal shepherd Faustul. His wife took the twins into her care. When Romulus and Remus grew up, they returned to Alba Longa, where they learned the secret of their origin. They killed Amulius and restored their grandfather Numitor to the throne. Four years later, Romulus and Remus went to the Tiber to look for a place to found a new colony, Alba Longa. According to legend, Remus chose the lowland between the Palatine and Capitoline hills, but Romulus insisted on founding a city on the Palatine hill. A quarrel broke out, during which Romulus killed his brother. Repenting of the murder of Remus, Romulus founded the city, to which he gave his name, and became its king. The founding date of the city is considered to be April 21, 753 BC. e., when the first furrow was drawn around the Palatine Hill with a plow. The she-wolf feeds Romulus and Remus.

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Tour of ancient Rome

Ancient Rome Map
The Apennine Peninsula is located west of the Balkan

According to legend, the king of one of the Latin towns ordered the newborn sons of his niece, Romulus and Remus, to be thrown into the Tiber. He was afraid that when the children grew up, they would deprive him of the throne. There was a flood on the Tiber, and a basket with boys thrown into the water got caught on a tree branch. The children were saved. The she-wolf fed them with her milk, and then a shepherd found them and raised them. The brothers grew up to be strong and brave warriors. Having rebelled against the king, they killed him. Romulus and Remus decided to found a city, but they quarreled over where to build it and who would rule it. In a quarrel, Romulus killed Remus. Near the place where the shepherd found the boys, he founded the city of Rome, Roma in Latin. The Romans counted the years from the legendary year of the founding of their city - 753 BC. e.
The Legend of the Founding of Rome

Flavian Amphitheater in Rome, a monument of ancient Roman architecture (75-80 AD). Served for gladiatorial fights and other spectacles, holding approx. 50 thousand spectators. Constructed from tuff, the gallery structures are reinforced with concrete and brick. The majestic façade has three tiers of arcades.

The Pantheon is one of the main attractions of Rome; This is the largest surviving ancient domed building; moreover, until the 19th century, there was no dome of a larger diameter. The name of the temple is Greek and means “temple of all gods.”
Temple outside
Interior of the temple

Rich Roman houses
Main room
Patio garden

Multi-storey buildings in Rome

The Roman bath is an ancient bathhouse in Ancient Rome, which arose according to the Greek model and became the center of public life. In ancient Greece, public bathing devices were an integral part of sports institutions (Gymnasion). Having conquered Greece, the Romans borrowed from the Greeks not only various types arts and sciences, but also their experience in the use of balneology, but unlike the Greek baths, which used cold water, they began to build similar structures at hot springs and called them thermal baths.
Imperial Baths
In the imperial bath

The Great Circus (lat. Circus Maximus) is the largest hippodrome in ancient Rome. Located in the valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills. 12 chariots could simultaneously take part in competitions at the hippodrome.
Great Circus
Great Circus Reconstruction
Great circus drawing of our time

forum (square) in the center of Ancient Rome along with adjacent buildings. Initially, it housed a market, later it included a comitium (place of public meetings), a curia (place of meetings of the Senate) and also acquired political functions.
Roman Forum, in the center - the columns of the Temple of Saturn, behind them the triumphal arch of Septimius Severus

The Triumphal Arch of Titus is a single-span arch located on the ancient Sacred Square southeast of the Roman Forum. Built by Domitian shortly after the death of Titus in 81 AD. e. in memory of the capture of Jerusalem in 70 AD. e. Served as a model for many triumphal arches of the New Age.
Arch of Titus

Romulus is the legendary founder of Rome, whose name was derived from the name of the city. The story of the twins Romulus and Remus is known from Livy and Plutarch. Their mother was Rhea Silvia, the daughter of the king of Alba Longa Numitor, whom her uncle Amulius, having seized the throne, forced to become a vestal (see Vesta). Rhea Silvia claimed that the father of Romulus and Remus is the god Mars, but Livia is skeptical about this. The enraged Amulius took her into custody and threw the babies into the Tiber River. However, Romulus and Remus soon washed ashore and were suckled by a she-wolf. The babies were then found and raised by the shepherd Faustulus and his wife Akka Larentia. Having matured, Romulus and Remus returned power to their grandfather Numitor and founded their own city of Rome. In a dispute for primacy, Romulus killed Remus and became the first Roman king. Romulus provided the inhabitants of Rome with wives (see The Rape of the Sabine Women) and after forty years of reign, he mysteriously disappeared in an air whirlwind on the Campus Martius. Later, Romulus began to be identified with the Sabine god Quirinus. This story is told by Ovid in the Fasti. It was believed that the Black Stone, still in the Roman Forum, lay on the tomb of Romulus and that the first Roman laws were found written under it in ancient Latin. The she-wolf who fed Romulus and Remus with her milk was depicted on Roman coins; according to legend, in 296 BC. e. the famous bronze she-wolf was installed on the Capitoline Hill, now in the Capitoline Museum, although in fact this sculpture is much older and is possibly an Etruscan work; it was supplemented with figures of Romulus and Remus no earlier than the 16th century. The Capitoline Museum also houses a painting by Rubens depicting a she-wolf nursing two pink babies.

(Modern dictionary-reference book: Ancient world. Compiled by M.I. Umnov. M.: Olimp, AST, 2000)

Roman Legends “If Romulus and Remus had been raised not by a she-wolf, but by a cat, Rome would have been completely different...” (c) Terry Pratchett. A cat without embellishment. Prepared by 10th grade students: Ekaterina Misharina, Anastasia Malkova;

The Rise of Rome (Romulus and Remus) This is one of the most famous legends in the world. He talks about how Amulius, who illegally seized power, was worried that in the future Numitor’s son would decide to challenge the rights to the throne, and killed his nephew while hunting. He ordered the priests to declare Numitor’s daughter, Rhea, Vesta’s chosen one, since the Vestals were supposed to remain unmarried. So he wanted to protect himself from the descendants of Numitor, who could enter into a fight with him for the throne. But the gods prepared a different fate for Rhea. She became the wife of the god Mars. A year later, she gave birth to twin boys. And although the unfortunate woman claimed that their father was a deity, she was treated like a vestal virgin who had violated the prohibitions. Numitor's daughter was walled up in a dungeon, and Amulius ordered the children to be thrown into the Tiber River. The servants took pity on the babies and put them in a trough, which they set sail along the river. The water that stood high in it sank and the trough landed on the shore under the fig tree. A she-wolf who lived nearby with her brood heard the cries of the children and began to feed the babies. The shepherd Favstul once saw this sight and took the children to his home. When they grew up adoptive parents told the brothers about their origin. Romulus and Remus went to Numitor, who immediately recognized them. Having gathered a small detachment with his help, the brothers killed Amulius and declared their grandfather king. As a reward, they asked for land along the banks of the Tiber, where they found their salvation. There it was decided to lay the capital of the future kingdom. During a dispute over whose name she would bear, Remus was killed by Romulus.

The Travels of Aeneas On that terrible night, when the Greeks broke into Troy, the gods decided to save Aeneas from the general massacre. This was decided suddenly and, it seems, when Juno was not there, she was the only one who would have resisted it. After the sad story of Paris's apple, she hated all Trojans. Moreover, Aeneas was the son of Venus, her victorious rival. And finally - it was main reason hatred - Aeneas was to become the founder of powerful Rome, and Juno was busy with young Carthage, which, according to the prediction of the gods, the Romans were to destroy. Apart from Juno, Aeneas had no enemies on Olympus. He was a calm man and very religious. IN Trojan War he did not distinguish himself in any way. He performed his military duties without haste and without enthusiasm. Through fires, murders and ruins, under the roar of houses, past the dying brothers, Aeneas fled from the city along a path known only to him. He heard the last dying cry of gray-haired Priam, the terrible cry of Queen Hecuba, who mourned the death of her sons, and saw how the head of Hector Astyanax’s son was smashed against the wall. Aeneas ran, carrying his father Anchises on his back and leading his little son, Ascanius, by the hand. The wife walked behind, but, caught in a blizzard of battle, she died from Greek swords. Outside the city, Aeneas met a group of people who also managed to escape death. They built ships together and sailed to sea.

The gods promised Aeneas a new homeland. Only, as is customary with the gods, they told him about it so mysteriously that he did not know where to look for her. Years of long wanderings began. The exiles landed on foreign shores, underwent dangerous adventures and, wherever they could, founded new cities, each time in vain hoping that their wanderings would finally end, they were attracted by fertile fields, hills that would be good protection for castles, piers convenient for ships; They came across such wonderful places where they could relax and forget about the misadventures of Troy; but as soon as they settled and began to manage, such a sign appeared - a tree suddenly spoke with a human voice or an epidemic broke out. And all those predictions, warnings, God's signs so mixed up all their plans, they again sailed out to sea, towards new storms and squalls. Of course, all this happened at the behest of Juno.

The founding of the city of Rome traditionally dates back to 753 BC. e. An ancient legend connects the emergence of Rome with the twin brothers Romulus and Remus. They were the sons of Rhea Silvia, daughter of Numitor, one of the Latin kings. When the new king seized power, he ordered the twin brothers to be killed, but they escaped in a basket that the servants threw into the Tiber River. When the basket washed ashore, a wild she-wolf came running to the babies’ cry, fed them with her milk and did not let them die of hunger. The boys grew up in a shepherd's family, and when they matured, they avenged themselves by killing the usurper king. Romulus and Remus decided to found a city on the spot where they were once suckled by a she-wolf. During construction, the brothers quarreled. In a fit of rage, Romulus killed Remus.

Soon after the founding of Rome, his army became the strongest on the Apennine Peninsula. The Romans continued their campaigns and gradually conquered Central and Northern Italy. Moving to the south of the peninsula, they encountered Greek colonies. The richest, Tara, turned to the Greek states for help. In response to this appeal in 280 BC. e. The Epirus king Pyrrhus landed in Italy with his army. He was known as an outstanding commander and dreamed of eclipsing the military glory of Alexander the Great. His army also included war elephants brought from Asia. These formidable animals, completely unfamiliar to the Romans, terrified them at first. Twice the Romans met Pyrrhus’s army on the battlefield and both times fled. However, the winners also suffered heavy losses, after which Pyrrhus himself said: “Another such victory and we will completely perish!”

Second Punic War: To penetrate Italy, Hannibal needed to conquer the Alps. Although the Romans knew about the advance of the Carthaginian army, Hannibal's successful crossing of the Alps and his sudden appearance in Northern Italy came as a complete surprise to them. In the first battle, the Roman army was defeated. Without hesitation, Hannibal moved inland. The Romans hastily assembled a new army and sent it towards the Carthaginians. At Lake Trasimene, Hannibal set up an ambush, suddenly surrounded the carelessly walking Romans and exterminated almost 30 thousand soldiers.

Gladiators - in Ancient Rome - prisoners of war, convicted criminals and slaves, specially trained for armed struggle among themselves in the arenas of amphitheaters. Gladiators in Ancient Rome routinely fought in public to the death. Roman gladiator fights were held first on the most significant religious holidays, and then turned into the most popular entertainment for ordinary citizens. The tradition of gladiator fights continued for more than 700 years.

Caesar's gullibility, quite calculated, which was one of the points of his political program, handed him over to the unarmed and unsuspecting conspirators for slaughter. March 15, 44 BC e. The conspirators killed Caesar in the Senate meeting room, near the Theater of Pompey. The signal for the attack was given by Lucius Tillius Cimber, who went over to the side of the conspirators after Caesar refused to return his brother from exile, tearing off Caesar’s toga. Since each of them individually did not want to take sin on their souls, they agreed that each would strike at least one blow with a stylus, since entry into the Senate with weapons was prohibited. According to legend, when it was Brutus’s turn to strike, Caesar shouted in surprise the now famous phrase “And you, Brutus?” Caesar died from 23 stab wounds.

The construction of the largest amphitheater in Rome and the entire ancient world took place over eight years, as a collective construction of the emperors of the Flavian dynasty: construction began in 72 AD. under Emperor Vespasian, and in 80 the amphitheater was consecrated by Emperor Titus. The amphitheater was located on the site where there was a pond that belonged to the Golden House of Nero.