What are the main functions of politics. Functions of politics in the state and society

The meaning and role of politics as a social institution are determined by the functions that it performs in society. The more numerous the functions of politics in a particular society, the less developed the society and the political sphere itself are, crushing other spheres.

IN modern societies Politics performs a number of the most significant functions, without which they cannot develop normally:

1. The function of ensuring the integrity and stability of society. Politics carries out this function thanks to the ability to capture trends in social progress and, in line with these trends, formulate common goals, determine social guidelines, finding the necessary resources for their implementation. Politics can offer options for the desired future, which represent the politically significant interests of groups, strata, and the state, if it is able to integrate socially heterogeneous groups.

2. The function of mobilizing and ensuring the effectiveness of overall activities. In addition to formulating goals for progressive development, policy ensures their implementation by creating a motivational mechanism, providing opportunities for the individual to meet his needs, change his social status with the help of power.

3.Managerial and regulatory function of politics.

Politics not only expresses the powerfully significant interests and needs of various groups of society, but also ensures their interaction and influences them through political decision-making. By influencing the interests of groups, politics manages and regulates social processes using social coercion and violence.

4. Rationalization function.

By visibly representing group and individual interests, politics develops general rules and mechanisms for their representation and implementation. Thus, politics rationalizes conflicts and contradictions, prevents them or resolves them in a civilized manner.

5. Function of political socialization.

Opening up wide opportunities for the realization of group and individual interests, politics includes the individual in social relations, transferring to him the experience and skills of transformative activities, effective performance of roles and functions.

6.Humanitarian function.

This function is expressed in the creation of individual rights and freedoms, ensuring public order, civil peace and organization.

Functions of politics - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Policy Functions" 2017, 2018.

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  • - Policy functions

    The meaning and role of politics as a social institution are determined by the functions that it performs in society. The more numerous the functions of politics in a particular society, the less developed the society and the political sphere itself are, crushing other spheres. In modern... .

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  • The functions of politics in society determine its role and significance as their number is unstable. The more numerous the functions of politics in a particular society, the less developed this society is. Society is a system of interaction between different spheres of human life. Ideally, it is internally consistent and balanced. The needs in each area are realized through methods unique to it. For example, the economic system, using the material interest of the producer, satisfies the population's need for widely produced goods, food products. However, in transitional or traditional societies, all spheres are subordinated to the political. In this way, it compensates for the underdevelopment of other areas of life. The social functions of politics that it performs in this case are not entirely characteristic of it. She interferes too much in all areas, even to the point of replacing him. Thanks to this impact, the opportunities for personal self-realization are sharply limited. This phenomenon is typical for societies that develop using political and ideological methods. They can achieve great success despite having limited resources. In such societies, external motivation for work is formed through the use of violence and instilling fear. And (needs, interests) are not taken into account at all.

    The functions of politics in modern society are also numerous. But we can identify only a few basic ones, without which society is not able to develop normally.

    1. The function of ensuring its stability and integrity. Its essence is that the policy determines projects, guidelines and vector for the future. It also provides resources to carry out what is planned.
    2. The function of mobilizing joint activities and their effectiveness. Policy sets goals gradual development, which have value and significance. To ensure their implementation, it motivates the individual, providing him with opportunities so that, with the help of power, he can satisfy his social needs or change his status in society.
    3. Regulatory and management functions of politics. This means that it expresses the power-related and significant needs and interests of different social groups. Thus, politics, through decision-making in its field, influences them and guarantees their interaction. Also influencing the interests of individual groups, it manages and regulates processes in society through social violence and coercion.
    4. Rationalization function. It is expressed in the fact that politics creates general mechanisms and rules for representing and realizing the interests of a particular individual or groups. Thus, it prevents or resolves possible contradictions and conflicts in a civilized manner, that is, it rationalizes them.
    5. Function It manifests itself in the inclusion of the individual in endowing him with experience, the ability to take transformative actions, and to effectively fulfill his roles. At the same time, enormous opportunities are opening up for the realization of the interests of groups and individuals.
    6. Humanitarian function. It is expressed in the fact that the individual acquires guarantees of his rights and freedoms. In addition, peace, order and organization are ensured in society.

    Of course, these are not all the functions of politics. They are supplemented and clarified depending on its type. So, for example, policies, as part of the financial one, consist in the centralization of a certain part of GDP in the state budget and in the influence of taxes on various aspects of the activities of their payers

    The functions of politics are the main directions of its influence on society

    In modern societies, politics performs the following most significant functions, without which they cannot develop normally:

    1) function of ensuring the integrity and stability of society. It is carried out due to the fact that politics determines projects for the future, social guidelines and direction of development, and provides them with resources;

    2) function of mobilization and efficiency of general activities. By formulating value-based goals for progressive development, policy ensures their implementation by creating a developed motivational mechanism, providing the individual with effective opportunities to satisfy social needs, change social status with the help of power;

    3) managerial and regulatory functions. Expressing powerfully significant interests and needs of various groups of society, politics ensures their interaction and influences them through political decision-making. By influencing the interests of groups, politics manages and regulates social processes using social coercion and violence;

    4) rationalization function. Visibly representing group and individual interests, politics develops general rules and mechanisms for their representation and implementation. Thus, politics rationalizes conflicts and contradictions, prevents them and resolves them in a civilized manner.

    5) function of political socialization. Opening up wide opportunities for the realization of group and individual interests, politics includes the individual in social relations, endows him with experience and skills of transformative activities, effective performance of roles and functions.

    6) humanitarian function. This function is expressed in creating guarantees of individual rights and freedoms, ensuring public order, civil peace and organization.

    Let's highlight the main functions of politics in society . These include:

    Managerial (political leadership of society);
    integrative, ensuring the consolidation of society, achieving stability of society as a whole and its constituent parts and systems;
    regulatory, promoting order and regulation of political behavior and political relations;
    theoretical and prognostic, the purpose of which is to develop a concept and course for the development of society;
    articulatory, facilitating the identification and expression of the interests of various groups of society;
    normative, associated with the development and approval of a system of norms and values ​​in society;
    socialization of the individual is a function of inclusion, inclusion of the individual in public life, a certain political environment.

    38. Parties in Ukraine: the party spectrum of Ukraine.

    So, today the party system of Ukraine is characterized as a transition from atomized with a significant number of uninfluential parties to a stable system of polarized pluralism.

    The modern right-wing political movement in Ukraine intensified in November 1990, when the Ukrainian Republican Party was registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. At the dawn of independence, in 1991-1992, it seemed that political dominance would pass from the communists to political parties of national orientation, but today they are not even represented in parliament as an independent force.

    Today, these parties include 30 political parties that share an ideological and spiritual connection with the political parties of the early 20th century - the struggle for an independent, conciliar, independent Ukraine. These parties claim that they stand guard over the Ukrainian national idea, Ukrainian statehood, national democracy. Nationalism for them is a set of ideas, views, and political practices of national liberation movements vying for the right of an indigenous nation to create their own national state, such as the All-Ukrainian Association "Batkivshchyna", VO "Svoboda", the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, the People's Movement of Ukraine, the People's Movement of Ukraine for unity, Christian Democratic Union Party.

    The modern leftist movement in Ukraine was restored in 1991, when the Ministry of Justice registered the Communist Party of Ukraine. However, on August 30, 1991, after the failure of the putsch of the State Committee for the State of Emergency. The Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine banned the activities of the Communist Party of Ukraine. But already in October 1991. The Socialist Party of Ukraine arose from the ruins of the Communist Party of Ukraine. The most systematic issues of general policy are expressed in 12 parties of the left direction: Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine; Communist Party of Ukraine; Democratic Party of Ukraine; Social Democratic Party of Ukraine; Republican Party of Ukraine; Party of Regions; SDPU (O); All-Ukrainian political party "Brotherhood"; Socialist Party of Ukraine (SPU); Fatherland Defenders Party; Party of Pensioners of Ukraine; Communist Party of Workers and Peasants.

    In the multi-party system of modern Ukraine, centrist parties can be classified as 50 parties. Most parties in this direction consider themselves supporters of liberalism - the ideology of freedom of enterprise and trade, parliamentary system, pluralistic democracy, broad freedoms in political, economic and other spheres of social life.

    39.Political elite of Ukraine, political leadership in Ukraine: state and features of development.

    The political elite is a privileged group that occupies leadership positions in power structures and is directly involved in making the most important decisions related to the use of power. The political elite includes people who have supreme political power in state and party institutions. They, as a rule, develop strategies for the activities of their institutions and manage them.

    Political leadership is a process of interaction between people in which authoritative people endowed with real power exercise legitimate influence on society (or part of it), which gives them part of their political powers and rights.

    The gradual stratification of the nomenklatura, the formation of the embryos of the entrepreneurial class, the liberation of mass consciousness from paternalistic, egalitarian and national-romantic illusions creates fertile ground for the emergence of an entrepreneurial and modern political and administrative elite. The national leader is considered to be the president as the highest official in the state.

    In Ukraine there has always been a problem of a national political elite capable of solving complex government problems in a specific historical situation.

    The communist regime destroyed not only national strata, but also the social basis for the reproduction of a national elite capable of thinking and acting in a modern way. The role of the elite in a totalitarian society was performed by a nomenclature whose features largely did not correspond to the modern elite model that existed in democratic civilized countries.

    The exclusively bureaucratic mechanism for the formation of nomenklatura personnel did not provide for the demand for professional politicians with high intellectual qualities, but was mainly focused on individuals devoted to the system, a certain clan nomenklatura and capable of subtle apparatus manipulations.

    The ruling elite in Ukraine at this stage of social and state development turned out to be incapable of rapid comprehensive reforms due to the fact that:

    1) consisted mainly of people from social class groups who were objectively afraid of losing power;

    2) did not have personnel who were distinguished by high activity, determination and modern managerial competence;

    3) experienced strong resistance from anti-state and anti-reform forces;

    4) the breakdown of the mechanisms of social control led to a deepening of the moral degradation of some of its representatives, resulting in the spread of such phenomena as kleptocracy, corruption and narcissism;

    5) the determining principle in the political course was the principle “the main thing is not reforms, but the preservation of statehood and national-cultural revival.”

    The elite of this period can be called ideological in that its activities were mainly aimed at explaining the need for reforms, and not at their decisive implementation. This elite failed to implement the main reformist priorities: adopt a new constitution, lead the country out of economic crisis, carry out administrative reform.

    The ideological elite was replaced by a technocratic elite, whose representatives were recruited from industrial and entrepreneurial circles in the central and southern regions of Ukraine, as well as pragmatically oriented politicians of various political forces. The dominant political course of the technocratic elite was the implementation of the national idea in the state-political and economic aspects.

    40.Political ethics: definition and content.

    Political ethics is a field, an aspect of general ethics, that studies moral principles politics and power (in a broad sense), professional ethics of subjects of political activity (in a narrow sense).

    The ethics of responsibility is when the main thing is not the procedure, but the consequences.

    Legal ethics in general examines the legal process, which includes even those moments when the lawyer does not act. That is, based on the laws of logic, especially legal logic, it is possible to derive the laws of legal ethics and achieve the expected result. In other words, legal ethics substantiates the existence outside the consciousness, feelings and professional activities of a lawyer, although the basis is the effectiveness of the lawyer’s implementation of the rules of law.

    Legal ethics is characteristic not only of specialists in the field of law, but also of those individuals who are in certain legal relationships. For example, a citizen of Ukraine, crossing the border as a tourist, therefore, the Ethics of Law performs a unique function. She's considering not right, I am. person in law, analyzes the value attitude of a person to law. This attitude presupposes an assessment by a person of legal realities, which is always individually chosen and internally free, an assessment that has moral character and is associated with a person’s idea of ​​freedom, justice, good and evil, duty to others and to oneself.

    41.Political ideology: concept and typology.

    Political ideology- is a certain ethical set of ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a certain social movement, institution, social class or large group that explain how society should be structured and propose certain political and cultural projects of a certain social order.

    Political ideology is a complex and contradictory spiritual formation. It is intended to reveal the specifics of two types of development - political and ideological - and at the same time show their interaction, the influence of politics on ideology and ideologies on the political process. Scientific understanding of the essence of ideology began when the ideologies of liberalism, conservatism, and subsequently Marxism began to develop. Politics has never existed without ideology (and never will exist), because ideology is a necessary structural element of politics. IN

    1) The emergence of political ideology is associated with the need to legitimize power (G. Mosca, R. Michels, V. Pareto). That is, with the help of ideology, officials justify the legality and fairness of existing social institutions, the social system and their power in society. Thanks to ideology, mutual relations between the elite and the masses arise already at the level of ideas.

    2) K. Marx and F. Engels in their joint work “German Ideology” noted that ideology is: a) an idealistic concept, according to which the world appears as the embodiment of thoughts and principles; b) a type of thinking when the dependence of personal ideas on the material ideas (interests) of classes is realized; c) a false, illusory reflection of reality in political, philosophical, religious, moral and other forms. So, according to Marx’s thesis, ideology is a set of ideas, views, theories that reflect and evaluate social reality from the standpoint of the interests of specific classes, hiding relations of domination and subordination.

    3) K. Mannheim (1893-1947) in his work “Ideology and Utopia” did not share Marxist orthodoxy and noted that social existence is not reducible to economic relations in the sphere of material production. Therefore, ideology is not necessarily a conscious deception. Ideology is a justification, apology (defense) of the existing system. It is capable of connecting people, accumulating their political energy, and, under certain conditions, possible ideological sabotage.

    4) D. Bell, R. Aron, S. Lipset in the second half of the 20th century. demanded the abandonment of “ideology”, since ideology cannot contain objective real knowledge. Only science provides such knowledge, and ideology expresses subjective social and class interests

    5) R. Aron noted that ideology expresses a historical perspective, aspirations for the future. Therefore, ideology cannot be true or false. This is a project for the future, to which adjustments are constantly being made. Therefore, ideology is rather a continuous dialogue, something that is finally proven and approved.

    9) Ideology is the result of mass consciousness (neo-anarchists).

    There are many political ideologies in science.

    Traditionally, there are 5 main ideologies:



    social democracy,



    Conservatism(from lat. conservo- preserve) - ideological commitment to traditional values ​​and orders, social or religious doctrines. For main value the preservation of the traditions of society, its institutions and values ​​is accepted.

    Liberalism(from lat. liberalis- free) is a philosophical and socio-political movement that proclaims the inviolability of human rights and individual freedoms. Liberalism proclaims the rights and freedoms of every person as the highest value and establishes them as the legal basis of social and economic order.

    Social democracy- social policy and ideological and political movement that arose within the framework of socialism and subsequently transformed into the position of gradual improvement of capitalism with the aim of establishing social justice, solidarity and greater freedom.

    Communism(commune from lat. communis- “general”) - in Marxism, a hypothetical social and economic system based on social equality, public ownership of the means of production. Communism- the general name of doctrines proclaiming the goal of the abolition of private property and the liberation of man and society from economic and social oppression.

    Nationalism(fr. nationalisme) - ideology and policy direction, the fundamental principle of which is the thesis about the value of the nation as the highest form of social unity, its primacy in the state-forming process. As a political movement, nationalism strives to defend the interests of a certain national community in relations with state authorities.



    C 26. Indicate three features of the state as the main institution of the political system.


    1) supreme power;

    2) independence (sovereignty);

    3) the exclusive right to make laws;

    4) administer justice;

    5) establish and collect taxes and fees.

    C 26. Give three examples of how the state performs its foreign policy functions.


    1. Maintaining a sufficient level of the country's defense capability;
    2. protection of the independence and territorial integrity of the state;
    3. development of military doctrine and national security concept;
    4. participation in the regulation of interethnic and interethnic conflicts, etc.

    C 26. Name any three areas of modern public policy and illustrate each of them with an example.


    Foreign policy, interstate (example: activities at the UN); economic policy (example: adoption of antimonopoly laws); social policy (example: pension reform)

    C 26. Name any three functions of the state and explain each of them with an example.


    1) economic function (adoption by the State Duma of the state budget);

    2) social function (adopting a law on reform of the pension system);

    3) legal function (adopting the Criminal Code);

    4) cultural and educational function (state support folk museums);

    5) function national defense(definition of military-political doctrine);

    6)function protecting the country's interests in the international arena(participation in UN activities).

    C 6. Name any three functions of the state in the field of education and culture and illustrate each of them with an example.


    1) Promoting the development of education (participation in the development of new curricula, new standards of secondary education);

    2) Control over the quality of education (inspections of schools, implementation of a unified state education);

    3) Providing assistance to cultural institutions (financing palaces of culture, libraries, etc.)

    C 26. Name any three functions of politics in the state.


    Ensuring the stability of the state;



    Prevention and regulation of social conflicts;


    C 26. Indicate three features of the state that characterize it as the central institution of the political system, and specify each named feature.


    1) Only the state has enforcement agencies (army, prison, etc.)

    2) The power of the state is obligatory for everyone on its territory. (All people located on the territory of the Russian Federation are obliged to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation.)

    3) The state has a monopoly on lawmaking (publishing laws)

    C 26. One of the functions of politics in the countries of the modern world is to maintain the integrity and sustainability of society. Give any three examples of this function.


    1) the state guarantees a minimum size wages to alleviate social tensions;

    2) civil institutions accumulate and represent public interests, enter into dialogue with the state, seeking compromise decisions and mitigating conflicts;

    3) the state participates in the creation of a system of social partnership designed to regulate conflicts between employers and employees.

    27. The effectiveness of government influence on society is determined not by the degree of coercion, but by the level of legitimacy of the regime. Formulate three reasons for convincing citizens of the legitimacy of the authorities to make decisions that citizens must carry out.

    Rule of law

    C 27. Is it by chance that different peoples developed various shapes government and territorial-state structure? What factors contribute to the formation of a certain form of state? Give at least three factors.


    1. Historical traditions;

    2. the culture of the people, their civilization;

    3. religion;

    4. social and national composition of the population;

    5. geographical and climatic conditions;

    6. economic needs, etc.

    Political regime

    C 26. List any three functions of government that are characteristic only of a democratic state.


    1) ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens;

    2) development of parliamentarism;

    3) coordination of interests of social groups.

    C 26. Confirm with three specific examples the presence of political pluralism in modern Russia.


    According to the Constitution, various political parties and associations operate in the Russian Federation; multi-party system is one of the most important elements of pluralism; there is no single state ideology in the country, discussions are ongoing, political programs are being developed based on different ideological principles; the presence of independent media expressing different views on events occurring in society.

    From 27. English writer J. Orwell drew attention to the fact that the commandments of the old despotisms began with the words: “Thou shalt not.” Unlike despotism, totalitarian regimes tell a person: “You must.” What do these demands of despotism and totalitarian regimes have in common? Why, from the standpoint of the theory of values, cannot they be classified as cultural phenomena?


    The commonality in the demands of despotism and totalitarian regimes is that they forcefully impose on a person the external will (of the state, party, group of individuals, other people). Meanwhile, values, like culture, cannot be external and forced: they are a matter of internal freedom of human self-determination.

    C 27. Comment on the statement of King Henry V from one of Shakespeare’s plays: “The duties of every subject are the duties of the king, but the soul of every subject is his personal property.” The essence of what political regime is expressed by this statement? Why? Give four characteristics of this political regime.


    Ø Concentration of power in the hands of a political leader or a specific group

    Ø The state has only key and decisive levers of influence on public life

    Ø Refusal to interfere with privacy

    Ø Lack of pervasive nature of state influence on society

    Ø Greater autonomy of the political system in relation to the economic

    Ø The main argument of political power is authority, not force.

    P 27. Assessing the possibilities for the development of the information society, academician N.N. Moiseev noted that this will be “total order, but it will be supported not by bayonets and even without the use of modern ultra-precise weapons, but by the media. I don’t think that such an order can last long on the planet. Moreover, the regime of “total democracy” will be a natural step towards the end of history... the end of the history of the biological species “homo sapiens”. Explain the relationship between the information society and its totalitarianism presented by academician N.N. Moiseev. Why, according to the scientist, is “total democracy” associated with the death of the species “homo sapiens”?


    Academician N.N. Moiseev warns about the dangerous force that is concentrated almost uncontrollably in the sphere of the so-called “fourth estate” - the media. Homo sapiens begins to get lost in the flow of information, stops comprehending it, creatively processing it, consuming it in its finished form, and becomes easily controlled.

    From 27. The famous American political scientist Z. Brzezinski argued: “Democracy is perhaps the main achievement of the West. But democracy is only a vessel that still needs to be filled with content... Democracy in itself does not yet provide an answer to the dilemmas of social existence and, in particular, does not determine the “quality of life...”.

    Why do you think the author calls democracy “the main achievement”? Is it possible to agree with the author’s position that democracy does not affect the “quality of life”, and therefore is a privilege of rich countries? Give reasons for your answer.


    The author calls democracy the main achievement of the West, since its formation went through a long stage of struggle: from the Age of Enlightenment and the ideas of natural law through revolutions and civil wars, totalitarian regimes and wars on a global scale, the formation of democratic institutions in the countries of Europe and America took place.

    The proclamation of democracy alone will not change the quality of life, be it in the political, economic or social fields. The long-term development of democratic institutions is necessary, which should largely rely on the democratic traditions of the country. At the same time, its wealth does not automatically mean closer to democratic norms. At the same time, strengthening democracy directly depends on the state policy to overcome poverty.

    C 27. The French educator, jurist and philosopher C. Montesquieu in his work “On the Spirit of Laws” (1748) wrote: “In order to prevent... abuse of power, it is necessary, as follows from the very nature of things, that power alone restrain another. When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same body... there can be no freedom. On the other hand, there can be no freedom if the judicial power is not separated from the legislative and executive... And the end of everything will come if the same person or body, noble or popular in character, begins to exercise all three types of power.”

    What theory in political science was C. Montesquieu the founder of? What is its essence? Give three examples to support the author’s conclusion that everything will come to an end “if the same person or body, noble or popular in character, begins to exercise all three types of power.”


    Montesquieu is one of the developers of the theory of separation of powers as a necessary condition for the progressive development of state power. The principle of separation of powers means the distribution of functions of state power between various institutions and organizations, both vertically and horizontally. The equality of the legislative, executive and judicial powers is manifested in the fact that none of them can make decisions that infringe on the rights of the other.

    Examples of the dangerous concentration of power in the hands of one body or one person can be cited: The usurpation of power by Napoleon I in France led to the oblivion of the democratic tasks outlined by the revolution and the death of the empire. Prior to this, the undivided power of the Jacobins had brought France to the brink of a national catastrophe. In the 20th century, the dictatorship of the proletariat in the USSR led to despotism of power and the tragedy of millions of people.

    From 27. Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642) - the all-powerful first minister of France, is the author of a small treatise - “Political Testament”. In it, he summarizes his experience in managing the affairs of the state and, in particular, comes to the following conclusions:

    “All politicians agree that if the people were too prosperous, they could not be kept within the boundaries of their duties.

    Reason does not allow them to be freed from any burdens, because, in such a case, losing the sign of their subordination, the people would forget about their fate and, being freed from taxes, would imagine that they are also free from duties...

    I know, moreover, that many sovereigns lost their states and their subjects because they did not maintain the troops necessary to preserve them, for fear of overburdening their subjects with taxes, and that some subjects fell into slavery to their enemies because they too desired freedom under the rule of their natural monarch."

    Do you agree with Cardinal Richelieu's point of view on the problem of government? Give reasons for your answer. Can a state governed as Richelieu advises fulfill all its functions? Justify your opinion.


    Richelieu ardently defends the totalitarian regime, as effective way manipulation of the population, a method of mobilization in solving state problems, a source of replenishment of the treasury. The form of government that Richelieu advocates is an absolute monarchy. This form of government has its own centuries-old history, but is not capable of fulfilling such functions of the state as: social – protection of the interests of all segments of the population; legal – laws are focused only on the ruling class; foreign policy - the goals of the ruling class are pursued in the international arena.

    C 27. In country Z, there is only one political party, which is called “state”, because it acts as an instrument for the comprehensive control of the authorities over society and the behavior of citizens. What type of political system is country Z? Give two reasons to support your answer.


    type of political system- totalitarian.


    There is only one political party in the country;

    The party controls state power:

    The state controls all areas of society.

    Forms of government

    C 26. Illustrate with three examples the differences in the governance system of parliamentary and presidential republics.


    In a presidential republic, the president receives powers directly from the voters; in a parliamentary republic, the president is usually elected by the legislature;

    In a presidential republic, members of the government will be appointed by the president, in a parliamentary republic - by the leader of the party of the parliamentary majority;

    In presidential republics, the president is free to choose candidates for government posts; in parliamentary republics, only deputies of the party with the majority of seats in the legislative assembly receive appointments to the government.

    From 27. French educator of the 18th century. C. Montesquieu positively assessed the republic and monarchy, contrasting them with despotism. At the same time, the thinker did not turn a blind eye to the vices of these forms of government. Indicate what positive and what negative features do monarchical and republican forms of government contain?


    As positive traits monarchical form of government can be indicated: stability, respect for authority; as negative – concentration of power in one hand; lack of public control over power.

    The positive features of the republican form of government can be indicated: the presence of public control over power, separation of powers; as negative – clash of interests of social groups, giving rise to conflicts.

    C 27. Article No. 47 of the Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire (1906) read: “ Russian Empire is governed on the firm basis of laws, charters and institutions emanating from the sovereign power.” What form of government is enshrined in the given fragment of laws? Give two characteristic features of this form of government.


    Form of government, in the given fragment of laws: absolute (unlimited) monarchy.


    ü supreme power is not limited by law;

    ü The supreme power itself is the source of law;

    ü The monarch has full legislative, distributive and judicial power.


    C 27. The effectiveness of government influence on society is determined not by the degree of coercion, but by the level of legitimacy of the regime. Formulate three reasons for convincing citizens of the legitimacy of the authorities to make decisions that citizens must carry out.


    1. the decisions that citizens must carry out are shaped by the conformity of these decisions with the values ​​shared by the majority of society;
    2. the conviction of the need to implement decisions depends on the political regime in the state (for authoritarian and totalitarian regimes the problem of legitimacy is not relevant);
    3. recognition of power by citizens is based on traditional legitimation; citizens get used to the methods of power and the content of its activities over a long period of time.


    C 5. What meaning do social scientists put into the concept of “political ideology”? Using your social science course knowledge, write two sentences containing information about political ideology .


    Political ideology is a certain set of views and ideas that reflect an understanding of power, government, and ways of managing society”;

    - “The main political ideologies are conservatism, liberalism, social democracy and communism.”

    - “Political ideology reflects the interests of certain groups of the population.”

    P 6. The American scientist F. Fukuyama, in his work “The End of History” (1992), put forward the thesis that human history ended with the triumph of liberal democracy and a market economy on a planetary scale: “Liberalism has no viable alternatives left.” Express your attitude to this thesis and justify it with three arguments based on the facts of social life and knowledge of the social science course.


    2) three arguments: - in the modern world, both societies with market economies and societies with traditional and mixed economic systems coexist; - the applicability of the model of liberal democracy in a particular country is limited, for example, by the mentality of the nation; - in the modern world there are both societies based on the values ​​of liberal democracy and authoritarian, totalitarian societies.

    C6. Use three examples to reveal the features of the government of the conservative party.


    Ø The Conservative government seeks to maintain the status quo in the political sphere

    (form of government, administrative apparatus, judicial system, existing political parties);

    Ø conservative government often limits the freedom of action of reformist politicians;

    Ø the freedom of grassroots structures is narrowed by transferring some of their functions to higher authorities.

    C7. stronghold and business card This ideological movement is Great Britain with its careful attitude to traditions, stiffness and gentlemanliness, according to which each “Lord Baskerville and servant Barrymore” are, first of all, representatives of their families, living for centuries under the roof of the same house. What ideological movement are we talking about? List four signs by which you determined this.


    We are talking about the ideological current of conservatism. As signs of conservatism, the following can be indicated: respect for traditions (traditionalism), primness and gentlemanliness (aristocratism), living for centuries under the roof of one house (continuity), “Lord Baskerville and servant Barrymore” (hierarchy)

    C 7. The essence of which ideological direction is revealed by the following statement: “Man is the only creature in the Universe capable of realizing his freedom, therefore only he can measure and evaluate it”? Give reasons for your point of view. Give four characteristic features of this ideological trend.


    The above statement reveals the essence of liberalism, since the root of its views lies in the ideas of the self-sufficiency of the individual, the naturally inherent freedom as a quality of being. Freedom within the framework of the liberal idea is an unconditional category, which is an initial value in itself. As characteristic features of this ideological direction can be given: commitment to the parliamentary system; negative attitude towards the expanding economic and social functions states; the need for separation of powers, political pluralism and the rule of law; ensuring fundamental political rights and freedoms of citizens, respect for the dignity of the human person; compromise, consensus in solving the most important political problems, etc.


    A new political party was registered in State Z. It has a central office and regional branches. The party stands for the preservation of traditional values ​​and defends the need to adapt any changes in society to traditional institutions. During the elections, the political party gained the required number of votes and received seats in parliament.

    Determine the type of political party depending on its ideological affiliation. Give the fact that allowed you to draw this conclusion. Name any two other types of parties distinguished by this criterion, and briefly describe any one of them.


    1) type - conservative:

    2) Fact - the party stands for the preservation of traditional values, defends the need to adapt any changes in society to traditional institutions;

    3) other types of parties:

    Liberal (proclaim the sacredness and inalienability of natural individual rights, their priority over the interests of society and the state);

    Socialist (advocate the functioning of the state and society in the interests of employees; implementation of the principles of freedom, equality, social justice);

    Communist (proclaim public ownership of the means of production; the elimination of all forms of social inequality), etc.

    C 27. Get acquainted with the description of the party: “the party arose in the process of evolution from the middle of the 19th century. from the parliamentary group. Its membership is small and includes professional politicians.” What type of party are we talking about? Give at least three characteristic features (in addition to those indicated) of this party? Which party is the antipode to the species in question?


    It's about about personnel parties.

    Features of this party: has free membership; functions exclusively for the purposes of election campaigns; there is no procedure for joining the party; is not centralized; relies on the financial support of privileged sections of society.

    The antipode to the type in question is a mass party.

    C 25. Name the main features of the modern political system Russian society.


    The main features of the political system of modern Russian society can be named: the Russian Federation is a democratic federal legal state with a republican form of government; the presence of three branches of government; the President of the Russian Federation has a large number of powers; the initial stage of the formation of civil society and the formation of parties; insufficiently high political activity of citizens, etc.

    C 26. Political parties play an important role in public life democratic society. Name any three functions of a political party in political system society and illustrate each of them with a specific example .


    1) expression of powerfully significant interests of individual social groups (the parliamentary faction of a political party represents the interests of the middle class, the activities of medium and small businesses, and tax benefits for these types of businesses);

    2) development of political programs (the political party presented its program for the development of civil society institutions);

    3) political socialization of citizens and attracting them to participate in political life (the political party held a series of mass rallies in support of democratic reforms, attracting young people to participate in them by inviting famous pop performers).

    C 27. Using the example(s) of public life in modern Russia, use any three functions of political parties in the political system of society.


    1) political parties in modern Russia conduct active campaigns for the elections of the President and deputies of the State Duma, as a result of which party factions are formed based on the results of vote counting (this is an example of the embodiment of the claims of political parties to power);

    2) leaders of political parties regularly contact potential voters through the media, hold meetings with the population, explaining their approaches to solving pressing issues social problems(mobilize a certain sector of the electorate);

    3) by participating in the activities of parties, citizens express their attitude to the existing political system and the policies pursued by the state (parties perform an intermediary function);

    4) many parties create youth organizations, replenishing the ranks of their supporters, introducing youth to politics (carry out the political socialization of youth).


    C 26. Many states have introduced an age limit for a citizen to exercise the right to elect and be elected to government bodies. Is this qualification consistent with the values ​​of a democratic society? Give three reasons for your opinion.


    1. the age limit does not contradict the values ​​of a democratic society;

    2.: - the age limit applies to all citizens of the corresponding age, i.e., the principle of equality is not violated;

    The age limit does not exclude other opportunities for adolescents and young people to participate in the political life of society;

    The age limit does not violate the principle of periodic election of public authorities;

    The age limit is appropriate due to the timing of the political socialization of adolescents and young people.

    C26. Name three ways of political participation of citizens and illustrate each of them with a specific example


    1. Participation in elections (example: a citizen can participate in elections as a voter, using his active suffrage, a citizen can be elected to government bodies, to elective positions as a candidate);

    2. submitting proposals to authorities (example: a citizen can take part in the discussion of new legislative initiatives by sending his proposals to parliamentarians, or can submit a letter or proposal to the government);

    3. membership in political organizations (example: a citizen can be a member of a political party, can be a member of social movements or political clubs)

    C26. It is known that many democratic countries are faced with the problem of low voter turnout. Some countries impose special sanctions (for example: fines) in relation to such voters, others consider participation in elections to be a right of the voter, which he may not exercise. Suggest what could be the reasons for the low voter turnout at the elections? Give three reasons.


    1)Low activity may be associated with political stability.

    2) Voters have lost faith in democratic institutions and do not trust the authorities.

    3) People are busy with private life and business, there is no interest in politics.

    4) Crisis phenomena in society, the inability of the authorities to find a way out, disbelief in changes for the better.

    C 7. Society and the state are interested in the activity of the individual, which “is an important condition for the development of a democratic society.” Based on knowledge of the social science course and your life experience, give three arguments confirming the author’s correctness .


    1) an important condition for the development of democracy is elections to government bodies. The active participation of citizens in the electoral process determines how fully the elected deputies will reflect the interests of society;

    2) the activity of citizens, their participation in public associations make it possible to create control over power, to protect society from personal self-will, the despotism of politicians who have come to power;

    3) the activity of citizens is a condition that ensures independence in matters of local self-government.

    C27. During the elections of deputies to a representative body of power in one of the electoral districts, there was a struggle between three candidates. One of them received 42% of the votes and became the winner. What electoral system were the elections used? Give two arguments .


    1) elections were carried out according to majoritarian system of relative majority ;

    2) two arguments: 1) elections by constituency refer to the majoritarian electoral system;

    2) under a majoritarian system of relative majority, a candidate who wins less than half of the votes, but more than each of his rivals, can win. Other arguments may be given.

    From 27. Your friend is running for the State Duma in a single-mandate constituency. 48% of voters in this constituency voted for him, while his competitors received 31% and 21% of the votes, respectively. Can you congratulate your friend on his election? Give two arguments.


    1) The correct answer is given: it is indicated that the candidate won the election, i.e. he can be congratulated on his election;

    2) the following arguments are given:

    It is said that he won in a single-member district;

    Elections were carried out according to a majoritarian system, a system of relative majority.

    C 27. In the state of N., representative bodies of power are created in accordance with the rule: “The winner takes all.” To be elected, a candidate must receive an absolute majority of votes cast in the constituency. What type can the electoral system of the state of N. be classified as? How did you determine this? Name the advantages and disadvantages of this type of electoral system.


    Type of electoral system of the state of N.: majoritarian system (absolute majority).

    Distinctive feature in a majoritarian system (one deputy - one district), the winner of the election is the one who wins 50% + 1 vote.

    C 27. During the campaign for the election of the head of the regional administration, one of the candidates registered by the election commission was removed from the election race. The court upheld the Election Commission's decision. What legal grounds could the Election Commission use when disqualifying a candidate? Give three reasons


    1) the election commission found out during the inspection that the candidate submitted falsified lists with signatures

    2) the candidate may have incorrectly indicated information about his income and property

    3) the candidate could violate election legislation during his election campaign, use unauthorized means, administrative resources

    From 27. On the day of elections of State Duma deputies, leaflets were distributed at polling stations in favor of one of the candidates. How do you assess the above example from the point of view of Russian election legislation? What rules (indicate three) should the election campaign of candidates for deputies be conducted by?


    1) an assessment is given, for example: such a fact is contrary to the norms of electoral law, campaigning for a candidate must be stopped the day before the elections, any pressure on the voter’s choice on election day is illegal;

    2) the rules are given, for example:

    All candidates must have equal access to the media;

    Equal airtime for their election speeches,

    Funds for the election campaign should go to a special fund, and their spending should be transparent to society and the authorities.

    From 27. Elections of the head of administration were held in the region. In the second round, about a third of the voters who took part in the voting were cast against both candidates. Name any three reasons for protest voting in this area.


    1) the situation in this area is probably difficult, and people do not trust the authorities;

    2) many people did not find positions in the programs of both candidates that would interest them;

    3) candidates did not take into account the interests of voters;

    4) people do not believe in the possibility of positive changes in society.

    C 7. Country N. is a democratic state with a dynamically developing market economy and a high standard of living for the majority of citizens. However, every year in the country of N. the number of citizens who evade participation in elections at various levels is growing. Please indicate three possible reasons evasion of the citizens of this country from fulfilling their civic duty as voters.


    1) people are accustomed to a stable and rich life and do not see differences between political leaders and parties that are in power;

    2) the people of this country are dominated by private interests, they are absorbed in their private lives and are not interested in

    social problems, including political struggle;

    3) in the political arena of a given country there are no prominent political personalities who could attract the interests of citizens and increase their involvement in political life;

    see those forces in the political arena that will help them improve their position.

    Get dressed, move. Explain, can such leaders be called “open, public politicians”? Give one explanation of how an ordinary citizen or voter can recognize the true appearance of a politician in order to be convinced of the correctness of his choice?

    C 27. In modern political science, the media are characterized by such pompous titles as “the great arbiter”, “the fourth branch of government” (along with the legislative, executive and judicial), etc. The belief in the omnipotence of television is so great that other politicians believe: whoever controls television controls the entire country. What is the reason for the transformation of the media into one of the most important tools for the implementation of the political process? Give four

    The meaning and role of politics as a social institution are determined by the functions that it performs in society. The number of functions may vary. The more numerous the functions of politics in a particular society, the less developed the society.

    But in any society, politics performs a number of the most significant functions, without which it cannot develop normally.

    1. Function of ensuring the integrity and stability of society. Politics is informed by trends in social progress. In line with these trends, it formulates common goals; develops projects for the future; determines social guidelines; seeks the necessary resources for their implementation.

    2. Managerial and regulatory functions of politics. By making political decisions, the interests of social groups are influenced. And thus politics manages and regulates social processes, using social coercion and violence.

    3. Rationalization function. Representing group and individual interests, politics develops general rules for their representation and implementation. Thus, politics prevents conflicts or regulates and resolves them in a civilized manner.

    4. Function of political socialization. Politics includes the individual in social relations, transfers to him experience and skills of activity. Through politics, a person acquires the qualities necessary for him to perceive reality realistically, and, if necessary, to transform it.

    5. Humanitarian function. It is expressed in the creation of guarantees of individual rights and freedoms, ensuring public order.

    The successful implementation of all these functions by politics guarantees continuity and progression in the development of society.

    4.3. The relationship between politics and economics, morality, law, religion

    There are boundaries of politics in society, but they are always moving. Throughout human history they either expanded (and to such an extent that sometimes politics covered the entire society), then narrowed.

    Almost any public problem can become political if, in the opinion of political leaders, it affects the interests of the entire society and requires decisions that are binding on all citizens. It extends to many economic, cultural and other social phenomena, and sometimes, it would seem, even to purely personal intimate areas. For example, in the early 90s in Poland, Germany and some other countries, heated political discussions and confrontation were sparked by the issue of banning abortion.

    Along with politics, the mechanisms for regulating social life are economics, morality, law, and religion.

    Politics is particularly closely intertwined with economics.

    The interaction of politics and economics plays a decisive role in the development of society.

    Political activity is ultimately determined by the nature and direction of development of economic relations, having in turn an active impact on the economy.

    Political power is fundamental and can control economic power. Thanks to her you can:

    · develop various economic programs (priority development of individual regions or industries, etc.);

    · create laws providing benefits to certain social groups, enterprises or regions, etc.;

    · insure workers in case of disability, unemployment, old age, etc.

    Policy can directly or indirectly influence the market and pricing system. At the same time, the effect of objective economic laws forces politicians to develop science-based economic development programs.

    Thus, politics and economics are in dialectical unity.

    Political activity is determined by the nature and direction of economic relations. The economy, under the influence of political decisions, develops more efficiently or is in a state of decline.

    Along with politics, morality also acts as a mechanism for regulating social life. Morality and politics have both similarities and differences. Both of these spheres grow from a single source - the contradiction between the individuality and uniqueness of a person - on the one hand, and his collective nature, the “doom” to live in society, the inability to be happy and even simply exist, to be a person without other people - on the other.

    The growth of various needs, outstripping the possibility of satisfying them, gives rise to a number of temptations in a person - to obtain benefits at the expense of other people and nature, thereby creating a threat to both individuals and the entire society.

    Morality keeps a person from dangerous temptations. At the dawn of civilization, small human groups (clan, tribe) could do without politics, regulating the interactions of people and ensuring social order with the help of customs, traditions, as well as such control institutions as family and community.

    With the emergence of complex social communities, traditional moral forms of regulating people's behavior turned out to be insufficient. The development of production, the aggravation of social conflicts, the complexity of society - all this led to the emergence of politics as a special institution and type of activity that regulates people's behavior with the help of a special apparatus of limitation and coercion.

    Thus, the main social functions of politics and morality coincide: politics, like morality, has a basis for claiming the protection of the common good and social justice(although very often she is far from fulfilling these humane tasks).

    Politics arises as a result of the regulatory insufficiency of morality, but it also has fundamental differences from morality.

    Differences between morality and politics:

    1. Conflict of politics. Politics is an activity aimed at resolving group social conflicts that affect the entire society and require the use of power.

    Morality characterizes everyday individual relationships between people, a special case of which are conflicts that usually do not reach political severity. Politics relies on force, morality condemns violence and relies mainly on “sanctions of conscience.”

    2. Moral standards established by traditions and public opinion. They are in the nature of ideals. Their violation as a rule , does not entail punishment.

    Deviation from morality is a common phenomenon. “He who is without sin among you, be the first to throw a stone at her!” - Christ addressed the crowd, who were trying to strictly judge the harlot, and none of the people raised their hand, not considering themselves sinless.

    Policy requirements are specific and usually take the form of laws, the violation of which carries real penalties.

    3. Morality is always individual, its subject and defendant is an individual person making his own moral choice.

    Politics is of a group, collective nature. In it, a person acts as a part or representative of a class, party, nation, etc. His personal responsibility seems to dissolve in collective decisions and actions.

    Politics is inseparable from law, the norms of which regulate political relations. Legal norms seem to establish the rules of the “political game”. The main legal norm is the Constitution, which clearly outlines the main political roles.

    Law itself is a product of the culture, religion, traditions existing in a particular society, the interests of the ruling elite, the influence of world society, etc. The norms of law are approved by the legislative branch, i.e. politics.

    Politics and law have contradictory influences on each other. Thus, the law narrows the field of politics, imposing restrictions on the activities of political subjects: it prohibits parties focused on unconstitutional methods of seizing power; limits or prohibits the activities of extreme organizations, defines the boundaries of power and procedures for its implementation, determines the conditions for holding protests, etc. In turn, politics and political activity stimulate changes in legislation and legal norms that conflict with trends in social development; ruling circles seek to actively use the law to combat political opponents.

    Along with politics, religion also acts as a regulator of social life. Interaction of politics and religion due to the commonality of many aspects of their existence and functioning. Politics and religion deal with large masses of people; are aimed at the whole society, all social communities.

    The differences between politics and religion are manifested primarily in the following:

    · politics, as a rule, is closest to the economic basis; religion is the most distant from material life;

    · politics is a class phenomenon and in each situation reflects the interests of a certain social community; religion is a universal phenomenon, but in certain social conditions it can express the interests of various social communities in whose arsenal it is;

    · unlike religion, politics occupies a dominant place in the social structure. The position of religion and the church in society and the possibility of it fulfilling its role as a form of social consciousness depend on politics. Religion, depending on historical conditions, distracts believers from the struggle for improving life or activates them in such a struggle, i.e. plays a progressive or negative role, based on its social principles and moral standards.

    Modern socio-political life testifies to the parallel existence of two processes:

    1) religiosity of politics;

    2) politicization of religion.

    Religization of politics means the following:

    · the policy takes into account the state of religiosity in society and the attitude of different social groups towards religion;

    · religiosity is increasingly used to achieve political goals;

    · the church uses state media to promote its doctrine;

    · state and party leaders establish communication with church leaders and enlist their support;

    · opportunities are created for religious education in educational and educational institutions.

    Politicization of religion is as follows:

    · ministers of worship and religious organizations are involved in political activities;

    · individual political parties and religious organizations are included in political activities;

    · the church is involved in resolving political and social conflicts.

    Thus, politics is a phenomenon that is not isolated from other aspects of social life. It is closely connected with various areas social activities. Politics, being influenced by economics, morality, law, religion and other aspects of society, itself, in turn, has a certain impact on them, while acquiring new properties and qualities.

    Questions and tasks

    1. What are the reasons for the emergence of politics as an independent sphere of human and social life?

    2. Give general characteristics the political world.

    3. What is the policy structure?

    4. Name the policy levels. Which one occupies a central place and characterizes the essence of politics?

    5. What functions does politics perform in society?

    6. What is the essence of the dialectical unity of politics and economics?

    7. What are the similarities and differences between politics and morality?

    8. What determines the interaction between politics and religion?


    1. Luzan A.O. Politics and marriage // Political science readings. – 1993. – No. 1.

    2. Picha V.M., Khoma N.M. Political science. – K., 2001.

    3. Political science. / Edited by O.V. Babkina, V.P. Gorbatenka. – K., 2001.

    4. Ryabov S. Politics as a social phenomenon // Political science readings. – 1994. – No. 2.

    5. Soloviev A.I. Political science: Political theory, political technologies. – M., 2000.

    6. Shmatko N.A. The phenomenon of public policy // Socis. – 2001. – No. 3.


    1. Definition of power and features of political power.

    2. Structure of political power.

    Z. Problems of the legitimacy of power.