Men of chanson. Women of chanson Famous Russian chansonniers

Chanson is an interesting, original and meaningful genre. At the same time, it is easy to understand, and the music is light and filled with poetic content. How separate genre, it appeared back in the 19th century, and went back to the work of medieval minstrels. Order modern chanson performers (from the list) on our website and the event will be distinguished and remembered for a long time by all those present. Now it’s easy and inexpensive to invite artists, contrary to popular belief to the contrary. The Big City agency offers a large database of artists who can be booked inexpensively for your event. Order your favorite artist from the list of the best chanson performers on our website.

Chanson - genres of Russian music

Russian chanson is a collective concept that includes convict songs, criminal songs, city romances, military songs, emigrant songs, as well as some pop songs. All these genres are the source of Russian chanson, the way modern people hear it. Such songs, like the black blues, were originally dedicated to the plight of the captive people and their desire for freedom. Prominent representatives of such a song:

  1. Butyrka is a collective founded in 2001. They conduct their creative activities in Russia and also abroad.
  2. Lesopoval is a group created in 1990 by Mikhail Tanich, who spent 6 years in prison in the post-war years.

This is not the entire list famous performers chanson, but the most prominent representatives of the criminal song genre, whose compositions are covered in karaoke. From our database of popular artists, you can choose those who will ignite the audience and charge any event with drive and make the audience have fun.

List of male chanson performers

The biographies of many performers of Russian chanson are not quite simple, as it might seem, so their work is soulful and meaningful. What they sing about may be a special case, or it may describe some global problem. List of popular chanson performers (male):

  1. Mikhail Shufutinsky - singer, pianist, producer, Honored Artist Russian Federation. Winner of the “Chanson of the Year” awards.
  2. Nikita Dzhigurda is a popular film director, screenwriter, actor, singer, who is known for his shocking behavior.
  3. Alexander Rosembaum - poet, Russian singer, composer and Honored Artist of Russia.

Are you planning to celebrate an anniversary, wedding or other holiday? Do you want to do it in a big way? Invite popular chanson performers (women) and your holiday will be unforgettable. Since 2008, the Big City agency has provided a large selection of pop artists and also offers event organizing services. Order a real traditional chanson, which is similar to the one that comes from France. The musicians are ready to sing their most popular verses for you and make the celebration unforgettable.

Performers of female chanson (list)

French pop song in cabaret style is a definition that describes real chanson as a genre. Not only men, but also women work and create in this style. Singers whose voices at one time received public recognition and became the origins of women's chanson. They became famous throughout the world thanks to their beautiful voices, lyrics, full of meaning and charisma, which not every artist is endowed with. French chanson performers (women):

  • Mireille Mathieu is a famous French singer whose recordings have sold 133 million albums.
  • Patricia Kaas is a very popular chansonnier all over the world, including in Russia, as well as in the countries of the former USSR.
  • Lara Fabian is a French-speaking singer, the owner of a standard lyric soprano, and critics call it “angelic.”

Thanks to the performers (women) of French chanson, this genre fell in love with many people of different generations. The singers listed are benchmarks in their genre. But domestic ones are also worthy of respect. Prominent representatives of Russian chanson are Anya Vorobey, Alena Skok, Vika Tsyganova, Ilona Krasavtseva, Inna Razumikhina. You can order any singer to sing her best hits for you and your guests.

What does the Big City offer?

Chanson and pop song have a very unclear boundary, perhaps this creates a separate genre. We have been working for more than 10 years on creating celebrations and realizing the most original fantasies of our clients. More than a thousand events we created remained in the memory of the heroes of the occasion and their guests. Which singers do we suggest ordering:

  • chanson performers (women and men);
  • foreign and domestic pop singers;
  • rock groups and individual performers;
  • DJs, pop musicians, electro and artists of other genres.

By inviting famous artists to your holiday, you make it original and unique. It is now fashionable to invite pop stars to private parties, because it is already difficult to surprise your guests with anything else. The concert and holiday agency offers its services in organizing and creating holidays. You can also order artists from us at a low price.

Chanson performers of the 90s

Chanson as a genre has no equal, and we will talk about criminal, robber compositions, but also about the author's song, which echoes the blues, touching the strings human soul. Urban romance is also called chanson, which is not surprising. The wide variety of the genre has secured fans in different circles of people. Alexander Rosenbaum, Denis Berezhnoy, Dmitry Poltoratsky are famous chanson performers, you can order them for your event. The list of Russian chanson performers of the 90s can be continued indefinitely; choose those musicians whose music you like, and we will take care of all the worries. The concert agency "Big City" provides a large base of artists, they can sing their best compositions especially for you and your guests. A wedding, birthday, corporate event or company anniversary is an excellent occasion to invite Russian chanson performers of the 80-90s to the celebration (you can see the list on our website).

List of chanson performers of the 80s

Traditional melodies of Russian chanson originated in the 19th century. One of the brightest representatives of Russian chanson as a genre was Leonid Utesov. Songs from singer-songwriters are not just music, the lyrics are filled with meaning. You can dance to them, reflect on life, its meaning, great value, which many of us underestimate. Lesopoval, Igor Slutsky, Viktor Petlyura, Alexander Novikov are iconic names in the Russian criminal song. Some of them experienced all the hardships of life in places not so remote, because they lived during the times of severe Stalinist repressions. Nowadays, freedom of creativity gives greater horizons, so you can order famous chanson performers of the 80s to perform at your event without any restrictions.

Popular Russian chanson performers of the 90s: list

Butyrka, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Vili Tokarev, Fedya Karmanov - famous wide circles representatives of chanson - street romance, thieves' song. You can invite your favorite performers to the circle of your holiday, thereby delighting your guests, leaving wonderful memories in their hearts for a long time.

We have a large database of artists at our disposal, and we work with all of them directly. Thanks to this, we offer a good price, as well as high quality of services provided. In addition to famous chanson performers of the 80s, you can order celebrities who work in other musical genres - pop, rock, disco.

How to organize a holiday

When contacting the Big City agency, you don’t have to think about organizational issues, as well as preparation for the event. We will think through everything, bring your fantasies to life, so that the guests or visitors of the celebration are satisfied, and you do not waste time or nerves. To organize an event, order chanson performers of the 80s, call the number or leave your details on the website. A free manager will contact you to help you select musicians or an entertainment program.

"Chanson" (French chanson) is a French word that translates as "song". Later in France they began to call it that vocal genre, lyrical works, songs whose lyrics represent a story told to music. The list of chanson performers is headed by the legendary Edith Piaf and her talented student, today's king of French chanson -

Russian chanson

In our country today, chanson is understood as songs written by bards - songwriters. This genre will combine several musical styles: urban romance, thieves, emigrants, military and bard songs, which are united under the general name “Russian chanson”. The beginning of the nineties of the last century can be considered the origin of Russian chanson, or rather its revival. Before this, the term “chanson” was understood exclusively as a French musical genre. The first Russian chanson singers tried to imitate the French. The list of chanson performers of the Soviet period consists of such singers as Leonid Utesov, Alexander Vertinsky, Klavdiya Shulzhenko and others. However, after the collapse of the USSR, “chanson” began to be understood mainly as “soulful” songs about life in the “zone”, which were narrated in the first person - performer of the song. He was often identified with the hero of the story, which was the basis for the text of this criminal song. For the sake of poignancy, the lyrics contained thieves' jargon, and the song was performed with the obligatory hoarseness. Mikhail Krug, the performer of the famous song “Vladimir Central,” had never been to “remote places,” but fans of the genre saw him as their hero. These songs were especially popular among the “new Russians,” not only men, but also women. The heroes of these songs aroused the admiration of many representatives of the fairer sex, seeming to them the embodiment of sexuality and masculinity. Songs of this genre became widespread not only in Russia, but also spread throughout the world. The list of chanson performers consisted of bards, for example, Alexander Rosenbaum, whose songs are performed by many singers of this genre, for example Mikhail Shufutinsky, as well as guitarists. In the Soviet Union, songs of these genres were heard in cafes and restaurants, but their broadcast on television was excluded. After the collapse of the USSR, they even began to appear in the charts on television and radio, and later radio and TV channels of the same name appeared. Russian chanson today has reached such a level of development that since 2001, the “Chanson of the Year” award has been organized annually.

List of Russian chanson performers (groups and solo performers)


  • “Belomorkanal”.
  • “Lepping.”
  • “Thieves.”
  • “Ace of the Cross.”
  • “Lots-man.”
  • “Butyrka”.
  • “Five-Year Plan”.
  • “Odessans” and others.


  • Alexander Dyumin.
  • Alexander Rosenbaum.
  • Mikhail Krug.
  • Mikhail Shufutinsky.
  • Eyyub Yagubov.
  • Serey Nagovitsyn.
  • Alexander Novikov.
  • Willy Tokarev.
  • Mikhail Sheleg.
  • Valery Shunt.
  • Alexander Marshall.
  • Konstantin Belyaev.
  • Ivan Kuchin.
  • Gennady Zharov.
  • Nike Borzov.
  • Stas Mikhailov.
  • Zheka.

List of female singers of songs in the “chanson” genre

When we talk about chanson, we first of all imagine a courageous singer, wise with experience and life circumstances. Indeed, many singers included in the group are men, but there are also many women in this genre who are considered excellent performers of “soulful” songs. These performances often became chart-toppers. Surely, many remember such famous songs as “Cabriolet” and “Carousel” by Lyubov Uspenskaya. Other singers included in the list of chanson performers are Vika Tsyganova, Katya Ogonyok, Elena Vaenga and others.