Where did Boris study in the play The Thunderstorm? A.N

Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm" is known to everyone. Life in a small town goes on as usual. Everything changed with the arrival of Boris, who met and fell in love with married woman. The image and characterization of Boris in the play “The Thunderstorm” is inextricably linked with love line. The relationship between Boris and Katerina played a big role in the tragedy that unfolded in the play. He was unable to protect his love, which led to the death of the girl, who was unable to cope with mental anguish and decided that the best way out in this situation would be suicide.

Boris is a young man who came from the capital to claim his inheritance. He is related to the Wild.

Image and characteristics

Little is known about Boris's appearance. He dressed like a dandy in the latest fashion. Received a good education. Well-mannered It was no coincidence that I ended up in Kalinov. I came to collect my inheritance from my grandmother. Only my sister remained from the family. Parents died.

He received a good education while studying at the Commercial Academy.

“Our parents in Moscow raised us well, they spared nothing for us. I was sent to the Commercial Academy, my sister to a boarding school.”

Fashionable, stylish. This is not surprising, because in Moscow everyone dresses brand new. In comparison with the residents of Kalinovo, his appearance was strikingly different.

“All the faces, except Boris, are dressed in Russian.”

The purpose of coming to the city is one - to receive an inheritance. This is possible under the only condition that the guy treats the guy (Wild) with reverence and respect.

“My grandmother died and left a will so that my uncle would pay us the portion that was due when we came of age, only on the condition that we be respectful to him.”

Boris constantly suffers humiliation from his uncle. He always finds a reason to find fault and humiliate the guy. He has to endure and endure insults in silence, because there is too much at stake. He is no longer sure that he will be able to get at least a penny from the guy. It works and works, but to no avail.

“He will first break with us, scold us in every possible way, as his heart desires, but he will still end up not giving anything or so, some little thing.”

Weak character. Boris's weakness of character manifests itself more than once throughout the play. He knows this trait in himself, but cannot change it. He fawns over his uncle, fawns over him, tolerating his antics. In the case of Katerina, he did not have the fortitude to protect the woman he loved. Having turned her head, he abandons her in difficult times, running away from the city like a cowardly hare from the chase. If he had shown at least a little character, he would have taken her with him, thereby saving her life, but, alas.

Kind. By nature, Boris is a kind and sympathetic guy. Kuligin said about him:

“He’s a good man, sir...”

Indecisive. Performing actions is not about our Boris, we don’t have enough courage. When everyone knows about his love affair with Katerina, he panicked, preferring to “throw around and cry,” but not do anything. At the moment of saying goodbye to her, he relied on himself:

“Oh, if only these people knew how it feels for me to say goodbye to you! My God! May God grant that someday they may feel as sweet as I do now...You villains! Monsters! Oh, if only there was strength!

But the strength can't come from anywhere. Boris himself understands this very well.

It is easier for him to run away from problems than to tackle them. He saw that something was wrong with Katerina, but did not deign to ask what was bothering her and why she was alarmed. He added fuel to the fire by saying that he was leaving for a long time, his uncle ordered it, and to disobey him would mean losing hope of getting an inheritance. Boris is not used to being held responsible for his actions. Maybe he didn’t love Katerina, he just spent time with her, brightening up his leisure time. As soon as she started causing him problems, he chose to retreat.

Egoist. First of all, Boris always thought only about himself and his own benefit. The interests and problems of other people did not bother him much. He was unable to understand the depth of Katerina’s nature and appreciate the tragedy of her personality, which ultimately led to a sad ending. His cowardice brought Katerina to tragedy. If he had even thought about her, things might have been different.

Boris Grigorievich is one central characters, who is the nephew of the merchant Dikiy. Among the provincial public of the city of Kalinov, Boris stands out noticeably for his upbringing and education. Indeed, from Boris’s stories it becomes clear that he came here from Moscow, where he was born, raised and lived until his parents died from a cholera epidemic. After which, in order to receive the inheritance, he had to move to Uncle Dikiy. According to the will, Boris will be able to receive the inheritance only if he treats his uncle with respect. Over time, Boris begins to understand that his uncle is a rude and cruel person. In addition, Dikoy is greedy, so Boris practically no longer expects to receive an inheritance. According to Boris, his uncle often says: “I have my own children, why would I give other people’s money? Through this I must offend my own people!” Despite all this, Boris still lives with his uncle, not daring to take independent steps.

Boris notices Katerina and falls in love with her. What saddens him is his inability to meet her, that is, he is deprived of the only joy in this city. As he himself admits: “And it looks like I’m going to waste my youth in this slum... I’m driven, downtrodden, and then I foolishly decided to fall in love. Who? A woman with whom you’ll never even be able to talk!” As it turns out, Katerina loves him too, since he is his appearance and differs in manners in a positive way from the rude inhabitants of Kalinov. Of course, Boris is driven by sincere feelings. But a person who is accustomed to submitting to circumstances is not capable of sacrificial acts. In essence, Boris is an egoist who, even in the most dramatic moments, continues to think about himself: “I’m exhausted on the road, thinking about you.” He is not able to understand the depth and tragedy of Katerina’s personality. One could even say that Boris’s cowardice becomes one of the reasons for Katerina’s death.

"characters can be roughly divided into representatives" dark kingdom"and on his victims. The representatives include Dikoy and Kabanikha, but among the victims they name Katerina, Tikhon and Boris. However, is it possible to say with confidence that the last of those listed is really a victim of the “dark kingdom”? Let's try to understand this issue. The characterization of Boris in the play “The Thunderstorm” can fit in one sentence: a weak-willed visiting young man, ready to sacrifice his moral principles for the sake of getting money. And this is true. But does that make him a victim?

Little has been said about the appearance of Boris from the play “The Thunderstorm”. This is a young man who came from Moscow. He is dressed differently than the residents of Kalinov, in a capital style, in a foreign way. Boris differs from the Kalinovites in his perception of the world, but he himself seems to be proud of it. Of course, the fact that Boris received an education adds a share of snobbery. But here, in Kalinov, no one is interested in this. His motives for coming to the city, his actions in life situations and attitude towards others.

Boris Grigorievich, Dikiy’s nephew, did not come to the city because he missed his relative. Boris, like everyone else in the city, just needs money. Dikoy, being a stingy and greedy person, does not want to give away the inheritance that is due to his nephew. And Boris, realizing that you won’t get the money legally, decides to “establish relations” with his uncle so that he will be kinder and give the amount. But neither the nephew nor the Wild have any kindred feelings. Savl Prokofievich insults and scolds Boris, and he does not want to stay in Kalinov anymore, but steps over his principles for the sake of money.

The image of Boris in the play “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky is associated with a love line. Boris falls in love with Katerina, at least that’s what he thinks. But with Tikhon’s arrival, several days of secret meetings with Katya pass, and here Boris’s real face, cowardly and petty, is revealed. Katerina was determined to confess her feelings to the whole family just to live honestly with Boris, but Boris thought differently. He was very afraid that Katya would talk about their walks, and tried to persuade the girl to remain silent. The young man lamented that it was all over at that moment when Katerina had not yet said anything to her husband and mother-in-law. That is, he refused to take responsibility for the girl and for his feelings; it is easier for Boris to escape from the problem and regret what was lost. Unfortunately, neither he nor Tikhon were able and could never protect Katerina from the kingdom of lies and deceit. The last conversation between Boris and Katya is especially indicative in this regard. Boris understands that something is wrong with the girl, but does not ask about her condition. Instead, Boris makes the situation worse: he needs to go to Siberia for a long time, he doesn’t want to take Katya. With similar words, he makes it clear to the girl that in fact Boris did not actually experience any deep feelings.
While he felt good and easy, he was with Katya. As soon as the problems started, he left.

The given description of the image of Boris will be useful to 10th grade students when collecting material for an essay on the topic “Characterization of Boris in the play “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky.”

Characteristics of Boris from the play “The Thunderstorm” by Ostrovsky, an essay on the theme of the image of the hero |

Boris Grigorievich is a young man who came from Moscow to the city of Kalinov, described by Ostrovsky in his play “The Thunderstorm”. He stands out very much among the residents of the town, since he dresses completely differently from them, and also communicates differently. The townspeople even call him a foreigner. He has completely different views on the world and his environment, and he also has an education, which is also his distinctive feature.

He came to the town of Kalinov only so that his uncle Dikiy would leave him an inheritance after his death, because money is an integral part of his life for Boris. And since, of his own free will, Dikoy did not intend to leave an inheritance to his nephew, he decided to come and establish relations with his uncle.

By the will of fate, Boris falls in love with Katerina Kabanova, who already has a loving husband, Tikhon. But state of mind The girls don't care about Boris at all. He is afraid that everyone might find out about their secret dates and even asks Katerina not to tell anyone, however, Katerina, on the contrary, is ready to run away with her beloved or tell everyone about their feelings. Boris simply did not want to take responsibility for his relationship with Katerina and for their secret dates.

Boris's behavior shows all of him negative traits character, because at the very first difficulties he wants to leave the city, but he refuses to take the girl with him, which suggests that his feelings were not as strong as it seemed at first. Boris's cowardice does not allow him to discern Katerina's difficult mental state during their last conversation, although he notices that something wrong is happening with the girl, he simply does not ask her about it and continues to think only about himself. After all, while everything was fine with him and Katerina, he was with her and everything suited him, but as soon as everything didn’t go according to his scenario and the serious problems, Boris abandoned the girl in difficult times.

The author well described this young man, in whom commercialism and pettiness coexist along with style and education, and love remained for Boris beyond his personal interests, although he perfectly understood that the girl would die without him. He simply did not fight for his love, succumbing to cowardice and his lack of will.

Option 2

In the play "The Thunderstorm", written by A. N. Ostrovsky in 1859, the nephew of the merchant Dikiy Boris is one of central characters. Pleasant manners, good manners and courtesy noticeably distinguish Boris, who arrived from Moscow, among the residents of the provincial town of Kalinova.

Boris was born and lived in Moscow; he was forced to come to Kalinov by tragic circumstances - his parents died during a cholera epidemic. Left alone, Boris decides to go to Kalinov to visit his uncle, the rich merchant Dikiy, in order to receive an inheritance.

However, what belongs to Boris by birthright, Dikoy does not plan to give him. The Wild One has his own children, and he wants everything to go to them. According to his parents' will, Boris can count on a fraction of the inheritance only if he treats his uncle with respect. But Dikiy does everything to ensure that Boris gets nothing, because he is greedy and quite cruel to other people. Over time, Boris becomes despondent and begins to lose hope of getting anything, but due to his weakness of character, he does not have the courage to leave. He continues to live in the Wild's house and curry favor with his rude and cruel uncle.

Ostrovsky characterizes Boris as the weakest character in the play. Boris doesn't like living, in his words, "in a slum." However, even after he realizes that he will not receive anything from his tyrant uncle, he continues to live in his house and curry favor with him. He does not dare to leave and take away his beloved Katerina, which indirectly pushes her to death. He cannot protect either Katerina or himself, he is unable to do anything except shake the air with vain and useless lamentations, in which he always feels sorry only for himself, which speaks of Boris’s selfishness and inability to truly love him.

Boris is not able, due to his own lack of will, selfishness and weak character, to understand the full depth of Katerina’s personality. Katerina, in turn, singles out Boris, who is unworthy of her love, only because his manners are too different in nobility and sophistication from the rude manners of the provincial men she knows in the town in which she lives.

Cowardly Boris is a completely unsuitable match for Katerina. And even the feelings that have appeared for Katerina are a reason for Boris to lament that he is unhappy and everything is not as it should be - and his youth in the slum is ruined, and it is not possible to see his beloved woman as much as he wants. Love for Katerina became another reason for whining - how disgusting and selfish it is on Boris’s part. Katerina dies at the end of the play, essentially because of the cowardice and lack of will of Boris, who never decided to leave and take her with him.

Essay about Boris

A. N. Ostrovsky in the play “The Thunderstorm” places his characters in the fictional Volga city of Kalinov. Since a similar story could happen in any Russian city. At that time, morals were the same everywhere. The characters themselves are collective in nature.

One of the main characters of the drama was Boris Grigorievich. This is a young man who came to Kalinov from Moscow. The purpose of his stay in provincial town was my grandmother's inheritance. But the conditions for obtaining it are not so simple. It is necessary to “respect” Uncle Wild, who is distinguished by his tough temper and fierce greed. The young man understands deep down that he will never see the money, but he continues to hope.

Boris is presented by the writer as a well-educated, well-read young man, distinguished by a fashionable clothing style and a modern metropolitan character with shades of snobbery. Even in the note to the first act, the reader is informed that “everyone is dressed in Russian, except Boris.” Compared to other residents of Kalinov, he looks like a foreign dandy. His parents were unable to live in a provincial town. Because the grandmother did not like the educated and intelligent daughter-in-law, whom her son brought into the house. Mother and father paid due attention to raising their two children. Boris studied at the Commercial Academy, and his sister received a boarding school education. But, unfortunately, parents die during the cholera epidemic. And the children are left with virtually no means of subsistence.

The capital's gentleman is bored and sad in the Volga town. There is no one to talk to as equals. Education is not held in high esteem here. And his uncle constantly scolds him for something, that’s his character. Boris endures everything without complaint. The young man’s love for Katerina Kabanova is determined by her inaccessibility and the fact that she is sharply different from other girls in the city. She is smart, beautiful, interesting, gentle and loyal. She has a strong and strong-willed character. Boris himself cannot boast of this quality. A young man floats with the flow of life.

Boris Grigorievich can be accused of commercialism. After all, he fulfills his uncle’s will and leaves the city, leaving his beloved in trouble. But I think this accusation will not be correct. The young man is kind, he takes pity on Katerina, understanding how difficult her fate is. And he hopes to make it easier if he stops seeing her. Even Tikhon says that Boris asked: “do whatever you want with me, just don’t torture her.” The hero also feels sorry for his sister, because he bears this burden not only for himself. We need to provide our sister with a dowry.

But the hero has no spiritual strength. He himself laments: “If only there was strength!” Boris finally ruins Katerina by not taking her with him. And only, understanding everything, he wishes her a speedy death as deliverance from suffering.

The characters of "The Thunderstorm" are divided into two parts: dark kingdom and his victims. Kabanikha and Dikoy rule this kingdom. And I think that only Katerina can rightfully be considered a victim. Varvara and Kudryash are good opportunists. And Tikhon and Boris are simply morally weak people, indulging in tyranny and tyranny. Thus, feeding the dark kingdom, partly creating it themselves.

Responsiveness. What is this? Responsiveness is the ability to respond to a person’s request, provide him with help and moral support.

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