Kaminsky l read a lesson on laughter. Funny story for children about school

— « Laughter lesson"! I wrote this book Leonid Kaminsky . The school librarian recommended it to me.

- Well, how do you like this book?

- Great! Simply great!

Here is a review of the book: “ Laughter lesson» L. Kaminsky I received it first-hand from the person for whom it was once written.

How do you know what age a book is written for? To answer this question almost immediately, just open the book and find out the age of the main characters. If it matches the age of your child, then the book will most likely be of interest to the future little reader. “A Laughter Lesson” about children aged 7 - 11 years old.

Books L. Kaminsky always distinguished by ease of presentation and wit. I recommend these books as an excellent educator and even teacher. The writer does not write moral teachings, saying that it is bad to deceive and it is good to be hardworking. He demonstrates this with specific examples described in his wonderful stories and poems. The child will draw the appropriate conclusions himself. Children will easily understand the actions of the main characters, because the author described them extremely accurately, as if he was spying and eavesdropping on their thoughts. Even though Leonid Kaminsky ridicules and exposes all the bad habits of children; through the lines of the stories one can feel a great love for his young readers. After all, this is why he writes about shortcomings, so that children can see them with their own eyes from the outside and recognize themselves in the main characters. And of course, understand what is good and what is bad. And most importantly WHY!

Book " Laughter lesson”represents several cycles of stories: “Stories about the kitten Yasha”, “Stories about Masha” and “Stories about Petya and Dad”. This also includes “The Amazing Adventures of Viti Bryukvin and His Friends.” The book ends with a series of funny poems.

What I personally really like about these stories is the unobtrusiveness of the educational process. And in a surprisingly humorous style too.

For example, a series of stories about the kitten Yasha begins with the story “How the kitten Yasha learned to draw.” The kitten declared himself to be a very hardworking student eager to learn how to draw. This is exactly how children aged 7 to 9 years often behave. Like, I really want to learn something and I will complete ALL the tasks. The story goes on to show exactly the opposite. However, as in life. The teacher gave Yasha the task to draw a mouse and this is what came out of it:

“…. -Where is the mouse? - asked the teacher. “I don’t see him.”

“I ate it,” Yasha said guiltily.

- OK. Then I will ask you to draw a glass of milk...

….. - Well, show me your drawing!

“Here,” Yasha said and again handed the teacher a blank sheet of paper.

“I understand: you, of course, drank the milk.” Where's the glass?

“But the glass is transparent - it’s completely invisible!”

Do you recognize how this short dialogue is sometimes similar to our children who are trying to justify their laziness?

In the series of stories “About Petya and Dad,” I liked the description of the relationship between father and son. You know, I would probably recommend this book to parents too! A great example of HOW to raise children without a belt. Even from a purely practical point of view, you can take note of the described games between a child and a parent:

“... - Dad,” Petya noted, “that’s interesting: I said “dog”, and you said “dog”. Which word is correct?

- Both words are correct. Such words are called synonyms...

... - And there are also words that have opposite meanings. They are called antonyms.

- For example? - Petya asked.

- For example, DAY - NIGHT, CRY - LAUGH, THICK - THIN...

…. “You know what,” said dad, “let’s play antonyms with you.”

- Let's! How?

- Listen here. I'll write now short story, and you try to replace my words with antonyms, that is, say the opposite...

— Once upon a time there lived a little boy, Tolik.

Petya thought and said:

“Once upon a time there lived a healthy old man, Tolik...”

The result was a very funny story between dad and Petya. I laughed heartily. And I thought that I should play such a game at home with the children. Both learning and fun. By the way, in the next story, dad and Petya play another game, which is also very interesting.

Leonid Kaminsky in his book " Laughter lesson"describes both excellent and poor students. Because excellent students also have shortcomings. In the story “Knowledge is power,” the case of an excellent student nicknamed Round from 5 “Yu” is described. But in “The Amazing Adventures of Viti Bryukvin and His Friends” stories about a C student are described. Viti Bryukvin’s rich imagination makes you admire, laugh and cry at the same time. Either he gives an interview to aliens, or suddenly he drives dad almost to a nervous breakdown, appropriating Daniel Defoe’s lines from the book “ The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” in his essay about how he spent the summer, but he described the winter holidays in the words of Pushkin. In a word, you won’t be bored with this boy! And children will enjoy reading about the adventures of Vitya and his friends.

I hope I was able to interest you in this wonderful book." Laughter lesson» Leonid Davidovich Kaminsky .

Have a pleasant and instructive reading.

L. Kaminsky
Lots of brushwood
The bell rang for recess. Vitya Bryukvin, nicknamed “This is the One,” jumped out of the classroom and rushed up the stairs, jumping three steps at once. At the entrance to the buffet, he almost knocked down a thin man with a thin, long beard. Vitya glanced at him and froze:

Oh, sorry! Can't be! Are you really that same writer?.. Well, this one, as they say, is a classic?

Do you, young man, know me? - the stranger asked displeasedly.

But of course! - Vitya was happy. - You are still in the portrait - just like alive! Well, the portrait that hangs by the board. Between this, what’s his name, Gogol and this, well, fabulist, what’s his name, Krylov! Yes, we are passing through you now: “Grandfather Mazai” and these, what’s their name, “hares”! Then “Little Man”, that’s right, “right off the bat”! I just learned your poems yesterday! Would you like me to read it?

And, without waiting for an answer, Vitya Bryukvin began to quickly recite:

One day, in the cold, winter season, I came out of the forest, well, that means. It was, as they say, bitterly cold. I look, there’s a horse going up the mountain, that’s it… In a word, as they say, a cartload of brushwood!..

Please stop right now! - the classic interrupted Vitya. - What did you do with my poems?! Not a cartload of brushwood, but a whole cartload of verbal garbage! Ugliness! What's the name? What's the last name?

Bryuk-vin... Vik-k-ctor... - Vitya began to stutter.

An excerpt from the poem "Peasant Children"! - Vitya began. - Poet Nekrasov. N.A.,” he added and quietly glanced sideways at the portrait. The classic looked away. - One day, in the cold winter, I came out of the forest; it was severely frosty. I look, it is slowly rising up the mountain...

And then the whole class was surprised to hear how Vitya Bryukvin, nicknamed “This is the same,” read the entire passage without hesitation. Without any extraneous words. He never once said “this is it” or “what’s his name.” And he never even said “well”! No, he still said one “well”:

“Well, she’s dead!” the little one shouted in a deep voice, pulled the reins and walked faster.

But this “well” does not count, because Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov himself had it. ..............................................................................
Copyright: funny stories about school

I have a daughter Masha. When she was little, various funny stories happened to her. I wrote down some of them.

How Masha went to school

When the first graders sat down at their desks, the teacher asked:

- Who knows why you need to go to school?

Vitya raised his hand and said:

Natasha stood up and said:

- To learn to write.

“Well done, everyone answered correctly,” the teacher praised.

Then Masha stood up, took her briefcase and went to the door,

-Where are you going? - the teacher was surprised.

- And I don’t have to go to school. I can already read, write and count.

“That’s good,” said the teacher. “But it seems to me that you don’t know everything yet.” For example, what is twenty-five multiplied by five? How do you say "cat" in English? Where do penguins live?

- Is all this taught at school? - asked Masha.

- Certainly. And why the leaves are green, and why the stars glow, and much more. Well, are you staying?

“I’ll stay,” Masha said and sat down at her desk.

Missing letters

- Dad, what are you doing? - asked Masha.

- Yes, I’m writing a story. But I have a problem: the typewriter got damaged and started skipping letters.

“You know what,” said Masha, “you rest, and I’ll read your story and fill in the missing letters myself.”

“Okay,” I agreed, “go ahead.”

Ten minutes later Masha handed me a piece of paper. Here's what was there:

One grandmother had a fluffy cow, Murka, in her house.

Her grandmother loved her very much and treated her to a pair of hammers and turnips.

One day Murka decided to take a walk, breathe in some fresh jam and warm up in a frying pan. The cow came out onto the porch, lay down and purred with pleasure. Suddenly, a small carrot with a long tail jumped out from under the porch. Murka deftly caught it and sang.

It was fun in the yard: mischievous brooms chirped noisily, household irons swam in the puddles, and a handsome shepherd stood on the fence and crowed loudly.

Suddenly a big angry herring came out of the dog house. She saw Murka and began to bark angrily. Then a bug came out of the house and chased away the herring.

I read the story and laughed out loud:

- After all, you mixed everything up on purpose!

“I know,” said Masha. - But the story turned out to be funny!

“Well,” I said, “you’re right.”

I made a drawing for the story and sent it all to Funny Pictures.

And the story was published. It’s called “Missing Letters”.

About grandmother and about hippopotamus Borya

Once Masha told me:

- Dad, we are now going through the letter “B” at school. And Valentina Ivanovna asked you - can you write a story for us so that it contains more words starting with this letter?

“Okay,” I agreed, “but first, let’s remember the words starting with the letter “B” together.”

I took a pen and began to write down, and Masha began to dictate:

- Bananas, pancakes, bagels, a sandwich, a jar of jam, a sandwich...

“You already said sandwich,” I said.

“Let these be different sandwiches,” answered Masha, “one with cheese, and the other with sausage.”

“For some reason, you and I all have some kind of “edible” words,” I said, “even a jar - and that’s with jam!”

And we remembered a few more words, no longer “edible”: ballerina, grandmother, bank, bandit, gratitude...

“Aha,” I said, “now I understand what the story will be about!”

You will see this story below.

Valentina Ivanovna really liked him. True, some words in this story surprised her a little. She said that such words do not exist. What do you think?

Once upon a time there lived a grandmother. She was a former ballerina. She loved watching Belevizor. Most of all, she liked cartoon films and the film “The Three Musketeers” with the participation of the artist Boyarsky.

The hippopotamus Borya lived with his grandmother. Grandmother spoiled Borya, sewed him a cap with a bow, taught him to play the balalaika and read him the magazine “Burzilka” before bed.

One morning on Monday, grandmother and Borya were woken up by an alarm clock. They had breakfast: grandma ate it. a bun and drank coffee and milk, and Borya ate pancakes, bananas, a cheese sandwich, a sausage sandwich and a can of lingonberry lamb.

Then grandma and Borya went to the bakery to buy a loaf of bread, bagels and bagels.

Suddenly on Bolshoy Prospekt they saw people running. Running ahead was a bearded bandit who had just robbed a bank. He was wearing a beret, a sleeveless vest and sandals. In his hands he had a large briefcase full of money. Running after the bandit were: a pale bank director, an accountant and two brave police officers who fired encores into the air..

Then the bandit saw a standing bulldozer. There was no one in the cabin - the bulldozer driver had gone to the bathhouse. The bandit jumped into the cockpit and turned on the boat. The bulldozer rushed off, scaring the beshekhods and white bikers.

- Disgrace! - Grandma shouted and whispered something in Bora’s ear. The hippopotamus immediately rushed across the bulldozer and stopped it with its side. The bandit wanted to run, but Borya grabbed him by the thigh. The poor guy shouted: “I won’t do it again!”

Everything ended well. For the capture of a dangerous criminal, the grandmother and Borya were thanked and awarded a trip to Bulgaria, to the shores of the Black Bor.

What just happened...

Lyudmila Arkadyevna, can I come in?
-Come in, come in, Serezhkin!
-I'm late.
-I already guessed about this. First of all, hello!
- Hello.
-Secondly, please explain to us what happened?
-Oh, what didn’t happen! First the watch got damaged.
-We stopped, or what?
-No, the clock hand just started moving counterclockwise. And the minute is against the minute. And I didn't know what time it was. But then I found out.
-Very simple: I called the information desk, and they said: “It’s already half past nine!” I say, "Really?" And they answer: “Aha!”
-Well, what next?
-I realized that I was late, quickly got dressed and ran out the door. I look: the painters have painted the entire staircase with green paint. And they put up a sign: “The passage is temporarily closed.” This means until it dries. What to do? I had to climb down the drainpipe. I quickly went down, ran out into the street, and looked: what is it? There is no way to get to the other side; the entire street is blocked.
-Did they really paint it green too?
- No, what are you talking about! It just turned out that a giraffe was being led along the roadway, so all traffic stopped.
-Where were they taking this giraffe?
-Don't know. Probably to the zoo or the circus. In general, we had to wait. Well, then I went to school, because nothing else happened.
-So. A very amazing story. Now confess, Serezhkin: are there at least two words of truth from what you just told us?
-There are two words...
-What words are these?
- "I'm late..."

Monday is a hard day

I knew it! After all, today is Monday! - Anton Petukhov said gloomily, shaking his briefcase for the third time.
-Monday? So what? - Petukhov’s neighbor at his desk, Yura Serezhkin, was surprised.
-What-what! And the fact that on Monday all sorts of troubles happen to me. And today: I lost my pen. So cool. With gel stick.
-Look in your pockets.
-I was looking. No. Most likely, he sowed it during the break when he was fighting with Bryukvin.
-Listen, Rooster, I have an idea! Write an ad!
-What other announcement?
- Well, I lost my pen. And describe the signs. You know what they say: “The cat is missing. He is red, has a striped tail, and green eyes. We kindly ask you to return him for a reward.”
-Are you still laughing?
- No, I'm serious. Here, take my pen and write. And hang it somewhere visible, like near the buffet.
Anton sighed and began to write an ad. During recess, he attached it at the entrance to the buffet, near a poster with the inscription: “Everyone is healthy - you, we, you, if your hands are washed!”
...Lyudmila Arkadyevna entered the classroom and announced:
- Please prepare notebooks and pens. Today we are writing an essay. Everyone except Petukhov.
“Why except?...” Anton was surprised. - And me?
-First of all, you have nothing to write with. And secondly, you have already written one essay today. Please take it, I checked it.
Petukhov took a piece of paper from the teacher and sat down.
Serezhkin looked at Anton’s piece of paper and read it.

There are school teachers in Russian language and literature, mathematics and geography, physical education teachers and Trudoviks. And there is also a teacher of laughter and he is one of a kind. Writer and cartoonist Leonid Kaminsky became a teacher of laughter when he came up with the “Lessons in Laughter” column for the magazine “Koster”. Schoolchildren sent it real stories that happened to them and made everyone laugh. What doesn't happen at school! Then Vitya Bryukvin poses as Robinson Crusoe; then Peter the Great rules from paragraph 41 to paragraph 46; then Misha Mokienko sways, sways on the chair, and then ka-ka, well, you get the idea. You won't get bored with the laughter teacher.
Each class has its own comedian who makes everyone laugh. But sometimes funny things happen naturally. For example, a person answers in class, tries, and cannot understand why the whole class is laughing at him. “The Teacher of Laughter” Leonid Kaminsky has collected and illustrated an extensive collection of such stories about school, conversations during breaks and on the street, and answers at the blackboard, after which the teacher takes out valerian, and classmates begin to hiccup with laughter. Most of the stories were sent to him by the guys participating in the “And Everyone Laughed!” competition. For example, this dialogue between teacher and student:
“What does the phrase “Sisyphean labor” mean?
- This means useless work. For example, I learned a lesson, but they didn’t ask you!”