Read mystical stories based on real events. Mystical stories from life

Each of these mysterious stories one could call it a detective. But in detective stories, as you know, all the secrets are revealed by the last page. And in these stories, the solution is still far away, although humanity has been puzzling over some of them for decades. Perhaps we are not destined to find answers for them at all? Or will the veil of secrecy ever be lifted? What do you think?

43 missing Mexican students

In 2014, 43 students teacher training college from Ayotzinapa went to a demonstration in Iguala, where the mayor's wife was supposed to speak to the residents. The corrupt mayor ordered the police to rid him of this problem. On his orders, the police detained the students, and as a result of the harsh detention, two students and three bystanders died. The remaining students, as we found out, were handed over to the local crime syndicate Guerreros Unidos. The next day, the body of one of the students was found on the street with the skin torn off his face. Later, the remains of two more students were found. Relatives and friends of the students organized mass demonstrations, triggering a full-blown political crisis in the country. The corrupt mayor, his friends and the chief of police tried to escape, but were detained a few weeks later. The provincial governor resigned, and several dozen police officers and officials were arrested. And only one thing remains a mystery - the fate of almost four dozen students is still unknown.

Oak Island Money Pit

Off the coast of Nova Scotia, on Canadian territory, there is a small island - Oak Island, or Oak Island. There is the famous “money pit”. According to legend, local residents found it back in 1795. This is a very deep and complex mine, in which, according to legend, countless treasures are hidden. Many have tried to get into it - but the design is treacherous, and after the treasure hunter has dug to a certain depth, the mine begins to be intensively filled with water. They say that brave souls found at a depth of 40 meters a stone tablet with the scrawled inscription: “Two million pounds are buried 15 meters deeper.” More than one generation has tried to get the promised treasure out of the hole. Even the future President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, during his student years at Harvard, came to Oak Island with a group of friends to try his luck. But the treasure is not given to anyone. And is he there?..

Who was Benjamin Kyle?

In 2004, an unknown man woke up outside a Burger King in Georgia. He had no clothes on, there were no documents with him, but the worst thing was that he didn’t remember anything about himself. That is, absolutely nothing! The police conducted a thorough investigation, but could not find any traces: no missing people with such signs, no relatives who could identify him from the photo. He was soon given the name Benjamin Kyle, under which he continues to live to this day. Without documents or certificates of any education, he could not find a job, but one local businessman, having learned about him from a television program, out of pity, gave him a job as a dishwasher. He still works there now. The efforts of doctors to awaken his memory, and the police to find his previous traces, did not yield results.

Shore of Severed Legs

"Severed Legs Coast" is the name given to a beach on the Pacific Northwest coast of British Columbia. It received this terrible name because local residents several times found severed human legs here, shod in sneakers or trainers. From 2007 to the present, 17 of them have been found, with the majority being right-wing. There are several theories to explain why legs wash up on this beach - natural disasters, the work of a serial killer... some even claim that the mafia destroys the bodies of its victims on this remote beach. But none of these theories looks convincing, and no one knows where the truth is.

"Dancing Death" 1518

One day in the summer of 1518 in Strasbourg, a woman suddenly began dancing in the middle of the street. She danced wildly until she fell from exhaustion. The strangest thing is that gradually others joined her. A week later, 34 people were dancing in the city, and a month later - 400. Many dancers died from overwork and heart attacks. The doctors did not know what to think, and the churchmen also could not exorcise the demons possessing the dancers. In the end, it was decided to leave the dancers alone. The fever gradually subsided, but no one ever knew what caused it. They talked about some special type of epilepsy, about poisoning, and even about a secret, pre-coordinated religious ceremony. But scientists of that time did not find an exact answer.

Signal from aliens

On August 15, 1977, Jerry Eman, who was monitoring signals from space at the volunteer Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Civilizations, picked up a signal at a random radio frequency, clearly coming from deep space, from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. This signal was much stronger than the cosmic noise that Eman was used to hearing on the air. It lasted only 72 seconds and consisted of a completely definite, in the observer’s opinion, completely random list of letters and numbers, which, however, was accurately reproduced several times in a row. Eman disciplinedly recorded the sequence and reported it to his colleagues in the search for aliens. However, further listening to this frequency did not yield anything, as did any attempts to catch at least some signal from the constellation Sagittarius. What it was - a prank by completely earthly jokers or an attempt by an extraterrestrial civilization to contact us - no one still knows.

Unknown from Somerton Beach

Here's another perfect murder, the mystery of which has still not been solved. On December 1, 1948, in Australia, on Somerton Beach in southern Adelaide, the body of an unknown man was discovered. There were no documents with him, only a note with two words: “Taman Shud” was found in one of his pockets. This was a line from Omar Khayyam's rubaiyat, meaning "the end." The cause of death of the unknown man could not be determined. The forensic investigator believed that it was a case of poisoning, but could not prove it. Others believed it was a suicide, but this claim was also unsubstantiated. The mysterious case has alarmed not only Australia, but the whole world. They tried to establish the identity of the unknown person in almost all countries of Europe and America, but the efforts of the police were in vain, and the history of Taman Shud remained shrouded in secrecy.

Confederate Treasures

This legend still haunts American treasure hunters - and not only them. According to legend, when the northerners were already close to victory in Civil War, the treasurer of the Confederate government, George Trenholm, in desperation, decided to deprive the victors of their rightful spoils - the treasury of the southerners. Confederate President Jefferson Davis personally took on this mission. He and his guards left Richmond with a huge cargo of gold, silver and jewelry. No one knows where they went, but when the northerners took Davis prisoner, he had no jewelry with him, and 4 tons of Mexican gold dollars also disappeared without a trace. Davis never revealed the secret of the gold. Some believe that he distributed it to the planters of the South so that they could bury it until better times, others believe that it is buried somewhere in the vicinity of Danville, Virginia. Some believe that the secret society “Knights of the Golden Circle”, who were secretly preparing revenge in the Civil War, laid their paws on him. Some even say that the treasure is hidden at the bottom of the lake. Dozens of treasure hunters are still looking for him, but none of them can get to the bottom of either the money or the truth.

Voynich manuscript

The mysterious book, known as the Voynich manuscript, is named after the Polish-born American bookseller Wilfred Voynich, who bought it from an unknown person in 1912. In 1915, having taken a closer look at the find, he told the whole world about it - and since then many have not known peace. According to scientists, the manuscript was written in the 15th-16th centuries in central Europe. The book contains a lot of text written in neat handwriting, hundreds of drawings depicting plants, most of which are unknown modern science. The signs of the zodiac and medicinal herbs are also drawn here, accompanied by text, apparently, of recipes for their use. However, the contents of the text are just speculations of scientists who have not been able to understand it. The reason is simple: the book is written in a language still unknown on Earth, which is also practically indecipherable. Who wrote the Voynich manuscript and why, we may not know even in centuries.

Karst wells of Yamal

In July 2014, an inexplicable explosion was heard in Yamal, as a result of which a huge well appeared in the ground, the width and height of which reached 40 meters! Yamal is not the most populated place on the planet, so no one was injured from the explosion and the appearance of a sinkhole. However, such a strange and potentially dangerous phenomenon required an explanation, and a scientific expedition went to Yamal. It included everyone who could be useful in studying the strange phenomenon - from geographers to experienced mountain climbers. However, upon arrival, they were unable to understand the reasons and nature of what had happened. Moreover, while the expedition was working, two more similar failures appeared in Yamal in exactly the same way! Until now, scientists have been able to come up with only one version - about periodic explosions of natural gas coming to the surface from underground. However, experts consider it unconvincing. The Yamal failures remain a mystery.

Antikythera Mechanism

Discovered by treasure hunters on a sunken ancient Greek ship at the beginning of the twentieth century, this device, which at first seemed like just another artifact, turned out to be, no less, the first analog computer in history! A complex system of bronze disks, made with precision and accuracy unimaginable in those distant times, made it possible to calculate the position of stars and luminaries in the sky, time in accordance with different calendars and dates Olympic Games. According to the results of the analyses, the device was made at the turn of the millennium - about a century before the birth of Christ, 1600 years before the discoveries of Galileo and 1700 before the birth of Isaac Newton. This device was more than a thousand years ahead of its time and still amazes scientists.

Sea people

The Bronze Age, which lasted approximately from the XXXV to the X century BC, was the heyday of several European and Middle Eastern civilizations - Greek, Cretan, Cananese. People developed metallurgy, created impressive architectural monuments, and tools became more complex. It seemed that humanity was moving by leaps and bounds towards prosperity. But everything collapsed within a few years. The civilized peoples of Europe and Asia were attacked by a horde of “people of the sea” - barbarians on countless ships. They burned and destroyed cities and villages, burned food, killed and took people into slavery. After their invasion, ruins remained everywhere. Civilization was thrown back at least a thousand years ago. In once powerful and educated countries, writing disappeared, and many secrets of construction and working with metals were lost. The most mysterious thing is that after the invasion, the “sea people” disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared. Scientists are still wondering who and where this people were from and what their further fate. But there is no clear answer to this question yet.

Murder of the Black Dahlia

Books were written and films were made about this legendary murder, but it was never solved. On January 15, 1947, 22-year-old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short was found brutally murdered in Los Angeles. Her naked body was subjected to cruel abuse: it was practically cut in half and bore traces of many injuries. At the same time, the body was washed clean and completely devoid of blood. This story of one of the oldest unsolved murders was widely circulated by journalists, giving Short the nickname “black dahlia.” Despite an active search, the police were unable to find the killer. The Black Dahlia case is considered one of the oldest unsolved murders in Los Angeles.

Motor ship "Ourang Medan"

In early 1948, the Dutch ship Ourang Medan sent an SOS signal while in the Strait of Mallaka off the coast of Sumatra and Malaysia. According to eyewitnesses, the radio message said that the captain and the entire crew were dead, and it ended with the chilling words: “And I am dying.” The captain of the Silver Star, having heard the distress signal, went in search of the Ourang Medan. Having discovered the ship in the Strait of Malacca, the sailors from the Silver Star boarded and saw that it was indeed full of corpses, and the cause of death was not visible on the bodies. Soon the rescuers noticed suspicious smoke coming from the hold and, just in case, chose to return to their ship. And they did the right thing, because soon the Ourang Medan spontaneously exploded and sank. Of course, because of this, the possibility of an investigation became zero. Why the crew died and the ship exploded is still a mystery.

Baghdad battery

Until recently, it was believed that humanity mastered the production and use of electric current only at the end of the 18th century. However, an artifact found by archaeologists in the region of ancient Mesopotamia in 1936 casts doubt on this conclusion. The device consists of a clay pot in which the battery itself is hidden: an iron core wrapped in copper, which is believed to have been filled with some kind of acid, after which it began to generate electricity. For many years, archaeologists debated whether the devices were actually related to the generation of electricity. In the end, they collected the same primitive products - and managed to generate electric current with their help! So, did they really know how to install electric lighting in ancient Mesopotamia? Since written sources from that era have not survived, this mystery will now probably forever excite scientists.

In this section we have collected true mystical stories sent by our readers and corrected by moderators before publication. This is the most popular section on the site, because... read stories about mysticism based on real events, is liked even by those people who doubt the existence of otherworldly forces and consider stories about everything strange and incomprehensible to be simply coincidences.

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I found my great-grandmother alive and well. I remember well how, when I was still just a child, I loved to sit winter evenings on a warm stove, listening to the crackling fire, and drinking the most delicious food in the world herbal tea with homemade hot bread, and listen to the incredible and sometimes little stories that my great-grandmother told me. Some of them have already disappeared from my memory, and some I still remember, here are a few of them.

Today is one of my favorite holidays - Christmas. Afterwards, they begin, which will last until Epiphany. I would like to write about one fortune telling that I have been observing for many years in a row.

When I was still a teenager, a schoolgirl in Soviet times, then sometimes we got together with the girls from the class to tell fortunes about the grooms. Maybe one of us will meet true love, maybe even the name of your betrothed will come up, whom you will later marry, or what other events will happen in the coming year.

One girl from the class said that she knows a fortune telling that always comes true within a year. She said that she learned about him from her mother. We asked what needs to be done so that everything works out for us, like adults. She said that it was nothing complicated, that we had everything for this fortune-telling, that many people knew about it and started telling fortunes after Christmas. The girl said that you need to take a plate, matches (there were no lighters at that time) and paper. You need to crumple the paper with your hands so that there is a larger lump, put it on a plate, and then set it on fire and wait until the paper burns out completely. Then you need to go to the wall and find a place where the shadow of the paper will be best visible, where you can examine the resulting figures. The plate needs to be constantly rotated so that you can see better, look at what everyone has done, what values ​​have fallen, and what needs to be expected in the coming year.

The story begins in the post-war period. Since the 50s. My grandmother Lida was completely ugly: crooked teeth, a slanting eyebrow from a scar and a prickly, unpleasant, stubborn character. But she married my grandfather - handsome guy 30 years old, military man. We got married. I still don’t know what he found in her shifty character and very ordinary appearance, but they never quarreled with each other. Grandfather obeyed, as if he was giving in.

But violent quarrels with relatives happened constantly, with daughters, son - there were constant conflicts with them. At one time, my mother’s brother was always drinking the bottle. And no one was lucky on the personal front. My aunt only met a man when she was 35; before that, as far as I know, she had no one. Got married. After which this man kicked her pregnant out of the house and completely turned away from her.

Who remembers, Tolkien’s elves are not small creatures with wings, they are similar to people and, apart from their brighter appearance, they differ from them in that they do not get sick, do not age, live almost forever (if they do not die in battle) and have magical powers. abilities.

So, these Tolkien fans believe that the elves did not disappear, but simply assimilated with people. And now there are a lot of people among us in whose veins elven blood flows. Tolkien describes two cases of marriage between an elf and a human. And children born in such a marriage make their own choice - to become a human or to become an elf. According to Tolkien, people, of course, are incomparably weaker than elves. But people are free to choose their own destiny, elves are not. There is the other side of the coin - a person can choose the path of serving evil, while an elf is initially not subject to most vices, is organically connected with the earth, nature and is not capable of thoughtlessly destroying it, which is sometimes characteristic of people.

I am 23 years old, have a secondary education, and I worked in a call center on a helpline. I was born and live in a seedy province, where the number of drug addicts and alcoholics is proportionally increasing due to closed factories, layoffs and the general closure of jobs in the region. The oppressive atmosphere of the city is reflected in the gray and dirty Khrushchev buildings mixed with rotting wooden houses, which give the impression that if the wind blows, weak and rotten logs will fall on the people living in those houses.

The large number of abandoned buildings and the constantly decreasing population of the city suggests that people here have two options - either take the risk of leaving for the big city, or stay here and wait until the atmosphere of hopelessness deprives you of your sanity. At least somehow the presence of volunteer organizations like ours saved the situation. A lot of people needed moral support, and our small company volunteers tried to help these people. I worked in the organization for about a year and a half. I earned pennies there, but fortunately I had skills in graphic design and my main income was freelancing. I couldn’t give up the helpline, since work experience in the work book is a pretty important thing, and since childhood, my now deceased parents taught me to always help those in need. During the entire year and a half that I spent in the call center, there were many frightening and sometimes mystical situations.

No matter how many people exist on earth, each of them goes through their one and only life path.

In 1991, on May 28, something happened to me that is difficult even for me to believe. And this is a true story, not fiction, and it is one of many in my present life. That night, I flew to the planet Tron. This planet is located near the Central Galactic Sun. Yes, yes, that's exactly it. There is our Earthly Sun, and there is a Central Sun.

So, on May 28, 1991, I went to bed as always, but before I could close my eyes, I saw a beam of light descending on me from above and a noise, as if something was smacking inside me. A moment later I was already standing near my bed, or rather, I wasn’t standing, but hovering a few centimeters above the floor. My physical body as always, it remained lying down, and I stood and hovered in another body, and if the physical body lay there and phosphorescent with a greenish light, then it glowed like a bright electric light bulb. I had a body, arms and legs, my mind worked just as clearly as in that lying body, but there was a difference - my legs fell through the floor into the next apartment to the neighbors who lived below me on the first floor.

An acquaintance told me such a mystical story, even though he is a skeptic. I completely preserve the author’s style, that is, I copy his entire text.

One day my work took me to another city. I decided to change the city. I rented a one-room apartment there in a Khrushchev building. The decor is spartan. Room, kitchen, combined bathroom, floors, boards under linoleum, sofa and wardrobe. In principle, I was satisfied. In the evening I came home from work, cooked dinner and went to bed. There is washing, ironing, all sorts of cleaning, this is on weekends.

I lived like this for about a month, everything was fine, it was quiet, the neighbors weren’t restless, all the old women and cats. And then something started. At night some kind of mysticism happens. I’m lying there, still awake, tossing and turning, and then in the corridor there’s a creaking sound from the floorboards, as if someone was carefully walking. There in the apartment, as you enter, immediately there is a corridor to the left, and at the end there is a room and a kitchen. He himself is deaf and at night it is dark there, you can’t see anything at all. That's where it creaks in the dark. I think, who opened the door? Come on. He got up, went out, and looked. Everything is fine. Lay down. Again there is a creak as someone cautiously approaches closer. And then he leaves again. Then it stopped, I fell asleep, and in the morning everything somehow seemed ridiculous. And the next night it started again. Creak-creak, creak-creak. And the water in the bathtub started flowing from the tap. I think, wow, someone decided to take a bath with me. I went to the bathroom. Nothing flows there. But I obviously heard it. I'm going to bed. It's clearly leaking again for me. I get up and it doesn’t leak. He cursed and crawled under the pillow. Fell asleep.

I had an older brother, now deceased. For a long time his parents did not agree to buy it for him, because as soon as he spoke about it for the first time, his grandmother burst into tears and said that she had seen a cross in a dream. His parents gave his brother a motorcycle when he was 17 years old.

My brother’s joy did not last long, he walked sadly, became taciturn, and one day he admitted to me that he saw crosses everywhere, although the cemetery was far from us. I tried to calm him down, saying that it was his grandmother’s words that stuck in his head, but he looked at me so strangely and turned away. I saw fear in his eyes.

Fifteen years ago, when I was ten years old, I was visiting my grandmother in the village. She had a barn with an outbuilding on her property; shovels, scythes and my bicycle were stored in the outbuilding. Previously, when my grandmother had ducks, there was a pen for them in the outbuilding and the door still had a small door near the ground, locked with a latch. One day I was playing with a friend in the yard and saw something rush into the barn, through a small door. He looked like a short man, we decided to catch him and closed the door with a latch. Then the door began to shake, the latch shook, then the whole door shook, we bolted it. We ran to tell my grandmother, she got angry, screamed, and said if we let him out, he would take revenge for the insult. After that, the grandmother hammered the door with nails, took a bunch, walked around the barn several times, then laid out the grass near the barn and left. We walked around the barn, but whoever was there was still eager to get out. Grandma didn’t say who it was, she said if she called his name, he would break free. Since we were little and believed in gnomes and queens of spades. I was sorry that the bike was left inside, but I didn’t even think about going to get it. When I came back to my grandmother for the holidays a year later, he was still in the barn, knocking and scratching. In the end, we got used to it. I graduated from school and entered college. When I was in my fourth year, my grandmother was taken from the village and they decided to sell the house and buy one closer to Moscow. I went to see what was going on and remembered the barn. The door was open, I looked inside and was stunned. The doors and walls were slashed by claws, the floorboards were torn out, the handles of shovels were sharpened and stuck into the walls under the ceiling. My bike had no seat, the wheels were lying around separately, all bent. I went to the neighbors to find out what was happening, half of the grandmothers had already died, and there was only one left, Glafira. We drank tea and chatted, and told her about our barn. We opened it in the winter, as soon as we took my grandmother. A local homeless man decided to profit by breaking into the barn. A neighbor saw early in the morning that the barn was open, and there was a long, bloody trail in the snow, as if someone had been dragged. The trail stretched to a ravine in which there had been a dugout dating back to war times. A homeless man was found near her; he had no insides, his arms and legs were broken, his eyes were gouged out, his tongue was “chewed out.” The dugout was filled with frozen water; there was nowhere to hide. The killer was never found.

When I was a teenager, I often walked through the cemetery. My classmates didn’t like me, I often skipped classes in this calm, gloomy place, because I knew that they wouldn’t look for me here. I didn’t feel any fear; on the contrary, there was something mysterious here. Suddenly someone pulled my jacket sleeve, I screamed and turned around. It was a girl of about seven years old. It’s the month of November, and she’s dressed in a light dress, I thought that she’s from an unfavorable family, looking for cookies and candies that people leave on graves. I wanted to ask what she was doing here and why she wasn’t wearing any outerwear, but she was pulling me somewhere, so I followed her. We arrived at an abandoned grave, I was shocked, I was shaking. I saw a photograph of the same girl who brought me here. And her name was Leila. She died not long ago, and the grave was in a terrible state, as if no one had visited it. I felt sorry for her, with tears in my eyes, I began to clean up her place. Removed trash, weeds, cleaned the gravestone. I decided to leave my breakfast, which my mother gives me in the morning. When I finished everything, I mentally said goodbye to the girl and decided not to go to the cemetery anymore. After this incident, a miracle happened: my classmates stopped pestering me, and then they didn’t notice me at all. Previously, after their bullying, I didn’t want to go to school at all, but after the incident at the cemetery, I became invisible to them. This suited me; I graduated from school as a solid student. Six years have passed since that incident, I had a job I loved, there were people around me who appreciated and respected me. When I visit a cemetery with my mother, I always come to Leila, clean the grave, leave candy and flowers.

This story happened in the summer of 1978. Tractors and combines were working in the fields, it was time to prepare feed for livestock. At that time, everyone in the village had their own farm. My friend Kolyan and I worked as a cattleman. At lunchtime, he suggested that I go in the evening to the silo pit, where the collective farm reserves were located. Let’s take six bags, he says, the collective farm will not become poor. I agreed. The silo was five kilometers from the village. People called this place “Mad,” so I didn’t go there in the evening, much less at night. They said that witches held a coven there, an evil play. I did not believe in these fairy tales, as it turned out in vain. Nikolai came to pick me up on his horse-drawn cart, and kept hurrying me to make it before sunset. When we arrived, we realized that we wouldn’t make it before sunset, so we decided to load it directly onto the cart.

“Why did it get dark so quickly?” I asked.

Demons,” answered Kolya.

I got goosebumps, I looked around, rustling sounds came from everywhere. The horse began to panic.

Kolya was even more scared than me. Before we had time to jump into the cart, the horse rushed like mad. We felt that someone was chasing us, we took a pitchfork and aimed it, but someone grabbed it and pulled us into the fog. There was fog behind us, the clatter of hooves could be heard from it, then it was getting closer. then he left. I closed my eyes, began to read a prayer asking God to help. I opened my eyes and the village lights were visible. We were shaking with fear, drove into my yard, unloaded the silage and silently went home.

Grandmother's gift

My grandmother treated people with herbs, spells, prayers, many people came to her. They teased me as a witch, although my parents and I did not take part in this, my father argued with my grandmother and drove people away. They thanked the grandmother as best they could, mostly with food, rarely with money. It just didn’t bring us any benefit. We began to notice that as soon as my grandmother helped someone, strange things happened on our farm. Either the chickens will die, or the cow will get sick. Once my grandmother was treating a woman who lived with us for a week, after which my mother broke her leg by falling out of the blue. Her father ran out of patience and forbade her to do this, even for a lot of money. He shouted that she was bringing trouble to the whole family, people were avoiding us, and if the neighbors had something going on, they blamed the grandmother.

Many did not believe the grandmother, they said that it was all because of the money, the father did not believe either, he said that this was self-indulgence in old age. Grandma was not offended. Some time passed and a woman came to us with a girl of about seven years old, the father said that the grandmother did not accept anyone. The woman burst into tears, knelt down and begged, dad waved his hand and left. About ten minutes passed, they came out, the woman was crying. I wondered what was wrong with them. I ran to my grandmother.

Grandmother stood in front of the icons and prayed. Usually she didn’t like it when I disturbed her, but then she called me over and said that she couldn’t do anything. The girl has a dark spot in her chest and will die in a month. It seemed to me then that my grandmother was suffering from this. As the grandmother said, the girl died a month later. The dark spot turned out to be a lung tumor. I couldn’t understand how she saw him, it turns out that dad scolded her in vain, she could help a lot of people.

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From 28-12-2019, 21:28

Any doctor knows that there are no healthy people. Moreover, mentally healthy...
I’ll tell you a story I heard from the lips of one of my St. Petersburg friends. For reasons that will become clear below, I will change her name somewhat.

Alina had been divorced for more than three years. After ten years together and quite normal family life she and her husband parted ways. Maybe because they knew each other since childhood and during this time they became quite fed up with each other. Maybe because the spouse sometimes gave reasons for justified jealousy. And Alina herself cuckolded her husband several times. True, not as openly as he...

In three years of freedom from marriage, the thirty-five-year-old woman has seen a lot of men. Of course not in in every sense words. Most meetings ended with the first innocent date in a cafe or park. Why waste time on a bad option in advance?
With each new gentleman, experience increased. Alina learned within the first ten minutes of communication to imagine what kind of fruit or vegetable was blowing her cheeks. She did not double-check how correct her assessment turned out to be, completely relying on her feminine intuition.