Read the stolen sun by Chukovsky with pictures. Blog about child development Children's drawing stolen sun

The Stolen Sun is a fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky, which is loved by adults and children. It tells how the bunny looked out the window, and behind it was darkness. The magpies said that the crocodile managed to swallow the sun. All the animals began to shed tears and wanted to defeat the villain. The animals went to the bear for help, because he was a big and powerful animal. Clubfoot did not want to compete with the crocodile, because he was grieving over the loss of his cubs. The she-bear took the side of the petitioners, and the bear went to the river. Find out how the meeting of two animals will end from a fairy tale that teaches goodness, mutual assistance and justice.

The sun was walking across the sky
And it ran behind a cloud.
The bunny looked out the window,
It became dark for the bunny.

And magpies-
We galloped through the fields,
They shouted to the cranes:
“Woe! Woe! Crocodile
Swallowed the sun in the sky!

Darkness fell.
Don't go beyond the gate:
Who got on the street -
Got lost and disappeared.

The gray sparrow cries:
“Come out, honey, quickly!
We feel sad without the sun -
You can’t see a grain in the field!”

Bunnies are crying
On the lawn:
Lost our way, poor things,
They won't make it home.

Only bug-eyed crayfish
They climb on the ground in the darkness,
Yes, in the ravine behind the mountain
The wolves howl madly.

Two rams
They knocked on the gate:
Tra-ta-ta and tra-ta-ta!

“Hey you animals, come out,
Defeat the crocodile
To the greedy Crocodile
He turned the sun back into the sky!”

But the furry ones are afraid:
“Where can we fight this guy?
He is both menacing and toothy,
He won’t give us the sun!”

And they run to the Bear’s den:
“Come out, Bear, to help.
That's enough for you, lazybones, to suck.
We have to go save the sun!”

But Bear doesn’t want to fight:
He walks and walks, Bear, around the swamp,
He cries, Bear, and roars,
He calls the bear cubs from the swamp:

“Oh, where have you thick-fisted ones disappeared to?
Who did you throw me, old man, at?”

And the Bear is prowling in the swamp,
Bear cubs are looking for:
“Where are you, where have you gone?
Or did they fall into a ditch?
Or crazy dogs
Were you torn apart in the darkness?”

And all day she wanders through the forest,
But he doesn’t find the cubs anywhere.
Only black owls from the thicket
They stare at her.

Here the hare came out
And she said to the Bear:
“It’s a shame for an old man to cry -
You are not a hare, but a Bear.
Come on, you clumsy one,
Scratch the crocodile
Tear him apart
Rip the sun out of your mouth.
And when it comes again
It will shine in the sky
Your babies are furry,
Thick-footed bear cubs,
They will run to the house themselves:

And to the Big River

And in the Big River
Lying down
And in his teeth
It's not the fire that burns, -
The sun is red
The sun is stolen.

The Bear approached quietly,
He pushed him lightly:
"I'm telling you, villain,
Spit out the sun quickly!

Otherwise, look, I’ll catch you,
I'll break it in half -
You, ignoramus, will know
Steal our sun!
Look, a robber breed:
Snatched the sun from the sky
And with a full belly
Collapsed under a bush
And he grunts when he's asleep,
Like a well-fed sow.
The whole world disappears
And he has no grief!”

But the shameless one laughs
So that the tree shakes:
"If I just want,
And I will swallow the moon!”

I couldn't stand it

And against the evil enemy
swooped in

He was crushing it
And he broke it:
"Give it here"
Our sunshine!

Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!

The birds began to chirp,
Fly after insects.

Bunnies have become
On the lawn
Tumble and jump.

And look: bear cubs,
Like funny kittens
Straight to the furry grandfather,
Thick-footed, running:
“Hello, grandpa, we’re here!”

Bunnies and squirrels are happy,
Boys and girls are happy,
They hug and kiss the clubfoot:
“Well, thank you, grandpa, for the sunshine!”

The sun was walking across the sky
And it ran behind a cloud.
The bunny looked out the window,
It became dark for the bunny.

And magpies-
We galloped through the fields,
They shouted to the cranes:
“Woe! Woe! Crocodile
Swallowed the sun in the sky!

Darkness fell.
Don't go outside the gate:
Who got on the street -
Got lost and disappeared.

The gray sparrow cries:
“Come out, honey, quickly!
We feel sad without the sun -
You can’t see a grain in the field!”

Bunnies are crying
On the lawn:
Lost our way, poor things,
They won't make it home.

Only bug-eyed crayfish
They climb on the ground in the darkness,
Yes, in the ravine behind the mountain
The wolves howl madly.

Two rams
They knocked on the gate:
Tra-ta-ta and tra-ta-ta!

“Hey you animals, come out,
Defeat the crocodile
To the greedy Crocodile
He turned the sun back into the sky!”

But the furry ones are afraid:
“Where can we fight this guy?
He is both menacing and toothy,
He won’t give us the sun!”

And they run to the Bear’s den:
“Come out, Bear, to help.
That's enough for you, lazybones, to suck.
We have to go save the sun!”

But Bear doesn’t want to fight:
He walks and walks, Bear, around the swamp,
He cries, Bear, and roars,
He calls the bear cubs from the swamp:
“Oh, where have you thick-fisted ones disappeared to?
Who did you throw me, old man, at?”

And the Bear is prowling in the swamp,
Bear cubs are looking for:
“Where are you, where have you gone?
Or did they fall into a ditch?
Or crazy dogs
Were you torn apart in the darkness?”

And all day she wanders through the forest,
But he doesn’t find the cubs anywhere.
Only black owls from the thicket
They stare at her.

Here the hare came out
And she said to the Bear:
“It’s a shame for an old man to cry -
You are not a hare, but a Bear.

Come on, you clumsy one,
Scratch the crocodile
Tear him apart
Rip the sun out of your mouth.

And when it comes again
It will shine in the sky
Your babies are furry,
Thick-footed bear cubs,
They will run to the house themselves:

And stood up
And to the Big River

And in the Big River
Lying down
And in his teeth
It's not the fire that burns, -
The sun is red
The sun is stolen.

The Bear approached quietly,
He pushed him lightly:
"I'm telling you, villain,
Spit out the sun quickly!

Otherwise, look, I’ll catch you,
I'll break it in half -
You, ignoramus, will know
Steal our sun!

Look, a robber breed:
Snatched the sun from the sky
And with a full belly
Collapsed under a bush
And he grunts when he's asleep,
Like a well-fed sow.
The whole world disappears
And he has no grief!”

But the shameless one laughs
So that the tree shakes:
"If I just want,
And I will swallow the moon!”
I couldn't stand it
And against the evil enemy
swooped in

He was crushing it
And he broke it:
"Give it here"
Our sunshine!
Crocodile got scared
He screamed, he shouted,
And from the mouth
From toothy
The sun has fallen
You were rolling into the sky!

Ran through the bushes
On birch leaves.
Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!

The birds began to chirp,
Fly after insects.
Bunnies have become
On the lawn
Tumble and jump.

And look: bear cubs,
Like funny kittens
Straight to the furry grandfather,
Thick-footed, running:
“Hello, grandpa, we’re here!”

Bunnies and squirrels are happy,
Boys and girls are happy,
They hug and kiss the clubfoot:
“Well, thank you, grandpa, for the sunshine!”

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The sun was walking across the sky
And it ran behind a cloud.

It became dark for the bunny.

And magpies-
We galloped through the fields,
They shouted to the cranes:

“Woe! Woe! Crocodile
Swallowed the sun in the sky!
Darkness fell.
Don't go beyond the gate:
Who got on the street -
Got lost and disappeared.

The gray sparrow cries:
“Come out, honey, quickly!
We feel sad without the sun -
You can’t see a grain in the field!”

On the lawn:
Lost our way, poor things,
They won't make it home.
Only bug-eyed crayfish
They climb on the ground in the darkness,

Yes, in the ravine behind the mountain

Two rams
They knocked on the gate:
Tra-ta-ta and tra-ta-ta!

“Hey you animals, come out,
Defeat the crocodile
To the greedy Crocodile
He turned the sun back into the sky!”
But the furry ones are afraid:
“Where can we fight this guy?
He is both menacing and toothy,
He won’t give us the sun!”
And they run to the Bear’s den:
“Come out, Bear, to help.
That's enough for you, lazybones, to suck.
We have to go save the sun!”
But Bear doesn’t want to fight:
He walks and walks, Bear, around the swamp,

He cries, Bear, and roars,
He calls the bear cubs from the swamp:

“Oh, where have you thick-fisted ones disappeared to?
Who did you throw me, old man, at?”

A+ A-

Stolen sun - Chukovsky K.I.

A fairy tale about how a crocodile swallowed the sun. Darkness reigned all around. The poor animals were scared. They don’t know how to get the sun back from the crocodile’s mouth. Fortunately, the old bear was not at all afraid of the crocodile...

Read Stolen Sun

The sun was walking across the sky
And it ran behind a cloud.

The bunny looked out the window,

It became dark for the bunny.


We galloped through the fields,

They shouted to the cranes:

“Woe! Woe! Crocodile

Swallowed the sun in the sky!

Darkness fell.

Don't go beyond the gate:

Who got on the street -

Got lost and disappeared.

The gray sparrow cries:

“Come out, honey, quickly!

We feel sad without the sun -

You can’t see a grain in the field!”

Bunnies are crying

On the lawn:

Lost our way, poor things,

They won't make it home.

Only bug-eyed crayfish

They climb on the ground in the darkness,

Yes, in the ravine behind the mountain

The wolves howl madly.


Two rams

They knocked on the gate:

Tra-ta-ta and tra-ta-ta!

“Hey you animals, come out,

Defeat the crocodile

To the greedy Crocodile

He turned the sun back into the sky!”

But the furry ones are afraid:

“Where can we fight this guy?

He is both menacing and toothy,

He won’t give us the sun!”

And they run to the Bear’s den:

“Come out, Bear, to help.

That's enough for you, lazybones, to suck.

We have to go save the sun!”

But Bear doesn’t want to fight:

He walks and walks, Bear, around the swamp,

He cries, Bear, and roars,

He calls the bear cubs from the swamp:

“Oh, where have you thick-fisted ones disappeared to?

Who did you throw me, old man, at?”

And the Bear is prowling in the swamp,

Bear cubs are looking for:

“Where are you, where have you gone?

Or did they fall into a ditch?

Or crazy dogs

Were you torn apart in the darkness?”

And all day she wanders through the forest,
But he doesn’t find the cubs anywhere.
Only black owls from the thicket
They stare at her.

Here the hare came out

And she said to the Bear:

“It’s a shame for an old man to cry -

You are not a hare, but a Bear.

Come on, you clumsy one,

Scratch the crocodile

Tear him apart

Rip the sun out of your mouth.

And when it comes again

It will shine in the sky

Your babies are furry,

Thick-footed bear cubs,

They will run to the house themselves:

And to the Big River

And in the Big River


And in his teeth

It's not the fire that burns, -

The sun is red

The sun is stolen.

The Bear approached quietly,

He pushed him lightly:

"I'm telling you, villain,

Spit out the sun quickly!

Otherwise, look, I’ll catch you,

I'll break it in half -

You, ignoramus, will know

Steal our sun!

The whole world disappears

And you don’t even have any grief!”

But the shameless one laughs

So that the tree shakes:

"If I just want,

And I will swallow the moon!”

I couldn't stand it

And against the evil enemy

He was crushing it

And he broke it:

"Give it here"

Our sunshine!

And from the mouth

From toothy

The sun has fallen out

It rolled into the sky!

Ran through the bushes

On birch leaves.

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

The birds began to chirp,

Fly after insects.

Bunnies have become

On the lawn

Tumble and jump.

And look: bear cubs,

Like funny kittens

Straight to the furry grandfather,

Thick-footed, running:

“Hello, grandpa, we’re here!”

Bunnies and squirrels are happy,

Boys and girls are happy,

They hug and kiss the clubfoot:

“Well, thank you, grandpa, for the sunshine!”

(Illustration by Yu. Vasnetsova)

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The fairy tale “The Stolen Sun” by Korney Chukovsky

The sun was walking across the sky
And it ran behind a cloud.
The bunny looked out the window,
It became dark for the bunny.

And magpies-
We galloped through the fields,
They shouted to the cranes:
“Woe! Woe! Crocodile
Swallowed the sun in the sky!

Darkness fell.
Don't go beyond the gate:
Who got on the street -
Got lost and disappeared.

The gray sparrow cries:
“Come out, honey, quickly!
We feel sad without the sun -
You can’t see a grain in the field!”

Bunnies are crying
On the lawn:
Lost our way, poor things,
They won't make it home.

Only bug-eyed crayfish
They climb on the ground in the darkness,
Yes, in the ravine behind the mountain
The wolves howl madly.

Two rams
They knocked on the gate:
Tra-ta-ta and tra-ta-ta!

“Hey you animals, come out,
Defeat the crocodile
To the greedy Crocodile
He turned the sun back into the sky!”
But the furry ones are afraid:
“Where can we fight this guy?
He is both menacing and toothy,
He won’t give us the sun!”

And they run to the Bear’s den:
“Come out, Bear, to help.
That's enough for you, lazybones, to suck.
We have to go save the sun!”

But Bear doesn’t want to fight:
He walks and walks, Bear, around the swamp,
He cries, Bear, and roars,
He calls the bear cubs from the swamp:

“Oh, where have you thick-fisted ones disappeared to?
Who did you throw me, old man, at?”

And the Bear is prowling in the swamp,
Bear cubs are looking for:
“Where are you, where have you gone?
Or did they fall into a ditch?
Or crazy dogs
Were you torn apart in the darkness?”
Here the hare came out
And she said to the Bear:
“It’s a shame for an old man to cry -
You are not a hare, but a Bear.
Come on, you clumsy one,
Scratch the crocodile
Tear him apart
Rip the sun out of your mouth.
And when it comes again
It will shine in the sky
Your babies are furry,
Thick-footed bear cubs,
They will run to the house themselves:
And stood up
And to the Big River

And in the Big River
Lying down
And in his teeth
It's not the fire that burns, -
The sun is red
The sun is stolen.
The Bear approached quietly,
He pushed him lightly:
"I'm telling you, villain,
Spit out the sun quickly!
Otherwise, look, I’ll catch you,
I'll break it in half -
You, ignoramus, will know
Steal our sun!
The whole world disappears
And you don’t even have any grief!”

But the shameless one laughs
So that the tree shakes:
"If I just want,
And I will swallow the moon!”

I couldn't stand it
And against the evil enemy
swooped in

He was crushing it
And he broke it:
"Give it here"
Our sunshine!
Crocodile got scared
He screamed, he shouted,
And from the mouth
From toothy
The sun has fallen out
It rolled into the sky!
Ran through the bushes
On birch leaves.

Hello, golden sun!
Hello, blue sky!

The birds began to chirp,
Fly after insects.

Bunnies have become
On the lawn
Tumble and jump.
And look: bear cubs,
Like funny kittens
Straight to the furry grandfather,
Thick-footed, running:
“Hello, grandpa, we’re here!”

Bunnies and squirrels are happy,
Boys and girls are happy,
They hug and kiss the clubfoot:
“Well, thank you, grandpa, for the sunshine!”

“Stolen Sun” illustrations, pictures.