Competitions for children's birthdays one year old. Fun contests for your first birthday

24.07.2015 12:01

Your baby has already become very “big”, such a significant date is already approaching, an important event for both the baby and the parents - First Birthday . Of course, you can use the services of professionals and celebrate this holiday in a restaurant with a large number of guests, invite clowns, animators and order bright special effects. But you can make the holiday just as good on your own. At this age, the child cannot yet appreciate all your efforts in preparing the event, so the emphasis should be on entertaining guests and creating a friendly family atmosphere.

Competitions for a child's first birthday:

1) Guess the prize

This competition is directly related to the baby's name. For each letter of the name, you need to come up with a small gift and invite guests to guess what it is. For example, the name Bogdan: b - banana, o - glasses, g - accordion, d - toy dragon, a - apricot, n - socks. If it is difficult for guests to guess, they can ask leading questions.

2) Who will I become? Professions

Guests are invited to write on pieces of paper who the hero of the occasion will be by profession. Then lay out the pieces of paper in front of the baby and observe which profession the baby “gravitates” towards most. A kid can pull off several professions at once - so be it)

Or this option
Fortune telling on objects:
Place any objects in front of your child that symbolize their occupation. And watch which of the objects the child reaches for. The main thing is to correctly decipher the meaning of the object, for example:
Money, coins – economist, financier, accountant
Brush - artist
Book – writer, poet, journalist
Photo frame – photographer
Pills, vitamins – doctor
Comb – hair stylist
Beautiful little thing (mirror, figurine) – designer
Keys – builder, designer
Machine – automobile business
Sweetie – pastry chef, cook
Spoon – restaurant business
Seal (children's stamp) – lawyer, judge, notary
Lighter (preferably empty) – fireman
Flashlight - policeman
Glasses – scientist, researcher, teacher
Computer mouse - programmer
Toy dog ​​– veterinarian, trainer
Telephone – businessman, leader
Doll dress – fashion designer
Pistol - military

3) "Tasting"

Prepare baby purees of different compositions in jars. The contestants' task is to try the contents of the jars and guess the full composition.

4) "Check weighing"

Guests take turns lifting the birthday boy and telling him his estimated weight. The one who is closest to the correct answer wins. If the baby is reluctant to be held by “strangers”, it is better to refrain from holding this competition.

5) Year of skill

Invite guests to guess:

  • What weight and height was the baby born with?
  • What time was he born? on what day of the week?
  • what name options were there?
  • What color are the baby's eyes?
  • Favorite food?
  • What time did your first tooth come out?
  • when did it crawl? sat down? went?
  • how many teeth are there now?
  • when did you say your first word and what?
  • favorite toy?

6) Letter to the future

Take a scroll and invite guests to take turns writing wishes and predictions of the future for the baby. Or give each guest a small sheet of paper for writing letters, and then put them in a large beautiful envelope. You can also put a photo of the birthday boy with each of the guests and a general group photo there.

To make it easier for guests to complete the task, ask guiding questions:

  • Who do you see the birthday boy in 17 years from now? What do you think he will become when he grows up?
  • What do you think he has a talent for?
  • give life advice
  • What do you wish for an 18 year old birthday boy?

Save this message until your child’s 18th birthday; how interesting and thrilling it will be to receive news from the past after such a long period of time.

7) Competition “Make the birthday boy laugh”

It's very simple. The winner is the one who can make the birthday boy laugh.

8) Guess the melody

To hold a competition, download backing tracks of popular children's songs and invite guests to guess what kind of music it sounds. And if someone else remembers the whole verse and chorus from the song and sings it cheerfully, then there’s definitely no way around it without an additional prize.

How to spice up your holiday:

    Offer to guests look into the past and remember how and from whom they learned about the birth of the baby and what emotions they had

    Prepare video clip about the baby's first year and/or big photo collage. Guests will be interested to see how much the baby has changed over the year.

    "Family Tree"- find photos of yourself and relatives in childhood and invite guests to determine who the baby looks like.

    Who was born on this day? It will be very interesting to find out which celebrities were born on this day. Singers, actors, scientists, composers... You can use these data to predict the future skills and character traits of the baby.

What to give a 1 year old baby

Below are gift options for a child's first birthday. This list can be given to guests to avoid unnecessary expenses and “please” the baby.

One year is an important date for both the baby and the parents, so you want to celebrate your first birthday noisily and cheerfully. Contests for 1st birthday will not let either children or adults get bored.

1st birthday contests for adults

« Who do I look like? »

A photograph of the baby is glued to the center of the Whatman paper, and photographs of the parents in infancy are glued to the edges.

Under the portrait of the birthday boy, features are written down in a column by which the resemblance to mom and dad will be checked - eyes, nose, cheeks, mouth, etc. Those present should carefully look at the photo and in front of each similar feature put the corresponding letter: “M” (mom) or "P" (dad).

The result of the competition determines the dominance of one or another letter.

For participation in the collective competition, each guest can be given a symbolic souvenir.

“What is drawn here?”

Those present are given “paintings” by the main “art critic.”

Based on the “drawings” of the birthday boy, guests must guess what is drawn on them.

"What's in the jar?"

A serial number is written on the lids of baby purees, and the jars themselves are carefully wrapped in gift paper so that the name of the product is not visible.

Guests must taste the baby food and guess what flavor it is.

"To you, the grown-up"

Guests are given leaves and pens.

Each of those present must write their own wish addressed to the grown-up child.

The messages are sealed in an envelope, which indicates the date when it should be opened.

"Find Me"

Participants in the competition are offered many photographs with children of different ages; among the piles of photographs, guests must find only photographs of the hero of the occasion.


Those invited are given sheets with the lyrics of those songs that are familiar to the child.

Accompanying themselves on a children's toy drum, cymbal, xylophone, and rattle, guests must perform the musical composition assigned to them.

“How much to weigh in grams?”

Each person present takes turns picking up the baby and trying to guess how much the baby weighs.

The winner of this competition is determined by the baby's mother.

You should not play this game if the child is capricious and refuses to be held by anyone.

“Call it what you want”

The competition has several variations.

Guests are invited to name derivative words on behalf of the baby, or come up with diminutive nicknames for the child that would characterize his qualities.

"Biography Quiz"

Those present are invited to answer questions that relate to the most important moments in the life of the birthday person. For example, on what street is the maternity hospital where the baby was born located? On what day of the week was the baby born? At what months did he start sitting/crawling/walking? What was the first word the little one said?

The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

1st birthday competitions for children:

"Masterpiece for the birthday boy"

Children are given finger paints. Each of those present must leave a handprint on a piece of whatman paper or some kind of drawing as a keepsake for the birthday person.


If school-age children are present at the holiday, you can invite them to dramatize one or another children's fairy tale (at the children's choice).

"Soap Bubbles"

Children will have a lot of fun blowing soap bubbles, and if you also announce a competition for the biggest or “longest” bubble, then it will be much more interesting for the guys.


A variety of items are placed in a beautifully designed bag: a doll, a ball, a keychain, a pacifier.

Putting their hand into the bag, the kids should understand by touch what they got. What they pulled out goes to them as a present.

Useful video

My daughter is 1 year old!!!

Preparing for the holiday:

Invitations were prepared and distributed to all relatives.

We decorated the apartment with posters. One large poster in the shape of a house and 2 small ones. The poster is not an ordinary one, because in the future I will cut it up and make a photo album from it from birth to one year.

I also prepared a poster with relatives “Who do I look like.” Used it for a competition.

For one of the competitions, a poster with photographs of children was prepared, on which guests looked for photographs of their daughter. To complicate the task, the photographs were black and white.

Magnets, keychains and pendants were prepared as gifts for guests (gifts for competitions). Calendars were prepared especially for grandmothers and godparents (from April 2012 to March 2013).

Another poster was prepared for congratulations. Wishes for Anya were written on pieces of paper.


When the guests sat down at the table, I took an oath from them (comically):

“I swear on this day to be cheerful, not to refuse so as not to be asked, and under no circumstances to shout “I don’t play like that” and “What the kindergarten". In the name of pacifiers and toys and tasty porridge."

Time flew by quickly, It seems like I just gave birth... My daughter has grown up, She started walking early. It seemed like I had just carried Her in my belly, Talked to her and sang, And dreamed day after day. I dreamed that I would see and take you in my arms. And I will say: “I am your mother,” And I will press you to my chest. I will never forget this first moment. I fell in love with our creation forever. I fell in love with our little lump, Our sweet child: These eyes, this nose, Both serious and joking. You will grow up to be a joy, daughter, Be smart, be yourself. And without any problems, Bud b happy, mischievous!

And competitions were held in random order:

1. Competition “Who do I look like”

After all the guests noted on the poster their opinion about the similarity, I signed the result at the bottom of the poster and read: “According to a survey of relatives, it was determined that Anya resembles her father 10 times, her mother 9 times, and her grandmother L. times. ...

2. "Maternal instinct"

Poster with children's photographs, determine which numbers Anya has.

For this competition, I gave the guests pieces of paper and pens on which they wrote their names and numbers. I gave out a magnet to the winners (we had 2 of them).

Wishes for Anya were written on pieces of paper.

4. "Libra"

Guests pass the birthday girl from hand to hand and make guesses about the weight.

Our grandfather won and received a well-deserved prize -

5 . Game "Believe it or not"

The winners were in two categories: Most Insightful! and the Most Trusting! Received as a gift.

Do you believe that:

In Japan, at the birth of a baby, the midwife cuts off a piece of the umbilical cord, dries it and puts it in a special bag, which is then buried under a cherry tree.

(No. In fact, it is placed in a traditional wooden box, slightly larger than a matchbox. It is embossed in gold letters with the mother's name and the baby's date of birth. This is a symbol of the bond between mother and baby).

In Africa, mothers respond to a baby's cry within 10 seconds. There, babies are fed about four times an hour. In some tribes, several women care for and breastfeed the newborn.

In Holland and Denmark, parents believe that proper rest is more important than intellectual development. It is considered that a child is fully developed if by the age of two he can independently roll a rolling toy.

In Korea, it is not customary to celebrate a child's first birthday, as this can attract evil spirits that will ruin the child's entire life.

(No, on the contrary, the first birthday is celebrated with exceptional pomp. The hero of the occasion is sewn a bright national suit from colored silk, seated next to his parents, and all relatives give him teachings and instructions.)

Among the peoples of Africa, children spend the first three to five months of their lives in a sitting position - they are placed in special holes made in the ground.

In Sparta, girls were not raised at all; it was believed that one could be a wife and mother without any special skills.

(No, girls did gymnastics just like boys, practiced running, discus throwing, even wrestling. They were also taught singing and dancing.)

In Ancient China, the mother was also responsible for instilling in her daughter the “four virtues”: marital fidelity, honesty, modesty and diligence.

(No, the father was responsible for this, and the mother was responsible for beauty and teaching women's handicrafts.)

In England, it is not encouraged for an adult to make comments to someone else's child. If a child is naughty or does something bad, then according to English rules, you need to tell the parents of the naughty person about it, and not pull the child back.

In Athens, a newborn baby was bathed in water into which olive oil was poured.

In Rus', a child was weaned not gradually, but in one day. And on the same day it was customary to guess about the baby’s future. Various objects were laid out on the floor in front of the child: bread, a spindle, money, a knife and they watched what the baby would reach for.

6. Duel on verses (for godparents and grandmothers)

There was a competition for the godparents to recite poems to Anya at the same time:

The bull goes and swings

The owner abandoned the bunny

And then they held the same competition for grandmothers, only the task was to sing songs at the same time:

We lived with grandma....

A grasshopper sat in the grass

Whoever Anya pays attention to wins.

It turned out to be a very fun and noisy competition. Anya watched her relatives with pleasure. (The texts of the poems and songs were printed in advance).

Godparents and grandmothers received it as a gift.

7. « Divination» about fate.

I decided to make this competition a joke, so the box included in the addition things that relate to the professions of relatives. Here are our things:

a ball of thread (symbolizes long life),

book (symbolizes knowledge and intelligence),

apartment keys (welfare),

syringe (medical worker),

ball (physical education teacher)

shoulder straps (police officer)

calculator (economist)

Anya chose a syringe. The grandmother was glad that her granddaughter decided to follow in her footsteps.

And then everyone decided that Anya still needed to choose a subject. Anya pulled out a ball of thread.

8. Who knows the birthday girl better:

For the competition, guests were divided into 2 teams and given a list of questions:

1. What weight was I born with? Anya?

2. How tall were you born?

3. Date of birth

4. What color is Anya’s eyes?
5. How tall to date?
What was the first word the birthday girl said?

7. And the second?

8. How many months did you make your first?independent steps?

9. What is the nurse's name? :)

10. How many times have you had bronchitis?

11. At what month did the first tooth come out?

12.How many teeth does she have now?

13. What time were you born?

After the competition is held, the team that completed the task worse must promise to visit more often and more closely monitor the baby’s development.

Each member of the winning team receivesas a gift from the birthday girlwith her, the loser is .

9. Guess a children's fairy tale based on the shapeshifter:

"blue apron" - "red cap"

Glass Aquarius - Tin Woodman

horrors of log - adventures of Pinocchio


Penza artists - Bremen musicians

gray pebble - scarlet flower

red trolley - blue carriage

very smart - dunno

ducks-chickens = geese-swans

Pumpkin = Turnip

Square = Kolobok

Khoromki = Teremok

log soup = ax porridge

Vanya and the hare - = Masha and the bear

Giantess Girl = - Thumb Boy

How a woman put together a puzzle = - How a man divided the geese

Checkered fish = - Ryaba hen

Sparrow - wooden comb - = Cockerel - golden comb

By the bird's lack of will -= By the pike's command

Sunny King" - "Snow Queen"

Dog kennel - Cat house

The one who gave the most correct answers will receive a prize.

At the end of the holiday we had cake: